T Pages from the Editors Note 9 k Somewhere in this weeks issue there is a small story about a deer seen running south on Second St opposite Pickering College A friend telephoned us this intelligence on Monday We recorded the item and sent it out to the printer Since his telephone call how ever we have received numer ous other reports of apparent the same deer It was sight in various backyards along Prospect St where it browsed before taking the road out of town The weather continues to puzzle us as it must puzzle our readers Our neighbor has been in with a book which the weather according to the arrangement of the planets at any given date and if we fol low this guide we need puzzle ourselves no longer It is all there The book forecasts a cold wet spring The first week in March according to this auth ority was to be as we experi enced it Now will come a period of cold weather with the last week in March becoming milder Sweet April will not be as sweet as the poets prom ise and May is doubtful too Besides giving this informa tion on the weather our neigh bors book also informs on the proper time to cut hair wean calves and butcher pigs It gives authority for planting tomatoes cutting hay or undertaking matters of great import With this book as your guide there need be no more uncertainty in life We have told others about our neighbors book and they have answered with doubt and scorn But we cant help no ticing that upon some reflec tion theyll admit they always planted their peas according to phase of moon or undertook some other routine task accord ing to the planets course it is all nonsense they say but we notice they stick to the practice year in and year out We spent a pleasant Monday night judging a number df es says submitted lay public and high school students in the Le gion essay contest sub jects were The Royal Tour 9mm0mnm0f and New Canadians in our Schools for the public school pupils The high school pupils could use either The Royal Tour or Canada The Melting Pot to Citizenship The essays were excellent choosing the top three in each category was a difficult task Whether on The Royal TotuVor New Canadians the contestants showed a remark able insight into their subject and a choice of words seeming ly beyond their years Maybe at a later date well be able to publish one or two of the winning essays- Newmarket incidentally in the past two years has pro duced both a district winner and a national winner in these essay contests A correspondent whose let ter appears on the opposite page levels a devastating criti cism of the lack of ship shoxvn by the audiences at the hockey games We urge its reading We wonder though if the issue is riot more than one of sportsmanship Sports in com mon with most other activities have felt the impact of a gen eral relaxation of ethical stand ards From a game played for the pleasure of playing hockey has become a bigscale opera tion and with so much at stake the games are no longer played for the simple pleasure of them There is no doubt that audi ences have reacted to this atti tude there is no doubt either that audiences are partly re sponsible too for the transfor mation of a game for pleasure to the present activities We are not referring to Newmarket alone nor thinking of hockey But all sport in most centres seems to have lost its original meaning in its effort to please audiences and an audi ence is the most capricious subject in the world the most difficult to please We wonder if the question even reaches the level of one of sportsmanship A good many of those who attend hockey games go there less to see hockey than to be entertained and like a theatre audience re serve the right to toss vege tables at the entertainers when they are displeased with their MARCH IMS Income tax sheets are now available at the post office The time of the year has come when a days work he done in light The choir of United church is practising on Stain- Crucifixion to be given in the auditorium on Good Fri day night Store windows are now wear ing the green The Ladies held an extra quilting oh Thursday at the home of Mrs Fred Webster Any person over may pro cure a license to own or oper ate a motor car Sharon Hope church will give their play Art Old-Fash- Mother on Wednesday March in Sharon Hall They expect a good crowd King City A number from here attended Jack Winers in Aurora Tuesday ey ing of last weekV Baldwin Trie radio in store is a great attract these It is a won derful privilege to have the bright lights of the opera trans ported to our very doors The radio is certainly a marvellous invention Lake Wilcox chicken business is booming this spring Vandorf Kittle Marion Rich ardson had a birthday party last week Iter mother Mrs Austin Richardson had Jew neighbors in the same a ter- noon AJ1 had a happy time together MARCH Owing to so many children being absent from the public and primary schools from sick ness due to vaccination these schools were closed on Tuesday and will not till next Monday morning- A number of men in town were also so badly affected that they had to lay off work this week The new time register at factory makes some of the get a hustle on twice a day Baldwin A large attendance at Mondays market including some few decorated Easter hats Keswick The ice is