Pages front the Editors Notebook We re out of the office early today and taking the train for where the OntarioQuebec division of The Canadian Weekly News papers Association is holding its annual convention Lodge is in the not far from Brace- bridge Weve never been there and are quite looking forward to the visit We welcome the break for several reasons It is always good to get together with fel low editors for a few hours of shop talk There is a stimu lation not to be found other wise in exchange of sews and experiences- too many of them are friends whom we meet only at these annual gatherings Finally we have the feeling that we had better get away for a deep breath and a fresh tart Weve pulled a couple of boners lately not necessarily our fault but the kind of thing which shouldnt happen A good example was a notice from the Hope Hobby Club which told the route their bus would take oil their Tuesday jaunt It came to us marked as a must and we laid it on the desk for must treatment sometime through the eeki slipped between a couple of pinned together sheets and though we checked the papers on our desk at press time tobe sure we had left nothing out we missed the notice completely and didnt find it until Friday morning We hope the ladies of the Hob by Club werent too discom moded and will accept this by way of apology Thought for a bit that we wouldnt get our lucky far mer aerial photo in last weeks issue after all We had a phone call on Tuesday from the photographer to say that the plane had landed on a lake near St We made a few enquiries and decided it must have been Lake Wilcox There was too much wind for good picture taking they said We thought their arrival on Lake Wilcox must have been something of a surprise to the residents Its not a very big lake for seaplanes We were rather proud of last weeks paper with its pages Its rather unusual to run that many pages at this time of year There were a number of reasons for it and we think From the Files of the chief reason lay in the visit the Friday before of the pupils and teachers of Hillside and Union St schools They had come to town to inspect Davis Leather Co and Dixon Pencil Co and included the Era and Express on their list We were all quite flattered The kids were wideeyed when they saw the press which fortunately was print ing copies of The Canadian Friend so they were able to see how it worked They saw the linotypes which set the type for the newspaper and the casting equipment for the re production of advertising They were so open in their wonder at all these goings on that we felt something special Was required The 18page is sue should satisfy such ambi tions With a paper that large we start printing it on if and that required some arranging bestirred to take down the stove pipes over the weekend and as always marvel at the change it makes in the arrangements in the rooms and wonder why the improvement we always stall such an element ary household task to such a late date lip to May we could argue successfully that there Is al ways the danger of a cold spell and we suppose we could ex tend the argument up to last week After all years ago last week a fall of snow was recorded But the answer from the dis taff side is all too frequently abetted by current weather Hasnt it been warm Decora tion Day in Newmarket always seems to come at the height of a heat wave We dont re call the weather of last year too clearly but if memory serves correctly the two previ ous years scorchers and Sunday was anything but cool Decoration Day is becoming a larger event each year it seems They tell us that there were many at the cemetery in the morning and traffic was quite thick in the afternoon before and after the parade We thought the parade a com mendable effort and the New market Veterans Association and the Air Force Association deserving of congratulations although it must have been cruelly difficult for many of the veterans to parade in such heat and Ago it im Next Sunday is the annual decoration of Newmarket ceme tery The ceremony will take the usual form in charge of the president Alderman Procession will form on the market square arid headed by the band will proceed to the cemetery where addresses are expected from P Pearson Mayor and Rev A Ma rsh all Last Monday evening the Newmarket Fire Brigade had their first practice of the sea son on Prospect Ave Three teams of five men each wore formed and the practice took the form of a competition After the practice a meeting was held In the fire hall at which Chief Doyle presented his resignation was a member of the brigade for years and a very capable chief for years Mr Wesley will assume the duties of chief for the balance of the year Work has also commenced on the highway between the town line on Uie 3rd of East in bury and Sharon This road will have the same type of pavement as Main St all the way to Sutton JUNE Mr J Stark manager of the Sovereign Bank here and also at was in town oh Tuesday with plans for the new bank building which is to be erected here shortly When completed the bank will have a convenient wellfurn ished and uptodate office Engineer put in domestic water connections this week for the new residence of the editor and Mr Bacon also Mrs Kennedys residence on Church St At the request of a number of ratepayers in Aurora the mayor called a public meeting to consider what action should be taken by the citizens of the town to commemorate the dec laration of peace in South Af rica it was decided to erect a drinking fountain to cost ap proximately was to bo paid by private subscrip tion and a committee was ap pointed to canvass the town for subscriptions In the Snowball vicinity a great many are taking advan tage of the bonus bylaw and putting up wire fences If others in the township arc tak ing advantage as much an they are here extra tax will bo needed DORMITORY m I I and Serving Aurora and rural districts of North York Newmarket Em Herald Published every Thursday at Mam St Newmarket by the Newmarket Fro and Express limited Subscription for yean for one year fa advance Singh copies are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulation Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa J JOHN Editor yy GEORGE Sports JOHN A Managing tSdHor CAROLINE ION Womens Editor RACINE Job Printing and D I T O R I At A G PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE NINETEENTH DAY OF JUNE NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO WHY IGNORE THE HAZARD i There was a congestion of traffic at the corner of Davis Dr west and Yonge St on Sunday night for a period of two hours as southbound traffic from resorts north of Bradford met the west and southbound traffic from the east shore of