waswr 1 IMS SMI BUNGALOW Close to Newmar ket bedroom kitchen modern link and cup- boards good size living room bathroom hardwood throughout fide drive and Kar aite acre of land Priced for quick talc Newmarket house in village of Sut ton Good location Asking price Tart cash balance IX J a room frame house bath fur nace heavy wiring large lew Jot shaded lawn close to school Churches and shopping possession down iV JOSEPH BROKER QUEEN ST NEWMARKET PHONE NEW house on Marie Ave Newmarket Hying room basement garage oil neat Maclnnts phone down house hot- heated with oil In good condition Immediate posses- ion Phone Newmarket NEW bungalow oil heated hardwood In front rooms nice lawn lot Wx200 Priced right for quick sale Mur ray Baker phone Newmar ket home Millard Ave Newmarket modern kitchen hardwood floors newly decorat ed fireplace Immediate posses sion This home Is close to school church and handy for shopping Reasonable down payment and terms for balance Phone 230 or 39 Newmarket BOOM AND ANYONE desiring a room and board apply St phone room or Proa MOTHER A home for child under years weekly Phone Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE Oval coal and wood with reservoir and warming closet like new Ap tly Main St or phone CHILDS Simmons panel- cream color in perfect condition with mattress Phone Newmarket In excellent con dition A real buy Phone King PAIR ladys white skates size Pair boys skates size Mrs Jean Davis Sharon phone Mount Albert ARTICLES FOR PRIVATE SALE BEDROOM suite double bed chesterfield suite Console radio records end table lamps tires bedroom chair childs fur robe comforter high chair large tricycle lawn roller dog house All In good condition Phone or apply 111 Andrew St Newmarket LADYS winter coat size 1 maroon Girls suit size Both in good condition Phone Newmarket FRODUCF kit DOWN room low hardwood floors through out tile In kitchen and bathroom oil heated with air conditioning bath upstairs bath In basement with basement apartment or finished recreation stow board inches square and CLARINET in good condition Phone Newmarket COIL electric heater in good conditio Phone New market MALL chain saw blade in pood condition Apply Pros pect St Newmarket MEDIUM size Quebec heaters in good condition Phone Newmarket overcoat size Childs wagon Electric heater All in pood condition Apply Tim othy St Newmarket after am white all enamel warming oven and res ervoir First class condition Phone Newmarket el wis PANELED cupboard doors some with hardware Sizes range from 17 inches by feet In ches to inches by feet inches One window inches by inches and one feet by inches One oak dining room table Six chairs and one rocker Chesterfield suites expertly re built and recovered Free esti mates free pickup and delivery All work approved by the of Health workmanship guaran teed DYEfVS FURNITURE Call Newmarket RUGS Save up to percent New rues from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Reversible seamless thick Made in latest color tones Phone New market drapery sup covers bedspreads venetian blinds Custom Made CHRISTMAS TURKEYS FARM fresh Highest quality at moderate prices Delivered Mervyn phone Newmarket BUSINESS OPPORT AVON offers wonder ful opportunity to earn for married women who have four or more hours a day to spare Interesting and pleasant occupa tion Write Era and Express box TRANSPORTATIO TO downtown Toronto Leaving Newmarket am returning about 5 pm Phone Mr Hay- man or write Era and Express box 242 it CARS WANTED at LIVESTOCK FOE SAL ENGLISH LARGE WHITE PUREBRED Yorkshire Boar years old Boars gilts months old Chevetgne phone Sutton LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses for niink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith Queens- ville phono collect Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone or write PO box POULTRY WANTED L CARS and trucks wanted tor wrecking Highest cash prices paid Phone Aurora HELP WANTED woe VENETIAN BLINDS All kinds of live poultry wanted pay above market price at your door Phone Newmar ket tf40 Live poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on Highest prices paid Oak Ridges or phone