SCHOOL FEEWEI Pta Spitfires PUBLIC SCHOOL SQUIBT Pts Bruins Bruins jl so t lzJU re- BE SERVED MAIN ST NEWMARKET Jrt L DELIVERY Authorized tellers for fi i Service 4r School Hockey A pair of squirt league shut outs and a tidy tie in the pee- wee division featured the school league scraps Saturday morn ing Thanks to Wayne Greenfields late goal Redwings blanked Black Hawks Larry plunked in a pair of goals as Leafs shut out Rangers 20 The win gave the Leafs undisputed possession of first place in the squirt loop Keith Burling Dave Smith Terry Feever Larry and Denny Edwards scor ed as the Bruins smashed diens Larry kept the out of the shut out colunin In Spits and Marlies battled to a deadlock Larry Bone performed a hat trick and Brad Walker punched home a Ian Dick and Jimmy single tally for the were twogoal men for the Spits Jimmy Bonds starring four goal effort and one goal help from Howard enabled the Fly ers to smash the Bob and John McKnight netted for the The victory set the Flyers up in first place in the league Aurora Legfonafres Lose Aurora Legionnaires saw their third place margin in the North York midget hockey league slic ed to a single game when they dropped a decision to Noble- ton Waltons Wednesday in the Nobleton arena broke up the free wheeling gruelling thriller with two third period goals Up to that point Aurora was in the drivers seat to 1 on goal scor ing excursions by Cliff Murrell and Bob Morgan John Bunn was the helpmate on both tallies Jim Thomas Edgar and Doug Hill banged the scoring tries past Legion net- minder Alan Childs AWARD Tuplinq For Shot Stopping Three eheirs and a tiger finally smashed the Builders jinx Thursday Star of the Thursday cele bration Say thats as easy as falling off a log No doubt about it it was Spits goalie Ken Specs Tups was a masterful display of puck stopping Tap frustrated at every turn and waved aside their best directed drives Tap richly deserved a shut-out- He didnt get bat that didnt detract from his starring role in stopping the Builders This week to celebrate the win over theres more to come and for a terrific game between the pipes Ken rates the award and Theatre pass Hasketts by George HASH Newmarket Sports Editor AT PM FROM 710 PM fa I a llnf II DISNEYS m Aurora Minors Win Two Aurora minor chalked up a doubletriumph on Thursday in North York minor hockey league actions in the Au rora arena Aurora Rotary eased out a win over Newmarket Smoke Rings to lengthen their lead in the bantam group In the night cap midget contest Aurora Le gion with Harry Sutton and Bud calling the shots defeated Richmond Hill Rose Kings That latter game was a four point affair and hoisted Aurora to within one point of the sec ond place Hill team Dan Pat rick and Ron were lead ing lights for Aurora bantams Patrick scored in the first from Ron then it was turn about for the winner In the final period Ron was on the receiving end of Patricks pass- out In the freewheeling ex change Francis Lewis scored for the Frank conch band Bill Patrick Jr mas terminded the Aurora crew Jim Wells led Auroras sniping platoon with two goals Rob Cook Bud Sutton and Cliff furnished onegoal sup port Pete Harts light blinker thrust marred Dave gal lant hid for shutout In the Au rora cage Its a heartening sign to see the Morrison puck pack paste the Builders Coaches and teams are all the same Put over a big win like that and they try to convince themselves thats all there is to the hockey season So well inject a note of caution You smashed one Builder jinx Thursday Now go out and crush the other Beat them right in their own plush ice palace Thats the ticket if were going to the top Youve convinced and viewers you can do just that here there or anywhere So lets get on with the job We liked the Thursday game The team crammed a lot of ac tion into those three fast rugged periods Too we like the look of the Spits as a team They had a lot of in their sys tem Weve said in the past that the one way to bust the Builders was to stay away from them The idea judging from days exchange is to plow into them Leastwise Spits toilers did some Hercules hoisting and thumping to all but lift the Builders out of their britches So weve been wrong all along it seems Ken of course was the star of the Spits starstudded crew Tup split himself upin a standing improvements around the Queensville arena A screen has gone up along the side to keep the puck and the players out of the spectators hair Bert and Willard were putting the finishing touches on new nets over the weekend Bert is planning big doings Feb Its the annual carnival Better circle the date on your calendar and dont forget my friendlies Flyers are here In local diggings tonight Spits Do In Shipbuilders Did someone mention the Spits couldnt take Collingwood Morrison and company gave the to that idea Thursday as they skated checked hustled and bumped their way to a win over Eddie Bushs Shipbuilders Ken played sensa tionally to frustrate the best directed Builder efforts Four teen hundred happy fans largest crowd of the season hoped for a shutout Bob Meek ruined that with a foot screened whistler By the time Meek uncorked his parting shot Spits were top dogs Eddie Bush was in the sin bin when the Builders jinx started to crumble He had a mate Jimmy Green with him and Ken was in for the Spits when the Morrisonmen first scored and then was in alone when they made it Spits blitz rolled again with the sides even at Spits 30 edge was deserved They outgunned the Builders in that middle round and only by Reg and good de fensive rushing by Dutch Wheeler kept it from being more Don Gibson was our sharpest up front out perfect ly to Fred for the first and laid a pass on Ken tons stick for number two Mclnnls paid off with a neat back hander after taking Jack