Classifie Continu j FARM STOCK CATTLE Horses Hogs Pullets Geo White Threshing Machine Farm Implements the undersigned has received in to sell by public auction at LOT CON EAST TOWNSHIP AT MOUNT ALBERT WEDNESDAY FEB the following property belong ing to H BRODERICK CATTLE cow 5 yrs fresh Jan- cow bred Oct cow 8 bred Nov 5 cow due May 24 cow bred Jan cow fresh Jan Heifer due Apr Heifer 1 Heifer 2 bred Nov heifer 2 yrs due Feb heifer 2 bred Jan heifer bred Jan heifer heifer heifer heifers due NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF Sections and of The Ontario Muni cipal Board Act and IN THE MATTER OF an At York County hos pital Saturday Feb 2 to Mr and Mrs Francis Mount Albert a son At York County hospital Monday Feb 1 to Mr and Mrs Gordon man Bradford a son 9WinM At York t County hospital Thursday cation by the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket for the authority to dispense with a vote of the ratepayers in respect to a capital expenditure of for the construction of curbs gutters catch basins and storm sewers on Wafer Street from Main Street to Prospect Street APPOINTMENT FOR THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Friday the day of February at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon at the Council Chambers in the Town of New market for the hearing of all parties interested In support of or opposing this application DATED at Toronto this day of Signed Sanderson Secretary Oak Ridges daughter Our readers write I Letter to the welcome bat tt Banes of the writers most be known the editor The Editor In reply to Dairy At York County Farmers article of January 24 I Friday Feb 1 to Mr jam wondering when Dairy Far- and Mrs Thomas I is going to put his full a daughter weight behind the Federation CARUSO At York County You know that strength lies in Monday Feb to unity and only through co- Mr and Mrs Frank Caruso operation can unity be achieved In regard to the expensive briefs the carries on with executive staff of three KING RIDGE NEWS Our deepest sympathy is of fered to Mr and Mrs Meagher in their recent sad bereavement Birthday greetings to Master Bobbie Sproule whose birthday is Saturday Feb and to his mother Mrs Sproule whose birthday is Sunday Feb Happy birthday to you both The Womens Institute is hold ing CUBS WIN AWARD The Newmarket Cub pack will be given an award for holding the highest Cub achievement record according to Scout Head quarters in Toronto At the be ginning of last year a target was set to include increase in mem- more group committee meetings proper reports on pro gress camps hikes training of leaders and progress in winning its first social evening since badges first and second stars The award will be made at the Cubs father and son banquet on March being formed in August arid we are hoping to raise our considerably by doing are asking for the full support of all sister Institutes at Snow- tEDEftATION ball and King any A Vaftdbrf hall on January others who can visit us will The Newmarket Era and Exp Thursday Page Oak Ridges News Mr and Mrs Charlton NOTICE THE COMPANY LIMITED NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING OF ray Cow due Apr SHAREHOLDERS lack cow yrs bred Feb NOTICE is hereby given that Black cow yrs bred Oct 25 flack heifer bred Tan lack heifer 3 fresh Jan heifer Red heifer calf heifer calf YORKSHIRE HOGS Yorkshire sow bred in Nov Yorkshire sow bred in Nov Yorkshire sow bred in Nov Yorkshire sow bred Jan 1st Yorkshire sow bred Jan 51h Yorksire 3 old Yorkshire sow with pigs Yorkshire sow with Pius sow with piss Pen of about lbs- Pen of pips about lbs Pen of 20 pigs about lbs Fen of nigs about lbs POULTRY AND EQUIPMENT Pullets laying and brooder houses shelters Brooder stoves for coal Feed troughs and water founts HAY AND GRAIN Quantity of oats Quantity of wheat About bales of mire hay About to of loose hay HORSES Gray mare a gel Gray geldine aged IMPLEMENTS Geo While threshing machine No ft first class general meeting Of the Shareholders of The Telephone Company Limited will be held at the office of the Presi dent Dr K Schom- berg Ontario on Wednesday the flay of February at the hour of pm Eastern Stand ard Time for the purpose of con sidering and if deemed advis able passing a resolution re quiring the Company to be wound voluntarily pursuant to Part of the Act appointing a liquidator or liquidators for the purpose of such for the of the Comp any fixing the remuneration to he paid to and the security any to be given by him