ft REFRIGERATION SERVICE Ft I r News Of The News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately- V The branch held their April meeting in the community Wednesday afternoon Mm the last meeting were f the treasurer s report a balance dfI40 members answered the roll eight visitors It was decided to give to the ho ckey Miss Crosby took the chair and conducted the election of of ficers The officers for Mrs C Pickering 1st vicepres Mrs 2nd vice pres Mrs C Harrison sec Mrs Arnold Mrs O publicity Mrs Case pianist Mrs Bibby assist Mrs Mrs- Pickering read a poem and meeting closed with The Queen followed by a social half hour v 1Wd I haw to ran Into town for something it Is pretty handy fast to go to the gate and jump on the bos- Fanners on of near the ttghways really appreciate this great convenience The but ser vice comes in very handy too for longer trips sod helps to enjoy many visits back and forth with friends in ttedty- FARES ARE LOW ROUND TRIP TORONTO BUFFALO Hamilton LONDON Tickets and Information at KING GEORGE HOTEL NEWMARKET Phone Dr Margaret Arkinstall was guest speaker at the April meeting of the Newmarket Wo mens Institute Held in the Ag ricultural Board rooms St Mrs Elman Campbell was in the chair Dry gave an interesting talk on Citizen ship Any ladies wishing to attend the District Annual Mount Al bert May are requested to contact Mrs Charles Near phone The next regular meeting will he held a week later than is usual on May Members are reminded of the wallpaper demonstration which will he presented in the Newmar ket Town Hall on Monday May pm There will be a num ber of valuable door prizes dona ted by H Stephens Son- Anyone wishing tickets for this interesting program on interior decoration may obtain them from members of the Newmarket In stitute The election of officers for was held with the follow ing members being named to of fice hon pres Mrs Lewis Mrs A Boyd and Mrs R Mc Donald past pros Mrs A Mitchell Mrs Campbell first vice Mrs Phil Hamilton second vice Mrs E Armstrong sec Mrs C Near assistant Mrs F Proctor Mrs Willis Pianist Mrs A Mills assist ant Miss Gilinour publicity Mrs Proctor district director Mrs A Mitchell directors Mrs Richardson Mrs Evans Mrs M and Miss Toole Refreshment Mrs J Mrs Farren Mrs R Watt Mrs Lee and Mrs program Mrs McDonald Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Phil committees citizen ship and education Miss M agriculture Mrs Rogers and Mrs McDonald cur rent events Mrs Roy Meads and Miss Watson home economics and health Mrs Hodge and Mrs community acti vities and public relations Mrs Houghton flowers Mrs Evans and Mrs hospitaliza tion Mrs Young rest room Mrs G Mrs Boadwin The report of the nominating committee was read and approv ed as follows Miss Mrs Clare Powell 1st vice Mrs George bury 2nd vice Mrs Grant 3rd vice Mrs A C McTaggart sec Mrs Sydney Aylett Mrs Gor don SV Directors Mrs George Dews- bury Mrs Grant A McTasgart Mrs Vail Mrs A Richardson Mrs Floyd Preston Mrs Clare Powell Mrs S Mrs George Richardson district dir Mrs George auditors Mrs Wicks and H Van pianist Pearl Cale Convenors of standing commit tees agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs A C McTaggart citizenship and education Mrs Hillary home economics aiwjlb health Mrs Ray his- torical research Mrs Harold community activities and public relations Mrs Don ald Bassett Blue Cross Mrs George Roll call was answered witK exchange of slips and bulbs Lunch was served by Mrs Sullivan Miss Louise Carroll and Mrs The business meeting of the branch was held oh Tuesday April The result of election of officers Mrs Harper 1st vicepres Mrs Ann Penrose 2nd vice- Mrs Margaret Mrs Grace assist Mrs Cairine Johnson Blue Cross Mrs Elsie Mr and Mrs Arthur Sidney Jones are pictured following their Directors Mrs church mS A dkt SS daughter of Mr and Mrs Mrs A director Sanderson and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Miss Starr pianist Mrs Gladys Ridley auditors Mrs West Mrs Harper sunshine com Mrs Mrs Eva Greenwood Standing com agriculture and Canadian industries convener Gladys Ridley committee Mrs Colviile Mrs W Williams Elsie Grace Waltho Mrs Caldwell Eva Mrs West Home economics and health conv Francis Walker com Mrs E Starr Mrs M Sheridan Mrs Mrs A Penrose Mrs Miss Starr Historical research and current events conv Jean Williams com Mrs Toole Doris Har per Mrs Mrs David son Ann Penrose Mrs Preston Mrs A Citizenship and education Irene Wood com Mrs McNicol Mrs Johnson Mrs George Smith Margaret Mac Millan Mrs Fletcher Mrs Greenwood Mrs Ethel Hunt Community activities and pub lic relations conv Mrs Johnson com Mrs Price Penrose Mrs L Harper Mrs Carl Greenwood Mrs Johnson BIRTHDAY CLUB m m Birthday wishes are extended this week to Terry Grant New- market years old on Friday Apr Wendy Ann Newmarket years old on Fri day Apr Edward Charles Alien New market years old on Friday Apr John Raymond Newmarket years old on Saturday Apr Harry and Cobber years old on Sun day Apr Danny Webster Mount Dennis years old on Sunday Apr Rodney Fairey Windsor years old on Sunday Apr Dennis Smith R New market years old oil Sunday Apr Jimmy R Aurora years old on Monday Apr 21 Janet Hendry New market 12 years old on Monday Apr Wallace Sheridan years old on Monday Apr Grant Taylor Cedar Brae years old on Tuesday Apr Zephyr years old on Tuesday Apr Barbara Colleen Smith Newmarket years old on Tuesday Apr Charles Bruce Brandon