Snowball News Sympathy of the community goes to Mr Walter Robinson as his wile the former Sarah Cam eron passed away on Friday at York County She will be greatly missed by a large number of friends and relatives Mrs Lome attended the funeral of her grandmother Mrs Monk Toronto on Friday Mrs Clifton Copson spent several days last week with her friends Misses Hazel and Ruth Webb Toronto While playing at school last Wednesday little Paul Sheridan fell on the sidewalk causing a painful injury to his eye We hope he is better soon Mr Jack Davis spent last week recovering from a very sick caused by fumes while he was disinfecting his chicken buildings It was very fortunate that he reached the house be lli to get fore he became too help Mr and Mrs Jack Cunning ham Toronto were recent guests of their grandmother Mis Emma Farren Mr Howard Morning spent last week on a motor trip down through the United States The board of stewards for Snowball church held their first meeting of the year on Wednes day evening at the home of Mr and Mrs C Mr Art Kerr was appointed chairman Mrs Copson seetreasurer for the coming year Mr and Mrs Leslie Kerr and sons were recent din ner guests of Mr and Mrs Art Kerr and family Mrs Bruce Judges Kettleby spent Friday with Mrs George Kerr and family will take part in some way Pisgah will present a missionary poem A most entertaining guest will be Mrs Willis who will show slides of the Nigerian colony in Africa where she and her husband have been doing missionary work for the past three years The Whitchurch Home and School association of No and held an executive meet ing at the home of Mrs Bernard Kays on Tuesday evening The held a business meeting on Thursday afternoon last week at the home of Mrs Bernard Kays Mr and Mrs Bill Ash and Mr The Whitchurch Sunday school j operation on Friday rfrls and boys rally win be Mr Harold held on Friday Feb passed away at his home at Baker Hill church Each Sunday school in the township following a few weeks serious illness on Tuesday Jan 20 and was buried at Wesley cemetery the following Friday Sympathy of this community goes out to his family Que Holt Farm Fonim Last week Holt forum held a meeting at the home of Mr Lapp under the leadership of Mr Rate to discuss Where are the new leaders The members of the group said that the clubs Jr for girls and farm forum active in their community did much to help leadership Parents could show more interest in these groups the young people more It was decided Boy Scouts to be worked Roy Shaver of Finch past president of Ont ario Plowmens Association accompanied Douglas of Brampton and Algie Wallace of North Gower Canadas champion plowmen on their trip to the British Isles Eire and France This is the second of a series of five weekly articles he has written as team manager about their experiences and impressions After a fast flight across the I competition We had to fly Atlantic from Montreal we land ed at Scotland and Aurora at the Gray Wednesday of last held in stones on week Mr Allan attended a Purina convention in Buffalo on Monday and Tuesday of tnis week Mrs Duncan Crawford return ed to her home in Baldwin on Sunday after a two weeks visit with Mr and Mrs John and family Mr Allan Doner is in the hos pital following an appendix op eration on Monday morning of this veek Mr Don is conval escing nicely since his appendix feel as equal There Is a break between youth adult organizations caused by the young farmers becoming established in their homes bus iness and families Young people are not accustomed to mixing and expressing them selves in adult organizations Adults usually take the initiative thus discouraging younger Mem bers the forum decided Canada is one of the few countries in the world which has standard gauge railroads across the country our travels had really begun We had already created a pre cedent as the first team of On tario Plowmens Association champions in seven years of TransAtlantic trips to make the westeast trip by air Normally we would have crossed by boat and returned by plane However the di rectors wanted my two com panions Algie Wallace of North champion horse plow man and Doug of Bramp ton champion tractor plowman to compete in the British Plough ing Association national match at Stirling Scotland early in November They wished to have Canadians take part in a trial match which would test a set of rules that had been pro posed for international plowing over there in time to allow for two days practice Our headquarters for the time we were in Scotland was the small spa town of Bridge of Allan just outside Stirling From it we sallied forth to visit the farm home of William head Mr was vice- chairman of the British match He lives in an area with the odd name of Foot Green and he farms the land on which the battle of Bannockburn was fought Not far from his house atop a small hill stands a flag staff marking the spot where Robert the Bruce stood to direct his victorious army The day of the plowing match was grey and melancholy The Ochil Hills Stirling Castle and the Wallace monument formed a backdrop for the acres on which the match was held Around the secretarys tent the flags of eight nations hung limply from their masts We saw for the first time and I un derstand so did the Scots the flag of West Germany We were told