I York County Hospital SOUK Mount Albert News I KESWICK WELLDRILLING CO and Inch wells PHONE QUEENSVILLE KESWICK SEE FRED For Good Anthracite and Stoker Coal Pine St or phone PROMPT SERVICE The Mount Albert are sponsoring a public speaking contest for the five public schools in the district on Thursday Feb in the town hall at The program speakers P minister Total receipts 676282 Missions 62920 Womans Association for overseas boxes 14956 Cheerio Group Explorers C I tions solos and duets also scrap 37774 Sunday Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired Hoar Service books which were completed by January 31 Members are to come at 715 to arrange the busi ness of the Institute before pro gram also bring lunch for so cial half hour Mr and V Park and Miss Agnes of Maple were visitors on Sunday at the home of their brother Mr Couper Miss Martha Bain of Scott spent Saturday with Mrs Cain Mr and Mrs Roy visited Mr and Mrs Geo Wilkinson at on Sunday Mr and Mrs Sinclair spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs Archer at The night of the hospital card party in the hall some ladies got their rubbers changed Their names were in them if by mis take you have them please re turn them to the hall and get school The session reported burials baptisms five marriages Those newly elected to board of stexvards were Walter Rate Norman Oldham Murray Stokes Geo Snyder au ditor Mr and Mrs Herbert arid daughters of Goodwood were Sunday visitors with Mrs Smith Mrs Agnes is quite ill at her home and her daughter Mrs Blaine Moore of is with her Mrs Geo Sndyer spent several days this week in the General Hospital Toronto taking treatments before leaving on a holiday to Florida The funeral service for the late Mrs Frank Cook was held in the Chapel on Saturday after noon Feb Mrs Cook passed away at York County hospital on Thursday after a brief illness She was born at Owen Sound CANADIAN PLOWMEN ABROAD fcyJACAtIOUfrVSwy ONTARIO ASSOCIATION Farm Forum News Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Feb Editors note This is the fifth of a scries of weekly stories which John A Carroll assistant eternity minister of agriculture for Ontario and formerly secretarymanager of the Ontario Plow mens Association will write about the visit of Canals champion plowmen to the British Isles Germany Denmark and Sweden Richmond Hill Phone GIBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE Furniture Storage PHONE NEWMARKET your own Dr and Mrs land Ann attended the wedding of Mrs Carruthers niece Shir- ley Nash in Hamilton on Satur day Frank Smith of Niagara Falls I late Frank Cook she has made was a weekend visitor at the her home with Mrs in home of Mr and Mrs town She is survived by one sister Remember the play in the Mrs Jos Of Calgary and town hall Friday evening of this j a nephew Dean of week when Eden will put Newquay Cornwall ft is after midnight and we have little time to spare if this letter is to catch the overseas plane and our dead lines in Canada We have just come from the banquet of the west of England championship plowing match which was held a few miles from here today The banquet ended in a per sonal triumph for Gene Timbers our 18yearold champion horse plowman He carved another notch in his plow shaft by winning the open class for under 21 in todays tourney is put to work It supports on Ann sponsored by the Mr and Mrs Wilson will be at home to their friends on Saturday Feb from 2 to and in the evening from to to celebrate their golden wed ding anniversary Rev P was unable to take the church service at on Sunday owing to a bad cold Mount Albert United Church Church membership dent and nonresident Rev the daughter of Mr and Mrs were announced and came to the the banquet Albert ago After the death of her husband the W farmers The match at East was held under ideal conditions the weather was springlike and the ground good It attracted a large entry Weston The pallbearers were Messrs Roy Bill and Jack Fair William Dean Bruce and How ard Robertson Interment was in Mount Al bert cemetery CLIFF The TOKO MANUFACTURING CORPORATION anil their subsidiary WHIRLWIND INC in conjunction with P SONS LTD their distributor for the Pro vince of Ontario are pleased to announce tin appointment of STAN THE GARDEN TRACTOR MAN OF OAK RIDGES ONTARIO to represent them In this area in of their complete line of reel type ami rotary type power lawn mower ranging in sire to inches To cut front to acres per day In addition to tills complete line of power lawn mowers TROYfclt will continue to sell and service a complete line of TRACTORS CULTIVATORS POWER LAWN and allied types of Harden Lawn and Farm equipment Including wheel and wo wheel 2 and It KOTAVATOIP SO UK AVER ridhui trustor fl hip t0UKKR lawn sweepers