or them and transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any thereof DATED at Bradford this day of January order of The Board Evans secretary lion clover concaves use Afassey Harris binder years Cockfhutt and drill used years 11run Grain drill mower ft Ma Harris spreader 3 years Font Tiller stifftooth tines Ma Harris hay loader used years Ml Vernon Loader with winch for tractor single walking plow McDceriny single walking plow Drive Bell jood plows Roller woodrn Turnip drill Set of tandem discs Harrows sections 2 Draw bars Set of sleighs Potato six rows Potato planter Potato grader Tot Ion root and McDecrinc Ducktooth scuffler on rubber Sets skeins Sets steel wagon wheels Hay tack With and low lad ders Wagon box with platform Fanning mill with screens Road drag plank iron shod scales and crate Disc plow Pig rack Electric fence Set of Binder canvas Barb wire about rods Wire fence wire Lotfglne chains Scales lbs capacity posts and cedar posts and Wheelbarrow Milk pails Stewart hand power Universal machine ft cream separator in chopper in Blacksmith vide anvil Forge Set of double harness of harness Crosscut saw 2 knives Power saw blade and emery wheel Wooden shute for roots Lawn truck Fork Doubletrees Numerous other articles the fame time and place on Saturday Feb we will sell furniture watch for bills AT NOON SHARP TERMS CASH NO RESERVE AS FARM SOLD The WA will serve refreshments Reg Pearson A Clerks A Far J RYE In memory of our father James who passed away Feb 2 Six years today our fattier was called to his eternal rest Gone where the angels sing so sweet And taken when God knew best We miss him here so very much His presence oft seem rihro But we all hope in Heaven to meet Where no one says goodbye The family In loving mem ory of a dear fatherinlaw Oak Ridges a daughter GLASS At York County Monday Feb to Mr and Mrs William Glass Oak Ridges a son At York County hospital Monday Feb to Sir and Mrs Bruce Oxbridge a daughter A- At York County hospital Thursday Jan 10o2 to Mr and Mount Albert a son KULHAAt York hos pitalFriday Feb to Mr and Mrs Joseph Brad ford a daughter- At County hospital Thursday Feb to Mr Mrs Nell McCarthy Richmond Mil itson At County hospital Wednesday Feb and Airs Fred Aurora a daughter At York County hospital Thursdayv Fob to Mr and Mrs Ken a son OBRIEN At York County hos pital Sunday Feb to Mr a Re Mr and Mrs Calvin OBrien Baldwin a son OSBORNE At York County hospital Monday Feb to Mr and Mrs Richard Osborne Bradford a daughter SMITH At York County hospi tal Monday Feb A to Mr and Mrs Robert Smith Aurora a son SMITH At York County hospi tal Saturday Feb to Mr and Mrs David Smith Lang- staff a son STEWART At York County hos- Saturday Feb to Mr and Mrs Elmer Stewart Lake Wilcox a son SWEET At York County hospi tal Wednesday Feb to Mr and Mis Verne Sweet Newmarket twins son and daughter WKLLESLKY At York County hospital Thursday Jan Mr and Mrs Douglas Well King a daughter At York County hospi tal Tuesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Donald Yorke Jack sons Point a daughter YOUNG At York County hospi tal Tuesday Feb to Mr and Mrs Frank Young Aurora a daughter DEATHS CLEMENTS At Toronto East members and an annual budget of about or an equivalent of about cents per or ganized farmer Did Dairy farmer contribute his cents through the levy system or perhaps he lives in an unorganized township holding out st- beggars hand to the township council for a yearly grant You top sir are a mem ber of the Federation in case you did not know it and we you and get out of it what we put into it more than welcome It will take the form of a euchre and Valen tine lunch with door prizes and other things the date to lie Wed Feb Tickets can be obtained from the convener Mrs J Best or other members WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Continued from Page Why cant we do that Councillor Murray said his in tention was to stimulate interest in the rink He was pleased with the opportunity of serving on the board He was constantly being asked by the man on street for information on this In regard to Dairy Farmers He that among other things more publicity was need ed and that hockey talent in Aurora should be taken Care of for red herring may suggest he things more publicity obtain Resale Price Maintenance an interim report of the commit tee to study Combines Legisla tion Kings Printer Ottawa This is the report which form ed the basis for the new law prohibit the fixing of retail prices by