getting full of air holes and is not con sidered safe but Duncan King teamed a car of dement over from this veek Sutton Two pleasant after noon teas were given last week in honor fit the bride Mrs The first was given on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs and the other on Thursday afternoon by Mrs The tables in both in stances Were decorated with pink and white carnations and the guests were attentively waited on by Miss the Misses Lena and Etta Vroomari Miss and Miss Alma Mount Albert The proceeds of the Old Folks concert amounted to 1 The social and tea conducted by the Ladies Aid of the Chris tian church oh Wednesday ev ening it the home of Mrs Sil ver on Queen St was very well attended and Serving Sect Aurora and rvrat districts of York ra Eprett Published every Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket fro and Express limited Subscription for two yew for one year in advance Single copies ore each Member of Class A of Canada Canadian Weekly Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department JOHN A Managing JOHN News ION Women Editor HASKETT Sports Alitor LAWRENCE Job and Production EDITORIAL PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF MARCH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY- TWO KEEP FACTS In a front page news story and a half page adver tisement the latter over the signature of the Aurora Civic Progress Committee it is announced in the Aurora Banner that a petition will be circulated for the establishment of retail liquor outlets in Aurora The advertisement states in part In view of the fact that it is understood that action is being taken by near by to secure the establishment of stores there it is in your interests as a citizen of Aurora to assist by signing a petition which will disclose the wishes of the residents front page story in the Aurora Banner repeats the understanding of the advertisement in these words Reliable sources of information concerned over the report that a nearby municipality is attempting to jump the gun in securing such outlets and thereby siphoning more people away from Aurora The reference to the nearby municipalities has piqued our curiosity as it has we are sure the curiosity of ail those who have seen or heard of the Aurora under taking We checked in Newmarket but were unable to uncover any movement to the gun Neither the editor of the Richmond Hill Liberal nor the editor of the Stouffville Tribune had heard of any such movement in their municipalities The only conclusion we can draw is that the report was misleading When there was a vote in Newmarket ten years ago the report was circulated then that if Newmarket didnt favor the liquor outlets with the advantages claimed for them of keeping business dollars at home Aurora or a nearby municipality would The vote was lost If the Aurora Civic Progress Committee wishes to petition for a vote in Aurora it is their right and what Aurora citizens do about it is their own concern But we do feel that misleading statements which involve other municipalities should not be used as arguments to favor such votes if- DOG DAYS HERE AGAIN twist year there was a rash of complaints about dogs running loose There were reports of children attacked garbage Cans overturned lawns and gardens ruined The Newmarket council gave respectful oar to complaints but nothing much was done and with the elimination of ar few of the dogs the issue became for most a memory And now the dog days are here again Over the weekend the same reports were heard as last year What council will dp about it this time we do not know at this writing But there is a solution if the council is prepared to accept it- It the same as last year allowing in the budget for the erection of a and employment of a dog catcher The North York Humane Society which last year sought these provisions from Aurora and other municipalities on a share basis would be pre pared to make the same offer this year The society would employ the dog catcher operate the pound the municipalities would finance the work At the present time the society can only impound strays and it is doing an excellent job within its limited resources There is no legal justification for its services as a dog catcher too And in any event the society does not have the funds to provide the pound necessary before a dog catcher can be employed much less employ the dog catcher The society does operate a shelter ill which animal strays are kept until claimed or disposed of But that is Hie present limit of resources Is the idea of municipalities sharing the cost of a dog catcher and pound so impractical that it must ignored altogether Are alternatives which would rid Newmarket once and for at J of the an ml dog nuisance year council was able to eventually forget the issue without actually a solution Will it be content to do the this year And ho is the public content to have it that way Newmarket will for funds in Newmarket and district over the next few we k climaxing with a homes on the evening of March The is which works out to around 0bQ5O Wot much to pity to insure that In lister you will be sure of help Disaster ft very pleasant word and we do ftbout it ill relation to our own exist ence In widely publicized slogan a disaster always happens to the