King POULTRY POR SAI room Newmarket HOUSE RENT house Insulated storm windows ami doors hydro lair month A Morton phone Point OFFICES FOR RENT at Main St Newmar ket Apply Main St or phone Newmarket STORE FOR RENT AT Main St Newmarket washboard Phone Aurora or apply Wellington St East Aurora Remington noiseless standard condition or best offer Phone COLEMAN space heater small used months Apply Sun- dale Inn Keswick phone 135ri3 Roches Point spring mattress sligiiUy wide Phone Newmarket NEW rel velveteen skating skirt and hat Phone New market MISSES coats size ladys coat size 40 In excellent condi tion suit ease Phone N PAIR of snow tires Phone BUSINESS FOR SALE NEWMARKET business groceries refreshments to bacco sundries etc flood bus- a steady turnover Price includes fixtures stock extra at Terms Apply Main St Newmarket ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc Free estimates and installations Phone or apply Harold St W Newmarket with warming closet and reservoir enamel 35 Oval shelf In cream enamel res ervoir Phono A Morton Roches Point BLACK winter coat chamois lined silver fox collar size Phone Newmarket even ings or write PO box I wood Walnut oak gum wood maple and birch Phone or apply Prospect St Newmarket like new Phone Newmarket ARTICLES WANTED small boys In good condition Phone Mount Albert MALE Looking for an opportun ity to become a salesman earn ing a better than average In come See page Chatelaine Magazine December issue If you have a car and are willing to learn we will train you Ex perience an asset hut not neces sary Reply today to Box No POSITION for organist and choir leader St Andrews Pres byterian church Newmarket Enquire Neil Paris St phone Newmarket EXPERIENCED farm married Apply Oak Ridges Farm phono King DOOR to door salesmen to start their own business with our guaranteed and well- known products Including toil etries culinary medicines tea coffee Complete assort ment of Gift Boxes 18 Will buy travelling kit and assort ment Good territories available No Risk For details write St Hubert Montreal WORK WANTED MIDDLEAGED woman light housework In good Christ ian home in Newmarket No Phone Newmar ket CAPABLE baby sitter Mrs Smith phone New market NEW Hampshire cockerels to lbs George phone Newmarket TURKEYS Plenty of number one broadbreasted bronze tur keys Special prices In lots of five or over Phone Mount Al bert WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD Maple Beech and Elm Delivered Mount Albert before am or SALE SATURDAY DEC The undersigned has been instructed to sell by auction at lot 9 con East Whitchurch at Lemonville the furniture and property of Mary Ellen Cook At the same time and place house and lot of acre of land Subject to reserve bid Smith auctioneer L J Harper clerk John Crawford ad ministrator by power of TENDERS WANTED RICHMOND HILL SEPARATE SCHOOL TENDERS will be received for the installation of sewers for the Separate school Richmond Hill Details and information may be obtained from the chairman of the board Settles St Richmond TENDERS must be in by Tues day Dec at pm LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted NOTICE John Roches Point Ontario Canada has written a Pastoral of his birthplace anil early boyhood and has publish ed it in a book The work is in rhythm and song to music and is illustrated The book is and Is on sale at the Eaton Co Book Biographical Main Store Al bert St Toronto and Agars Drug Store Keswick Ontario or send Postal Note to John Roches Point Ontario husband of Claudia Rear and father of Charles Mount Albert Howard of Newmarket William of Mount Albert and brother of Agnes of Mount Albert Funeral service was held on Wednesday Dec Interment in Mount Albert cemetery stent But never out of mind They are cherished in the hearts those they leave behind Ever remembered daughter Li la and soninlaw Bill In loving mem ory of a dear husband and At the home of her father Fred daughter Mrs Underbill Aur- on Sunday Nov Sara Marshall wife of the late Charles and mother of and Mildred Mrs A Lindsay Toronto Funeral ser vice was held on Tuesday Dec Interment Aurora cemetery At Whitby on Mon day Dec John in his