iHEl i I J Pages from the Editors Notebook We were in Montreal over the weekend attending the an nual meeting of the Class A Newspapers and of all the sights and sounds of that city the one that gave us most satis faction was a little notice past ed over the cashiers window at a corner movie theatre As near as we can recall it read Owing to the fact that Ameri can dollar has fallen below par with the Canadian dollar must discount all American currency by one percent How that sign have tickled the fancy of all Cana dians who have had to put Up with the arrogance of border storekeepers when the Cana dian dollar was devalued Its nasty we know but there is much pleasure to be had in get- ling your own back And in keeping with the theatre notice was a conversa tion we overheard on the train on the way horse- Three Am ericans were chatting together One of them a youngish fellow said he wished he could go to South America- Thats the country for you he said You can really make the dough Theyre really going places down there His two companions older than he both answered him The place to be is right here in Canada one of them said The development of the is faking place right under your nose in Canada Why go to South America asked the other One spoke of the Labrador and Quebec iron ore deposits The other waxed enthusiastic about Alberta oil The first cited the soundness of Cana dian economy The second con struction figures By the time they were through there was nothing left of the young mans ambition to go south And we listened shamelessly but with consider able pride to these American businessmen We note there was great agi tation in the Korean forces when it was learned that an American pipe band had or dered tartans to ilrcss the pipers The matter has since been ironed out to most everyones satisfaction but it was touch and so for awhile We have it on the word or Newmarket Scots that only de scendants of the clan are en titled to wear the clans And although there is no law prohibiting the stranger cus tom is strong and apparently to be observed in Korea The flurry brings up an in teresting consideration- In one of the Scottish we read that Canada has kilted regiments wearing the tartan The reason for it according to the columnist is the strong peal of the kilts He cites the case of the sex Scottish formerly the Essex Rifles Between the two wars the Essex Rifles were not do ing at all well in recruiting so decided to adopt a Scot tish title and of the Mac- tartan The recruits poured in We have an apology to make to Johnny Greenwood Johnny spotted Newmarkets first robin last week and gave us this in telligence over a cup of coffee at the Newmarket Grill We promised to see that the item was reported on the front page but we forgot to get it printed in time However Johnnys honor of seeing the first robin is unques tioned There have not yet been any other reports of the first sight Present at our newspaper meeting in Montreal were two American publishers who were acting as observers on behalf of a somewhat similar organiza tion in the making in the States They had pleasant words to say about our group and asked if they could borrow our constitution standards of practice and so on They said they were greatly impressed by Canada and Can adians On our part it was pleasant to hear that we were able to export ideas as well as many of our best brains Now if the trade in ideas could be increased and the brains per suaded to remain at home we would indeed be in a happy position am pares Saving Niwmoilitt Aurora and Hit of North York Era Herald Published erery at Main Si Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and express limited Subscription for two for one year advance Single copies ore each Member of Closs A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Association and the AvdH Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Off ice Deportment Ottawa JOHN New Utter Sport Off ice Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger JOHN A managing ION Womans t LAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and i PAGE THURSDAY THE TWENTYEIGHTH PAY OF FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO From the Files of 25 and 50 Yearn Ago FEBRUARY The York County Hospital Hoard has effected a settlement of fire loss with the insurance companies for The president Mr J Harvey in forms us that the Board are taking steps to rebuild part that was destroyed by fire as soon as possible With the two wings which escaped the fire through the fine work of the fire brigade a splendid hospi tal with all modern appliances will be the result Now that the sua is getting up before seven spring cant be far away An cast wind with a touch of the north in it is said to depress people more than anything else We had it last Sunday The Newmarket branch of the Womens Institute held a very successful at home in aid of the Queen Mary hospital Mrs borough of Aurora ac companied by her daughter gave a monologue which was much enjoyed Mrs Arthur gave two fine selec tions and Miss Lillian Hart ac companied by Miss Lloyd gave two lovely solos The program was highclass in every respect To Mrs P Pearson wife of the member