-j- j Classifieds Continued FOR SALE HEALTHY chicks weeks old 24c each A- phone Mount Al bert FISHER bred to lay Hybrid pullets each Howard 60 St phone New market 3w20 MERCHANDISE WANTED YEARLING Hybrid pullets laving Phone Mount Al bert AH kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone 657 Newmar ket Live poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid Oak Ridges or phone King 59rl4 14 SEED FOR SAIE FOUNDATION A Katahdin government inspected Mitchell Oak Ridges King PUNTS FOR SALS BOXED plants now available roots pot plants We deliver Phone Davys Newmar ket 51w4 Green houses AT the old reliable firm box plants at wholesale prices Pan ics petunias asters carnations many other varieties Also peppers tomato plants all varie ties early and cabbage cauliflower sprouts pan- per hundred boxes Other box plants including flowers tomato cabbage cauli flower and sproSts per hundred boxes Spanish onions SI per large Hat flats flats Our plants go to many parts in Ontario Toronto Hamilton Barrio and the com plete nearby district Our prices eannot beat in the Dominion Vc specialize in box plants Save money and come to No waiting Open for business late evenings Surround- lings well lighter Holland landing mens sport shirts value lip to Long sleeve seven shades INSLEYS mens sport coats SB button link 2350 and Boys Theres the smartest selection in town Western style 10 Sanforized west ern cut drape legs fitted body Boys mens MISCELLANEOUS MUCOUS IN THROAT Thunas Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with good results Price 250 The Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone 14 Newmar ket FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and Invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert If 14 We repair all makes of sewing machines New machines 3950 up Singer Sewing Center New market Main St phone Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble- Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket COME in and compare We will not knowingly be undersold by any competitor anywhere You be the hidgo Dyers Furniture phone Newmarket tfli THE BEST BRONCHIAL v COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EMMAN UEL MILLER LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH GWIL- IN THE COUNTY OF YORK MASON DECEAS ED CREDITORS of the abovenam ed deceased who died at the Township of North Gwiilimbury in the County of York on or a- the Third day of November 1951 are hereby notified pursu ant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the Tenth day of June 1952 after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the under signed will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this Six th day of May AD Miller and Stanley Mil ler Executors by their solicitors Mathews Stiver Lyons Vale Newmarket Ont NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM FREDERICK CRAWFORD LATE OF THE TOWN OF NEW MARKET IN THE COUNTY OF YORK MERCHANT DECEAS ED Creditors of the abovenamed de ceased who died at the Town ship of in the County of on or about the Fifth day of March are hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the Third day of June af ter which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed hav ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this Twentyninth day of April Mathews Stiver Lyons Vale Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for Lena Crawford Admlnlslratix TENDERS PAINTING TENDERS SEALED tenders plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 1200 noon May 26 for the exterior painting of houses at Newmarket SPECIFICATIONS and forms of tender required may be obtained at the address shown below Each tender must be accompan ied by a security deposit of five per cent of the amount of the tender A certified cheque- or negotiable Dominion of Canada Bonds will be accepted as a security deposit THE lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted E Collins manager Central Mortgage Housing St West Toronto clw20 DEATHS In our hearts your memory ling ers LUMBER FOR SALE FEET of dry hemlock J Mount CANARIES Roller and Border a Baby Bud- Cages and supplies WOOD FOR SALE CORDS hardwood Apply lot 31 con 9 Whitchurch or phone 1210 Mount Albert in stove length Delivered Phone Mount Al bert PRODUCE BAGS of potatoes Phone 3210 Mount Alber POTATOES Phone Mount A POTATOES Some Pink Eyes Home White potatoes Apply Johnson phone 505 PETS WIRE Terrier puppies register ed Phone HOC Newmarket African Violets colors each Mrs Wm Agar phone TAYLOR water softeners Own your own softener They operate for as low as to per month We install and service Snow Heating and Appliance phone Aurora AWNINGS Aristocrat Canvas Awnings Aristocrat Aluminum Awn ings Complete Service Estimation to Installation Tent Awning Co Tel St PERSONALS SKINNY GIRLS GET LOVELY CURVES to lbs new pep Try health and weightbuild er Tonic Tablets Intro ductory size only Cue All