Newmarket Era and Express, 21 Feb 1952, p. 11

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V COUNCIL REPORT J Equfity Given Local Press Public School Chairman Asks Council For Farther Mayor Rose in the chair a regular meeting of the town council was held in the town hall on Monday night February with all members present Among other important business transacted council heard a request from Dr Henderson on behalf of the public school board for an additional for building and renovation purposes Other members of the public school board present were and C V Peterson Among correspondence read was a letter from Gordon Hoffman in which he advocated giving a boost to Aurora by hav ing a Welcome to Visitors sign installed at the south entrance to the town specifying the bridge as a suitable loca tion for the purpose At the invitation of the mayor Mr Hoffman who was present during the reading of the letter briefly addressed council point ing out that such a Welcome sign would be an effective means of making visitors feel that they were really welcome in Aurora Councillor Jim Murray sup ported the suggestion and the matter turned over to the publicity committee of council to seek the consent of the in installing such a sign and to give the matter full consideration Town Letters supporting a parks commission were received from the who proposed Mrs as their representative Other supporting letters were received from the Canadian Le gion naming as its representative- Larry representing he left in tins or damage caused to the tins Complaints the re port pointed out had been re ceived from householders On such understanding the re port was adopted by council and instructions were given that the relevant bylaw be amended ac cordingly- Discussion On Press Arising out of a proposal to advertise dales when garbage be collected on days fol lowing a holiday Councillor Mur ray pointed out that advertising should be placed in both local newspapers Mi Murray said that those who missed the ad vertisements in one local paper would see it in the other Reeve Cook objected He said advertising should be restricted to one paper only Councillor Davis said he dis agreed with Reeve Cook entire ly and said he would support Mr Murrays proposal that both local papers should have equal advertising DeputyReeve Murray said that he was in favor of adver tising being put into the Aurora News Page on the same basis as the other Aurora paper Roth the Junior Chamber of Com- were local papers asked that one wee in the a motion by Councillor month of May be proclaimed Week and said that the members of his organiz ation heartily support plans for a parks commission Mayor Rose thanked Mr Maughan for his representations Public School Board Or Henderson on behalf of the public school board said that it found that the debenture loan vas insufficient to meet their needs and he present to request an additional 35000 He said he had no com plete breakdown of figures with him thai evening but would bring these to the next meeting of council Meanwhile the chair man instanced highlighting costs such as for the building of three additional rooms Dr Henderson was subjected to considerable questioning Councillor Murray observing that it vould seem that the poor old high school building in worse shape than the old public school Councillor Davis asked the chairman a number of questions and pointed out that it was un derstood that the deben ture loan already issued was more than enough to meet oil expenses Where is the money coming from to pay this asked Coun cillor Corbel to which Dr Hen derson tersely replied that it was councils business to find the money and his hoard would spend it properly The matter was left over on the promise by the chairman that at the next meeting of the Murray seconded by Councillor Davis the mayor asked for a vote of council All members of council the single excep tion of Reeve Cook voted in favor of equal advertising for both papers and the clerk was instructed accordingly Publicity Committee Councillor Ralph Tucker brought up the matter of the functions of the publicity com mittee pointing out that all ad vertising should he handled by that committee and not left to the town clerk Surely said Councillor Tucker that is what a publicity committee is for Councillor expressed the opinion that the publicity committee should deal only with publicising matters connected with the town To this Coun cillor Tucker demurred Complaints By Telephone DeputyReeve Murray brought to the attention of council the number of telephone calls made to members of council by citi zens stating that he considered such complaints should be put in writing and sent to the town clerk who would plane them be fore council Mr Murray said it very difficult for mem bers of council to deal questions and complaints by citizens that reached them by telephone Councillor Murray said he had no objection to citizens calling him on the telephone and lie did not agree with the deputy- reeve Further discussion was resolv ed on the mayors suggestion council he would provide a requested to sub- tailed breakdown of all expenses already incurred and other ex penses the board would be called on in the equipping and com pleting of the building Ke ports Chairman of the sanitation and health committee Councillor Clarence Davis submitted a rc- on the application of J K for an increase of per month for garbage collec tion The report staled that the committee felt itself unable to recommend the increase asked for but would In view in creased operating costs mend on increase of per month contingent on certain re quirements carried out These were that in suitable weather conditions tarpaulin be used to cover trucks io prevent being dropped on the streets and that greater core lie exercised in the handling of garbage tins so that no garbage BR ON TIME NORTH END TAXI AURORA Look for Abe Can With the Yellow Tope J F WILLIS PhmB y The Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded yonge Aurora Telephone mil any questions or complaints in writing through the town clerk Snow Removal Councillor Tucker drew atten tion to the neglect of some citi zens in removing snow from their sidewalks and what steps could be taken to make this duty obligatory Mayor Hose said there was bylaw imposing this duty the part of citizens and where such duty neglected the po lice could give warning and if it was