Newmarket Era and Express, 29 Jan 1953, p. 1

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i- J wrr J t V ii 1 A r ERA YEAR 9 Year Cancer Victim Nineyearold Kenneth Mit chell died at his home at Roches Point two months after it had been definitely determined by doctors that he was ailing with an internal malignant disease- Early in December it was be lieved that Kenneth would not have more than six months to a year to live His death on Sat urday Jan- came sooner than expected The son of Mr and Mrs Roy Mitchell he attended Roches Point Public school where he was a fourth grade student Well liked by children and adults Kenneth will be missed His parents never gave up hope and were endeavoring to find where they could take him for treat ment A benefit party had been arranged to take place on Wed Jan at Roches Point Hematic Hall with the proceeds of the donations to be handed over to the Mitchell family to help finance any treatment for Kenny that could be arranged Instead people who would have attended the party were present at his funeral on Tuesday at his grandparents home at Roches Point Rev A J Arthur con ducted the service and interment was in cemetery MIS FOB SHOW The Newmarket group is to charter a bus on Tuesday Feb for the purpose of attending the Inter national Hobby and Homecraft show which will be held in the Coliseum Toronto The bus will leave Newmarket at and leave Toronto at 330 Anyone wishing to shop in To ronto could leave bus In the downtown area and be picked Up there Those wishing to register for the chartered bus trip are requested to phone in Newmar ket and and in Aurora A group of is required to fill the bus NQS J J ONTARIO THURSDAY JANUARY 29 1953 V0r W a- SINGLE CB4TS MATEB1AL OMTTTED Witt Atftace f Ufl tte week l Era be r to be la mw eases iataeitaat be REWARDS 23TEAR WAIT Jf iRaise Equalizing Assessments Planting of six square of timber in is paying off now in Vivian Forest east of Newmarket William C Hood The culmination of many spe cial council meetings dealing with North assess ment troubles and cures was reached on Monday afternoon in the township offices when the full council met with Stanley Symonds York County assessor to make a definite decision on who should do the equalizing of assessment and what method should be used A resolution was passed unani mously by council that and Edward Anderson be appointed as assessors for the township with equal status for each and that Mr be assessment commissioner ex offico The revision of the assessment roll of North by Judge Ambrose Shea was held in hall on Tuesday There were names on the list and were disposed of at this sitting and four cases adjourn ed until a later date- In all J a Issue Mr- is one of lumbermen employed in thinning out the forest which 1750 was the amount reduced at first cutting will yield thousands of feet of valuable lumber firewood and pulp With the reduction of the number of trees those that are left will have a chance to grow to the size of those in Canadas virgin forests Here And There Around Town DORCAS MEETING The Evening St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket held first Dorcas meeting of year at the parish hall on Monday Jan Mrs James Sanderson presided and led the devotional period The group worked on quilts which will be sent in the mission bales at the end of the year Light refresh ments were served by the hos tesses Mrs Harvey Bell and Mrs Bert By Observer A councillors life is not an easy one and the problems pre sented to council for its consid eration and deliberation are varied Many a weighty prob lem must be handled Not the least of these was one question which arose at last weeks regu lar meeting of council When theres a dog killed on the highway what should be done Who should contact whom regarding its removal and the tracing of the ownership and the assumption of the responsibility in the accident Local observers immediate re action was that the driver of the vehicle that struck the animal should attend to the matter im mediately Many an animal life could be saved if it were rushed to the vets But when the case is one of a hitandrun driver who then is to assume the responsibility of moving the animal Such a pre dicament faced local citizens on a recent Saturday when Bob Peters big black dog was hit by a car on Main St The dog was killed A member of the council Frank Bowser when unable to reach the North York Humane society tried the police office Town engineer said that a phone call had been received at the water works and that Fred Evans left immediate ly to pick up the dog By the time he arrived the animal had been removed The police had answered the call and took car of the situation At council it was pointed out I that since the animal was dead it would not be the concern of the Humane society to attend to it Joseph Dales added that since a dead dog on the Main St might constitute a traffic haz ard it could be considered as a police matter Another matter had been solv ed by council In this bureau cratic age the proper authority must be contacted for every situ ation Sleeps While Factory Robbed By Three Arrested Later Sleeping soundly in the boiler room of Industries on Davis Dr Sam Shire night watchman was not aware of the fact that three men were ransack ing the office on Friday night Entry was gained through a window on the west side of the factory after one of the criminals had cut his hand badly to break the window All of the offices were ran sacked and money taken from the till and office desks The door to the stock room was forc ed open but nothing was taken from the room The breakin discovered by William Hill and Constable J about minute after the entry had been gained