druggists MERCHANDISE MENS gabardine raincoats Made in Fingland Many double lined Size to It Reg ular value 2150 2595 3350 Its real value Taupe only In side price SEE window Choice of the store tailored to measure suits for men and women Many with extra pants window long grey flannel awl dm drape bottoms to yrs t9S SEE window Little girls lift to boys navy blue blazers to years to years years exceptionally gowl value iAwVJ IKON Fireman Vortex bur- and furnace units We install and service See hern on display at Snow Ilea and Ap pliances St or phone A SEE window Little boys and girls navy blue wool gabardine raincoats or topcoats fully satin lined Sizes to rough overall pants Mens Hoys lltercs bet wear in every pair Small children elastic waist band 250- c4wl9 HOWARD furnaccH- The coal or oil fired We Install and servicer See them at Snow and Ap- SALE REGISTER SATURDAY MAY I Auction sale at the Livestock Sales Arena selling livestock our specialty Fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves and horses Pickup and delivery can be arranged This Is your community sale Come early and bring something to sell You bring it and well sell it Sale every Saturday at pm Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet and Atkinson auction ores SATURDAYS MAY The un dersigned will sell by public auc tion the property of the late Dr J Wesley consisting of house hold effects tools used lumber etc on the premises Main St Newmarket Time pm Terms cash Smith auct ioneer illume Newmarket MAY 1952 Auc tion sale of restaurant under Chattel mortgage and for rent at Main Street Newmarket Ontario at the hour of pm daylight saving lime Inventory lists all essential equipment for restaurant bus iness Terms of sale cash I Smith auctioneer Newmar ket telephone A Rob inson clerk See posters FRIDAY- MAY Auction sale of stock and implements etc the property of IX If Miller rear lot southeast corner Whitchurch Twp Time Terms cash Smith at Island J rove Liike on lot 3rd concession of North to he sold by public auction Saturday May at pm Situated on a beauti ful landscaped lot con taining four bedrooms large loom with natural stone fire place dining mom kitchen com pletely furnished including elec tric refrigerator and stove burner heavy wiring inside conveniences largo screen porch Owner will take back a first mortgage at six percent in terest For further Information phone CA Toronto J Kavanaugh auctioneer SATURDAY MAY 31 Hie will sell by public auction the household effects the property of Mrs Germain at the premises lit Prospect St Newmarket Time Terms cash Smith auctioneer NOTICE TAKE notice that on Friday May at the hour of one oclock under and by virtue of the provision of the Warehouse mans Lien Act there will be offered for sale for charges owing on the following vehicle 1031 DODGE sedan serial No Ontario license as presently owing on the said vehicle the sum of together with storage hereon The Windmill Garage Jerry Kick Proprietor I CHOICE cedar trees for hedges I Delivered Phone market evenings THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET NOTICE IN the matter of a proposed by law for the closing and stopping up of a lane lying between lots 55 and according to plan Newmar ket and for selling and convey ing the freehold of the road so stopped up TAKE NOTICE that at a meet ing of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket to be held on Mon day the ninth day of June at eight oclock in the afternoon Daylight Saving Time consider ation will be given by the Coun cil to the passing of a proposed bylaw providing for the closing and stopping up of a lane on Plan on the north side of Grace Sueot lying between Lots 50 and and for the sale and conveyance thereof at the said meeting the Council will bear any person or by his Counsel any person who claims that his land will he pre judicially affected by die said proposed Bylaw at Newma 1 t Is eighth day of May A Wesley J rooks Clerk NOTICE Whitchurch township DUMPS Located for west sides at Mrs P Ashs north side of side road 12 miles east of Yonge St and for east side J Groves lot con Whitchurch Twp will be open to ratepay ers of Whitchurch Twp for dis posal of garbage and other infuse on dales of May and May and No animal vegetable matte to he placed In these dumps John Crawford Clerk TENDERS TENDERS FOR PLUMBING TENDERS will be received by the Newmarket Public School board up to Tuesday June 3rd for plumbing work to be done at the Alexander school PARTICULARS may be obtain ed from the sectreas Hunter BIRTHS ANDREWS At York County hospital Thursday May to Mr and Mrs Stuart Andrews Newmarket a son At York County tat Monday May to Mr and Mrs Albert tleby a son York County hospital Saturday May to Mr and Mrs Melville Camp bell Keswick a daughter COLLINGSAt York County hos pital Saturday May to Mr and Mrs William Bradford a daughter Janice Lucille COOPER At York County hos pital Saturday May to Mr and Mrs