for North York in the provincial legislature must bo accorded the honor of holding the smartest and most beautiful reception ever given to the ladies of Newmarket be ing hostess to over guests last Saturday afternoon at the King George Hotel Hope Very small congrega tion out last Sunday I guess everybody was afraid of the weather Only one Friday the will occur in The day and date when the superstitious arc watchful and wary will come in May In there will be three hoodoo days FEBRUARY Methodist Sun day school conveyed in five good big sleighs passed through town on Tuesday They had a delightful day and nil seemed to enjoy themselves Baldwin Market was lively on Monday folks feeling as gay as a robin in springtime A number of town ladies are planning to commence spring next week Sharon Mr George and family who arc spending the winter at the postmasters ex pect to return to their home at early in March KetUeby That famous ardt family of musical artists and Swiss bellringers will en tertain the public here on Wed nesday On Monday evening March Rev Atkinson of Toronto will give a lecture on astron omy- The market in cattle in To ronto is somewhat easier than it was a week ago this being partly due to the heavy re ceipts and partly to the weaker feeling in the Old Country The sudden death of the George Mcculloch on Thurs day afternoon of last week caused profound sorrow not only throughout the entire town but among his brethren in the ministry On account of the outbreak of smallpox in Aurora a spe cial meeting of the town coun cil was held on Monday after noon when a bylaw was pass ed ordering compulsory vac cination Kversley Miss in vited the neighborhood to the school on Monday afternoon of this week to Valentine social The children took charge and gave a clever program which was followed by lunch FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE -t- The outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the west has come as a serious shock to all of Canada Most of us have seen pictures of or read about the outbreak in Mexico a few- years ago and we have in the back of our minds thememories of mass slaughter of animals as well as some appreciation of the heaviness of the blow to the national economy How bad the outbreak in Canada is cannot be ascertained at this writing There is no question how ever that much damage has already been done to both Canadas reputation as A livestock breeder and to its economy as a livestock producer Daily Farmer his Top Six Inches column on this page further cata logues anticipated evils as a result of the outbreak It should he noted too that the most serious affects of the outbreak are not immediately felt They are accumulative The slaughtering of a few cattle now will not be felt immediately the closing of the border comes at a time when traffic is slow There may be a tendency as a result to discount the ultimate damage the outbreak can do to our economy In such an atmos phere there is easy acceptance of the conventional means to control the outbreak by slaughter of infected animals and strict quarantine The fact is that if Canada is to be freed of the disease programs for research into its cause should be vastly expanded even at the expense of other research We think too that in the course of such research other avenues of approach should be utilized There is for example the experiments of an English breeder in India where foot and mouth disease is prevalent He found that by careful feeding with attention to the nutritional elements in his animals food he was able to immunize his cattle to a degree that they could run with an infected herd yet escape the disease Surely this whole question of nutrition in its relation to disease among animals deserves further study There has long been the opinion that the root of many of the diseases so injurious to our livestock lies in our failure to feed our animals properly and our insistence upon weight and size rather than upon food value itself HIGHER SCHOOL STANDARDS The trend in education in recent years has been towards greater attention to the individual pupil A byproduct of this trend has been the sacrifice of mental discipline and academic standards and the tendency to substitute less relevant subjects in favor of those found too difficult In the main there can general disagreement with greater attention to the individual pupil but when this is used as an excuse for the above it becomes a menace to the Whole educational system Not long ago President Sidney Smith of the Uni versity of Toronto reported a serious decline in the ability of students to handle the English language If he was surprised at the outcome of his investigation the average employer was not Few can satis faction with the average product of our school system and an inability to write was hot the least of their complaints So it is welcome news to rend that the Ontario minister of education has warned that frills will bo curtailed in the school system that curriculum will le revised to bring back emphasis- upon the fundamentals of education Nor is it surprising to read that one teacher out of step with the minister characterizes him as one of the old