f r TV mi Professional LEGAL ft Solicitor wad Public Corner Thomas Holder Aurora Ardill Block and Wellington Street Telephone Aurora Joseph Dales Notary Mobile J Office and Residence Phone Main NEWMARKET By Appointment St Barrister Solicitor Public PHONE 11 Wellington St n MATHEWS STIVER LYONS AND VALE fe Barristers Solicitors Notaries Mathews QC M Stiver B E Lyons Joseph Vale 1H Main St 220 Bay St phone Phones Toronto Ont MISCELLANEOUS A I HAWKINS Contractor For BULLDOZING GRADING CELLAR EXCAVATIONS and Gravel Sand and Fill Phone 21liiiia SAND York County Hospital S East Gwill Council The regular monthly meeting rural part suffered through The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May Page y Nevember On Saturday May 31 the York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary a day on Main St Newmarket This will to house canvass to be blitz stone of various sires crashed sand navel and pit ran Delivered or at bin Plant phone Office phones and J A A mills Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public MAIN ST Newmarket Gl VIOLET ROBINSON Conveyancing Insurance St Phone 339 Newmarket JAMES BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC 35 MAIN S1V PHONE NEWMARKET DENTAL M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR House and Farm Wiring B A I General Repairs Timken Oil Burners Space Heater Electrical Household Appliances Phone Box Ontario St Newmarket James J Wall PLUMBING HEATING Contractor f m Dealer for Fairbanks Morse Pressure Systems Oil Burners Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning OAK RIDGES PHONE KING 111 PHONE AURORA be preceded by a house fashion by adult solicitors on Thursday May In preparation for these two events there will appear in the next four editions of this paper articles based on the minutes of the original Hospital Aid and those of the present association which was reorganized in March These articles will supplement Mr Walter Eves recent con tribution on The Origin and Growth of York County Hospital There is no better way to emphasize the great need of auxiliary help and the value of such an organization to a community than by presenting an account of what a small group of determined public- minded women accomplished in a few short years This is the his tory of the original Aid as compiled from the minutes of their meetings On November the la- j tions There were two monthly dies of the town held a meeting I meetings being held now and on at the York County Hospital at January 22 the matter of of the East council was held Saturday May Mr Ed Williamson of New market presented plans for a large subdivision in lot 2 conces sion 2 just north of Ave and Bolton Ave The council reserved their de cision until the council of New ket have been consulted in re gard to supply of water If no water is available the minimum requirement for each lot is 15- square feet but if piped wa ter is available the minimum size of the lot is ft Mr Meadows of C A Mea dows Associates Ltd consult ing engineers presented plans for the subdivision of the Daly Farm south of Holland Landing funds was discussed and it was decided to charge a membership fee of a year which would bring something into the treas ury and a vote was taken on the suggestion to have a bank placed on the mantel into which of the ladies might drop a voluntary contribution at any time A euchre and dance was ar ranged in February which was a success since at the next meeting steps were taken to open a bank account DR NOBLE dentist municipal office Office Residence 1344 EVANS FUELS newmarket Coal Coke Wood and Stoker Coal v Phone 5 Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling ow ing to the fact that the hospital was overcrowded it was decid ed to make the Board of Trade rooms the regular meeting place in the future The ladies now felt that the time was ripe for a- public ap peal and plans were made for a tug day in April The tags were to be handmade paper violets a bunch of four or five flowers making one tag the boxes were covered with green crepe paper and the effect was very gay Many gatherings of wilting workers were required before all was in readiness for the big day but their efforts were crowned with success since this first venture netted Dr VanderVoort DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone MEDICAL DR MEBVTTN Physician and Surgeon Phone Consultation by Appointment At residence corner of Raglan and OSTEOPATHY WILSON Osteopathic and Arthritis Clinic WILSON BUILDING Telephone Consultation by Appointment the variety OF DESIGNS In our collection of MONUMENTS is such that we can meet almost any require ment both as to kind cost We also make memorials to order of every description Youll find our work excellent always and our service prompt and reasonably priced W and SON MAIN ST NEWMARKET CHIROPRACTIC Marian J DX DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ST Newmarket Telephone OPTOMETRICAL Main St Over PHONE INSURANCE Confederation Life Association Representative Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket Phones Newmarket Albert INSURANCE FIRE BURGLARY AUTO Bill main newmarket PHONE w A HURST Optometrist Newmarket Clinic Office Hours Wednesday Closed Evening by Appointment iPhotitt ACCOUNTANT A A Main St Accountant this time situated in Dr Lowell Dales home for the purpose of organizing an Auxiliary to co operate with the hospital man agement in providing supplies equipment etc The following ladies were present Mrs Manning Mrs Eves Mrs E Lewis Mrs Smith Mrs Mrs Ed Young Mrs Cody Mrs Cane Mrs C Cane Mrs Bos- worth Miss Dolan Miss O and the following officers were elected pres Mrs Eves vicepres Mrs Lewis J the organization Also sectreas Mrs J Harvey A canvass of the town was arranged for but was cancelled that same evening owing to a meeting of the directors and a possible change in hospital man agement Help for Nurses This Aid met again the follow ing week when Miss Warren superintendent of the hospital gave an inventory of