L Pages from the Editors Notebook We saw a headline in a To- rnent Why do we make a paper which said that hero of a man simply doing his scientists were still puzzled duty Are we so bereft of over what makes the weather standards ourselves that we act as it does We cant under- idolize beyond reason man stand that at all Our neigh- that shows us the reflection of almanac has been quite what we all should be correct in its forecasts to date and surely if the almanac can figure it out then science can too We know that it has been a bewildering season temperatures changing as much as degrees overnight but we repeat our neighbors almanac is right on the wrong with science Nothing is as dead as yester days news We an informal poll and people to whom we put Who was the captain Flying Enterprise firfed forgotten one gave wrong name and one was coreifc Yet it was ago that Captain GatMri was in headlines across and his fight- his ship was on Were a skittish world that we can forget so easily crowd the of the old before have ted time to penetrate- We mention prison because of the mass caused by his fight against sea He had a reasonably sound excuse for starring With his ship the establishment a point of law should the ques tion of salvage be raised But he did no more nor Jfess than was expected of him a fact he first of all would Other seamen have done as much and sometimes a great deal more and the world has paid them no heed- and radio were responsible for the sensation made of his plight to be sure but the press and radio were only sell ing a product that the public demanded- One clear voice was raised in all the tumult- Weve for gotten the speaker but what he said should be considered Why he asked all the across this bit in Napier Moores Scratch Pad in thcKaahcial Post have just been reading The Royal Can- iJourited Police quarter ly Corporal J Guimets impressions of the Royal Visit Cjuimet was of the four orderlies who Elizabeth and the of Edinburgh On I tour and then on the Invitation of Their Royal High- Journeyed with them to Inland a Very good re porter and entirely sth little which party from For- Cove Newfoundland to the impress of Scotland and gaini im iniify Empress which bucked heavy seas across Mi Atlantic the purities were seasick And lie says we like is this In the re ceived a bit of fan mail from Including this letter I hope you are getting on- alright In- London and hope it stops raining my name is Peter and I am ten live in a prefab with and daddy arid little dog Puffy I cannot come to see you as I have been ill bed for nine weeks but used to listen on the radio about the Mounted Police and would love to seeybiif uniform if you have a little boy in Canada would he write to me hope you liked the Princess and little Prince Charles Do you always get from Peter Smith W day so later Peters eyes popped clean out of his head For into his own bed room there walked and Const A Matthews of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in scarlet tunics n Peter Smith had got his men ant Express Serving Newmarket Aurora and rural district of North York The Newmarket Express Herald Published every Thursday Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express limbed Subscription for two yarn 250 for one year in advance Single copies are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Weekly Association and the Audit Bureau of Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa m i I JOHN A MEYER Managing editor JOHN Newt Editor Sports LAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and Production Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE SEVENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND Front Files of While the driver of sons milk sleigh was delivering bottles dawn town on Monday morning the horse took a to trot off on its own ac count ran against andah post in front of the George Hotel The impact not only scattered the bottles hut threw the horse off ite Brown Hill Our grain David Hilliffr loaded car of wheat last week arid also unloaded a car of corn is a hustler Get at corn before it is J gone Sharon The young- are busy practising for to lake place in Watch for particulars later Mr and Mrs Mussel- white of Eaton I Farm en tertained their at a party on Friday A filled with young people Set on Monday night iftot over on the to at tend a euchre party Zephyr On Thursday of last a was held in the community hall tisja- fitting to the courses St Valentine flay a week from Monday Sixteen from ford were the cause of some of the closest plays and a lively evening the Newmarket club when on Monday night they invaded Newmarket and engaged the docal men of the stone age in a friendly tourney Close scores were the order of the evening Newmarkets win being by but one point FEBRUARY It is a very rare thing to have a wedding postponed especial ly when all parties to the con tract are anxious to fulfil it but such was the case here last Tuesday A wedding was announced to take place in St Johns church the groom was at Mount Albert and he expected to drive here in time for the hour set However he had to telephone that it was im possible for him to get through owing to the state of the roads and the wedding was postponed till yesterday The Tennyson Club will meet If Richardsons next Tuesday when the Ode on the Death the will studied Tor Saturday nighty Was a pretty good audience at the town and everybody was well pleased with the mar vellous exhibition of hypnotic Jones ex ercised oyer the many candi dates that went on the form The hew- Methodist church at is one of the handsomest and most tidy structures in the districts of York It is of red brick and of the best workman ship throughout The doors are of very massive design and the windows of style of ar chitecture Holland Landing What is the matter with the electric street lights these dark nights Guess the power house is not running order Keswick A robin was seen here on Saturday a very singu lar occurrence for this time of year PERIL BORDER BREEZES The United States congressman who wants Canada annexed in payment Britains war debts did more thaiv his ignorance He also provided Canadian writers and commentators with an excellent excuse for little chest thumping on their own account For example one radio forum discussed the ques tion Should Canada annex the lliiited States and regretfully concluded that since Canada was on the upswing and the United States now at its peak the annexation of the United States would be something of a disadvantage since Canada would be carrying that much