r nil J U King City And District Hill At a meeting of the King Com munity Association on Monday it Was moved by Geo Brown W GIBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE STORAGE CRATING AND PACKING PHONE NEWMARKET and Express Classifieds Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Tumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired RICHMOND HILL Dead AND ANIMALS REMOVED FOR DISPOSAL TELEPHONE COLLECT PHONE NEWMARKET AND TORONTO EM YOUNG LTD WELL TO fttrrtR a youVe not on the road youll be in the ditch Go Dominion Royal for safety Motors Co Your friendly Monarch dealer King City Phone of the Lake Marie and King Athletic Association and seconded by Mrs Beryl Fleet president of the Legion Ladies that the plan community hall drafted by Geo Harvey be approved for submis sion to a community meeting on Tuesday July at in the King Masonic hall The plan has been discussed with builders in King City and they found it satisfactory The outstanding features of the plan include provision for a library appointed kitchen commit tee room washrooms and au ditorium with stage The chairman of the King Community Association Mrs Ivan was most anxious that as residents as can will attend this meeting to view the model and plan of the pro posed building the past year the King Community Association has many meetings and given a great deal of time and thougfii requirements of the as voiced by representatives of the Womens Institute the Lake Marie and King Athlete Associ ation the Legion arid the Aux iliary the King City Wrestling Club the Boy Scouts Cubs Girl Guides and Brownies the Lfoiw club and the Library Board The King City area is expand ing rapidly and the need for an adequate meeting place is evident daily It is necessary that the plans be approved by the residents and TOhstructipn started on a community hall as soon as possible Carnival v All roads- in King led to the Memorial Krlf Wednesday of last week for the annual carnival and dance Of the Lake Marie and King Association The program started around with ft series bouts between Aurora and King wrestler which at tracted everybody in the grounds When these terminat ed all the fun of the fair start ed with bingo darts and other contests getting into action The Lome Scots pipe band were again an attraction and made the park ring with tra ditional Scottish airs During the evening they also gave displays of precision much en- dyed by the audiences gjLjipr popular dance and swung into action at and despite heat were kept busy until almost 1 the large dance floor being crowded with eager dancers all the time Madam Butterfly was busy giving readings Once again the Womens In stitute provided good refresh ments at reasonable prices All evening busy members were handing out enormous numbers of and generous helpings of pie At midnight President George Brown and Vicepresident Wil liam Barker supervised the drawings for the many valuable prizes Winners were in or der television set 1 combination radio Rubin Aurora radio Ruby Wilson radio A Minion King radio Barbara Judge Oak Ridges radio M Heron 3 Radio Storey Sharon ra Duncan ft King radio Dean Unionvilie electric shaver J King electric shaver Julian electric shaver Met King electric shaver Mrs- W aluminum ware Jackson King Despite the late hour large numbers insisted on more danc ing while there was still a long lineup at Madam Butterflys booth anxious to hear what the tea leaves promised for their future future years the carnival will take place on Dominion Day when addition to the usual attractions there will also be various sporting events and games Wrestling Features Carnival At the annual carnivai Sfid dance of Marie and King AthleticvVAssociatibhf a contest of nine bouts of wrest ling lasting prior- tb the dance was held between Aurora and King City wrestling clubsV June that King had competed pub licly on one grounds Af ter having done previous shows in Toronto and Aurora local residents ere attxious see their progress It the first show for the Aurora club recently by and coached by Bob the regular founder of the King City Wrest ling club This show proved that ama teur isa teresting sport peal for a mixed participants showed results of their out to with the best sportsmanship v The wrestlers were examined by Dr who remain ed In attendance during the con test Master of ceremonies Pep Aurora recre ation director did a job of arranging and describing the show Bob referred the show Matt Belli local bank manager was timer and recor der i- The King Womens Institute and the Athletic Association gave hospitality and prizes to everybody in both clubs The results were Rod Boll SCHOOL Grade to Frances Green wood John Michael Robert Grade to Grade Law rence