Classifieds Continued LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses for mink feed- Highest prices paid Rex Smith vllle phone collect Horses for mink Will call lor with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmarket or write PO box 25 POULTRY FOR SALE A LAYING hens yearlings chick brooder stove oil burner Apply Percy Tidman Newmarket Pine Orchard phone Moun Albert clw DUCKS Limited quantity of specially selected drakes from our mammoth strain of White Glen AppSn Duck Farm St or phone New market POULTRY WANTED All kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone Newmar ket Live poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid W Appleton Oak Ridges or phone King SEED FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS up Singer Sewing Center New market Main St phone TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF NORTH NOTICE GARBAGE COLLECTION TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH van i SEALED tenders properly mark- vK fls contents will be WE STILL HAVE a quantity of Reg No Beaver oats and Commercial No red clover for this springs seeding Enquire Frank Keswick or phone Roches Point PLANTS FOR SALE I L BOXED plants now available Perennial roots pot plants We deliver Phone Davys Newmar ket h BOXED plants mixed good blooms Perennial Del phiniums Sweet Williams Well advanced Will flower this sea son Many varieties of annual flowers to follow Most varie ties about ready Also to follow are tomato plants early cabb age cauliflower and sprouts You can buy from us at McCallums Greenhouses and he assured of the best quality McCallum Holland Landing phone Newmarket WOOD FOR SALE cut and delivered Blizzard phone 202w2 New- market during meal times or between and PRODUCE I DUCK eggs Apply Oris Maries lot con 2 East Newmarket GOOD raspberry canes Phone Newmarket MALE Dachshund puppy bred registered Utter Rainbow Gardens phone Roches Point LOST ON Saturday night Main St Newmarket yellow expansion bracelet set with stones Keep sake Reward Phone Mount Albert collect GREEN budgie seen in vicinity of St Newmarket Re ward Phone Newmarket MERCHANDISE AT boxertop jeans for small child ren to sale price 250 boys zipper- front jeans MENS raincoats Made in England Many double cloth lined Size to value 2595 Its real value Taupe only In- sale price 1487 MISCELLANEOUS WHY the moths Store your fur coat with us and save Master Furriers phone market 567 Timothy St All coats Insured MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump In the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with good results Price 250 The Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price 100 Best Drug Store phone FOR SALE OR KENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert If We repair all makes of sewing machines New StnslerSM QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMD AMBULANCE SERVICE Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket COME in and compare We will not knowingly be undersold by any competitor anywhere You be the nidge Dyers Furniture phone Newmarket THE BEST BRONCHIAL JVvv SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket SUMMER weather can spoil more of your fur coat than two years of wear Store your fur coat with Master Furriers phone Timothy St All coats in sured Your old fur coat can look like new if you have it repaired and resiyled Highest prices on your old coats Our new coats are very low in price By appoint ment we- will come to your own home and you can select your own furs and style Master Fur riers and Tailors Timothy St phone Newmarket M CLEAN fill for sale Vtffl Cur tis phone Newmarket tf6 DAILY pickup and delivery of better class of dry cleaning Small repairs free of charge Alterations and repairs at very low prices Free estimates Master Cleaners Tailors Fur riers Timothy St phone Newmarket tfl CUSTOM record cutting tape recorders for sale evenings Murray Baker St phone Newmarket DONT feed the moths Store your coat with Master Furriers Newmarket Timothy St AH coats insured RUGS Save up to percent New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Reversible seamless approximately thick Made in latest color tones Phone New market tfl7 FIVE hundred cedar at 7 cents each Apply Clark Martin Clarlyn Lodge Orchard Beach phone Roches Point SALE REGISTER SATURDAY MAY Auction sale at the Stouffville Livestock Sales Arena selling livestock our specialty Fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs and horses Pickup and delivery can be arranged This is your community sale Come early and bring something to sell You bring it and well sell Sale every Saturday at pm Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet Sellers and Atkinson auction- tM5 THURSDAY