deadweight that particular foinirn thought that Canadians would be very much at a disadvantage because of the in There were just not enough Canadians to reeducate the Americans Several weekly papers got in the act but the best was an editorial in the Financial Post entitled Why Not Join Us It read in part We have had recent experience in enlarging our country can attest to success There might be some as to whether the would come In as new provinces or as an eleventh province but that is something which could be ironed out later We have the materials The US could supply the factories people and markets toysupport them We have billions of dollars of money here now and like it we might as well have the people too We have sound governments and they are always wanting to take on more and more duties To run the US would be a real challenge it might even give our Senate something to do In addition particularly in Ontario we have a pool of unemployed politicians If the US still thinks that we are under Britains hand they might be willing to trade their country as pail payment for US debts incurred toward Britain before the Revolutionary War These are now quite large if reckoned with compounded interest since incidentally if the Americans became Canadians they could really claim to have won the War of and to have been in both world wars from the very begin ning Ottawa would remain the capital but a winter capital could he built somewhere in the South some small spot like Vero Beach Florida Washington is not warm enough and hasnt any good beaches The empty buildings there could be used for overcrowded Ottawa departments Canada has additional political advantages The climate already gives a lot of people a deepXreezc every winter and have lots of nativesgrown mink By our own admission this is our century so the Americans had better get on our bandwagon NEW GOVERNOR GENERAL no longer assured The only alternative unfortunately would be a revision of our constitution to permit us to do without a governorgeneral and that is as unwanted as the political appointee NEED FIRM MILK POLICY Some hard but very appropriate words were spoken Am to theDairy Farmers of Canada at their annual meeting in Montreal by the deputy minister for agriculture in Nova Scotia Walsh He said If the dairy industry is to be made strong and Virile it is necessary to establish a definite drastic positive daily policy In my opinion this policy should not be one of constantly criticizing others It may call for discarding some timeworn beliefs and traditions which have been handed down from father to son It may call too for the discarding of some of the dairy industrys own sacred cows through the immediate removal of some of the not touch signs in dairying Mr Walsh charged the producers with a large measure of the responsibility for the present state of the daily industry He said that breed sentimentality more barns and more equipment than neces sary poor barn arrangement indifference to grassland programs and ultra expensive feeding have all played a part in maintaining a high cost of production lie described these as some of the sacred cows which must be discarded He was critical of the lack of development and pro gress in many processing plants critical of the lack of change in the type of management critical of the lack of scientific leadership in production processing and merchandising He was critical of the lack of clarity in dairy legislation the variety of laws and regulations was confusing Dairy associations were too concerned with local matters rather than with the support of a national organization with a national policy And finally he said that because milk was so valuable a food those the dairy industry had come to believe that all that was necessary was to produce a good product and the Canadian people would clamor for it This lie said may once have been true but it no longer applies in this age of advertising impulse buying and high powered publicity The dairy industry must he said to properly publicize its wares The foregoing is a considerable indictment and must we think have been delivered under a full head of steam And while those in the dairy industry may rush to the defence of the sacred cows that Mr Walsh has said must be discarded we believe that if they stop and think of facts instead of nursing feelings theyll agree that Mr Walsh is sound The fact is that the dairy industry is suffering It docs need overhaul ing And the job can be started most effectively by the producers There is general agreement that the choice of lit Hon Vincent as Canadas first governorgeneral is the best that can be made Actually the appointment is no surprise was pretty well the obvious choice Jojr that mattetv fe the appointment of a Canadian as significant as it may appear The process which has in this appoint ment was begun years ago the appointment of governorgeneral is the logical outcome Canada has since the beginning of the exercised virtually complete control over its domestic and foreign policies and now exercises complete control The abolition of the privy GJHJijctf was to move in severing all formal connection with England The of a Can ad fan governorgeneral ends the process Unfortunately many of who supporbtHe appointment do so Inscausc of the manner of the man who was appointed Their rtpprovftt i a Canadian appointment is contingent ffiom such approval does not term of office When his always the danger successor will influenced office which has been and prestige of the British a political That possibility is the only argument against the Canadian appointment long the King appointed the nonpolitical vim Assured itfSR placed upon tlib surely the most But that rorpiirement at home CANADIAN CONCERT I m I On Wednesday of last the first under the sponsorship of the Newmarket branch of the Cana dian Concert Association was held in Newnuirlcet high school and was a grand success both in tlie large attend ance ami the excellence of the lvo artists Miss Marg uerite and Miss It was some weeks ago that the began to organize at that time while the general feeling too miibUiOHsi were si m ply enough interested to ma it I low wrong this reached its short time selling lerslnpSi And last week tlioe who had bought tickets had their faith in the amply rewftrdedi But ket is theltiehtSwHftl through Concert Association are supporting artists instead of discouraging and sending them to the United States to make good The Report said It seems people should cnjpellcl togo ftttarenirttn out the country for lack of iho Cana dian