Pages from the Editors Notebook Some seven year we were in a party which went fish ing off Sutton with Wellington Charles guide It hot day without a breath of air on the Jake and we most of the time beached oh the islands off the County park drowsing In sun and listening to Wellington describe his encounters with the tourists As we remember Wellington was a peaceful man until a newcome white became a little too superior and then Welling ton as a representative of the original Canadians would con trive to take hint down a peg or two usually with an effect which was funny to all behold ers and a source of chagrin to the victim We caught no fish that day but we remember Wellingtons tales with pleas ure Remembering those tales we are in some doubt about the news story which appeared in the Toronto papers over the weekend that he had sighted a sea beast with a head about she and shape of a bull dogs with shiny black fur The animal circled the boat off Island and then dis appeared Wellington is sure it was not an otter an animal he has trapped many years He has named it which is not to be confused with of the western coast are mysterious depths in Lake and there is al ways the possibility that a sur vivor of an earlier age has been waiting it out in those waters have left enough carcasses on the coasts of the world to leave open always the possibility that animals such as we have never seen continue to exist beyond our ken The more likely answer how ever Is that the strange animal sighted by Wellington and party was simply another week end visitor out for a long swim It would be a natural error to confuse such a swim mer with sea monster as a stroll along the beaches on a hot Saturday will confirm Mr Richard has been putting a new front on fits store and the work has attracted con siderable interest along Main St The location of the Job has made it moat convenient for members of the Main St Side walk Superintendents Associa tion and Chowder Society to keep a sharp eye on progress Mr George Hudson an hon orary member of the society has been on the job almost daily From the Files of and he has been assisted by Mr Albert who has made freely available for Consultation when some point in the job was under discussion In capacity as editor we too have followed the develop ment with keen interest and are pleased to report that the work Is progressing in a most acceptable manner There have been some dram atic moments during construc tion and Messrs Hudson and report considerable ex citement among laymembers pf the Association notably when the overhead work was begun and when the Joists were bared As is customary the Associa tion is forwarding a resolution of thanks to Mr Senecal for providing such interesting Viewing and taking the un precedented step of publicly thanking him for not erecting a barrier around the job In the past the Associations work has been hampered by high board fences with a minimum of knotholes Mr did not erect any barriers and the Association had a clear view of all that went on This cooper ative gesture on the part of Mr Senecal has been much apprec iated Canada has been the subject of all sorts of pleasant com ment from United States mag azines and newspapers The current Issues of and Fortune have extensive Cana dian sections and last week the New York Times had a flattering report on this country We are variously described as the giant of the north stir ring from his sleep as flexing our muscles and doing all sorts of other exciting things It is all very titillating to a people who have since their his tory began lived in the shadow of the accomplishments of their neighbors to the south Nothing seems more likely to Improve our inferiority complex than praise from the Americans But If this sort of thing keeps up were likely to be come balloonheads so perhaps it is Just as well that the ad miration of Fortune et a is not always shaped nor appreciated by those who live closest to us the clerks of the retail stores in the American border cities who still refuse to accept our dollars at their value and the visitors up for a weekend who are quite indignant when their dollars are discounted 25 and 50 Years A 919 AUGUST Quebec officially welcomed Edward Prince of Wales Prince George and premier Baldwin to Canada be fore has such a distinguished party set foot on Canadian soil nor has such a picturesque and glorious ceremony taken place The service station at the cor ner of Eagle and Is now open for business and Is not only a convenience to motorists as well as a safeguard to travel but a beauty spot in the community Mr Harry Smith deserves credit for his enter prise Sir Harry Lauder the fam ous Scottish comedian who is in Canada at present received word that his wife died in a Glasgow nursing home follow ing a brief illness Building operations are about to commence on the new school house at Keswick Mr Russell of Newmarket a former boy has the contract Mr Hoover Walker Orchard Beach has made great changes on the old Fred property and intends to install electric power In place of the windmill Weather