rv J HOUSE BRICK house on in village of cash Balance on Mortgage Davidson NEW clapboard bungalows on Eagle St and rooms lot 60x oil heated hardwood in front rooms tiled kitchen Priced right for quick sale Call Murray Baker phone Eagle St Newmarket HOUSE WANTED REGISTERED nurse wishes to rent house or would consider buying with small down pay ment- In Newmarket Write particulars to Mrs Moore Ave Toronto OFHCES for rent OFFICE space Apply Town Clerk Aurora tf30 FARM WANTED SMALL farm or house and barn with a few acres of land within or miles of Aurora Apply Era and Express box ARTICLES FOR SALE UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites fcxwartty built and recovered Free mates free pickup and delivery AH work approve by the of Health workmanship Gall 1 250 Newmarket -v- I electric ranee in mimic Classified FOLDING baby carriage wine mono Newmarket Rates ADVERTISING cents for each advertisement to repeated on successive weeks discount advertisement paid within week of pub- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE klrw t LARGE brick house at tached garage in on highway large wellshaded lot Make good tourist home apart ments or rest home Half cash Floyd Cunningham phone BUSINESS FOR RAINBOW Gardens Active summer business near Keswick for Completely equipped Phone Roches Point AVr Wi LOTS FOR v BABYS crib practically new Phone Newmarket ELECTRIC range in good con dition 35 Small Quebec heat- en 9 Phone Bradford RUGS Save up to 50 percent New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Reversible seamless approximately thick Made in latest color tones Phone New market PLUMBING AND HEATING CATALOGUE FREE THE catalogue Is off the press Write for your or visit the new warehouse and see for yourself the model bathroom displays In white and coloured fixtures standard size bath rooms tiled or painted walls just the way you want a bathroom in your own home We have sinks and sink cabinet units lavatory basins and toilets pressure systems and electric water heaters range pipe and in galvaniz ed and cast iron septic and oil tanks refrigerators and electric ranges a complete line of fur naces air conditioning units and hot water heating systems with convector rads We deliver to your nearest railway station You pay no freight VJOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville Ontario plywood outboard mo tor boat with windshield steer- 1 inc Weal family boat Sedan top Truster motor Apply Morrisons Sport ing Goods Main St Newmar ket p CEMENT MIXER ft ca pacity with gasoline engine mounted on rubber condition- now barrel and complete over haul Write Box Richmond Hill or phono Turner M275 AXMIXSTER RUG price Phone Newmarket OIL space heater Quebec heater complete with stove pipes heat and floor mat Phone Newmarket after pm THE SKLARUNER Something new in davenports Regular chesterfield size takes no extra room Arms back and seat convert into inch bed in one easy movement DYERS FURNITURE Call 1 250 Newmarket TwocentL Events costs two cents word minimum cent Half Price when repeated on Registers for the first week cents for each successive week Card of Thanks Wedding and Engagement announcements cents for each announcement less cents II paid within week of publication In Memorialists cents for each Insertion plus cents a line tor verse less 25 cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may bo phoned into or left at The Era and Express office on Main Newmarket phono at White- taws phone 8 in Aurora at Mrs phono King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the where name of sender address is clearly indicated four advertisement into over homes In North York LOST 7 green tricycle in downtown district Will the party who found it please phone Newmarket Reward PETS PUP 3 months old Part Shepherd Collie and Cocker Spaniel good with children good watch clog Dog kennel for sale Apply Timothy St New market BOSTON terrier puppy G weeks old registered Apply Neil Far- is St Newmarket clw30 MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE ROYAL Enfield motorcycle Reasonable Apply Rob inson King George Hotel New market after pm Iw30 USED CARS FARM ITEMS MISCELLANEOUS SATURDAY JULY Auction sale at the Livestock Sales Arena selling livestock our specialty Fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs and horses Pickup and delivery can be arranged This is your community sale Come early and bring something to sed You bring it and well sell it Sale every Saturday at 1 pm Make this your market where buyers and sellers Sellers and Atkinson auckon- tf45 SATURDAY JULY 2G Auction sale of household effects the property of the estate of the late Mrs Jos to be sold on the premises at Oak Ridges on St opposite the Sta tion Sale at pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer I TENDERS TENDERS CALLED August KESWICK PUBLIC SCHOOL SCHOOL SECTION NO 2 NORTH ARCHITECT HOWARD CHAPMAN AVENUE ROAD TORONTO Ontario pm