MAY Auction sale of household furniture dishes glassware also new Woods electric grain grinder garden tools quantity of bedding and curtains num ber of antique articles at lot con Scott just north of Zephyr the estate of the late Mary Curl Sale at pm Terms cash Geo Koaster clerk A Farmer auctioneer SATURDAY MAY The un dersigned will sell by public auc tion the property of the late Dr J Wesley consisting of house hold effects tools used lumber etc on the premises Main St Newmarket At the same time place there will be of fered for sale that parcel of land known as lots and Bolton Ave Newmarket In the Town ship of East hav ing a frontage of feet by feet in depth upon which is a cabin wired for electricity Time pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer phone Newmarket NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM FREDERICK CRAWFORD LATE OF THE TOWN OF NEW MARKET IN THE COUNTY OF YORK MERCHANT DECEAS ED Creditors of the abovenamed de ceased who died at the Town ship of in the County of on or about the Fifth day of March are hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to semi to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the Third day of June af ter which dale the assets of the Estate will he distributed- hav ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED Newmarket this Twentyninth day of April AD Mathews Silver Lyons Vale Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for Lena Crawford Atlmlnlstratlx TENDERS TENDERS will bo received up to oclock noon May for the erection of eighteen sieol and cement paddocks Plans and specifications may lie seen at the office The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted When submitting please mark envelope as tender Maple Cattle Breeders Assoda lion Maple Ontario CARD OF THANKS I to extend thanks to all who took part In extinguishing the fire at my home at Brown Hill Harold Rose OF GARBAGE Tenders for the collection and re moval of garbage for the year will be received by the clerk of the Municipality of North up to oclock noon May 3rd Daylight Saving Time All persons tendering must cer tify with the tenders that the motor truck to be used is insur ed for public liability and prop erty damage during the period of the contract and that all work men employed to assist in garb age collections are protected under the workmens Compensa tion Act All garbage shall be removed to the Township garbage dump and all dumping shall be carried out as directed by the caretaker Tenders shall include collec tions according to the following schedule One collection on May One collection each Monday during June One collection each following Monday and Friday during the Month of July One collection August and each Friday and Monday during the month of August One collection September 2nd and each Monday during the month of September One collection October A total of 29 collections Tenders shall state the total amount to cover required collection service far all properties in the area as defined in the schedule of divi sion which may be obtained at clerks office Tenders will be received for Divisions as a group and and a a group The low st or any tender not accepted Winch Clerk by the undersigned up to oclock noon Saturday May for the collection removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse as follows- WILCOX LAKE two times per week from June to May 31 LAKE two times per week from June to Sept 1952 PRESTONS LAKE once per week from July 1952 to Sept The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted J Crawford clerk Township of Whitchurch NOTICE YOUR old fur coat could be made into a cape or or repaired and placed In cold storage for less money than you pay anywhere else Free estim ates Work guaranteed Your coat insured and stored Master Furriers phone Timothy St Newmarket AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE DEATHS to CREDITORS THE ESTATE OF RIDDELL DECEASED ALL persons having claims against the estate of Wiimot Rid- dell late of the Town of New market in the County of York Retired Farmer who died on the 3rd day of January are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the day of May 1952 full particulars of their claims Immediately af ter the last mentioned date the entitled thereto having regard assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice DATED at Aurora this day of April Robert Chester and David Davidson Executors by their Solicitor Lome Lee Aurora Ontario BADGER At his home King City on Thursday April 24 1952 Albert Badger husband of Amy- Austin in his year Funeral service was held on Sunday April Interment King City cemetery DAYMAN At the residence of her son Durham St Co- Tuesday April Ann Maria Edith widow of William