re if nz tt fawa April Keswick News ATTENTION FARMERS now contracting cucumbers Jour price for SPECIAL Tor your contract or ft about this CASH CROfr Phone write see w The attended church was welt Keswick lively morning when again after the whiter of closed Mrs Gordon Smith a returned missionary French China brought the morning mes- sage She will he returning to the field in May The congre gation was thrilled arid chal lenged by the stirring message I she brought -y- Smith is Mrs Geo Camp- bells sister She also spoke to the Sunday schools The child- collages Nearly all the cottages were open on the weekend and raking yards and general reno vating was the order of the day I Traffic to the lake was heavy Keswick Beach project of channel from the lake to the highway is slowly becoming reality The new higher bridge is nearly constructed The Christian church will hold rett will not soon forget the story I its monthly missionary meeting of Mrs Smiths trip through the jungle on elephant back Mr Frank sang a fine solo Just For Today The Evening Auxiliary met on Tuesday April at the home of Mrs Gordon Mrs Anderson and Mrs Mar shall presented the study in an interesting manner Mrs Camp- bell gave a report of a Christian I stewardship meeting A presen tation was made to the president Mrs There were 32 present Mr and Mrs Carr enter tained friends from London for the Easter weekend on Friday evening April Anyone having used clothing to donate to the Scott Mission To ronto will please bring them to this meeting Mr and Mrs Limn of Pine Beach have returned after visit ing friends in and other points for six weeks Mr Mrs and Mrs Kennedy and daugh ter Karen were Sunday guests of Rev and Mrs Scrrick Mrs Bell and daughter Vicky of St Catharines are visiting her sister Mrs Goddard at the dard Rest Home Keswick Mr Bell spent the weekend here HOPE A birthday party was held at the home of Mr and Mrs How ard on Friday April in honor of Mrs Graves who celebrated her birth day Mrs Graves is the mother of eight children grandchild- and great grandchildren Mrs Graves is enjoying very good health and sang a solo for her family I will meet you in the morning just inside the Eastern Gate She received a shower of cards and gifts from friends and relatives Mr and Mrs Cecil Taylor Wednesday visitors of Mrs Angus Smith were Mrs Thorn- ton Mrs and Miss Louise all of Toronto e News Mrs Floyd Cunningham is convalescing at her home follow ing her recent operation We are very pleased to re port Mr Fred Gibson returned costs so little is so easy to serve Mr Douglas Smith attended home after many weeks in York Simpsons Collegiate Club party County hospital We understand at Fantasy Farms Toronto on 5 Gibson has to remain in bed Saturday night Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Fred Coates who were mar- for several weeks Mrs Jackson of Midland spent Monday with her granddaugh ter Mrs Rex Smith Everyone is enjoying the in Toronto on Saturday We welcome Freds bride to community They will be liv- spring weather The had dinner on Sun- in an apartment with Mr begun working on day with Mr and Mrs George and Mrs the land and Mrs Hall Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Harold on the arrival of a baby girl Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson Miss Gloria is ill with the mumps This is the week that Normal school students spend in rural I schools for practice teaching ri Miss Marilyn Miller of Toronto spent the weekend with Miss A and J Andrews Marion had dinner on Sunday J Miss Margaret Rollings of I with Mr and Mrs Steward I Newmarket is visiting Mr and Mrs A Cowieson visited her Una Kennedy and nieces parents in Paris j the holidays Mr and Mrs ited Mrs Kings Owen Sound on Monday during King vis- cousins near Sunday and of King visited Mrs Kennedy and Mr and Mrs F Pollock last week Mrs Etta Wilder Keswick Mrs We wish a speedy recovery spent a couple of days with Mrs for Mrs Albert Hockley who is ZEPHYR Kellington visUed Mj- land Mrs Carl re- Thompson SERVICE i new highly efficient seedtreating method uses a solution or slurry assures excellent uniform coverage of seed with disinfectant yet adds less than half of 1 moisture Tr crimen lowcost crop insurance protect grain against seedling blight root rot It lulls smut on seeds and protects against soilborne diseases but does not the Gustafson Slurry Tr eerier at work Next time youre In town drop in and see our new Slurry Seed Treater at work Its a smart piece of machinery Well be glad to answer any questions show you how Slurry Seed Treatment Service can save you money and time We we M the most widely used Meed disinfe in Canada MOUNT ALBERT GRAIN FUEL HAROLD J KURTZ MOUNT AlBERT cently Miss Mary Jean spent the weekend with her par ents Mr and Mrs Frank Mar- j Rev and Mrs George Camp bells family three and three sons were at home at the manse on Sunday Mrs Campbells sister Mrs Gordon i Smith is also visiting at the manse Recent visitors at the home of Mrs J and Miss were Miss C Proctor of Newmarket Misses B and L Stewart of Toronto Mrs Ar thur of British Columbia and Mrs Herbert Gibson of To ronto Miss Myrtle Lloyd of Toronto spent a week with Miss Van Norman Miss Betty of was the weekend guest of Miss Dorothy Smith Rev and Mrs Hyde and three children of Cadillac Mich spent a part of Easter week the guests of Mrs Hydes parents Mr and Mrs Hobson Mr and Mrs George Locke have returned home after an en joyable visit to Florida Mr Claire Collins of Ottawa was calling on friends in the village last week Mr and Mrs Hobson visit ed friends in Greenbank