r Oak Ridges News Irene Draper is in the Hospital for Sick Children with a fractured right thigh the result of a headon collision be tween the halfton truck driven by her father Victor Draper and a car driven by Tony Aurora Hi the accident happened on St on on Sunday afternoon Mrs Draper whgia child on her km struck the windshield receiving frontal head cuts bruises and shock She became unconscious at the time of the impact and her hus band took over the baby The mother said she had a knee bruise Mr draper shoulder bruises The fatuity was proceeding on their way to Wilcox and after meeting a car west they were enveloped in a cloud of dust which caused them to dovvrv the second vehicle approached- The baby will be in hospital for three or four weeks Provincial police in vestigated Machine Stolen The bubble gum machine was stolen from the Windmill rest aurant about am Sunday morning It was removed from the counter and held coins The restaurant is open 24 hours daily but no disturbance heard when the machine was being taken the operators stated Mr Bill Hope is the new president of Lake Wilcox and Oak Ridges Ratepayers Associa tion His nomination for office followed that of Mr E Cook the first vicepresident who would not qualify for nomination as president on the grounds of his objection toward the associ ation withdrawing its support of a municipal candidate Mr C Stephenson was the retiring president Mr Davidson was elected as first vicepresident The date for election of re maining officers will be set at a meeting on Tuesday June Nominees are second Frank Stiver and Richard Ward Mrs Bruce Mercer and Mrs- Clark directors nom inated are Mrs Ernie Bruce Mercer Max Mar tin and Mrs Cole Mis Gladys Cross principal of Wilcox is ill and her place is being filled by Ernie Davidson Mrs Cross re sides at Richmond Hill Mrs Davidson and her hus band have the grocery store and post office at the lake They have erected a new cement block twostorey building which will be stuccoed- The second storey will be a commodious apartment The old building was dismantled as the new structure was under construction The store stands on the corner of the North Lake road and the second concession The appointment of Mr C Hall of Stirling Out as prin cipal of Lake Wilcox has been made by the trustee board to fill the vacancy next September of Mrs Cross who resigned some time Mr Hall and his wife have two children Divisional Rally Successful Three hundred Guides and took part in the York divisional rally at Thornhill community park on Saturday afternoon June It was the largest attendance ever taking part Ten districts were repre sented with Newmarket sending two bus loads The rally was convened by Mrs John McNeill district commissioner for Thorn- hill Girl Guide Company won the shield for the greatest number of points It was pre sented by Mrs Gunn div isional commissioner who donat ed the shield last year High land Creek won the Brownie Pack shield for the second year in a row AH the participating teams received first second and third class ribbons The Oak Ridges Brownies placed second in one of the races The pack did very well from the cookie sales in May having the packages over a wide area Anne Rowe led her pack in selling boxes Newmarket Social News CHURCHILLS SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE LOOK for OUR SIGN at the INN Quarter of a mile south of Keswick GARDENS SETTING FOR HOSPITAL TEA Tomorrow afternoon 2 to pm the gardens of Mrs Schuy ler Shivery St George No Aurora will be the setting for an afternoon tea in aid of the York County Hospital Womens auxiliary A car pool has been set up in both Aurora and Newmarket and anyone wishing transportation to the garden tea is requested to contact Mrs Bowman New market and Mrs Underhiii Aurora To find the estate any one travelling on Yonge St should turn east at OConnors Store- Oak Ridges Continue on this road until you reach Ashs Booth where you turn right The home of Mrs is on this road DRAMATIC CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS At the final general meeting of the Newmarket Dramatic Club at the Town Hall on Tues day June the following execu tive officers were elected for the season Pros Joe first vice Nick Styke second vice Don sec Grace Sinclair Fern stage mana ger Ken Learning business man ager John librarian Styke program convener Barbara Hamilton social conven er Ruby Harrington publicity and advertising Jack Struthers board of directors Dorothy Bowman Vera Brown Charles Boyd Mike McMorrow and Jack Fisher The executive upon taking of fice made plans to stage a fall production of a melodrama dur ing month of October and a later production at Christmas It was also decided to increase membership The importance of developing a workshop program to train and entertain club mem bers was stressed Pictured following their May 31 wedding in the parsonage of Mount Albert United church are Mr and Mrs Bruce Herbert Sedore The bride is the former Dolores Margaret Hicks daughter of Mr and Mrs E Hicks The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Ernest all of Mount Albert Photo by Mrs William Keffer Holland Landings and Mrs George ton Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Roy and family and Mrs Allan Gould visited this week with Mr and Mrs E Gould Mr and Mrs Milton Graves Mount Albert had Sunday din ner with Mr and Mrs Leslie Graves and family and Mrs A Hicks to day attended the wedding of Mrs Hicks brother Clayton Hare to Miss Minnie Van at the Christian Reform church Ansnorveld Mr and Mrs Black Toronto