rend about disnstciujii papers or about them over the radio and it is always some one else who suffers But it doesnt follow that it always will be some one else The next disaster victim could easily be you and the contribution you pay towards the Red Cross objective is your insurance that you will be helped dur ing the period of emergency That is what the Red Cress is an emergency service It undertakes other forms of relief work At present for example mem bers of the Newmarket Red Cross are doing an extra quota of knitting and sewing of quilts layettes and garments for shipment abroad But fundamentally the Red Cross exists as a service in times of emergency Should your house bum down in a cold winter night the Red Cross can provide blankets food and shelter until civil services can take over their share of assist A train crash a highway accident the Red Cross is ready as needed But what the Red Cross cart do really depends upon you If yon support the Red Cross with your contributions the society will be that much more resourceful in its assistance If you fail the Red Cross it Will fail too when it is needed The Red Cross is not asking its services are pretty inexpensive in proportion to the good it does When the canvasser calls give him a warm welcome and contribute to the best of your ability m m m A DOOMED Workmen will begin to tear down the old fire hall in the next few days and although its replacement is long overdue there is a good deal of sentiment attached to the old landmark and there will be many who will be sorry to see it go We know little enough of its history but during the course of our editorship we have reported many stirring events within its crumbling brick walls The council chamber on the second floor was for years the only convenient meeting place in town Meetings of every political party took place there every town organization at one time or another met there Councils and school boards hospital boards and recreation commissions met there Labor unions sport groups and debating soci eties If the walls could talk what echoes of days gone by could they recall In its way the building retained a good deal of and blended well with the two ancient buildings and the elms which flanked it We suppose the sentimental eye clothed it with substantiality which it does not possess It was a shock to recognize it for what it was in the recent picture of it published on the front page Shorn of the mellowing influence of Us immediate surroundings the building looked more like the battered derelicts one became accustomed to seeing during the war The building we understand condemned al most years ago Even now although its walls are pierced and ils bricks are crumbling it retains a certain It was built well and we will bo sorry to see it go REPORT NIGHT CLASSES Some weeks this column we discussed the formation of night classes and offered the papers lies to help in any way Within a short lime there luul been sufficient calls and enquiries to warrant the ques tionnaire which ran on the front page for three weeks There have been over replies to hose question- Ft The principle the classes is simply that if numbers wish to learn a specific subject they can employ a teacher to instruct them Their umbels reduce the cost There are places in Newmarket where they can meet There are individuals in Newmarket who ate qualified to teach The only f problem was to bring the g rou j is and teacher together and arrange a meeting place This the per has been trying to do This is I In score to date a class in household car pentry instructed by Ross meeting weekly at high school in woodworking instruc ted Rudy is meeting weekly at Pickering College a class hi instructed by Mrs li is meeting a in sewing in structed by Wilson is weekly A class in Iterteklayllictng considered and there Is HsHiliJilyrliitr in housewiring Will be set iijif- There wow several requests for academic subjects hut llieso Is better left over to JoeiittU of Making the a rrangeflionts for these classes is be coming a too responsibility far one man And while it has been a pleasant undertaking classes might be set up quicker if the interested students undertook some of the detail themselves We would like to start classes contact tut and with the intention of doing this ground work themselves Mrvaftt not master of fh state Is en fnWr right their In and national If of ma state to asswma Ma of mesa an Individual Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger One of the neighboring com munities has made a terrible ac cusation against us in New market We arc hurt to say the least to have such charges intimated against us without proper foundation charges that there is a movement to acquire a outlet Reliable sources of informa tion concerned over the report that a nearby municipality is attempting to jump the gun securing such hooch outlets and thereby siphoning more people away rorn our commit- nity is the reason our neigh bors give for going hogwild after an outlet themselves There has been a terrible take and after a week of inten sive research into the matter your favor it with editorial consultant Stint Bliggenfias tracked down the source of this mismformatConv ItV Cut tin Corners whats this- here outlet about Sfev- market revealed Slim Blig special