ir FOR YOUR OLD RADIO REGARDLESS OF CONDITION oh purchase of a Carlson combination at SPiLLETTES Main St Newmarket Phone iV AT Small boys to years Gabardine or grey flannel slacks Drape bottom iJ195 Brown blue grey Yes Its wrtafnly the store for young Canada AT Small boys- all wool Scotch Donegal tweed top coat and cap Regular 1298 sale price A to years SPRING suits and sport jackets Bros 325 samples to choose from Two or three weeks delivery Main St AT Dozens arid doz ens of mens quality oxford shoes Regular value up to Sale price clearing size to AT girls and bays navy blue wool raincoats or ton coats sizes to Sale price Large boys clwl3 FOR YOUR OLD WASHER NO CASH DOWN On the purchase of a NEW WASHER at SPILLETTES APPLIANCES Main St Newmarket Phone LIMITED QUANTITY MISCELLANEOUS SATURDAY MAR Auction sale of household furniture electric washing machine Find- lay nearly new dish es glassware cooking utensils garden tools lot con 3 Whit church 2 miles north of the property of Mrs Richard Wilton Terms cash Time pm Leslie Mount clerk A Farmer auctioneer TUESDAY APRIL Auction sale of registered and grade Hoi- stein cattle vaccinated York shire hogs Case tractor A6 Case combine powerlift fertilizer seed drill and farm implements hay and grain at lot con Mark- ham township on the townllne the property of Carl No reserve as owner Is giving up farming Sale at pm James Smith clerk A S Farmer auc tioneer EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the hose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump in the throat itnd other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone OF RECONDITIONED POWER AND HORSE DRAWN FARM EQUIPMENT for SALES AND SERVICES to be held at COMMUNITY SALES ARENA 1 Mile West of Elmvale WEDNESDAY APR 2 Sale at sharp This sale includes approximately tractors nearly all equipped with rubber tires threshers combine forage harvester grain and corn binders seed drills manure spreaders 2 and 3 fur row tractor and horse plows tiller spring tooth cultivators and harrows tandem discs tractor cultivators potato plant- power diggers and rub ber tired wagon The following trucks will also be offered for sale 2ton International with platform 1ton International pickup 19411ton International panel Terms Half cash balance through Finance Company or Bankable paper Terms for trucks Cash A Trace Auctioneer FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert We repair all makes of sewing machines New machines Singer Sewing Center New market Main St phone tfl Trusses surgical supports clast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and trouble- Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone 14 Newmarkets Record players for rent a day Delivery and plctaup charge 50 cents Studios phone New THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket COME in and compare We will not knowingly be undersold by any competitor anywhere You he the judge Dyers Furniture phono Newm CUSTOM record cutting Also tape recorders for sale Call evenings Murray Baker Eagle St phone Newmarket Your old fur coat can look like now If you have repaired and Tcstyled Highest prices on your old coats Our new coats arc very low In price By V we will come to your own home and you can select your own furs and style Master Fur riers and Tailors Timothy St phone Newmarket CLEAN fill lor sale Apply Wm Curtis phone 940 Newmarket J 4 SALE REGISTER SATURDAY MAR Auction sale at the Livestock Sales Arena selling livestock our specialty Fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs and horses Pickup and delivery can ho arranged This your community sale Come early and bring something to sell You bring it and well sell It Sale every Saturday at pm Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet Sellers and Atkinson auction- tf45 FRIDAY MAR Auction of Implements hay grain furniture the property of Stewart lot con fe North two miles north of Keswick Time pm McDonald auctioneer AUCTION SALE Registered and Fat Hogs VAC Case Tract or A6 Case Combine Hay and Grain AT LOT CON 5 TUESDAY APRIL I the property of CARL All cattle are Tested and Vaccinated Texal No 635871 bred Oct 23 Texal Jane No bred Jan Rag Apple Primrose No bred July Texal Rag Apple Judy No fulffiow cow fresh heifer full flow open Victoriaglen Baroness Heather No year old Texal Rag Apple Lucy No bred Nov Texal Rag Apple May No months old Sovereign Judy No year old by AB C Reflection Sovereign No Sovereign Pat sy No months by Bond Haven Sovereign Pat No Rag Apple Laura No bred Jan 2 old Texal Rug Apple Ha No 2 years old bred Mar Lynda No 327 years old bred No Heifer 2 years old Heifer bred Mar Grade Heifer bred Nov hull not by ABC Reflection Sovereign Veal Calves