DEVELOP GREATER SOURCE OF WATER and AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK ERA IOOTH YEAR EXPRESSHERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY FEBRUARY 21 1952 SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS One of Newmarkets greatest is a supply of water in the future for its expanding population Test drilling for new sources has been going on for the past two or three years in a search for new sources of supply In the meantime a new well has been drilled on St a few yards from an old well At present it is being developed by the International Water Supply Co and gallons a minute are being pumped out Above Oliver driller shows a sample of water to Martin Abbot field supervisor both employees of the International Vater Supply Gov At present sand is being pumped out of the underground stream and is being replaced with a grade of round smooth gravel imported from Cape May New Jersey The purpose of the gravel is to slow down the velocity of the supply stream so that it will not carry sand in suspension The well must be developed in this way for a period of time before it becomes a producer for the municipal supply COMINfe EVENTS THURSDAY FEB Aurora Lions Club Another bingo play- on tables will he held in Tho I fail at Cash vouchers for winners door prize Admission FRIDAY FEB Dance Mount Albert Community hall to Norm Barlings sponsored by Sharon Junior Far mers Admission foe Novelty dances FRIDAY even- sponsored by Newmarket Progressive Conservative in honor of Major A A provincial member for York entertain- and refreshments At the Hall Newmarket at welcome FRIDAY FEB 22 Reserve the date for the Trinity United church Womens Association annual Valentine tea Table of homemade baking Nursery for children FRIDAY FEB and lucky draw in Holland landing Community Hall at Spon sored try Pop Walker In aid of Community Hockey teams orchestra Admission including draw Tickets may Ik obtained from any room- of hockey teams FRIDAY Euchre in Qucensville hv WI Time pm Ad mission SATURDAY Bingo in Town Hall Newmarket Jack pot 225 games sponsored fry Holy Name Society MONDAY Canadian banquet at the legion Hall Newmarket Time pm Ticket per Turkey dinner nud entertainment Ob tain tickets before Friday Fell Limited number only men only For tickets phone or Newmarket Dont delay MONDAY Euchre bridge in the legion Hall Aur ora In of Indies Auxiliary prizes refreshments Ad mission Time in TUESDAY FEB New market Red Cross will sew Trinity United church from to pm Help urgently needed TUESDAY FEB Pancake supper in the Anglican Parish half King City to oclock Proceed for missionary fund of doc children TUESDAY FEB Hon Hobby will hold euchre and prizes Admission In Sharon hall 9 WEDNESDAY FEB Junior Farmers eticsts of East Federation of Movies Entertainment c2w7 WEDNESDAY FEB The ex of Toronto East Rural United Church Voting Peoples Assoc cordially invite nil young people and their friends to Its annual skating party at Cedar- WEDNESDAY FEB New- market Veterans association bingo Town Hull Newmarket pm Prizes galore attendance prize jiekMt door prize Entire proceeds for York County hospi tal Womens Auxiliary THURSDAY FRIDAY FEB and Two oneact plays The Browning Version by Pickering College and Harlequinade by the Club at the town hall pm THURSDAY FEB Zephyr are having a Box Social In Zephyr Community hall Also a short play and other entertain- SEEK ACTION ON MORE ROOM AT WILCOX SCHOOL A demand for a special meet ing to consider school accommo dation was included in a resolu tion passed by a group of Oak Wilcox citizens at a meeting on Monday night The meeting followed the postpone ment of a statutory school board meeting The resolution also was critical of the school hoard chairman A who was not pres ent The matter arose when ratepayers went to what they had thought would be the regu lar school board meeting only to find it had been postponed The delegation was to enquire what was being done to provide accommodation for an estimated extra students in the area which would be attending the already crowded school next fall GIVE NEW LAMPS FOR OLD BULBS TV OWNERS OFFER Have you an old tungsten light bulb the kind with the glass tip on the end of it Theyre worth a new bulb and a chance on a draw for a radio to you That is the unusual offer that Stew Bear is making to all owners of these old bulbs The reason for it is that the old bulbs set tip an interference with television sets in town In an effort to get rid of the inter ference the television set owners are making the offer of a new light bulb for the old and as an additional incentive offering a radio for a draw by all those who turn in old bulbs HISTORIC EYESORES TO MA WAY FOR NEW FIRE HALL North Municipalities Newmarket representatives with those of the other northern municipalities were invited to attend a planning meeting in Friday by the Whit church Township planning board to discuss planning problems common to the north end of the county Mayor Vale asked the chair- On other occasions loo the Whitchurch board has expressed need for greater cooperation be- Ladies with a box free THURSDAY FEB Da nee to Ernie Bruce and his orchestra in Mount Albert ball sponsored by Canadian Branch i Admission FRIDAY FEB Dance in Holland Landing Community hall at pm Ux Mitchells orchestra Admission FRIDAY FEB- Bingo at prizes wealth Jackpot Ev erybody welcome Admission 2 cards FRIDAY Feb Euchre In school by Hie Community flood prizes and refreshments Time pm Admission FRIDAY FEB The annual Toronto Centre North Presby tery young skating parly will be hold in Arena at pm Everyone wel come Admission TUESDAY MARCH 1 York Nurses Association meeting Time pm basement of St Johns school Newmarket Dr John Dales will speak on New Drugs e2w8 WEDNESDAY MAR Spring faslnon show Town Hall New- market Auspices Newmarket Business and Professional Wo mens Club Time pm Admis sion to furnish hospital room WEDNESDAY MAR St Patricks lea the home of Mrs K Adams Park Ave New- market sponsored the Good Christian