Monday tenders on stip ulated sum basis are re- office of Architect for construction of addition Plans call for one storcv one class room addition 52 ma construction asphalt tile and floors wood sash extension of existing heating system etc builtup roofing Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Chairman Mr Arthur Pollock Keswick or from the office of the Architect WANTED TO BUY VENETIAN blinds aluminum or steel made for all styles of windows Kirsch drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc or writ market PO box CHOICE Jots west of and installations St on bus line near new school Ontario St Phone N LOTS approximately Price each on Pena Ave south of Newmarket cemetery Mrs J Walsh Vincent St north end of town line CHOICE building lots and Maple Streets Sewers and water Phone Newmarket CHOICE building lots on and Ave Newmarket C Willis phone 497 Newmar ket ROOMS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED rooms 2 downstairs i upstairs all con veniences No children on high way at Sharon room Apply 55 Niagara St Newmarket Suitable for or business couple use of Phone Newmar ket rooms fur nished or Adults Abslalners Apply Temper ance Aurora ROYS bicycle cheap Excellent condition Phone Queens- vine 2w2 TWIN baby carriage good condition reasonable price Phone N c2v29 BROWN steel crib Maroon Sunshine carriage Phone Newmarket v BUDGET hoist single phase volts CO cycle Handy for machine shop garage etc Reason for selling too light for our job A bargain 7500 Apply Era and Express phone 780 CASH market price for poultry feathers horse hair scrap iron and metals Call Aurora BABY stroller in good condition Phone Newmarket WORK WANTED INTERIOR and exterior decora ting a specialty in brush and spray painting Free estimates Jerry Henry phone New market CEMENT and block work want ed Phone Newmarket crlw30 WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call 1282 Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic and plastic wall tile J Rundle and Son Andrew St New market Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sargent 85 St or phone New market 1951 RED Mercury convertible small mileage beautiful condi tion Never had a dent or scratch Enquire Texaco Station Keswick good tires new battery good running con dition Phone Newmarket FORD sedan good tires good clean upholster ing good battery and heater Privately owned Phone Newmarket CHVROLET coach in good condition heater and defroster excellent tires Phone Maple USED TRUCK FOR SALE QUANTITY of manure Haulage or phone CALL Ontario Rendering comp any for dead disabled animals Satisfaction guaranteed Sani tary removal Special weekend and holiday service Call collect Newmarket or Aurora for fast service call direct Tor- 1 o tf24 COMBINING done at reasonable prices Phone Mount Albert CUSTOM BALING AND COMBINING DONE I AM PREPARED to do all kinds of pickup or stationary baling large or small baler Large or small bales made with the new Holland Baler Side deliv ery rake supplied free I will also take care of your harvest troubles with a selfpropelled combine Orders filled in the order they are received Ross Chapman phone MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with good results Price 250 The Best Store phone 14 ket FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs Theaker and Son Mount Albert tf27 AUHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket SATURDAY JULY 2G- Special furniture and miscellaneous sale at the Stouffville Livestock Sales Arena at new location on No highway including brand new Case tractor complete draulically equipped brand new IHC potato digger 1020 trac tor good condition also other machinery Quantity new kitch en ware several lots of good furniture many other useful ar ticles If you have anything to sell bring it well sell it Sale held under cover if wet Sale Terms cash Sellers and Atkinson auctioneers NOTICE To CREDITORS EAST GW1LLIMBURY COUNCIL The August meeting of the heUI Monday August due to Field Day being held on the regular Council Day J SMITH Clerk c2w30 Al FARM MACHINERY PONY tractor culti vator plough field cultivator etc Phone Mount Albert lw30 OAK RIDGE Plumbing All work guaranteed Earl Atkin UNFURNISHED rooms new ly decorated suitable for young couple Nil children Apply Joseph or phone 335m New- market FURNITURE SPECIALS solid oak dining room suite with square tabic chesterfield suite in tap estry seat completely rebuilt very good condition chesterfield suite uphol stered in repp fair condition piece chesterfield suite completely rebuilt and re conditioned in wine and blue tapestry extra good DYERS FURNITURE Call Newmarket son phone King WE are now equipped to install large septic tanks for restricted area For prices and informa tion call Murray Baker phone Eagle St Newmarket if 28 HELP WANTED WANTED TO RENT or BEDROOM house or a ari incut by October Phone Bradford APARTMENT FOR RENT ROOMS unfurnished heated