ill the Editors Notebook After our smelt fishing expe dition during which we actu ally caught some smelts it was a jolt to open a letter from Largo in Florida where Mr and Mrs Mathews and daughter Kathleen Miss Bea trice Lyons and Miss Helsz all of Newmarket caught king- fish two mackerel and a black grouper in an day of trolling And today of course is the opening of the trout season with the department of land and forests estimating more than fishermen out The wardens began patrolling the streams last week The Men of the Trees are planning a tree planting day on Saturday over in Albion township Details can be had from Fred chairman at 54 Lascelles Blvd Toronto The Men of the Trees is an or ganization devoted to the pres ervation of a proper balance between forested and areas Besides their an nual reforestation parties they spend considerable time and effort in educational work Their treeplanting party in comes when the papers are full of flood stories from the United States Those floods are largely attributable to the manner in which the central area of the country was de nuded of its trees and other water holding cover Saw a letter in the Globe and Mail in which the writer quotes the old saw When the Pilgrim Fathers landed they fell upon their knees then upon the Indians then upon the trees The same letter ob serves that before the end of the century the rivers were flooding and loaded with brown silt because of the tree cutting The provincial department of lands and forests is spending ten times the funds they spent fen years ago in reforestation Wonder if it will be loo late to ever repair the damage done for a busy season and show The club was organized a few years ago had two successful seasons and several shows Then it seemed to lapse But it is back again and if half of their plans materialize they will contribute consider ably to Newmarkets cultural life Among other things they intend to open their member ship to those who wish to learn to paint or sketch We are turning over to them the names cf those who in the Night Classes Questionnaire said they would like to learn paint ing or about art generally Its a healthy sign that there are enough individuals in a community interested in such activities to organize a fairsiz ed association Newmarket has a good deal of such activity in its drama club choir work and band The laboring for bread alone is a dulling pro cess and spirit can never be overnourished The sense of creating to us is the happiest product of such activity Speaking of Night Classes the carpenters up at Pickering College under the direction of have closed down for the summer months with the members taking away a variety of finished work Best proof of their satisfaction was the decision to prepare now to resume the classes next fall We were admiring the many signs of spring over the week end but were distressed by that painfully familiar canopy which is nourishing hosts of the tent caterpillar in our apple trees Its a miserable pest ugly to look at and damaging to trees We thought we were done with the insect but it looks as if it is back in even greater numbers We dont know how practical our me thods of extermination are but they do give a good deal of personal satisfaction Weve been burning off the bugs with a torch Such a scourge it seems to us is most appropri ate Ira and Serving Newmarket Aurora and the rural of North York The Newmarket Era 1 The Express Herald Published every Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket fro and Express limited Subscription fat two years far one year In advance Single copies are each Member of A of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN A MEYER Managing Editor JOHN Newt Editor I CAROLINE ION Womens Sport LAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and Production dit o rial page PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE FIRST DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND Bradley was in last week to announce that the Newmarket Art Club was ac tive again with extensive plans From the Files of 25 and 50 Years Ago APRIL The official opening of the park will take place on the of May and the regular radial service with additional cars in use be run to ac commodate the large crowd A proposition is being made to the business people of the town which looks very favor- able for the of the Cane Factory in near fu- An effort is being made to have twoday celebration in North York oh the occasion of the Confederation Jubilee July in Aurora and Saturday July 2nd in Newmarket The flour from several On tario mills tested in com petition by a export firm in Toronto during the past few weeks and the flour manufac tured by Beaver Mills has been selected as the best for their trade This ipeaks well for Mr and assures turn of an in- creased sale if our local fell from his bicycle one evening last week when work is around cross- track at something jerked threw him i off He to Dr Boyds for several hours on of injuries to his head high school was ably the oratorical jSufms Tuesday night by Miss MAY The boys of No EG have organized a baseball club for to be known as the S of Second St The av erage age of the team is years Col Lloyd was up at the lake on Monday looking after im provements to his premises He reports a regular boom in the building line The University of Toronto at the urgent request of the mu sicians of Ontario including the principals of the leading conservatories colleges and schools of music has at last de cided to hold local examina tions in practical music in all the centres of population where five or more candidates offer themselves for examination The Highlands of Ontario Canada are considered the most charming place for sum mer tourists on the continent Some pupils wrote at the annual exams for the art school at Newmarket high school last Saturday and did very well The