Pages from the Editors Notebook Canadians are watching the crowded highways of the north presidential primaries in the To be sure there is a blue States with increasing lake at the end of the Interest and journey but the crowds In the the beaches leave mi Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger The primary system has them primary Zztt buffaloed and as American no room for quiet news reports and magazines We wonder so few stay home come across the borders with and from the vantage charges of delegate deals delegate stealing freezeout views- etc they are beginning to wiumerous spots wonder if it is possible for ma easily reached by car or by chine politics to thwart what foot where one can see for appears to be the wish of the miles Along the escarpment voters and coming to the and conclusion that it is possible both north and south on the Of course it is an second of King or deeper m election and what the the township there are quiet cans do is their own viewpoints from which the but Canadas future is fields spread away in gentle ably linked with that of the slopes United States and so despite v personal preferences to the Our farmer friend says he contrary Canadians help has travelled a good many choosing a candidate Their miles but that the lure of is generally Eisenhower places is never as strong because he is internationally as the pleasure he has in his minded Canadians have Yonge St farm And while we in the past indeed are ail share materially in the Serving Newmarket Aurora the districts of North York The Newmarket Era Expriu Herald 1S95 Published every Thursday at the Era and Express limited Subscription for two fern Member A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Cimrfatfons Second Class Mali Post Office Deportment Ottawa Newt Editor Job Printing and P reduction pa gw PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE THIRD DAY OF JULY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO suffering right now from the isolationism of many Ameri can leaders In our minds seems to be a symbol of that unwanted quality Hie Democrats are not con- movement of city folk in to the north end of the county it is sad to contemplate rows of modem homes looking for all the world like a collection of paper boxes spoiling the ceded much of a chance at the rural countryside Would polls Canadians admire that there were someway of dent Truman because he has declaring certain sections of risen to the unexpected in a the countryside as most unexpected manner The or rural preserves Truman Doctrine the inter- We do it for birds and forest in Korea the Berlin animals Could we not do it airlift are all to his credit and in initiating these actions he has earned enthusiastic ap proval from north of the bor der But against these credits are the revelations of graft and corruption With no intention of being holier than their neighbors Canadians simply cant see how a party could re tain office in the face of such disclosures There was a rare beauty to the north York countryside last Monday after Sunday mornings rain and the lower ing clouds which followed There was a freshness to the ripening fields and where hay had been cut and stacked the pasture had a pleasant clipped appearance from afar We wonder that there should be such haste to quit this beauty for the hard rock and From the Files of for man In such preserves no one would be allowed to subdivide to erect factories or hotdog stands Gravel roads would be retained which by their gen eral inadequacy would im pose reduced rates of speed Picnickers would be banned of course for somewhat the same reasons that there are signs in Algonquin Park warning the visitors not to feed the animals My heavens there is no end to such fancies But it is true that this coun tryside has for those who love it its history and cherish its tradition an inspir ation that no pile of concrete and brick could ever equal and we will be the poorer in spirit should ever these green fields be overrun by the expansion of suburbia which we mislabel as progress 25 an JULY Mr Fred Porter has shown his enthusiasm in the form of two prizes One 10 pair of pants to the player having the most home runs during tho season and also one 7 pair of pants to the player having the best batting average these two prizes not to go to one player A record of the standing will bo shown weekly Mr Ed Young donated a club bag to the first player batting a pitched ball over the fence This has been done in other seasons and is fair game Arrangements have been made to convey the horses rac ing at Newmarket on the 1st of July to Penetang by truck the following morning so as to compete at that place on Satur day afternoon Some people are talking about tail wheat but Mr Howard has brought us samples from his farm in East that measures six feet four Inches in height Whos next The Office Specialty Mfg Co having secured possession of the property on the corner of Prospect Ave and Water St the residence built and occu pied by the late John Mitchell has been torn down The ma terial will be all removed from the place and for the present a flower garden will be taken care of by the news owners It