Mr and Mrs J Sanders Richmond Hill and Mrs Douglas Sanders Richvale were guests of Mr and Mrs George Ruddock on Sunday Mr and Mrs Melville Rud dock and son Gary spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Ted Arnold Virginia Recent guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Vail ham St were Mrs Gordon Ab- ram Miss Hughes and Mr George Toronto and Mr and Mrs Vails son and daughterinlaw Dr and Mrs J Bill Vail Ottawa Mr Wellington Cockcrill R was visiting his sister Mrs Florence Niagara St for a couple of days last week Mr and Mrs Glenn Hill and NsOfTheWJ News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately The June meeting of the branch will be held at the home of Mrs Walker on Tuesday June The roll call is to be answered by A short cut in your housework A demon stration on Salad Making by Mrs Walker an da vegetable contest by Mrs Penrose are highlights of the program The branch met at the home of Mrs King for their June meeting Mrs Sinclair gave a very interesting talk and gave some splendid sug on making a j History Mrs gavel Street branch met at the compilation or items for the Tweedsmuir book Several members took special interest in the picnic to be held at Sharon Temple by the York Pioneers and Historical Society and will make efforts to be there Saturday June Final arrangements were made for the Health Unit to be held in the old Jersey school for pre school age children This branch is sponsoring this pro ject Mrs gave a dis play of paintings etc a wonderful display of hand painting and various types of handcraft all made by herself Please remember the picnic at Sharon Temple on Saturday June The monthly meeting of the Mount Albert branch will be held on Thursday June at pm in Community hall Hostesses will be Mrs Moore- head Mrs A Dike and Mrs J Case Roll call name a flower starting with your own initial Guest speaker is Mrs Ross Armi- The June meeting of the New market branch will be in the form of a picnic with the York Pioneers at Sharon Temple on Saturday June at pm All members are urged to attend GIVE DAD SOME- r THING TO SMILE m ABOUT with a gift from Beach branch met at the home of Mrs W King on Wednesday June Mrs and Airs gave a report on the district annual convention at Mount Albert May Mrs Beverley Sin clair tho district secretary was our speaker The chief topic was the home of Mrs Walter Rose oh Thursday afternoon June 5 There were members and four visitors present The presi dent Mrs Frank Perry was in the chair The roll call idea of a good citizen was well answered The correspondence was read and a short business session followed The Institute service chosen was Brighten your home with color Report of district annual was given by Mrs Community singing was led by Mrs Thompson Current events were read by Mrs A Mrs convener of citizen ship and education gave an ex cellent paper entitled Human life from childhood to eternity Miss Ida conducted a jumbled word contest Winners were Mrs Roy Cowieson and Mrs Institute mem bers arc invited to attend the York Pioneers and Institute pic nic at Sharon Saturday June Basket lunch The meeting closed with the National An them followed by a dainty lunch Kingcraft Sale Impresses Visitors From Newmarket That big grin can mean just one a FATHERS DAY choke from Morrisons well stocked shelves Ties by Arrow and Dads choice at and 2 popular Arrow shirts Hes at his best in an Arrow shirt at 150 am Sport Shirts by Arrow Sun Valley Stone and Deacon tailored for comfortable and casual wear at to 51395 Socks nylon and wool He can always do with a few pairs more at and Sport Jackets for informal dressiness and 81695 Sport Coats just right for summer comfort to If youre stuck for the rixht gift give him a summer dress straw hat by Dont worry about size or style use a Gift Certificate and let him choose his own at 8395 and If hes too outdoors type give him a choice rod or reel or perhaps accessories for his Shakespeare reels to and glass rods to Wide choice of tackle baits plugs and spoons Buy these name brand and be sure of quality Morrisons Mens Wear Two stores Newmarket and Aurora Aurora St Attending the Kingcrafts first sale of work on Wednesday June from Newmarket were Mrs Fred Hughes Mrs William Bales Mrs Arthur Mrs Dorothy Graham Mrs J Morris Mrs Howard Cane Mrs M Mrs George Me- Nelly Mrs Carl Barber Mrs Norman Mathews Mrs and Mrs Edward Mitchell The sale was held at Kings- wold the home of the presi dent Lady An standing display of weaving hooked rugs smocked blouses and dresses leather work and metal and woodcrafts were of fered for sale There was a demonstration of spinning wool carding and rug hooking A station wagon met the visi tors to the sale and transported them from the parking field to the beautiful grounds of Sir Ells worth and Lady Just inside the gate was an attrac tively painted white house in which the crafts were exhibit ed Reporting on the sole Mrs Edward Mitchell president of the Newmarket Handcraft group said that the artistry of the color blending the exquisite work manship and the originality of made it an exceptionally fine crafts exhibit The gallery of smocking was one of the largest she had ever seen with dresses for every age from in fancy to teen and womens blouses attractively displayed The hooked rugs were out standing said Mrs Mitchell Instead of a regular rug hook the Kingerafters used a crochet hook on fine mesh burlap Four- ply or double knitting wool re placed tho rags or coarser ma terials more frequently seen so that the finished product showed fine shadings in