Irwin Cooper King a daughter and Shirley arc very happy to say their baby sister Ruth arrived safe ly on Monday May at Maple Nursing Home George and Merle are proud parents At York County hospi tal Saturday Mr and Mrs Stanley Dell Kes wick a son York County hos pital Thursday May 15 to Mr and Mrs John Dennis New market a daughter At York County hospital Wednesday May to Mr and Mrs Perry Fair- barn Sutton West a son HAND A A At York County hospital Wednesday May to Mr and Mrs A rend a daughter TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS FOR WEED SPRAY- INC MATERIAL SEALED tenders clearly marked as contents will be received by the undersigned until oclock norm Thursday May To supply imperial gallons of hot hate amine weed spray con taining not less than SO acid per imperial gallon also Imiiei gallons brush LOWEST or any tender not nee- issarily accepted Ernest Davis Road Superintendent tenders TOWNSHIP OF TENDERS I WEED SPRAYER SEALED tenders clearly marked as to contents will le received by the undersigned until oclock noon Thursday May To supply weed sprayer for roadside spraying consisting of or GOO gallon tank High and low pressure boom and spray gun mounted on a four wheel rubber tired trailer LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Ernest Davis Road Superintendent At York County hospital Saturday May to Mr and Mrs Earl 1 Keswick a laughter JACK At York County hospi tal Wednesday May 14 lo Mr and Mrs Bruce Jack Oak Ridges a daughter At York County hos pital Saturday May to Mr and Mrs- Carman Holt a daughter York County hospital Tuesday May 13 lo Mr and Mrs Donald lan Qucensvillo a daughter York County hos pital Saturday May to Mr and Mrs Robert Suit on West a daughter PEARSON At York County hospital Sunday May to Mr find Mrs John Pearson Mount Albert a son At York County hos pital Saturday May 10 to Mr and Mrs William Newmarket a son RUSH At York County hospi tal Tuesday May to Mr and Mrs Newmarket a son SMOCK HAM At York County hospital Monday May to Mr and Mrs Ken a SOU At York County hospital Friday May to Mr and Mrs Donald Sharon a daughter SMITH At York County hospi tal Sunday May Mr arid Mrs Regf Smith Queens- villc a daughter York County Wtttuosduy May to Mr and Mis William a daughter WILSON Mr and Mrs Robert Wilson Newmarket are happy to announce the birth of their son Douglas Cordon lbs 12 a brother for Jo Anne and on Tuesday May at York County i WILLIS the Burks Falls May Rev arid Mrs R Willis- son still horn BACK Mount Albert will reenter the Lake Softball league Three or four players from Moll are turning out with the team and a couple of new prospects should put us right bock in the hunt for the Stan Cook trophy reports Joe Case Mount Amort executive Coach manager and club officials will be named this week Holt mentioned previ ously is a possible eighth team in the Lake league have shelved plana for this year ac cording to latest advice Windsor on May Matilda Hoi- Hogshead wife of the late Mark and mother of Windsor Blanche Mrs Glad stone Rowley of Leamington Harper of Ottawa and Mark Pearson Detroit Ser vice was held oh Wednesday May 14 Interment King City cemetery CLYDE After a lingering ill- at her home Sutton West Saturday morning May Ethel Maud Wilson in her year wife of Wes Clyde Ser vice was held on Tuesday May Interment Whitevale ceme tery HAYES Suddenly at his late residence Gurnett St Aur ora Sunday May Rob ert James Hayes husband of Susan Robinson father of Isabel and Gordon brother of Margaret and Isabel of Brad ford- Service was held on Wed nesday May Interment Aur ora cemetery MERCER At the Hospital for Children on Monday May Bruce Douglas Mercer infant son of Bruce and Joan Mercer of Elmgrove Ave Lake Wilcox and brother of Lynda and the late Judith Annette Mercer Service was held on Tuesday May Interment Prospect cemetery- KAY At Toronto East General hospital Thursday May Dr Amos Frank Kay husband of Caroline In his year father of Dr Ronald Kay Toronto and the late Squadron- Leader Harry Kay brother of Mrs J J Foster Pefferlaw Service was held at United church on Saturday May Interment Union cemetery At his home Newmarket on Thursday May J Rev William husband of Annie father of Ingle- wood and Bramp ton Service was held at the chapel of Roadhouse and Rose Newmarket on Saturday May Interment Newmarket ceme tery HARPER At Out Lady of Mercy hospital on Wednesday May Minnie wife of the late William Harper in her year mother of Charles Gilbert and Nelson IT Harper of Toronto and How ard Gordon Harper of Detroit sister of Homy Chaloner of Cleveland and Albert of Toledo Ohio Service was held at the Trull Funeral Home on Friday May Interment Maple cemetery Maple Ont BURGH At Newmarket On Sat urday May Colin Moore wife of the late Joseph Funeral service was held at the chapel of and Rose on May Interment Prospect cemetery SIMPSON- At York County bos- on Monday May Frederick Simpson husband of Eliza Bray