m i ST- t jp a LA OAK RIDGES HOME DAMAGED BY AT NOON MONDAY Sydney Rule can be cred ited with saving the family home at Oak Ridges from de struction by fire which broke out Monday noon in the kitchen of the upstairs apartment of the house owned by his parents Mr and Mrs Murray Rule A pet cat belonging to sister was saved from suffoca tion The kitchen wails the at tic and the roof of the twostorey brick house was gutted by the blaze believed started from an overheated wood stove It start ed a fire in the wall The first floor of the house was unoccu pied at the time as the house was up for sale The boy met dense smoke when he entered the apartment from the nearby Oak Ridges school He ran to his grandfa thers house next door Mr Stan ley Rule where his mother and sisters were Mr Rule said the wall was water and- it was thought the fire was out but later it broke out in the straw- filled hassock and damaged the floor The Aurora fire depart ment was called when things got out of hand Damage partly covered by insurance was esti mated at Neighbors car ried out the mattresses bedding and the familys clothing Fur niture and other contents were damaged by smoke and water O r tea ders wr to editor an always welcome writer fa editor Phone The Editor I have been a regular interested reader of the Era and Express for the past eight years and note its circula tion has kept pace With the in creased population of the town which is all to the good and must be gratifying to the new editor of the local paper The old saying A new broom sweeps clean is only partly true The broom has to be ex pertly handled to be real effec tive We would like to take this be lated opportunity to offer you our sincere congratulations oh your recent higher office with its greater responsi bilities as editor of the Era and Express You would appear to have started out on the right foot so to speak redwing the past few weeks we have noted something new in the Era arid Express under the caption The Town Pulpit by the Pulpiteer Now dear sir we found these articles most interesting inform ation and a real spiritual uplift no doubt read by hundreds of your readers they may be ins etc who are already look ing forward to your next issue and hoping sincerely you will be able to see your way to continue this invaluable service In the past we have met edi tors that when presented with anything of a religious nature munlty the size of Holland Land ing can end does show us up this and every other year with their Santa parade The writer realizes that it en tails a great deal of time energy and money to put over a Santa Glaus parade but it would be time energy and money well spent But ALL persons concern ed will have to take an interest and not leave It up to somebody else to take the initiative all would benefit including our children In closing my opinion is that whatever Christmas party or parties may be in this Christmas go over with the like a Santa Glaus parade in Newmarket citizen r LEGION NEWS Af J ft i 7 ft firfTs w j SPEdAL Dont forget the mens doubles dart tournament tomorrow night Come early partners will be drawn from the hat You dont have to be an ex pert Remember last week we said that the arena canteen project was doing well but the work is being done by a few old faith fuls- How about volunteering some night soon Please phone Clarence Allan Ken Miller or Don There is a TV set at the hall A group of members have ask ed Downward accept your donations large small to the purchase of -a- set Give him a call or drop in and your favorite We would ask you to call Clar ence Allan if you know of any exservice types in hospital Do minion Command is once again in the midst of for the Troops campaign Please leave all your donations at the hall Lets bring a bood each the next meeting ir i Remember the large mas bingo on December MOUNT PLEASANT The Womens Guild will meet at the home of MrSi Claude on Tuesday Dec at Bible study at the home of Mrs Miller on Tuesday evening was well attended The public school concert on Wednesday evening was enjoyed by all Miss Stiles spent Saturday in Toronto with her brothers for publication would inform I Martin and family one that is not news In my Mr and Mrs Root Davidson humble opinion a greater and George spent Saturday in take could not be made If the Toronto with Mr Glenn David- Pearson has turned to her home in after spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs Thompson The United church choir Is preparing a Christmas cantata to be given Sunday Dec at pm ij Mr and Mrs- Hoy attend ed the Bee Keepers convention on Thursday held in the Royal York hotel Toronto Mr and Mrs were visitors on Sunday- at the home of Mr and Mrs The Vivian Christmas concert will be held on Wednesday Dec i at pm at the school Children free Adults admis sion gospel of Jesus Christ is not news of the most importance I would like someone to tell me what is Sincerely yours John Williams Newmarket The Editor As we approach the Christmas- tide our thoughts recall the days our childhood the story the Babeirtithe of Santa Glaus the parades arid watching and waiting for the day Christmas day child rens day Then came the great family where worship love and reigned and was unknown tins t Is diffi cult to comprehend the attitude of many for example in our town thai of some the popple who ask you to shop in and look for bur busi through the year have helped years lb sponsor- a Santa Clnus parade one of the great events preced ing the gracious and- beautiful things that Christmas means to our Is it not time that the people who are In a position to look to the community for business should throw aside and give In some hough it he small and hot just receive from the good people of Newmarket There seems to he only one solution remaining for the bene fit of our community and our children and that is for the younger generation to take an Interest in our town and keep us from returning to the stone and not let our children think wo were horn many years too soon It is nothing short of a dis grace to Newmarket that a coin- son and his family Septic Tanks Cesspools AGE SYSTEMS CAN BE CLEANED It is now possible through the use of chemistry to have systems yen for the most humble dwelling I peptic tanks and cesspools can he chemically cleaned choked drains quickly relieved