l I I MOUNT PLEASANT PORTS COLUMN Hotkey has faded trow into that past envelope events so rapidly ufteuons overlap with hockey on baseball way In on hotkey Mm the rapsJIIfpMrtlost Indivi dual feat are entered in the Tkere an award for fadi in the major hockey of many too in the leases which fa the way should can rtso above the level and sow to by their own skill and courage and spirit only fair and just that this should be in some tangible fashion Unfortunately for player the National Hockey League who did all this plus there is no award for a coura geous comeback not even a special notation in the records which are coldly mathematical and delve into the human side Yet if any player deserved some recognition that would entitle him to special notation special award that player who should have been worthy in large and generous measure of such recognition would have been Winnipegs Samuel James Sugars Jiih Henry of the Boston Bruins who survived the buffeting of Fate survived a fire that scarred his hands and arms and returned to stardom Hockey developed some great figures the past season but we doubt if any of these is so compelling so fraught with the rugged romance of sport as the return of Henry to the Big Time This is pure Hollywood throughout the piece A highvoltage scriptwriter could pen no more gripping drama Jim Henry first won a Spot in the major lea with New York Hut his stay there was short for at the end of first season he enlisted the Army to serve in World War remained there until the end of the Then he returned to hockey played briefly with Rangers after his sports pathway was a lane thai seemed to be leading nowhere Twice He came up to Ranters alter nating with minor league chores Then to Chicago in the Big Time then suddenly faaek to the minors for three seasons This Isnt of as Wstory Henrys hockey meander ing We merely paint it in for background to prove that despite vicissitudes real courage doesnt weaken Three years in the minors was bad enough but the worst came in the summer of A flash fire suddenly enmeshed Henry at a summer resort camp he was badly burned about the hands and arms That you might think would spell the end of a career in hockey where hands with speed and certainty are for almost as essential as lightning reflexes But Henry didnt give up He reported to the Detroit camp of the Red Wings for he had played the previous sea son for Indianapolis a Detroit farm team But Indianapolis already had a good goaler young Hall so the chances for Henry with his burned hands remaining even in minor hockey looked slim But Boston Bruins of the National League needed a They tried to buy Hall but against their own judg ment were talked into purchasing Sugar Henry for a moderate sum The club started poorly Boston didnt win a game in its first ten Henrys job seemed shaky Then the team improved but near the end seemed to have little chance to make the playoffs for the Stanley Cup But near the end of the race Bruins started to roll They won or tied all but of their last And the star the steadying in fluence that backgrounded the drive that carried them into the finals Why none other than Sugar Henry with his unshaken courage Theres no prize for comebacks for those who survive the bludgeoning of fate with head unbowed If there was Sugar Jim Henry would be one of the candidates tor column wilt welcomed House St Toronto DISTILLERS LIMITED The rain early in the week was what all the farmers were very thankful for as most seeding is finished Our sympathy goes out to Mr Hamilton and family in the loss of a wife and mother Dr Berry of Grimsby and a former minister at Sutton and Mount Pleasant had Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs Bern ard Davidson and attended Pleasant church in the afternoon also meeting many of his old friends Bible study at Mr Alex Hop kins home last week was well attended A week ago Mr and Mrs Davidson got a surprise visit from their nephew and wife Mr and Mrs Howard ton of They also called on other relatives I Mrs Selby Barker of Aurora also visited Mr and Mrs Davidson the same weekend The Womens Guild will meet at the home of Mrs Percy Brown on Tuesday May 20 at 230 p m Bible study at Mr Bernard Davidsons home this week had quite a number present Most farmers had visitors on Mothers Day York Festival Winners Prize winners in the schools Junior elocution under where music is taught by Mrs years 1st Betty A at the Music Fes- Keswick gold medal at last week Vocal sight reading grade 1st Greta Walsh Keswick gold Choir grades 1 and 1st medal grade 1st Joy Jersey public school shield Jersey gold medal 2nd Keswick public school Carol King Keswick rural school chorus j ver medal 3rd Marilyn Mt school No men Jersey grade 1st Mlr- V Aurora Social Xews The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May 9 East shield Piano solo under 1st Burrows Sutton gold medal 3rd Marvin Clarke Jer sey Piano solo under 1st Jersey gold medal 