that plowmen from countries many of them nation al champions competed watch ed by more than specta tors Scottish newspapers re ported it as the largest plowing match ever held in the British Isles The soil was of the rich black ness that is so often found in lowlying river country With the Firth of Forth flowing down to the North Sea from Stirling shire the type and quality of the soil was understandable But what we did find strange was the rapidity with which the wish a speedy recovery for our sick people Quite a num ber of children have been sick with sore throats colds flu etc Miss Gwen has been ill in York County hospital little Miss Laurie had the misfortune to fall on the ice and break her arm A party for Mr Max Stiles was held on Thursday night In Sharon hall by the shippers on his rural milk route Mr Stiles recently sold out to Robinson and Brown During the evening Mr Stiles was presented with a lamp and a smoke stand The best wishes of his friends go with him In his new job Miss Addle spent a few days with friends in Toron to Mr and Mrs Roger Hanson and Mr BUI Toronto spent the weekend with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Frank Kavanagh At the Mission Band meeting on Thursday afternoon the new officers for were elected Anderson vice pros Patsy Myers sec Gloria Kenneth Prior Mr and Mrs J Smith left by plane on Friday to spend several days with Mr and Mrs Clair Smith of Windsor I- Several ladies attended the convention at United church Toronto on day of this week Mr and Mrs Bill Jackson and Donald visited Mrs Jacksons parents Mr and Ma Clark on Sunday Mr and Mrs Earl Milne and family of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Bob Knights Mr and Mrs Reg Mcintosh and Shirley and Mr and Mrs Don Mcintosh Newmarket visit ed Mr and Mrs Mortson on Sunday The meeting will be held in the United church basement on Tuesday afternoon Feb The supper hostesses are Mrs VWarren Miss Hazel Mrs Mrs Bill Smith and Mrs B Dike Mrs Dike spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Harry West Mr Gordon Shields is taking a mechanics course under the Garage Operators Association in Toronto Mount Albert News A large crowd of members and their friends attended the annual supper meeting of the Horticultural Society in the United church school room on Tuesday evening last week Mr Gordon Knott the presi dent was in the chair When the yearly reports were given the total receipts were and expenditures were 23995 and 11250 of the money on hand is intended to assist in the work the old cemetery the hill which is at present the main objective of the society Much has been done and we hope to make it a place of beauty when finished in place of the eyesore it has been for so long The society also sponsored a spring flower show and large fall show save seeds to school children and flower beds around town help to beautify the streets especially Alice St Wire invitation to the world group was accepted by votes to one and the first world match will he held near Cobourg next fall in conjunction with the OPA International Per hups the conference went so smoothly because nil the dele gates had been mingling for clays previously and had been friendly competitors the day be fore at the British match Or were put on the streets for over such a small area Even lhe within the acres actually used for plowing it changed sev eral times It is always nice to be able to come back with a trophy and the fact that Doug and Algie did not this year is no reflection on their plowing skill In the first place a horse plowman had to plow in a tractor class Then an unfortunate series of circumstances got us off to bad start in fact a late start We understood our plows would be waiting for us at the plow ridges When we arrived they were being serviced some dis tance away We were also con fused by the site directions we probably got our dialects mixed Consequently we started plow ing almost minutes late and the hoys were unplaced In the field of From it all though we learned one good lesson which applies to nil international mutches and most certainly to the world match being held in Canada this year Much of the confusion I am sure arose from the varying translations of the rules That may sound strange when were nil speaking English but If you examine it it is not Plow ing terms used hero differ from those used In Europe and even where the terms are the same there are different shades of meaning When this can hap pen among English speaking peoples it Is not hard to imagine the confusion which can find did arise among contestants speaking languages The delegates to the interna conference held the day after match were quick to realize this and took stops to remedy the situation before next Octobers world tourney A glossary of plowing terms is to bo prepared in the language of each competing country an attempt to some of ambiguities and differences in definitions While I was the conference I could not help thinking of Prime Minister St Laur ent at closing banquet of International match when ho Raid plowman is real peacemaker Ho said ho annual overseas trips of Canadian plowmen pa a powerful weapon in battle for peace in that we aro beating our swords back Into plowshares and where swords may not bo to Iron Curtain plowshares wo send over seas may