1 Preferred by millions of Canadians for its superb quality and flavour BUYS WHY PRIZE MONEY your Chance to win the First or any other of lie Cash Awards to total of Contestant baa only one bostop label or facsimile from any one of the boxtop Crown C label topped fa or top from cone topped tin Junket Remover boxtop Tender Lew Tea box- top from a container of tea or boxtop or label lemon juke ViTone can top Miracle Whip Salad Dressing labels Seltzer boxtop or label Silver Gloss Starch boxtop Robin Hood Cake Mix boxtop White Chocolate or Ginger- bread Johnsons Pride Furniture Wax label Davis Gelatine boxtop boxlop or label Cough paper disc boxtop Chase A Sanborn Coffee front panel from bag or metal strip from tin Kraft Slices need just one or facsimile to your price money- And you can win a SPECIAL BONUS too Read ebon rt under YOURS the popular new wJcend newspaper column presents this Great and Easy Contest a all you bare to do Finland circle 19 tetter of the alphabet im if placed in order CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS- Here a winning tip just read back a few lints and yon will find the word Contest Circle each of the first three letters and yon are on your way to the Rig Prize Money I You will find the Remainder of the letters scattered throughout the column The order in which they axe circled does not matter You may circle the letters in this column or on separate slip of paper write the complete words from which you took the key letters which spell out your solution key letters must then be circled In this way you can send in as many entries as you wish Contest March Re sure to include your And address- Only first class mail with sufficient postage accepted Remember is the First Prise if correct a boxtop label or facsimile from any of the above products THERE ARE OTHER FRIZES iOR A GRAND TOTAL OF Major winners names will appear in this column within a few weeks A complete list of winners will be furnished on request AW your entries and enclosure to CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS Box Station I Montreal Increase your chances of winning by rushing many entries as possi A Roaring Blizzard always makes me think of warm summer and sunshine And that brings on enticing thoughts about my holidays next summer I havent decided yet where Ill head to for fun Ive done one very important thing as part of ray Personal Planning program Ive opened a The marriage took place on January in Morgans Memorial Chapel Queens Uni versity Kingston of Alison Ethel Mitchell daughter of Mr and Mrs S Mitchell Kirk- land Lake to Mr William Rus sell son of Mr and Mrs Newmarket Rev A officiated at the ceremony and Miss Black was organist- Given in marriage by her uncle Mr Allan Anderson the bride wore a fullskirted baller inalength gown of sheer white lace over satin With nylon tulle yoke tiny lace col lar long sleeves ending in points over the hands and a scalloped finger tip veil of ny lon tulle illusion fell from a Renaissance cap of satin end she wore matching white satin slip pers She carried a crescent bouquet of gardenias and steph- v Mrs Toronto was matron of honor wearing a ballerina dress of royal blue chiffon velvet with full skirt plain neckline and cap sleeves Her accessories were matching threequarter length gloves Renaissance cap and a crescentshaped bouquet of pink and blue mums The best man was Ray- mbnd Kingston and the ushers were Mr Jack Allan Lake and Mr Edward Kingston Following the ceremony a re ception was held at Morrisons Lounge Kingston Mrs Elliott and Mrs presided at the tea table The brides mother wore a black crepe dress with blue accessories and corsage of talisman roses The grooms mother received in a mist blue silk suit dusk pink accessories and corsage of but terfly roses For a short trip to the United States the bride wore a black cordedsilk suit with velvet la pels black velvet and straw hat and pale green gloves Her cor sage was of gardenias Out of town guests included Mr and Mrs Mrs Mr and Mrs Miss Lynn Newmarket Mr and Mrs A Felt Mr and Mrs Darling Mr and Mrs J Elliott Toronto Mr and Mrs Hunt Montreal Miss Helen Vivian Shannonville Miss Helen Campbellford and Mr Archer Lake RECENTLY MARRIED Pictured above are Mr and Mrs Douglas Miles who were married recently in Trinity United church Newmarket Mrs Miles is former Alice Alberta Atkins daughter of Mr A Atkins Newmarket and the is the son of Mr and Mrs Charles Miles of program Sutuhitie Account at the JiANK OF MONTREAL Thats the one way to be cure that youll have the necessary when are gone and the beach is beckoning Resolve now that lack of holiday funds wont force to make do with a secondbest vaca tion Open a Account the Rof