Newmarket Era and Express, 31 Jul 1952, p. 6

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rrtvycrwwflsyaya a NEW clapboard bungalows on Eagle St and roams lot oil heated hardwood in front rooms tiled kitchen Priced right quick sale Gall Murray Baker phone Eagle St Newmarket BOOM house on corner lot 23 Niagara St Newmarket or nearest offer within weeks Half cash or better 1 Stephens Andrew St New market 2wSl stucco bungalow with bath oak floors oil heated with hot air blower Newly painted Modern kitchen par tially completed recreation room Convenient to bus and school Mortgage arranged Apply Lowell Aver phone New market NEW insulated home with bathroom hydro good gar den lot In River Drive Park miles north of Toronto Price with terms No interest charges Thompson Hol land Landing c2w31 HOUSE WANTED REGISTERED nurse Wishes to rent house or would consider buying with small down pay ment In Newmarket Write particulars to Mrs Moore 174 Ave Toronto e2w30 FOR GOOD clean oak barrels gal capacity Keswick phone Roches Point WORK WANTED solid walnut Andrew Malcolm dining suite oak It table china cabinet whatnot combination desk and bookcase childs wood- en crib with extra good spring matt childs steel crib com plete dining room chairs walnut round table several fig urines and garden urns complete medicine cabinets mirrors cheese slicing mach ines for grocery or restaurant 50 folding plywood chairs drop- leaf table kitchen tables and chairs china plated ware an tique lamps Aladdin lamps etc F Hirst phone DRAPERY custom made slip covers bedspreads Venetian blinds Material Kirsch tracks Pin on hooks lining weights tapes etc information or appointment call Richard Main St Free estimates no obligation tf27 MASTER WINDOW GLEANERS OPENING SERVICES market and Area All work accepted by written order to Era and Express box Newmarket lw31 INTERIOR and decora- ting a specialty in brush and spray painting Free estimates Jerry Henry phone New market Are vou thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic and plastic wall tile It J and Son Andrew St New market Advertising Rates CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cents minimum of for when repeated on weeks FARM FOR SALE ACRES clay loam All work able brick house barn on stone wall drive shed piggery and henhouse good repair Lots of water hydro close to school and church miles Beach miles Plowed winter roads Never been rent ed Will sell with or without crop Sill health reason for sell ing Apply on farm Albert phone OFRCES FOR RENT e OFFICE space Clerk Aurora Apply Town BUSINESS FOR RENT RAINBOW Gardens Active summer business near Keswick for Completely equipped Phone Roches Point LOTS FOR SAlll CHOICE building lots and Maple Streets Sewers and water Phone Newmarket CHOICE building lots on and Bolton Ave Newmarket Willis phone Newmar ket WANTED TO RENT or BEDROOM house or ap artment October Phone Bradford HOUSE in Aurora or Newmar ket to room References Phone Toronto reverse charges ROOMS KENT 3 UNFURNISHED rooms heat ed Write Era and Express box ITS Newmarket ROOM AND ROOM and board available Gentlemen preferred Phone Newmarket Chesterfield suites expertly re built and recovered Free esti mates free pickup and delivery- Ail work approved by the of Health workmanship guaran teed j DYERS FURNITURE 1 250 Newmarket tf30 RUGS Save up to percent New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Reversible seamless approximately 12 thick Made in latest color tones Phone New- market tf27 PLUMBING- AND HEATING CATALOGUE FREE THE 1952 catalogue Is off the press Write for your copv or visit the new warehouse and see for yourself the model bathroom displays in white and coloured fixtures standard size bath rooms with tiled or painted walls just the way you want a bathroom in your own home We have sinks and sink cabinet unit- lavatory basins arid toilets pressure systems and electric water heaters range boilers pipe and fittings in copper galvaniz ed and cast Iron septic and oil tanks refrigerators and electric ranges a complete line of fur naces air conditioning units and hot water heating systems with rads We deliver to your nearest railway station You pay no freight JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Ontario UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone 382 New market tf27 OAK RIDGE Plumbing AH work guaranteed Earl Atkin son phone 5 King tf27 WE are now equipped to install large septic tanks for restricted area For prices and informa tion call Murray Baker phone Eagle St Newmarket tl23 it MISCELLANEOUS If within of wonl minimum for first M for of Muuik arid nt for wh announcement Icm It nti If paid within week of lit each plus lino for lew cents if within week of CfAiiid phoned Into or At The on Main St Newmarket phone ISO At White- law phono or accepted through the mail where of sender Mid la clearly indicated Tour advertisement Into over homes in North York PRODUCE ORDERS taken for raspberries and black currants Phone New market HELP WAITED SAVE UP TO To make room for a new ship ment we are clearing out