MlVCA-nf- J- tew t Jr r ft- fc J J VV FOR y T r ONLY one block west of town hall on Church St Groom house 3plece bath garage full cellar work shop under garage One of the best corner lots In town Shade trees For quick sale see or call owner Phone Newmarket house Newmarket of them rented Oil heat ing Laundry room Stucco walls in basement cash required Terms for balance A Bennett Realtor Aurora Phone Aurora or evenings NEWMARKET house garage attached hardwood floors throughout choice loca tion Immediate possession Priced reasonable Phone write PO box Newmarket s- NEW house Apply Church St or phone HOG Newmarket 11 i MIAMI Beach room house and bath Insulated water and hydro Phone NEW house rooms basement under whole house flowing well mile from No highway rail way station church school and stores Apply Holland Landing across from Pearsons Store lw27 ONE of the nicest bungalows m Newmarket Excellent location Seven rooms Ideal for two apartments Oil heating Call owner Newmarket for particulars Immediate posses sion ARTICLES FOR SALE DRAPERY custom made slip covers bedspreads Venetian blinds Material Kirsch tracks Pin on hooks lining weights tapes etc For information or appointment call Richard Sene ca Main St phone Free HOLIDAY SPECIALS IN OUTBOARD MOTORS JOHNSON in perfect condi tion perfect perfect 135 EVINRUDE h a estimates No obligation tfl4 JOHNSON 14050 Many other specials in outboard motors Some used boats at reasonable prices SPORTING GOODS Phone 158 Main St Newmarket ARTICLES WANTED ANTIQUES Antiques of every prices paid Main St phone Newmarket WANTED TO BUY CASH market price for poultry feathers horse hair scrap iron and metals Call Aurora SCRAP steel tin or metals City RUGS Save up to prices paid You deliver or we percent New rugs from old pickup Northern Steel and rugs woollens and discarded clothing Reversible seamless approximately thick Made in latest color tones Phone New market tfl7 VENETIAN blinds aluminum or steei made for all styles of windows Kirsch drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc Free estimates and installations Phone apply Ontario St or write PO box New- market UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites expertly re covered AH of our work carries the Department of Health label of approval Twentythree years of upholstering experience is your guarantee of quality S FURNITURE Call 1250 Newmarket BUDGET hoist 14ton single phase volts cycle Handy for machine shop garage eta Reason for selling too light for our job A bargain at Apply Era and Express phone Classified Advertising Rates STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cents a word minimum of for each price I repeated on Ten percent discount It advertisement is paid within week of pub- Coihins Events costs two cents a word minimum cents Half Price when repeated on successive weeks Sale for the first week 50 cents for each successive week of Thanks Wedding and announcements for each announcement less cents If paid within week of publication In cents for each insertion plus cents a line for verse less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may be phoned into or left at The Era and Express office on Slain St Newmarket phone at White- laws phone in Aurora at Mrs Rolling phono Kins or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mall where name of sender address Is clearly Indicated Your advertisement into over 3300 homes in North York MERCHANDISE SALE DEATHS -i- JULY Auction mother of Albert El On July Annie of the Into William Robert WAITER and waitress for night work Apply in person Corner Cupboard Newmarket lw27 USED CARS NASHLAFAYETTE sedan always owned in Aurora in good condition mileage not high Will give good service Rev Catherine St phone Oak Ridges Aurora Kn Aurora AURORA home Solid brick Main St suitable for or business Apply Mrs John Scott St phone 239 Aurora HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT FULLY insulated bunga low with utility room at Kes wick near lake Possession July Apply Angus J King Cabin OK x COTTAGE FOR RENT COTTAGES at Beach with bedrooms well furnish ed electricity large verandah with bedrooms living room electricity Phone Aurora after pm FOR SALE KESWICK Furnished or unfur nished cottage rooms and Mrs Alice KingDodds