at 2 White patrolling the town Hill and saw Constables Cowie and Clark taking three men into their office Hill stopped to investigate The men charged by Newmar ket Police are Gordon West Toronto Bernard West and Gordon Jones also of Toronto stolen from was recovered From these men they learned that the truck which was in their possession had been stolen in Toronto and that they had broken into the office They were arrest ed by Constables and Clark on a charge of having beer and liquor in a vehicle HEAR TALK ON CRIPPLED CHILDREN A safety program for the children of Newmarket was sug gested later at the council meet ing Such a program has been sponsored in the Newmarket elementary schools for the past two years by the Home and School association In this pro ject that group had the cooper ation of Chief of Police Byron Talks on safety were given to the children Scotchlite tape a material which reflects car lights was made available to children owning bikes This tape makes bikes visible to mo torists at dusk and at night Children owning bikes brought them to school at a spe cified time and members of the Home and School association were present to assist them in applying the tape to their bikes Safety programs are regular features of scouts cubs guides and brownies A safety night featuring movies and a talk by Provincial Police Constable was a highlight of the safety program in the spring First aid and home nursing courses are held for the children and they are taught prevention of accidents and how to assist In times of emergency by notifying a doctor or sending in a fire alarm There can never be enough safety instruction We endorse any suggestions for further pro grams and commend the local police and council for their in terest in the subject A sixyearold boy whose mo ther is frequently called upon to he the guest speaker at organiz ations asked her where she was going that night Oh Im going to speak to a group in Newmarket she said Gee Mom you must be a great he commented And she was MEETING A meeting of all mothers who are considering sending children to the Newmarket cooperative nursery school wilt he held at the home of Mrs Robert Grace St on Tuesday evening at 8 JO pm The school supervis or and assistant will be at the meeting to discuss what day children will be attending the Mr Bert director of the Easter Seal campaign of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children was guest speaker at the Lions club Monday evening In his brief address he outlined the work of the society and its need for greater support He expressed his thanks to the local club for their past efforts in pro moting the Blaster Seal campaign in this locality Miss Chalk district nurse representing four coun ties in the societys work spoke briefly on the result of a few cases of the Society for Crippled Children Through the societys efforts Through the societys efforts she said it was a great joy to see handicapped children helped to become selfsupporting citizens The lions club will again sponsor the Easter Seal cam paign for the Society for Crip pled Children in Newmarket dis trict and are looking for the wholehearted support of the in this work The following anecdote con cerning a local resident might come in the Beyond the call of duty classification It concerns a caretaker of one of the public schools One morning when a visitor at the Alexander Muir school had difficulty finding the caretaker Mr Pitt she inquir ed as to his whereabouts Perhaps he was not well and had to go home she suggested No came back the instant reply Hes in the grade two class as the teacher Upon checking the story the visitor found Mr Pitt presiding behind the teachers desk He had perfect order in his room and was happily awaiting the ar rival of the supply teacher It appeared that the regular teach er being ill had notified the school that she would not be present Rather than have the class minus a teacher until the supply one could arrive or dis rupt any other class Mr Pitt had volunteered to stand guard during the interval So success fully was he fulfilling his new duties that anyone passing in the half would have assumed that regular was in pro on the Raymond Buckle Roches Pt testified that he had purchased land with a cottage on it in assessed for a total of In the house had been to tally burned and in he had been assessed for At re assessment in July he had purchased a house and had started to erect it At this time it wasassessed for of it being on the bouse The Buckles were forc ed to live there because of a shortage of houses The house still uncompleted he said Judge asked the as sessor how he arrived at the figure in July 1951 if the house were not finished- Mr son said a prefab was con sidered as a complete house and he had assessed it as such The assessment was sustained All appeals were based on being too high and complaints of on- equalization Mr the county assessor told North council the day previous In popular lingo reassessment now means the big jumps coming and this is exactly what it has meant to dozens of property owners in North GwilUmbury since reas sessment commenced in 1951 VALENTINE PARTY A Valentine party will be held the basement of St Johns school by the Catholic Womens League Newmarket on Monday Feb An evening of cards and entertainment has been planned PLAY BARRIE HERE Flyers with all their bright young stars In tow will be on hand at the Smith igloo tonight to pro vide the weekly Thursday night opposition for our Spitfires Tomorrow Friday at chimes Lowell Wallers Optimist mid- pets their acid test as they clash with Marl boro in an exhibition game bit at Aaron arena tonight Ifcimday will be a North York hockey league