April THE MAKES FERTILIZER OF YOUR WEEDS GIVES COMPLETE CULTIVATION IN ONE OPERATION SAVES YOU WORK TIME GAS MONEY FOR GARDENS FOR MARKET TRACTOR ATTACHMENT FOR FARMS m m STAN TROYER The Garden Tractor Man OAK ONTARIO King 94r24 SALES SERVICE CUSTOM News Of The News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately HEATING COSTS I mi Baths basins sinks closets electric shallow and deep well pumps Boil pipe soil fittings fibre pipe range boilers electric water heaters steel pipe and fittings TODAY The Mount Albeit the Womens Institute met on Thursday evening April 3 in the basement of the United church for their At Home The mem bers and their guests sat down to a lovely supper The president Mrs Donald Stiver gave a toast to the Queen Patsy Dunn favored with two solos and was accompanied by Barbara Watt both from New market Mrs Elton Armstrong spoke and wished the Institute success in the future Mrs in troduced the guest speaker Mrs Allen Toronto who spoke on the special classes held in Toronto and other cities for the less fortunate children These classes are called opportunity rooms The special classes are for orthopedic diabetic partial ly deaf and totally deaf child ren Summer school is held for health classes and classes are held for new Canadians to learn English The only class that Ml Albert district may benefit by it press the sightsaving class These pupils are to go to a regular school and are equipped with special text books put out by the Department of Education Mrs thanked those participating and the evening closed with the singing of Canada Newmarket Social News j VAIN PLUMBING and SUPPLIES CO ST NO PROBLEM NOW J Election of officers for the coming season highlighted the April meeting of the Kingridge branch held at the home of Mrs J Scott on April Mrs Sproule was re turned as president Mrs J Jones 2nd vicepres Mrs J Best sectreas Mrs Parker Mrs J Mrs J C Scott continues as district director with Miss Joan Mrs Crook and Mrs J as branch directors Conveners of the standing committees are as follows home economics and health Mrs J historical research and current events Mrs P Ball citizenship and education Mrs J Agricultural and Canadian in dustry Mrs com munity activity and public rela tions Miss Joan Mrs J was re elected flower box convener Mrs J and Mrs were returned as auditors Social convener will be Mrs J M Best who also serves as press reporter Mrs is pianist The work committee consists of Mrs Jones Mrs Mrs Scott and Mrs Thcde Kingridge Institute will meet on Tuesday May at the home of Mrs The hos tesses will be Mrs and Mrs Cohen May The Institute district program was discussed and- the services chosen were Home care of the sick and Brighten your home with color Mrs Thomas gave an interesting account of her trip to Long Island New York Mrs Johnston conducted a candy- guessing contest Winners were Mrs Stanley Shanks and Mrs Irvine Rose j The election of officers was held and results are as follows prcs Mrs Frank Perry 1st vice- pres Mrs Titus Peregrine 2nd vicepres Mrs Oliver 3rd Mrs Leonard Sal mon Miss Violet Micks assist sectreas Mrs Archie Pianist Mrs Edwin Breen as sist pianist Mrs Oliver Dice- man district director Mrs Ar chie directors Rev and Mrs J Thomas Swanson Mrs Wilburn Owen Sound were guests on Beckett Mrs Will Moulds Mrs Tuesday at the home of Rev and T Peregrine auditors Mrs Petersen Rev Mrs English is president of the Holiness corres Mrs English flower com Mrs B Mrs Micks Mrs Stanley Shanks Mrs Will Moulds Standing committees agricul ture and Canadian industries Mrs Cryderman historical research and current events Mrs Micks citizenship and education Mrs Thomas Swan son home economics and health Mrs Edwin Whitfield public relations and community activi ties Mrs E Callendar resolu tions Mrs T Peregrine The meeting closed with the National Anthem followed by a delicious lunch served by the hostesses Mrs Davis and daughter Miss Florence Bray have return ed home after spending two months at Miami Beach Florida Mrs Dee Mussel- mans Lake was a guest of Mrs Davis last week Misses Jean Aiken and p McLean Sault Marie will be