not heeded the snow could be removed by municipal employees at the expense of neglectful householders Councillor Tucker remarked that if the bylaw could not he made effective it had better he rescinded The Mayors Mayor Rose said that he wish ed to thank council and town organizations and all others who had played their part in making Memorial Day in tribute to his late Majesty the success it had proved Such coopcrnlion such a loyal demonstration made me feel very proud of the town of Aurora said the mayor Other Business Among other business trans acted the bylaw of appointment for assessor Mr Good was repealed by a third reading Council adjourned at pm For comment on council busi ness please see Council in next weeks issue of Aurora News Page Ed For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE G A At LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE Storage PHONE UN NEWMARKET Aurora News Page J SINCLAIR Editor ASE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE DAY OF FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO EDITORIALS A MAN AURORA NEEDS The town council is advertising for an assessor and the matter will be dealt with by the Finance committee which will bring a recommendation before the whole of council for approval or otherwise The chairman of the Finance committee is Reeve Cook and the other members are Councillors and King For the future economic good of this town we sincerely trust that the council will stick by Mr E ft Good so that he can complete the work he so successfully began in By some unusual stroke of good fortune Aurora obtained a firstclass assessor when the council appointed Mr Good and it will be a matter for great regret if he is not retained Mr Good is an assessor of wide experience and of great lie understands all the complexities bound up in assessment work and he is the sort of man who does his job fearlessly without favor He has no axe to grind and we have no axe to grind in recom mending his continuance in office Our hope that he will continue in office is based in the belief that his one object as an assessor is to give everybody a square deal Again and again we have been told that assess ments in Aurora were not equally distributed and that fact became very apparent when the results of Mr Goods work were made public Failure in the past to equalize assessments was admitted by one of Mr Goods critics a critic who appealed against the asses sors ruling The critic referred to was Mr George Baldwin who frankly admitted that the assessment on own company had been too low It was very clearly demonstrated that this too low procedure was the rule rather than the exception and that assessing In the past had been very indiffer ently handled with what looked like too much favorit ism in practice HUSHHUSH POLICY When the assessors rulings were made known a tremendous rumpus broke out among a small section A number of the factories brought their powerful guns into action against Mr Good and these were supported by the other paper which released clouds of hot air and some virulent criticism in denunciation of an asses sor whose one object was to equalize assessments in a way that meant that those who had the largest financial stake in the town should quite properly beat the heavier burden Among those who attacked Mr Good most bitterly was the Reeve of the town and he succeeded in persuad ing the Court of Revision to reduce the assessments on his properties for an amount of nearly There never has been any explanation offered to other prop ertyowners in Aurora why Reeve Cook succeeded in getting such a large reduction in the assessments on his properties nor has there been any information released on what reductions the other enjoyed after the judges hearings This hushhush policy does not make for public confidence A judge was brought to town to preside at this final court of appeal at a cost to the ratepayers of for the sitting The county solicitor was em ployed to represent the interests of the factories and our understanding is that the county solicitor is paid by the municipalities one of which is Aurora We know of many instances in Aurora where Mr Good substantially increased assessments and these were accepted without any squawking and for the good reason that it was felt that such increases were fair and that the assessor knew his job We hope the town council will stand by a good assessor now that it has got one Special interests ought not to have any pull in the appointment of a town assessor Mr Good has proved his merits as an impartial assessor and he ought to be retained REPORT ON THE METERS The report on the meters Issued from the town clerks office to which we have drawn attention in our columns What They Are Saying shows that a gross revenue of nearly has been realized from the meters since their installation in October to this sum it is stated that the re is net revenue of Of the above intake no less than was realized from parking violations and summonses very substan tial proportion it will be agreed of the total revenue Revenue can lie realized from any business lie it printing or meters at too groat an ultimate cost If the same proportion of meter revenue from tickets and summonses were realized for a full year which would amount to more than the psychological effects on the business life of Aurora very It Is the duty of the police to check up on stationary vehicles to see if the parking regulations have leen observed and the demands of the onearm bandit met It also that every ticket handed out for failure to meet the demands of the meters is another iiMlS0SSl friendliness Att A period of trial for the meters in Aurora and no harm can come from drawing attention to these facts The time will come when the town council will have to come to a decision on whether or not the meters are to stay or bo removed Council will not we assume be guided in their decision solely by the financial side of the question but whether in the overall picture meters arc good or bad for the business and the amenities of the town I WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Tribute To DeFoe Singers port Not Received A large congregation of Aurora citizens gathered in the United church on Friday afternoon February at a Memorial Service when they took a respectful and impressive farewell of his late Majesty King George VI The church was crowded with mourners composed