school others are said to have done the same A minister of the United church thought this was an excellent idea and in a broadcast sermon suggested church members who had received this windfall might pass it on to the church funds as a thankoffering Undoubtedly a large number of people of years and over who do riot need it have applied for the pen sion and indeed the government has urged them to do so The Prime Minister himself was the first to set the example The more the merrier for the government has more than enough and to spare in the big surplus and is there not an election in the offing It is a time for generosity and if the generous action of the govern- prompts and provides people with the means of being generous toward good causes so much the better for all concerned except perhaps the tax- payers Opposition party politicians who have been com peting with the government in their promises of larger bounties in the form of social welfare are naturally jealous of the popularity of the freeforall pensions They may even go so far as to accuse the government of bribing the people with their own money as they did in the case of the baby bonuses But there will be no criticism from the Genera Hospital and apparently the churches are quite willing and eager to accept a share of the pensions distributed to people who do not need the money All such contributions would of course be deducted from income tax returns But a much more straightforward and honest way of state subsidizing churches would be for the government to make direct grants to church funds QUITTING THE COUNTY Economist and Sun It was reported the other day in the daily press that Richmond Hill was considering withdrawal from York county council This is more than just idle talk since council instructed their solicitor Mr J Lucas to determine how the municipality could drop out of county council We were assessed last year by the county and the only benefit to the municipality was the privi lege of sending old people to the county home for the aged declared Deputy ltceve Tomlin Reeve J Taylor said he did not believe it was necessary for the village to bo a member of the county council This is ft new viewpoint to us that a municipality might withdraw from county council if desired We have often heard the view and from men who are qualified to have an opinion that county councils could well be abolished From What we have learned of government ami municipal affairs wo agree with this view But it is a little beyond our comprehension to see how permission could be granted to municipali ties to withdraw while the system of remains We do believes that counties very well be dispensed with and its functions shared by the government and the individual municipalities We grant that when the county system was sot up it prob ably served a useful function but We believe that day has passed Thai mad impetuous flyer SlinVs retired air race pilot cousin fi nally projected his made aeroplane into the air couple of weekends ago in do- fiance to all aerodynamic Im possibilities fc has been work- on this stcortd in a aeries of two machines He already owns a factorymade monoplane but by sheer designing genius has constructed a second machine from parts of a War I Pup an original Bier- and parts of a Cock- fihutt binder All this work has been going on for months under a veil of secrecy in his Oak Ridge work shop Two weekends ago the Stallanprang craft was rolled out of the workshop and taken by tractor to nearby ville aerodrome Enthusiasts at the drome anxious to see this radical But it was too much for Hung Lung and ho landed into the barnyard This weekend tore down the ship for an haul He took apart the age took off the wings signed the airframe the parts with and finally the trouble a hair in the took off cow pasture and flew base She acted well on off said the noted pilot had three cowbreadths chaw of to spare Back at the airdrome discovered that had forgotten to refit the frame to the aircraft bashed he flew back fitted airframe on and returnee the cheering crowds at Our wrote had on our local This week have been flying around machine perform particularly since was using a community that hew sensation In power plants attempt an Atlantic the three and a half cylinder hp Hung Lung aero engine never to district flying circles Your correspondent was in vited by the master airman to ride along on the first test flight but because of an acute case of asthma attacking this columnist for the first time in his life just before takeoff he was unable to go The thing shot into the air before the undercarriage wheels revolved even once so powerful was the Hung Lung II Stallanprang put his home made ship through its paces performing unbelievable aero batics He was last seen head ing north teeth barred nose in the wind at feet Over CFR8 something happened StaUan prang lost altitude descending to feet directly over a barn yard With quick presence of mind Stallanprang turned the propeller to- reversible pitch and backed up to again upside down consistently denied the but ffirfc told him we though something special on t- ding right said as he rubbed or a large bump on his wife doesnt