Lake If last Sundays experience was any indication the traffic congestion will worsen as the summer wears on What on earth is there to justify the department of highways continued indifference to the corner When traffic is light and moving fast the corner is a safety hazard When traffic is heavy and moving slow it is a needless source of delay and congestion Yet the provincial department remains steadfastly in different to the situation even as it worsens with each succeeding season What is so complicated a bo installing traffic lights at the corner What is so difficult about the slope south of the corner and widening the roadwidth so that left hand turns can be made onto these important arteries without locking front and rear bumpers or being ridden off the roads by oncoming cars moving too quickly to stop The number of traffic accidents and the extent of the weekend congestion should be sufficient evidence for the highway department to act In fact ail they have to do is take one look at the corner knowing it to be an intersection of heavily used roads to determine whether it constitutes a hazard Isnt it about time something was done about it LIQUOR VOTE The results of the Aurora liquor vote three weeks ago should answer for some time to come those in New market who have speculated how a vote here would go It was generally conceded in such speculation that the bulk of the native residents here would vote against the opening of stores but it was thought that enough newcomers have moved into town to swing the vote it seems to us such arguments are too often founded on a belief that all newcomers want liquor stores which isnt so as the Aurora vote suggested We think it will be some time yet before the people of Newmarket old or newcomers who do not want liquor stores will be outvoted by those who do We grant that the time may come just as the time may come when Newmarket will be a small city instead of the pleasant sized country town it is now But at present we see no advantage at all in having liquor lets here particularly when within easy distance of Newmarket there is a liquor store arid present arrange ments for the sale of liquor and beer include a conveni ent delivery service and we would oppose such a proposal if it were made at the present time VOICE FROM THE HINTERLAND Time Magazines fondness for the descriptive ad jective sometimes leads it sadly astray from the facts In the current issue it speaks of location of the new factory at placid little population 6919 Mid land We can imagine the indignation of Midlands Board of Trade and Editor Bill Cranston of the Free Press and County Herald Placid is hardly the won for Midland which has always struck us as an exceed- brisk and municipality Midland at least is mentioned by name Newmarket wasnt even mentioned when a story was done about one of its former citizens Joseph new warden of Hart House and former deputy commissioner of penitentiaries He is referred to in the news report as ha v in g been headmaster of Pickering College a Quaker prep school near Toronto Newmarkets indignation at being so casually dis missed as near Toronto would have been somewhat eased had the name of Hie town used even with tho adjective placid Imagination a It at reaction in Midland had it been described as simply on Georgian Bay or two hours north of Toronto We do wonder though how one can put much credence in reports It locates Pickering College in an unnamed hinterland near Toronto and grossly mislabel Midland as placid Unless a real effort is made by consumers in Newmarket area they may be faced with a serious shortage of water All the pumping stations to their absolute capacity The report might have been from this Newmarket a few years ago instead of being a quotation from our contemporarys front page in Newmarket England Fortunately this Newmarkets water supply is adequate for the present but we wonder about the future Sooner or later we will need more water to support our growth Where will it come from There is a limit to the amount of water which can be drawn from the ground Eventually indeed there is already evidence of it Newmarket will be robbing the wells of the area to supply its needs Conservation is one way by which water supplies can be extended but to date there has not been much evidence that the Holland River Conservation Author ity is an active body beyond the demands on the member municipalities for funds It will be a long slow process to achieve an adequate program a times running short As pertinent we think is some regulation of the number of wells drilled in a given area As far as we know there is no intermunicipal authority over the number of wells to be dug and with subdivisions sprout ing up all over the district the number of wells must be quite high There will come a time when the demand upon tho water resources may exceed the supply unless there is some regulation SHARON PICNIC The annual picnic of the York Pioneer and His torical Society and the Womens Institutes at Sharon Temple last Saturday was according to all reports a grand success It is heartening it should be so Both groups represent enduring mediums through which our past and traditions can be preserved and anything which strengthens that purpose is to be encouraged There is not an identification seems as if we which we permit the forgetfulness such earnestness time to consider because of those among us yet a sense of continuity with pur past Indeed it almost ashamed of our past by the way in the obliteration of old landmarks and of past actions We look ahead with and determination that we have no our origins yet we are what we are same origins There is much to be learned from the past which would illuminate our futures But more than tho knowledge and understanding the study of our past will strengthen our resolution in present provide tho anchor with which to ride out the and con fusing trends of our time There is inspiration to be had in our past Were we surer of it there would be less of the bewilderment the aimless groping for expression in the present A nation without roots solidly embedded in the past is a nation without tradition without culture and without perspective Those virtues are more needed now than ever in their own way the Pioneers and the Institutes are encouraging those virtues and every assistance should he given their effort COSTOFUYIN CHANGES A few weeks ago Daily Farmer in his Top Six Inches column pointed out that the fall in the cost-of- living index was largely at the expense of farm prices and that should the trend continue it would boomerang iu the loss of farm for commodity products The farmers simply wouldnt money to spend on them Drops In food prices from