Keswick Keswick cr2w27 approximately Price each on Perm Ave south of Newmarket cemetery Mrs J Walsh Vincent St north end town line CHOICE building lots and Maple Streets Sewers and water Phone Newmarket Metal Co Davis Dr New market C4w25 CHOICE building lots on and Bolton Ave Newmarket C Willis phone Newmar ket BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCERY business have Inde pendence and a large income Good rooming possibilities Could he expanded on highway to lake resorts turnover increas ing steadily Stock about Low down payment Oil heat modern kitchen large garden Write Era and Express box 143 WALNUT gateleg table mantel radio large electric washing machine Jacob ean table desk kitchen cup- hoard glass top kitchen cab inet enamel top tables tables school bell extra large with stands walnut end tables walnut oval table chest of draw ers china cabinet 2 doors Mor ris chairs coffee tables kitchen chairs and tables china glass numerous other articles Hirst phone crlw27 LEONARD refrigerator and 49 Easy washing machine both cycle both like new and under manufacturers guarantee Ap ply Andrew St or phone Newmarket RENFREW icebox firstclass condition lb capacity 25 Northern Electric radio excel lent condition and tone Phone Aurora 514w PHOTOGRAPHERS 16 MM movie camera dryer complete with stand and electric motor several tripods stands trays film cutters and rollers and other equipment Fred Hirst phone crlw27 PLUMBING AND HEATING CATALOGUE FREE THE catalogue off the press Write for your copy or visit the new warehouse and see for the model bathroom displays in white and coloured fixtures n standard size bath rooms with tiled or painted walls just the way you want a bathroom in your own home We have sinks and sink cabinet units lavatory basins and toilets pressure systems and electric water heaters range boilers pipe and fittings in copper galvaniz ed and cast iron septic and oil tanks refrigerators and electric ranges a complete line of fur naces air conditioning units and hot water heating systems with We deliver to your nearest railway station You pay no freight S VJOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES StreeLsville Ontario FURNITURE suitable for sum mer cottage Apply St Newmarket 1 WORK WANTED MALE school teacher age 22 desires work of any kind has chauffeurs license Preferably in Newmarket area Temporary or permanent Write Era and Express box 160 CUSTOM BALING AND COMBINING DONE I AM PREPARED to do all kinds of pickup or stationary baiing large or small baler Large or small bales made with the new Holland Baler Side deliv ery rake supplied free I will also take care of your harvest troubles with a selfpropelled combine Orders filled in the order they are received Ross Chapman Queensville phone CUSTOM baling pickup or stationaryf Case ventilated baler Prompt and efficient service Ap ply Allan Lockie Zephyr phone Mount Albert WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call 1282 Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic and plastic wall tile J Bundle and Son Andrew St New market FORD coach outstanding body good motor good tires Apply Gordon Bond Queensville phone 1616 Queensville FORD sedan black good body and motor Reasonable Phone Newmarket after pm lw27 TRAILERS HOUSE trailer 22 ft McGinns Monarch aluminum equipped with electric refrigerator apart ment size gas stove Apply Texaco Station Keswick lw27 TRANSPORTATION UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric- Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New market OAK RIDGE Plumbing AH work guaranteed Earl Atkin son phone King tfl4 IX you need a babysitter If so call either 1127 or Newmarket Hourly rates of 22 HELP WANTED TRANSPORTATION to Leaside or vicinity via St 5 days weekly Leaving am returning pm Phone Newmarket lv27 MACHINERY FOR SALE SKYLINE Forge Harvester with motor hay pickup corn attach ment nearly new Fine for private use MH oil bath mower ft side rake No DOUBLE disc harrow used binders STEEL roofing YOUNG AND SON PHONE 6700 MOUNT ALBERT clw27 POULTRY WANTED All kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone Newmar ket Live poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid or tf4 sale at the Livestock Sales Arena livestock our specialty Fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs and horses Pickup and delivery can be arranged I his is your community sale Come early and bring something to sell You bring it and well sell it Sale every Saturday at pm Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet Sellers and Atkinson auction eers JULY Auc tion sale of dairy and beef cattle horses hogs implements and furniture the property of Wal ter Lloyd lot con 10 mile north of Bradford Sale at 1 p Prentice and Prentice auc- and at the chapel of and Rose Newmarket service on Saturday at oclock Inter- men Mount Pleasant cemetery Bradford ilULfCKAt her home Sut ton West on Thursday Juno Sadie Gertrude Young in her year mother of Ernest Murray and sister of An nie of and Ernest Young of Peterborough Funeral service was held in Sutton West on Saturday Interment in St James cemetery Sutton Mr ami Mrs William Mino Newmarket wish to announce me engagement of their you daughter Sam Jean to Mr George son of and Mrs G Marmora the wedding to take on July pm the Jiee Methodist church Newmar ket ELLIS At Newmarket on June George Edwin Ellis husband of Hannah Foster and Tom Brown clerk father of William Ernest liar- old Stanley and Albert Ellis and Mrs Kouri Clara Funeral service was held on Wednesday July 2 Interment was in ville cemetery PERSONALS IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE POULTRY EQUIPMENT BROODER house Price Apply Harold Wilkinson on highway south of ville WOOD FOR SALE m PLENTY of dry oak slabwood cut into lengths Phone Mount Albert LOST LOST YOUR PET Phone The North York Humane Society or if no answer Newmarket FOUND RED change purse containing sum of money on Friday on Main St Newmarket Owner may have same by identifying and payment of advertisement Apply Era and Express office KEY found on Monday in front of A M Mills office Newmar ket Owner please contact Era and Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS SKINNY GIRLS GET LOVELY CURVES Gain to 10 lbs new pep Try famous health and weigh Tonic Tablets Intro ductory getacquainted size only All druggists NOTICE HARTMAN Cemetery decoration service will be held on Sunday July at pm BIRTHS WATSON At Edmonton Alber ta on Wednesday July 2 Roy L Watson brother of An drew Watson and Robert Watson BC Funeral service at Chapel and Rose on Saturday at pm Interment in Kettleby cemetery Mrs Olive Smith Keswick wishes to announce the ment of her daughter Marian Louise to Mr Edward the marriage will take place in Carlton United church on July CARD OF THANKS With a truly grateful heart I wish to express to all my kind friends and neighbors most sin cere thanks for all their iovintr Kindness to the late William Q am to Dr Ms ever ready help and thoughtful kindness to Mr I wish to include my own person al thanks to all who have readily helped me in so many kindly ways and their never ailing sympathy during the long months of Mr ill ness Doan Haines Strasler Son QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES MUCOUS IN THROAT Thunas Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child- ren with good results Price PONY tractor good 250 The Best plow RC cultivator field store phone valor draw bars etc Phone Albert 27 FARM ITEMS RESIDENT Real Estate Sales- man for the town of Newmar ket An excellent opportunity with a long established firm with agents throughout Ontario Real estate experience not necessary however applicant should have a complete past knowledge of fanning and farm properties and a desirable house on the main street Interview by suite in good only Call Mc- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEWMARKET bungalow asbestos shingle all conveniences Insulated nicely decorated hardwood floors mod- cm kitchen garage attached scenic view residential area im mediate possession substantial cash required Joseph Quinn broker Queen St Newmarket phone APARTMENT FOR RENT SMALL selfcontained apart ment Adults Phone Aurora apartment ground floor available at once Phone or enquire Prospect St Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE condition beige and brown tone walnut frame moth proof Phone Newmark c3w27 CONVERTIBLE grey baby carriage In good condition Phone Newmarket MAROON baby carriage almost new Apply 210 Main St New- market