i LEGAL MISCELLANEOUS DM Solicitor and Notaries Public R Comer Thorn Office Block and Wellington street Wtphone Aurora Joseph O Dales Office and Residence Main St HAWKINS Contractor For BULLDOZING GRADING CELLAR EXCAVATIONS and Hamlin fcenlngs By Appointment A- Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc raONB Wellington St MATHEWS STIVER IYONS AND Barristers Solicitors N Mathews KM Stiver RA E Lyons BA Joseph Vale Bay St flora Phones WA Newmarket Toronto Out A MILLS Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public MAIN ST Newmarket Phone fe- Bound ORATORIO AND CONCERT DEBUT After being in seclusion for nine weeks it was wonderful to be met on coming out by two events each in its own way outstanding I entitled this column Dawn because in people as in nature these two parte of a day or a life are beautiful Newmarket School Results approved curate and ran Delivered or at bin Plant phone Office phones 370 and 1j ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR House and Farm Wiring DO G B A General Repairs Oil Homers Space Heater All Electrical Household Appliances Phone Box Ontario St Newmarket The dawning the opening out of a day or a life is full of promise It holds within itself such potentialities of splendor or of doom while twilight has its beauty of softer tones of rest after labor and possibility of quiet work and enjoyment HI call the first half of this article the dawning of genius for those of us who were privi leged to attend the recital of Klemi of the House of pupils would have heard as guests on that recital program two of our very young town folk who overstep the border line between talent and genius I refer to and Archie and I were de lighted to see so many young in the midst of that warm friendly gathering Mr Millar looked as he always does good and friendly and de pendable And Mrs Millar looked lovely in a gown of an exquisite pastel shade of mauve with a necklace and earrings of brilliants and a white picture hat Her costume was complete when Mrs Elgin Evans present ed her with a beautiful corsage of roses With Rev Warren of ville as chairman a short pro gram was presented Letters from Rev Henry Cotton Mr G Manning Rev Basil Thompson United church Rev Gordon United church were read by Mr Hook- and Mr Brooks The let- people starting on the violin Iters expressed regret that the They face a long and difficult writers could not be present VIOLET ROBINSON NOTARY Conveyancing Insurance I St Phone 339 James J Wall PLUMBING HEATING Contractor Dealer for Fairbanks Morse Pressure Systems Oil Burners Sheet and Air Conditioning OAK RIDGES PHONE KING 111 PHONE AURORA Newmarket JAMES SOLICITOR ETC 35 MAIN ST PHONE NEWMARKET DENTAL O NOBLE DENTIST Over MUNICIPAL OFFICE Office Residence EVANS FUELS NEWMARKET Coal Coke Wood and Stoker Coal Phone Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling Dr C E VanderVoort DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone St OSTEOPATHY Osteopathic and Arthritis Clinic WILSON BUILDING BARBIE Telephone Consultation by Appointment CHIROPRACTIC J OF CHIROPRACTIC ST Newmarket Phone a Phone Res OPTOMETRICAL Main St Oyer PHONE VARIETY OF DESIGNS In our collection of MONUMENTS Is such that we can meet almost any require ment both as to kind and cost We also make memorials to order of every description Youll find our work excellent always and our service prompt and reasonably priced- and SON MAIN ST NEWMARKET INSURANCE Confederation Life Association Representative Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket Phones Newmarket Mount Albert A HURST Optometrist Newmarket Clinic OfIce Hours Wednesday Closed Evenings by Appointment ACCOUNTANT A Main SI Chrtercd Accountant phone mm NEWMARKET INSURANCE BURGLARY AUTO AND LIFE Bill In tyre ST PHONE JOHN DALY i ud Clock SI Gotham St MM WORK GUARANTEED JiUNER AND TECHNICIAN Painter and Decorator Sunworthy and Wallpapers Phone Aurora road but with what a goal be fore them And with a teacher in Klemi who is able to enter into every difficulty and to give the leadership and en- enthusiasm and correction that only one who has reached a high point in violin virtuosity can give We liked the introductions that Mr gave the little intimate touch that made us feel we knew the perform ers and it was delightful to watch the intense concentration of each pupil and the attention given them by fellow performers and audience All were a credit to their J teacher but in my limited space I can only mention a few There was a trio that was love ly and made especially so by father and son playing cello and violin and by a very young and very fine piano accompanist a boy of about I would say We also admired Diana whose mastery of the bow was very fine There were also two young men who will some day be violinists But now to come back to He is a of his Aunt Hilda Miss who is herself a pupil of He was by far the smallest child there He stood firmly on his own two small feet and with a look of intense concentration upon his face handled his bow like