Sows bred Approximately Fat Hogs Case AC Combine and attach ments Case tractor mounted Cultivator Buzz saw Snow plow Cockshutt Drill fertilizer and seed box power lift Hoe drill Case Side Rake binder FcHHator Case 2- furrow plow Sets harrows Gross Seeder wagon Grain box Crosscut saw Sacks Belts Several Ash sills Quantity of lumber Hoes shovels forks axes Fencers Small corn- shelter Timothy seed cleaned Several bus of mixed clover and Alfalfa bus Clinton Oats Quantity of baled hay No reserve as quitting farming Terms Cash Smith Clerk A Farmer auctioneer NOTICE township OF TAKE notice that the one half ton load restrictions will be en forced on all township roads Alvln Rye Road Supt j OF THANKS I would like to thunk my kind friends who remcmlwred me with flowers and cards during my recent stay In York County hospital special thanks to Dr J Cock the nurses and staff of the hospital Barbara JUDICIALSALE THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF THE ACT O CHAPTER BETWEEN CORABURRELl Applicant and FRANK CLYTLE v Respondent PURSUANT to the Judgment made in this cause and dated December 21st there will be offered for sale with the approbation of the Master by Public Auction by Fred Smith Auctioneer at the prem ises at two oclock in the afternoon on Saturday the day of April AX the lands and premises in the VILLAGE OF SUTTON In the TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINA in the COUNTY OF YORK and being composed of Lot Number 6 in Block 17 according to the registered map or plan of the said Village of Sutton made by Messrs Unwin and Jack Provincial Land Sur veyors as Plan Number On the lands said to be a five- room brick bungalow The property is subject to a lease The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid fix ed by the Master The purchaser shall pay In cash or by certified cheque pay able to The Accountant of the Supreme Court of Ontario at par Toronto ten per cent of the pur chase money at the time of sale to the Vendor or his solicitor and the balance subject to adjust ments in thirty days thereafter into Court to the credit of this action without interest and shall thereupon be entitled to a conveyance or vesting order at his own expense The purchaser is to accept the property subject to the present tenancy and to the restrictions and covenants that run with the land and shall make his object ions to title if any within ten days of the date of sale In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Court Further particulars may be had from BYRON RICH Rich mond Street West Toronto Sol icitor for the Applicant- at Toronto this day of February AD Cushing Master S C O NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE LEITCH LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EAST IN THE COUNTY OF YORK FARMER DECEASED CREDITORS of the above- named deceased who died at the Township of East Gwillimbury in the County of York on or about the day of February are hereby notified pur suant to The Trustee Act to send to undersigned proof of their claim on or before the 1st day of May after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this ISth day of March Harford Samuel Leitch Administrator by his Solicitors Mathews Stiver Lyons Vale Newmarket Onf Chicago III- Service at the Funeral Residence Sherbourne St MICKS At Keswick on Thursday March George Micks in his year father of Edna Mrs Carl Gord on Nina Mrs Elias Gibson Glen and the late Micks Service was held on Sunday March Interment ville cemetery iV PALMER At Newmarket on Monday March 24 William Palmer husband of Ida May Diceman father of Mrs Arthur Williams Hilda Newmarket Mrs Allan Clark Betty Ruth and Fred at home Service was held oh Thursday Mar Interment Newmarket cemetery PHILLIPS Suddenly on Thurs day March 20 at Ave Bert Phillips husband of Jessie and brother of Rosella Mrs Nesbitt Wil liam Newmarket Gordon Aur ora and Walter Phillips Service was held on Monday Mar Prospect cemetery PRESTON At her home Lot Con Whitchurch on Tuesday March Violet Ann Log an wife of Fred Preston and mother of Alec Clifford Bum Everett Stella Mrs Hoover Marguerite Mrs in her year Ser vice was held on Thursday March Interment Pine Or chard cemetery ROGERS On Monday March at his homo Lans- downe Ave Toronto Roy Frank lin Rogers former proprietor Rogers Press Ltd husband of Irene Cass and father of Mrs Turrall Gladys Pa son of Elizabeth and the late John Rogers formerly of Bradford brother of Mis Helen and Mrs Florence Richardson both of Newmarket and Ross Ropers Niagara Falls New York Service was held on Thursday Mar Interment Newmarket cemetery Suddenly at Wellesley hospital Toronto Sunday Mar 23 Rossi Shupc Tor onto formerly of Newmarket sister of