phone lw2 HOUSEHOLD furniture dishes utensils etc Mrs John Scott SL Auror record player cycle Perfect condition Phone Newmarket evenings- VERANDAH wicker rocking brown ha mess makers tools oak sideboard and din ing room chairs leather seats 2 burner oil stove new mantle clock brass bed size mattress and springs complete standard size window blinds green and cream Phone Aurora Lean at Baldwin David McLean Limited Realtors lhomhlll WANTED at once Parttime help in small nursing home Call Roches Point or write box Keswick EASY electric washing machine year old slightly used in good condition cycle Apply Mrs Eaton Hall Farm in excellent shape No decent offer refused for same Phone Mount Albert oil good condition Reasonable price Phone PREMIER vacuum cleaner good condition Phone 5012 Queens- Vlllc w27 baby carriage in excellent condition Reasonable Phone New- market ELECTRIC rangette In good condition Apply Timothy St Newmarket MALE or female sales agents your spare time into money Sensational handpaint ed lies Terrific sellers Free picture catalogue sent by return mail Oriental Art Studios St Timolhco Montreal Que CAPABLE man to manage estab lished Wat kins business in New market Regular income above average No experience or in vestment necessary Perman ent with chances for advance ment Write immediately to The R Company St St Montreal Attention Mr Granger HOUSEKEEPER General house work and care of girls age and years Bruce Harrison phone Mount Albert CAPABLE housekeeper be tween the age of and in family small modern home Permanent Write Era and Ex press box PICKERS for raspberries Phone Newmarket Hay loader in goodwork ing order Phone v CALL Ontario Rendering comp any for dead disabled animals Satisfaction guaranteed Sani tary removal Special weekend and holiday service Call collect Newmarket or Aurora 212 for fast service call direct Tor- o tf24 CUSTOM baling Pickup or stationary New Holland Baler Phone Pearson Mount Albert CUSTOM baling Johnson phone CUSTOM baling Square bale with wire tie Linstead phone 1420 Queensville CUSTOM New Holland baling Yonge St phono 202w4 Newmarket ket- ALFALFA and Timothy hay mixed for sale or shares L Winch phone LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ready to wean Mil ford I ye Keswick WEANED pigs Phone Newmarket after pm heifer due the first part of July William con Keswick LIVESTOCK WANTED FOR OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs Theaker and Son Mount Albert 3503 AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Store phone Newmar ket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket BUILDERS CONTRACTORS TRUCKERS BRICK SAND SANDY FILL Available in large quantities Phone Maple or EM 5373 MISCELLANEOUS We repair all makes of sewing machines New machines up Singer Sewing Center New market Main St phone Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex smith Queens- phone collect tf4 Horses for mink Will call for with truck Cowl cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone EXPERIENCED body and fond er man Apply in person to Nell Sates and Service Newmarket or write w Newmarket PO box 25 Newmarket daughter us tin born Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket COME In and compare We will not knowingly be undersold by any competitor anywhere You be the Dyers Furniture phone Newmarket WATCH for grand opening- of Bargain Shop Aurora operated by the North York Humane So- tf25 CEDAR fence posts for sale also BELL At York County hospi tal Thursday June to Mr and Mrs Roy Bell King a daughter BOORE At York County hospi tal Sunday June to Mr and Mrs Norman Rich mond Hill a daughter COLLETT At York Couny hos- Monday June 30 to Mr and Mrs Herbert Oak Ridges a son baby died later COOPER At York County hos pital Monday June 30 to Mr and Mrs Donald Cooper Sutton a daughter CLARK At York County hospi tal Wednesday July to Mr and Mrs Jack Clark Lang- staff a son York County hospital Tuesday July 1 to Mr and Mrs Harold Gwyn Newmarket a daughter GURICA At York County hospi tal Wednesday July to Mr and Mrs Michael Bradford a daughter KING At York County hospital Thursday June 26 1952 to Mr and Mrs King Oak Ridges a son born METCALFE At York County hospital Saturday June to Mr and Mrs Clarence Met calfe RR Bradford