tomorrow Then a definite amount each payday and be all set to enjoy every shinefilled moment when your holidays come round Hang Some Guy put on a pretty areas and have fun at your youngsters parties Its easy to do when youre not all worn out from fussing over fussy food Simply make something easy yet wonderful PUDDINGS a recipe thats always a partysuccessyet cal and simple to prepare Marble Pie The Common By Isabel CANADIAN ARTISTS In these latter days when we hear from every side of the place Canada is taking among the nations how eagerly her opinions on vital questions are listened to and how much of virile life she is injecting into a warweary world we are not surprised that in the field of art too she is taking worthy place Prepare package ach Chocolate Pudding CUpa tor each Cool mixtures Put a tablespoon at a time Into baked fllnch pie shell alternating and We have the Toronto Symph ony Orchestra with a worldwide reputation We have Men delssohn Choir and the Bell Singers We have opera ballet Birthday wishes are extended concert artists painters and ttiis week to I not only in great Cut through flUinf with course to marble repeat in opposite direction Seen A flfl proud as Mary a was the other night He beamed with delimit when we aI lifted for second o Marys von She toll cake success secret DOWN CAKE Surpriadr Ill youre if you Swans For you that it ma to cakes as light a tender cakes that melt in your mouth Hut do know such wonder Firstly Its by evjjrts And its sifted and til its tiroes as as flour- Dont take to all your precious add of so why Did Better that old cay- about being to do some thing with your hands tied behind your Just try it sometime Your hands are just about the precious you have not them the good care they deserve After a particularly job treat them to a cleansing with wonder working SNAP HAND Snap removes grease stains sud all dirt in a flasli yet its to your hands Its kind three ways For Hand Cleaner contains three magi a ingredient Italian pumice and pure soap for clean glycerin for conditioning- Thats why I urge you to take good care of your hardworking hands with Snap Hand Cleaner True as Ive proved to again and again For five that can you feel and blue- there one remedy to set yon speedy Anytime you from or iovjant It leaves you feeling like a no hrne at Sal Hepatic has I the eveningmany a lime for That s whv to have one-or- five laxative handy in Evelyn Allen Albert years old on Friday Feb Charles Oliver Holly Holland Landing years old on Saturday Feb Gloria Kes wick years old on Saturday Feb Sandra Lee Keltleby years old on Saturday Feb Mosey New- market years old on Saturday Feb- Martin years old on Saturday Feb Marie Elmer Aurora years old on Sunday Feb George Harold Kvans New market years old on Tuesday Feb Glen Wayne Harper Mount Albert years old on Tuesday Feb Newmarket years old on Tuesday Feb liana I co nurd Salmon It It years old on day Feb Jill Louise Maple years old on Wednesday Feb Carol Lynn Newmarket years old on Wednesday Feb Dorothy Wilder Pottage ville years old on Thursday Feb Margaret Hull years old on Thursday Feb Nancy Duncan Newmar ket years old on Thursday Feb Janice WUma Sheridan New market years old on Thursday Feb Correction David Arthur Ev ans was years old on Christ- mass day Send in your name address age become member of the Newmarket Era Express birthday club smugglers regarded more as heroes than as criminals by tip For tea even was a leverage In those day it would Imj most eh blend the GO TO HALIFAX Mr Mrs Wesley and Tommy Toronto have left for their now borne in Halifax where Mr has been appoin ted branch manager of Travel lers Insurance Co Elephants alligators turtles and Poll parrots have average life span of years or more arena arc we becom ing known but also in the wide and beautiful fields of art On Wednesday evening of last week in the high school audi torium we listened to three Can adian artists yes I said three for to us Irene the was as great an artist in her field as Marguerite soprano or violinist in her A read Is a strange anomaly site must be a real artist she must never ob trude but keep her art in sub jection to the artists she is ac companying George arid I talking over the concert agreed that Irene Bird fascinat ed us with her sympathetic ac companying and the artistry with which she presided over the gargantuan piano and Mrs who me themselves outstanding ac companists agreed with us Of Marguerite I wrote a lit tie before now I can en large on this Hers is a fascin ating personality vividr exotic I do not know how her interpre tations affected others but to me they were pictures I saw what she sang spread out like a canvas before me Her face mobile and expressive