in his year service was held on Thursday Interment in Queens- ville cemetery SWEET At Pine Orchard on Tuesday May Marie May daughter of Mr and Mrs Vein Sweet aged In terment in cemetery on Thursday May 15 WHITE At Newmarket on Friday May Albert Sam uel While husband of the late Alma Blanche father of Wallace Toronto and Valerie Detroit Service was held on Monday interment Prospect cemetery Toronto IN EVANS IN loving memory of a dear husband and dad Charles Evans who passed away May We cannot Lord thy purpose see But all is well thats by Thee Ever remembered by his wife and family In loving memory of our dear lather William Craig Jawson who passed away May Gnue into thai light that shines so lair Gone iroin the earth of sorrow and care those hands that did their best Gone dear lather gone to rest sleeping resting at last His weary trials and troubles are past In silence he suffered III patience lie bore Till God ailed him home to suf fer no more Sadly missed and lovingly re- by Ids daughters Flora and Gertrude MONK MAN In loving memory of a dear mother Mrs Vlonkmu who passed away May also a dear father who passed away Sept memories of those so dear We cherish still with love sin cere A comes with sail grot And one that wo will never KOt remembered by their fam ily- SIMPSON In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Mrs Louise Simpson who pass ed away May 13 Her weary hours and days of pain Hie troubled nights are past And In our aching hearts we know She has found sweet rest at last Ever by Wilfred Kvelyn and grandsons ST JOHN In loving memory of our dear parents Maty St John who passed hway May and Clarence Wesley St John who passed away May Sweetly tender fond and true There is not a day dear parents That we do not think of you Lovingly remembered by the family CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart felt thanks to the members of the fire brigades Newmarket Mount Albert Holland Landing Sutton and for their gallant work in saving our home We realize that had the firemen neighbors and friends not work ed so hard and quickly that all would have been lost ville firemen with their inade quate equipment did a great deal to lessen the fire hazard till the brigades arrived Queens ville men must be especially commended for their bravery and work We thank all the neighbors friends and firemen for the wonderful work in re moving furniture from the home when it was thought that all would be burned and also restor ing it to place when the fire was over The ladles must be thank ed for their help to restore order in the home Mr and Mrs Ross Chapman m CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs Arthur Green of King City extend hearty apprec iation to all who assisted in re moving their store stock for the recent fire and to the Aurora Maple and King fire depart ments although hampered by bad roads and low water pres sure The Newmarket Era and Express May Page fa More Sports News PeelYork CARD OF THANKS I Wish to thank all my kind friends and neighbors for the lovely flowers and cards sent to me during my recent stay in York County hospital Special thanks are extended to Dr my special nurses and the nurses and staff of York County hospital Mrs Cy Blight CARD OF THANKS Mrs and family wish to express sincere gratitude to all those who expressed sympathy and gave assistance in their recent bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and father CARD OFT JAN KS Mr Ken Mount wishes to thank the Newmarket Lions Club New- market Bus Lines Newmarket Taxi managers and employees Dr Arkinslall and J Itilchic nurses of York County hospital friends and relatives for heir acts of kindness during his illness ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Stanley Stevenson Aurora announce the engage ment of their daughter Marion to Mr Howard Edwin Timbers son of Mr and Mrs Cordon Timbers Aurora the marriage to lake place Saturday June at oclock at Aurora United church Mr and Mrs Frank Keswick wish announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Joan to Mr John A Ed wards son of Dr and Mrs J Edwards Newmarket The marriage will take placer in Kes wick United Church June at 11111 Mr and Mrs Frederick Ed ward announce the engagement of their daughter Sheila Avril to Mr Howard Thomas Sinclair son of Mr and Mrs Howard Sin clair the marriage to take place on Sat unlay June at oclock in St Pauls Anglican Church Newmarket Mr and Mrs Hubert Knights wish to announce the engagement of their daugh ter Shirley Mae to Mr Harold Rogers son of Mrs Rogers iaxd the late Mr Fred Rogers the marr iage to take place in May 31 1052 Mr and Mrs Stewart Wight Keswick wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Dorothy Alice to Mr John An drew Manning son of Benjamin Manning Lindsay Ontario the wedding to take place on June at I oclock in Keswick Christian church Mr and Mrs Coition Bedding ton announce the engagement their youngest