Vv fences pride room cottage mi Landing fully insulated inside stove car- a Furnished rooms block cellar lnsul brie 1 acres land Price All conveniences hot and cold bathroom and Kit- hen On highway No- be- and Bradford Office Specialty plant Phone No Holland Landing hydro apiece bath furnace hardwood floors built- in cupboards BfgKgwateB church school store bus garden These are Garage and ppij 3 acres land apple and Close to church school and shopping centre Write box Keswick i nor less to i Write Era and down Bungalow close to Newmarket bedrooms good living room and kitchen all conveniences newly decorated Hardwood throughout furnace full cellar garage acre Full price Phone Newmarket drape and pin hooks eta Free estimates and installations or apply Harold Ont ario St Newmarket tf2 Chest built and of Health Workmanship DYEITSlttimlTljRE I TOWY write Phone rs J Tunney Newmarket Iw5 O NUMBER of ably No Mount raps prefer one 3211 2w4 like to pig chase cheap used creeper tractor Write Arthur Foster Box Holland Landing phone 23 BY experienced reliable high school youth after school and Saturdays Phone New market FORD Custom Very Ford Sales wgJServfce Davis Dr E Newmarket tf40 RUGS Save up to 50 percent New nigs from old approximately In latest colore tones Phone New market I BEDSPREADS MIDDLEAGED lady desires position to help care for 2 child ren and light housework Live in In Newmarket Write P box 266 Newmarket home in Newmarket or house keeping position Phone Newmarket- USED FOR -N- MERCURY 3ton cylin der combination all steel dump miles Will accept trade and finance balance Phone or apply Main St New market USED TRUCKS tmwfcfiwt Harris Hay Baler Dentonstra- on at A Farm 3rd Con- of East south of Sharon on Wed Feb commence rrj I cow years old due in February D Benton Queens- ville rTf FORD 3ton combination low mileage FORD 2 ton combination exceptional FORD 3ton cab and WOMAN desires day work any day but Friday in Newmarket vicinity Apply Mrs Skinner Mon Mount Albert NEW bungalow on Eagle St near OH hcat- yragE month Apply to owner Murray Baker Eagle Newmarket phone GOOD frroom house Winter- telephone and hydro bus and mail at gate Fuel available Winch phone nsville tf2 SAVE up to percent on a new sewing machine Highest tradeIn allowance on your old machine regardless of condition For dem onstration Mrs Ross phone Newmarket EXPERIENCED sewing Draperies curtains skirts blouses and childrens wear Phone c3w3 MATURE and experienced baby sitters available day or evening Weekend or weekly rates on re quest Phone Newmarket and used Phone Newmarket v WANTED IE in Aurora district with to highway Min- of rooms with furnace ove supplied Farm house rent with option of buying with some buildings would suit make repairs Write iress box I rooms Down payment Principals Write i- PAIR mens skis and poles like new Pair boys skis Skis for baby carriage Phone or apply Timothy St r COAL burning brooder stove with feeders and drinkers In per fect order Double bed with springs and mattress bed with Both in good condi tion Apply phone Newmarket UPHOIJ3TERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New- market draperies bed sis new ply tires MERCURY ton panel ton pickup Several other good used 3ton and 12 ton trucks If it is a good used truck you want TOM BIRRELL SONS Ford Sales and Service Davis Dr Newmarket Phone crlw5 LARGE grade Holsteln heifer vaccinated due in February Purebred registered Hereford bull one year old in Fcbruaty Number of purebred Yorkshire boars near service age purebred Yorkshire bred sows and smaller ones all ages One Deering Disc drill in pood running order Edgar machines air chines Singer market FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and chairs and Son Mount Albert GOODMAN SALVAGE UED pipes steel posts beams angle irons plates boil ers etc in all sizes Many other Items of various sizes Phone 305 Davis Drive Newmarket SALE REGISTB re of it One charge in news- Deadline for birth an nouncements will be every -iW- v WEDNESDAY FEB Exten sive auction sate registered fully accredited since horses Full