HOUSE el NEW bunga low on off fir- Newmarket bedrooms lot of closet space Heavy built in in lichen largo Window la For full details phone Newmarket NEW room Insulated homo in Park Cement found ation bathroom closets electric Price down Balance term Thompson Hol land Landing MEW bungalow oil heated hardwood in front nice lawn lot Priced right for quick sale- Mur rey Baker phone J HOUSE WANTED to rent small cot for permanent home in Newmarket or vicinity Write Mr Hew- it ARTICLES FOR IttKiS up to percent New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Reversible seamless St approximately thick Made in infest color tones Phone New market tf40 u i i VENETIAN blinds aluminum or steel made for all styles of windows drape tracks drape arms and pin nooks etc estimates and Installations Phone apply Ontario St PO ARTICLES FOR SALE or write market box j V REAL ESTATE KM SALE DUPLEX INVESTMENT Victoria Park Avenues rouble stucco over framed rig rooms and bath central lawns tenanted Substantial cash required JOSEPH 4 BROKER ST PHONE LOTS FOR SALE selling for attractive count ryhomes on subdivision excellent drainage ft and ft front- Size of lots thousand so ft JO minutes drive from Newmarket on Sharon highway Evans I phone CHOICE building lots on and Bolton Ave Newmarket Willis phone r ROOMS FOR DRAPERY custom made slip covers bedspreads Venetian blinds Material tracks Pin on hook lining weights tapes etc For information or appointment call Richard Main St phone Free estimates no obligation TULIPS EXTRA largo heavy bulbs All colors separated or mixed Rea son for selling no room Phone or apply Main St New market crlw42 FIXTURES FURNACES FILTERS FITTINGS COMPLETTE bathroom fixtures BATH or 5 BASIN CLOSET Powder room sets- white or color with chromed lit tings KITCHEN SINKS white or fittings and KITCHEN SINK CABINETS for porcelain enamel drain board lops or plastic tops FURNACES coal and oil gravity or air- conditioning with controls and replacing FIL TERS for forcedair furnaces FITTINGS and pipe in copper- cast Iron black and galvanized steel Laundry tubs shower electric ranges re frigeratorspressure systems oil FREE CATA LOGUE Write or visit our new modern showrooms We deliver you pay for no freight V JOHNSON PLUMBING SUP- PLIES J 5w40 GIRLS bicycle In good condi tion Apply Mrs Rose Au rora telephone NEW Firestone tires and tubes bags of cement Park or phono 350 New market J PAIR white skates size Mans suit coat size 3840 Girls heavy coat black fitted size Klt chen table and chairs suitable fori Judys navy blue rayon i rench now size Reasonable Phone Newmarket ORGAN six octave mahogany stool Like new Four sets reeds octave couplers and knee swell 35 A Rag- Ian St SALE of household furnishings private the property of the late Mrs Cole Victoria St Aurora on the premises on Fri day and Saturday Oct clvv52 COOKSTOVE coal or wood In first class condition Cheap for quick sale Apply Joseph St Newmarket back entrance Mens fall and winter overcoats suits shirts under wear Folding bed and nearly new Bench vise and blow- pot All in good condition Apply Queen St Newmarket BOYS figure skates black boots size used one season Ladys skates white boots size 5 Phone Newmarket DOUBLE bed spring in good condition Singer sewing machine 15 Phone Newmarket Classified Advertising Rates STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cent wort minimum of cent for each advertisement Half price when advertisement repeated on successive weeks Ten percent advertisement is paid within week of pub Coming Events costs two cents a word minimum cents- Half Price when repeated on successive weeks gale Registers ft for the first week cents for each successive week Card of Wedding and Engagement announcements cents for each announcement leu cents if paid within week of In cents for each Insertion plus cents a for verse less if paid