tripleheader attrac tion with bantam midget and Juvenile games lisenp for Bill Aurora crews Fan starts at bells Aurora Bean hare an open date Friday their Int Andy Clean working diligently to line an contest to keep the Bean in trim XRAY CLINICS AT HEALTH UNIT EVERY EIGHT WEEKS Additional free chest xray clinics will begin next month for the Newmarket area The York County Health Unit announces that a free chest xray clinic will be held in its office every eight weeks will be supplied by the National Sanitarium Association and will be paid for by the Christmas seal fund This extra chest xray clinic service is in addition to the reg ular free chest xray clinic held in the York County Hospital and attended by physicians from the National Sanitarium Association The Medical Officer of Health Dr King feels this is a valuable step forward in fighting Tuberculosis in this area By means of chest xray films de tection of early cases of tubercul osis is possible and early treat ment means more rapid recovery and prevention of unnec essary spread of disease to other members of the family or the community Anyone may have a free chest xray by merely making an ap pointment through their family physician Two Board Members Object To Press At Fact Hearing Two Newmarket school board trustees Mrs Best and Mrs Stella Curtis walked out on a special board meeting last night Mrs Best objected to the presence of press representatives at the fact finding meeting the school board with representatives of the board of St Faiths Lodge which governs a residence for girls opened last year on Millard Ave Newmarket JANUARY At store Bonds January Bonus sale mens suits Extra trousers free Women get a free FRIDAY JAN 30 Dance in Holland Landing Community hall at pm George Mitchells orchestra Everybody welcome Admission 50c c2w4 FRIDAY JAN Annual meeting election of officers Newmarket Horticultural socie ty Trinity United church 8 pm Special program wel come Pot Luck supper for mem bers 630 pm FRIDAY JAN Federation of Agricul ture monthly meeting Special speaker on Grain Marketing Movies Lunch Township Hall Sharon pm Everybody in vited FRIDAY JAN lodge euchre and draw in Oddfellows hall Aurora at pm sharp Prizes and lunch Admission SATURDAY JAN St Johns bingo In the Town Hall at pm games special game MONDAY Holland Landing Home School reg ular mcetlne and Founders Day celebration Mrs Toronto guest speaker Musical program and social hour MONDAY FEB pub He meeting of the Union In the Firemens hall at TUESDAY FEB Annual meeting of the York County Nurses Association in St Johns school at pm Election of officers and guest speaker miss Newmarket Dist rict Cooperative Annual Meet ing to be held In the of Agriculture Board Rooms Weil Feb pm Guest Speaker Wnlburg Head of Feed Dlv Lunch will be WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY bingo at Legion Hall Newmar ket at 8 frame Jackpot and door prize WEDNESDAY FEB Farm- Public meeting Town hall at Norm broad caster special speaker Film and discussion Lunch served King Township Unit Federation of Agriculture Ket- tlchy president R King secretary Albert Womens Institute will hold a community cord party in the hall Admission FEB King City United church pm the Ontario Hydro Electric Club mixed choir will produce an en tertainment of good music In variety program excellent tal ent Sponsored by King City Lions for Lions com munity work Admission available now from Lions mem- FRIDAY FEB fi Euchre In Armltage school sponsored by Community club Time pm Good prizes lunch Admission THURSDAY FEB Toronto East Rural skating party at Time pm Re freshments provided Admission FRIDAY FEB Patricks tea bake sale in St Pauls Anglican Parish hall Newmar ket Time to FRIDAY FEB York Temperance convention In the United church King City Bus iness meeting pm Contest and address by guest speaker pm FRIDAY FEB 13 and dutch auction in Holland Land ing school proceeds for Home School Association FRIDAY FEB Newmarket Firemens euchre at New Fire Hall oclock sharp Full cards MONDAY FEB pm Newmarket WI ore sponsoring euchre the Firemens hall Proceeds for local rest room Ad mission c2w4 WEDNESDAY FEB The film The Royal Tour will bo in Trinity United church Newmarket sponsored by Young People FRIDAY MAR Reserve this date for High School Open Night DANCING at Mount Albert every Saturday night from to to Norm Burling and hi The members were ready to start the meeting in the council chambers at Present were two members of the board and the director of John chairman of the school board J Bell trustees Best and Cur tis George and Arthur Stiver board solicitor M inspector and Bruce Hunter board secretary Trustee Allan Perks was absent Two representatives of the press were present The purpose of the meeting was to discuss position regarding school taxes Warrendale is a charitable in stitution which receives funds from the Community Chest The resident girls attend Newmarket public schools At a recent meeting there was discussion by board members about the position of and whether it should pay school taxes or nonresident fees Ear lier this month the board had passed resolution that the resi dent girls be barred from public schools until taxes or fees had been paid The resolution was rescinded two days later and received no informa tion about it in the meantime At the meeting last night the representatives of it is believed stated their case Before the meeting was actu ally called to order Mrs Best asked the chairman about the presence of the press and want ed to know if the press should be represented at a special meet ing Mrs Best said that she would not sit in on the meeting with reporters present and she left her chair Mrs Curtis also indi cated that