permitting Sutton will have one of the largest horse shows In the Dominion this week There are so many horses entered that notwith standing the new stables the directors are having difficulty finding stable room for them THE OlO HOME TOWN AUGUST Anybody wishing to see to bacco grow can satisfy their curiosity by visiting Mr farm on St Yesterday morning while Mr Geo Trivet t was helping to roll a large log at Canes Factory his right ankle was dislocated and a bone broken It will lay him up for a few weeks Last Friday the second son of Mr John Proctor Yonge St was badly injured by fall ing off a horse It appears that the horse was harnessed for work and Harry was riding on Its back Harry was uncon scious when picked up and re mained so for several hours He was badly bruised about the head and body and was in a very critical condition for a couple of days but we are pleased to report that he Is now considered out of danger The Queen City Oil Company Is now shipping coal ell here by tank cars The oil is pump ed into the large reservoir at the depot and is then drawn off Into a fine tank wagon and de livered to wholesale customers by their agent here Mr Win The wagon went Into service on Monday and holds over gallons Mr expects to supply merchants at Sharon Holland Landing and Bradford Ho has a very complete outfit i By STANLEY a and fxpress Serving NiwmwfcW Aurora and districts York Herald very Tfturfay of 142 St by and tor two one ynar advance Singh copies are each of A Wklht of Canada Canadian and Audit of at Second Muff Pott Office Ottawa JOHN A JOHN I News tfifV Womens IAWRENCE Job and THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE SEVENTH OF AUGUST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO TRADE FAIR Newmarkets fourth annual Trade Fair opens in the arena next Wednesday evening and continues until Saturday Preparations for the fair have been elabor ate and it promises to exceed in color and variety the fairs which have preceded ii Although the fair is under the original sponsorship of the Newmarket Horticul tural Society it is planned and administered by a com mittee of merchants whose chairman this year is Mr BC Morrison The success of the fair a shining ex ample of what can be accomplished by cooperation and determination to succeed The theme of this years fair as indeed it has for all of them is a presentation of the goods and the services which- can be had locally Newmarket business men are keenly aware of the competition from Toronto and as a general rule they believe they can match or improve upon anything that the city can offer the pros pective buyer The Trade Fairs give them an oppor tunity to demonstrate that faith Buy at home is more than just a business slogan it is an expression of faith in your community We are all of us dependent to a degree on your neighbors and this dependence expressed through contributions to community causes through through support of local government and local undertakings extends no less to our business community What our businessmen can offer us in return will be displayed at the Trade Fair DO BOTH JOBS NOW The Newmarket council is confronted with two major undertakings the renovation of Main St and the building of a sewage disposal plant Some mem bers of council believe however that as necessary as both projects may be it would impose too great a strain upon the towns taxrate to begin them both now Yet there seems little choice The Main St work will be half financed by a grant from the county half of which has been already allocated and the other half to be paid next year If the work is not undertaken this year there is every possibility that Newmarket may lose this assistance At the same time there is increasing pressure upon the town to build the sewage disposal plant This pro ject lias been delayed beyond the patience of good sense and the public health authorities There is every indica tion that the provinces attitude will stiffen and if New market does not begin the work soon it is just possible it will no longer have any choice but will be ordered to begin at once Some clue to the attitude of council towards these issues was evident in the remarks of Councillor Charles VanZant Two weeks ago he that the sew age disposal plant be given priority over the Main St work on the grounds of public need Last week how ever ho favored the Main St work because of the avail ability of the grants and the present high cost of main tenance money which will for all practical purposes be wasted if the street is not properly rebuilt The presentation of one argument does not nullify the worth of the other The sewage plant must be built soon and work must begin on Main St Both jobs are equally pressing and since they both must be done sooner or later we do not understand the delay The cost of both projects will Iks debentured for Delay one of them a year say and Newmarket would have only the de benture cost of the other to pay for that year but for the most part of the debenture periods both are going be on the taxrate at the same time We have not found that