Easter visitors of Rev and Mrs M J Aiken at the Trinity United church parsonage Miss Lillian Flanaghan Co balt is home for an indefinite time Mr and Mrs Paul will spend the Easter holidays in Cornwall the guests of Mrs mother Mrs Hugh MacDonald Mr and Mrs Bud an spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs- Bert and Mr and Mrs Cecil Wood Mr and Mrs Norman visited over the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Neil Snyder Odessa Mrs Walter Couch Holt visited her sister Mrs Frank on Monday Mrs is still confined to bed -v- for Canada Mr and Mrs Charles Kirby and daughter Toronto visited with Mr Kirbys father and Mr and Mrs John Shier on Sunday Dennis Roberts New York was a guest last week of his sister Mrs Gordon Mr and Mrs William Island Grove had Sunday sup per with Mr and Mrs Roy Mar tin and family Mr and Mrs Donald and Sharon and Mrs W Trenton spent the weekend in town They attend ed the of their uncle Emmerson Blair and visited their parents Mr and Mrs Bert McCarnan Miss Linda Shier visited in Toronto on Saturday with her sister Miss Vcrna Shier William Campbell Brace- bridge visited his niece Mrs Leo Tunney on Thursday Rev A E Petersen has re turned from and Windsor where he had spent the past month Mr and Mrs Donald Deyo and family were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs John Mrs William Carson King visited her sister Mrs Frank on Friday ST PAULS CHURCH HAVE PARTY Last Sunday was Palm Sunday ami in St Pauls church the last Sun- Wmon day in Lent before Easter and It was marked by special hymns Epistle and Gospel At the evening service there were pray ers of dedication for the gift of the Credence Table to match the gift of the Bishops chair last year and prayers of dedication for the gift of silver paten To morrow will be the threehour service smarting at oclock noon There will be Easter com munion at and It a child rens service in the church at oclock and at evening prayer special Easier music with scrip ture readings placed their regular dinner meeting on Monday March Hi wiih a theatre party to the Royal Alexander Theatre Toronto Thirtytwo members and chartered a bus and attended Command Performance The party con cluded with supper at the Town and Country Club a FIREMEN CANVASS Trie Newmarket Firemen have decided to start their canvass this weekend for donations to wards their monster bingo which is to be held May 30 at the New market Memorial Arena in aid of new uniforms for the brigade MEETING The Junior Evening Trinity United church Newmarket will meet at the home of Miss Margaret Bate 86 Prospect St on Tuesday April at pm Mrs Herbert At kins will take the HIS i NECKPIECES WITH LATEST STYLES HESTYLING FUR COAT STORAGE YEARS EXPERIENCE CLOSE TO HOME Thorn hi 1 Furs YONGE ST AT NO 7 HIGHWAY 315 The citizenship meeting of the Newmarket branch will be held on Thursday April at pm in the agricultural board rooms St Roll call is My- idea of a good citizen Members are reminded to pay their Blue Cross hospitalization fees at this meeting The elec tion of officers for the ensuing year will be held The Beach branch April meeting was held at Mrs home Among the many interesting topics mention ed was the reading and recollec tions of the first meeting of this institute April 30 Mrs Pollock was the only member present who was at the original meeting Vote of thanks was extended to Mrs WMS MEET HEARS TALK ON APOSTLES Mrs George Killen Sutton was the guest speaker at the Eas ter thankoffering service of the St Andrews Presby terian church Newmarket Held in the Sunday school room on Wednesday April 2 the meeting was well attended The service of worship for the Easter season was conducted by Mrs Meredith president protern assisted by Mrs Roy McDonald Mrs Cockbum and Mrs Rosamond Mrs Meredith introduced the speaker of the evening Mrs Killen vicepresident Section Toronto East and wife of Rev Sutton West Mrs after making sev eral announcements concerning Presbyterial activities gave a splendid message on the acts of the apostles using as her gen eral theme Missionary Enter prise in the Early Church In thanking Mrs Killen Mrs