year husband of the late Lillian Funer al service was held this after noon Interment Newmarket cemetery STEWART Suddenly at his home Bradford on Friday Nov 28 Herbert Stew art DDS husband of Elizabeth I J en who passed away November He is gone but not forgotten And as dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near Days of sadness still come oer Friends may think the wound Is healed But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart con cealed Sadly missed w and family CARD OF THANKS The Newmarket Veterans Assoc- latlon wish to express its appre ciation to the St Johns church and brother of MERCHANDISE FARM FOR SALE farm houses and barns Hydro general farm on highway to stores ami school Ap ply Art Newman 100 ACRES buildings near Newmarket Near school and road See it now for spring Write and GARAGE FOR RENT r Apply St Newmarket REAL ESTATE WANTED or Mum waste land near Newmarket Suitable tar Stain price ier acre Write PO box SAY v MERRY CHRISTMAS Table Model Combinations speed 74 Record Players up Radios Lumps Household Appliances Toasters irons grills kettles docks STEWART BEARE RADIO AND APPLIANCES Main St phone AT Mens Felt Roots all wool felt top and soles Reg ular value tip to 505 December Sale So comfy and warm Sizes and HOME OWNERS AND BUILDERS ALUMINUM garage doors up hardware included Al uminum combination screen and storm windows and doors Low est prices Phone Aurora lor full estimates 4w48 AT Mens Kitchen hack zipper fronts lor hydro telephone or farm men Will wear like a pigs nose SLIP covers drapeiies bed spreads etc madetomeasure Mrs Jones phone Newmarket Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic and plastic wall and Son Andrew St New market WE are now equipped- to Install large septic tanks for restricted area For prices and Informa tion call Murray Baker phone Ragle St Newmarket UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone Now market- WANT your radio repaired In a and guaranteed Phone Newmarket TO by young lad ven Write Bra and l or bungalow wMh option of buying Phone i APARTMENT FOR flat newly Suitable for couple Phono Newmarket apartment Apply Now market for oil Can be used with coal Quantity of stove pipes Apply or plume III Aur ora APAItlMKNT size electric wash ing machine I tdeclije ang elica mantle radio oil beater kitchen stoves kitchen cabinet china cabinet lireplace fixture end tables tables carved walnut hall bible walnut suite walnut of drawers vanity walnut chest desk waterfall cherry- wood whatnot bird panes iff 10 Jacket lien find lank lets wash basins eels pou cooler Jorge lion w agon Ultt low 0- arlicJcs area run good vouUl gilts out arid phone lid Queens remnants Materials that sold from to ft yard- Jjresfik rayon per cent nylon nylon sheer nylon nylon net jersey crepe taffeta pure silk shantung moire lame gabar dine All approximately inches wide from to inches long piece blouses childrens dresses separates young girls skills scarves many two or three of a kind for dresses Slightly smaller lengths piece IM- for pure silk scarves which would sell at each ladles scarves and kerchiefs col jars cuffs and other trimmings place mats dresser scarves dolls I cushion covers young boys shorts knitting bags Hundreds of attractive pieces each cents ami each cents also for trimmings- wish- ion covers hankies patchwork quilts comforters hooked rugs lies neckties Dry Draperies Main fit Phone WILL mind while mother works or will baby sit at Donna Newmarket ACCOUNTANT AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED accountant and manager available for full or parti Ime employment Many years experience In large and small organizations Will handle complete set of books or will audit nsrequlred Devising and Installing bookkeeping systems are a specially IT firyson Willow bench- after pm MIXED wood and cedar kind ling one foot cord 350 at farm Arnold Cellar Valley phone Mount Albert WANTED A home for male kittens weeks old house broken Phone Newmar ket eiw40 THOROUGHBRED Pomeranian puppy male months beauti ful red coat a quiet and lovable pet Phone Newmar ket AS of the York Humane Society will operate from their now shelter