unpleasant medicine tastes better when taken In two gulps instead of one The savings on that first year would not justify a delay in either undertaking It is unfortunate that both these major undertak ings should be required at the same time but a large part of the reason for it exists in the past and is beyond correction Both projects have been delayed rightly or wrongly in favor of other needs It just happens that there is no longer room for further delay- Wo think that if members of council recognized this fact and pro with both projects would better serve tho town than they would by further delay This is that Newmarket is paying for expansion and it is certain as death and taxes that each year will see a fur ther increase in cost of municipal operation Tho soon- this work is done cheaper it will be in long run Ihm state not the matter of en Off function of state to on choice UNFAIR SHARING OF COSTS It is intended to finance the renovation of Main St under a local improvement plan through which the Main St property owners pay half the towns cost and the other half is paid from the total tax income to which of course Main St property owners also contri bute Local improvement payments are the standard means of financing such work on residential streets We think it wrong to apply the same half and half payment principle to Main St Main St property own ers should pay more than say a resident of Millard Ave but we do not think they should have to pay over half the cost of the work The argument on behalf of local improvement tax ation is that the residents along the route of improve ments receive direct benefit wheras other residents re ceive only incidental benefit The former should there fore pay for their paved street their sewer pipes and their sidewalks than the latter This is sound enough when applied to residential streets and the yard stick of half and half payments is fair But there is no comparison between the main street in a town and its residential side streets and the division of cost shoud reflect this Main St property owners should pay more than the residential street taxpayers but not as much as half the cost The main street is essential to the town it is the backbone of the town Everyone uses it whereas a good many never travel some of the side streets A good main street is a contribution to the prosperity of the town by which all benefit The main street is the comm unity street whereas the side streets are more localized Could Newmarket seriously consider a gravelled Main St in preference to paying the cost of rebuilding it Such preferences are encouraged by the requirement of petitions for residential street improvements There is no doubt that Main St propertyowners should pay a portion of the cost of improvement to the street but it would be grossly unfair to charge them the same proportion that is charged on residential streets There is no comparison between the two and the charges should be scaled accordingly CHALLENGE FOR THE MAYOR We are attempting to raise a committee of Newmar ket citizens whose purpose will be to finance manage and coach Mayor Joseph Vales entry into the Internat iona Plowing Matches challenge competition for the Mayors Cup Weve not yet discussed the matter with his worship believing that if he is confronted with tho completed arrangements he will be more amenable to project Briefly the background to the undertaking is this Mayor Charlotte Whitton of Ottawa a stronger de fender of her sex there neer was has put up a Mayors Cup to bo competed for by Ontario mayors at the plow ing matches So far there have been four entries Mayor Whitton who has been practising Mayor Smith of Woodstock Mayor MacKenzio of Beaver ton mid Mayor Allan Lamport of Toronto Now theres more to this than simply bringing back the cup for the honor of Newmarket Mayors are also women and under ordin ary circumstances Mayor Lamport could hold his own It would be a most unfortunate circumstance however if mayor of Toronto were to win what is essentially a test of rural skill Wo arc not familiar with Mayor Lamports background It could he that he went to a little red school house and trod his fathers fields in his bare feet as a boy It is the present that counts how ever and we doubt that rural Ontario would ever again hold up its head if Toronto become the home of a plow match cup So Mayor Vale it will bo up to you to redeem tho situation On your shoulders will rest the hopes of all good moil and true and the hopes of rural Ontario Will you accept the challenge net REDS IN THE RED CROSS What lingering hopes that communist and communist worlds could find some basis of common action were surely dispelled at the Red Cross confer ence in Toronto last week There was no common meeting on even such basic grounds as the Red Cross work of mercy which knows no political division or color M Reds did everything could to turn conference into a sounding board for propaganda There is no question that their appearance at tho con ference was motivated only by the desire to sow false- howl and dissension It is