several modern chesterfield sidles In cluding sectional suites daven port bed suites in and styles some with Sav ings up to 50 as low as per cent down DYERS FURNITURE Call 1250 Newmarket VENETIAN blinds aluminum or steel made for all styles of windows Kirsch drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc Free estimates and installations FEMALE help wanted Blue Water Shoe Co Holland Land ing phone Newmarket 678J5 WOMAN living within conven ient distance of the college for general office work Must type Shorthand an asset Duties also involve handling of book room supplies and answering tele phone For preliminary inter view write or telephone The Bursar St Andrews College Aurora 260 clw31 INVENTORY Control Clerk Good future prospects for a young man with perpetual inven tory control experience Knowl edge of cost accounting an ad vantage Pension and Insurance benefits Write giving full de tails of age education experi ence and salary expected to Treasurer Davis Leather Com pany Ltd Newmarket Ontario CAPABLE housekeeper between ages of 25 and in family small modern home Permanent Write Era and Express box Newmarket URGENTLY needed Women to care for small baby and con valescent mother for room and hoard and small remuneration Phone after pm Roches Point am ih i CAPABLE girl or woman to do light housework Phone Newmarket lw31 GIRL or elderly lady to care for children Weekends off if desired Permanent home for right person Phone New market c2w31 FEMALE clerktypist for filing and mailing desk Later on to learn and take over operation of bookkeeping machine Apply Davis Leather Company Limited USED CARS RED Mercury convertible small mileage beautiful condi tion Never had a dent or scratch Enquire Texaco Station Keswick sedan in good con dition Phone FORD sedan good tires and body Ai mechanically Reg Harrison phone New market after 1936 BLUE Chevrolet sedan good driving condition Phone 1922 Mount Albert MACHINERY FOR SALE HP ELECTRIC motor 60 cycle volts pony planer 3 pairs steel knives steel frame ripsaw crosscut planer and Dado saws Line shaft belts and pulleys Elgin Evans Newmar ket phone Newmarket 297J2 ft CLIPPER combine has own motor Cheap for cash FARM ITEMS FARM MACHINERY ft pow er takeoff binder cut crops perfect condition Used Mount Forest 24 thresher with grain thrower Case thresher on rubber new Case ft Wind- rower new- Brown Case Dealer phone Au rora THRESHING MACHINES IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT Only 160500 London buys a new GEORGE WHITE thresher complete with grain thrower and on steel wheels Extra equipment includes rub ber tires shredder etc The GEORGE WHITE No 6 has full 24 cylinder and full body width and can be handled by any 2plow tractor It is the largest selling thresher in Canada See your GEORGE WHITE dealer or write or phone us for full information GEORGE WHITE SONS COMPANY LIMITED LONDON ONTARIO LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith ville phone collect tf27 MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets tor the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge senna- Hon of the lump in the throat disturbances These arc the Mime reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with Rood results Price Jrie Best Store phone Newmar ket THE REST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket We repair all makes of sewing machines New machines up Singer Sewing Center New market 138 Main St phone the of the said estate a full statement of their claims duly verified and the nature of the securities if any held by I hem and after which said date the rices will proceed to distribute the Estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice at Bradford this day of July DENNY Barristers etc Holland Street Bradford Ontario Solicitors for the fifiqwss Son DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble- Arch supports Lumbago beKs Best Drug Store phone 14 Newmarket NOTICE NEWMARKET Public Library will be closed last two weeks of August CARD OF THANKS Mrs Stricter wishes to thank the many who so thought fully and generously remember ed her in her long illness Lord for each friend whom Thou has given to be A help a comfort and a power to me For all who have supplied my spirits need In any joy or sorrow I would plead Grant them their hearts desire COME in and compare We will should blend not knowingly be undersold by Thy desire who any competitor anywhere You the end be the Dyers urniture sevenfold measure grant phone Newmarket tf27 1 them Lord I pray The sympathy I never can repay In every hour of sorrow do Thou bend To heal sustain to cheer and to befriend Encircle them in Peace so deeply still That resting calmly on Thy changeless will They may be wrapt in steadfast joy in Thee And live the Risen Life more perfectly Composed by Mary Peters one time missionarynurse in China PATH Member Florist Delivery Association Flowers wired to all of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Phone WATCH for grand opening of Bargain Shop Aurora operated by the North York Humane So ciety tf25 GOING