manufacturers Fol lowing this report a committee made a further investigation after which the bill was debated and finally pass in the House of Commons I am leaving for your further information re the CFA brief a- copy The Rural CoOperator December issue along some Federation Agriculture booklets the Era and Express office and extend an invitation to you to attend the Pro ducers annual on February in the agricultural board rooms re marketing legislation Pine Orchard Ham who passed away Pcb- wiward in his husband of Dorcas The Editor I hardly know how to assess your columnist Dairy Farmer Some weeks I could pat him on the back and say well done at other times I could say that man likes to sound off His column of Jan prompts me to say That man really likes to sound off In his first two paragraphs his deductions are reasonable and he says Here is a clear ease for the Federation of Agriculture Jo investigate In the next five paragraphs he discredits the Federation Throughout the five para graphs he speaks as though the Federation was as far removed from him as the or or any labor union Does he not know thai a mom- Feb We watched you suffer day by day And could not help in any way But Just stood by and saw you pass Into he Saviours arms at last Norma CHADWICK oyer loving of a dear husband Wil liam who passed a- Feb Theres an open gate at the end of the road Through which each must go alone Tin we meet Spain Always remembered by his wife Sarah Alice loving memory of a dear father who passed away Feb Time takes away the edge of grief Rut memory turns back every Y Rose Bob and Bobby CARDOF THANKS wish to thank many friends and relatives for the acts of kind shown tome my wife daughter also flowers and fruit to me while In the Special thanks Is Or Dr Ritchie and the nurses and staff of York County hospital Wallace Adams CARD THANKS We wish to our heart felt thanks to host of Wends relatives and neighbors who have helped us through days of sorrow with beautiful flowers words of sympathy and deeds of kind- only say thank you so mveh Mrs Oldham and girls In loving memory of our friend Mr C Who away February Loves greatest gift re mem Always by Cordon Pat and family In loving memory of a dear husband Charles liar who passed away Feb Cone from ii5 but leaving mem ories Death can never take away Memories that will always ling- Wiile upon ibis earth we stay Ever by wife Olive in of my dear husband Ross Wrlghtmnn who away Ian Remembrance a golden chain Death tries to break hut all in vain To have to love and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of my heart years may wipe out many they wipe out never The memory of those happy days When we were both together Lovingly by his wife year Isabel of Ave Toronto and father of Mrs Bryant and Russell Edward Clernants of Toronto and If of Newmarket brother of Mrs Sleep Mrs Lillian and Mis Florence Brown all of Service ivas held on Feb In terment Memorial Cemetery COOK After a brief illness at York County hospital Newmar ket Thursday Jan Lillian in her year wife of the late Franklin Cook sister of Joseph of Calgary and of William Dean of Weston Service was held on Feb Interment Mount cemetery GIBSON At Newmarket on Jan August Gibson of he fate May Swain and father of Ellas Amy Gib son unit Joseph Gibson Service was held on Jan Interment cemetery MORTON At Si Josephs ho nital Hamilton on Tuesday Feb 1952 Matilda in her year wife of the late Walk er Friend Mqrton eldest daugh ter of the late Mr and Mrs Roane and mother of ACROSS Mrs Continued from Page Vineland Mrs- Paul YGlrtdys of Toronto Mrs Miles that build this invisible bond Audrey and ro Rex both of also are sisters Mrs Robert Put- It was his intention to press these necessities I Letter From A Reader We have received the follow ing letter from a reader There is a good deal of hot talk going on just now in regard to town When is this supposed to start What I mean is that a lot of tion is needed right now as any one can see if they look at the dangerous state of the sidewalks through people not cleaning off the snow in front of their homes places of business You have a plug in last weeks Era for some of your neighbors on Spruce and Cath erine streets Living in the neighborhood know that a number of them deserve it- But if you are honest about it you must agree that there are some bad spots on both of these streets you have singled out for special mention Why dont some of these folks get out when its pos sible to clear the snow instead of