r tWii AURORA NEWS OT NEWMARKET AUMftA AMD THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK Number of Copies Printed This Week YEAR HERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL SINGLE COPIES S CENTS EACH Start The annual campaign to raise funds for the Canadian National institute for the Blind was launched in Newmarket and district on April The campaign here is under the sponsorship of the Newmar ket and District advisory com mittee with Mrs J Morris as chairman Contributions of 1 or more are acknowledged by an official receipt which may be used in claiming income tax ex emption Most of us know that blind people are independent and like to do as much as they can for themselves The Institute en courages this and develops spe- services that will lead the blind to more and more inde pendence all the time The research department of the has adapted appli ances and gadgets usually re quiring sight so that they can be used by blind people The needle threader that permits the blind housewife to thread her own needles enables her to sew whenever she pleases not mere ly when a sighted person is near to thread the for her- The ordinary foot ruler so handy in the cellar used by most men dozen times a week would be denied to the blind were it not for CNLB research Braille markings were placed at the inch and halfinch intervals allowing the handyman to con tinue his manual arts under the handicap of blindness These devices are simple to tell about but they took keen concentration to develop and many frustrating mistakes be fore they were truly practical This type of equipment is a wonderful help to the blind per- son To know that by using a special gadget he can do a piece of work as well as he ever could is an encouragement in itself When you contribute to N LB you make this research possible Nor is this all that you do- Your money sends teachers to the homes of the blind to teach Braille Your money establishes men and wo men as managers of canteens and you support the prevention of blindness program That Is why urged to be as gen erous as possible this year BRADSHAW SPEAKER AT HORT SOCIETY MEETING MAY 2 John well known cultural is whose timely newspaper column and radio broadcasts have made him a rec ognized authority with tne green thumb league will be the guest speaker at an open meeting on Friday May in the Sun day school room of Trinity United church Newmarket un der the sponsorship of the New market Horticultural society the meeting will begin at pm Mr will speak on Your Garden in and fol lowing his talk a discussion period will be held when those present may direct their ques tions to the speaker A sale of house plants will be held with the proceeds going to the society Members are re quested to slip a few of their favorite house plants and bring them to this meeting Refresh ments will be served A cordial invitation is extended to the public TYPING REGISTRATION STARTED FOR BLOOD BANK Fred Taylor was one of the first persons in Newmarket to be typed and registered for the new walking blood bank tor York County hospital Typing was started on Monday night and the Newmarket Blood Bank committee hopes to complete a registration of 200 within eight weeks Volunteers have not been calling in sufficient numbers yet and a plea is sent out for move donors Typing will continue tonight and every Monday and Thursday from pm on Persons wish ing to become members of the bank are asked to call for a typing and registration appointment on one of these evenings With 200 on the list donors would not be asked to give blood more than once a year Dr J G Cock committee chairman is taking a blood sample for typing from Mr Taylors arm Nurse Mrs J Rogers looks on Era and Express photo Light Vote Taken In District m On Marketing Scheme For Eggs The voting on the proposed marketing scheme for eggs which was held last Thursday Friday and Saturday was re ported to be extremely light in this district Results of the pro vincewide vote are expected to be released from Toronto within the next week votes the fact that so few poul try growers voted will count strongly in the final decision Many poultry men confessed an ignorance of the exact work ings of the marketing scheme although organizers of the vote have held meetings to dis- Theres a good chance that the federal riding of York North is going to lose part of its south end in the forthcoming redis tribution Two new federal ridings are indicated for the area outside Toronto and there is every likelihood that one of them will be made up of the south and parts of York North and parts of York South York North is represented by Smith Richmond Hill for the Liberals and South is represented by J Nose- worthy for the CCF York North has a population of York South a popu lation of The federal ridings are re shuffled according to population every ten years following the census The federal committee which will preside over the re distribution has already been ap pointed with Walter Harris min ister for citizenship as chairman but has not yet met FEDERATION UNIT ORGANIZED IN KING TOWNSHIP A King township unit of the Federation of Agriculture was organized at commun ity hall on Tuesday April under the chairmanship of J Buchanan of Downsview secre tary of the York County organ ization A provisional execu tive was appointed of J Glass line as chairman Frank Beatty Kettleby and William of 1st and 2nd vice chairmen and Ivan King treasurer The Federation of Agricul ture is the mouthpiece of the farmer and advises the provin cial and federal departments of agriculture declared Mr Bu chanan The single unit has representation on the county