2nd Carol Keswick silver medal Vocal solo boys under 1st Garfield Cooper Roches gold medal boys under 1st On Sunday May a Mo thers Day service was conduct ed by the Sunday school super intendent Mrs Wilbert Jen nings It was very gratifying to have so many families attend Miss Beynon and Mrs Burton Palmer read appropriate stories The junior girls con sisting of Misses Elsie Anderson M Morris Donna Jennings Pat sy and Clara Herrima sang Miss Joan Hare read a poem and Sharon Palmer sang The guest speaker for ihe af ternoon was Mrs Ernest Moddle whose wonderful words of in spiration to the parents and children will long be remember ed A lovely bouquet of spring flowers was presented to Mrs for her work with the junior congregation on Sunday evenings and for this wonderful address by Miss Donna Dixon j Miss Isabel Morrison read the words of presentation Marie Crittenden Base Line George Pollock Keswick gold gold medal medal boys under 1st Public school triple trio 1st Wayne Keswick gold Keswick public school shield medal 3rd George Pollock Gail Pollock Beryl Walsh Keswick Phyllis Draper Gail Wright I S A girls chorus under Norma King- Beverley Peters years 2nd Sutton high school Ruth Martin Audrey Walsh I A chorus under 21 Carol 3rd Jersey years 1st Sutton high school public school Carol Brown shield Lois Bertha Sedore Boys ensemble under 21 Page Gra- years 1st Sutton high school ham Hilda shield Matthews Marie and Mar- lene Public school triple duet 2nd Keswick public school see names 3rd Jersey public school School triple duet rooms or less 2nd Base Line school Bruce Pollock Cynthia Roches Point Junior vocal girls under 1st Nancy Van Kes wick gold medal 2nd Pol lock Base Line silver medal 3rd Nancy Keswick Boys under 10 2nd Bryan Roches Point silver 3rd Stanley Arnold On Sunday May the cadets annual church parade was held Rev Roland Hill Toronto who was a former high school student of this town addressed the boys The boys also attended the Youth of the Empire parade in Toronto on Sunday evening Miss Emily Teasdale Vancou ver BC is spending three weeks with her parents Mr and Mrs Frank Teasdale Miss Evelyn Taylor has return ed home after spending a week with Mrs C Mr Cecil Atkinson Saskatch ewan Is home visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Wm- Atkinson TO MAKE BICYCLES SAFER AT NIGHT tape for the bicycles of elementary school children in Newmarket has been left at the schools this week Youngsters are reminded to bring their bi cycles to the school they attend if they need this safety tape All receiving the tape are requested to pay cents per bicycle This Scotchlite tape is a safe ty feature instigated in New market by the Home and School association last year A WELCOME Visitors are welcome at the John Stallard Memorial shelter operated by the North York Hu mane Society on week days from to pm and on Sunday from 3 to pm The shelter is lo cated on the old slaughter grounds Main St- North There are pets available for adoption from the shelter KESWICK CO and inch wells PHONE 2404 KESWICK Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results JR AUXILIARY The Junior Evening Auxiliary Trinity United church Newmarket will meet at the home of Mrs Ernest Hill Lome Ave on Tuesday May pm All members are re- Jane Chapman Marleane Men- Rita Jacobs Shirley Anne 3rd Roches Point Joan Link Hanne Au drey Lillian Upton Margaret Alder Joan Choir grades and 8 1st Jersey public school shield Choir grades and 1st Jersey public school shield 3rd Keswick public school Choir grades and 2nd Jersey public school 3rd Kes wick public school Rural school chorus two rooms 3rd Roches Point school Rural school chorus one room 2nd S S No East Rural school enrollment un dergo 2nd S No 2 East Girls under 1st Anne tortype material the tape clear- Neilsen Roches Point gold medal girls under 3rd Greta Walsh Keswick boys under ly marks bicycles so that at dusk or at other times the bikes are more readily visible to motor ist Bryan Roches lists The application of the CLUBS OBSERVE B AND P WEEK Business Womens Week is being celebrated by the New market Business and Profes sional Womens club with all and P clubs throughout Canada May to 24 The slo- to bring articles for for Business Womens Buy and Sell sale A cordial Week is Keeping Pace With invitation is extended to all Canada gold medal 3rd Richard Hook er Jersey Boys under 3rd David Keswick boys under 3rd Bruce Pollock Base line Triple trio girls tinder 2nd Sutton public school Burrows Susan Lottie Geraldine Smith Joan Robertson Carol Joan Ruth Scott Helen Lee Trio girls under 3rd Kes wick girls trio Lorraine Beverley Helen Porter S A chorus under years 1st Roches Point school shield A special prize of for most outstanding rural school pupil was awarded Marie Crit tenden of Base Line school North safety tape to the bicycles was accompanied by a visit to the schools of Chief who spoke on safety practices on the street and at home junior