Newmarket Era and Express, 28 Aug 1952, p. 4

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A v Pages from the Editors Note A good many In this part of the country are subscribers to various forms of hospital in surance including a plan which allows for the accumulation of so many days of sickness a year Recently the rates for this plan were increased were various reasons given all of them sound but not included was the action of a certain Charac ter who occasionally comes into the office said the Disreputable Character the other day Just got out of the hospital Didnt know you were ill we replied- You certainly look sound enough Oh I am said our friend But I needed the rest We wondered about this We had never known the Dis reputable Character to do a days work in his Yes sir our friend contin ued theres nothing like a layover in the hospital with all costs found How did he do it we wondered Had one of those hospital insurance plans Figured I might as well get the benefit of it explained our friend But you werent sick we said Needed the rest he told us Paid my dues didnt I Entitled to it wasnt I Weve been wondering about our friend ever since Sure he had paid dues but their yearly total wouldnt have be gun to pay for his stay at the hospital Come to think about it the Disreputable Character was staying at the expense of all the other dues payers Guess that didnt occur to him As a matter of fact it does nt occur to a lot of people that insurance no matter what form it takes whether for hos pitalization or for automobiles is based on certain averages When the number of hospital days begins to climb premiums also begin to climb Anyone taking out automobile insur ance is acutely aware of the effect of the rising traffic toll upon their premiums The freeloader in any insur ance scheme is only defeating his own purpose if he main- From the Files of 25 and 50 Years Ago tains his policy it is at a ris ing cost to which he has him self contributed Weve had a note from J of the York Pioneers and Historical Society about the John Scad ding cabin on the Exhibition grounds The cabin is the oldest habitation in To ronto and the Pioneers have converted it into a museum Throughout the Exhibition time the cabin is open and visitors welcomed The cabin erected in by John ononis crown grant of land on the east side of the Don river He Jiad come to Upper Canada in with John Graves Sim- coe the first lieutenantgov ernor of the newly created pro vince The log cabin was mov ed to the Exhibition grounds in by the York Pioneers Weve had another letter from Stuart Starr who is in England where he has been at tending conferences of Young Friends societies In his cur rent letter he writes We fi nally had some typical Eng lish weather which means you never leave the house without a raincoat even if the sun is shining This is a bit of dis comfort for the tourist but is really quite trivial The Bri tish envy our plastic raincoats which fold up and go into your pocket They just arent ob tainable here The past week has been spent soaking up London his tory and writing reports This is an interesting old town with lots to see Ive managed to tour St Pauls the Tower Greenwich Observatory and the Waxworks Ive gazed at Buckingham Palace and walked down the Mall Last night I paid a visit to Hyde Park and listened to the soap box orators but I fear they have degenerated into small private arguments which are carried on in a tight little huddle so that the bystanders have difficulty in hearing what is said There were a few groups singing their na tional songs which was very enjoyable Upmarket am impress Serving Aurora and rural of North York The Era The Express Herald Published every of Main St by Newmarket Era and Express limited Subs for two for one year in advance copies arm each Member of Class A Wet kites of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and toe Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Ottawa JOHN A STRUTHU5 Newt ION Wmv Sports RACINE Job and PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE TWENTYEIGHTH DAY OF AUGUST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND AUGUST of Police Kirk and Mrs Kirk received a telegram from their son Ernest who is now in and is on his way home for a vacation Ern est is with and has been stationed in the Arctic Circle for the past three years Ernest has had many experi ences in the far north that his Newmarket chums will want to hear about The incessant blowing of the fire whistle aroused Newmar ket folks last Friday morning about This fire in Whitchurch township near Pearsons Crossing It was a house owned by Mrs Jack Wesley Toronto but occupied by Mrs and sons Newmarket fire brigade an swered the call quickly but were too far out from town for the hose to reach Neigh bors attempted to save a few belongings but were able to rescue nothing but a couch a rocking chair and phonograph Only the stone foundation and chimney remain of the old frame house Origin of the blaze is unknown Humor has it that an Am- erican syndicate is negotiating with the Dominion government for the purchase of Snake Island Jhe island which con tains acres is an Indian reserve Three years ago when a prominent en quired its price the amount vas set at Mr George of East leading a span of horses to the stable when one kicked him in the face and as he fell to the ground he broke his collar He is getting along nice ly hut it will be several weeks before he is able to work again AUGUST 29 As it is