January to May accoun ted for of the fall In the samo period a decline tit price of food account ted for only six percent of llie costofliving decline But from April to May tho proportion was stepped up to percent and indications arc that further declines nothing spectacular ahead for consumer in prices point is lii food prices seems to have halted while a decline at nonfood prices is continuing it is to be hoped continued until there is a reasonable adjustment between food and nonfood prices It perfectly true as Dairy Farmer wrpie that a cheap policy is a dangerous polity to encourage The farmer can if he to live pretty well off his own Deprive him of his buying power and whole country suffers There is a limit to which labor can raise its wages and com panies ran Increase their profits at tho expense of tho farmer not of the people Hie state their guarantee ycnwiir an the agent in International and notional issues it function of the to the direction of those activities which rest on individual choice Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger Slim plans to go to Mount soon He will suhmit his Idea to various scien tists there and spend some time gazing at the stars and planets Our Slim says he has some very important conclusions which I have arrived during the past few months here conclusions states Slim may rock the scientific world Having spent considerable time in serious contemplation of space planets galaxies and looking into horoscopes Slim has emerged from a cocoon of cosmic haze with a set of as tounding theories I have been so steeped in quiet cosmic thought this past while Im pretty welt dusty said Slim on an even ing earlier this week Cosmic dusty I asserted Yep Those astronermers is to get a surprise when they see my plan What if they refuse to em ploy your plan I said Theres only one thing to do Ill give it to the world free Ill take it to my friend Hector Plasm president of Science- FictionHorror Syndicated Inc at Old Hamwell New Hampshire US A Slim points out in his the ories that there are stars six light years distant from Earth If it takes six years for the light of a star to reach Earth we are looking into the past six years ago he says Build a what you can see life on a planet or star with and you can view the past the present Its sim ple at that Just like a scope only backwards says Slim But scientists would already have built a telescope big enough to do that if they could have I said They just havent got big enough lenses and never will have I scoffed Theres where your own friend and scientist comes in Slim announced merely a problem of You mean optics said Slim I have solved the problem months of scientific In this here box I the new and secret Handy- Jiff Dandy pocket s teliescope Alls you i with it is a pipe feet of four feet in diameter got it alt out math like a telescope a long though So what Alls we nee capital A government sub and start away on Mount Polymar You know I can hardly till its built said Slinu J wilt in able us to maybe people around on or Pluto We might even a new language with Interesting idea I you could be watching daUy activities of a chap may have died four years J- since you are six light behind the time never though that said Slim You Id these here concepts Ive got more in their significance Maybe we could find a i hundred light years and all the people we woul through the would be dead maybe Go a step further Slim Find a mirror on- of them planets or stars light years away which the image of Earth youd be at Earthly light years in the past dof you see it up billion times and you able to watch the French some night Might get back to Nero in the violin while Rome I These concepts rocky brain dont they I said They is almost enough here concepts to startle mind of a scientific myself almost said Slim by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches Our old friend Milk Con trol Board is back in the news again Having been pushed out of the limelight by the foot and mouth disease the Saskat chewan elections the presiden tial race it finally got on stage again and on the basis of the recent amendments to the Milk act forbade the sale of so- called vitaminized milk We believe that decision is a sound one because all the things added to milk were to it not because milk needed it but because it was an advertising angle They add such and such a thing to tooth paste to make it serve such and such a purpose The pub lic falls over itself buying it They add something to soap and the same thing is supposed to happen As Prof pointed out milk needs very little add ed to it and whatever is added to it can be found in other sources much more sively Hut there are further impli cation to this decision It was up to the Milk Control Board to decide something that must have been decided for other products long time ago and that is where does processing end and patent medicine be gin The dairies while they are howling now should be grateful to the milk long as this tampering was legal they always had to face the possibility of one dairy finding something new to add to milk and then they would all have to or find something else equally catchy This competition was hound to increase the but it would also increase costs and its every Hung connected with la bor is bound to go up and up in price eventually it would boomerang So now the time of decision is here anil the Milk Hoard is going into its usual contortion THE OLD HOME TOWN in handing down a dec that suspending it to let the dairies use up plies and then it will evC ally back down again as pressure comes to We have seen it before we are it again Unfortunately this bad publicity and hurts sales The housewife milk again there go the sales And at the time of the year milk could realty be sold dairies did a decent effort thinking behind it Why is it that they start selling milk on its merit and advertise some that is essentially the boo milk production For they could say we are grass produced milk and tell them what is grxj young grass and tell they this special milk that is on grass or grass how the growth factors a this young grass and rich it is in vitamins all natural state They could advertise well the calves do this tit the year and how nice shiny the cows coats alt the fresh sunshine goes in the production good milk In other sell them milk because milk and because it is on the cows food Of course let us admit the board and the proc are the ones really to Had they had foresight could have stopped the with milk before started In this the d have a good case Maybe the board needs is some milk It certainly something Maybe its needs If at is short of it ore those who say that column will make it IF HE KNOWS OUST