years old on Wednesday Apr Lloyd Sheridan New market years old on Wednes day Apr Gary Franklin years old on Wednes day Apr Ronald Arthur Mount Albert years old on Thursday Apr Please send in your name ad dress age and become a member of the Newmarket Eta and Ex press birthday club The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday April Page A a TEA BAG S Drapery Special we a Sidney Jones all of Newmarket LADIES END SEASON OF ALLEY BOWLING Ladies s Lawn Bowling club closed their season of ally bowl ing with a banquet at Ridge Inn Following a delicious chicken dinner the president Mrs die presented the prizes Winning team Sylvia Curtis captain Anne Osborne Boa Bain Ethel Doyle Helen and Viv Gibson Flo Riley was outstanding bowler of the sea son receiving a prize for high average Watt won high three games and Peggy Graham high single The following executive were appointed for next season Margaret sec Near Flo Riley captains Peggy Graham Laura and Bain The remainder of the evening was spent playing cards First prize for bridge went to Ethel Doyle Peggy Graham took the honors for euchre SHOWER BRIDETOBE A number of girls from the graduating class of the Western Hospital Toronto hon ored Margaret Proctor a grad uate of that year and brideelect of May with a delightful show er on Wednesday April at Ave Toronto The bridetobe received many beauti ful gifts after which a delicious lunch was served li Drapery lining per yd will be given FREE with every purchase of drapery at per yd or more For every yard of drapery purchased we will give you FREE one yard of lining Take advantage of this wonderful offer to put new color and beauty into your i home This offer is good until May A S it hi 104 Mum SL Newmarket The branch will meet on Wednesday afternoon Aftril at 2 pm at the home of Mrs Ross Chapman Motto The beauty of the home is or der the glory of the home is hospitality Roll call pay your fees Program report of standing Mrs Geer Mrs committees Election of officers and Mrs Campbell The branch regular meeting was held at the home of Mrs A White on Wednesday April 1G with Mrs Clare Powell the president presiding About ladies attended Reports of the standing committees were given will be from the floor Hos tesses Mrs J Jardine Mrs Cole and Mrs if Why Tire yourself LAUNDERING at HOME SMART Housewives sell 252 Eight pound for 99f each additional pound All flat piece ironed Wearing apparel damp all ready for Ironing finished each extra Pickup delivery included REVITALIZED Our DRY AN five you the cU out you set Even old et get a Mate NEWMARKET DAIRY t PROP Prospect St Newmarket Phone Union Street branch will meet at the home of Mrs Ralph on Thursday May 1 at pm Motto May is building with apple blossoms she is roof ing over the glimmering rooms Roll call Suggestions for freshening up the home for sum mer Exchange of perennials Program committee Mrs Ar chie Miss Violet Micks Mrs Oliver Hostess es Mrs Will Moulds Mrs J Mrs Walter Rose Mrs Ernest Burgess April meeting of branch was held at the home of Mrs Lyman Watson- Since this meeting is the first in the I year the roll call was answered by paying fees business w a hurried through so that the election of officers could take place Mrs Elmer Hamilton and Mrs Lloyd Pegg wore appointed delegates to conveners convention at April 30 to May 2 Mrs Harris and Mrs A Ham ilton were appointed as delegates to district annual May Our next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Herb oh May instead of May 14 Ten dollars was donated to crippled childrens fund election of officers was then conducted by Mrs Noble and the offices were fill ed as follows Mrs J pres Mis Hamilton 1st vicepres Mrs Percy Brown 2nd vicepres Mrs David 3rd Mrs Corps Mrs Wm Harris see Mrs Robert Melville disk Mrs J Branch Mrs Mrs sun shine comm Mrs Mrs A Hamilton Mrs Comer pianist Mrs J- press cor Mrs M auditors Mrs Mrs The meeting dosed arid a so cial hour enjoyed SCOUTMASTER GUEST AS MOTHERS MEET Neil Lothian Scoutmaster Newmarket Boy Scout troop was guest speaker at the April meeting of she Mothers auxiliary Mrs Fred chaired the meeting Scouts gave a demonstration of one of their regular meetings Ail interesting and well prepar ed talk was given by Jim Nut- tat who explained the work en tailed in earning proficiency badges for the Kings Seoul badge A report on annual father- son banquets was presented by the general convenor Mrs Ron ald Watt Hie auxiliary catered for these banquets for the scouts and cubs A discussion was held on the banquets for I ho brownies and guides which will be held on May and On those even ings the girls and their mothers will ho en tore tallied at their an nual banquets The mooting closed with a social halfhour when light re freshments were served STRIKE AGAINST HIGH PRICES WILL YOU SUPPORT US IF SO DROP AND CAST YOUR BALLOT EACH 5c HELPS US LOWER PRICES lb 35c FOR BOILING GET YOUR lb 79c BONELESS BEST AT BRICES Lean Minced lb AND ITS Rump Roast 57 lb Round End OUR METHOD IS CASH AND CARRY THIS IS THE REASON WE CAN GIVE YOU SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE IGA Ltd PS WE ARE ADDING TWO MORE EMPLOYEES TO OUR STAFF TO GIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE 2 GREAT BUYS IN HOME BEAUTY that guarantee you satisfaction IV loW Cost with iWeO ft PATTERNS striking new your fats that loo COSTS SO in any v wall Of CONOOLIUM CANADA Montreal JUST TO ASftV kAiiM COLOURS j Ss Urn