tile beds freed of grease and sludge pits kitchen waste lines laundry drainage freed of and grease accumulation All of this can bo done by discharging chemicals through the plumbing lines have been successful in merging different chemicals which results in the field of sewage disposal was necessary to open the septic tank and shovels or pails in a manner most revolting we can take any organic sludge and liquefy grease and fats clean tile lied of and generally disinfect and eliminate the odour sewage overflows in soil or swamp or low land icmicals formerly were imported from foreign I were consequently very expensive hut wo have to secure such raw materials in Canada and the public Your disposal system Tunning order by merely applying about chemical a month into your drainage system blocked It is necessary that a job ho done first and we have chemicals also If you have no apparent trouble month which will keep your system troublefree designed to keep in top working order you ttttwhen used according to directions WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Continued from page made the prophecy that the time would come when people at breakfast would be able to see the denizens the jungle roam- in their freedom Science is oh the way to a fulfilment of Professor prediction Man Of Genius a great many miles from Where Professor labored to bring his scientific dream to another man genius was struggling to survive in the in ids of poverty Me was not a scientist but an author and form erly the captain of a sailing boat journeying mostly to the little known regions of the south scM His name was Jos eph Conrad and he was then liv ing at Folkestone hear to Dover latter gained the wartime sobriquet of heirs Conrad had written a few hov els latter bidding farewell to the seas They had received the praise of the critics but hot the general favor of the reading pub lic Royalties on his books were small and life became increasing ly difficult for a man who in a few years was to become acclaim ed as ope of the greatest masters of the English language at a moment of deep dis tress that he asked a Folkestone grocer for credit on a few sup plies To his astonishment the merchant told Conrad that he liked his writings so much and had so much faith in him that he was ready to a him a years credit if necessary The faith of the merchant was not misplaced Soon afterwords he published a bestseller and many others in later years He achiev ed both fame and fortune Men of genius have often a hard row to hoe It is easier to make a fortune out of the sale of chocolate bars and bubblegum than from the sale of works of art and literary masterpieces Conservation The other day Mr Lome was telling us about the considerable work that Is being carried out by the Holland Conservation body on which he serves In an advisory capacity in Whitchurch township arrange ments ore underway fori the cpli- struetion of as many as ponds a number of which have been completed A large number trees also been planted Mr stated that engineer log services- ore provided free for those proposing to undertake conservation plana and other ad vice is freely supplied i In connection with the Santa parade resentment booh expressed by some merch ants in connection with what appears in editorial in the Banner and advertise ments on Its back has pointed out tb us that readers may bo led to behove only those merchants names on the hack page contributed to ftiftS Which the possible Such an inypxeM6h- dutced from the are that the pir ate whs mode possible by ppft frohvinany all of whose names not been published and who do not wish for any publicity in connection with the raising of a fundto pro the children In fairness to nil concern ed It should bo clear that those who presumably bought advertising space on the Banner back putfo only a few among many others who par ade possible In interests of future support for the Santa parade been fid a FRANK BEATTY HEADS KINS TOWNSHIPS FEDERATION OF AG At the first executive meeting of King Township Federation of Agriculture held In Kettleby Recreation Hall on Deo Frank Kettleby was elected president J Glass pre sided Four vice presidents were elected to serve each section of township which is divided into districts to facilitate the whole of the federation When meetings are held in a district the vice president of that section is responsible for arrange ments to assist the president In his absence the vice president presides at the meeting The vice presidents are Bert Palmer district Ernie Grassland district Wil fred arid Frank Kinley district Jack The secretarytreasurer is Ross assisted by Ivan the publicity committee is and Ivan Specht educational com mittee John Carman Leonard Glass project committee Jennings Williams and Gilbert vVv- Fortythree persons comprise the directors board to which will be added two from each Womens Institutes in the town ship and bile from each farm forum Delegates to the York County Federation are the president Frank Beatty past president I J Glass and the secretary Ross Membership in the unit of the federation is open to any person having an interest in the industry of agriculture in any form Through his township branch he has representation in the County Unit which in turn Is represented in the provincial wth the same con tinuity in the federal ton The Newmarket Era and Express Dec IS fcft j 4i i- Canadian TIRES Ihatai going At SUPERLASTIC or for la ikt will AND MUD of ruffed MIAMI beach The friends of Mr Oliver King are sorry to report that Mr King had the misfortune to fall and sprain his footvv Mrs James and children spent one day last week OhtO Sunday visitors at the homo of Mrs Ida Miller were Mr arid Mrs Chester Miller and family Mil Pleasant and Mr and Mrs Ernie Beckett Toronto Mrs Miller went to Toronto Sunday night with Mr ami Sirs Beckett A number of people attended the Santa Claus parade last Sat urday In With Christ- mas so keeps the house wives very busy- Mrs Cecil spent Monday afternoon with Mrs Oliver King Sunday callers at the home of Mr and Mrs Herb Sullivan were Mr and Mrs Walter and George Sullivan all of Tor onto Dont forget the Jeisey school Christmas concert to be held in the Keswick arena December Its to be the best yet condition 67016 65015 S 3725 3740 a S3 ff TIRES MOUNTED FREE V