Danny Mac- Donald John Sheean Shir ley Joseph Grade to Grade Dorothy OReilly Rita H Dorothy Mary H Evelyn Roman Jo Michael OBrien Joseph John Ronald idole StewMt if ugh Guire McLean Stewart DoU ores MoM Bridget 6rqofc Jim Jackuwetidyk Grade to Grade Jant Best Anne Hermer Patricia Wolfe Best Job Canmng Kathleen Maurice Kathleen McVeigh Margaret McVeigh Dale OBrien Jack Nellie Grade 5 Peter ilc- Diane Mary Bawn Rita Mowers Temperance vi I Oh Friday July an ice cream social will be held under the auspices of the at the home of Mrs Jennings Everyone is welcome and we are looking forward to a large gath ering The evenings be conducted fey Mr Ernest Mr Bring the children and join in the The ladies are asked to please assist in this endeav our to raise funds by supplying two pies for the evenings re freshments During the month of August the church will not be holding evening services Sunday school will continue to be held at collection be taken on July after a mis sionary talk on Gems of His Crowns Although some of our children are away on holiday it our sincere wish that all those at home will be able to attend Mrs was solo ist of the church service Sunday evening singing In the Garden of Roses In the absence of the choir at recent church services members of Rev fam- Newmarket Era and Express Inly have given the congregation Rose Marie John Sni der John Grade to Grade Frank Michael Joan Best- Edward Canning Frances Crook John TOeliha Mowers Grade to Grade Patricia McVeigh J Crook Terence Flana gan Paul Gerard Lynda McLean Glenda OBrien Maureen Gor don Flanagan Shaw Annie Grade 2 to Grade 3 Margaret Frances Mc Veigh Dorothy William Vail Catherine Columbus Jnie Grade to Grade Patricia Patrick Flanagan June Jarvis Frances Black Catherine Mary Anne OReilly Ouw- City won from Mike Donna Stewart Sharon rick Aurora Ron Egan Aurora won from Gordon King Thomas King won from Bill Scott Aurora Jim Au rora won from Gary Galloway King Fred White Aurora won from McCarthy King Ross Patrick Aurora won from Eric Clark King Rod Bell King won from John King Thomas King tied with Bill Brown King All In A Days Travel of the chief concerns of I George Hatcly and van Aurora on their trip to Edmonton late in June was fear of having the wheels stolen from a new car they were transporting on a new threeton truck both for deliv ery to an Edmonton firm The young men who hope to j graduate from high school are earning vacation income They got their transportation and ex penses by driving the vehicles to the west George has written a daybyday account to his par ents Mr and Mrs George Hate Eaton Hall in a second letter tells how he is muscle and an appetite by pouring blocks of cement shovelling sand and gravel for Flint Rig Oil Co Last vacation the boys drilled oil for Imperial At Sudbury the travellers saw a real tough town with men on strike Reaching the at oclock Saturday June they were not allowed across the border with out being bonded By pm they had found a bondsman and Started out oh 400mile lap driving mostly at night They slept in the truck very chilly weather Driving all day Sunday they went to Wisconsin ynd saw the statue Paul Bun- yon his blue ox in Dakota they ran into a blinding rain storm At mites per hour they could barely see the road but stopped outside the storm belt take pictures of a double rainbow Tuesday June 24 were at We as we then on to Ed monton where located a comfortable boarding house They are making friends and en joying themselves in their homes One family wont let us away without supper George writes They are Just like Mom and call us part of the tribe Wo even had pictures taken with lliem Gary Wolfe Agnes Mc Veigh Wayne OBrien OReilly the pleasure of them sing On Thursday July 17 the A and meeting was held in the church base ment The scripture was read by Mrs Wilbert Jennings followed by the theme on Christian Living by Mrs The A and August meeting will he held in the ev ening at oclock at the home of Mrs Fred Boys Mrs Frank Wilkins will have the Septem ber meeting at her home The parsonage fund was sent a donation of from this month Although the meetings of the ore not held in July and August there is no holiday for the Garden Brigade girls and their leader Mrs Everett Phil lips These girls are working hard at their project and are re peating a visit from Mrs Clark home economist of the depart ment of agriculture in the very near future Gerald Paxton son of Mr Donald or Norwood is visiting his aunt Mrs Maurice of the Masonic lodge in the community attended the Masonic picnic held on Sunday July 20 at Don Eddy Park Pine Grove Miss Flame is attend ing the six weeks summer course in Toronto Herbert Howell has re turned rafter spending a week with her son Jerry