lent it self to every scene of which she sang Her pate green gown charming in its simplicity and out the midnight black ness of her hair and the creamy oval of her face Her voice has flexibility un limited power is finely controlled It will probably gain in roundness as she matures for this artist is a youthful one She bold her audience with two things personality and her fine use of a very lovely voice Mrs Urn Stephenson and talking of her felt that she will- attain even greater heights Wo will watch her career with in terest and hope to hear her again The Violinist As came On I felt Hilda on one side of me and Archie on the other snap to even sharper for Hilda has and is studying some of the numbers piped by Ibis and I think Archie would like live everyone play violins or in Alks lea sort of suppressed iy out of the flame to tljal bar grey gown allowed of freedom of motion to W who many muscles w of Iwdily I nave heard people say in all I listen to a violin for very long Maybe they cant but at high school that night people listened as one and proverbial pin dropping would have sounded a bombshell bowing fascinated me not every violinist is graceful but here was a player whose bowing was delightful to watch This violinist had power and tenderness and sympathy Neither artist sang or played down to their audience their audience were supposed to meet them on their own level the level of real music And this was so it was an audi ence of music lovers One man said to Archie that he had only ope fault to find there were too few concerts on the list We were very proud our president Mrs that evening Her words of welcome and appreciation for those who worked to make this concert series a success were the right words in the right place The executive ami directors had an opportunity after the concert to meet the artists in the bospitabJe and charming home of Mr and Mrs Needless to say all true artists they were unassuming and apprecia tive and a pleasure to meet We look forward to the next con cert Spaghetti Supper Before going to the concert Wednesday evening Archie and attended the spaghetti supper Johns school Now hesitated about going for sad as it may seem spaghetti I do not always meet on equal terms connections are occasionally missed However we went ami en joyed it in spite of the battle- sometimes a losing one that I waged with the slippery dainty envy the people who can give a twist of the wrist and the spaghetti coils meek ly round their fork and there to be nothing to it I have far morn sympathy for the wo- man who said if she took her young child he would probably be eating one end while she ate the other Anyway it was a good supper ECONOMIZE with The paint for beautiful WALLS CEILINGS DODDS HEY PLLS J Tired- WpfJ rtlwl itm back- M W t drng tJ- eta Aummir LOBLAW SHORT RIB roast vn i LB ROAST SOME MOULDER ROAST LB LB 75 75 ARROW BRAND SMOKED BACON J COUNTRYSTYLE ore Pork SAUSAGE FOODS TO COOK 1HQlbS3c choici COD u4Sc choice SOU lb CHotci lb CHOICE OCEAN PERCH lb 51c i A QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE BAKERY in ill as AissaiMAUlOW nl ALPINE C SIEGER ALE JACK ft PEANUT BUTTER SPECIAL 2 30nOZ aires it JAR FAMOUS ICE CREAM AYLMER PORK a CHOICE DICED BEETS BOSTON BROWN IN TOMATO SAUCE 2 wn TINS TIMS HNSENS regular CHEESE SSMS QUICK or REGULAR PURITY FLOUR for all your baking PURITY WHITE MIX MOTHER SU CARTON 4IOZ LARGE BAG 31 33c 27c 35 36c 55 ORANGE LISTIH TO MATHER PARKERS MUSICAL MYSTERIES PROGRAM OVER YOUR RADIO STATION WIN A METEOR SEDAN BEING GIVEN AWAY ON FEBRUARY CoflM Vatttl FRESHLY GROUND PRIDE rj ARABIA So Good YeH Mom POUND 99o POUND 92c of sweet juicy size SIZE EMPEBOR CHAPES CidP CALIFORNIA GREEN TOMATOES CELERY HEARTS mo RICE TASTY FLORIDA CRISP for lbs 29 IE All BUNCH ONTARIO GROWN Mcintosh REDS or NOR t E8SBSRS BABY FOODS CEREAL FOOD ft 23 STRAINED FOODS 3 29 NATIONAL HEALTH WEEK FEBRUARY to mini LA1IL SEASIDE LARGE LIMA BEANS PLAIN or CHOCOLATE UPTONS ORANGE PEKOE TEA PURITY CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX CLARIS SAUCE DOMESTIC SHORTENING GOLDEN BAR CHEESE plain or McLarens barbo old cave old cheese ogavie wheat hearts MONARCH FLOUR iao mm CALEDONIA JORDAN GRAPE 73 27 31 29 31 32 15 33 IT W TIN OS ITL MI CARTON COTTAGE BRAND LOBLAWS BREAD WHOLE lOAf 14o 15 loilaws RED LABEL TEA BAGS or is or I laa J era FANCY CORN ffitf LEMON PIE FILLING 17 WESTON Wit Pun dWu 31 BELT BESSEBT PEABS 16 SKIMMED MTU POWDER 37 A MMMrCr 9 CHOCOLATES HA BOX POUND FANCY TOMATO LACO MAZDA LAMPS APPLEFORDS WAXED PAPER Y MX BE BAUABBS HEALTH FOOD is r CLEANSES SOAP 2 CASHMEBE TOEFT SOAP SUPEBSBDS Of TIM UK a DEAL BUDS PLUS APRON MONDAY I THURSDAY AM 12 NOON FRIDAY AM IS PM SATURDAY AM PM CO TIM K