board which in turn is carried through to the provincial and national federations ii At a meeting at the home of Mf Glass fa ni ht it market who is taking a one year pilots course between second and No Help Yet Seen Fo County Hospital Municipal Men Fail To Agree On Sharing Special 11000 Grant EARNS PILOT WINGS IN RESERVE FORCE cuss the marketing scheme The light vote was said to be some outright across the province the scheme but the ma- Sponsored by the Federation of 1 potential voters Agriculture the vote was taken seemed apathetic to the under the provincial farm pro- duels marketing act It would if it carries clear the way for the establishment of an egg mar keting scheme by producers Which would give them control of the marketing of their eggs The vote was sought as a wor sening export situation indicat ed a growing surplus of eggs with a resulting reduced domes- tic prices Poultry men arc cut off from UK markets because of the international exchange on their behalf SPACE LIMITED The editor regrets that an unexpected rush of advertis ing material has limited space and that many articles and news reports have had to be left out Where practical these reports will be printed next week third year engineering at the University of Toronto received his pilots wings at Centralia flying school on April PO is now stationed in Manitoba where he is taking training in advanced flying and armaments On completion of his course he will be given the rank of flying officer The one year of training for pilots is part of the re serve system On completion of training he will return to uni versity SUTTONS EXREEVE KILLED IN FLORIDA A highway crash in Florida took the lives of two natives of Sutton last week ex- Reeve Grover Morrison and Harold a To ronto lawyer who was born in Sutton Mrs Morrison a sister of Col was injured in the acci dent and is in hospital A re port that she had died in hospi tal was said to be false later The accident occurred on the trail 23 miles west of Miami city limits A Fort Meyers school teacher in the other car was killed Twice reeve of Sutton Mr Morrison operated a service sta tion there In he defeated Charles Scott for the Last year when Mr Scott then reeve died suddenly Mr Morri son was elected in a bydection He was defeated this year William Parks Col- was a Progressive Conservative candidate in the federal election in North York He was defeated Lt- P liberal can didate Mr and Mrs Morrison and Col were on their way to visit Col partner Af ter a brief visit they were to continue on an extended tour of Mexico Mr Morrison leaves his wife one son William Vancouver and a daughter Mrs Taylor A brother Clarence lives in Toronto Col leaves two sisters Miss Irene Toronto and Mrs Mor rison SEND HAM The Newmarket and club sent an Easter ham to the Busi ness and Professional Womens club in Kettering England Representatives of municipal councils in North York from to township gathered at East township hall Shafton on Monday night to discuss their obligations to York County hospi tal Although discussions dragged on for three hours they did not agree on a recommendation to share on an grant to offset the hospitals debt prob lem There was criticism and praise about the operation of the only hospital in North York- All agreed that the hospital must not be closed because of its finan cial problems A few suggested a recommendation to all coun cils to accept a proportionate grant some tried to think of al ternatives but it was left for each representative to go home and discuss it with his council While seeking alternative sources of aid reeves and depu ties complained bitterly about the low grants from the provincial government The meeting pas sed a resolution by Reeve Norm an Doyle North and Stanley Osborne East that a petition be sent to the provincial government for larger hospital grants with spe cial regard to indigent and pub lic ward patients The hospitals most outspoken critic Reeve Elton Armstrong King complained about the bas is on which the hospital had ask ed councils to share Their share of the was to be in pro portion to the number of patients they sent to hospital basis is wrong to start with I think it should be the number of patient days he said situation and exports are well down to the United States be cause of growing domestic CONCERT MEMBERSHIP OPEN there There was no indication of how the vote would go Gener ally a high majority is required to establish a marketing scheme because of the widespread effect on farm practices In view of the light vote suporters of the scheme are not optimistic White an ballot does not mean a no ballot as in other The period for renewal of last years memberships in the Cana dian Concert Association of New market has now expired and new memberships are available Mem bership tickets may he obtained by calling or writing the secre tary of the association Mrs Newmarket phone lG5hv FIGURE SKATING Mrs announced this week that registration for membership in the Newmarket Figure Skating club will be held at the Newmarket arena on May and May from to pm was decided that the board func tion until the end of the year with the addition of Ross Elliott Aubrey Glass and Bert Palmer It was decided to organize small meetings at various points throughout the township Per sonal contact will be made with persons interested in the federa tion movement by each member of the board first meeting will be held at parish hall on Tuesday evening May FIRE AT DIXONS The Newmarket fire brigade answered a call to the Dixon Pencil Co yesterday afternoon shortly before four oclock Some raw material in the stor age department was burning but the