makes quite a change on the corner JULY A new memorial window for the Methodist church was placed in position last Friday and is greatly admired by everybody The design repre sents the Good Shepherd stand ing in oriental costume with a crook in one hand and a lamb in the other arm The colors are exceedingly beautiful The wording on it is in old English text Erected to the memory of the late Rev Geo by the ladies of the congrega tion Mr Isaac Silver has in structed Mr Kitchen to wire the residence of Mrs on Prospect Ave for electric lights throughout together with necessary switches The month just ended will probably pass into history as the coldest June in memory of the oldest inhabitants It also rained every Sunday in June and many week days as well Talk about big strawberries Mr can beat any thing we have seen this sea son Last week he sent us a sample that measured five and a half inches one way and four and a quarter inches the other Mr Mann stated that trains will be running over the Canadian Northern between Port Arthur and Winnipeg in two weeks time and about miles more will be built this year but he not be lieve Saskatchewan will ho reached before next year THE NEW DRIVER DOMINION DAY TOLL Dominion Day should be our most impressive public holiday It is after all the observance of the founding of our nation But is there an outburst of patriotic faith of reaffirmation of loyalty to our nation and its institutions No Instead we have a grisly roll of accidental death among those who have hastened from their homes to a brief respite in resorts It seems to us that this toll is its own story of a people who in their haste to escape their surroundings invite a larger disaster Why must we jam the high- ways and crowd the holiday resorts Are our homes so unwanted Do we fear the cessation of daily toil even for a long weekend so much that we try to escape enforced inactivity by a frenzied rush to the highway and the lakes We know there are good reasons- for wanting to get away for a holiday and we know that many begin their holidays on this Dominion Day weekend But must we all rush at once What is wrong with a few days of idleness about our homes Are we that rest less that rootless that in our efforts to escape we turn Dominion Day into an occasion for mass slaughter We know these are days of tension We know relief of getting away from it all But we believe that we would derive far more benefit if the occasion were made one of national rejoicing and patriotic enthu- instead of a exodus from our homes A reminder of the past the reflection upon our history here are the ingredients for hope for the future Perhaps we have become too worldly for the pageants and oratory the inspections and the parades But if the alternative is sudden death on the highways we be better to return to the simple delights of color and sound and the symbols of history which were ours in an earlier age FEDERAL GRANTS The Federation of Mayors and Municipalities in annual meeting at Calgary earlier this week heard a refusal of a request for federal aid to education housing and other matters within municipal jurisdiction The federal governments refusal was described as a matter of policy rather than outright denial We would have wished there had been outright denial so that there wouldnt be another such request for federal aid The municipalities dependence upon provincial aid in Ontario at any rate is a sufficiently painful situa tion without adding to it the burdens of federal aid and all that it would involve The acceptance of municipal ities of provincial aid has cost them considerable of their independence Federal aid would erode still fur ther the independence that remains The cure for the municipalities lack of funds is not federal grants but a thorough overhaul of our system of taxation which has seen a continuing increase in the federal and provincial governments share of the tax dollar and a corresponding decrease of the municipali ties share At the same time the municipalities have been required to provide more services So far Ontario has met the situation by grants to nearly every department of municipal administration With such grants has come a provincial authority which has overridden the municipal authority Welcome jus the grants may be they are not worth the loss of municipal authority an alternative must be worked out which will divert directly to the municipalities the funds which they now receive from the provincial government How that will be accomplished we do not know but it is evident the way must be found soon MUNICIPAL COSTS Some idea of what it costs to municipalities in Ontario is contained in tho annual report on their financial status which was issued recently by the minister for municipal affairs Total cost was an increase of over 1950 That increase was in turn double the increase of over 1949 Since cost of municipal government in Ontario has increased from per person to in V Another highlight of the report was the size of provincial grants In they were The estimated total for is Biggest contributor to increased municipal costs is education charges Those charges under direct con trol of municipal