i And Mouth Disease The recent outbreak of foot and mouth disease the first of its kind in this country is ha a effect on agriculture industry To gauge this effects 4iSy interviewed a number of pie representing the provincial government the aictyraljlfe- and cattle business Below you will find the- resumes pi these interviews The Disease Itself 7K Foot and mouth disease highly contagious disease which can attack all jmals The symptoms are small blisters in the mouth arid on Wei tongue These blisters- cases will appear on the The following was written by a district at the request of and whom we are indebted for per mission to publish The material is presented as one opinion of ahead Editor v pork as well Less Optimistic people equally well qualified do not share this j All Will agree that the J e prospects are brighter than ever but point to the immediate glut of meat as the sign of a violent upset for the next two years V They claim that beef cattle prices have been spiralling the last few years causing a swing to beef production Many- off the farmers getting into this hooves as well and -may- Result in the loss of the hoof Rials lose flesh milk produc tion is seriously impaired losses in life are smalfj Usually than five percent Bieyfiir recovering will carriers disease and their immun ity is shortJived usually about three months disease is t Europe and Asia and there are three areas the world completely free of excluding Meicp- and Australia in these Countries as well as Britain where the disease has periodically thev policy is parts of the aniinals quarantined sometiines In other words parts the world live with the while on this continent so at least we have been able to live without The disease was diagnosed in area last November and officially announced on February 25 An area of square miles was quarantined and over head of cattle some already recovered some exposed to the disease been shot and buried No new outside the quarantine ane has been diagnosed since spite of the most rigorous inspection and investigation However it must be borne in mind that the disease will lie dormant inifrozen surround ings for considerable that the time elapse helweeh the first suspicion of the disease and the official announcements so long that we have to face the possibility of outbreaks later How ever these havent taken place far of The United States imposed ah on all cattle shipped to that country tory under US statu ed this floor from beef prices and we be- producers just for pur own needs I J Immediate Effect v V i immediate effect of the embargo was to meat supplies and the provincial em bargoes disturbed trading for Example a province only percent of the beef consumed is produced prices jumped and a real shortage was In Mother prov inces packing house workers were laid off and prices fluctu ated as panicky producers flood ed the market At the close of the trading March top grade steers worth cents Today The- situation as it is today There is a huge quantity of in cold storage and there is its to market This pork is under a gov ernment floor price of 28 per weight Toronto and Montreal The floor was decided upon at a time when there was no em bargo to the States and it was hoped that at this price some of the belter quality cuts would end up on the US market Since the end of the year would see a much smaller run of hogs it was reasonable to assume that by then some of the pork would be taken out of the cold storage and put on the domestic market a result of embargo the pork surplus piling up and right there are some pounds in production the last year or have done so by using their sources and credit to their limit building a market faster and now stand to lose more than than the is lifted and the cons of US buyers is re gained This cannot be for before the of The buying power farm creased extent of it depend crop ffi this outbreaks of disease outsidej quarantine area sequent lifting Of tend to lengthen this periods depression Feed- andl implement will suffer about evenly with tail sales next fij I It is to be that the long term outlook in- branches of agriculture is able with increasing can afford This is specially for those who have heavy cattle which has to be marketed agree that a lowering in beef prices would undoubtedly increase home con sumption but point to the law of utility which that a percent drop in prices doesnt necessarily mean con sumption increases by cent- i ture While there will be un doubtedly some pressure on the government for floor prices it is unlikely that this could be done until more storage space becomes available and until the prices decline to a much greater extent At that it would merely stabilize but hot affect farm buying power The gov ernments main action will be The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Mar Page If From a single steel ingot of 30000 pounds it is theoretically possible to make miles of wire and million small tacks f BE REFRESHED v Furthermore this will create and try to bring about orderly marketing to avoid panic sell ing or dumping of livestock a shift from pork to beef but would increase the total con sumption of meat only a little After all we have riot been starving before is the way they put it J They also point to the fact that immigration or increase in popu lation is not going to have an immediate effect because a new Canadian is not in buying and food habits equivalent to a person who lived here a Miss Margaret McQueen one of the Ontario Society for Crip pled Childrens occupational therapists is shown with a patient It is for such work that the Ontario Society for Crippled Children Easter Seal appeal for funds is being made In Newmarket the Easter Seal campaign by which funds are raised to continue the work of the Crippled Childrens Society is being sponsored by the Lions club under the chairmanship of Bob Contributions may be mailed to any of the Newmarket banks iyrjXyr TIMOTHY ALFALFA ALS1KE CLOVER RED CLOVER WHITE and YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER MIXTURES ETC SPECIAL COOP MIXTURE Alfalfa Red Clover 20 Timothy 30 SEED CORNS MANGELS and TURNIPS FANCY GRASSES MILLETS ETC You Can Sow Coop Seeds With Confident NEWMARKET COOP NEWMARKET MILL PHONE age and the government had to j longer time They are usually embark on a policy of canning boned and ground pork in or der to make room for the rest of the run coming the mar ket This creates a product which while it will store is not easy product to move on the market While technicaiiy as canned meat it isnt banned in the it has only limited use The beef situation resulted decreasing prices a cer tain extent this will tend to sell more beef- Ho ver the diffi culty is that at least softie of this beef coming on the market is finished for US requirements and riot liked on the Canadian where is considered too While some light animals might be turned out oh pasture again in the hope that of the year the ban will lifted the heavily large animal has to be marketed Normally this would