coloring and the design stood out in third dimen- aspect The ruggers had chosen soft colors which seem ed to melt into the design and as in all the crafts displayed the workers had brought a high degree of artistry to their in terpretations of these ageold crafts The leather crafts included a wide assortment of articles They too showed fine workman ship with an antique finish be ing employed Gathered around the table of woven ar ticles was a crowd reminiscent of a bargain counter continued Mrs Mitchell They were stand ing four or five deep At the Caledonia Market held under a marquee was a sale of brass silver and glass mostly antique dishes Gaily painted wagons displayed potted plants garden flowers cut flowers and odd shaped bottles treated with raffia containing ivy were in cluded in this section of the sale The bake tabic was sold out before the Newmarket group arrived Tea and refreshments were served and with a thoughtful- which drew approving com ments from the visiting women Teenagers with decorated wheel barrows transported free of charge the bulky purchases to the parking lot QUEENSVILLE WA GUESTS AT TRINITY family visited on Monday evening with the form ers parents Mr and Mrs Harry Hill Mr and Mrs William Bray and Miss Eleanor Rose Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Robert Rose Mrs Margaret Johnston and Sandra arc guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Johnston Mr and Mrs Earl Brown Toronto were Sunday visitors of Miss Brown Mr and Mrs Alex visited in Tottenham on Sunday the guests of Mr and Mrs Wal lace Tipping Mr and Mrs Roy Kef and family visited at their cottage Alcona Beach Lake on Sunday Mr Sandy Van Mr and Mrs and grand son Sheppard Mich visited for a few days last week with Miss Brown Miss Ruth Graves Lome Park college Port Credit spent the weekend at home with her parents Mr and Mrs Leslie Mr and Mrs E E Gould and family visited Mr and Mrs Wil liam Gould Snowball on if Mr and Mrs A Hicks and family spent the weekend in Toronto the guests of Mr and Mrs A Mrs Oliver Gould and son Lee spent Monday with Mrs Goulds parents Mr and Mrs Lome Church Bradford BOY SCOUTS NEED m m m AS SALVAGE MARKET FALLS The Newmarket Boy Scouts need to meet insurance costs on their hall and to com plete their camp Up to this time the Scouts have been able to finance themselves by the collection and sale of paper sal vage In recent months how ever the market for salvage has fallen Scouts are prohibited from making the usual for financial assistance by the laws or the association In this cir cumstance they are dependent upon the generosity of those who contribute towards worthy cause Contributions may be made to Percy Hutchinson chairman of group Newmarket MUTUAL LEADER HONORED MISSION CIRCLE MEET The Womens Mission Circle of- the Christian Baptist church will meet for its regular month ly meeting on Thursday June at oclock in the Sun day school room Delegates to the Belleville arid London con ventions will bring their re ports to this meeting All la dies of the congregation arc urged to attend Please note the change of date The Mutual Life of Canada pleaded to announce that- Mr of has again qualified for member ship in Production Club A Membership in this group attained only through the un derwriting of a large volume of protection which continues In force from year to year and the maintenance of a high personal standard of confidential service to policyholders GRADUATES FROM Mr William New West minster BC formerly of New market graduated from the Uni versity of British Columbia with Bachelor of Commerce Degree Bill as he is known to his friends is a nephew of Mrs Edna Newmarket TOPS for Make Morrisons Mens Wear your headquarters for Fathers Day gifting Complete assort ment of gifts for men Stores in and Aurora Youll get the tops in service and in quality merchandise at Morri sons Members of the Womans Association were guests at the June meeting of Trinity United church WA Newmar ket The devotional period was ably conducted by Mrs Topic was The Twentv- Third Psalm Mrs John Morris then took charge of the program Mrs Kershaw of sang very sweetly two numbers Let Love Abide Within Our Door and A Poor Mans Gar den Mrs S Cane gave a very informative and humor ous talk on her vacation in Flor ida this winter She vividly des cribed the scenery and life in that state At the conclusion the ladies formed into birthday groups and enjoyed a social hour ELECT OFFICERS St Andrews Presbyterian Missionary Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs Rosamond for their closing meeting on June Three new officers were ap pointed for the remainder of the year president Mrs Cock- burn secretary Miss Gil- and homehelpers secre tary Mrs Meredith A report of the recessional meeting at Thornhill was given by Mrs Meredith and Mrs Mc Donald A OUNCING New Method Dry Service NEWMARKET DRY CLEANERS MAIN ST TELEPHONE ATU NG HOUR SPECIAL a CASH and GABBY ONE DAY SERVICE PICK UP AND DELIVERY STARTS JUNE ANNIVERSARY June To celebrate occasion and in appreciation of the loyal support our customers have given us we arc giving away hundreds of gifts of COUSIN PRODUCTS till day long on June at the Dairy Bar EVERY SALE of each of tho followuiK Dairy products will be given away lee Cream Milk Butter Cream Chocolate Ice Cream Cones Milk Shakes Ice Cream Bars Buttermilk ley Twins Sundaes EVERY FIVE MINUTES a gift will be made to someone the store There will be many other special prizes Be sure to visit Bar Watch for coupons In our anniversary bricks Street Aurora Telephone Aurora mm