daughter Doro thy Joan to Mr James Peter eldest son of Mr and Mrs Le The marriage will take place oil Sat urday May in St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket Low Cost 12 Speedster now has Gearshift at a finati touch tot s In at amazingly low cod Fad and to operate and and 5 Neutral Clutch TODAY A good pair An motor a bout and AND at phone All eight teams in the Peel- York Softball league will start tonight Thursday to get the league season underway reports league secretary Bruce Hall of King City First week schedule is May King City at Wood- bridge Bolton at Ket- tleby at Humber Summit Pot- at May at Nobleton at King City Summit at Bolton at Kettleby Sponsors Kehieby Teams The Community Club wilt sponsor two teams this season a mens team in the Peel- York league and a ladies team in the YorkSimcoe league fans can look for ward to a busy and exciting season with Schomterg King City Wood- bridge Sum mit and Bolton supplying the opposition to the men Opposi tion to the ladies will be Brad- i May 22 at Wood- bridge Putiageviiie at King City at Humber Summit J Bolton at Schomberg coaching duties with the mens team Don Cheyne LAKE MEETING Last and final call for Lake softball league entries Lake Simcoe league delegates will meet tonight Thursday at the Sharon hall at pm to complete plans for the season Each team entering the league race Is asked to have a rep resentative present Each team must also present a players list for executive inspection Meeting is call ed for pm mens was named manager at a recent meeting Miss Grace Webster has been elected manager of the ladies team and Fred Costigan coach Kettleby ladies will open their season before the home folks on May 23 with Schomberg the visitors Aurora League Officers The organization meeting of the Aurora town softball league was hold Wednesday Following suggestions of the nominating committee of Mickey Sutton Cliff Chapman Bill BillMundell and Jim Murray the following officers were installed was named presi dent Councillor Jim Murray vicepresident Gardner Lloyd secretarytreasurer The league will have a new look this season Three of last years four teams Harts and Merchants will be missing Throe new teams Civil Service Hospital Cliff Chapmans Aces and Grant Fergusons team are seeking entry Mickey Sut tons Ditch Diggers will be back When the teams complete their plans it should add up to a snap py four- team league WILL A and recital vocal and piano will be given the pupils of Mrs J Cane the Christian Baptist church on Tuesday evening June SHARON The Sharon is sponsoring a Home and School meeting in the Sharon school on Friday May at pm All parents and friends are asked to attend Guest speakers will be Mrs A McClelland president of York County Home and School and Mrs presi dent of a newly formed York Summit Home and School TENNIS MEETING There will be a meeting of the Newmarket Tennis Club at the town tennis courts Tuesday May at pm In case of rain the meeting will be held at the home of Keith Davis DINNER MEETING dinner meeting will be held at Summit View Inn on Tuesday May 20 pm by the Business and Professional Womens Inter- council This is the first such gathering of the Guest speaker will be Miss Trout president of the Bramp ton P club Any mem bers of the Newmarket club wish ing to attend are requested to contact Miss Avers MAYOR SAYS from page Reeve Evans listed a charitable donations made by the Newmarket Veterans Assoc- through funds raised by They included foe- the hospital far a local hockey club for the Winni peg Hood and larger amounts to help veterans families Maybe we should have a to pay the insurance premium Mr Evans suggested If the town hall produced only in revenue for all that trouble I think we might as well give it free to the organizations said Councillor Boyd one hand you have a com- place like the arena which operates to meet its cost yet oppose doing the same thing here said the mayor But people renting the arena have a chance to make something on Rate receipts Mr Dales re plied It would be pretty hard to do that in the town hall un less you charged a one dollar ad mission fee The discussion was abandoned The mayor said that the finance committee would meet to consid er insurance on all town build the cost of which was be coming too great he said On the other hand he said the town hall building was insured far too low KESWICK The following pupils of Pollard were successful at the Festival Deborah Mohan class under received marks Carol class under II marks Peggy Carr received 3rd prize certificate marks These girls were up against strung competition and did very well indeed SAV WITH THIS and HEATING CATALOGUE rink BbAllow pump pipe rang fitting Zi- WRITE MAIN PLUMBING HEATING SUPPLIES CO mi WEEKEND SPECIAL Gabardine S U IT 2 PAIR PANTS Perfect for dress and business wear good looking double breast ed style pleated trous ers with zipper navy Opposite Newmarket y 1