councils now stand at 2003 percent of the level while education costs at percent At that increase is not so great when totalled as sometimes appears Another interesting point is the way the increase came about During the years from to 1948 muni cipal costs rose slowly but the rate of increase has greatly accelerated in the last three years There are a number of conclusions to be drawn from this fact One as evident in Newmarket was a reluctance of municipal council to add proportionate increases in taxes to the already heavy cost of living and then recognizing in the last three years that expenses for renovation extended civic services and improvements on existing services simply had to be met FIXED SCALE FOR TEACHERS The Ontario Urban and Rural Trustees Association has passed a resolution favoring an uniform scale of teachers wages in Ontario The resolution was no doubt inspired by the rivalry between boards with each bidding over the other for services of a teacher We think too that the uniform scale is considered as an answer to teacher demands for wage increases But the resolution is unworkable because no two school boards have the same means from which to draw teacher wages It is foolish to consider a school section in say East Gwiliimbury as on a par with Toronto A wage scale applicable to the township would be considerably lower than is now paid in Toronto Will Toronto teach ers accept the reduction Alternatively will East Gwiliimbury school trustees be able to pay the Toronto scale There have been other instances where the same pay for the same work regardless of where the employ ment is have been sought without success And the reason is that the employee can only be paid in terms of the earning or in the case of public employees the taxing ability of the employer Standards vary so greatly in the province that it is simply not possible to establish uniform scales of wages The best any employer whether in a private firm or in public office can do is to pay the maximum salary compatible with local earning or taxing ability In many instances where earning power is low alternate advantages can be provide d which make the job acceptable But an attempt to impose a set standard throughout the province is to ignore the basic economic fact that no employer can pay more than is earned whether that employer be in a private firm or jit public office CENSORSHIP WRONG It is inevitable that there be a strong demand for the censorship of the trash which has been piling up on the magazine stands of the nation Such literature is an abuse of good sense and good taste But that abuse cannot be ended by imposing a worse abuse that of censorship There is only one sure prevention of the printing of trash and that is the encouragement of good taste Trash wouldnt be printed if there werent a ready sale for it Once the sales fall off trash will disappear from the news stands like snow in a spring thaw Mow can be encouraged By the effort of parents by improvement of public libraries by the teaching in schools The printing of trash seems to run in cycles There is always a point where public good taste eventually rebels sales drop the trash is withdrawn from the market Sooner or later the point will be reached in current volume of trash We dont counsel com placency but we do counsel against going to extremes in this case the extremes of censorship There has never yet been a system of censorship which was workable Despite the obvious need of cen sorship during the war newspapers and other news- gathering agencies were beginning to chafe tinder the restrictions which were imperceptibly changing from purely security measures to a means to cover up mis takes and blunders Censorship is absolutely unwork able if for no other reason than the strain it places upon human character and its convenience as a cloak to hide human failing The demand for censorship to our way of thinking is the demand of the selfrighteous the demand of those who have failed their duties as parent or teacher the demand of those who are simply too lazy to assume tho leadership and direction which would discourage the reading of trash Lets bo done for once and for all with this demand for censorship It is a negative approach at the best Lots instead concentrate upon improving our standards of taste and decency That improvement will take care of trash on tho in duo course irfarwm righH their and national it ftmefton ffw of those rest in4vUu choke Ah holidays The town been this week and with gone things lire dull A lot at are summer cottage or lakeland hotels Slim 1ms left town again He is playing the bass violin in a swank summer hotel orchestra He Is doing that for a tittle extra money instead of taking his usual tour of the west on foot I went up to visit Slim at Inn where the moneyed sort go I always heard it was a pretty plush joint rather establishment but I only had on me Hotel rates were a day so Slim got me free meals in the hired help kitchen and a sleeping hag in a storage room Boy this dump Is posh Slim said during a tour of the place They comes here from all over the world and even from Course by the time they arrive on the boat at the land- in