Henry Bay- man in her year mother of Ed of and Robert and William Henry in England Service was held on Saturday Interment Prospect cemetery Toronto CROUTCH Suddenly at Thorn- hill Sunday April Ser geant Anthony Robert of York County Police husband of Mabel in his year father of Mrs Ross Mrs Crate Mildred Mrs Swindle Glen Thomas Ronald Lawrence Coral and Ser vice was held on Tuesday after noon Interment cemetery Suddenly at her home Oak Ridges on Wed nesday April Annie Porter wife of the late Joseph and sister of Mrs Clara Dishes Glassware Cook Stove Lewis Toronto and Mrs Ada Woods Electric Grain Grinder Vancouver Service was held on Saturday- Inter ment Mount cemetery Tottenham ENGAGEMENTS JUDICIAL SALE OF LAND IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO BETWEEN INSURANCE AND DISCOUNT CORPORATION LIMITED and STEWART ACHESON PURSUANT to the Judgment and Order for sale in this cause and to the direction of the under signed Master sealed tenders ad dressed to the undersigned and endorsed tender for thirtytwo acres Whitchurch in accordance with the conditions of sale here under received by the undersigned up to noon on Thursday May at Room Hall Tor onto for the purchase in one parcel of the properly hereinaf ter described subject to a reser ved bid fixed by the said Master The lands vacant and are situate south of Aurora and are known as Lots 7 to Inclusive Plan Township of Whit- church and being part of the southwest quarter of Lot OS Concession approximate dim ensions ft ft with a ft right of way giving access to St CONDITIONS OF SALE 1 Hie Vendors shall not be quired to produce any abstract of title deeds or evidence of title other than those in their possession The Purchaser shall examine the title at his own ex pense and any- objection thereto shall be made in writing within ten days from the acceptance of the tender Should no sufficient objection In writing he made within that time the Vendors title shall be hold to have been accepted Should any sufficient objection in writing lie made within that time which the dors are unable or unwilling to remove the Vendors shall be at liberty to rescind that sale in which case the Purchaser shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit money without Inter est 2- The Parlies to the action with the exception of Kirk wood Howe shall be at to ten der Each tender shall be accomp anied by an accepted cheque payable to the Accountant of I he New Garden Tools Quantity of Bedding Number of Antique Articles AT LOT CON SCOTT TOWNSHIP Just North Of Zephyr THURSDAY MAY 8 The Estate of the LATE MARY CURL Woods grinder cycle new 2 Wire gates New cook stove Princess Pat New cook stove Princess Pat coal or wood Extension table 2 Rocking chairs Writing desk and book case Number stuffed birds and deer heads Organ and stool Small square stand Extra large and beautiful Moose head Parlor settee complete Number of pictures Number of kitchen chairs an tique Large rug good Aladdin Tamp new Hanging lamp Gun case Number of oil lamps Small book case Bed spring and mattress Chest of drawers Antique mirror Wash stand Toilet set Bedstead Dresser Commode chair Washing machine Smalt stand Feather mattress bedroom suite good Feather tick good Quantity of bedding Quantity of good dishes Glassware Tubs Knives forks cooking utensils Kitchen cook stove Buggy Wood Lawn mower Drop leaf table good Quantity of fruit jars Quantity of garden tools Small stands for plants Antique heater Antique churn Many other articles too numer ous to mention TERMS CASH SALE AT PM GEO Clerk A FARMER Auctioneer Mr and Mrs John Francis Wil lis Aurora announce the en gagement of their daughter Grace Beverley to Mr George Donovan Olds son of Mr and Mrs Howard Fred Olds Hamil ton the wedding to take place at noon on May 24 Trinity Anglican church Aurora Mr and Mrs Percy an nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter Olive Mac to Mr William T Holder son of Mr and Mrs George Holder the marriage will take place May at oclock in St James Anglican church Sutton West- Mr and Mrs James Walker Newmarket announce the en gagement of their daughter Marilyn Myrtle to Mr Donald son of Mr and Mrs Victor the marriage to take place on Sat urday June at pm in Trinity United Church Newmar ket IF AS ENTHUSIASTIC BIRTHS and Connie Ash Iey are happy to announce the arrival of their son John Ernest a brother for Lawrence on Sun day April York County hospi tal Sunday April 27 to Mr and Mrs Stewart New market a son COW At York County hospi tal Friday April l52 Mr and Mrs- Clarence a daughter COOPER At York County hos pital Friday April to Mr and Mrs Wilfred Cooper Newmarket a daughter York County hos pital Saturday April to Mr and Mrs Harry Cuppage Newmarket a son EM MEL