within week of advertising may he phoned into or left ttt The EfS and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at White- laws phone in Aurora at lrs RolUns phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted the mail where name of sender address is clearly indicated h Your advertisement gets into over homes In North York Suffolk ram lambs and yearlings C mile east of Aurora phone YOUNG hellers young steers Arthur phone Roches Point Clw42 CANADA SAVLVCJ55 rmm FOR SALE heavy steel tanks Jg gal each open tops good septic tank or cistern Also 1 ton steel pickup box for trail- tar Also several goon tires sizes Oak phone all Turner wjv Apply Wrcfe phone- WANTED TO BUY SCRAP steel tin or metal City prices paid You deliver or we pick up Northern Steel and Metal Co Davis Dr New market c8w37 HELP WANTED I PRODUCE PARTLY furnished rooms housekeeping privileges all con- New- market UNFURNISHED rooms heat laundry tuns hard- wood floors No children Good locality Phone UNFURNISHED rooms second floor bathroom hydro garage and garden Abstainers and nop smokers Phone or apply Newmarket FURNISHED bedrooms Apl ply Prospect St or phone AND Rooms to hoard flood MANS winter overcoat size half price excellent condi tion High back sink Hots- ford St or phono after HIGH powered rifles and shot guns iwught and sold Bring your gun in for estimate Morri son Sporting Goods Depart ment Phono Newmarket fur coat In good condi tion Price Phone Newmarket- BROWN station cool size Blue gabardine strides navy taffeta dress size Girls red fall coat am hat stage Plaid size Maroon moire dress 18 All priced for Phono BUFFET light oak with mirr ors Would make a beautiful modern piece sofa bed like new blue Oak book case dropleaf table AH good condition Phone New market BEDROOM furniture collapsible bed kitchen chairs and easy chairs K Both Howard fid Hamilton Heights Newmarket 1W42 SNACK bar stools with backs Phone 1154J Newmarket UPRIGHT piano in good Hon Phone Newmarket LADYS winter coat skc Mans tuxedo suit size All in good condition Phone Newmarket BRIDESMAIDS DRESS size mauve suite chest day bed Cheap Phone Newmarket ELBCTlilC In condition Phone Newmar ket J v MANS navy winter size brand new Navy fall overcoat size rea sonable Phone I1 Aurora CONNOR electric washing machine Phone markel RASPBERRY canes 5 per hundred Phone New market SALES OPENING Are you looking for something better Do you wish to increase your Income We have a good CALVES for Register ed bull ready for or- vice Registered heif ers due in October Neil Farts Yonge St phone market REGISTERED Shorthorn bull months Yorkshire hog about lbs Jersey cows REGISTERED Jersey bull born Dee 11950 negative blood test nam ibmllk lb fat test Dam of sire 10 I lbs of milk lbs fat test Very quiet Priced to sell Cecil iVIortsoiii phone 21603 lw42 CANARIES Roller Border Fancy singers S3 hens Baby S3 Cages and sup plies African Violets each Mrs Agar Beaton COTE In and compare We not knowingly he undersold by FOR SALS OP hwf ssrf Theater Son tW THE BSST 0frvv For Mid owni ft A for of chesty 4nd snfrfa The 23 r rheumatic for muscular arthritic sciatic pains Price SIM our- dear Drug Store phone I sywrasirh is cvel MUCOUS IN THROAT fty of opening for a man or woman breeding ewes a a 4 I rnrl rtlr4 APPLES Bring own containers Li Little phone Newmarket I C1W42 SPY apples Bales Bros lot 2 con East 2 miles east of Sharon or phone Queensville AMBER honey In per lb B Kays lb palls full time or parttime to sell na tionally advertised duels in Newmarket No experi ence or investment we help you got started Write immediately to P Ranger The Company St St Montreal DOOR to door salesmen wanted to sell our wellknown and guaranteed products including cosmetics tea coffee etc Large discount Splendid vacant territories in your neighborhood Unlimited in come for the ambitious person No