Mrs J Boyd Paul ine of Frank of Cleve land Ohio and Robert of Mission City BC The funeral service was held on Wednesday after noon Interment Mount Pleas ant cemetery At his home Centre St Aurora on Friday March William Henry Sproxton husband of Sophia Oliver and father of George Lcta Mrs Howard Oliver Rus sell and Mis David Ellis in his year Service was on Monday March Inter- ment Pine Orchard cemetery IN CARP OF THANKS Mr and Mrs Newmarket wish to thank their friends relatives and family for gifts flowers cards and congrat ulations received on their wedding anniversary on March ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Edgar Zephyr announce the engagement of their daughter Ella Ruth to Mr William York son of Mr and Mrs Amos York the marriage will take place Satu April Mr and Mrs Norman Harrison wish to announce the engage ment of their daughter Gertrude to Mr Roy Chatson son of Mr and Mrs Randal Mount Albert to take place quietly on April 5 1952 Opener Mickey Suttons Ditch Diggers dropped game one in the Au rora Town finals Game two came up Tuesday Ditch Dig gers too came up with a peppy scoring show to nail a Win over Jim Murrays Queens Ho- The best of five scries thereby is tied at a game each Third game is up for decision next Tuesday Coach Mickey Sutton streaked the length of the ice to give the Diggers a first period start Bill latched onto an Earl inspired pass to make midway through the middle round The count stay ed at 20 until Theodore Ted Sutton took a hand to rap in two in just under three minutes of third period action Teds first came from a scramble with Grant Dawson the helper and his second was setup by Bill Charlie Case had a shutout until of the as at this point Bill Kirbyson poked in a goalmouth relay from Dave Dinner to break Caseys shutout spell Ditch Diggers C Case Sutton Steph enson Young Dawson Wat son Sution Sutton Queens Hotel est rival Jack Woods of Noble- C Mars- ton who rang up a 28 total Knowles C Southwood A White D Dinner J Kirbyson S The Era and Express Thursday Mar Page The Common By imbei Colville THINGS MISSED Wallace Tops Score Race Harvey Wallace Boltons rapid j scoring right winger has annex- the scoring championship in the Hockey Leag ue according to final figures issued by Bill King- League statistician Wallace counted goals and assists lor a total Wallaces mark was better than his near- Each year when flu within its toils Has caught me it sadly spoils The plans wed made to see and hear The things that come this time of year Wed tickets for the Fashion Show But then we found we couldnt and go Final scoring figures were A HIS Wallace Bel 27 Woods Nob Foster Nob Derbyshire 2 15 24 Ham King It Atkinson Nob 22 Murray Nob Bell 9 21 Those tickets from our saddened grasp Were seized with speed that made us gasp Of course it showed success was sure When people tickets to procure leave the town some miles behind A pair of tickets thus to find live While in the chorus boys girls Are picking up some music pearls- they will shine in memory clear To dearer grow there year by year Yes we have missed a lot of things Yet in my heart a swot bell For round me and milk and fruit And dainty drinks nt perfume mute Speak as do cards nn calls from good friends who Know just how much mean to you BIRTHS ADAMSON At York County hospital Friday Mar to Mr and Mrs Frank Adamson Bradford a son At York County hos pital Tuesday Mar to Mr and Mrs Thomas 2 Aurora a son BALES- At York County hospi tal Monday Mar 24 to Mr end Mrs Bruce Bales market a daughter GARDNER At York County hospital Wednesday Mar to Mr and Mrs Donald Gardner Bradford a son HAMILTON At York County hospital Monday Mar to Mr and Mrs Frank Hamilton Cedar Valley a daughter At York County hospital Tuesday Mar 25 to Mr and Mrs Robert Middle- ton Maple a daughter At York Coun ty hospital Thursday Mar to Mr and Mrs Donald Me- a son OBRIEN At York County Saturday Mar 1952 to Mr and Mrs Allan OBrien King a son THORPEAt York County Wednesday Mar to Mr and Mis Ernest Thorpe Baldwin a daughter WOLINCK At York County hospital Tuesday Mar to Mr and Mrs Charles Wolf nek Jacksons a daughter At York County hospital Friday Mar to Mr and Mrs Arthur Van- a daughter DEATHS HUG HEY At the home of her daughter Mrs Hunter Tuesday March Elizabeth Mitchell wife of the late Rankin Hufthey mo ther of the lute Viola Mrs Harry Sibley and Gertrude Mrs Hunter in her year Resting at the Thompson funeral home Aurora Service Friday March at 4 pm In terment Aurora cemetery Suddenly at Toronto on Sunday March 23 Alford Elliot McDougall Ford son of the late Mr and Mrs Neil McDougall of New market and brother of Mrs Wallace Rutherford Anne of Wash USA Ruth of Toronto Donald of BIRD In loving