Concfcrt stale of affairs is changed in part at least Junior the reporter really It comes to doing things in manner When ho once decides to something he lets no harrier stand in his way he once no task ftp Friday KcrWar Sffij a broken Juiiiors for better for worse was down with of thS 24hour stornach and the lot that him wai that- of doiftf Stout of heart body but less than that of mind our herb set off for Thumb supercata comb market As he put his shoulder to the massive door it gave way and he fell among housewives Once inside there was no turn ing back as the seething masses of commoditymad engulfed our timid friend and he was swept along the aisles of consumer goods Those people out on the side walk had laughed at him him the apparently henpecked hus band who stood out in a throng of housewives like a red traffic beacon for all to see a public exhibition for screaming yap ping faces to jeer at Turning now past the perspiring overcoat unbutton ed hanging limp on his shoul ders like a buffalo robe scarf drooping loose at three quar ters length he felt like an mo in a steam bath He gazed at a thousand brands and picked up the to mato soup Four shopping rows later he discovered in horror that it was tomatoes stewed Now with his shoulder to the capacity laden shopping car riage he forged through the milling crowds back to the soup Toothpaste was next on the list The wife whom he now visualized as one who makes lampshades out of human skin in a prison camp the whip tyrant who was putting him through tbia stifling chamber of household horrors had listed toothpaste among the fruit items Toothpaste was at the opposite side of the store he imagined north he to mush for this disgusting bathroom trivia Once fie came Upon the listed carelessly at the Bottom of page A part derS Where oh where could the stuff be Capitulating quarterhour hunt he dropped to one knee before a ifffiof a friend whom he had bumped into and asked where the be over with the soaps didnt you know that she said her look branding him a stupid fumbling idiot Oh Ha ha Why certainly never thought of that Should have known Thanks really lots ha ha and he edged away into the crowd thankful to escape her penetrating gaze She was laughing at him too Everybody was laughing at him the And as he was swallowed up again it occurred to him that he hadnt even a suggestion of an idea of where the soaps were cached Light years later he found himself at the end of a cashier lineup damp clothes hanging from soaking body like shreds of dish cloths Bui this is the climax Get this He had been racing the clock Jor the four pm home deliver one of the day He could never carry that load a mule couldnt Paying his bill he glanced up at the wall time piece and with tears in his eyes collapsed over the mountain of groceries with the clock face imprint at stamped like a seal of hot wax upon his brain searing Babbling he was taken away by a passing road maintenance crew to a rest home for a few- days Obviously the physician said by Dairy Farmer mm The Top Six Inches The new year has certainly brought us some peculiar things to worry about The dairy far mers have the two percent milk to worry about and other so- called dairy drinks There is also another raise in pay in the winds by the milk drivers The beef men are faced with the break in price of finished cattle and the hog men are really down in the flumps having ex perienced a dollar drop In prices within a very short time We call it very short any since the prices broke since the Digs going to market today have been born other words when the farmer and feeder had made the decision and change A these factors have a far- tossing sleepless at night We imagine that the beef men will take head of lineup in worrying especially if they bought high priced feeders last year They might get out of it with their shirts intact if the rattle make good gains on mid if they have lots of roughage to feed The hog men are in a different position His feed is very high priced and he needs it when the time comes and needs it regardless of the price And this brings up the ques tion we were wondering about for some time Why is the price of western grain so high in spite of a socalled good crop and where is the large quantity of low grade wheat and coarse grain that we have been hearing about After all the price received for the end product down here is only a matter of concern in relation to the cost of producing it If feed prices would come down somewhat our concern wouldnt be so great can only think of two things which would hold the price up One that there are a lot of hogs fed out west on a poor grade of grain This has happened be fore The western farmers do feed a lot of hogs If this is the case the price of pork Is hound to go even THE OLD HOME TOWN lower since there must be an awful lot of grain out and since going into the pig business is a kind of snowball affair once it gets going it really goes up fast The other reason is that there is sonic tampering with the price of the grain This could bo done through private enterprise and also through government agencies We wish we could be informed somehow what has really brought about trie muddle wish that we could be assured that none of the price supports and fixings and grain marketing boards have something to do With fact that we arc shigk ping livestock to market at a loss when there is feed in the country up high artificial- are assured that our cattle population is increasing and that the hog population is larger We also know that Britain had to cut its meat imports and rations Welt remember the cries of outrage when the overseas bacon market disappeared be cause couldnt pay the price and Ave instead of real ising the importance of this contract simply told them that they could not have cheaper bacon- We are wondering if the pressure groups that forced the government hands headed by our western minister of ag riculture are as happy today as they were then And what Is the Federation of Agriculture going to do now Ask for subsidies Ask for cheaper feeds from the west And what will the western far mer think of the Federation when they realize that all this tampering with the law of sup ply and demand Is alt of a sud den turning against the very most ardent supporters of these plans We know the answer Farmers will suffer They might have suffered just as much otherwise Now is the time to do some hard thinking By STANLEY LOOK SO MIS HAT W73 niAT LOOKS EVtfAtANGOSe accept me 11 on their right in notional if not the function of fo auwm of which rest en i 2K