Andrews goal mouth relay Don Smith after near misses produced the Spits fourth and again it was Spider Gibson the helper There were seven penalties The biggest blow up came when Al overstayed hit leave in a with Referee Andy got Clarke Jtck the Wt in in on of his the same might he ft j J 1 THE Regents Kettleby Explode Shot makers were geared up in the Town League Tuesday It was a blackbordered week for Mount Albert and Vandorf Har old Simpsons Town Regents ran wild to slay Mount Albert The big surprise of course was scoring jam that smothered Vandorf Mount was without several regulars and Vandorf missed goalie Tommy and Regents ran in six third period goals on the dering to leave little doubt of their superiority Murny registered six goals Cliff Gunn three Ken Thorns and Don Merchant were on target for two goals each while Glen Murray Bruce Rose and Gene Rose chipped in with single rig ging shots Thorns two Thorns gong or so it seemed to foil the Grant Morton furnished singles JLj2 i EDGAR BUCHANAN IN THE WILD OUTLAW A K TRAVEL BUREAU For Canadian National Rail ways Air Lines Steamships Real Estate Insurance Hi Aurora Tel Evenings THURSDAY TO SATURDAY MmKMm In Roy Of Robtahood best directed Builder attempts Eddie Bushs North York inva sion lost week you might say was percent successful Ed dies Greenshirts hes coach topped Aurora Bears Bears languished peering over their press notices no doubt in the first two periods and got inop portune penalties to make the Shirts win possible Around the Rinks We notice a growing tendency of late to ar gue penalties with the referees Sure they make mistakes but so do the players Showchuk who incidentally played back to form and turned in his beat game of the season Thursday talked himself right out of the game If you get a sin bin rap thats it The referee never changes his if he docs perchance his refereoing days are over So the best advice we have to offer is to get in the sinbin and get your crime sheet cleared Wo mention this latter item for the benefit of some of small fry hockey players No tice a of our bantams have been drawing misconducts for this demeanor It takes all a fellows time to play game without trying to it as well In my years sojourn around the sin bin spot only one player his name escapes me at moment ever indicated that he might have deserved a pen alty Good News nippers in School Squirt League will bo going all out for goals and as sists Ray Smith prop New market Sports and Cycle Shop bus offered a trophy to high man A good many good Joes around the North York sport firmament Peter Gorman sponsor of the Smoke Rings ban tams his team at Gardens for Jr A clash Bob Walton chief whip of Nobleton midgets was herding his skate brigade off to the Gardens Saturday night for game Did I see somewhere there was nothing for the girls It isnt so What about superb job Indies are doing In the skating lino and last Geo Watt was a busy man nil long with the junior lu- team Bert Boyd has made some out to put the behind the eight ball Thorns rated high assist marks with four Stan Gibbons was in for three arid Murray Harold Tunstead and Grant Morton sup plied the pass for two goals apiece Bud Lehman scored twice Bruce Paisley newcomer Bruce and Forfar on loan scored goal to complete the Mount scoring pic ture Stan Terrys Kettleby team tucked in six first period goals and had Vandorf on ropes KM before Bruins cracked the gooseegg Ron Hodgson made life miser able for Vans goalie McMnlii with on eight point ef fort four goals four assists Bill Winters Harry and ONDAVrS WEDNESDAY My feWATURR King Tripped Havenot teams and King City bounced again Friday by Bolton and Kleinburg in KlngVaughan struggles Bolton erupted for four first period goals to Una up a win over The faithful saw Bud Brown Hank and Murray Edwards drive in pay hitters Jack Woods hat trick two and singles by Harvey Wallace and Cooper earned Bolton tho victory doubled score on King City Jim John Richards and Ron Hodgson King City Walt Bell paced Kleinburg with two while Ron Don and Stan Foster fired singlo rigging hitting shots game ended on a rugged nolo Taylor brothers Norm and Charlie and Klelnburgs Harry drew match penalties for fisticuffing In and out of the sin bin Our sale flag Is up We have surrendered to the Mor risons Newmarket and Aurora r- te In the new UPPER samples come to us we get This Mason with good wo are now excited Hum ever Every eparUlng colour every thrilling to outdo at Wo want you to be eadtod and to make it worthy while wo are on this OPENING OFFER COMETS TO SUTTON friendly Inkesldo rivals Keswick Comets and Sutton took first run at each other Friday in County Rural hockey session in Sutton arena Ellis turned back the Koswlck charge to claim a victory hund red odd spectator aw hold the in first period Comoti i lost the tie rating scored once in second and optflodtwo In the final period Albert Smith netted Com ets counter Geo Ted Anderson TJivlor and Ralph Griffith counted for winners The return scheduled for Keswick Saturday had to be postponed MOUNT ALBERT Cheorlo Group will hold January meeting at the homo of Mrs on Sat urday evening at fl15 sharp Mr and Mr Roy Carr spent Sunday at Koswlck with Mr and Mrs Connoll Mount Albert I branch project Aids to Public will he hold in hall on Thursday Fob with Chapman as guest speaker All branches of district invited to attend ladles to bring lunch Ton will ho pro vided by Mount Albert Time- to All ladles in vitod PERSONAL Miss Ricky Mil is visiting relatives in Florida for of months Mrs William Vandorf visiting at Richmond Vir ginia and Charleston South Carolina Mr and Mrs J Ed wards entertained Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Fred Edwards Mr and Mrs Ken wards Mr and Mrs si Andrew and son on Sun- day