SCYTHRTTPl I r THl GARDEN TRACTOR MAN OAK RIDGES service we sell Tip of the month Mta the Spring Rut Order NOW to make youll in timet ZEPHYR Mrs Jno Meyers is convales- at the home of her daugh ter Mrs at Mount Albert Mrs Meyers suffered a severe shaking up falling on some ice at her home here We hope she may soon be well again Mrs A visited and Mrs Will on Sunday last Mr and Mrs and family visited Mr and Mrs Jas on Sun day Among the delegates of the For the moment that is all on our first venture into competi tions on this side of the Atlantic this year We are now all look ing forward to the international match at Belfast next month will tell you more about todays exciting events in my next let ter In the meantime I want to bring you uptodate on the rest of our tour of Europe milk cows and an equal number of young cattle One hundred hogs had been marketed in the past year There are seven acres under wheat five acres of sugar beet and two and half acres sugar beet seed keeps two men on a yearly basis against 14 on the cowman and a operator their overage about a month with supplied- The labor bill seemed us foir a hut Mr said he made a good on his operations year and His profit may not be so high this year for his cattle con tracted the dread i mouth disease which hit about per cent of the Danish herds Serum was supplied by the gov ernment and appears to have checked the epidemic for the Lively discussions took place in local farm forums on Mon day eveninE Feb when the topic for discussion was What sets farm prices Groups were asked whether they thought it possible for farmers to control the prices they receive for their produce who should for marketing the surplus farm produce and whether it is better for the farmer to Have a long period of and downs in prices or a pnriod of stabil ized prices farm forum met at the home of Mrs Ralph and Mr and Mrs Hopkins Were the leaders with members The secretary A If reports that our two did not agree on these One group thought that uhcertaihties of farming poor crops supply arid demand etc made it impos sible for the farmer la control prices The other group thought we could control prices PINE ORCHARD Mr and Sirs James Hope are holidaying with Mrs Hopes brother Mr Percy and Mrs in Angeles California through an organized marketing group to which farmers would be required to belong As for the marketing of sur pluses all agreed that with a central marketing service the farmer could look after some surpluses the government to take care of livestock eggs pork butter etc There was also dis agreement in this group over whether stable prices desirable thing not meeting at jhe of Mr don Knott KetUeby North End forum j meeting at the home of Frank Beatty thought the former could control prices if a combine were formed and a controlled market was available Other sugges tions specialization experienced salesmen to sell the produce and a board set up to look after surpluses However they said It would be bet ter not to have the surplus in the first place Members of this are asked to meet at Sky Line Farms on Saturday Feb at sharp fins leaves at for lecttire Toronto The next meeting on will be at the home of John Harmon ft No Kettleby feast forum met at the home of Mr and Retail grocery sales in Canada during the first quarter of were up 166 per cent over the some period of A I DEAD STOCK HORSES CATTLE HOGS Toronto Em I GORDON YOUNG LIMITED fiTT ED TO OF SCRAP IRON as rapidly as possible they have less than tractors on and horses are commonly the most general the Jutland breed On some small we saw a Norwegian In my last letter I promised to it about the size of Welsh Mr Beverley of To ronto spent the weekend at his home School children enjoyed skat ing flt ijueonsville rink on Fri day afternoon Community club is holding a valentine party at the school on Friday night Feb Miss of Toronto is he are home of her Ross spent the last SJrS two on sm last count reported only new cases compared with a day at the about five weeks ago tell you about the different farms we visited in Denmark We I should explain are Eugene Norman iie Our trip from Copenahgen to Stockholm by air was un eventful except that the champion tractor plowman j w late and by the ive and myself John Carroll Farm Visits Our visit to these farms was for all of us the agricultural highlight of the Danish tour The farms were more than ordinarily interesting because they tended show both ends of the scale of the United church who attended the Toronto East convention at Don- tnl lands United church on Tuesday were Mrs Graham t0 25 SIZ0 Mrs and Mrs Gor don Mr and Mrs Thompson and Miss Haines of Sharon spent Sunday hero Miss Dorothy Curl spent a few days in Toronto last Rev spent Tues day attending the