closed fish season began on Tuesday April 15 and ex tends to June inclusive Mr Irwin met with a painful accident last Sunday evening While cutting turnips for his cows the wheel turned and the knife clipped off the of his first finger also breaking the bone The annual band to be in the town hall on promises to lie tht evir offered to a wnaj and was a good itteidajicy at Tuesday as follows to Ufa Uiis JO to lit do to TRIP TO MOON MAYCOME SOONER THAN I SEND TEN CENTS We have wrapped a dime securely in cardboard as instructed and enclosed it in an envelope addressed to Tropical Round Robin Associates Guayaquil Ecuador South America The result of this activity we trust will be a packet of Passion Flower seeds The dime is to cover mailing and handling charges after the time- worn formula Editors are used to receiving a variety of proposals through their daily mail and usually manage to culti vate a scornful appraisal of them This particular offer however rather appeals to us and a dime isnt too much a gamble The Tropical Round Robin Associates are described as modern Johnny men Its a happy thought Johnny is a legendary figure of early Ameri can history who used to walk the hills of New England scattering apple seed Passion flowers named be cause of its symbolistic markings the corona repre senting Christs crown of thorns the stamen and pistil the nails of the cross the five sepals and five petals the ten faithful apostles seem infinitely more exotic than apple trees despite the economic advantages Will they in this northern climate We dont know but with the instructions included with every packet of seed we hope to out WHERE RESPONSIBILITY LIES Mr C in his capacity of chairman of the committee in charge of Lions Park was telling us the other day of the damage caused by thoughtless children on their way home from school to the valuable trees and shrubs in the park is complaint was a good example of the situation warned against in an address by Miss Eva Walker to the Newmarket Home and School Association One hears a good deal of complaints about the younger generation these days They are not mannered ignorant of fundamentals looking for the easy way and despite the money poured into improvement of the school system not as well educated While some or all of this may be true what would you expect asks Miss Walker dont believe children have changed but I do believe that their environment has changed She cites the shadow of war which has lain over us these last years as one major influence Hut the bulk of her criticism is directed at the parents We allow people to exploit our children she charged with reference to radio and television pro grams the commercialization of Christmas and Easter It lies within the power of parents to combat such trends She maintained too that the parents are respons ible for instilling in child re it the fundamentals of good citizenship We in the schools cannot instigate I he program it must start in the homes Are parents leaving too much for the schools Are they simply unaware of the extent of changing times and ignoring the need for counteraction We wonder too if I he same changes which are affecting our children now affected the parents when they were children if the faults we find today are but the chain read ion of faults of earlier age Hut has too much speculation on not enough concern with righting the effect Miss Walker can explain and prescribe its the parent who act There has been a good criticism of our system of it just Thero lias been criticism of the There lias been criticism of nil agencies for thai matter because hey are not turning out tin product we desire Hut no agency can tike the place of the family There is our weakness Are ve allowing an ago of to devel ops asks Walker The answer is yes unless then a return to the virtues not of the parents youth but of grandparents MINORITY OPINION Wojitvfl reading The Scene and fmpnmlly quote from it in Its not a popular journal by any means but its acid risijiiriilers of certain elementary facta of life are if one is to retain any sort of balance in thcvie days of distorted values Heres a sampling from its current ieaie After listing the ten demands upon government included in a recent farm brief all which require the government to assist subsidize regulate or restrict The Rural Scene comments Putting all these requests together one is forced to the conclusion that the farmers are not willing to face the problems and run the risks in herent in their industry and are asking the govern ment to relieve them of these responsibilities This would leave the farmer with nothing to do but the manual labor of producing and harvesting his crops He would cease to be the manage- of his business and would become a hired man on his own farm if he could still call it his own Or The attempt of the United Church to promote the cause of temperance by asking its memoers to pledge themselves never to touch taste or handle in toxicating liquor looks like a confession of loss of faith in the power of the gospel and one more attempt to substitute external pressure for internal conviction in matters of human conduct Asking people to pledge themselves to any given line of conduct is nothing JciS than asking them to sign away their right to govern their own conduct Or As Martha says If the government will protect her right to work for any one who will employ her to pick her own husband train her own children support her own church and spend her own money she will not ask it provide her social security The Rural Scene is published by John Atkins and edited by E J Young It comes out twice a month and its offices are in Midland We recommend it to the farmer indeed to all readers who would like to spice their debates with a bit of minority reasoning NOT SO ROSY AFTER ALL We shared in the general enthusiasm which has followed the rise of the