now an assured fact that the electric railway will be a permanent fixture Main St the council should make arrangements at once to lay a sewer down the business sec tion of the street and also pave the entire block from one side to the other The cost could be raised by debentures and pay ing one third on the frontage tax system the balance by general taxation Mr David was driv ing the dray down Timothy St last Tuesday when a trace became unhooked and at the same time the horse shied and turned breaking a shaft The wagon ran against an electric light pole and Mr was thrown on the bridge The horse got loose but was cap- lured at the top of the hill Mr Williams of lot 10 con 3 East re ports that he has oats growing on his farm which measures from root to head The Metropolitan Railway Co now has about men and four teams tearing up Main St prior to extending the tracks to the north end They had the rails laid as far as St Friday and hope to reach the I toy I hotel by Sat urday night Mr John Savage is tearing down the buildings at the rear of his residence and will erect a more commodious summer kitchen and woodshed The Karl of com mander of the forces In Canada will open the this year on September ft is ex pected that all former records will be beaten in the number of exhibits entered and also the attractions offered The fire works will be exceptionally brilliant TINY ACORNS MIGHTY OAKS A5vwv MAIN ST MUST BE REBUILT There are sound reasons why the ratepayers of Newmarket should vote to proceed with the rebuilding of Main St In this and future editorials we propose to discuss some of those reasons But first let us consider the one objection to the undertaking its cost It is estimated that the total cost of rebuilding Main St is of i c Newmarket will pay the Toronto and York Roads Commission and the province Newmarkets share will be raised- by debenture if a tenyear debenture at an annual cost of between and and if a 20year debenture at an annual cost of between and jy- The Toronto and York Roads Commission has already approved of paying its share of the cost The provinces share is paid when Newmarkets share is paid When the road is rebuilt the commission will hand over its full maintenance to Newmarket A large consideration however is the fact that the commis sion is under fire of Toronto politicians who object to spending Toronto money for the maintenance of the roads of Newmarket and other York County municipali ties If Newmarket refuses to undertake the work there is every possibility that the commission will not repeat its offer and only Newmarket And the province will pay for the work when it is eventually done and at a much higher cost There is no question that the road must be rebuilt Its foundation is uncertain No amount of surface patching will make the road sound Indeed the more surface patching the worse its surface condition Every year Newmarket bears a share of the cost of that sur face patching The cost is increasing as the amount of patching increases When the road is rebuilt this annual maintenance cost will be greatly reduced to the subsequent benefit of all the town And finally it must bo remembered with each passing year the cost of road maintenance is increasing Cost of material is increasing cost of labor and the amount of work which must bo done A road is no different than a car it has a definite age limit Each passing year takes a toll thai no surface patching can restore Main St is an old road Sooner or later it must be rebuilt arid the sooner the cheaper To sum up the rebuilding of Main St is an expen sive proposition but it must be done If it is undertaken now there is the certainty of the Toronto and York Roads Commission share there is a reduction of the annual maintenance charges and it will be cheaper than say five years hence OFFER Efforts to restore Fairy to the beauty and utility it once possessed were given a substantial en couragement this week by the offer of Mr Frank to subscribe 500 to a fund raising campaign if one were started for this purpose It is a large sum it reflects the strong feeling of Mr and others about the legibilities of Fairy Lake The restoration of Fairy Lake is not a new proposal but in the past such an attempt was discouraged by the lack of control over the river above Newmarket Such control now exists The Upper Conservation Authority includes the three municipali ties through which the river passes before it reaches Newmarket The Authority too is an agency which will in time increase the flow of water with its con servation practices So a purer steadier flow is reasonably well assured it remains now only for clean up of the lake impose measures for silt control and ascertain what other steps are required to make Fairy Lake the beauty spot and recreation area it used to be To be sure it is a longterm project but once it is taken hold of by an energetic group public support should rally and the work proceed swiftly All that is required is leadership LETS TRY A NEW APPROACH There may be as many as species of insects infesting the world and in the United States as many as are considered enemies of man and beast But for all mans efforts at ridding himself of these enemies he has fought a losing battle the US Department of Agricultures Although the of entomology has great progress in the last two decades the problems caused by insects seem to be bigger than over We have more insect pests although we have better insec ticides to use against them and better ways to