a veteran He played first a duet with Hilda and then a solo announced by himself The accompaniment was by at piano There was something when he announced his own number that touched off de lighted laughter in that critical audience There was very real applause when he showed that he produce pure perfect ly pitched tones Well watch but when who was like an old fashioned pic ture in rose taffeta with her blonde curls shining sat down and struck the first chords of the Rhapsody by Eckstein her mother and Archie and I who vere sitting rather far back watched with some amusement and more gratification the Master heads flew up and necks craned I For of and people in corners stood up Here was not a child playing but the artist that inhabits the body of this little girl and takes possession when sits down to the piano There is some inner font of that makes of and her piano a complete and satis fying entity is a pupil of Kenneth Mills of Toronto Twilight of Consecrated Lives The evening of Monday June was one of those evenings when nature seemed to cele brate some high festival pour ing the perfume of flowers the choral beauty of bird song and the benediction of golden sun shine Nature as I say may have been celebrating but then so were a great many others these being the loving and admiring friends of Rev and Mrs J A Millar who were hastening to United church to give concrete evidence of that fact Our little party consisting of Hilda and Elsie Archie and I had time to get violins tuned and find a nice little cor ner from which to view the pro ceedings It was good to watch Newmarket and burst and mingle in pleasant fellowship It was good to see Mr and Mrs Millar INSURANCE Crown Life WRIGHT AUTO FIRE 0- Newmarket Phone Newmarket Today the coop way Enquire at your local coop Newmarket aim Little Miss Jean sang two delightful number Murray Huntley in his two songs gave the same pleasure to the audience that he always does Dr Margaret accom panied her daughter and Mr Huntley Dr C Gilbert sang two songs and everyone joined in on a chorus of Tut On Your Old Grey Bonnet led by Mrs- Millar Mrs Warren gave a reading about the man whose wife chose his clothes and Hilda played a violin duet accompanied by and joined in the last verse by Archie and me Short speeches were given by the ministers present Mr Mr Aiken and Mr War ren Each of these paid tribute to Mr Millars years of de voted service to his God his church and the people he served Listening to these men who also served though for fewer years one felt what a strength and loyally of purpose what a dedi cation of life must sustain those who carry the banner of the cross and more to raise it high for years Then came a very pleasant a very important part of the pro gram Mr Hooker read an ad dress of appreciation and recog nition from Mr Millars friends He called upon Mr Elgin Evans who with a few earnest words of congratulations presented Mr Millar with an envelope con a substantial token of the regard in which he is held Mr Millar first thanked his friends who had given Mrs Millar and himself this unex pected gift and also the people of Queensville church who both on Sunday and on that evening had shown their friendship in such delightful way He spoke of his boyhood and his determination in spite of ob stacles to enter the ministry and of the joy of service when that goal was reached A ministers life might be hard at times but it was never monotonous It had its sadness its humor and it joy There was always the incentive the eagerness to do the will of the Master the years Mrs Miliar had labored beside him a true helpmate And now ho had come to the point where service was curtailed but not stopped and he could only wish he had years ahead to do more service in the beloved cause The ladies of Queensville United church served a delight ful lunch and before Mr and Mrs Millar was placed a beau tiful cake suitably inscribed Mr Jackson in a most appro priate speech thanked each of those who had contributed to make the evening a success and then everyone went homo hap py that years of service had been appropriately acclaimed Margaret I Thirst Margaret Isabel Thirsk of 304 Ave Toronto died recently at Sunnybrook hospital Miss Thirsk was born in Mount Albert and has resided in Toronto since She train ed nurse at the hospital later taking charge of the Hotel hospital in St Catharines From there she went to the Chatham hospital as assistant matron and later matron A nurse for three years with the Canadian Army Medical Corps Miss was serving in Prance when the Canadian Army Hospital was bombed and a number of nurses killed For her bravery in the war she was awarded the Oak Leaf When she joined the Medical Corps Miss Thirsk was matron hospital Miss returned to Christie St hospital for one year retiring in after a period of private nursing in New York and To ronto For four years after her retire ment she travelled with her nephews the Swiss Bell Ringers on tours rem Hali fax to Vancouver She leaves two nephews and three nieces