nothing less than selfdelu sion to believe that two worlds can over be reconciled of Office Cot Reports Catnips By Ginger in his Republican keynote address that the US should get back to the tranquil days of Lincoln Similar feelings have been voiced In Corners Mayor regime been threatening secession and there has been unrest over what Corners politicians call governmental con trol We are losing our autono mous rights says Governments on both provin cial and federal lceb have been poking finger at munici pal affairs he says they have no business doing We must get back to the tranquil days of said Mayor Maynott at a ratepay ers meeting Tuesday night They mayors wise suggestion was greeted by loud cheers But who was Slim seated in the audience that night leaned over to the town clerk Hand- well and Whos He in turn leaned over to someone in the audience and whispered Who was Someone shrugged his shoulders Others too asked who was The high school history teacher could not in Canadian history Mayor was referring to someone who was tranquil in Canadian politics I suppose Look it up Maybe he prime minister I told Slim When Slim returned from the Horary he still had not found the answer Maybe he was in the opposition said Slim It just shows how much the average Canadian about the history of his country I said t Well maybe the mayor right said Slim Maybe should get back to the tranquil days of Walbald Our economic an governmental system is too complex In fact I think the pace were at is only U3 to serious downfall Where is it to endV continued Slim I ask Here we are pay in more any more income taxes and Un people is more more handed to em on a platter Look at the baby bonus But we only pays til it in income taxes Social se curity J Thi3 here country is into the wrong direction people Is Just like Where is our democracy teU you we havent a dem any more because people are like sheep All want is for someone to look em put em in the free if they need it and ret em free Well now that you put that way maybe he was I said Who said Slim Is that what I dunno what said he said You said maybe was right a I all You said that our economic governmental is getting too complex you said Yes Slim didnt know that where it came from We sure didnt know he a political theory like You mean I wonder who he recollect him in I books I I said by Dairy Farmed The Top Six Inches cost of living Index is up again this month It is a very small increase and it is blamed on an increase in the price of food This of course gets a lot of publicity and gives the that fanners ore doing just fine and complaints about foot and mouth disease and the other grievances are nonsense After all month after month when the cost of living Index goes up it Is food that Is caus ing it Last month potatoes were the cause and this month it is eggs and beef lamb and pork For two successive months the price of pork has been up but we all know that the price of pork has been the same to the farmer since the end of last year The net result of all this is that food and farm products In general get bad publicity and no farm organisation has at tempted yet to do anything about It We want to make it clear that we are just as inter ested as the next man in why the cost of living Is up If it is food that is causing it well and good But at same time wish that somebody would add some foot notes to explain It Let us tell you a couple of Instances whore some explana tion should be in order Eggs are always high In price In certain times of the year They were very low last winter and this spring As the price of eggs was going down other factors covered up the de cline Something like rent or textiles would be up and the steady decttne In the price of eggs would go unnoticed That was time when our own public men should have pounded away at It pointed that hen Is a food Item that Is down month after month Now eggs are coming up In price We doubt if they will go as high as they were last year With other Items stable the Increase shows up Another example shows the need for lie relations is this pork There is only one why the pork product purchased in the retail up and that is an mens the cost of processing it people just say the more for pork Proper relations would a Ion to point out that price producer the fac the increase There are a lot more like these It would be to show or a cost of living index would divide the cost labor distribution and producer We have no more ding acquaintance with economics It seems though that the one th Federation should Is that when the Bureau is ties publishes these they shouldnt talk and beef and lamb names should be cop for the use of farmers should use retail cuts or The Federation she insist that products meats or something through a yearly should be treated After all when the toes come on the marl are a luxury and eggs- pensive in August and her These well term price grouped for the same as rent that goes up a other items which are ly under the laws of demand That the law which will give you your wheat now anil February and the f Inshed product is on J J I