news after the intensive search for facts this Corners is the place where all this roomer started from out of and the hull thing has been great big blooper on the part excitable politicians said roared editorial consultant when it dawned upon him as to what had resulted a harmless rumor Aint it a caution how a ordinary fact can git twisted up so An here little Corners up fact is that a petition for a new outlet it is true has been going the rounds at the Corners and the punch line of the whole story is that the out let isnt for at all Nope This outlet agitation has been for a new sewage outlet not a liquor outlet For some time Corn ers has been embarrassed about the town sewage which empties into the creek just behind the business section of the town Its been driving business men and been discourag ing business long enough bellowed Mayor in a candlelight speech in Thimble Park recently Weve put up with this smell long enough and its only right that the people be granted their requests in this here So there may be a new out let downstream at the north end of towni m m r ltfsa type of inverse ration sewage outlet designed to Corners swillage from to the east branch of Creek level describci it Letters have been written to the Department of Health arid sewer technicians about the tow in scores how they could ever twist a roomer that was flicker outlet from the simple concern over sewage imagine It just shows that the out side Wbfld know Corners folks Slim said Maybe some iOornrs folks would like a hooch outlet but so far not been enough inclined to git up an agitate it way I sees it Corners folks is more concerned as to how their town smelts Git at the smell first they says Smell comes first when it comes down to good business into town Corners folks that its more important to put their efforts into rid of the sewer first and a lot of other municipal smells like lacks in cooperation petty poli tics an the dog Then when all things is cleaned up they kin worry about them other kinds of outlets if they wants Thats the way I sees it by Dairy farmer Now that the fires have been lit again under the milk pot and the recent negotiations for higher wages by the milk driv ers have gone to arbitration it was interesting to run across the report of a joint meeting of the Health League and the Canadian Association of Con sumers The subject the speakers were of the University of Toronto and guess who else none but our old friend the former mayor of Toronto and member of the Milk Control Board Hiram And they said some very In- cresting things Let us quote some of Dr state ments as reported by our dally newspaper has been placed on a pedestal and other essential foods have over looked and the cow lias be come for political purposes most as sacred as in India Public hysteria about the price of milk caused the Ontario goVr eminent to set up the milk con trol board to fix milk prices The price of meat went to very high levels but we do not Have meat control board he staled further oil Now it is highly unfair to quote from newspaper re port because it- is likely to be sketchy but we would like to point out one more statement of his While the price of alt roods has almost trebled the price of milk has not Milk was cents a quart in Toronto in Today is cents If the price of milk had kept with other commodities it would be cents a quart Well there you are Good for you It is time thai with no political axes to grind got tip and told that fearsome dragon the Con sumer Association of Canada a few homely truths Or opposed the addition of vitamins to milk These can he obtained by eating cheese THE OLD HOME TOWN vegetables etc at less cost Atta boy Doe And then came Hiram the no longer mayor And and be hold let us listen to what he has learned while on milk Control board rubbing over alls so to say with farmers and other disreputable charac ters With higher prices received for beef and other products there is a growing tendency among farmers to sell dairy herds and go into other lines of production Young people on the farms today do not want to put in the hard sevenday week that dairy farming entails and are inclined to follow their city cousins lead in seeking short er work week The farmer now has employ costly outside la bor and in the labor market he is competing with Industry hurrah for Hiram and that We wonder what happened to all this wisdom when was the mayor We always felt that there is noth ing sending these city slickers to the farm and let them learn that the milk does- come in bottles We wilt be very sorry to see these sounds of common sense drowned cftit by a new contro versy between the distributor and the driver We firmly be Hove that what the milk busi ness needs is a time of peace and prosperity Let the driv ers remember that every time they force a family en to sub stitutes they will lose a con sumer for good Let them re member that feed is a habit to large extent and that we live in an age of substitutes Let them further remember that the old saying You cannot make a silk purse from a sows ear is not true anymore You can make quite a suitable one these days Let us hope that the newest controversy wont cad in the usual manner name ly by hurting us the produc ers i- OF SPEECH MAPI THOSE SAMS PROMISES LAST j REMEMBER