away Board your dog or cat at the North York Humane Shelter outside runs Phone Newmarket c4w28 MERCHANDISE n CAPABLE experienced girl or Phone apply Ontario St woman for general housework W or write PO box New- summer home at Jacksons market tf27 APARTMENT FOR RENT OIL space heater Quebec heater complete with stove pipes heat guard and floor mat Phone Newmarket after pm 1- 2w3o ji v- 2 ROOMS unfurnished heated Available August Phone Newmarket apartment in Aur ora ground floor good location No children Phone Aurora mornings TO rent In Aurora unfurnished selfcontained ground floor ap artment with private entrance Oil heated suitable for one or two adults Available Oct References required Write Au rora box or phone Aurora APARTMENT WANTED or ROOM apartment in Newmarket vicin ity Selfcontained Apply Era and Express box Newmar ket ARTICLES FOR SALE ALL white enamel Acme range for coal or wood plefe with water front perfect condition Apply Joseph St or phone Newmarket after STOKER In condition AIho coat Reason for selllnE to to oil Apply 163 Main St Newmarket USER FURNITURE used chesterfield suites up and a few chester fields only from up to JDYERS FURNITURE Newmarket AGENCY FOR RELIGIOUS BOOKS IF you are Interested in securing religious records or books please phone Walter Creed New- market agent for Evangelical Publishing House Toronto Point good pay Phone Sutton CLERKSTENOGRAPHER with experience preferred General office duties and responsibilities Write to Dr King York County Health Unit Main St Newmarket CAPABLE man to manage estab lished business In New market Regular income above average No experience or in vestment necessary Perman ent with chances lor advance ment Write immediately to The J Company St St Montreal Attention Mr Granger BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ft binder pow er driven chunks Apply Art Newman 2 WHEEL box trailer with 3 ft racks wire wheels 25 cash Norman Rush Second St phone Newmarket clw31 CUSTOM baling pickup or stationary Case ventilated baler Prompt and efficient service Ap ply Allan Lockie Zephyr phone Mount Albert 4314 CALL Ontario Rendering comp any for dead disabled animals Satisfaction guaranteed Sani tary removal Special weekend and holiday service Call collect Newmarket or Aurora for fast sendee call direct COMBINING done at reasonable prices Phone Mount Albert AS3w29 CUSTOM BALING AND COMBINING DONE I AM PREPARED to do all kinds of pickup or stationary baling large or small baler Large or small bales made with the new Holland Baler Side deliv ery rake supplied free I will also take care of your harvest troubles with a selfpropelled combine Orders filled in the order they are received Ross Chapman phone FARM MACHINERY Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone 10S9J Newmarket or PO box AT Mens black san forized denim Mb overalls sizes 38 Regular Sale price 2 pairs 600 Yes its value THE MIRACLE CLEANER MAKES painted wails and ceil ings like new Will remove var nish No rubbing or scrubbing One pound will do several rooms 40c per lb postpaid Guaran teed Garnet Bee ton Ont SALE FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN STREET FOR EVERY Flowers Telegraphed AH Over World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY AUG SATURDAY AUG 2 Auction Livestock Arena selling livestock our specialty Fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs and horses Pickup and delivery can be arranged This is your community sale Come early and bring something to sell You bring it and well sell It Sale every Saturday at pm Make this your market PIGS weeks old Phone whl 3011 Mount Albert 28 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YORKSHIRE pigs weaned Apply Ramsay Wendell Bel- haven MACHINERY FOR SALE bob calves Apply Allan Peters Keswick phone 21317 PIGS just weaned York and Tarn dark red dual purpose Durham bulls fit for service A choice pair of an accredited herd Holt phone Mount Albert heifer and Tarn- worth hog Smith Mount Albert phone CHOICE young York sows bred Keswick phone Roches Point clvv31 19 POULTRY FOR SALE LIGHT Sussex pullets just laying- Harry Clark lot con No King YOUNG pullets 3 12 months Apply Ouden Holland Landing across from Pearsons Store WHITE Leghorn pullets months old Phone New market 29B POULTRY WANTED SATURDAY AUG Auction sale of used farm machinery Tractors threshers corn equip ment tillage machines forage wagons used trucks with dump bodies and various other machines Farms Limited International Haivester Sales and Service corner and highways phone Uxbrldgo or Port Perry Time 1 pm 5 ARTICLES WANTED Tir WHITE knitted bedspread Ap ply Mrs phone Aurora Business Opportunity WANTED TO BUY CASH market price for poultry feathers horse hair serap Iron and metals Call tel Aurora WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED dressmaker de sires work AH kinds of mend ing and sewing Full or part time Will come to your home it desired Write Mrs Mrs Dow box Bradford WANT your radio repaired In a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket West Toronto NEW CHLOROPHYLL OHM A