letting it lie to become a deathtrap for elderly people later on That would be one way of beautifying our town- right here and now As for certain patches on both sides of street north of Wellington theyre a sheer dis grace except for some fine From Catherine to Centre the sidewalk is kept won- bare except for one little patch south of Catherine Its a trap for the aged and tricky for the not so aged From Centre to street youve really got something Ice ice ice ami lots of ice two ur three inches thick I helped an old man up the other day and it wasnt a pleasant sight to see the Whitchurch federation of agr held an election of of ficers past McMillan fiennis 1st J 2nd G sec Arniitage Mrs Ross county dirr Ei Dermis McMillan Wellington Reports from the Ontario con vention were by the coun ty delegates Mrs Ross and J The Ontario Federation has a paid staff of three secretary mana ger and three in the office Total receipts for were York County asses moot was i893 The largest contributor was United Cooper ative 0000 A cooperative hos pital at Shelboiirne returned 50 percent patronage dividend to members ftfr Bruce mana ger of Newmarket Cooperative was guest speaker Mr a travelogue of a mile cooperative trip into Indi ana Pennsylvania New Jersey and Ohio They visited plants where- co operative mass of farm produce was employed At one farm cows were milked three times per day The cows were placed on and released au tomatically from a a machine fashioned after a mer- Weekend visitors of Mr and Mrs Bob Ash were Mr and Mrs Lome Ash their daughter Mrs Arnold Ross and young daugh ter Christina Jane of Belleville of Toronto On Sunday Mr and Mrs Ash a brother and Mr Ash of were I visitors at the Bob Ash home home Mrs son Rus sell aged is staying with Mr and Mrs Ash and attending Oak Ridges school On Jan Mr William Ash celebrated his birthday when his daughter Mrs Fred Hare with whom he re sides entertained 20 guests Mr Harold Cook of son of and- Mrs Cook of Oak Ridges remains in critic cat condition m Toronto East General Hospital His wife parents have more nope for recovery rOiri a brain nearly two weeks ago Although still critically ill he passed the crisis on Tuesday and shows improvement Rife Taylor fractured small Bis wrist white playing hotkey the King City team a couple of weeks ago At He is wearing a dlst and Will to use his hand for another six weeks His brother Charlie and Lloyd Boyle are carrying his electrical business At the same match against the team John Richards King received a fractured rib The accidents Were caused by body checks fast game Mrs Frank Stiver has been appointed secretary of Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox Rate payers Assoc the first woman appointed to the executive com of the association Absenteeism What personal interest and- contact can do to promote tendance at school is seen at he only hand work done was placing the suction cups on the cows udder The milk was sold on the New York mar ket at per quart Mr Charles Hooper president York County said the public de mand for a lower food price the high price paid for coarse grains for export the increasing price I the farmer has to pay for farm equipment the high rate of wages industry pays are forcing the livestock farmer out of business In the past few weeks 50 car loads of cattle have been impor ted into Canada In eggs cheese butter bacon were imported Air Edgar Dennis said farm people left the farm in of his breed association is a director on the York County ice Federation Or that he can or- Fortunately he AURORA COUNCIL Continued from Pago a farm forum in his com- where there is now no farm forum Or that he could work to organize a township unit of the Federation in his township where there is now no township unit Or that the Hog Producers and Milk Pro ducers and the Farmers arc all part and parcel of the Federation And that as a farmer and a member of any or all of these organizations he can air his views in a proper manner to any or all these groups If Eairy Farmer knows all these things then why did he write this column the way ho did For he says in the last paragraph of his column of Janu ary fh the end it will de pend on all of us and the inter est we take in the affairs of our own group how successful ah organization Is If Dairy Farmer docs not know these things then he is not as well informed as lie thinks he is Sincerely yours Another Dairy Farmer broken a bone Its no better on the west side except for one or two homeowners from