fight them But for all of mans science and ingenuity no species of insect has disappeared from the earth because of mans activities All of which seems to suggest that man is pursuing the wrong approach to the problem Theres no surer cure for a mosquito at midnight than a spraygun we grant but many of the insects which rob the farmer of crops and sicken his beasts would be better controlled by building up immunity to the harm of those insects instead of wasting millions of dollars in the destruction of the insects Insects attacked with the most modern of insecticides show a distressing tendency towards immunity after a couple of years A new insecticide is applied which checks the insects for a time and then the new insecticide loses its potency The cycle can continue indefinitely for all we know Insectresisting crops and animals capable of resisting the diseases borne by insects have been shown to be practical Wouldnt it be more sensible to con centrate on this development than to continue the present losing battle with insecticides alone NEEDS FOR INDUSTRY Newmarket is not interesting new industries in locating here because it has not enough to offer them That is the only conclusion to be reached from the failure of recent efforts by municipal representatives to attract prospects in this direction In some instances the industries were looking for a combination of special requirements which other municipalities were able to provide But this does not change the overall fact that many industries which might have found a new home here have gone elsewhere What is the reason Newmarket is close enough to the Toronto market It has good rail and road communications The municipality physically is in good It has a coocrative council a labor supply a reputation for stability What then is lacking We think the answer is readily available sites and accom modation We draw this conclusion from the number of in dustries which have arranged to locate in the two new developments at Hill and on the former Don Alda Farm property The purchase of the latter plus additional acreage for a total exceeding 2000 acres was announced last week The Richmond Hill development is considerably smaller In both instances however it is planned to create a model to in which industrial residential and commercial properties will be let or sold in a combination calculated to give the maximum return with the maximum of services to those locating there These model developments are new in this area although they have been successful in the United States indeed the Richmond Hill development is partly fin anced by American money Little actual work has been done in developing either of these two properties their backers maintain they have had already tin encouraging response front industries seeking new locations retailers and home builders Quito apart from this evidence of a good thing is the fact that no hardheaded investor would sink his money in such projects unless reasonably sure of a return The point to bo observed in both instances is that private capital is making available something for which there is a demand sites and accommodation Is there any reason why a public administration could hot do the same The method would be different but the principle of a model development could well be applied in Newmarket if the council were to set about planning for it now The altitude so frequently taken here is that this will be done or that could be done if an industry were to locate here How far more attractive would be the prospect of industrial location here if Newmarket could say instead This lias been done its all ready for you businessman looks kindly upon promises lie Wants If Newmarket is to more industry to Ideate here we believe council has to have something mora to offer than it presently has Newmarket admin istrations have shown in the past how quickly they can work when something to go on But not everyone is familiar with this reputation Something more concrete is required like land which is set aside for industrial location is or can quickly be serviced land which has been surveyed and levelled adjacent to the railroad and highways protected against future developments which might bo detrimental to buyers In short before Newmarket can have much hope of interesting new industries it must first prepare the goods for delivery the state the servant not the muter of the people the state Is their guarantee against an their right their agent in international and national it It not the fvnetion of the fo the direction of those activities rest on individual choice Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger I was holidaying in the Lakes district last week Well on the resort lod ges we chose Inn advertised as a beautiful retreat with hot and cold running wa ter The reason Slim and I chose Inn was that it of fered plenty recreational fa cilities but no planning or regi mentation We hate those camp recreational directors with the high octane personalities their organizational talents on the innocent who seeks merely rest and quiet arrived at Irui where the manager and hostess gushed corn syrup and corned us From their outpoured welcome we gathered that if we hadnt arrived their day would have been a disappoint ing failure r Of the guests there were six Canadians The remainder consisted of Americans each one of them unwinding like a taut spring after SO weeks of high fevered life in the US and A During our stay at Inn we concluded that Ameri cans