PRINCE SCHOOL To 2 Allan Billy Bone Gordon Barbara Fry Paul Gardiner Carole Gibbons Davis Randy Lloyd Barry Sandra Anne Lou ise Diane sen Freda Sharon pollock Diane Simmerson Rose Marie Tomlinson Wayne Tucker James Hill Kenneth To 3 Rich ard Barbara Clark Lin da Joan Fry Adrienne Helen Gladman Gor don Glenn Donald Holly Ray Jon Lane Gladys Ray Joan Lockhart Susan Martin Wayne Tite John Welch May Wilson Gail Woodcock Jimmy To Grade Atkins Patty Lee Blizzard John on trial Roy Wayne Edgar Flicker Katharine Graham Susan Ion Teddy Million James Lynn Parks Don ald Sister Peter Smith Donna Gail To Grade Brown Roy Cook Donald Wayne Darrach Norman Dun- stan Donald Edwards Dennis Gale Flicker John Patricia Glencross Natalie Glenn Nancy Holly David Lake James LeGresley Alice Thomas Arthur Morton Larry sen Beverley Robinson Don ald Bryan Salter Jack Laurence William son Robert To Grade Ball Donna Blair Shirley Beverley Phillip Cameron Paul Martha Clark David Irene Roy Ronald Dyer San dra Edwards Beverley Ed wards Kathleen Fines Robert Lor- Garrett Gene Harden Donald Kenneth Hope John Huntley Doris Kerr Bob Lothian Earl Mac- Myrtle Edna Gwenneth Mc Robert Morrison Kel- ley Morton Park Robert Joan Petersen Marvin son Saunders Gary Smith Robert Jack Stewart Judith Locks- ley Townsley Warren Ruth Woodcock Larry Wayne Donald STUART SCOTT SCHOOL To Grade Bain Kendra Jo Anne Carol Best Jane Wal ter Brooks Bur gess Betty Cable Rodney Lynn Eves Sandy Peter Goodman Julie Graham Rich ard Bobbie Dale Janes Joan Johns Diane King Mary Douglas Mount Wayne Newton Bonnie Roger Paul Pollock Lynn George Walker Cameron Ricky Willis Craig To Grade Abbot Beverley Armstrong David Ballard Robert Collins John Dales Susan Dennis Shirley Garrett Nancy Hart ling Joan Hart ling ties Bet Peat Brian June Thompson Harry Watt Gordon Willis George To Grade Baker Bruce Willie Brown Rod ney ot Cable Harry Cup- page Dennis Dunham Emily Jimmie Gould Jill Haskett Diane Bob Jones Brian Keats Marilyn Morton Howard Newton Mar- lone Taylor Myron Thornton Weir Kenneth Williams Ronald To Grade Abbott Vernon Armour Randy Atkinson Ruth Burgess Barbara Cable Judy Carter Norman Bruce Dunham Ronald Gould Garry Graham Carol Hill Larry Kef for Larry Paul Marilyn Perry Paul Pollock Carol Porter Gary Stick wood Judith Williams David To Grade Abbott Ralph Bone Larry Davis Wen dy Fairbanks Carol Goring Diane Hill Gloria Hunter Robert Knibb John May Dor othy Ann Henry Susan Perks Mount Morris Noble Paul Kenneth Marilyn Rhodes Barbara Sheridan Douglas Jo A J Stickwood Thompson Muriel Terry Wilson Wayne Wright- man Catherine To Grade Blizzard Mary Bone Donald Brown James Carter Roy Challoner George Betty Georgas John Gibson Shirley Garry Mount Rodger Paul Piston Kenneth Lin da Sheridan Raymond Sim mer on Carol Vernon Wadsworth Gordon Wads- worth Thomas Wolfe Rose- Marie To Grade Abbott Leonard Allen Edward Baker Shirley Bell Betsy Bill Best John Bond Jimmy Broadbent Garry Terry Burgess Gordon Burling Aubrey Bur ling Susan Carter Judith Col lins Sheila Doner Denny Duncan Betty Downs Kenneth Em- Barry George Graham Gilbert Alma Gilpin Norris Marilyn Gordon Ruth Gould Gould Donna Mae Grainger Shirley Bill Donald Jean Louis Johns Rosemary Rob ert Knowles Bob Lamond Lynn Lane Betty Bill McDonald Virginia Donna Morton Jean Morton Judith Perks Edna Petersen Keith Jenny Rick James Rhodes David Scott Tommy Donna Sloss Larry Smart Joan Smart Rod Stevens Col Sutton Jean Swindells Harriet Thornton Donna Brian VanZant Mary Lou Angeline Watt Iso- Watt Sandra Willis To Grade Alien Ronald Allen Bennitz Shir ley Burgess Bob Challoner Kathleen Creed Carol Curtis Lawrence Fern Hunt Murray John ston Bill Jones Barry Lewis Francis Helen Karl Morton Anna Morton Floyd Orton Nancy Paul Lois Peacock Anne Proctor Larry George Rush Bruce Sinclair Marcia Walker Brad- Icy Watt Helen Weir Lois Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired Service Newmarket and Express Thursday July If rage Whether you can or not there are lots of healthful outdoor activities at Ontarios vacation resorts Youll enjoy the fun with your fellow guests and heres a tip add enjoy ment to your holiday travel by bus ASK YOUR AGENT ABOUT HIGHWAY TO Ait PARTS OF THE USA Round Trip Fares COLL1NGWOOD wi ORILLIA S3 SUBJECT TO CHANGE TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT KING GEORGE HOTEL Newmarket Phone 300 GRAY COACH LINES ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURN UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH STDNDEN RICHMOND HILL take protection for granted Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results KESWICK WELLDRILLING CO and inch wells PHONE QUEENSVILLE 2404 KESWICK 1 J JOHN Representative Newmarket WHAT DO WU MEAN AFFORD NEW HAVENT HEARD ABOUT NEWEST HANDS SALES SERVICE ITS THE MARATHON SUPER- CUSHION A LOWPRESSURE TIRE THATS REALLY LOW PRICED LOW PRICE THATS GREAT NEWS AL MARATHON SUPERCUSHIONS FOR ME Marathon Enjoy new tire safety and long troublefree mileage at this amazing low price See us today