fire was soon extinguished by the sprinkler system and the firemen Slight damage mostly to paper boxes was done COMING EVENTS Business Professional Women Reelect Norine Ayers President ERRORS SOMETIMES QUITE LARGE Observations Of Jet Vapor Trait Varied In the early afternoon on Mon day there appeared in the brill iant blue sky over Newmarket long streaks which looked like chalk marks on a blackboard At the Era and Express news editor had them while he was eating his lunch and con eluded that he seen the vapor trail of a high flying jet plane which flew south then turned east The plane was so high nearly seven miles it could not be seen only an odd reflection of the At the sporU editor call ed and Express office and said Is that a fly mi saucer out there beside my window The editor ran out the front door skinned his knee on an oak desk on the way out and saw another white streak like a chalk line It was being drawn across the sky towards the south V The entire office staff was hanging out the doors and wind ows looking for flying saucers At an unidentified man of the girls Whai was that lhat flew over A jet plane said the account ant it couldnt have been a jet said the man undoubtedly with saucers on his mind It went right over my low at feet and it didnt a motor Couldnt hear a thing and smoke was coming out of it The sports editor phoned back and said Did you see it Fed up with hearsay the edi tor phoned airport asked what was flying over Newmarket Did it fly south towards us turn and head northcast again said a control tower official Yes Thats a Sabre jet flying at feet Thank you very much Goodbye These events question the re liability of observations of the ordinary man on the street those other than trained scientific ob servers Woodworks fourth edi tion of Psychology says Ex- phoned the office and asked one perience is and four duals differ in the accur acy of their estimates Con stant errors are sometimes quite large and they themselves vary with the conditions were reports of people seeing clusters of amber lights flying in formation over Toronto on the weekend Observers sup posedly reliable saw what they said to be a ship travelling at a thousand miles an hour over Tor onto London and Detroit The amber lights were reported to be navigation lights from a trans port plane and the thousand ship proved to be a Brit ish Canberra jet bomber on speed run from Ottawa to Oma ha Its unnofficial top speed is supposed to be around 30O Of course there could be fly ing saucers For more about saucers read the editorial page of the Era and Express also for a first hand in terview with a little man who stepped from a flying saucer read The Office Cat Reports page SAT At store Bonds mens and womens madetomeasure suits The choice of the house at THURSDAY Bingo Ladies Auxiliary Canadian Le mon Aurora games specials Share the wealth Time In the Aurora Legion hall THURSDAY APRIL A fab- color film entitled Hint directed by Dr Mushes will he presented In the Richmond Hill Lions Community Hall Centre Street east spon sored by the Horticultural Soc iety President Ferguson Time pm Admission free FRIDAY APRIL Used cloth ing sale at the Parish Hall New market under the auspices of St Pauls Evening branch of the Sale starts at 2 oclock MONDAY APRIL and bridge at the Aurora Legion hall at pm Refreshments and good prizes Admission J WEDNESDAY APR bingo of season Ladles Auxil iary Kinjj Legion In King Masonic hall sharp Jack- not spec ials good prizes FRIDAY MAY Pot luck sup per in Sharon hall Family night under the auspices of the Fast Federation of Agriculture Supper pm FRIDAY MAY John will speak on Your Gar den in at on open meeting of the Newmarket Horticultural society Trinity United church school room pm Refresh ments Public welcome I THURSDAY MAY Annual blossom tea in Christian Bap- list Sunday School rooms from to pm Homemade candy and aprons Tea THURSDAY MAY The Van- are presenting a 3- comedy play entitled The People Next Door in the Sharon Hall Sponsored the Hope Adults 50c Children FRIDAY SATURDAY MAY and Dancing New market Town hall under direc tion Mrs Charles Gordon Spon sored by Recreation commission Tickets available from pupils Adults children SUNDAY MAY bus to Niagara Falls Tickets now on sale See Cecil Andrews or phone 51SJ Newmarket FRIDAY 30 Newmarket Firemens monster bingo and old time dance to ho held in the Newmarket Memorial Arena 100 Jackpot Door prize spec ial prizes Admission Dont this date All proceeds to Into the new uniform fund EVERY WEDNES DAY at pm In Roches Point Memorial Club Admission Every Thursday at pm admission 50c Every Frl- davy at pm pictures admis sion EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT euchre every Saturday In North bun Memorial Centre DANCING EVERY SATURDAY night in Mount Albert hall to Norm his orchestra Modern and old time da no Inc Jackpot and other spe cial prizes A good time for all Admission 50c Time EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT to Jack Giles and his or chestra pm New River- view Inn Bradford Ladles Miss Ayers was re elected president of the New market Business and Profession al Womens club at the April dinner meeting in the King George hotel Mrs Nelson Ion conducted the election of offi cers- Guest of the evening was Miss Val Day Reg first woman traffic representative selected by Miss Day logged hours flying time with Trans Canada airlines and covered over one million mites as a stew ardess She has flown over most of the companys routes and has made a special study of resorts in Bermuda the West Indies and other lands which has enabled her to assist those who may be contemplating