should have their holidays doubled They come to Can ada to relax and enjoy but takes them a week to run down their mainsprings The second week they begin to work hard at relaxing but before the pro cess is completed they are wound up again and on their way back to the States Its too bad because we feet they could almost slow down enough to study us like we study them Slim and I liked the Ameri cans even though one of them insisted that the Yanks did not attempt to conquer Canada in the War of We interp reted that to mean if such a thing had been attempted it would have been done But we learned otherwise in our history books and even erected monuments right on those historic battlegrounds we pleaded But our friend wouldnt trust Canadian history books They werent allAmer ican I guess In fact he didnt seem to believe in history But we liked them those Americans Laughingly referred to the US senator who recently proposed that England give Canada to the States in pay ment for British war debts England owns Canada a mere bunch of fishing villogcs the senator had said Wasnt that funny of that sen ator to say such a thing we laughed XVeH Canada is not really much more than a few fishing villages said our friend I would say that its tourist busi ness keeps it going replied one England hasnt even paid its debt from the first World War said another We laughed politely and won dered if they were serious or not We just wouldnt be sure We suggested that a swim would be lovely at dhis time and slipped to our room to sit arid stare in awe But we love our American cousins They are so human like Of course U appears that we are generalizing on the basis of a few individuals We dont moan to generalize at all Most Americans are just like us They have eyes ears noses and walk upright It Is a good thing to look at anothers point of view all Canadas populated area a thin eastwest ribbon the US border I guess doesnt took much to an can m by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches Here is some information we have picked up while travell ing the country with cattle Wo believe it to be right be cause it is the result of facts and figures compiled by offi cial sources and because the man who drew the conclusions has our respect both as a man and a scientist So here it goes Contrary to nil expectations hog breeding and raising has not been dis couraged by the present floor price While at the time of its establishment it seemed low feed prices kept coming down to meet it The crop prospects out west are the best in years and there will be plenty of feed As a matter of fact pres ent floor price on hogs is the breeding of hogs and our informant is looking towards a lower floor price He thinks cents would discour age additional breeding but is not sure The recent marketing of can ned pork by the government in his opinion is a preparation for the lower floor price The federation is urging the to maintain the floor price as long as the embargo is on As to the embargo the US attitude is that they havent even gotten around thinking about it They point to the fact that the germ is liable to be alive for a year A good con servative guess seems to be the first of May next year The lifting of the embargo to day when the Canadian dol lar is almost over the US currency would reduce the differences in beef prices Breeding of beef cattle has increased in the States tremen dously and this man really thinks that the golden days of the beef industry are over for a while However the open ing of the border would re move some surplus even if it was at present prices arid thus would make more room for hogs on the domestic market The man we talked to has a farm of his own He raises a couple of hundred hogs a year He thinks he makes them pay by mixing his own feed and thus getting the large markup In his district feed portion of the feed mills is delivered without charge He also thinks that might be able to make a lilt profit of 25 cents a hog Any way we will stick with it an ride out the storm is the lie puts it And finally we are not to expect any in hog prices due to new marketing agency So there it is for what it worth not sounding sn but reminding us that we ha to do some hard thinking body really knows what is but there are the who think that increased of production of and this includes creasing sales by publicity a advertising will give some lief Efficient production to the cost per unit good organization to see distribution is efficient i cheap and advertising to crease the sales could be salvation of those indust where the product didnt re the saturation point It for example very more cheese consumed on home market per head per to the industry in black again We have to change and look to export markets gift to overseas and gov ment assistance for the The governments jo to avoid violent fluctuate to tide over the industry there is an emergency These arent too plea thoughts to start the year with But they are than panic despondency other solutions based on and not reason What else did we do at fair Well we had some I arguments concerning Onecan shipper who in words of a small is no- good to anybody itn himself just as heatedly that as lot the distributor can make man a twocan shipper have no choice but defend We saw an increasingly number of cattle at the and we understand that to all fairs are at a record which of course is a tlei of faith in our THE OLO H TOWN BySTANlF TWO a ilTv J i

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