ladies of the congrega- to attend USE ERA AMD EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING GUIDE COOKIE DAY Saturday May is cookie day for the guides and brownies of Newmarket Any homemak- who were missed when the girls conducted their house-to- house canvass to order cookies are requested to phone Mrs Thompson or Mrs before Saturday Money raised through the sale of these cookies in the Guide trefoil de sign is used for the Newmarket girls in guides and brownies They number about MOTORS ROSS BOATS The Newmarket club has a membership of over women has been active in valuable service work in Newmarket There are Business and Professional Womens clubs in Ontario with a total membership of over 3000 Each member of- each club is also a member of the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Wo mens clubs represented in every province with a membership of over Business Womens Week was first celebrated in the United States in When Ontario Business and Professional Wo mens clubs decided to hold a Business Womens Week they had an idea that a function could he served with the growing in fluence of women in political and economic life and P clubs are doing what they can to inform their mem bers of the issues of the day locally provincial and feder ally and with an eye on the in ter national scone These women feel it highly important that their sex use the franchise intelligently and have informed opinions of issues which concern alt segments of society emtio are NEW MOTORS motor motor motor motor USED MOTORS Evinrude good Johnson Mercury good Johnson good Johnson ill Evinrude li p Johnson Johnson perfect Johnson perfect NEW AND USED ROSS BOATS Fishing can be flirt but like anything else you have the moat fun when you use the bent in tackle and dress in the most comfortable clothes You know you arc getting a fishermans choice of the best when you ii buy Morrisons TELL HOW MONEY RAISED FOR AID Reports on money raising pro jects Were presented by the den oting organizations at the May meeting of the York County Hos pital Womens Auxiliary Held in the Agricultural Board rooms i Mrs Rusty Rogers presided Mrs J Bowman was in charge of the program Many interesting accounts were given by Institute members and repre sentatives of other organizations who during the past year liad contributed to York County Hos pital through the auxiliary Over jars of Jams and jellies were received shower for the hospital The meeting closed with a so cial half hour when light refresh ments were served under the of Mrs John Dales OPEN KIDD GARDENS TO SOCIETY TOUR The beautifully landscaped gardens of Mr and Mrs Kidd have again been opened to the public through the spon sorship of the Newmarket Hor ticultural Society Anyone in terested in flowers and at this particular time the tulips will be well rewarded by a visit to these gardens On Sunday May the pub lic is invited to attend this an nual garden visit Mr and Mrs Kidd have said that the tulips PLAN TRIP TO NIAGARA GARDENS A trip to the Niagara Falls Parks school for nurserymen and horticulturalists has been proposed for the members of the Newmarket Horticultural So ciety At the school can be seen the species of flowers shrubs hedges and trees which are har dy to our climate A conducted tour of the greenhouses grounds and school could be arranged if enough of the local members were interested From this school graduate the specialists in the field of horti culture and visits from provin cial societies are welcome ine interested in such a trip is requested to contact the New market societys president Mrs Nelson Ion MAMMOTH BAND DISPLAY Town Park AURORA Sunday MAY TIME 815 PM featuring ST ANDREWS COURSE PIPE BAND and AURORA HIGH SCHOOL CADET BAND Sponsored by Aurora Recreation Commission Proceeds To Purchase Equipment For Childrens Playground are at their best during the day kept rather than in the evening when abreast of current questions and they begin to close If you are in so doing they feel they are j planning to plant tulips this discharging one of the duties in fall here is an opportunity to in citizenship a wide assortment in bloom i r TO REFEREE Show at NEWMARKET MEMORIAL ARENA on MAY 24 9 MAIN BOUT Drop mat clothes AL Tackle the latest in spinning tackle Bring in your for a spring overhaul by an expert outboard motor mechanic PHONE 366 MAIN ST NEWMARKET VAN a A SUPERMARKET or a comer grocery store No matler the your maiket you can build it with CONCRETE BLOCKS lines mors W H EVES CO CONCRETE BLOCKS AN CINDER BLOCKS MEETS ALL SPECIFICATToiTS LOCAL AGENT flV BLOCK GO COR M LEY 38M The Alaskan Lumberjack at lbs VS JIM From Montana at lbs Best two out of three falls hour time limit Two other boutshalf hour time limit Contestants to be named next week Admission For opening show only ringside centre sections end sections 100 fax included Tickets on sale Saturday Hay at Grant Futsoms Tobacco Shop Arena and Comer Cupboard North Hall St J JV 9