line Dennis Newmarket SL Including tractors threshing BIRTHS Aurora SLIP covers spreads etc madetomeasure Mrs Jones phone Newmarket JLI 1Y v piano good condition Reasonable offer accepted Phone 271J3 NEWMARKET Oak St clapboard bungalow not deep lot scenic view feKr coal and wood crates modern Apply Raglan St N REFRIGERATOR ft nearly new washing machine May be seen Friday evening or Saturday Phone Newmarket clw5 Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call 1282 Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastie and plastic wall tile J and Son Andrew St New- FURNITURE repaired gluing etc Reasonable prices Phone or apply 5 Grace St New market WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and Newmarket 1232 TRANSPORTATION LEAVING Newmarket 730 am to and Avenue Leaving Toronto pm Phone Newmarket PUREBRED Hereford bull months Best blood lines Can be seen at Farms QueenisvDle phone 37 3 Aberdeen Ang us herd sires Registered and accredited Percy Richmond Keswick WHY buy a bull Breed artific ially Phone Dave Wcddel collect TRANSPORTATION to down town Toronto daily for four or five passengers Leaving am Returning pm Ap ply Edgar Cedar Valley J HELP WANTED TRANSPORTATION dally to Toronto Phone Newmar ket LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses for mink feed Highest prices Rex Smith Queen- vllle phone collect Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone let or write PO box 25 tf2 POULTRY WANTED t r MACHINERY FOR SALE chance down ALBERT area brick house nicely dec- acres fruit i hen houses garage good water supply Possession required feV i BROKER QUEEN ST NEWMARKET STORE and living quarters in real opportunity for Size of store a si double show windows right Full particulars Martin Real Estate Keswick phone Roches Point WW- chesterfield suite in ffood condition Apply Rex Smith Newmarket USED electric refrigerators Specially priced These arc good values and are offered on easy terms Pef ferlaw New Holland baler 5 years old Automatic Twine tie two years old No Geo White thresher BRITISH PRODUCT SALESMAN by British wU for NewmarketAurora area j MasseyHarrs wo Product already standard equip- hydraulic and front end load- men in Canadian Defence D kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone 657 Newmarket Live poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on re- Highest prices paid Apnloton Oak Ridges phone King tf2 machine Hammer mill spreader hay loader binder poultry furniture 2000 bus mixed grain hay ensilage etc the property of A and Son at lot con mile north of No 7 Highway Note This is an ex tra good lot of tractor imple ments also this Is a hish testing herd Roy Oirniston will be on pedigrees Locust Hill will have a refreshment booth on the grounds Clerks Lloyd Turner and Faulkner Terms cash No reserve farm sold Owner moving away Imple ment sale starts at oclock Cattle sale pm Sellers and Atkinson auctioneers and sale managers c4w2 THURSDAY FEB Auction sale of head Hereford and Shorthorn cattle heif ers and young stock horses pigs No tractor nearly new Dion threshing machine with shredder like new Line of tractor equipment grain and household furniture The prop erty of Gerald Gregg will be sold at lot con Reach mile south of Victoria Comers Sale at 12 sharp Terms cash No reserve farm sold Lunch by A A Farmer auction eer Fred Johnston clerk BELL At Bingham Memorial Nursing Home Jos Nigeria West Africa Saturday Jan to Rev and Mrs Bell a daughter At York County hos pital Thursday Jan 1953 to Mr and Mrs Richard Corbett Armitage a daughter At York County hos pital Friday Jan 23 1953 to Mr and Mrs Fred New market a daughter GEDEON At York County pita Tuesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Mike Gedeon Brad ford a daughter hospital to Mr and Mr Keswick mien RICHARDS At York hospital Tuesday Jan 1963 to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Rich- Lake Wilcox a son York County hospital Monday Jan to Mr and Mrs John Newmarket a daughter SKABERNICKY At York County hospital Monday Jan 26 to Mr and Mrs 2 Newmarket a daughter SOMERVILLE