who is- Hamilton Mrs Fred Boys spent a couple of days with Howell in Hamil ton George Phillips has been spending days with her daughter Mrs Clayton Mr Phillips was in hospital having a cataract re moved from his eye was indeed a pleasure to have Mrs Frank attend the meeting on Jbiy 17 Mrs spoke to the iadies for a few moments on the use of ones talents in re gard Christian stewardship PIHE Miss Mildred is at Bay for the summer months Mr and Mrs Douglas and family spent the weekend with Mrs Hopes sister Mrs Bert and Mr Earl Johnston is holidaying with his cousins Bruce and Eveleigh in Aurora Janet Hendry Jeanne and Mary Lehman have been attending vacation Bible school at the community church Vivian The ice cream social sponsored by the W of Union church was a very enjoyable affair Rev A was chairman The program opened by all sing ing a hymn and prayer by Rev Splendid vocal selec tions by a quartet from Van- readings by Elmer John son solos by Mrs A- Doggett and musical numbers by Messrs Elmer and Max Johnson and Miss Viola Johnson were much appreciated Mr of Newmarket showed informative and entertaining films on Mounted Life in Sum mer Alaska and BC i AMATEURS enter talent contest to be held at 2 at Phone King or write Kay Weston Lake Wilcox Classified He may not be a a high government official captain of industry But for his contribution to the welfare of his community he deserves to have a carpet rolled out for him Who is he He the typical life insurance policyholder a man whose influence on your standards of living is greater than you may for part of his premium money invested for him by a life insurance company has helped to build new schools highways industrial plants housing pipelines and many other important projects from coast to coast Yet perhaps the most important contribution he nukes to his com munity is simply this As a life insurance owner he is doing his best to make that he and his family will always be independent No wonder were rolling out the carpet for him and the millions of Canadians he represents More than 50 life Insurance companies in Canada compete actively offer you the best patilble life insurance service A trained life underwriter from any of companies will gladly help you choose the kind and amount of life insurance thai will best 5 fil your own individual needs THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA tt it Good Citizenship to own life Insurance Mort Trvck t r for Yew the price on the Chevrolet truck thats the right size type and capa city for your work find that Chevrolet you far more for your money because its en gineered and built to unsurpassed standards of value Opt rating I You cant beat Valve- InHead engine for overall economy They just keep rolling along A choice of lour time- tested high torque engine to match load- 4 GENERAL MOTORS MORE BUY CHEVROLET TRUCKS THAN ANY OTHER MAKE le the facts show you why a Chevrolet truck means cents savings Size up the four facts at the righthand side of this page They lay it on the line the reasons why a Chevrolet truck cuts down your hauling or delivery costs on any job you want to name But theres more to it than that With all its savings on purchase price and onthejob costs a Chevrolet truck is the greatest truck to drive you ever got your hands on Easier Recirculating Bait Bearing Steering Clutch smooth and easy Fast quiet SynchroMesh transmission that elim inates double clutching Roomy cab with five feet of hip room windows and seats with doubledeck springs And for increased safety and comfort Chevrolet trucks offer ShadeLite Glass with the exclusive shaded windshield which greatly reduces glare and heat Optional at extra cost Chevrolet is first in operating cost per ton mile them in our showroom today ant Every Chevrolet truck gets the lob done fast and sure providing the wid est selection of body styles as well w chassis for special bodies in from r Your Truck Investment Is Safer IV the time comes to trade in an old Chevrolet truck heres good news Year after year Chevrolet trucks bring more money compared to what they cost than other makes This is con6rracd by Chevrolets wide cus tomer acceptance The sponsored by ihevVandotf Wo- mens Institute was a success Proceeds netted which win some lovely irticlcs to the penny sale- Our thanks fioos to the Co Toronto Wilsons Hardware store Store oil of Aurora Tire and Bakery of Weston Bakery Toronto A VanNostrond and Son Dudley grocery store Brown Implement dealer and garage all of Also our thanks is extended to Mr tegge New market councillor for Whit church township and Mrs of Gormley district president of North Centre York Womens Institute who 90 kind ly gave their time In draw in of the PHONE NEWMARKcT Chevrolet Dea A L m