to Catherine and further on to Maple on both sides of the high way Why doesnt the council do something about it and help beautify and make safe the town in winter time We are duly publishing the letter received our only comment is that we are entirely in agreement with it in regard to the dangerous conditions re ferred UK Kvents Past We did not receive a top brass invitation to the or Trade meeting on Thursday Jan private one of which we did not avail our selves We dined simply quiet ly and refreshingly at home Reports reaching us are to the effect that there was a super- roll of minutes which took three quarters of an hour to cad a speech which was largely inau dible it was directed down wards to the table and a vocal who produced a maximum of sound a mini mum of melody Sounds as though there were arid travail at the mceling of the of Trade us listened to his j Heavy going said one reporter Christmas message without being Vents To Come loving memory of my father Leslie Dean Yates who passed away February fi Remembrance Is a golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain To have to love anrl then to part Is the greatest sorrow of ones heart The years may wipe out many things Rut this they wipe out never memory of those happy days When we were all together Ever remembered by daughter Barbara and soninlaw Lloyd mart of Mrs Fred of Toronto Private service was held on Thursday Interment In MURRAY At Rest haven Home Aurora on nnirsfiay bm 1952 Margaret Ann wife of the late Fred Murray of Robert Murray Mrs Kerr Muriel Mrs Kay anil Murray Perron Que dear sis- tor of and Mary Par- Service was held on Feb interment Newmarket ceme tery At on Tuesday Jan Mrs Mary Davis Drive wife of the late Clayton and mother if Russell Service was held on Friday at the chapel of house and Rose Newmarket In terment Newmarket cemetery moved by the apparent physical weakness shown in his husky voice None of us on reading of the departure of his daughter last week on her ex tensive tour of the common wealth but prayed that this would not Imj their last meeting Readers arc reminded of two important events to come The benefit game will take place at the Aurora Memorial arena oh Friday night Feb This game announced in our sue of last week should attract a groat crowd Interested spec tators Our King is dead What can we say in praise of such a man TIiJsdny evening Feb In him were majesty and CARD OF THANKS wish to thank Rev Mr rick for his lovely verse and wonderful prayer the ranis and Christian church for the flowers also Mrs Tay- making such a wonder ful choice Dr and the many friends and neighbors for combined May God see fit to continue In his daughter these same qualities of greatness so that we may say in our hearts with our mouths Long live the Queen for their hexes of and mm acts kind ness also the hUiSlnR staff for their attention during my stay I In hospital Dennis Thompson r OF THANKS dp- neigh Eastern Star Chapter and the Ladies Lodge for lovely cards also the and Wo- I mens Institute for the lovely the famed choral group Lawrence will come Wons ifall Their appearance should prove of the interest to those who firsclass singing Arnold has been to by a car owner genius in a owner to Arnold runs along the puts his car to it ft doc tor with a stethoscope can tell you exactly what tho trouble Is Youll find advertisement these pages It Is hovel and direct Please study it It could save you money JR LADIES AID their many of kindness dur- boxes of fruit I received during my Illness my accident Stanley Wight Keswick Mrs The Junior Ladies Aid Chris tian Baptist church Newmarket will meet at the homo of Mrs- Gordon Stiles fi SImcoe St West on Tuesday Feb at 8 the need of a new reservoir There is much talk of bringing in new industries said Mr Cor belt but the fact is we havent enough water to care of them Water is running to waste and were doing nothing about it If a hot summer comes along people will be calling out for water We need more ample supply of water Mayor Rose supported the re marks of councillor ad ding that the town of Aurora should get busy this year on the installing of a new reservoir Report Oh Meters Councillor why no report had been prepared on the meters Such a report had been asked for last year and the public had a right to know the full facts concerning the meters Such a report should be publish ed in the local papers- The town clerk stated that pressure of business had been such that he had not had the time to prepare the