ministerial conference at Toronto Mrs and David called on her parents Mr and Mrs Brown of We are sorry to report Mis Richard Curl is confined to her bed for a fev days We hope she may soon enjoy her usual good health Mrs Barret has Itecn ill Tor a few days but is on the mend again The of the United church met at the home of Miss on Re ports of convention were given besides a good program A social half hour was enjoyed by all acres or more balance varies acre to acres There is very little bush or wasteland so that inmost cases the total area is arable Both farms wie visited were above the average The first was owned by do couple Mr and Mrs P Their estate ran to just over acres valued at between to ah acre or something near half a million dollars Despite his wealth the size of bis farm Mr is not an absentee Tanner by any means Wot once did he call upon his agent or foreman to an swer questions but reache Sweden our schedule was shot We immediately en tered a round of visiting local officials and held a press con ference The interest shown by in their Canadian guests and Canada continues to amaze us The fields of Sweden gave us our first sight of snow since leaving Canada and we felt quite at home when we saw the Swedes wearing clothing similar to our winter dress An imme diate contrast to Denmark was the number of new cars on Stockholm streets and others offered for lias been imported in Denmark since Tile days in Sweden wore short for darkness came on about I pm and it was still dark at in dull weather This is not surprising when it is re membered that Stockholm is on a latitude of compared to To ronto and Vancouvers On a Canadian map Stockholm would be iibout the middle of Hudson Bay Hotel Customs Our jaunt into has parents Mr and Mrs John Pyle Cedar Valley Service at Union church on Sunday Feb was well at tended Rev A chal lenged the congregation to be more faithful in their service to Christ ami the church Sunday service on Febru ary at oclock Sunday school at pm Classes for all ages tally explained the farms opera- given us many a chuckle frying lions to us There was no doubt Ho adjust to strange facilities and MOUNT The Mount A will meet at the home of Mis on Wednesday Feb Mrs Harry Smith will nave the devotional and Mrs J Gamble will he responsible for the program Roil call one of the Ten Commandments Hos tess is Mrs party held by the Sunday school on Friday night was a success with approximately GO nersons In tendance There were tallies in progress arid the winners were Indies Mrs consolation Doris Chambers mens 1st Mr Mitchell consolation Win ners of the games were girls 1st Joy solfltion Mary 1st to conso- John Friday Feb is the I euchre at take this as a personal Invitation to all to There will gnofi prizes and ladies ore ask ed to please provide Mr Tiaycroft arrived home from the hospital on Mon day of week and in getting along fine since his recent era I ion Communion service will lie held in the Mount Pleasant church next Sunday Feb 10 at Quito a attended the study at the home of Mr Moulds on Tuesday even ing At I he Mount Pleasant annual meeting held recently mem- surprised Mr fiobt David- son who has been their treasurer for the lost years with lovely Waterman fountain pun and an address appreciation of his work Mr and Mrs Kay and daughters and Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Davidson who was the active mailer Of the farm Mr Knstherg has almost completely mechanized liis farm His elaborate horse stables now house only two one Shetland pony His prewar draft animals have been re placed by five tractors and three selfpropelled combines Other machinery on the farm includes the latest equipment in lect farming and for missing grass and sugar beet tons into silos Ho has one of the finest seedcloaning plants I have ever seen It has two di visions the first to dry as is liarvcslttl other to clean small seeds Custom denning of small is done In winter and this ih- Dane even makes use of the chaff and Tie blows it through a pipe about long to the furnace which heats I ho estate ensile Just a Castle Nothing short of can the beautiful homo but in the familiar European courtyard stylo It first built in and still standing as proud as It was the day those century completed it The Knstljergs run a mixed farm supporting cows other cattle and until they were sold earlier year hogs Thorn arc acres in rapewstlH green when wo saw of which is for oil tire bo acres of sugar and an other acres for feed- Mr Koslberg estimated his wheal yielded times send sown ami Other grains yielded time- seed sown This good land and more important good farming Erik Larson our next host dressed and looked like a young executive hut he was farmer through and through He rents Ibis farm from his father paying annually for land stock and implement In addi tion be pays in taxes What the Israeli farm tucks in size it make up in efficiency planning and equipment We marvelled at the large equipped buildings the main barn is 100 feet long with a It is all i anted Every rod of the form hew customs AH European ho tels ask guests to leave footwear outside the door for cleaning overnight Since we are travel ling light with only gixq each have been afraid to take advantage of this One night at am was awakened with the thought wo were being burgled It was only the frus trated shoe porter creeping around my room cekihg my shoes A hath incidentally is not just u hath In London it was and oho half feet long my chance for a full stretch since swimming in crick In Hamburg we had a manslcd tub but not so big as Londons In Stockholm the bath rettemblcd milk cooling vat and Copen hagen it was a sitdown tub shaped like chair An ex tremely cold seat first thing in the morning Our hotel towels have varied as as the baths Perhaps could interpret na tional traits from this evidence but for us hotel linen link pro vided a con surprise Towels varied size to carpet size in London and Stock holm where they were feet by four feet Changing countries and cur rency every three days loft us easy to the Our has 6eeo just la blind out bank notes and meekly accept whatever change we get The mathematics involved Would take too long now back in ami tomorrow will start off of WnlJ3i so all wo have to worry about are our Welsh accents and control of our pounds and pence Wo keep you on our linguistic ami financial progress ARMITAGE Mr and Mrs Douglas Nigh and Mr and Mrs Del of Aurora spent Sunday in towel with the latters parents Mr and Mis Walter of Santl Hill visited Mr and Mrs Clayton and family on Sun day Congratulations In Mr and Mrs Vic oh the birth of a son on Jan Several members of the St Sewing Circle spent Wednes day afternoon quilting at the home of Mrs Frank Weir Auro ra The regular meeting will be held nt the heme of Mrs Fred Proctor on Wednesday Feb Mr and Mrs Norman Miss Hazel and Mr- Tom my Bullock spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Leo Mrs Cook called on Mrs Philip Reynolds of Aurora on Sunday Plan to attend Community Club dance on Friday Feb with Weirs orchestra from Mrs Ken Wedctel This group felt that the Federation of should study government statistics to inform the farmer of what products are most needed Prices could also be controlled through produce agencies Either marketing agencies or the gov ernment shoiitd handle sur pluses group was all in favor of stablizcd prices to secure a profit Notice Members of the New market East Farm Forum and Sharon Federation wilt leave in a bus from Sharon hall at sharp to go to Hall Toronto to hear Mr Louis All those going please be there oil time requests our correspondent Subject for discussion on Feb ruary will be Are commodi ty groups doing the job Please send in your reports early Farm Forum Editor ion RUCKERS Highest prices paid for scrap steel cast Iron and metals AND SON ST Corner old Weston and St Clair Phone TORONTO ONTARIO This ad worth one dollar with a load of scrap ITS All NEW 5 MONARCH TOM SONS ANNUAL MKKTINO YORK COUNTY HOG PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION PARISH HALL NEWMARKET Tuesday Feb 12 am Speaker Oil AS A President Subject MARKETING PROVIDED It A Loveless Pies See NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The Fiftyseventh Anmiut fleeting of the Maple Leaf Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company will he held in the Township Hall Columbus on Monday February at pm Directors will be elected to fill the plates of those retiring Auditors will be appointed and all other business relating hi the Company as may lie done at an Animal Meeting The Canadian Pacific is the privately owned railroad in I the world I It VIK Secretary The Newmarket Era and Express serving Newmarket Aurora and the rural districts of North York on sale from any of the following dealers firemen wore out to a fire in May- alfalfa mills Inst Wednes day night Jan Quick ac tion on the part of firemen saved two other buildings which wore threatened We are glad to hoar little Grant Hill who has been ill with pneumonia is coming along nice ly now NEWMARKET ATKINSONS DRUG STOHE STORE CAMPBELLS STATIONERY CHANDLERS GROCERY TOBACCO SHOP HOLMES CORNER CUPBOARD CONFECTIONERY KING GEORGE HOTEL MYERS CONFECTIONERY aurora HESS DRUG STORE MORNINGS DRUG STORE STATIONERY WILLIS DRUG STORE HOME DELIVERYCALL GRILL HUDSONS OAK RIDGES MARSHALLS GARAGE SCHOMBERf4 COOKS DRUG STORE ARMSTRONGS GROCERY KING CITY GRILL McCORMICKS GROCERY Concession OREILLYS concession Fin WW BRUNTS GROCERY ERA and EXPRESS Phone 780 Newmarket