well do so I am sure lib heart would have been warmed had he been able to ait in on conference Rep of nations each with his own countrys heart sat down and without acrimony in two days laid the foundation for the first world plowing match Much of the credit for this I give to the chair- man of the meeting I have never attended a conference mooting of any kind that run more smoothly or efficient ly than the general wssions of first day It was a meeting where national feeling could have flared but when discussion showed signs of becoming heat ed the chairman directed the delegates enthusiasms Into more constructive channel As you know by new Can- attended and spoke in regard to the duties of officers and direc tors also took charge of the election of the board for next year The following were chosen pres Mrs Percy Walker first vicepres McDonald sec ond vicepres Mrs Franklin directors for two years Mrs Martin Mrs John Walker Miss Harmon Mrs Don Rose Mrs Brown for one year Roy Carr Gordon Knott Norman Oldham auditors Harper Harold Mr the new district director brought along a projector and showed pictures of interesting flowers and gardens also some work be ing done by children in Toronto who me being helped by Last years list showed members This year so far there are members and now is your chance to help in this splendid work Become a mem ber There will be a young peoples service at the United church on Sunday at pm Mr spent the weekend in Buffalo Mr and Mrs Geo Allison spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Allison The United church is holding an annual meeting and pot luck supper on Thursday evening of this week Mrs Nettie Fletcher slipped on the ice last Saturday night and the result a broken wrist- 1- perhaps too it was the result of the banquet held the night be- At the recent school meeting in Stirlings historic Golden Sam Harper fore in Stirlings historic Golden Lion hotel It was with no small sense of awe that we of British and par ticularly Scots I am onequar ter Scots ancestry assembled in the Golden Lion for it was here that Robert Burns spent many an hour musing and quenching his thirst There was many word tossed in the Golden that night too and I think some of them ore worth repeating for they show plowmen in other parts of the world think we do and that in fact wo are really all brothers under the skin President of the British Ploughing Association is lit lion W Snaddcn MP Joint Parliamentary Undersec retary of Slate for Scotland A true Scots gentleman and far mer Is hidden beneath oner mis title Ho said he felt that the had done a good job day in strengthening ties that bound those In Bri tish Isles to the nations of commonwealth and Western Europe If anything has Im pressed lis about this competi tion it is international aspect of he said Pointing out that the world population was rising faster than tho food production he said that principal weapon in the buttle to keep world fed was the plow Plowing such as was seen that day required very great skill and Judgment Mr remarked that horse lovers would noted with pleasure that while there were more tractors than horses most of people wore looking at horses Ho added with a chuckle You may also have no ticed that man behind horsey had their sleeves rolled up while the chaps on the trac tors had their coots on None laughed or applauded louder at this remark Another gentleman who pressed us all very much was Svensson the secretary of our International Contact of the Swedish Federation of Young Farmers clubs He said Scandinavia we believe that international plowing com petitions are a good thing From them we will find a better way of plowing and so improve forming and the production of more food for the people of the world Personally I also believe it Is a good thing that the far mers of various countries should come together and make friends The roaring applause of plowmen a fit ting Amen to Mr was elected trustee for three years and Jos Harri son is the retiring member of board Dr Cnrruthera and Geo Smith are the other two Mrs Harry Griffith is at the home her daughter Mrs Gor don Johnson Chalk River owing to illness of Mrs Johnson Mrs Geo Walsh will be at home on the afternoons and even ings of Feb and to receive Blue Cross fees which are due then The January meeting of the A was held at the home of Mrs Steeper on Wednesday even ing with ladies present Mrs Unto the president presiding Committees for the year were put in as follows program Mrs Brown Mrs Dike Mrs Oli ver Mra Watts Mrs Anglin Mrs Steep er Social Mrs Mrs Oil ver Mrs Sinclair Mrs M Pegg Mrs Brooks Mrs Mrs Harmon Mrs Mrs J Smith visiting Mrs M Mrs Mrs Mrs King Mrs I Morton Mrs J Thompson Miss Hayes Mrs Price Mrs Oliver Mrs Campbell and Mrs Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Ethel Harmon Feb A correction is made in regard to United church school home which should he Feb on a Friday evening in place of Feb as you were told last week Mrs who has been spending some weeks at the home of her son Macpherson has returned to her home at Place Mrs Geo Chicago is spending a couple of weeks with her mother Mrs Rosa at the homo of her sister Mrs Rennic Douglas and Warren who havo lectured and showed pictures of their travels for sev eral years the United church will bo back again on Tuesday