At hospital Toronto Sunday Jan 1953 to Mr and Mrs Geo Newmarket a son At York County hospital Tuesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Allan Stentiford a son WRIGHTMAN At York County hospital Monday Jan to Mr and Mrs Walter man Newmarket a ENGAGEMENTS I GOLDSMITH At York County hospital Monday Jan 26 to Mr and Mrs Jack Goldsmith Newmarket a daughter LOVE Mr and Mrs Raymond Love King are happy to an nounce the birth of their daugh ter Vivian Lorraine on Tuesday Jan 20 1953 at Grace hospital Toronto A sister for Paul At York County hospital Saturday Jan to Mr and Mrs Claire Lake Wilcox a son Mrs Alfred Ryder Sound announces the engagement of her daughter Barbara Joan to Mr Ralph Lewis Goldsmith son of Mr Ralph Joseph Gold smith Newmarket PEBRINS Flower Shop Member Tuluiif Delivery AaMeteite Flowers wired to all of the worlds FUNERAL FLO i t ii i 1 US Mais St v FOR SALE Essential to factor ies farms stores homes etc Technical knowledge not requir- as training is given Excel lent remuneration Write Era and Express box BUSINESS woman to act as available If married couple of Email apartment house and grounds Phone I 4t fe oil heated Iron welcome Phone j bed room In New- Nonsmoker and non- Woman Writ Era Express iwx ICEBOX Small apartment size Phone Newmarket WHITE sink with lead drain pipe chrome mixer complete Applv Spruce St Aurora phone Never used Will sacrifice Phone Newmarket after SpM USED WASHERS USED WASHERS USED washers in excellent con dition from up Appliances Phone Newmar ket CI Pony tractor with hydraulic lift f I Pony tractor with hand lift Plus manure spreaders mowers binders WARD AND ALLAN 4 v DAVIS DR W FARM DOWER wishes to rent someone who is are expenses Abstainer 38- Cousins HEi or unfurnished Phone TRADE in that old refrigerator or ice now while are offering allowance In their history Phone today for an appraisal on old Main St New market cooksjoyo flijfl large Quebec heater good condition Phone Newmarket or an- ply Concession ft fZy front bedroom h or without board for young I Phone New- business FULLERS SPICIALS WOOL nylon reinforced balls all colors or for LINED jeans elastic tops 2 to BONNIE Brook nylon pullovers all shades to BONNIE Brook nylon cardigans all shades to LADIES wool cardigans reg price MENS all wool plaid Jackets sale price 1260 LADIES nylon stockings Other winter garments greatly reduced NOW Is the time to have your tractor timet up to be ready for spring work We specialize In overhaul Jobs We have several good recondite tractors for sale NORMAN OLIVER SALES SERVICE phono LUMBER 2x4 and lumber Rough or dressed Ed Blizzards Sawmill Eagle St Newmarket tf51 WEDNESDAY FEB Auction of farm stock and Imple ments and Jersey cat tle horses threshing machine tractor model i 2 wars old good condition also OUS MEADOWS At York County hospital Saturday Jan 24 to Mr and Mrs George Meadows Oak Ridges A daughter WOOD FOR SALE k STOVE wood Mixed hardwood Delivered Phone Mount Albert LOST BLACK and tan hound Male Contact J Wilton Ave Toronto phone Reward TRUCK tire and wheel by on January between Van- and Mount Albeit John Gould Oak Ridges phone Kln Reverse telephone charge CHUNKS threshing machine Case Fred Queensvllle phone PETS BLACK Spaniel dog two years old house broken nice May be seen at Charlotte St or phone New market full line of tractor implements hay and grain at lot con Whitchurch at Lemon- the of Miss Gert rude No as farm sold Terms Cash Sale at Lloyd Tinner clerk A Farmer au NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDWARD JAMES AVERY JOHNSTON DECEASED ALL persons having claims against Edward James Johnston late of the Township of Whitchurch in the County of York Gentleman Deceased who diet on or about the thirtyfirst day of December AD 1952 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the day of February AD full particulars of their claims After the said date the Executrix will distribute the assets of the said Deceased hav ing regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice DATED at Newmarket Ont this of January Allan ARlts Newmarket