Mere dith spoke of the value of prayer After the closing exercises a cup of tea was served and a pleasant social half hour was en joyed DELEGATE Mommy fool takes seven colours to make true white Auntie said One of them is blue Thats why you most Union Street branch met at the home of Mrs Druery Green wood on Thursday Apr with an attendance of members and four visitors Following the opening exer cises reports were given by the conveners of the standing com mittees as follows agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Greenwood historical re search and current events Mrs use Blue in your wash Just swish Joe Clark citizenship and through the rime cation Mrs homo It prevents yellow tinge and economics and health Mrs W you avoid taking chances with Beckett public relations and anything that may damage fabrics Blue costs so tittle community activities Mrs mummy saysand out of the blue Douglas Beckett district comes the whitest wash I director gave a report of the directors meeting held at market The district annual will be held at Mount Albert on A LASTING ROOF I LASTING HOME Clark for her efforts in organiz ing a bingo in the Memorial Hall Mrs Meredith was ap- on behalf of this in- pointed delegate to attend the stitute j nodical annual meeting of The following ladies are Kingston represent ees for hon Womens Missionary So- pres Mrs 1st vicepres Mrs Lowndes sec- treas Mrs press About meat prices we are doing our best to cut the squawks to a larger our business the easier our prices You can obtain QUALITY and price only on a very fast turnover So drop in compare us We have a sincere desire to lower prices BUT we need your buying cooperation v WARD AND ALLAN CO respondent Mrs Agricultural and Canadian In dustries Mrs Lowndes Citizen ship and Education Mrs Community Activities and Pub lic Relations Mrs Clark Home Economics and Health Mrs Resolutions Mrs Pollock delegate to con vention Mrs District director Mrs Branch directors Mrs Locker bie Mrs Mrs Clark hospital representative Mrs Peters auditors Mrs Clark and Mrs Peters pianist Mrs King HI It Til II AH CLUB Birthday wishes arc extended this week to Nancy Kathleen Kettleby years old on Friday Apr Gould Newmarket years old on Friday Apr VanZant Newmarket years old on Friday Apr Robert Paul Homes St Cath erines years old on Saturday Apr Joanne Sharon 3 years old on Saturday Apr 5 Paul Fry Newmarket years old on Sunday Apr Wayne Fletcher New market years old on Sunday Apr Wane llaskett Newmarket years old on Monday Apr Jean Mary Evans Newmarket years old on Apr White Holland Lan ding years old on Tuesday Apr Holly Keswick years old on Tuesday Apr Jimmy Peregrine years old on Thursday Apr Robert Henderson Newmarket years old on Thursday Apr Connie Phoenix Cedar Brae years old on Thursday Apr Send in your name address and become a member of the Newmarket and Express birthday club church Newmarket The con ference will be held in St An drews church Lindsay from April to inclusive AT CHILDRENS GABARDINE S TRENCH COATS TOPCOATS IN Ernest McCaffrey who had operation on his knee is recover ing nicely In Sunny brook hospi tal It Is expected he will be there another three weeks No Mother or Dad would pass this opportunity to buy this serviceable little coat for their boy or girl Just like Mothers or Dads and so reasonably priced NAVY BLUE WOOL GAM DOUBLE BREAST- STYLE SLASH POCKETS ALL- HOUND BELT FULLY SATIN LINED FOR SMALL GIRLS OR BOYS Ages to MAPLE SWEET SMOKED HAM WHOLE LB SHANK HALF LB ROUND END HALF LB MAPLE SWEET SLICED SIDE BACON LB 37c MAPLE SWEET SMOKED PICNIC HAM LEAN LB ALSO IN STOCK FAMOUS SMOKED COT TAGE ROLL AND COTTAGE ROLL A GRADE Capons 7 lb av lb 63c A GRADE Chickens 67 av lb 59c GUT DOWN ROUND STEAK lb SIRLOIN STEAK lb LOOK PORTER HOUSE STEAK lb WING STEAK lb 75c OVER MINCED BEEF lb BLADE ROAST lb SHORT RIB ROAST 59c HOMEMADE Sausage Meat PURE PORK lb WE CARRY A FULL VARIETY OF FROZEN FISH PLEASE NOTE These values are possible because we joined ami transferred our system to cash and carry also we enjoy a fast turnover HELP YOURSELF TO THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN