Newmarket Era and Express, 13 Mar 1952, p. 4

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v Newmarket Era and Express Mar IMS jVJv FOR SALf EIGHT room stone house oil heated garage possession arranged Also room stucco house garage possession ranged Private persons only For particulars write Post Office box Newmarket brick house lot East Apply Mrs James Cunningham or write PO box Queens- ville FIVE room frame bungalow front rooms hardwood floors plenty of cupboard space oil heated on spacious lot SIX room frame bungalow hardwood floors plenty of cup boards complete cellar oil heat ed on large lot Both houses on south side of Eagle St Call and inspect before buying Murray Baker Eagle St phone Newmarket c4wl0 BUILDINGS FOR ROOMS RENT THREE rooms water and light Appl Ross S Aurora LARGE furnished bedroom cent ral location Phone New- market SINGLE and shared Breakfast optional Apply Elm St New- ggrAt lwll ARTICLES FOR SALE PROPERTY centrally located Frame building good condition Used as church Suitable for apartment or small manu facturing plant Write Era and Express box cr3wll FARM FOR SALE FARM for sale to wind up estate Owned by late Adeline Eves sit uated on the concession of the Township of Whitchurch oc cupied by Wesley Eves about acres workable balance pasture large brick house bank barn For further particulars apply to Wesley Eves phone New market ACRES on highway close school acres workable ance bush and house barn Price Half cash balance on mortgage J Davidson LOTS FOR SALf CROSSLAND property lot Architect plans for suitable house Mrs phone Newmarket REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MANS bicycle in good condition Phone Newmarket- LARGE space heater in perfect condition Phone New market Venetian blinds aluminum or steel made for all styles of windows Free estimates ana installations Phone apply Ontario St or write PO box Newmarket Vacuum cleaners bought and sold and repaired Complete re pair service depot for all types of vacuum cleaners All work guaranteed Filter Queen Sales and Service GO Andrew phone Ne Zippers replaced alterations and repair invisible mending cleaning and pressing Master Cleaners and Tailors Timothy St phone Newmark tig DRAPERY custom made slip covers bedspreads Venetian blinds Material Kirsch tracks Pin on lining weights tapes For Information or appointment call Richard Main St phone Free estima Kg obligation SKIS and boots Phone Ne ROGERS cabinet radio in won derful condition Apply Murray fiaker Eagle St phone Newmarket OIL or coal ranee in good con dition Phone Newmarket LEFT hand bath no legs por celain septic tank complete Phone Aurora ARTICLES FOR Smart Martha Washington and stainless three piece bathroom sets White Colored complete with beautiful chrome fittings Air conditioning furnaces Special offers to plumbers and builders too Save many valuable dollars buy with confidence and a nicer home Satisfaction guar anteed Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we everytning you plumbing or heating Catalogue includes photos of main fixtures prices and installation diagrams Se lect style of sinks laun dry tubs showers stoves re frigerators Pressure water sys tems oil burners septic and oil tanks San son Mail Order Division Streets- viile Hardware Phone 261 evenings 51R15 Newmarket new clapboard bungalow hardwood floors modem kitchen and bath furnace heavy wir ing Insulated ample cupboard and closet space close to school and town bus Immediate poss ession Substantial cash re quired Joseph broker Queen St Newmarket phone MODERN pattern pieced quilt tons hew materials Apply Andrew St Newmarket NINE drawer kneehole desk like new Apply Queen St Newmarket EVERY day more people are finding it pays to shop at Army Stores in Aurora special this week is hard to believe but we arc offering an electric razor for only This razor has been selling regularly in the VS for 19o0 and see them for your self Our stock of odd trousers is second to none Gabardines tweeds worsteds at lowest possible prices We also have a linen colored tablecloths 54x54 which are clearing at each Dont miss out on our special offer of Gabardine top coats at 1995outstandin val ue And for drivers pas station attendants or anyone we have a real outfit Sanforized Jacket cants and shirt to match complete for believe it or not piece also sold Dont fail to see this at Army Stores Aurora WILLIAM ROLAND REAL ESTATE College St Toronto brick house on choice lot large living room and hall with window bedrooms new tiled bath modern kitchen ver andah and forcer air healing all nicely decorated an outstand ing value Price cash bungalow large room and heated mod ern kitchen and dinette bed tiled bath garage ant well kept garden and wft cash ROOM bungalow acre living room kitchen piece heating sun porch and garage- Price cash ROOM clapboard bungalow on lot strictly at tached parage Price cash So J Wright USED washing machines AJ1 makes up Used combin ation electric stoves Grand bargains Smiths phone NevVmarkeL ELECTRIC coffee percolator two wedding gowns Phone Newma crlwll MANS bicycle in good condition Phone or apply Oak St Newmarket BLACK all weather coat with hood beige and grey each ladies dresses wool shantung figured size ladies hats grey red Mack and blue felts each Pho Newmarket 2wl0 GIRLS green coat size Boys grey tweed suit size Ton coat light brown size or All good Phone New- m ELECTRIC Apply Sfmcoe phone CHROME kitchen set dinette suite washing ma chine All practically hew Ap ply St Newmarket WALNUT steel bed springs and mattress Phone Newmarket lwll THREE burner gas stoxe in gool condition good oven S65 Phone Roches Point EMPIRE cook stove six lids oven cream and red Will sell reasonable Apply Harvey Holt or phone Mount Al bert ARTICLES ANTTQUES Antiques of every description Highest prices paid Main St phone Newmarket HELP WANTED heater Moffat cream chest of drawers office chairs kitchen chairs gramophone table 1 gramophone console model oak like new childs walker I rocker wagon apartment trie oven tables band sag DOORTODOOR salesmen want ed to start their own business with our guaranteed and wellknown products toiletries culinary medicines tea coffee etc 18 will buy travelling kit and assortment Available terr itories in vicinity No risk De tail Mont real CLERKSTENOGRAPHER with experience preferred Short hand typing filing and general office duties Applv in writing to Dr M King York County Health Unit MaJn Street Newmarket SECRETARY for Aurora Dis trict High School experience preferred Duties to commence immediately Annly It Un derbill of High School Aur ora WANTED TO RENT FREE house Caretaker wanted for Presbyterian church house free with all conveniences Duties to commence not later than May Apply Era and Ex press box WORK WANTED Classified Advertising Rates STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two cents word minimum of cento for each advertisement Half price ffbsd advertisement is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent If advertisement is paid within week of pub lication Coming costs two cents a word minimum cents Half Price when repeated on weeks Sale Register lor the week cents for each Card of Wedding Engagement cents for each announcement less if paid within week of publication In is cents for insertion plus ft cents a One for verse less cents if paid week of publication Classified advertising nuiy phoned or left at The Era and Express office on Newmarket phone at White- laws phone in Aurora at Sirs E phone Ktaff or with any correspondent Adverttsementa accepted through the where name of sender id address fa Your advertiseineht into over to North York a- fully equip ped with heater radio and wind shield washer- Apply rew St or phone cr2wU in good S2000 Phone N DODGE condition Apply Main St Newmarket DODGE sedan So Chrysler sedan 41 Mer cury passenger coupe as is 46 Indian loaded with extras sidecar Will accept trade in on any Of trie above vehicles Gar age Oak Ridges phone 5Sr4 King jxvm TRUCK THRETON truck in perfect condition ft stake body with solid racks tires and motor New license and spare tire 108 51 FORD truck 3ton grey de luxe cab heavy duty springs racks like new Terms arranged Stephens Keswick or phone Queensyille USED tractor with furrow plow uscil fertilizer drill set of used discs or section of har rows- Apply Jack Kajan Sut ton phone POULTRY FOR SALE TURKEY poults or eggs for the month of May June and July Immediate orders received be promptly filled Apply J Newmarket All kinds of live poultry wanted Wll pay above market price at your door Phone til Live- poultry Any quantity Bring them In or will call on Highest prices paicL Oak Ridges or PLENTY of oak slabs and round oak on hand for firewood Excellent fuel Phone Mount QUANTITY of cedar rails by the cord Apply Harry Morton Mount Albert or phone CEDAR- posts all lengths and sizes J Winch or phonp NUMBER of cedar posts Apply Merrill Johnson lot con East phone Hwll FOR electric Singer sewing bookcase THREE room apartment heated dressing tables of electricity fcupplied builtin cup- drawers small kitchen private entrance hot and table and Thor cold water Phone New- machine wathin ma- market before oclock in cupboards Jfe- Anply St phone CONTRACTS REPAIRS Free estimates tRoWe 585 Ave or phone W4v iV LOVELY suite central floor fireplacr oak floors nicely decorated oil healing Possesion April If desired Phone w- Newmarket carriage In condition sell very reasonably Phone Aurora ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and for gentleman Annly Prospect St or phone ROOMERS or Gentle men preferred or business couple Phone 2wl0 TWO heaters in fiood condition Reasonable oak dining room suite Apply Ave Aurora wione ted double and maAiress Phone C6J CARPENTRY SPECIALIZING In kitchen cup- All work complete Water pies- systems sinks and Also any kind of arpcntry work frw Milton phone LARGE bright room with iwsj Phone Newmarket wanted Phone or Charles St New market ROOMS WANTED flBBBln THREE unfurnished heated rooms April 1 Phone Newmarket Phone healer meljum size Mount Albert THREE mohair cHsti field suite condition for sale Phone market MOFFAT elect tie Eagle New OH space heater weeks Call Vrd girl housework by ihti day Nov- marke icjBterficId MJfes airs recovered in any Brie Ken or phone New- market S S LIVESTOCK OWNERS take less for your dead and led cows and horses when the- Co guaran tees you more Phone any time collect Newmarket or Aur- us first of baled wheat straw Phone TWO silos ponies I springer Don Newmarket phone Newmarket- HALED hay Phone Farm Newmarket single cycle new renin mill nearly now Write Ave Toronto MIXED baled hay also haled straw Cedar posts Terry I phone Aurora RENFREW separator model large good as new Phone Mount Albert for DUAL purpose Durham Kome fresh cows some springer some heifers pigs reaily to wean Apply Harvey limey Holt THIRTY veancd pig- Phono Ralph Smith Mount Allien hulls to service age Tliese are rum ItOP dams up to as tint ser vice age grandson of Marksman Herd accredited and it Apply It Kalis HI TWENTY cords of hanliVOOd Phone Mount Albert BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES plus stock about 5S00 buys a flourishing business Room for expansion Will con sider any reasonable offer Write Era and Express box FIVE cabins and house on acres of good garden land Conveniences On highway at Lake 7500 cash for turnover Tioyer West SKINNY WOMEN Gain to lbs New pep too Try famous rex Tonic Tablets for double results new healthy flesh new vigor New set acquainted size only All druggists PRODUCE MISCELLANEOUS HAY for sale clover ami grass mixture First cut 2nd cut No delivery a Aurora 3ivl0 LOST HOI J RLE strand ears between Trinity United and and Rose on day Finder REWARD for recovery or of diamond ring No or it Rriv press box el I r Are you thinking of tiling your arid Son JMYW market OAK Wumjim work Ufa- EXPERT ehfpwy and itivtiv TWKNTyfWO weaned pigs Apply Winger vJJfe photic 1715 Mount Albeit four old duo freshan fyVlV pig weeks old Ap ply or rf for mink V H Trim for Will far with flood Frank Coleman phone or mi inn I All puppies for East v old up al Oak Phono King ERRED puppies siok mule mid To- nude Kes wick OF phono Ruches point MISCELLANEOUS IK mi Norma ImnorH I Royal exarolnullnns Tliey ore of Mrle and for I he drepp jug of dfscliargn sensa tion of lump In the and lliean are pink tah- that have many years liy adults and child ren with good results SI Ill Rest Drug Store phone 11 Newmar ket rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone ket FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds Wheel and Invalid chairs Theaker and Son Mount Albert We repair all makes of sewing machines New machines up Singer Sewing Center market Main St phone yt Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket Record players for rent 2 a day Delivery and charge cents Budd Studios phone THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty cottghs arid colds cents The Best Drug Store Ne COME in and compare We will not knowingly be undersold by any competitor You NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF IDA PROCTOR LATE OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET IN COUNTY OF YORK SPINSTER DECEASED Creditors of the abovenamed de ceased who died at the Town ot Newmarket in the County of York on or about the twenty- sixth day January arc thereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the under- slRnetl proof of their claim on or before the second day of April after which date the assets of the estate will be distribute having regard only to the claims of which the will then Have notice at Newmarket this twentyeighth day of Mathews Stiver Lyons and Vale Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for Joseph Vale Executor LOW COST blue to m raoclL it for The DRUG TELEPTONE TAKE that at an ad- Special General Meeting of the Shareholders The Sehomberg Telephone Company Limited duly called for the pur pose arid oft the day of February a resolution was for the voluntary wind- up of the said company under CUSTOM record cutting Also tape recorders for sale evenings Murray Baker Eagle St phone Newmarket Your old fur coat can look like new if you have it repaired and Highest prices on your old coats Our new coats are very low in price By appoint ment will come to home and yon can select your own furs and style Master Fur riers and Tailors Timothy St phone 140 Newmarket- FOR SALE CAPONS ROASTING CHICKENS BOILING FOWL AH At Prices PHONE NEWMARKET 1116 FOR DELIVERY ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY WANTED LIVE POULTRY Best Prices Paid t SALE REGISTBt SATURDAY WAR Auction sale at the Stouftville Livestock Sales Arena selling livestock our specialty Fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves plus and horses Pickup and delivery can be arranged This Is your community sale Come early and bring something to sell You bring it and well sell it Sale every Saturday at Make this your market where buyers and sellers meet- Sellers and Atkinson auction eves tM5 THURSDAY MAR sale of farm stock implements Geo While threshing machine 1 tractor on mid tractor equipment cattle Yorkshire hogs haw grain etc the property of A lot con Easi Imhury miles south of Mount Albert No reserve as farm sold Sale Terms tsh Lunch served Mount clerk A Fanner auctioneer THURSDAY Auttinn sole of farm stock ami grain pigs cattle horses seed and fur nil lire at lot con East 2 miles of Mount Albert the pivpevly No as of Aurora as FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that it have any claim against the said company proof of such claim must be filed with the Liquidator within thirty days of the date of this Notice after which time the assets of the above company will be distribut ed amongst the persons entitled thereto to the claims of which the Liquidator has then notice DATED at Aurora this 6th day of March 152 Stephenson Aurora Ontario McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the MAIN Phone NEWMARKET Straskr Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES Shop Member Delivery Flowers wired to all pari of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St ion 3 r FUNERAL MAIN STREET One These CHURCHES SUNDAY MARCH CHURCH TUB GOSPEL TABERNACLE Minister Rev A Petersen Organist Miss June Haines Pianist Miss Greenwood Choir Mrs A Petersen Sunday School 10 Sunday am and pm Rev Deks Toronto at both services I Mrs Decks will be soloist Wed Prayer service I Jim Taylor in charge- Friday Junior meeting pm Friday Millard Ave Pastor A Pianist MISS VIOLET SCHOOL ages The lovec are so study Aha vi xi the subject Christ The Pastor saXs FRIENDS Street am Sundayschool at Prayer Bible study ics at at KnaWe Crusaders Junior and senior groups Douglas pm Prayer and Bible am Meeting for Worship Always a friendly welcome at the Tabernacle study group Come and meet with us All Welcome us live as if Christ were yesterday risen today and coming tomorrow Martin Luther CHRISTIAN emmet Main Street Newmarket If Unh TOmor quctioiiir TOWN INDRllS iron OK clearly us in will ho received a or a fcistcm luck work flUtdixiis fts ealled for In mm day of Plans and form of the of -tlip- Lowest or any TENDERS I In Urn of March in- vMea to con- for tractor or Lowest tender not nee eierk lxhrliigo JUL a of Sen it Minister Rev Fred OryanUt Mrs J Cane 11 am Does the Bible teach that Only Baptists reach Heaven Sunday school pm The value of retreads Wed sin- Lenten midweek service One man ilocs not see Kuripedea Rev M J Aiken Minister Organist This is Our The Fellowship of the Saints THE SUNDAY SCHOOL am The Senior School Nursery Beginners and Primary pm Great Lenten hymns Jesus Lover of My Soul Trinity Boys Choir Will Sing Attend Church duriu Lent SALVATION ARM CITADEL 14 St Officers Senior Copt Ruth Best Lieutenant Arlian Cameron Sunday am Holiness meeting a pm Sunday school pm Gospel meeting Every Wednesday Home Everyone welcome Youth for Christ GOES ON TKE Affl ASSISTED BY STOUFFVILLE YOUTH FOR CHRIST NORMAN ROWAN CHOIR SUNDAY AT ft Special and MISS IMS -rr- SE THE CLASSIFIED PAGE THAT THE MOST PEOPLE

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