memory of our dear mother Susanna Bird who passed away March 20 also our dear father Wilson Sweet who passed on July 1925 You can only have one mother and dad Patient kind and true No other friends in all the world Will be as true to you For all their loving kindness They ask nothing in return If all the world deserts you To your parents you can turn So all we can do is remember To go and tend your graves And leave behind tokens of love To the best parents God ever made remembered by all the family In loving memory of our father William who passed away suddenly Mar Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain To have to Jove and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of ones heart The years may wipe out many things Hut this they wipe out never The memory of that happy home When wo were all together Lovingly remembered by land Percy Betty and Sharon Anne In loving memory of my dear son Kenneth who was killed March Loved remembered longed Rest in dear son Forever In my heart mother HAMILTON- In loving memory of a dear husband and father George A Hamilton who passed away March Ten years have passed since that sad day The one we loved was called away God took him home it was His win But in our hearts he still- Ever by his wife Sadie daughter Ruby and son-in- law Tom loving mom- of my dear husband John who passed away April 3 He has gone across the river To the shore of evergreen And we long to see his dear face But the river flows between Someday sometime our eyes shall see The face we loved so well Someday well clasp his loving hand And never say farewell Always and sadly missed by his wife Emma KELLINGTON In loving mem ory of my dear father John M who passed away April In our hearts your memory ling ers Sweetly tender fond and true There Is not a day dear father That we do not think of you Ever remembered by Myrtle Gordon and family CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs Robt Davidson wish to thank their neighbors and friends for gifts flowers cards and congratula tions sent to them on their wedding anniversary which they celebrated on March Mt Wins Title Folks to the north south east and west of Queensville arc toasting a new champion in the East School Hockey League Its Murray Edgars Mount Ramblers Last Sat urday the Ramblers wrapped up the title in three straight with a overtime win over Mount Al bert Jack Hopkins overtime goal his second of the game broke up a 4 all deadlock and swung pendulum to a Mount title Thompson performed a fancy hat trick to keep Mount in the early jousting Brian Stokes Craig Case John Green and John were the Mount Albert marksmen Pop Walker Holland Land ing sportsman and hockey boost er made the presentation of his trophy to Mount in an hegame ceremony Trophy was hold last year by Holland Land ing Sutton Getting Closer Sutton crossed another river on their to an senior crown Tuesday with a win over Eagles The win the Ellis coached the semifinal series three games to one Lost and final leap the have to negotiate is likely to he Amhcrslburg and fans belter not miss It Some fans piled into the Smith igloo Tuesday and wit nessed a rousing exchange from start to finish Running into a streak of good flying Skip lor was Suttons lop hand with three goals Ever dangerous John rah a close second with two stick whizzcr ODell and speedster Geo fashioned the other scoring credits Jack was Markhams ace with two Bud Baker Attsty Baker Eddie and Geo Rumney were one goal men for the vanquished Eagles goal Holder defense Dunn Brady Corcoran Loner- forwards Taylor Taylor Grif fith Anderson Kester point McArthur defense Hill Baker Law- forwards J Fetch J Blake A J Black A Baker HOLD TREND TEAS An organization meeting of the Aurora unit of Canadian Cancer Society was held at the home of Mrs John Crysdale on Tuesday evening Mar 25 Of ficers are as follows Mrs dale pros Larry Rubin first Mrs Peterson second viceprcs Mrs George Fish Mrs sec Mrs Thos Dann acting sec A campaign to raise funds will be conducted at the same time as the Canadian Cancer Foundation campaign starting April Every week during April the Aurora unit will hold a Trend tea AWAIT ONT Ken Roses Aurora Ladies have drawn a bye in the first round of the Ontario Ladies Hockey playoffs Latest advice is theyll meet Georgetown in the second round Four teams are still in the championship hunt The four are East York Georgetown and Aurora Were hoping to have Georgetown here for a playoff game next Tues day reports Coach Rose Comets Win Trophy Keswick Comets have been doing a little postseason cam paigning over the past couple of weeks Theyve been doing very well too As a start Comets en tered the fourteam tournament and came home with