Baptist church Tea from 220 to pm THURSDAY MAR St Pat ricks tea and sate at St Paul Parish hah from to by St THE SALVATION ARMY na tional Red Shield Appeal will bo from May to May 20 EUCHRE EVERY WEDNES DAY at in Roches Point Memorial Club Admission Every Thursday danc ing admission Every Fri day at pm picture admis sion tfl EVERY THURSDAY euchre Bingo every Saturday Time 830 pm Under Keswick Hockey Club DANCING EVERY SATURDAY night in Mount Albert hall to Norm Burling and his orchestra Modern and old time Jackpot and other spe- clal prizes A good time for all Admission Time fl pm tfl EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Dance to Jack Giles and his or- New Rlver- vlowInn Bradford Ladles Men cents Iff SPECIAL SPEAKERS AT HUMANE SOCIETY meeting and elec tion of officers and of the advisory council of the North held on Thursday Feb pm in the Prince Charles school St Newmarket A guest speaker will bo Mrs Noel president of the Ontario Society for the Preven tion of Cruelty to Animals speaking on What the Humane Society Is and What It Does Col George Toronto Humane Society chairman of civil defence for the will speak on Animals In Civil York Humane Society will Defence The meeting is open to the general public STOLE FROM FARMER GETS THREE YEARS After a warrant was issued for his arrest Bruce Parker was found by In a Lind say hotel last Friday night and was charged with theft of a car a mans wrist watch anil a ladys diamond ling the property of Jennings line King township Also taken from the Jennings home was a wallet con taining nearly Parker was brought from Lindsay by Van dorf provincial police and lodged in Newmarket jail Parker had been employed on the Jennings farm for a couple of months Die loss of the Dodge ear was discovered about on Friday morning hut the theft of the jewellery and money was realized until later The car and jewellery were recover ed the Jennings family said On Tuesday Parker was sen tenced to three years in the peni tentiary Magistrate rake in the Newmarket court The destruction of two old town buildings construction of a new fire hall was given final an last reading of a bylaw Below is an archite on the corner of Millard Ave and Main St The for many years has served as a town clerks off leen unused For many years town council met to the town hall last year prophets have fall down of their own accord but that possibi he old registry office and fire hall above and the by town council Monday night with the els sketch of what the new building will look like old registry office has been a landmark in town ice and veterans meeting hall but recently has above the fire hall until lite chambers were moved said in the last lew years that the buildings would has now been removed man of the water committee roads committee and both mem bers of the property committee tween the municipalities to attend officially as well as all other councillors who could The meeting will discuss plan ning for future development and population growth and making provision for recreational facili ties park lands conservation ex pansion of municipal centres and any other subject which may be brought up The Whitchurch board has been concerned with the need for greater cooperation between neighboring municipalities for The northern municipalities from Vaughan and townships north form a close unit geographically and share many of the same problems Among them it is anticipated that as the St Lawrence seaway is completed this area will undergo a tremendous development and that if plans for orderly develop ment are completed now it will save a good deal of cost in the future These meetings are very in- some months now Not long ago said Reeve Arthur Ev il representative of the board op- Every member of council before Newmarket 1 should attend them to acquaint to ask greater cooperation themselves with these problems the two municipalities in establishing street lines and land bylaws which would be con sistent The council representa tives met with Whitchurch and ironed out the particular added that such meetings were invaluable for the exchange of ideas The municipalities would more than likely form a county unit if Toronto proceeds with its vtv lorn of street lines on the east amalgamation plans currently side of town I before the municrpal board Newmarket Off On ByLaw Spree APPOINT Bruce Hunter Newmarket sou of Hunter town assessor was appointed secretarytreas urer of the Newmarket public schools board a special meet ing of the board last Saturday night lie replaces Robert who been secretary for years and associated with the for years Mr resigned some of the continued their efforts to reappoint a new secretary First Night Class Meeting On Tuesday DRAMATIC CLUB AND COLLEGE ON STAGE The Newmarket Dramatic and a Pickering College drama group of members of the staff and arc joining forces to present two oneact plays next Thursday and Friday The I wo modern plays by the same author Terence are The Browning Version which the Pickering group will perform and to staged by the Newmarket club The movie version of Browning Version is shown at various theatres and appeared In this district recently This Is the first time the New market club and the college have presented a program together There will be a meeting of Night Class applicants in car pentry in the chambers over the fireball on Tuesday at pm At tins time plans for starling the class will he discussed dates set and meeting place and instruc tor named At last count there were over applicants night clashes in carpentry Many applicants were interested in subjects related to carpentry such as blue print reading and craft work It is suggested thai they make a of being at meeting as there is always the possibility that their choice of subjects can also be included in one class Carpentry has been chosen as the first subject in which to start classes bemuse of the number of applicants and because it is comparatively simple class In set up As soon as can be arranged classes in other