of many sections of the community The mayor Dr Crawford Rose i whose solos The Hills of Home represented the town and sters of the various churches took part in the service These included the Rev If minister of the United church the Rev Dr Mulligan St the Rev K Trinity Anglican the Rev A Park Baptist Envoy Mrs Morgan of the Salvation Army and Mr D Galbraith Gospel church In a felicitouslyworded eulo gy the Rev Dr Mulligan spoke of the incomparable services rendered to his peoples by King George who accepted the ar duous responsibilities attendant on the occupancy of the throne without preparation and dis charged them in a manner that brought him the love and un questioned devotion of his sub jects everywhere Dr Mulligan extolled the high character of the late king his heroic devotion to duty in war and peace the simplicity of his life and devotion to and regard for the virtues of family ideals and practice concluding his ad dress with an apt quotation from Kiplings Lest We Forget Besides the ministers men tioned who took part in Mayor Rose read part of the scripture lessons and led in the unison reading of the Psalm Some stores remained closed during the day while the ma jority cancelled business opera tions from oclock until pm The Meters Report There is an apology we must make to our readers while at the same time pointing out that the cause for it does not rest with ourselves concerns the re port on the meters which the public have been awaiting for some time and which we have repeatedly called for in the col umns As far as October of last year Councillor and Deputy- reeve Murray asked for a re port It was promised for the following month hut the clerk stated he had been too busy to prepare it Councillor brought the matter up again and last week the report was what is called released to the Au rora Banner but not to Aurora News Pages Consequently we have receiv ed enquiries from subscribers to our paper asking why we did not publish the report In the first place we had that the report would first of all have been presented before and The Old Kitchen Kettle were greatly appreciated Miss Reynolds and Mr DeFoe sang duets and solos all of which were rendered to the great en joyment of the audience Mr Bruce Parker comedian of the evening proved a great attrac tion After the conclusion of the choral presentations the group was entertained to refreshments at the home of Mr and Mrs Carter Among the guests were Mayor Rose and Mrs Rose who assisted their host and hostess in the serving of refreshments Mayor Rose informed Aurora News Page how impressed both he and Mrs Rose had been with the Singers presentations adding that he greatly enjoyed their free and easy manner when he joined the party for the so cial evening Those who attended The Lions Hall were full of tributes to the Defoe Singers and it is hoped that a return Visit may be arranged Mr Clifford Grif fiths made recordings of the evenings presentations on his I recentlyacquired sound record ing equipment which is of the very latest design Almost Total SellOut Of the several hundreds of copies of the Era and Express and Aurora News Pages placed on the newsstands of Grill O Hess Hudsons Con fectionery John Morning and J Willis only twelve copies remained unsold for the week ending February So far we have not undertaken any form of showcards or pos terboosting to promote the sales of our newspaper leaving the contents of the paper as its best advertisement Unlike the oppo sition periodical which has ton- dueled campaigns of screaming aloud its professed advantages we have left our paper to for itself In Aurora News Pages we have published and will con tinue to publish facts concerned with the town of Aurora which but for our newspaper would be kept from the knowledge of the citizens That explains the in creasing sales of our newspaper THEATRE CLIFFORD GRIFFITHS AURORA TEL THE STORY OF THE GREAT SANTA it was released to press but foiling that we would have thought that as the report was released to the Aurora Ban ner it would at the same time have been released simultane ously to our paper While we regret the disap pointment caused to our it will be noted that wo could not publish a report whose existence was not made known to us Wo have the at tention of Councillor Murray chairman of the publicity com mittee to this matter and he can be depended on to see that the citizens of Aurora get a square deal in the matter of the local press receiving equably of treat ment from the town We also called Mayor Rose who expressed surprise that the report had been released to one local newspaper and not to the other The mayor assured that Instructions would be given that would avoid similar happenings In the future and suggested that the omission to inform us of the report from the town was an unfortun ate oversight It is due to our renders that we should explain the absence of the report from our pages A buz on telephone front the town hall to us when the re port was given to the Banner would have obviated nil this work of explanation and disap pointment to our renders Singers The attendance at The Lions Hall on Thursday night Feb was unfortunately not what had expected hut the quality of the performance by the Law rence Singers of very high standard The pro ceedings were opened by Mayor Rose and at their conclusion vote of thanks was suitably ex pressed by Mr vicepresident of the Aurora Linns club group of singers number ed and great was paid to tho vocal renditions of Miss Georgia Reynolds Mr Lawrence and Mr Tom Carter B Stationery Wallpapers Select Range Of Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads St Aurora Telephone Make It A Meet Your Friends At The O D HESS Drug Store Two Graduate St Aurora Tel Emergency Calls Tel 38 COFFEE SHOP Enjoy a FirstClass Meal In Bright Surroundings Al All Types of Quick Lunches Friendly Cafe Good Grilled Steaks Chops Hamburgers To Choice OPEN DAILY am pm SATURDAYS am pm NEAR STOPLIGHT WELLINGTON ST BR Reservations Plane Steamship Hotels No extra cost- A I L Maughan PHONE AURORA WES BOB warn irwamwiwH mmwwwi Part Batman and Robin Showing at and Saturday pm MONDAY FEB Mm ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY FEB COMING MONDAY MARCH 3rd ret NOW you con M and ft Dud of In ft f lour of Cane eta I CLOWNS Royal JOURNEY A FULLLENGTH FEATURE J Mi SHOWING 6 DAYS

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