present equipment and furnishings em phasizing the need of bedding and for the use of the nurses in training Miss Warren made a very favorable impres sion by her sympathetic appeal on behalf of the nurses needs and was met by a ready re sponse This ready response was incor porated in a motion that we proceed to give what assistance we can in a private capacity making no public appeal until the status of the hospital is de cided but they immediately took up a collection among themselves for Christmas cheer for the hospital patients and staff which amounted to and a committee consisting of Mrs Richardson Mrs Harvey Mrs Young and Mrs Cody was appointed to make suitable pur chases with the money collect ed In view of the present finan cial difficulties which our hos pital is encountering and the en suing publicity in this respect it is interesting to note that at an Aid meeting on December 1923 Mrs Dale read a let ter in reference to a mortgage on the hospital contradicting the false rumors that arc being cir culated At this same meeting a vote was taken and every lady present signified her will ingness to help in raising funds to carry on the work of this Auxiliary However the need for supplies was most pressing and at the next meeting we find that the ladies had not waited to raise funds but had collected from their members and sympathetic friends a good supply of linens of all sort which they immediately pre sented to the hospital in January Dr Dales through Miss having asked the Auxiliary Ip take charge of preparations for the graduation exercises the sccro lary was instructed fo write Sir William Mulock asking if he would he present to present the Childrens Day and that of the training became the duty of the Atd to arrange for the graduation oxcr- As the school grew these exercises wore hold either in the town hall or local theatre with the lovn band in attendance a program of entertainment and flowers and a copy of the Ref erence Hook for Nurses for each graduating nurse Appeal to it was about this time that a first appeal was made to local Womens Institutes and then as now the minutes contain ninny votes of thanks for their dona- creased taxation It was point ed out that the extra services required such as schools hospi talization relief and other so cial services all cost the rural part more than their share Mr Meadows claims that the Daly farm is very suitable for subdivision purposes due to the fact that it is well supplied with artesian wells and is adjacent to the provincial highway on one side and the railway on the other The and Mount Albert libraries were given a grant of 25 each The department of lands and forest contemplate putting on a deer shoot in East GwUlimbury this coming fall The council Mr Meadows has his plan the is held after December when the livestock is inside and that only shotguns shall be allowed The time limit expired April for grants be made from the Briggs Memorial Fund to community centres and the bal has been trans- zoned into four classes large lots of two acres each for the more expensive homes sq ft for the lower priced homes large park space and an indus trial area along the railroad Reeve John Rye and the couh cil commented on the fact that there had been seven applica tions for subdivisions since the first of January and there are rumors that others are contem plating making application for approval of subdivision plans and that this township was fast developing into an urban area The past experience of other mu nicipalities that have developed from rural to urban is that the Y cess their overall program soph became unbelievably ambitious In this same season the Violet Tag Day was extended to include Aurora and The minutes note that tags were also sold on the cars plying between Newmarket and Au rora Since at least four vio lets were to make a tag we can readily understand that there were many special meet- when the ladies met to make violets for tag day The Aid was meeting only once a month now every sec ond Tuesday of the month and it was found necessary to give sewing to the members to do in their homes in order to keep abreast of the demand This year also many were given Aid l0 a i successful that a permanent com mittee under the of the late Mrs Eves was set up to distribute and collect PHONE NEWMARKET KEN PIANO AN1 TECHNICIAN- For New Mason and Pianos Organs Used Pianos Sold ST Phone Estimates Free HEARD Painter ami Decorator unworthy and Sun test Wallpapers Phono 182 Aurora INSURANT Wright auto pink casualty It It Newmarket Phone liswlij Newmarket JOHN I A Expert Watch Clock Repair 31 St or Phone Newmarket ALL GUARANTEED CAR Insure your car today the CoOp Way Sponsored by your Fed of Agriculture JOHN STOMA Newmarket next years One of the original Aiders asked about these lag days and recalled a particularly vile day The minutes for noted thai there was a very heavy soft snow storm lasting most of the day The ladies nothing daunt ed ventured bravely forth with their bunches of purple violets in their green boxes After minutes exposure to the ele ments the purple of the violets joined the green of the boxes and the two colors proceeded merrily on their way down the fronts of the now notsoardent Our informant who still shudders at the recollection remarked Quite aptly that it was probably the most colorful occasion in the life of the organ Foundation of Policy During the spring of a new hospital board was appointed and Miss became su perintendent The Aid reen forced by their tag day money and the proceeds of several teas and card parties laid the foun dation of their policy for years to come They bought a second hand sewing machine and bolts of material and made up the necessary linen supplies for the hospital Working without recess through the summer Reading the minutes there is the impres sion that they hurried their business meetings for the im portant work the sewing When Autumn came they had members and many new ideas for raising money and supplies These included a