Solicitor for the Executrix hospital Wednesday Jan 23 to Mr and Mrs Walter Meadows a daughter At York County hospital Thursday Jan 1953 to Mr and Mrs John Aurora a daughter MOLEVELT At York County hospital Friday Jan 23 to Mr and Mrs Peter R Gormley a daughter At York County hospi tal Tuesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Antonio King a daughter FARM t i IS WATT portable inputs Inch speaker with microphone Phono or apply Main St Newmarket Isv5 ay Aid aging from to year Express box 269 Era LARGE PI at with the cash curries the whip with the best lash at January sale in WHITE enamel cabinet in good condition Apply TILETEX floor covering sufficient to square feet This Is a real bargain AT store way get deserve Ii Mens Bond meosuiti suits Extra pants free Women yet free sklrtv SWEET turnips for feinl Free from frost extra firm and under per ton No water W McCalhim Holland Landing pho Newmarket c2wfi 17FT ensilage In ft silo Also quantity of straw Both may he fed on place if required L J Harper phone New market jV GIVE your house a now root this year Newest colors and styles of Asphalt Shingles available FREE Estimate Budget Terms arranged Consult WARD AND AVIS DRIVE WEST NEWMARKET PHONE 1 fl 1 j HI apart mi I J tttfAV JiTr SKINNY GIRWI GET CURVES Gain new pen Try famous health a veifihtnuilder Oatrex Tablets Iptroduotory getac site only All Oats and buckwheat chop 95500 per ton cash at mill FEED MILL Phone CEDAR posts Mount Albert Phono RECORD your family or those special occasions Can be done at your home or my place For low prices and guaranteed record cutting Murray Baker phono or enquire Eagle St Now- market CONSTANTLY buying all kinds of scrap Iron sheet metal Mr Dave is in no way connected with the Breeders Club which I represent namely PRESSURE j out mi TORONTO DISTRICT HOI- STEIN BREEDERS The of using Toronto District are- No Northern Co Davis Dr E Phone To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OP JOHN FRANKLIN OF IN OF of abovenamed de- censed who died at the Town of Whitby in the County of on or about the day of December 1952 aw hereby not ified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or I ho 3rd of March after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having refiard only to claims of the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this Twentyninth day of January Mathews Stiver Lyons A Newmarket Ontario Sol Ichors for John Smith Executor FREE METHODIST REV Pastor Church of the and Life Hour every Sunday at 10 am Sunday worship Rally Meeting Mrs the speaker and the Junior Quartet singing Junior Missionary Society in an interesting meet ing Wed Feb at Service of Witness ship in the Salvation Citadel Rev Yielding Witness conducts denominations on Wednesday Everyone is invited to come and A and Wo wl not he undersold by any competitor anywhere You ripe Dyers Newmarket for ALL ground floor irttet WFURNKHED selfcontained heated Newmarket tmin of drawers vanity New radio bookcase desk ax- lollar service fee mm WANTtt TO with conveniens Ne or vicinity couple Write Era and minster hinging lamps kitchen chair dinette bed Quantity of brass Quebec brass fend Smalt aquarium china or of house or Newmarket or without Write Era and condition Phone muscular arthritic and pains Jim Beit Drug Store phone TENDERS to Goodwin of School will ho received for addition school until oclock noon Thnrsdar TRINITY Minister Rev Ili Organist Norman am Morning worship The Mn Who Overcame Am bition THE 1V30 and pan Evening MUCOUS IN dm lump an are sarh results i Jim J urban fellah Feb WW Lowest tender not necessarily tender will ho reqnlr to furnish bond Goodwin chairman Holland schools CARD OP THANK Mrs Harold fanv the everyone for ratltudo to kindness BEST BRONCHI COUGH SYRUP and and effective tight or chesty coughs and colds n The Best and flowers received during their recent bereavement of a loving husband and father o our friends neighbors for their acts of ana neighbors for their acts or kindness and expressions of dear mother grandmother Helen Waldruff Norma Pat Helen of the 1st