a trip or vacation Three color sound films were presented with Frank acting as projectionist Mr Sleeps in the Sky showed a timid nervous traveller being lulled into a sense of security and well being TICKETS GO FAST AS LIONS READY MINSTREL SHOW Proof of the enduring quality of the Newmarket Lions Minstrel shows is the way in which tick ets are selling for the fourth an nual show in the town hall on April and and May and J All indications are that the current show will be the sellout that its predecessors were Under the direction of Alex Eves with music by Bill this years minstrels are present ing an entirely new show with the addition of a number of new stars Ernie Grassland and Dick Milliard are new end men shar ing duties with the stars of other years Jack and Eugene j McCaffrey Soloists this year include two newcomers to the show Bill and Tommy Scott Back for their fourth shows are Charles Boyd and Terry Alex Eves serves again as interlocutor The shows are made up entire ly of local casts and many of the situations burlesque town and district individuals and circum stances The proceeds of the show will be used by the Lions in their wel fare work HAS OPERATION Norman Smart underwent an appendectomy operation at York County hospital on Monday and is doing nicely With an I think there must be something wrong with the management of the hos pital continued Mr Armstrong And I have been told that since this hospital board was set up its been closed doors a sort of dictatorship and even the doctors are not asked to the meetings only at the end of the year is anyone invited to attend think the board is trying to do the best it can but somewhere there is something over which the board has no control he said As for the a day cost per patient I think there is some thing wrong with the manage ment when you consider this hos pital was given by donations Replying to the King township reeves criticisms K- chairman of the hospital board said I know the hospital cant be made to pay But it should give service to the poor as well as the rich- In many cas es patients lose their earning power when they are sick and in hospital Maybe our policy has been wrong maybe we should have raised our rates moire Of course I deny that the hos pital is not managed properly he continued The doctors have always had a representative oh the board and as to Mr Arm strongs charge that the board is a closed corporation I certainly deny that There have always been published notices before every meeting Books are audit ed by the best accountants in Ontario MISS VAL REP through competent and thoughtful services of em ployees Letting the audience in by the backdoor it showed how the works telling of the background and training of their pilots As well as interesting and instructive Mr was very amusing Travelogues of Vancouver and Bermuda were then shown Mrs Caroline Edwards intro duced Miss Day and Mrs Alice Janes thanked her on behalf of the group for her delightful pro gram Miss Sutton assistant superintendent of York County hospital was welcomed to the club as a new member She was introduced by the member ship convener Mrs Nora Those elected to office for 1952 include past pros Laura Boyd pros Ayers viceprcs Peggy Ward sec Jean rcc sec Norma Car ter treas Nora bulle tin chairman Clara Stark pro gram Oliver hospital library Nellie Cook publicity Myrtle overseas Kute Skinner membership and emblem Doris Blair historian Lillian Rank social Florence HOLDS SOCIAL Wing of the Royal than Air Force Assocat Ion held Its first social evening and dance on Wednesday evening in the Legion hall A large crowd at tended with representations from wings from Toronto and Richmond Other guests Were from such widespread points as Ottawa Calgary and We are doing everything we can to keep costs down but re member that a hospital requires three shifts A nurse cant work more than eight hours a day and for other members of the staff we are in the labor market as much as anyone else He pointed out that the hospi tal costs per patient day of over Si were average Figures from other hospitals show that cost ranges from per day up to SIT and 1S a day The hospital for sick children heavily endow ed has a patient day cost of or 17 Mr Stiver said Reeve Ivan McMurchy of ghan township said he thought that the day rate should be for patients to offset the debt There was strong opposition to the suggestion Cecil North councillor said that the working man is paying enough as it is If you raise the rates people will give up trying to pay and go indigent warned Reeve Arthur Evans Newmarket What guarantee is there that we wont have to pay another 11000 next year Councillor Whitchurch hospital is in debt and It looks as if it is still going in Mr Stiver said he could give no assurance that it wouldnt continue to go in debt I dont know what the future holds and the costs are still going up We have raised our rates slightly and with grants I think we can break even this year fc Reeve Elton Armstrong said I think we should wait until the June sessions of county council where We can do something for all these hospitals Maybe we can find a way for paying not only the 11000 but the whole Reeve Jack Rye East said that the county was going to be asked for lor grants to other hospitals in Toronto How will we get anything from the county when Us budget is already set Reeve Evans of Newmarket The county is giving over 200000 to hospitals hi its budget now Councillor William King North said that nil the discussion there was f only one thing to do that to go home and discuss the prob lem with your councils and do whatever you think best about a grant J