risk Very little capital need ed Particulars St Hubert Montreal One arid two years old Purebred David St New- marked Pink for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion and disturbances These are the same reliable pink that have been far many years by adults and child ren with good results Price dear husband nd oeaiirisi 4mndanv v- Ifrs REGISTERED Trie Best bred and vaccinated store phone 14 USED CiRS PLYMOUTH Phone Newmarket ftlETfEOR coupe feet condition inside and out Low mileage 5250 worth of extras Written guarantee Original owner Private Phone 622ni Aurora HUDSON At or best cash offer Phone 1 J Ne sedan In good condition Will sell for 5K or offer SI- Neivmavket FEMALE HELP WANTED LADIES Your spare time agree ably and profitably employed by taking orders for lingerie and hosiery for men children and babies also bedding Nothing easier with our Icently illustrated catalogue with colors containing about sup erior quality garments all with samples of our All is a value of being loaned to you free Satisfaction guaranteed or- money reminded delivery Gener ous commission bonuses gifts etc We are positively the ones give the most to their Rep resentatives still offer the lowest selling priced Join satisfied Representatives Hereford bull months registered Hereford bull 27 months 3 Hereford heifers Starlings vaccinated P J Belhaven cr2w4l WANTED Horses for mink feed oHces Rex Smith phone collect Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash price paid Prank Coleman phone NewmarJt or write PO box DENNY DOPE PROUDLY presents your OF THANKS We fsn to isy for gse many aha of ferial I- POULTRY WANTED and will the- Reasonable prices hi of -jyTrlchy- We repair all makes of ny- machines New machines up Sewing center New- fFW Main St I like kind 49 Dr staff C Cnrv hospital Her Tmeses surgical frrA- hrf hosiery Cor these who suffer from varicose veins ankle pad ST JC knee All kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market door Phone Newmar- W iT vein trouble- Arch Best j Wtt Live poultry Any Quantity Bring them in dr will call on re Highest prices paid AY Oak Ridges or phone Kin tf40 Attend of These c ARM ITEMS manure phone Newmar ket Minister Rev Miss Pianist Miss WANTED TO RENT r and helmet set size 4 Girls grey coal with hood Babys pink chin chilla snow suit All in good condition Phone New market HUNTING lie British Km field stock cut down to style New market COME to our weekend for one of the greatest displays of ever shown In North York featuring Chester field suites Bedroom Con- tinental and a complete line of furniture dyers Furniture Call 1 250 Newmarket used one season or III year old Reasonable In excellent For less than half cost room able drop leafs arid one In sert leaf- lex- SPECIAL SEDAN Like AfileSrA buy luxe In Very car with a tow fledanfn spotless condition inside ami Alnroon whit white wall very ear mi ffond anil very Phone 1 40t by writing QUANTITY of buckwheat Sim JOUR LINGERIE Iberville St Montreal Mount farmer mid tesireswoi on Mount Albert lw42 weekly ilo at New eiw2 Willi hilly in with W Aurora dlstriet Hi a jx press box Newmarket square pens fox wire mesh angle Iron framed In ftiiotl d ion and easily or rabbits baby wany or lot cheap for quick sate phone lU2r5 SALE 2 1 iiimder testoii and Arnold phone service Prayer pmutTOr 9 vVot Rev Meredith Minister 5K t 3 or FURNISH for WMflr mod walnut modern side Phone 1 ex i apartment or house by Oct adults Newmarket APARTMENT fOR New 4- Available occupancy All con voiitcnces For further phone piece bedroom suite blonde maple studio Siilte as oak dining room suite Walnut Cedar chest as new ft Brass fender fire- immitation logs Chest of drawers drophcaf sewing machine annex heaters heater large sedan hen tor wmkII- Stw41 USED TRUCK FOR SALE tAlY desires as Mis Hint Inliit- maroon and silver seats each I or arm