on Ross St Aurora phone Aurora- and solve your Christ- gift problem Give a puppy or kitten old blue healthy talks Complete with cage and stand Phone 5C3vv Newmarket N A singers Hens Baby Budgies and supplies Breeding cages African violets colors each Mrs Win Agar Cocker Spaniel puppies weeks old Some grown stock Elsie Huntley phone LOST ON Saturday night November hear Newmarket Dairy ladys purse containing money and personal items of value only to owner Finder wilt be tetvnw Phone Aurora UvlO MiLLANEOU5- buying nil kinds of scrap Iron sheet metal Prompt countrywide pickup Also used pipes in angles for sale Northern Steel and Metal Co Davis Dr phone 1410 Newmarket NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM LATE OF THE OF in THE OF YORK FARMER DECEASED CREDITORS of the deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket In the County of York on or about the day of September are hereby not- pursuant to Act to send to the proof of their claims oh or be fore the day of January after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED a Newmarket this day of Novem ber Mathews Stiver Lyons and Vale Main Street Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for Eileen Ruth Administratrix BIRTHS Donald Gray Mrs bright Myrtle Fred John and Roberta Funeral service was held on Monday Dec 1 Inter ment Aurora cemetery IN In sand and loving memory of a dear mother Boat rice Marian who passed away December Past her suffering past her pain Cease to weep for tears are vain She who suffered Is at rest Gone to Heaven with the blest God knows how much we miss her Never shall her memory fade Loving thoughts shall always wander To the grave where she is laid Ever remembered by daughter Doris and soninlaw Jack loving memory of a dear mother Beatrice Marion who passed away Decem ber Till memory fades and life parts- live forever in our hearts Ever remembered by son Russell Elsie and grand children lovins of a dear mother Beatrice Marion who passed away Decern- her Those whom we love so out of mas Fund CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this oppor tunity of expressing my appre ciation of elected as trustee to the Kettleby Area School Board Earl Cook MAIN STREET A T 1 FOR Rowers Telegraphed v All Over the Wo STREET Phone NEWMARKET i J STRAYED FROM King hear red yearling bull horns Please notify phone FARM ITEMS PRODUCE NEW detaihed room apart ment with separata bath and heating system Phono Newmarket lire Newmarket Free deliv ery pine and 1S tot fc2w40 convenien ce Dally bus service to Toron to and Newmarket Phono Mount Albert downstairs heated Phono J353w Newmarket selfcontained a Mrtmnts No children Apply Dr Newmarket I skiHiJS sizes arid Phono WW Urn- totere iat turkey call Mount Albert for ton birds and down earth rices Delivered on ililiiy FOR Hud extra flavnurcil mas turkey w Cox Order early Apply t BALED wire Apply shoe w40 J 1 TONS haled linySid phono Mount Al bert CHRISTMAS trees for sale Delivered Plume Aurora COME In and compare We will not knowingly be undersold by any You he the halgc Dyers furniture phone Newmarket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Trice Best Drug Store phone -t- MUCOUS IN Pink for the and throat for ho dropp ing of mucous discharge- of the lump throat and other the reliable tab lets that have used or years by adults and child ren with- gonil results Price Peil Drug Store phone Newman J- repair makes of sewing UP flintrnr Center market- Main St plume 1075 trio At York County hos pital Saturday Nov to Mr and Mrs Charles Vivian a daughter At York County hospital Dec to Mr and Airs Basil Sutton son At York County Wednesday Dee to Mr and Mrs Wilfred a son York County hos pital Saturday Nov Mr and Mrs Martin Aurora a son York County hospital Thursday Nov lio2 to Mr and Mrs Francis Newmarket a daughter I At York County hospital Friday Nov to Mr and Mrs Harry Lavender URI a daughter Mi EDEMA At York County hospital Sunday Nov to Mr and Mrs Frank a dauhlor PI l i I At York Count hospital Thursday Dee 1053 to Mr and Mrs Paul Phillips Lake Wilcox daughter York Comity tal Thursday Dec 1 to Mr ami Mrs Wesley Newmarket a son NOTICE