r i J- Eh Number of Copies Printed This Week 4500 THE RURAL OF YORK YEAR NO 30 NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JULY SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH No new taxi businesses will be allowed to start up in Town council approved of a policy restricting licences on night Only two will fee allowed to operate In town A resolution was introduced first to refuse a town licence to outoftown taxi operator stop a man from start Jug up a business Coun cillor No other businesses are restricted If someone wants to start up- a restaurantyhe doesnt have to get permission from the town coun- Councillor said there was a recommendation by the council police committee previously recommending a re on businesses The committee felt that there are enough taxis now for the business to be handled said Mr In every town or city a taxi Is considered apart from other types of business The police committee always has a right to refuse or accept licences said Councillor Where competition is too great bootlegging is encourag ed said Councillor Joe Dales He said that some of the pres ent drivers would be unemploy ed if more businesses started that there would not be enough business to support three taxi firms New Street Cost Disposal Plant Council Issue Now It would cost Newmarket to rebuild its main thoroughfare in a twoyear program Because the town is facing a larger expenditure on a new sewage disposal plant Councillor Charles VanZant chairman of the road and bridge committee recommended that the town drop the Main St proposal Total estimated cost of the A lot of these people on project is but a grant from the county and provincial subsidies cut cost by more than half Our cost per year would be 9000 an extra two mills on the tax rate said Councillor at a council meeting Mon day I think sewage dis posal plant is more important Above George Blake shows where he discovered some of the The cavity in the side of the trench indicates a collapsed coffin The area of town around the school yard was called Garbutt in the century and almost considered a separate GARDENERS INVITED TO VIEW ESTATE Members of the Newmarket Horticultural society and their friends have been invited to visit the Robinson estate York Mills on the evenings of August and This estate is beautifully landscaped and a horticultural treat at this time of year Several gardeners are ed on the estate and on Thurs day and Friday evenings August and they on hand to show the visitors grounds No bus will be chartered for the trips It is suggested that individuals owning cars make up their own parties to visit the estate To reach the Robinson estate turn east off St on the Lansing cutoff and right on Ave Continue south on Bayview for about one and a quarter miles and turn left on York Mills it is a dirt road The Robinson estate is the first one on the right hand side after you turn onto York Mills HOLT FARMER WINS LUCKY PHOTO QUIZ Harvey of Holt was last weeks lucky farm owner in the weekly farm photo quiz which appears in the Era and Express It was Mr farm north of Holt which was pictured last week and Mr and Mrs were in early Friday morning to claim the framed picture of their farm and the dol lar gift coupons contributed by the merchants who support the feature ojle had been in the army over Mr farms acres and two years at the time of hi has been there three years The death It is understood he was farm is generally known as the returning from a successful pa- Allison farm Urol when killed His mother is who were water pipe across the Alexander Harry left arid Vincen school playground when old graves were unearthed show human bones and pieces of grave markers which were found under the surface of the ground holds a human bone from an arm or leg and holds part of a skull One stone at the left of the photo bears the name of A Guernsey with the date of his death being August 1853 The trench where they were found can be seen in the background At lower right a photo taken in shows what the corner of Timothy and Prospect looked like if you stood where the arena is now and looked east The two storey building with six windows was the second Methodist church and the building with thjj tower was the old school The graveyard is believed to have been between the two buildings p COMMISSION OUTING FOR CHILDREN The Newmarket Recreation Commission taking young sters of public school age on an luting to Willow- Beach Lake Simcoe on Saturday Commission chairman Joe Dales says This marks the start of a new commission program He said that the commission would be sponsoring more athletic ac tivities and that a program for girls would be started in the fall There will be swimming and races at the beach on Saturday and ice cream and candy sup plied Members of the Newmar ket Optimist club are assisting in the supervision of the children UNKNOWN PIONEERS WP Burial Site Workmen accidentally dug up former editor of the Newmarket several skeletons Era and Express in states ton The WnthnUct in THOMPSON KILLED IN KOREA Word was received recently of the death of a former Newmar ket boy Donald Edward Thompson in Korea- lie was fen graveyard in the Alexander school playground last Thursday Human bones parts of old coffins and