ehalrs of same rath seated si roller Phoue Aurora elw42 in- apartment Apply St Aurora Apt V J ARTICLES FOR Chesterfield suites built and recovered free pickup and dell All work approved by the workmanship ana cream enamel nearly closet Quebec heaters Invalids wheel choir studio couch oak library table coffee tables brass kettles China glass- etc Hirst Quoiiisyllle 21 1 OK 1 motor cycle as now Hirst Queensville phone v- girlV figure skates siTs Velvet skating green plaid wool dress size Phone or apply Ontario St Newmarket ftTUDIO couch dining room suite bed couch springs bicycler and boots size UPRIGHT organ In good condi tion- Apply Mrs Ranks 1st house on first north of phono Sutton CCM bicycle wine wlnte toad it Queen St elw42 FORCEDAIR unit ftl- new Phone evenings Newmarket calibre pump In condition Also boxes ammunition Phone New market panel Willi healer new running condition Phone King panel jhiikes and motor grmd tires ult or farmer Phone New market your garden ploughed with a rotary men call lilflw Newmarket Are thinking Hllug your or flour If so please Newmarket for fret for and wall UK ft J and Son Andrew New- pUlVtSt months A- pullets to Jay awl plume elw42 II AY I turns Phone Valley phone SUNDAY 1036 schcol Varhey pm After Oct Iftao Siihilay schl rally lay Nov 1 1 w vat Pi er wrsalj i A J i0 MO AaUyssizbusic at both Special the I f and With us v l cannot cats serve Uihi v r- I sillies rebuilt recovered In any fabric Apply Ken Sargent ftt or phone market PAIR flkntes while figure skates hoys black skates size Phone Newmar ket BLACK coat ver fox blue suit size Phone or apply Main St vSy lX days weekly heav ing Newmarket am Phone New market 2w4t 22 HELP WANTED are now to Install large senile for area For prices and informs lieu call Murray Maker photic itt EMPLOYMENT size girl All in good si wm i AT pure allwool combination under wear Shirts ami drawers For troubled with and Why suffer rural men mid those in If you have ho desire to increase your autumn winter and spring reasons mid can qualify for he dignified stimulating and challenging pari work we to offer Kra box Information It i- pi I WANT your radio repaired In hurry mid Plmoe Newmarket IH0 MACHINERY FOR SALE mark Hie null nearly Price Apply Allan Zephyr phono 4JII4 Mount Pert LIVESTOCK FOR SALE r WOOD FOR SAU- m n n I m wooft rednr kind- ling inio cord farm Arnold Cedar Volley plume 2213 Mount Albert- W wood Clean dry wood rut in short lengths Free de livery Triors Saw Mill 2nd concession Phono or Aurora mi Church of the Light and Sunday at m School Miss 1 Miller of the Ontario Mm v- V ftnlly Meeting- a lass meeting PHV at tor child- win ami PETS Spaniel old Yon pm Sunday School pm and message from Word Location and Arthur Pastor Laurence w old Jack phono Newinarkel puppies black and silver and black and cream Paper trained wormed and Inoculated Mis phone King POMERANIAN lnvil male 17 monthn Without papers 20 New Associated Churches of Canada j Millard Pastor A It MRS KKNNKTH School It am the pastors subject Philemon pm the pastors subject Hie Place of the Cross in Christianity Unable to secure a largo enough auditorium the Crusad ers meeting will not be hold this Friday Watch for announce of Grand Rally on Friday Oct 24 at at Town Hall rVNITKD Minister J ASkMi Organist Norman 1 antMormi worship i the Gen at Council iMjr- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL The Senior school and Primary worship Quotes the Council will be welcome at tYnlty Sidney Kerr O Interim Ioslor Bright brief continue under v try of of the Maple Hill Baptist Church o A cordial welcome to Alt i V a SALVATION ARMY Queen St Newmarket Major Laura Phyllis Sunday It Holiness meeting pm Sunday school Gospel service CHURCH s- eS iii Main Street Minister Fred Organist Mrs Subject am Morning The helping hand Sunday school pm Gospel service Subject mi s