a son MORGAN At York County hos pital Monday June 30 to Mr and Mrs James Morgan R R Schomberg a son PEPIN At York County hospi tal Sunday June 29 to Mr and Mrs- Paul Pepin Aurora a son RADFORD At York County hospital Monday June 30 to Mr and Mrs Jack Radford 2 a daughter SMITH At York County hospi tal Saturday 1952 to Mr and Mrs Gordon Smith King a daughter At York County hospital Sunday June lo Mr and Mrs Ross Newmarket a son SCHRODER At York County hospital Sunday June 29 to Mr and Mrs Allan Schroder a daughter At York County hos pital Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs William Newmarket a daughter At York County hospital Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Stapleford a son SCOrr At York County hospi tal Tuesday July 1 to Mr and Mrs Scott Bradford a daughter TIMMINS At York County Friday June to Mr and Mrs Victor Sutton West a daughter URQUHART At York County hospital Monday June to Mr and Mrs Leonard Aurora a daughter WASSINK At York County hos pital Friday June to Mr and Mrs Marten Kettleby a daughter WIGirrAt York County Monday June to Air and Harris Wight Sutton a daughter WOOD At York County IN Lloyd in loving memory of my dear husband Freeman Lloyd who passed away July 1 1947 Theres a place set apart In the depth of my heart A corner thats always your own No one can replace it Nor time erase it I keep it for you alone Loving wife Clara STEPHENS In loving memory of Judd M B Stephens who passed on July There is a link death cannot sever Love and remembrance last for ever Sadly missed by wife and family In loving memory of a dear brother Edmund Traviss who passed away July 2 Ever remembered by sister Sarah Jane ENGAGEMENTS Mrs Elizabeth Mair wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter Jean to Mr Frank Wallace son of Mrs Wallace Toronto and the late James Wallace the marriage to take place on Saturday July 3 oclock in St Andrews Presby terian church Newmarket Shop Member Florists Delivery Association Flowers wired to all of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY St Phone 135W FUNBUL DIRECTORS MAIN STREET McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET Phone NEWMARKET Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY JULY hydro poles up to 30 ft July to Mr Askew St phone and Mrs Wood King ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Newmarket Rev Meredith Minister Herman Fowler Organist am Sunday School 11 am Divine worship No evening services during bal ance of the summer MOUNT ALBERT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev Sidney Kerr InterimPastor Bright brief summertime servic es continue under the minis try of PASTOR of the Maple Hill Baptist Church A cordial welcome to all TRINITY UNITED CHURCH THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH UNITED SERVICES IN TRINITY CHURCH Rev J Aiken Minister in charge ARCT Organist 11 am Morning worship The Crown of Life Morning Service Only You will be welcome to these bright brief summer services THE GOSPEL Associated Gospel of Canada Millard Ave Pastor REV A R YIELDING Pianist MISS VIOLET CURTIS BIBLE SCHOOL for all ages am The Pastors subject The Epistle to the Romans Notes on the subject The gospel Tues pm Bible study and prayer Womens prayer group A hearty for alt ft CHURCH OF THE Minister Rev A Petersen Organist Miss June Haines Pianist Miss Greenwood Choir Junior Mrs A Petersen am Sunday school am Devotional service pm Evangelistic service Wed 8 pm Prayer service pm Junior meeting pm Mr and Mrs Howard Baker from in charge of the music at all services this Sun day You are welcome Church going families are happier FREE METHODIST CHURCH REV BULL Pastor Church of the Light Life Hour every Sunday at am CFOR 10 am Sunday school Miss Clara am Divine worship 7 EVANGELISTIC Rally Special messages in song la each service July pm Tues Prayer meeting July 10 pm YPMS reorganization meeting Pine Orchard Camp July SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Queen St Newmarket Officers Senior Ruth Best Sunday am Holiness meeting pm Sunday school pm Gospel service FRIENDS MEETING Street Meeting for Worship Come and worship with AH Welcome Camp dates July 28 Partnership with Christ witnessing to Christ THE CLASSIFIED THE MOST j-v- tr J J iiii v