SIDNEY KERR WILL AT aiOUNT ALBERT BAPTIST THURSDAY DEC 11 at pm lie will be showing pictures of his trip to J England Rome Greece Mars Hill Pauls at Corinth Athens and Crete EVERYONE IS WELCOME riowerSliiy Member Florists Delivery wired to of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SVJ J ry US Alain St Phone FUNERAL AW V AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE Attend One of CHURCH ES SUNDAY DEC CHURCH OF THE Alain anil Queen Newmarket Minister A Collins Organist Miss June Haines Pianist Miss Greenwood am Sunday school 11 am The Tower of the Gospei pm When Jesus Came to Jericho pm Prayer Praise and FRIENDS MEETING Street it for Worship Come and meet with us AU welcome J Thitts Deo pm Monthly Meeting Gods for us sent Christ to DEATHS mixed hay and oat Minding or crlWlO every kind of clover ft m warming reservoir washing machine Hoi- land iAnjBM lEDiectrolux In good Phone Newmarket AT our toe extra dry flaky when rooked by I turning No I and small for salads- or All on the vitamins fiiinhina phono ftvSwil New market phono It LIVESTOCK SA16 ijiiij Apply r l weeks Kan Howard plume ram lambs and wtKt of Phnnfl Ir2 Aurora from slock Over months old Apply Harold Harp Mount Alhail Mount supports la hosiery for hose snffer from ftik Arch supports p N and invalid chairs and Son Mount tub rirar nnoNciHiUv P VCOUOH SYRUP Far coughs colds and A prompt rim relief of or and colds rants Rust Drug Newmarket GOODMANS SALVAGE COMPANY -pipe- stool analfi irons boll etc In all sizes Many other items of various sizes Phono or phono in ivy Newmarket passed at Stevenson Memorial hospital on Friday Nov 1052 John husband of the hue Mary Ann Miller and father of William A and Mrs Downey all of In Ms year Immoral hold on Dec Aur am UN Aft I At Toronto hospital on Monday Doe his panl husband of KUza belli father of fc Miami grandfather of Mrs Mastoid Out Mrs Tor onto ami Karl of ley seivkro bold on pea- Interment WwidRnly Ml New on Nov llofv kins wife New BC Ill her sear Formerly Mrs Stokes Sharon of Mrs and A Stokes and Don- aid Stokes Miami poach tor of Mrs It and of Mrs Wslon at tumoral Home after Friday noon Services In chapel on Satur day Dec at corhctory ilAllMANi Ms Ken- St Aurora on Monday nee husband of and father of Mrs Mitchell In his year servleo was held on Wednesday Interment in Aurora home Mount Albert on Monday Hoc Ira Morton in year study pm Junior Young People pm Senior Young People Dec 12 program by the Sunday School Churchgoing people are happier people SALVATION Queen St Newmarket Major Laura Collins ldeut Phyllis Canavan Sunday am Holiness meeting a pm Sunday school pm Gospel service ST ANDREWS Meredith Herman fl Fowler Mas Mac 1 1 worship school pm Evening service MOUNT AMIKKT I 3 School i pm service Wot forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as of somoMs TABERNACLE Gospel Churched of Canada Millard Pastor REV A Sf Pianist MRS KENNETH FORD School for aU ages am The Pastors subject 3rd Epistle of John pm The Pastors subject Introduction to the Incarn ation The Crusaders meet this Friday at pm in Town Hall CHURCH Invites You am Sunday School am Divine Worship Location Corner of Muriel and Arthur Pastor Evans METHODIST HOLT Casement Pastor SUNDAY am Sunday school Murray Varncy pm Park College Special singing DEC a pm rally Rev A J speaker WEDNESDAY DEC pm WMS METHODIST CHURCH K HULL Pastor Church of the Light and Life Hour every Sunday at am 10 am Sunday School Miss Clara Stipt am Divine worship EVANGELISTIC Rally pm Prayer Meeting Thurs Dec pm pm Junior Missionary Meeting You will tie welcome at this spiritual church for your spiritual THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Newmarket Minister Rev tVcd Drcckon Organist Mrs Eugene Cane am Morning worship Communion pm Sunday school pm Evening Gospel service Subject Praise the Lord and We have no Ammunition to pass Wed pm Midweek prayer meeting Prayer changes things AH welcome TRINITY UNITED Minister Rev M J Aiken Organist Norman Hurtle 1 worship What Advent Means THE SUNDAY SCHOOL VV The Senior school 11 Nursery class am Beginners and Evening song worship There will be a will fee j mm J Wrf 1