tombstones were un earthed by town waterworks men who were laying a water pipe from the school to the street water main The graves are at the south side of the Alexander pub lic school playground at the cor ner of Prospect and Timothy Streets The inscription one of the gravestones named A Guernsey who died August 14 at the age of Although it is known that a church had existed on the corner at residents of New market know little about a bur ial ground An historical sketch about the The second Methodist church in Newmarket was erected in This was located on the southwest corner of the present public school grounds on Pros pect Avenue which was then called The author Lyman Jackson went on to state flic plot of ground adjoining the church oh thejeast side was known as Gods Acre and contained the remains of many illustrious pioneers These were removed to the New market Public Cemetery at north of the village when the property was sold for for public school purposes Laurie Cane a senior resident of Newmarket and lorrncr post master says he remembers some thing about a burial ground the son tit Mr and Mrs Fred Methodist church in Newmarket Thompson who moved to Pres ton from Newmarket years ago His grandfather J Thompson resides in Newmar ket says there was a burial ground near the church but that graves were moved away to the town cemetery The sketch compiled by a It could be seen that the skele tons were in proper position The workmen placed the bones back where they found them and filled in the trench Friday Rev J Aiken minister of Trinity United church Main St which was later the Methodist church before union said that it is usual thai unearthed remains are taken arid buried in pro per cemetery In those days however grave markers were hot always used and it would be difficult to iden tify the remains he said The first Methodist church he said was built on the same site at the school grounds over years ago It was crude building made of slabs and according to records Indians were predomin ant In the congregation This weeks lucky farm photo the former Minnie Wilson of is on page quiz Bolt Hits Knocks Shovel From Hand A freak lightning bolt knock ed a shovel out of a boys hand on the farm of Merle Sedore Cedar Brae yesterday is still wondering how he and his two sons were not injured or killed when the bolt struck the barn where they were work ing The bolt went down the side of the barn and into the stable blowing out all the windows panes and all It broke a chain holding a bull calf in the stable knocked the bottoms out of ten concrete stable bowls made two large holes in a cement wall and started five fires in the barn said that he and his two boys Harvey and Ray were lucky to be alive were building a silo on the south side of their barn a mite west of Cedar when the bolt hit It seemed to hit in every direction thought it struck right be tween my feet said Ray says it hit between his feet It knocked a shovel right out of his hand guess It scar ed him quite a bit He lit out into the buckwheat field What looked like a spot weld shovel and a scorch mark on the handle was evidence that the shovel had been hit A hole was torn in the soulh WOMAN DIES FROM ACCIDENT INJURIES DRIVER CHARGED on the part the corner of the barn roof It James Paul Milne that the lightning bolt Ave Toronto dri- along three wal3 in side the stable through a series stable bowls ending up concrete water storage tank where it spent itself The bot tom of every concrete drinking bowl was split open rt the water pressure system for the barn and house Sedore said The bolt travelled 25 yards to the house and blew a fuse box to pieces A trans former on the road was put out of commission out at least live fires barn Chaff and birds nests were burning on the beams he said In a low ce ment wall which supports the water bowls were two large holes A calf been chained to a ring encased in the cement wall Lightning broke the chain and ring and the calf was wandering around the stable There hadnt been a sound of thunder It was the only flash and no storm only rain follow- even grave markers before the workers started digging the trench for the water pipe last week Harry Vincent and George Bloke found the bones The trench cut- through the heads of three or four collapsed coffins and skulls dropped out Mrs Rose Newman of To- from the face of the trench wall died this week as a re- suit of an accident on the Don Mills road south of accident occurred after midnight Friday night Seven other persons suffered injuries of various degrees Five were taken to York County hos pital the night of the accident A charge of motor manslaugh ter and dangerous driving was ft TO BUILD SIGN there some digging Newmarkets highway on in the schoolyard when si on the I can remember Yongo a short some of us finding skulls distance south of Eagle St The There no evidence nine by 20 foot sign will be in the parade at the Lions carnival night were decorated doll carriage fin Linda Rachel paly Joan Thornton wagons Jane and Harriett Swin dells Margaret and iminy Mil lion and Mary tricycles Angus Dawson Elisabeth Hunter Hart girls bi cycles Karen Taylor Dorothy Kmct Bone and Mary Ann boys bicycles Johnny Hopper Lewis Bookings David McCaffrey