on Sun day Mr and Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Vera Herring of also Mr and Mrs Fluery of Stouffville were calling on friends here on Sunday The ice left the last week weve been enjoying tiful sunny spring days PRODUCTION a profit and a loss be a sickly young pig The more you can to market the greater will bo your profit A thrifty fed can make a between thrifty the Sick Childrens Hospital We hope for a speedy recovery The A of the United church held their April meet- in the S S room on Wed- j nesday evening Mrs and Roger visited Mr and Mrs Jack Miami Beach on Sunday Mrs Harold and Mrs spent Thursday in Toronto Mrs visited her baby who is ill in Sick Childrens Hospital with virus pneumonia We hope he may soon be well again and able to come home We are glad to report that Mrs Ben is able to be home again after spending era weeks in the Newmarket hospital Mrs sister-in- law Mrs Joe Taylor of Toron to is helping to take care of her Mr and Airs Jas Galbraith are spending a week at Weston j with their daughter Mrs Geo Parker and Mr Parker Mr and Mrs Falls of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dewey Graham The WMS of the United church will hold their May meet ing in the Sunday school room on Wednesday evening May The South group under the leadership of Graham will give a twoact play Dearth of the Earth also choruses by the ladies of the South group Come and enjoy an evenings worship and entertainment PINE ORCHARD Service at Union church on Sunday afternoon April 27 at oclock Rev A- will conduct the service Sunday school is at oclock On Sunday May 4 church service will be held in the morning at 11 oclock and Sun day school at am These times continue for the summer months Mrs Floyd Simpson of Grims by was a recent guest of Mr and Mrs James Hope Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mrs a former resident of our community Mr and Mrs Frank Sheridan have moved to The Willing Workers will hold their May meeting at the home of Mrs James Hope A progressive euchre was held at the school oh Friday night April under auspices of the bull team Mr and Mrs Howard Lehman j and family spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ford Lehman at Mr and Mrs Ford Lehman rue building a new home on a lot on the Shropshire farm Teachers and school children returned to school on Monday after enjoying the Faster holi days Howard and attended Mrs Graves birthday party on April Mr and Mrs Sam Hall Schomberg visited Mr and Mrs Howard on Monday even ing Mr and Mrs Fred Gibson vis ited Mr and Mrs William Mount Albert on Sunday Mrs Will Gillham spent a couple of days last week visiting in Toronto Mrs Smith is confined in bed We wish her a speedy recovery in York County hospital- Mr and Mrs Angus Smith spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harold Smith of Mr and Mrs Geo Pearson en tertained at a family dinner on Sunday Mr and Mrs Gib Silverthorn Islington held a family dinner on Sunday in honor of Mrs Jacob Smiths birthday Con gratulations Mrs Smith Friends Were pleased to see Miss Vera Arnold on Sunday after her recent stay in the hos- of Toronto are in Mr room at school Miss Mathews of New market and Miss of Toronto are at Union St school Miss Stiles of Mount Pleas ant and Miss of Baldwin are at Hillside school dont forget the Wo mens Institute meeting at Mrs R Chapmans home on Wednes day April 30 at 2 pm The Junior Farmers are hold ing a church service on Sunday April at pm in the Mt Albert United church Everyone is cordially invited to attend We wish a speedy recovery for Mr Art Alexander who is ill at his home MAKES FERTILIZER OP YOUR WEEDS GIVES COMPLETE CULTIVATION IN ONE OPERATION SAVES YOU WORK GAS MONEY 3 FOR GARDENS FOR GARDENS TRACTOR ATTACHMENT FOR FARMS t The Garden Tractor Man OAK RIDGES ONTARIO Phone King SALES SERVICE CUSTOM The presented by Kes wick Dramatic club on Friday evening was well attended and much enjoyed Miss Jean Mitchell Egypt spent a few holidays with her uncle and aunt Mr- and Mrs Norman Kay Misses and Gloria Nelson spent Friday with Misses and Donna Kay Mr Mrs And era on spent Sunday with relative in Owen Sound Mr Wesley Morton ket was holidaying with his uncle arid aunt Mr and Mrs Donald Moiton lust week Mr Kohl Winch has complet ed his year at and has returned home to spend the summer Mrs Maurice Crittenden and twins Donna unit Donald of culled on Mr and Ferry on Friday and Mrs Kinjj and Floyd spent the weekend in Kingston with relatives Mrs Kay is spend inn the week with her and daughter Mr and Mrs Stevenson Royal Reach Vir ginia Mr and Mrs Harold and Uremia Keswick called on Mr and Mrs Charles Pollard on Sunday evening YOUR LIVING COSTS EXCELSIOR Rakes braced at two ends straight single shank Extension Ladders wire reinforced feet M feet 3030 Grass Shears up Long Handled Stand up CRASS CLIPPERS 575 Potato Hoe light strong welded in GARDEN HOE Maple Leaf 210 HAND GARDEN Spramotor Shoulder type Brass fittings Imperial gals Other Sprayer 1125 tools 35c ea Suffolk Clipper rubber tired- Sheffield steel ball blades m 1530 Steel wheeled as low as Sod Cutter True Temper Maple Leaf 170 Lawn Sprinkler Hose 50 ft lengths complete with couplings I in AM in- Do away with he brush or motherinlaw to Garden Fertilizers vmotto MEAL site 55c lbs 95ca J ioo Quality Fencing heavy gauge galvanied for long wear wire l ft high Sprinkling Cans and up Pruning Shears 40c to rod wire in- high 120 rod Made of lj 4 I wire I point barbs on easv- rl Broom Rake Standard llHUUNIi Fork Kxeelstor 175 l r I i A lb l 52 Main St NEWMARKET Phone