report but he would attend to It New Assessor Council decided to advertise for a new assessor with the may or pointing out that a former assessor had complained that Ins application for the position had not been considered the suggestion being made that letter ho had mailed by regis tered post had not been picket up at the post office on the day when applications were being considered by council fa that case said councillor ho have sent off his letter We cannot ex pect the town clerk to be running to the post office every to see if a letter come in Other Business Buchanans cartage for ease 50 monthly which will ho considered Mayor Rose brought the matter of garbage disposal stat ing lhat many complaints had been received from neighbors on destruction of a woodland location by such pucker referred to a properly whjch was continuing to be iHhnhJted exiling health lards asked council what the ipracctUire Purely thats mat Jones here In town councillor fucker- promptly re piled TVs not more distant from where wo are sitting The mayor made a note of matter promising attention Other business being conclud ed council rose at pm For a fuller review of council business and an estimate of what has been done and left undone see Council Sidelights In next weeks Issue Editor Mulholland attendance officer for Whitchurch township brining the attendance up over percent Oh Monday of this week the principal Mrs Cross reports attendance per cent- Two classrooms had full enrolment and another room re ported one pupil absent When an absentee is reported to Mr a Lake Wilcox resi dent he immediately investi gates Realizing that school grants and classroom coordina tion depends on daily attendance the school board and ratepayers association cooperate to end un necessary absence of pupils While Mr is in a posi tion to devote time to this mat- the principle of personal in terest might well be copied by other school sections where ab senteeism is a problem In Oc tober and November at tendance at the Lake school was percent In January it was on percent Whitchurch Twp Teachers will hold the monthly meeting at Lake Wilcox school on Friday of this week when the local staff will be hostesses to the gathering Mrs O Killop wife of the school in spector will pour lea for the so cial hour Ladies in the com munity are providing refresh ments Miss Anne Stephenson will sing and Mrs L Harnden will give a violin solo accom panied by Mrs Doug Dance Program Organized Now that the square dancing class known as- Oak Old Dance Club has its full membership quota and a reserve waiting list programs are being organized The weekly gather ing of the club on Thursday ev enings starts out with a mixer developed from circle formation Following is a set of three squares a mixer again and a set of three squares The callers Jim and Carson call these sets while item five iufcthe program three squares called by recorder players Oak Ridges school every night are found an average attendance of more than a membership of Theexecutive of the club has been enlarged Besides presi dent Witt the secretary Mrs A Anderson treasurer Mrs there are Mr and Mrs Fred Coon Mr and Mrs Carson Mr A Andergon Mr Jim The community of Lake Wilcox has approached the executive to con duct class there Regular meetings of the executive will be held from time to time members enrolled in the club are Mr and Mrs W Mr and Mrs Hood Mr arid Mrs John Belknap all of King From this district are Mr and Mrs Alex Mr Hopkins Mr and Mrs Bert Comfort and son Lawrence Mr and Mrs Roy Roberts Mrs Clara Oak Ridges Lions Club will hold Ladies Night at Ridge Inn on Monday evening Feb Sixteen Tables of euchre and were held at Lions Euchre Night on Monday The Evangeline Auxiliary Mi S Trinity United church Newmarket will meet in the school room on Tuesdav Feb at fi Mrs C Gilbert will have charge of the devo- Mrs A King will give the report of the annual of Toronto Centre All ladies of the congregation arc welcome- Highest mountain peak in Can ada is Mount Logan ITS ALL NEW 52 FORD MONARCH TOM SONS LTD JOSEPH state UINN I Homes Businesses Farms Courtesy ST newmarket Phone Fire Auto Casualty StlLVlCE J SALE Of LADIES CLOTH COATS Reg 3750 SALE PRICE Km Ladies Station Wagon Coats Full length Fur trimmed Reg SALE PRICE Mens Worsted Suits with free extra pair of pants in broken sizes Reg 6750 SALE PRICE 4995 Hens Coats clearing 25 percent off Our special sale and see Dry Goods The Friendly Stare at the Bottom of the Hill PHONE MAIN ST NEWMARKET