subjects where the number of applicants makes them practical will be estab lished Organization meetings of these classes will be announced in paper The classes operate on the prin ciple that the larger the number of pupils lower the cost to the individual students The stu dents share the cost of instructor Island Grove Woman Years Receives QaeerVs first Message An Island woman was first Canadian to receive congratulatory birthday greet ings from Queen Mrs Margaret Sherman of Island Grove- was years old on The Queens birthday wish was one of several Includ ing a message from Prime Min ister St Laurent North council sent a bouquet of red roses Queens message from the Queens private secretary read The Queen Is much Interested in hearing that you are celebrat ing your moth birthday ami sends warm congratulations and liest wishes The groatgrandmother of IB children Mrs Sherman was born In Egypt in Two There are also eight grandchild ren One of children herself she and a Mrs Hester Pardee are the only sur vivors To live a long time you must keep happy and take things as they come she recommends Mrs Sherman lives with her daughter Mrs Albert Day rent of premises if any and cost of material Over 121 replies to the ques tionnaire appearing in the paper have received and the choice of subjects ranges from welding and farm mechanics to work of various sorts head do sub jects Most popular choices were carpentry and sewing typing ami commercial studies including bookkeeping There is still lime to register for these classes Simply leave name address and at the and and watch the paper for announcements of organization meetings in sub of your choice It is hoped that the first class has set up classes in other subjects will follow promp tly Several details havo cropped up at the last minute and as tney are being honed out it is hoped Hint subsequent classes will be more easily PLAN BINGO DANCE RAISE FUNDS FOR FIRE UNIFORMS The Newmarket Brigade has opened a campaign to raise funds for purchasing new uni forms for all members of the brigade and on May in Newmarket arena monster bingo and oldtime dance will held with total proceeds going into the The rink com mission will open arena for the event free of charge Any officers of brigade will receive contributions and supply receipts All contribu tions will Ik acknowledged in Km and A check records of the organization shows that not since has the brigade bought new uniforms for nil of its monitors POSTPONED TEA HELD FRIDAY FEB 22 A spring tea and sale of home baking will he hold tomorrow afternoon under the auspices of the Womens Trinity United church Newmarket of the Junior auxiliary will operate a nursery for preschool age children In charge of tea tables are Mrs Campbell and Mrs Mrs and Mrs T A Mitchell will convene the bake sale Tea will be served from t to This affair had been planned as a Valentine lea As lie orig inal date fell on the national day of mourning the tea was post poned one week to Friday Feb Newmarket town council had a busy evening of it on Monday night when in rapid succession they cleaned up a number of by laws the results of several ear lier council discussions A bylaw was passed which re quires all owners of public ad- dross systems and sound trucks to pay a nominal license fee The bylaw also prohibits use of these sound systems for the advertisement of merchandise This bytaw followed com plaints that a sound system from out of town had been used to merchandise and re presented a nubile nuisance Another bylaw required trail er ramus to Ik licensed with a fee of 10 for each trailer The law also requires that every trailer camp must be set up on a plot of land at least square feet In urea lite third bylaw to prevent loitering and caus ing disturbance on the streets was also passed a I the request of the chief of police who was re ported to have had several com plaints from Main St about the noise and disturbance on the street Council also received letter from a restaurant owner com plaining of these disturbances and asking that something he- done about It The law Is expect ed to provide grounds for action in end such annoyances It provides that person shall loiter or cause a disturbance on the street use insulting language scream swear or sing or being drunk impede peaceable persons The fine for breaking the law is 10 The fourth bylaw provides for the removal of a traffic hazard at the corner of Prospect St and by requiring that nil westbound traffic on an ham St come to a full stop before entering Prospect St Bylaws were passed setting the estimated expenditures In Newmarket on rands both repair and construction at 75000 and respocl and on bridges both repair and con struction and 5000 This bylaw required by the provincial government establish es the celling on which the town may be paid grants lor this work represents an estimate only Another bylaw set up a series of grades In police depart ment from third to first class constables wilh salaries start ing at for the former and for the latter And finally a bylaw exempt ing certain owners of farm lands within the municipality from full payment of municipal taxes bylaw passed each year TO The Newmarket council on Monday night passed a bylaw approving the lease of the old town clerks office on the corner of Main and Sis to Ontario Provincial Police for monthly rent of DON7 BREATHE ITS THE MASTER AND WORLDS CHAMPION HAM The Newmarket council on Monday night passed an enabling bylaw to proceed with the con struction of the new fire hall on the top of Main St hill after 1U approval by municipal board reputed to luthe North American champion at Snooker and Worlds Champion at pocket billiards played to capacity audiences Crawfords pool room last On Tuesday night ho defeated Jim Miller one of Newmarkets handiest men with the who makes his living at tho table put on astounding display of trick shots before a largo group of enthusiasts Above- Cheater shown readying for masterstroke Jim Miller is standing on his right cue in hand