she would not stay Both Mrs Best and Mrs Curtis walked out of the council cham bers Chairman J Bell asked Earl Link 1 ton of Mr and Mrs Walter Link and Alfred Lister son of Mr and lbs Reginald Lister both of Point had a narrow when they both skated through thin ice after dark Monday Skating out to visit his hut which was on the lee off Roches Point on Lake Alfred Lister started out to meet Earl Link who was going to take his hut out onto the lake alia Mr and Mrs link were startled by the sudden appear ance of Earl at the house with his clothing soaking wet He said he had gone through the ice and had called out to Alfred but had received no reply Walter Link took a length of rope and started out for Matthews dock to look for Alfred Meanwhile Mrs Link telephone for help and set out to help her husband At the lake heard Alfred call out Ha the public school inspector whether the press should be present at a special meeting Mr McKUlop said that he did not wish to give an opinion on it and suggested that it could be a legal matter Stiver the solicitor said that it was not a legal mat ter that it was a matter of school board policy Chairman Bell said that the matter should then be put to a vote The two reniaining trus tees George and Ar thur voted in favor of the reporters being allowed to stay during the meeting The representative of the Era and Express then said that it wis not the intention of the press to prevent the holding of a meet ing by its presence and offered to leave He suggested that the board might get in touch with the two members who had left so that the meeting would not be held Although both prcsg representatives left Mrs Curtis and Mrs Best did not re turn it was learned later Although the meeting lacked a quorum Chairman Bell sad that those present could proceed with a fact finding meeting No resolutions were required at the meeting that night Mr Bell said too had fallen in farther out est the lake and after dragging him self onto the ice he crawled along to grasp rope open spots had to be cr Links took him borne ha and Earl were given hat bath and drinks to warm them up The help by Mrs Link turned up at the dock instead of Matthews dock Can Guild Industries To Expand Industry Here There will be a large plant expansion at Guild Indus tries Davis Drive Newmarltet which expects to triple its number of employees in the near future Canadian Forest Products Limited one of the largest west coast business concerns purchased stock in Guild Industries recently and will be concerned with the operation of the Newmarket plant Guild Industries fabricates ploys people The expansion BOARD MEMBERS REJECT REQUEST ON SPECIAL BUILDING At a special meeting of North planning board and members of council Mid last Thursday night the board rec ommended that permission not be given to Charles Johnson law to erect a building at Island Grove Mr Johnson had asked that ex ception be taken to a residential bylaw and that he be permitted to erect a by SO and storage building at Island Grove George link a mi- dent at Island Grove that the building would be in front of his house along with others and that the view of lake would be cut off After considerable the planning board recommtBdad that he be advised not to put up the building Heave Pollock said that he agreed with the recom mendation and manufactures the Baby Butler The Pacific Veneer division of Canadian Forest Pro ducts will be taking port in the operations here David Romberg and Harry Romberg of Guild Industries said they did not know what limit there would be to the ex pansion and to the increase in personnel to be employed Plans ore being made for extensions to the factory building west to the edge of the river and south of the present building The company hopes to bring in a railway siding to the plant Tho expansion will mean that a considerable amount of wood will be shipped In British Columbia and rail traffic Into Newmarket will be Increased At present the industry era- Is expected to triple this figure in about six months It la pos sible that would hired later according to company of flcials The plant is expected to be twice its present size in near future if present plans followed OPEN MEETING An open meeting of the Cana dian Concert Association of New market will be held Monday evening in the United Church Sunday school room All Vivian Item and Interested persons arc Nick VanNostrand a far invited to- attend- ALBERT OVER There was action aplenty at the Queensville rink Monday a Mount Albert defeated Queen ville arid Vivian spilled Vandorf in the Lake Simcoe Junior Hockey contests As a result of the games Mount Albert took over place Vivian and Vandorf are tied tor second with one and one loss while drop into the league Jim Cnpples tolling and Hall Harrison sank two apiece for the Mountlea Art and Brian Stokes joined In the scoring outbreak with single Don Graham had two Don Tom and Ron Beckett had singletons for l Speedster Stan Pollard in three Doug Card two and Harry Simpson one sparkptag LEGIOK PLANS TO TAKE THE LEAD FOR CORONATION DAY The Newmarket branch of the Canadian Legion will take the loud in coronation day proceed ings for Newmarket on June Legion President Paul Tcbey announced this week Legion will bo holding annual soap box derby and draw also a dunce on the same date A coronation day parade will bo held Mr Tobey said that it had boon decided that the branch would accept responsibility for organizing the parade and that a request is being mads to all town organkations to supply float and personnel to take part in the parade The Legion Is also to any suggestions or ideas from town organisation said r

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