Canadian dollar to its present level of 102 in US currency But now we must admit that there is a catch in all this Our renovated dollar is becoming an expensive luxury tt has meant that large exporters have suffered a corresponding reduction in their returns from trade with the United States The farmers learned this bitter truth in sales on a fixed price contract Pulp and paper operators call it a serious matter the Powell River Co Ltd figures it cost the firm millions last year It has mixed advantages in other lines US textiles and canned goods are cheaper to the consumer but the Canadian textile trade has suffered with many firms laying off men One possible loss still ahead of us in the million tourist business The devalued Canadian dollar was a major inducement to visitors from the south But will they be encouraged to travel this direction when its their money which will he tievalued DANGEROUS TREND We remarked last week on I lie census figures which showed IK percent of the population to be city workers and only 10 percent on the laud a reversal of the situa tion fill years ago The financial Post doesnt like the nation either It remarks Heeause of industrial and scientific advances agricultural production in Canada lias continued to in crease tin steady decrease in the itum- of people engaged Hut we can hardly hope for that sort of fortune continuing indefinitely To main tain farm output at anything around present level will always require a substantial number of people on farms and a higher minimum incidentally than in mod tit her Canadian industries because in agriculture we are working largely with growing ami changing which means much personal supervision WH if we could produce enough with only a fruition of our population on the land there would he grave disadvantages It is not a good thing for any to have all its people packed into cities and not safo in uncertain limes Will pay us to watch carefully the movement of population from the country Some of it is natural and Inevitable it may be actually beneficial Hut WO he shortsighted if we pretended that it did not matter that it could go on indefinitely without tapping our national strength Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger This weeks column espe cially written for Aurora inau gurating a new to Au rora readers From no on this column wilt serve Aurora readers too It open to readers in Aurora and outside district reader are now free to read it fa now to Cat Mips It i pat and vf and no Several of have sent this ventre I on your tit your aii sueh a -rmndedrj- aS r Spirit of one i era thai f in ail- or r place especjaH i Au rora rrwlrrn w A 5 of the f offer- t the state the servant not matter the people the is guarantee agaimt infringement on their right their in international and national issues it is not the of the state to the direction of those activities which rest on individual choice of hi far fUf of Si a patly efepi a over aiary which of in let this correspondent is hinting around for better offers I If you have not heard a pro gram on the radio called fit Bob and you to it I know whty station its oh but find any thas up with fhy on Saturday i they t not an on ta- at a rants XiAj he vr pian iNtrifefT isifx i i I fir 1L m i i i 4 J i Kl i ft f r I -i- T- by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches seine years jz told us vhat he Vjs the law of economics prices was his contention that when oriels in general are on the the of product are iie of the a rtr ii dairies lmwi t iiOWiy going up cut other prices However when there i a seiiera daciine in prices the farmer go down fast and well ahead of other We are very much afraid that the man was right and we are even more afraid that milk ls giving a prize example of this theory One doesnt have to be a brain truster to realize that there is a general downward trend of prices Even the old cost of living index is easing off farmers can see that farm prices are leading the parade Beef pork poultry product are ail en the down grade Special sections products are really off Milk is a different Its price for certain length time Last year negotiations in the spring Through politics milk board court actions bit- and ail the rest of it the milk producer finally got increase in price on Dec Today a scant tor the pressure on and sonic would like to Losing to of the of public not sellini milk o be the whipping boys to we this thinx if the buckled low -i- job ox seliin eft more milk- ihsnk ihat and 3 may have to are A the responsibility for -itfS- Secondly and this tact more serious is a wsdii- gap the set on our milk market the market for for cheese etc a real high pressure on is this a reason to story s set negotiations see iiir paid down iic are hard this and also sne very yidiCiiCS We is mix lduers should take a coo look at the situation and then make Up and SKCsS with ct us talk this s called of We ihuik there is a We think that this word is used at the incscnt a to stampede us into We think that there is a sulcus over and alwe what would the year it gh and give in It is our opinion that- of producing- niilk souat basis foe cheese market- stand k market It is aiicrto a g that w a a very grade cos and meat Co to have the higher inc We are i for the Sfel iS eue get return for our duct us not ana Alter feed ry havtiii ccwie jwr prim yet and dont how- sitCitiH wanting nave c lactvs to tins suvptus talk aiv the tack of export for dairy cattle bin this just a drop in the bucket Another is that SiMue dairy fanners arc THE OLD HOMETOWN if the overnett Is to agw S mUia agtei to cperiw We thai is the way the basis rest SttSfui that on ir be the suit of changes We also believe that a King be smart and good vcrtislni It would create con In the producer and dis tributor alike STANLEY MJCNY THE W CE SGSWSW ASSISTS SOME- MOSr T i- COCOON mar issues i JIl itv j rAjjx K J