Available August Phone Newmarket APARTMENT WANTED JOHNSON outboard motor one and a half in excellent working order An Ideal motor lolling very light carry it anywhere 1 Hon Newmarket phone 13i motor good running condi tion Apply phone ehv30 CAR radio Victor nearly new Apply Catherine Ave or phone Aurora FOLDING chairs solid waT nut buffet china cabinet J oak dining chairs odd kitchen chairs childs steel crib coffee tables tables kitchen tables chests of drawers dresser Sim mons M bod and springs cherry- wood Whatnotoak library table oak combination desk and book case garden urns pair brass experienced girl or woman for general housework in a home at Jacksons Point goo1 pay Phone Sutton CLASS A experienced mech anics front end and electrical qualifications Apply in person to McNeil Sales Ltd Newmar ket for filing and mailing desk Later on to learn and take over Operation of book- keeping machine Apply Davis Leather Co Ltd Newmarket RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED USED TRUCKS FORI TON PICKUP Good tires perfect body mechanically DODGE TON PICKUP Very clean throughout mechanically MERCURY Ton PICKUP Very clean runs like a top FORI 2TON DUMP Complete with steel body and hoist Excellent tires Ready to go to work 3TON CAB AM CHASSIS Rooster brakes and two speed rear axle FORD TON PICKUP Excellent tires and very clean 1 w mileage FORD ft TON PANEL Fair truck at a bargain price 17500 INTERNATIONAL TON PANEL A very clean truck Priced right Complete stock of New Trucks TOMBIRRELL A SONS Ford and Monarch Sales and Service Main St Newmarket Phone We repair all makes of sewing machines New machines up Singer Sewing Center New market Main St phone or unfurnished Possible exchange for lower duplex in Toronto Phone Mi postals with sever- I pieces glassware dishes etc Hirst phone ARTICLES FOR v e1w30 BABY CARRIAGES shipment of the famous Ltoyrt no in stock for from to DYERS FURNITURE Call Newmarket DRAPERY custom made slip covers bedspreads Venetian blinds Material tracks Pin on hooks lining weights tapes etc For Information or appointment call Richard Main St phone Free itunates no obligation PRICE OR COMFORT the in sleeping comfort at a price yon can af ford may we suggest a Marshall spring mattress 250 Newmarket with experience office duties and responsibilities Write to Dr Kim York County Health Unit Main St Newmarket SALES help for store male or female State experience and wages Write Era anil Express box MALI or female help Applica tions will be received for position of bookkeeper for municipal of fice Typing and shorthand an asset Should have hilling and experience Apply by letter stating experi ence when available and salary expected References Position offers excellent opportunities Pension plan Group insurance Write box Newmarket Out CAPABLE man to manage estab lished Walking business In New- market Regular income above average No existence or in- MACHINERY FOR SALE IIP motor i0 cycle volts pony planer J pairs Tuns led steel knives steel frame ripsaw cross cut planer and lao saws shaft belts and pulleys Elgin i Newmar ket phone Newmarket THRESHING MACHINES IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT Only 160500 London buys a new GEORGE WHITE thresher complete with grain thrower and on steel wheels Extra equipment includes rub ber tires shredder The GEORGE WHITE No lias full 24 cylinder and full 42 body width and can be handled by any plow tractor It is the largest selling thresher in Canada See your GEORGE WHITE dealer or write or phone us for full information GEORGE WHITE SONS COMPANY LIMITED LONDON ONTARIO 28A LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses for mink feed- Highest prices paid Rex Smith ville phone collect Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmarket or write PO box lf27 28 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE piqs Charlie phono I25rl2 19 POULTRY FOR SALE LIGHT Sussex pullets just laying Harry Clark lot I con I No I King phone POULTRY All kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone Newmar ket Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins and knee trouble- Arch supports Lumbago Best Drug Store phone Newmarket COME in and compare We will not knowingly undersold by any competitor anywhere You be the htdge Dyers I phone Newmarket WATCH for grand opening of Bargain Shop Aurora operated by the North York Humane So ciety GOING away Board your dog or cat at the North York Humane Shelter outside runs Phone Newmarket MERCHANDISE AT STORK Many of you arc new in this country Come on in and lets got acquain ted Mens work straw hats regular At sale price 10 each Why risk sunstroke for a dime in the estate of thomas asa Mccormick late of the town of newmarket in the county of york retired mechanic deceased CREDITORS of the abovenam ed deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket in the County of York on or about the day of April are here by notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the under signed proof of their claim on or before the 1st day of September 1052 after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims I of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this 3rd day of July AD Hugh and Olive Margaret Executors by their solicitors Mathews Stiver Lyons Vale Newmarket Ontario FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES Member Association Flowers wired to all of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Phone rVJ J I f TENDERS CONTRACTORS to submit tenders for the construc tion of a tworoom school at Zephyr Oat are ask ed to apply to Hanks and Irwin architect Rloor St To- Out for the blue print specifications etc closing date for tenders is Momav at oclock DREaOK MAIN STREET NEWMARKET McCaffreys FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed i All Over the World MAIN STREET Phone ffi- NEWMARKET 3 Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY JULY a breakfast suite Wood lathe Phone Newmarket UNIVERSAL electric refrigera tor medium size firstclass con- Under Phone Newmarket ENGLISH pram good condition 510 Jacket heater and sink for both Phone Newmarket Per man- with chances for advance- men Write Immediately to The J Company St St Montreal Attention Mr MACHINERY FOR SALE Clipper combines with motors late models in excellent con dilion Very buys Forage Harvester motor earn and hay attachment A real buy New and used binders used corn binders MI I Standard tractor nearly new Ma reduction White thresher new Home freezers roofing YOUNG AND SON AT Mens black san forized denim overalls with bib and brace sizes M only A well advertised maker REGULAR SALE PRICE TWO PAIRS FOR You should buy several pairs for use next fall YES ITS EACH WHEN PURCHASING PAIRS lave poultry in Any quantity them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid Oak Ridges or phone King TRADE FAIR Re sure and see our special ex hibit of Kroehler furniture at the Newmarket Trade Fair Aug ust 13 to 10 at the arena DYERS FURNITURE Call 1250 Newmarket TRINITY UNITED CHURCH THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST UNION SERVICES IN TRINITY CHURCH Rev J- Aiken Minister in charge Organic am Morning worship Our Constant Friend Morning Service Only Welcome to bright brief summer services THE GOSPEL TRANSPORTATION ROOM for passengers Newmar ket to and back Monday through to Friday Leave New market am home by 530 pm Rhone Newmarket 1055 WOOD FOR SALE of dry oak CREAM cook- stove coal heater vanity dres ser chest of drawers all In first class condition Phone 1403 Newmarket ORDERS taken for raspberries and black currants Phono New market Aoply SI or phone Now- market Apply Robs Pine Orchard PHONE MOUNT Into lengths Phone FARM ITEMS J COOP hinder twine always sat isfactory and reasonable in price headquarters for your sup ply Contact Smith Mount Albert phone CUSTOM pickup or stntlonnry Cane ventilated baler Prompt and efficient service Ap ply Allan Zephyr phone Mount Albert Bw5M Mount Albert AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED In va- cant territories Splendid ambitious persons to step Into profitable business and earn from to r0 week Sell from door to door dtiets and teed cosmetics clues farm specialties tea cof fee etc needed Details St Mon treal Notice To Creditors others in the matter of the es TATE OF IDA MAY EVANS DECEASED NOTICE is hereby given that all Creditors or others bavins claims against the Estate of Ida May Evans late of the Town of Newmarket in the County of York Widow deceased are re quired on or before the I5lh day of August next to send by past prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the of the said estate a full statement of their claims duly verified and the nature of the securities if any held by them and after which said date the rices will proceed to distribute the Estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have bad notice DATED at Bradford this llUU day of July 1052 A DENNY liar listers etc Holland Street Bradford Ontario Solicitors for the rices IU1E CHURCH REV BULL Pastor Church of the Light ant Life Hour every Sunday at am am Sunday school Miss Clara E Supt am Divine worship pm EVANGELISTIC Rally Special messages in song in each service pm Prayer meeting July M tt pm The Old Time Gospel for Modern Day Needs 11 Associate Gospel Churches Canada Millard Ave Pastor REV A Pianist MISS VIOLET CURTIS BIBLE SCHOOL for ages a in Pastors subject The Unequal pm Pastors subject Grace of God rues IS pm study Womens Group Welcome to all MEETING Street 11 Meeting for Worship on Hill of Gait is am- Burton expected to be with US for this service Come and worship with us A welcome for you That day is lost which is not lived for EVERY SUNDAY Singspircdion THIS WEEK Beloved Gospel Soloist Toronto ft Rodger Brilliant Boy Soloist BOB JONES UNIV FILM AURORA TOWN PARK FREE SEATS YOUTH FOR L E