At York County Thursday April to Mr and Mis William Lake Wilcox twin sons pry At York County hospital Monday April to Mr and Mrs George Fry Bradford a daughter GROUNDS At York County hospital Friday April to Mr and Mrs- Lome rounds Aurora a daughter KERSWELL At York County Hospital Sunday April to Mr and Mrs Bruce Richmond Hill a daughter Claude and Phyllis CARD OF THANKS Mr Arnot Harrison and son and relatives wish to the friends and neighbors and those who so provided cars for their many acts of kindness expres sions of and beautiful floral emcmbrnnees at the time of their recent bereavement MYERS At York County hospi tal Monday April to Mr and Mrs Myers Jacksons Point a daughter Supreme Court of Ontario for at j NORTON At York County ten percent of the amount Friday April to of such tender as a deposit and Mrs I toward Norton GAINES At her residence Prospect St Newmarket on Saturday April 1952 Helen Foreman Gaines wife of Ram say Gaines mother of Ed ward Gordon Stan Margaret Ann and Jim daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Foreman of Ayr Ont Funeral service was held on Tuesday afternoon In terment Newmarket cemetery GRAHAM At the Toronto Western Hospital on Thursday April Susan Ritchie wife of the late Harry Graham mother of Thomas Graham of Earl Graham Newmar ket Mrs Victor Hancock Dor othy sister of Mrs J J Smith Elizabeth and Wilhelmine Minnie Ritchie of Toronto Service was held on Monday afternoon Interment Prospect cemetery HARRISON at York County hospital Newmarket Ontario Wednesday evening April Vera Dike wife of Arnot Harrison and mother of George Service was hold on Saturday Interment Mount Al bert cemetery RAY At her home oh Wednesday April Thcressa Hastings wife of Er- wood Ray in her 70th year mother of Inert Orma Mrs J Stover Bogota Colombia Fred Hazel Mrs Con- day of the accident way Edmonton Mrs Stewart Bolton Jean Mrs Jackson Bart ley Blanche Mrs J Jones Toronto Service was held on Saturday Interment Sehomberg United cemetery York County Newmarket on Thursday April Bethel George Sawyer son of the late Thomas and Maria Sawyer Interment St Pauls cemetery Hill TAYLOR- At his home Wel lington St Aurora on Fri day April Charles Tay lor brother of Albert Walter and Minnie of Aurora Delia Mrs Case and Ida Mrs Harry Link in his year Funeral ser vice was held on Monday after noon Interment Aurora ceme tery IN In loving memory of our dear parents John and Susan who passed way May 7 and May 1950 Gone into that light shines so fair Gone into that light that shines and aire Resting those hands that did their lest j Gone dear parents gone to rest Peacefully sleeping resting at last Their weary trials and troubles arc past In silence they suffered in pat ience they bore Till God called them home to suffer no more Sadly missed by their children FOUNTAIN In- loving memory of our dear father Wilfred Fountain who passed away April 1951 Gone dear father gone forever How we miss your smiling face But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place A happy home we once enjoyed How sweet the memory still But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill Sad missed a lovingly re membered by son Ross daugh ters Ethel and Vera ami grand children Doris Verne and Low ell Loved and respected wherever he went Always thoughtful witling and kind These are the memories he left Sadly missed and ever remem bered by Dorothy Floyd and Ijoys In loving memory of a dear husband and father Wil liam Perm Haight who passed away May This world may change from year to year And friends from day to day But never shall the one we loved From memory pass away Lovingly by his wife and da CARD OF THANKS To our many relatives friends and neighbors we wish to ex press our grateful thanks for the many acts of kindness floral tributes cards and letters also for the many other kind deeds done our dear children and for us during our sudden sad bereave ment of a dearly loved grand son and nephew Mr and Mrs Bernard Rye and r CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs J would MO OF like to thank neighbors friends MW fr and members of the Womens Institute for their kind gifts and well wishing cards during Mr Aitkens illness CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs wish to thank their many relatives friends and neighbors for their beautiful floral tributes words and cards of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of their dear mother family CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my relatives neigh bors and friends for their acts of kindness floral offerings and assistance in the recent illness and death of my wife Ramsay Gaines CARD OF THANKS Mrs Walter Stephens wishes to thank the many friends who so kindly remembered