the Frank trophy Teams entered were Port Perry and Kes wick Over the past week theyve been displaying their stuff in a rural tournament being conducted in the Arena Teams entered in this tournament were Port Perry Lindsay Keswick ville Falls Sunderland and too Wc missed church and choir So though weve missed a lot its practice too true For there is nothing else we do Yet there were Where pleasure profits mix to give A pattern by which to live For thirty years Ive tried to go To Womens Institute but But this month though just oer the road I had to bide in my abode I missed some teas a shower as well While flu around me laid Its spell And grandmothers of the Club Community A program gave in splendid unity And one deep source of discon tent In fact a nagging seething tor ment Was that at Pickering there should be An opera for all to see Except the two who loved it so And yet to it they could riot go And always seems A thing of whimsy joy and dreams And we in Newmarket should be A joyous people lor here wc A cast that having much to give Make and operas realty The Comets put away Ome and clicked for a win over Cambray to reach the semi finals the semifinals they dropped a decision to Lind- SPECIALTY NAMES EXEC Were starting first and finish ing first Thats the theme the Office Specialty head quarters is issuing this week The Office Specialty softbali sup porters players and well wish ers gathered Tuesday to elect their officers for the coming season Wayne Manning was named president Don secretarytreasurer A Top- ham business Peter was named team man ager and Harold has taken over the coaching reins First practiced TRINITY A The Easter meeting of the Womens Association Trinity United church Newmarket will be held on Thursday April 230 pm Mrs Elman Campbell will lead the There will be a social halfhour at the close of the meeting All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend BUILD NEW STORE Rollings Fruit Market on Wel lington St E is being demolish ed and a new modern store is being built and will be open for business in approximately weeks This store was formerly one of Auroras oldest landmarks In the year Canada counted more than 2500000 automobiles on the road includ ing 600000 trucks CAN CAUSE Atony diseases are traced to an accident Many do not know that when we have an accident V a blow a fall or some other bodily stress especially in the area of the spinal column we are liable to physiological dis turbances Chiropractic research has shown this to be a fact aligned vertebrae or sublima tions In the spinal column of ten cause diseases re mote from the original point of pain when hurt How does a misplaced ver tebrae cause disease asks the skeptic As most people know he main nerve trunk from the brain runs through the spinal column The main nerve trunk in turn branches off through the openings on the vertebrae to the various body organs such as heart lungs kidney Madder eyes and so on supplying that vital part of your human machine with the nervous energy which controls it A misplac ed vertebrae Impairing that flow of nervous energy will soon interfere with the correct functions of the organ involv ed causing it to run down and making it susceptible to de terioration disease Never an injury Your family chiropractor in his periodic checkups took back in your history for such accidents because he knows that most diseases can be traced to impairment of the nerves caused either by work conditions posture and very often accidents This is a series of articles which will appear from time to time to promote the under standing of chiropractic Marian J Doctor of Chiropractic St Newmarket MOUNT ALBERT Mr and Mrs V Mitchell of Newmarket wore recent visitors of Mrs Cain The A of the United church held their meeting on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Harman The ladies in cooperation with will do some decorating the parsonage and also assist with church painting Lightest of ail Canadian woods is the eastern cedar It weighs only pounds per foot HEAD TOP QUALITY HEAD DAIRY SALE APRIL AT This sale consist of purebred and top grade animals of the four leading dairy breeds- fresh bred and open heifers springing and early summer from Fully Accredited or Accredited Area herds the majority being calfhood vaccinated AH entries arc blood tested within 15 days of the sale and examined for pregnancy HAYS SALES ARENA Located on No mile of Trafalgar Roadhouse Rose FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN STREET Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES MAPLE SWEET HAMS BACON SIDE BACON siced HOME CURED FOR TASTIER EATING Place Your Easter Order Now Hock Off lb HAM A REAL VALUEIDEAL FOR R0ASTW6 BRICES IGA