door- toloor canvass the house holder was asked to contribute A motion was made that the of November be made no tices be sent to the schools ask ing each child to bring at least one vegetable or fruit so that the little people might also have interest in the hospital This school collection became a yearly affair was supple mented later by an Easier collec tion of eggs which for many years provided the hospital with approximately SO dozen eggs The secretarys report at the annual meeting showed that had been raised Of this 304 was used to purchase a large The 1025 season began with a blanket shower when many i and several of the town merchants contribute most generously Outside help was forthcoming also- the minutes record many donations from Institutes and organizations in the district the money being used for a variety of things furniture operating room equips ment mattresses sheet ing dishes glasses and always the Inevitable linen Carnival In Arena In February the Hospital Hoard and the Aid sponsored a carnival at the arena the coeds from which were shared j equally The working ments were apparently satisfac tory to both organizations for they combined their efforts again in the summer to put on a garden party Both the carni val the garden party were to become yearly projects Any project was immediately incorporated in their yearly program Since practically everything these Phone Idles did was on unqualified sue- some five hundred jars a task she undertook for many years To be continued next week fered to the township general account Mr Theodore Bingham better known as Ted Bingham has been appointed assistant police constable for the township of East The town council has been notified that the police force has been increased and that the township police will lake over the policing of that part of Davis Drive within the township of- East The treasurer has been in structed to pay East s share of expenses of the Holland River conservation scheme The council has declared Mill Street in the village of Sharon a 30 mile per hour speed limit zone and have ordered signs erected The request was made from the village trustees The auditors report was by the council which show a surplus of assets of over 15000 Due to so many delegations and the meeting of the board of health the council did not com plete the discussion grant to the York County Hospital to cover East share of the deficit The decision will be made at the next meet ing of council The June regular council meeting will be held on Monday June 2 instead of the first Sat urday as Mount Albert Field Day will be held on June can be sure of many years of protection and beauty for your house and buildings with BISCO Roof ings and Sidings Made by one of Canadas eldest roofing manufacturers Roofings and Sidings are fireresistant proof against wear wind and weather are easy to apply require no servicing Specify BISCO products for your roofs and sidewalls Ask your dealer to show you the many attractive colours and patterns available now Manufacturers of ASPHALT SHINGLES SIDINGS and Soid Cofou ROLL ROOFINGS and Tarred SHEATHING FELTS BUILTUP ROOFING MATERIALS Triplex Green Board Burtey Board Burley Tile PLASTIC CEMENTS ft WATERPROOF PAINTS ROOF COATINGS FLEECE LINE ROCK WOOL INSULATION Aggregatas for Plaster Concrete and Insulation See your now ROOFINGS BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS LTD at Pp TORONTO and LONDON and Branche QUEBEC Pp MONTREAL PQ TORONTO ONT W H Eves and Co DAVIS OK NEWMARKET PHONE USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS TO TURN ARTICLES YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH Production la- 1 TRACTOR FARM EQUIPMENT We are happy to bo able to toll you that the lawsuit brought more than four years ago against Ford Motor Company Detroit Mich and Dearborn Motors Corporation Birmingham Mich by Harry Ferguson and Harry Ferguson Inc has been settled by agreement of the parties There are three points connected with this settlement which as a present or possible future owner of a Ford Tractor wo want to make clear to you- Regardless of what you may hear to the contrary these are the FACTS 3 POINTS OF INTEREST To Our Present and Future Customers IFord Motor Company will continue production of the present Ford Tractor without interruption and Dearborn Motors Corporation will continue to market them nationally as in past In Canada Ford Tractors and Dearborn Farm Equip ment arc marketed by Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited through its FordMonarch Dealers By end of Ford Motor Company has agreed to two simple changes and only two changes in the means of operation and control of a pump used in tho hydraulic system in Ford After these simple changes have been made there is nothing in the settlement of the suit to prevent Ford Motor Company from continuing the manufacture of the present Fort Tractor for as long as it may choose 2 Ford Motor Company will continue to produce and Dear born Motors Corporation will to supply through ils distributors and dealers all repair parts for all past present future Ford Tractors Ford Tractors will to offer all advantages of present system of hydraulic control the present method of attaching and operating implements and all other features respon sible for their wide popularity Dearborn Motors will continue to offer its same complete lino of Implements A STATEMENT By Mr Ford In normal times Ford Motor Company would carry such a suit to a final conclusion in the courts These are not normal times Under the circumstances we were glad to get rid of the litigation to avoid the expense harassment and fur ther interference with our tractor business involved in additional years in the courts Tho In no way with Ford Motor Company continu ing to offer to farmer the priced tractor hydraulic control and present method of attaching and operating Implements TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT S A 1 ford Motor company of Canada limited Sf WINDS OR ONTARIO rf v