Brian Bales Best comic Natal Wayne Marshy Elizabeth best character Bobby Murray Carol Fletcher St do not own cars yet they are sharing the cost of the street Why would Main St owners object to paying improvement taxes to fix up Main St Our debenture rate is not as bad as it looks the reeve con tinued Much of it is being paid by local improvement and such departments as the water works which takes in revenue Is it worth while to put side walks and connections into shape now or should we do a minimum of patch work and leave the worries to the next council the reeve asked We must decide on a policy for disposal plant as welt This and the Main St pro ject are very important Both can do a lot for the condition of this town The Main St ques tion is can we afford it or can we not afford it new Main St would be good for business said cillbr So business should pay for it said Councillor is more the nar row Main St that is causing complaints not the condition of the pavement Mayor Vale One point that strikes me is that we have had no expression of public opinion The county has kept a stand- promise for years to put the through delegations centre feet pavement and road bed into good condition before it turns maintenance re sponsibility over to Newmarket Town officials feel that if the than dressing up Main St Our taxes high enough as it is he said Personally I would like to see the Main St done over but the health derwutment is press ing so hard for a sewage plant would mean at least a next year I know the road condition is not good but its not too bad Mr told council He said that the town could put a certain amount of maintenance work on the street without going into a major project It Is a great temptation to say lets do it to get that from the county but we for get what we have to pay to get it Councillor Dales pointed out- Through the recommendation of the Toronto and York Roads Commission the county council budgeted for this year half of its offer to put Main St into shape or petitions Dales I cant see why Main St property owners should pay for half it Boyd The Niagara St people Py improvement the county money will not be J l petitioned for it We available Reeve Arthur have had no petition from Main St Evans But Niagara St own ers are paying a larger percent- Evans said decision has been put dif I dont- think we should go ahead with an expenditure that you would have on size with one that is going tb be larger said luminated Councillor Charles Boyd re ported to council that properly had been acquired for the sign on a rental basis Total cost will be three floodlights cost ing included in the price The sign advertise the town population industries and available building sites vcr of one of the two vehicles which met headon at the side of a hill near Preston Lake Milne appeared in magistrate court Newmarket Tuesday and was remanded until August on bail 7 T m ENGINE A landing barge with over boys from Camp north of Island Grove was towed to shore last Friday night after it was reported missing a few hours The craft had engine trouble and was adrift in Lake for three hours It was located EVENTS SUNDAYJULY 830 p ration in Aurora Town Park features outstanding solo ist Lorraine Morrison plus film You Cant Win Free seating accommodation CHARTERED leaving Main and Queen pm Sunday July and Sunday August 3 for camp return fare Interested phone Newmarket WEDNESDAY JULY Auro ra Lions club summer carnival St refresh merit games Prizes TV set bicycle a nd elect ill I Ticket s 25 cents for t THURSDAY JULY Dingo in Aurora Legion hall sponsor ed by Ladies Auxiliary Time p m Ad mission 35c SATURDAY I At Roches Point Memorial Club Christ Church annual homemade baking knitted goods aprons etc Afternoon tea served by a plane from Orrilia miles off the north shore The boys SATURDAY AUG were on their way for an over- pm York County Park Lake skating dancers Admission adults Children show and dance SATURDAY AUG Fifth An- nual Sports Day Park Games sports tournament 1st prize 2ntl 35 3ni 15 Entrants apply to 10 entry fee will refunded when team is fielded Evening concert by renowned entertain ers Lucky draw for ten valu able prizes Dance A real day for entertainment and an ideal day for renewing acquaintances THURSDAY AUG Profes sional wrestling at Newmarket arena pm WED FBI SAT AUG 11 Summer Show and Trade sponsored by the WIN TOP Mr and Mrs Draper of Holland Landing have won tional honors with their toy Yorkshire terrier Valerie of At the age of months she won best in show best Canadian bred in show best of breed and best of winners at at the recent Toy Dog Breeders Association of Canada Specialty championship show OPEN NEW STORE The Marigold Gift is moving to a new arid larger lo cation at Main St formerly the restaurant premises The premises have been remod elled and the business will have more display space Mr and Mrs A Robinson have an nounced the new store opening to be Saturday ENQUIRES ABOUT COUNCIL VACANCY The deputyrceveship vacancy in Newmarket brought an en quiry from Councillor Joseph Dales Monday night He asked what would be done about fill ing the vacancy Mayor Joseph Vale said he was considering the matter and was conferring with the town solicitor The vacacy was brought