like me 4 experimental flying he pointing to a broken rolling on their kitchen table- J In spite of problems domestic nature looks to new adventures in air Quoting that French Ex said re tively In the mould of new profession fiyin breed of men has and me one them corollary thereof is that matter what wife says gonna anyway But wives are great confo of and logic Even great flyer- venters like Stallanprang B gens are not immune to wiv by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches We lire wondering if we all realize what the outbreak of foot and mouth disease will mean to the agricultural econ omy of our country and par ticularly to our province It will be great and the re sult of concentrated effort if this is not to be the end of the golden age of cattle breeding in this country Few of us realize that we be came through the ability of our form community an porter of seed stock to the whole world and that wo be came dependent on this source of income to tolster revenue received from slaughter cattle There are few breeders of purebred stock who didnt ship- to the States one time or an other ami many shipped as far as Europe Mexico and tunny other parts of this world done In were forced to import bloodlines going back time arid again to the source of up and down and we will scan our daily papers with a for news on this scour In our immediate hood it wilt have many It will stop the exporting cattle to the States This affect the purebred breeders well as the breeder of tt quality steers Organized sat of breeding stock will from the absence of buyers There are several these in York County The feeders of beef cattle have to face the chance of ting in Stackers since each an brought in will be a danger This is true more so since lot of the came from the We Ontario was never porting in raising cattle finishing This will result some readjustment of the granv on many farms access tating more investment of all breeds have a smaller their cattle and the breed with the exception fit and to the Untied hesitation on the pai States in some other crises of breeders or CANADIAN FLAG Now llmt Government of Canada in its wis- dofii has decided to dispense so far as possible with lite word Dominion official dcsigiifttiohs and now that they feel Canada can stand on its own even If that students be firmly educated In having a nativeborn GovcrnotGeheml wo think it fit THE OLD HOME TOWN fry By STANLEY the fundamentals of language history geography mathematics is a return to the old -school- we sincerely hope the return voyage will be accomplished in the shortest possible lime No school system any more than other aspects of living can remain static A school system must be continually adjusted to changing times But such adjustment is only proper when basic values are math tabled It seems to us that our school system in its process of adjustment has lost sight of those basic values of mental discipline and high Wo hope Dr is able to restore them ONE WAY TO AT IT under the new blanket Old Age Security scheme was reported to have handed over his cheque to the General Hospital Fund This action was featured in the newspapers us an example of generosity and many and proper Canadians should impress right now oil the same government tiint Canada way behind the times in not a its own We have boon rililb to adequately put a finger on the reason for the in this regard For has sporadically debated the question period there was even quite an active committee saddled with the responsibility trying to choose would meet testes and tit any aspira tions of various of There hundreds of designs gathering dust in or desks of Ottawa today Canada has now grown to a very adult stature in world of nations and there Is no reason on earth why we should have to use the flag of Britain even though our ties with the Country are as strong as ever witness the love and affection showered on Queen Elizabeth on her recent visit here Australia and New Zealand are the most British of all tho Com monwealth countries yet they have their own flag and rightfully so it wns the import turn which Rot us into trouble although there has been as ye no announcement as to the probable origin of the outbreak We are sure that In lime the disease will bo eradicated again hut not until It has ere hardship for all of us heavy financial losses to those- whose cattle Will have to be slaughtered We dont want to sound too much like an alarm ist hut we think that will be years before we regain the position we had in the world as the breeders of superior breed materia the unquestioned lenders breeds In the meantime the stock yards will bo aflutter Willi ru mors and prices will be tiding locally improved breeding lilt well affect of sheep and the some way If on the mm Side If prices up there- might be morevihtgi to market inferior breed lug stock and our It also the trend away from dairyinj and Increase the supply dairy Undoubted the production of milk am other dairy products will be come more attractive to many We are hoping that and vigorous action on the par of the government and coop eration of all of us will halt disease soon CLIMBING LIKE A HOMESICK ANGEL ftmcHon of to of W