take place- in the next six lo eight vceks When this fun era provincial governments also coincides with the heavy run of imposed bans of varying ranging from absolute embargo to bans on I men Bffect on Farm The outbreak and the jhg embargo have in a particularly critical tirhe for Canadian In to realize its full impact the lowing factors be a as a result of rapid increase in the cattle popu lation in the ward readjustment of prices had been going on ever since last Christmas At that time Carta prices had reached such a height that some beef was mov ing from the States to this eountry Since that time prices have been adjusting themselves prevailing prices- The Canadian coming at with the J eliminated the advantage in favor of buyers resulted in la- slow trend lrtpricisVV country a heavy of- hogs this Tins rhJ for tfto first period of this- year over last period and from the converting grains out west into The cattle of this country increased ns well mainly under iit very good US market intyfcund This increase In- hMW as well as in shift iron dairy cattle into beef cattle The cattle Ontario is up percent from lost This due to breedings and also partially to cattle a year to produce beef for the market where heavier premium- g At the time of the a result of the off of beef prices price of top grade turn of the year vim cnts a pound embargo was imposed J came to rice was barely cen other grades ere down And pointed to a further I other words the US mar wasnt as profitable as it been for the past three or four years but it must bo un derstood that at Us own price it took all our surplus thus acted as a floor for pur cattle prices ffie of the diseaie hogs if the latter has still hot tapered off prices will take a further down trend Tlie further ag gravated by cessation of all export of dairy cattle arid pure bred breed stock While the latter will only affect a small number the former im portant of the dairy income These cattle will now stay home and probably re place in the dairy barn some animals to be culled out re sulting in on added impetus for prices to go down by habit and background more interested in saving and it takes years until they will eat as much as Canadians usually do Opinion at the Agricultural College at definitely takes the view that we are in for a short but severe squall with implement feed and gen eral retail sales to suffer The order varies but not the to tal effect It is pointed out that last year percent of the gov- farm improvement loans have been used to buy im plements This- coupled with the fact thai implement sales have been very high for the last few years would indicate a recession is bound to come this year the spring run of cattle results in lower re turns sales will decrease Others however feci that since the far mer will have to compete for labor with large building pro jects and road labor saving resulting more and tetter equipment would lend to maintain sales and that other industries would take the first impact As one put it there is no tor spender tiiah the farmer but at the same time the farmer can stop buying literally every thing and keep going Feed Safes- Feed sales are in for a drop as there is a lot of roughage on the farms When cash returns decrease the farmer can feed what he has and still keep some income This has been already shown in the in grade ma but oh an already A hog marketing- showing more market their effect will be homegrown feeds used and less Very noticeable protein concentrates veal situation is per- Tbe feed picture is further haps as critical as any Since a complicated by the poultry situ- following embargo very lucrative veal has been lost and since veal doesnt can dr store too well it will probably lake a very largo dip Hiis will tend to encourage peo ple lb hold the veal and put Ihem on pasture and they will later up as larger animals next year becoming in most cases poor qua I beef since veal calves are of the heavy dairy breeds the OvewJI Kffecl While there is a i general to the situation staled ih the foregoing para graphs there is considerable variety- of opinions when it comes to judging its- effect on the economy of count I head of the agricultural I branch the Ontario depart ment of agriculture is dptirriiatic- fCels that this country is ereasing in population so long range prospects are favorable also feels that there will boa shortage of by cad of the year that the surplus of beef will make up the He felt that there was a chance that the embargo bo lifted by the end of lie doubted that the buying habits of farmers would be sub- affected and pointed put done On- would tend to prove thai ferhiers in times of reduced copjiat and then Mop buying nje- v ftetf that the this grew percent in ie lost ycarsinci will do this again In the next years He pointed- out J hat the only foodstuff of which we- have a percent surplus is wheat lie stated that Canaan not importer 0l and for the firs hi importer of Without discussing the egg question poultry as a source of is only really profitable in times of high prices for other meats If the farmer or try man is to start his chicks and turkeys at the present high pre vailing prices only to the prospect of much lower returns in the- fall this is true es pecially for the iiirkey grower- he will to start as many Since poultry use by largest quantity of feeds undoubted some decrease in sales wilt be noted Hog second highest in consumption would also reduce the animals bred and raised One authority felt that smaller Teed mills and dealers ore already in for con siderable difficulty the- more so since they have extended red it based on prospective marketing in some cages do not re turn enough to pay the hi lb The general not helped any by the uncertainty next years feci situation seems to create A bad year for grain or hay and all could make marketings even heavier and cause a recession from long to recover Conclusions jv The recent outbreak of and mouth disease and the em bargo placed shipments I the of all meat and animals tend to lower already depressed prices- 2 situation will grow difficult until the run of hogs tapers and the usual marketing of fin ished cattle are absorbed This be done at considerably lower prices the decrease do- pending on the number of hogs to come on the market yet and the number of beef cattle fax mers will hold off the market 3 The prices of livestock will stay unsettled and low until the the ear that has made or ward or in its Its designed to out go out look out- ride and every oilier priced car NOW Bee it most lieautiful car in its field for Its the Ford with longer e wider tread entirely new with HullTight til witli new ittrmtsal power and perform Its the ever with completely new features new Visibility with huge onepiece and 48 larger rear window New 110lIp VB setting new of performance and economy New PowerPivot clutch and brake from above to eliminate floor hoard new CentreFill Fueling And Improved Hide Control assures a standard 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