with cards letters flowers and fruit during her stay in York County hospital and the Wing of Toronto General hospital CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thinks and aoorcciation for the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from our many relatives and friends during our recent bereavement in the loss of our dear son Garfield Spec ial thanks are extended to Rev and Mrs Killen for their kind messaee and also to Dr Tuehtie and Chief of Police for trying so ban the The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May Page If we of the Christian faith were as enthusiastic about our religion as the Communists are about their beliefs we would have no reason to fear Commun ism in Canada said Mrs Christian stewardship convener Toronto Centre Mrs Longley speaking to the auxiliar ies Trinity United church New market at the Easter Thank Of fering meeting A large representation from the three missionary groups joined in this special Easter ser vice COOKIE DAY The scouts and cubs have their apple day For the guides and brownies Cookie day is their principal source of revenue The money raised is used entirely within this district and the young sters themselves earn the money for their own guiding and scout ing activities In York county cookie day is Saturday May For the next few days guides and brownies will calling at the homes in town to place ord ers for boxes of cookies These cookies approximately 30 to a box are made in the Guide tre foil design They will be deliver ed by the youngster who placed the order on Cookie day May A prize will be presented by the Guide Local to the brownie and the guide who each have the largest number of orders in their groups Home- makers are requested to forgive their enthusiasm if more than one child calls at their homes Competition is keen Occasionally a house will be missed Perhaps no one was home when the brownie or guide canvassed that street Anyone wishing to order cookies is re quested to phone either Mrs Thompson 1130r or Mrs not later than Saturday of this week All orders from New market must be forwarded to York division by that time The annual meeting of the Landing Home and School Association will be held on Mon day night at the schooL A large attendance is urged Parents are also reminded that they must register children starting in Grade next September on Monday night Gauge 15 Denier FIRST QUALITY 29 A PAIR Pairs for Give your legs a new beauty treatment with these lovely sheer nylons In colors as enchanting as a breath of spring gauge for long lasting style and beauty A Perfect Mothers Day Gift SENECALS Main Newmarket the Purchaser shall pay I he re mainder of the purchase price Into Court to the credit of this cause oh or before the 2nd day of June and upon payment the Purchaser shall be entitled to a vesting order to bo obtained by the Purchaser at his own ex pense instead of a conveyance and to Ik given possession of the property v The Purchaser at the time of the sale shall sign an agreement for the completion of the purchase in accordance with these conditions 5 All adjustments will be made as of the 2nd day of June For further particulars apply to and Hill Street Toronto Dated this 2fith day of April F Gushing Master Newmarket a son Womens Col lege hospital Toronto Sunday April to Mr rind Mrs J Toronto a daughter Susan Karen At York County hos pital Saturday April to Mr and Mi Wilfred Keswick a son York County Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs William Watson Newmarket a daughter WEBB At York County hospi tal Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs Grant Webb Aur ora a daughter York County Sunday April to Mr and Mrs Jack Wooltoy Heres The Proof of 2 Aurora a daughter GOODING In loving memory of our dour father Rev A T Gooding who was instantly at CNR crossing on May The gates wen open A gentle voice said And with farewells unspoken gently entered Home A silent thought a secret tear Keeps his memory ever dear Time lakes away the edge of grief But memory turns back leaf Lovingly remembered by Char lie and Evelyn Milsted GOODING In loving memory of a dear father and grandfath er Alono Gooding who was suddenly taken from us May 3 No more to see his face or hear him say hello It came a shock wo didnt ex pect a hard and bitter blow Happy and smiling and always content OVER 13 Columns of Classified Advertising In Current Issues Your Classified Advertisement Reaches Readers as far south as OAK RIDGES as far west as SCHOMRERG as far east as MOUNT ALBERT as far north as SUTTON OUR READERSHIP over this WIDE AREA helps explain why so many use ERA EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS In In AURORA Gall 780 Call Era and Express Classifieds Get Results