dock you cant tell whether they comes from New York or or Mimico because they Is pretty social and their assets is about ten times as what they were when they left home Slim explained In between dinner numbers I waits on tables One Am erican there said he was the governor of New Hampshire but all I know he might have been a fireman from Wayne County Mich You cant tell about these here peo ple when they is on holidays got a clear sweep and an unlimited social range where nobody knows em he pointed out We wandered into the sitting room of the main lodge A well bleached blonde crowding was gushing over some friends about a painting by one of the group of seven hanging over the fireplace She smok ed a cigarette in a twelve inch slender cigarette holder Several business men with high blood pressure and cigars sat around in gray flannels and blue blazers considering the trends In stock and securities And turned everything over to the East de velopment It was a gamble but thats Im here today one them was saying Say said Slim thats Henry Snitch office manager over Laminated Woods Lim ited he about stocks and bonds when the outfit hes is ready Wed better not recognize him I said He might be somewhat Yeah said Slim After all hes on his holidays Gues3 thats how he enjoys Re minds me of Rim- bowl the windy barber on the third chair at who used to go down to the Royal York and sit with the tycoons in the lobby on weekends Oh I remember I said He used to tell them he up from the States to buy oil stock Yeah it was sort of a re creation for him We wandered out onto the terrace where people sat round on beach chairs and drank things out of tali glasses A fellow with a green shade was sitting with a group of men and women in command of the conversation Why theres Citizen Curs ed Jr editor of the Cor Clarion Call bavin his holidays here too said Slim Cursed was talking I got the first idea for it when I was parliamentary press represent ative for the New York Times in London Later of course when the war came I had to abandon it and put on my old brigadiers u Ot course the Stars circulation went up I handled their poli tical campaign during the per iod I mentioned and since the offered me the assistant man aging job at Time I took it foi the time being Its too much said Slim Its really thick ant fast around here Most people need a holiday I reflected It makes easier to get back to work by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches It always amazed us to see how difficult it is for people who do not make their living at farming to understand far mers how they think of far mers as hicks and backward and slow moving people how they object to the farmers conservative attitude and his reluctance to go overboard for socalled new and progressive ideas and laborsaving devices Aside from the eternal sub ject for jokes we think that people do not understand far mers because they havent been subjected to the same kind of frustration farmers have It is difficult to understand the hopelessness of a bailer break ing down in beautiful and sun ny weather with acres of hay green and appetizing waiting in the field There is so very much at stake It could mean and usually does about protein in tons Lets say it is thats 3200 pounds of the very best pro tein When the difference has to be made up next winter by buying concentrate this pro tein is worth about cents a pound or a loss of about 800 on one item And this is only one small phase of a farmers life There is the disappoint ment of cows not in calf of sows having small litters of death among livestock and sickness which comes from dif ferent sources If the farmer was to react to all these things in way making their living other jobs do he would go mental or else he would have ulcers or he would throw it all to four winds and run But the fanner doesnt Be cause he is a farmer his reac- THE OLD HOME TOWN is a mixture of resign tion in the face of a mightier than he is which sometimes be called sometimes nature and which really just life The farm can and does face life in I proper and only meaning of word Most other people do unless it hits them in the foi of a rain at a picnic a storm knocking the hydro or a flood washing out a city When a group of people lived this way all their they develop a way of react which might appear slow which is the only one could adapt It is a form fatalism A new invention I to be proven and true and before being accepted cause any mechanical that doesnt go to source of the difficulty nature or weather is just a gadget The old say that what was good for grandfathers being also for the present generation another meaning besides stuck in the mud Farmers would be even conservative if the progress didnt confront t with the need to produce labor that has to compote industry Take the case haying The old system of ting and coiling and drav in has as much insur- weather as any met- However it cannot be with labor as it is today you guessed it baler was broken We saved of course by special vidence of all farmers hope that things will themselves up and a fait what extra effort may do of which we suppose is basis of doing It hard I BySTANt STr W A V l