big package seller at all drug stores and counters 20c Now available and sold through new type automatic vendor 9 le and CHLOROPHYLL Is nationally advertised in news papers magazines radio tele vision etc Creating a terrific demand Choice territories still available Opening in this area for reliable men to service and collect money from those sen sational moneymakers No sell ing Income up to a month References and to cash required to start SECURED BY INVENTORY Two Clipper combines with mo tors and tanks late models guarantee bargains Forage Harvester for corn and hay with motor nearly new MH tractor used short time see this MH tractor almost new New Holland baler new Price 1 All kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone clear YOUNG AND SON Massey Harris Sales Service PHONE MOUNT ALBERT ket Live poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid W Appleton Oak Ridges or phono King NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LAVELLE LATE OF THE TOWN OF NEWMAR KET IN THE COUNTY OF YORK MERCHANT DECEAS ED CREDITORS of the above- named deceased who died at the City ot Boston in the State of Massachusetts on or about the Nineteenth day of June 1952 are hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the second day of September 1052 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this Twentyninth day of July A D Mathews Stiver Lyons and Vale Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for Muriel John Stanley Spillettc and Elizabeth Davis Executors FREE METHODIST CHURCH HOLT Rev Casement Pastor SUNDAY 1030 am Sunday School Murray Varney pm Evangelistic service Wed Aug pm Prayer meeting CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Minister Rev A Petersen Organist Miss June Haines Pianist Miss Greenwood am Sunday school am Devotional service service lifted for On tario District Camp Ontario Bus leaving 1 pm Sunday from the church You are wel come to come along Phone Newmarket FRIENDS MEETING Street am Meeting for Worship Come and meet with us All welcome Does my Christian faith make a difference in me THE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Associated Gospel Churches of Canada Millard Ave Pastor REV A YIELDING Pianist MISS VIOLET CURTIS BIBLE SCHOOL for ages am Pastors subject pm The Gospel Cordial invitation to all SALVATION ARMY Queen Si Newmarket Officers Senior Capt Ruth Sunday 11 am Holiness meeting pm Sunday school pm Gospel service AGENTS WANTED Car necessary Give phone num ber and references for interview with factory representative Vendors ISO PONY tractor G25 valor plough field cultivator etc Phone Mount Albert Used Clipper combine with mo tor or Used tractor tractor with front end loader New Clipper combine with motor or New George White thresher with shredder and elevator WARD and ALLAN CO Davis Dr W Newmarket Phone or AGENTS WANTED in good va cant territories Splendid oppor tunity for ambitious persons to step into profitable business and earn from to per week Sell from door to door 225 pro ducts wellknown and teed cosmetics medi cines farm specialties tea cof fee etc 13 needed Details 5130 St Hubert Mon treal MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and Invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert 3503i AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket NOTICE EAST COUNCIL The August meeting of the Coun cil will be held Monday August due to Field Day being held on tho regular Council J L SMITH Clerk m m m Notice To Creditors and others IN THE MATTER OF THE TATE OF IDA MAY EVANS DECEASED NOTICE is hereby given that all Creditors or others having claims against the Estate of Ida May Evans late of the Town of Newmarket In the County of York Widow deceased are re quired on or before of August next to send post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors for ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Newmarket Rev Meredith Minister Herman Fowler Organist am Sunday School am Divine worship Guest preacher Rev A No evening services during bal ance of the summer MOUNT ALBERT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev Sidney Kerr InterimPastor Bright brief summertime servic es continue under the minis try of PASTOR of the Maple Hill Baptist Church A cordial welcome to all FREE METHODIST CHURCH REV BULL Pastor Church of the Light anu Life Hour every Sunday at sun kc am Sunday school Miss Clara E Crowder am Divine worship pm EVANGELISTIC Rally Special messages in song in each service Tues Prayer meeting Thurs Aug Class Meeting Sunday School Outing to Mid- hurst Park Monday Aug Chartered bus from the church 930 THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH TRINITY UNITED CHURCH UNION SERVICES in CHRISTIAN BAPTIST Church Minister Rev Fred Organist Mrs Eugene Cane Morning worship Communion service Morning Service Only 10 Sunday school EVRY SUNDAY NIGHT ML Singspiraiion FEATURING WEEK Another great service Bright singing Guest musical talent DECISION GOSPEL FILM AURORA TOWN i FREE SEATS YOUTH THE Wa

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