about by the death of J Spillette in June MAKES PRESENTATION The Willing Helpers of the Friends church gave a tea and presentation for Miss Marie a bridetobe on Tues day July night trip to Whitney Island on the north shore The barge left camp at In the afternoon and was found at in the evening The only Mormon Temple In the British Empire Is at Cards- ton Alberta County Simcoe Ontario York North Progressive Conservative annual basket picnic SATURDAY AUG Wester musical dance In Mount Albert Community halt featuring Speedy Learning and his starring Grave- Phyllis and Marie roller Horticultural Society SATURDAY AUG North Sports Day Parade races baseball tournament bingo dance at North Memorial Arena THURSDAY SEPT 25 The Evening Branch of St Pauls A will hold its used clothing and white elephant sale from to pm at the town rial I New market EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT euchre Bingo every Saturday Time pm In North bury Memorial Arena IS IN HOSPITAL Mr Bert Scott who is in York County hospital convalescing from a heart attack Is progress ing favorably TAXES COLLECTED Taxes amounting to 183462 have been collected In Newmar ket already this year Town Clerk Wesley Brooks says this is a much higher percentage col lected than at the samo time last year Arrears amount to Mr He added that he did hot think the cost should be charged to where pro perty owners on the street bear the cost or a percentage of it Boyd suggested that let the county go ahead and rebuild the centre 22 feet of roadway dropping the plan to rebuild the sidewalks curbs and replace sewer and water Town Engineer Dehne Bos- worthy said that it would still involve expense to the town be cause there would be at least three feet of road torn up on each side in the process of con struction Suggests Deal- If we go ahead it is going to cost the county accord ing to the estimates said Mr Dales Why not ask the county for half of that amount and then use the money to repair the road He said that it would save the county money and would not cost the town any thing It was also pointed out that the county would get a subsidy from the province on the grant to Newmarket Mayor Vale proposed that Mr Evans visit the roads commission and make the same suggestion- He said hat the department of highways would pay back half of the grant to the county if the whole project were undertaken but thatthe subsidy might not be approved on the latter ar rangement But we can still try and make a deal for some of the county money the mayor said Lose Opportunity We have been talking this up for years said Reeve Arthur Evans and the roads commis sion has made its recommenda tion This year they arc asking us whether we ore going through with it or not Mr VanZant asks us whether we can afford it or not but when you look ahead for the next ten years I ask can we afford not to do it when we consider the grants and subsi dies which are available now The county says that only a gravel base was put down years ago We dont know what con the street will be in in a few years Mr Evans that council should not overlook the other side of the question 1 am just pointing these things out because only the oner side has been discussed he said He showed that Niagara St property owners were paying for recent construction on lo cal Improvement plan and that the street has since taken over much of the former Main St traffic through to Dr peo ple dont own cars Dales It is the opinion of most Main St property owners that they are overassessed now Evans If we put our house in order we could pay for all this easily by that I mean assess ments My recollection is that according to opinion resulting from the county assessment in dustry is assessed right busi ness is overassessed and resi dents are underassessed Dales Would you Mr Evans approve of the Main St work if it were put on the general tax rate at two mills Evans I would I think we would regret it later if we did nt but wouldnt make any great fuss about it if it did not go through Vole I think Mr VanZant hit the nail on the head when he said we cant go ahead with an expenditure to up window and turn down a sew age disposal plant The discussion ended on the approval of a suggestion from the mayor that Reeve Evans and Councillor inter view the Toronto and York Roads Commission on the pos sibility of an alternative ar rangement We can ask them if they would settle for cash grant said the mayor It would be saving them money too I think we should ask them this before we give them a def inite answer on the project we dont lose the whole thing by this Mr Dales commented ESTIMATES SPUTi STREET COSTS A breakdown of figures in the engineers estimates on repaying Main St puts Newmarkets share at County of Yorks share and the of Highways for a total estimated cost of Estimates are on new paving from Water St to Davis Dr The engineers summary states that pavement would be feet wide at Water Strand 10 feet wide At Timothy pavement would be feet and sidewalks eight feet At Millard Ave pavement would be feet sidewalks five feet six inches at Ontario feet sidewalks feet from Ontario St to Davis Dr pavement feet wide sidewalks feet Total cost from Water to Mil lard would be Mil lard to Ontario and from t