if A Fourroom modern bungalow four year old recre ation room in basement Corner lot landscaped Apply Arthur St Newmarket 4w52 PROPERTY WANTH Waste ft fey r rest Up to acres of undeveloped land with good stream Is there one corner of your farm you are not using Please write to box Terminal A Toronto ESTATE WILLIAM HOLLAND Seal St For Kale Medium size oil bur ner Thermo style in excel lent condition Apply Schro der Keswick For afe Complete butcher equipment including walkIn box refrigerated counter electric grinder Toledo counter scales meat block sausage filler beam scales trays hooks etc Apply Oak Ridges For sale Princess Beth cook- stove in excellent condition com plete with oil burners Apply 25 Andrew St phone Newmar ket Childs tube skates I SUPERINTENDENT WANTED I Wanted A superintendent for office furniture factory Must have thorough knowledge of all wood working machinery and produc tion be able to direct employees read blueprints and estimate Do not apply unless you can meet the above qualifications Best wages and bonus in person or write for appointment to Maritime Furniture Products or phone For frame house central location bath in sulated newly decorated new roof new oil space heater Possession days Full price Cash J Wright phone Gor- Newmarket size Phone New market or apply Andrew St per cent reduction off retail prices space heat ers new space heater new Quebec coal heat er used Phone or apply Ontario St Newmarket 2wl FOR SALE a Ford sedan in good condition Apply Don Schroder Keswick Soto sedan in good condition miles on new motor Phone Newmarket Far At Holland Landing acre of land building partially insulated double floor and ft used lumber near Office Specialty factory Price 51000 M Holland phone Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT For sale Modern dinette suite buffet table natural with red chairs with red leather seats Nearly new Mufl sell Cheap dy Era and Express box Ford coach In good condition Apply Queen St or phone 1004r Newmarket For sale Austin Good condition Extra heater Low mileage- Phone evenings New market ADVERTISING BIRTHS i-iW-a- cents for for less cents if paid week of may be in Aurora at or any get lata over names la North York rent house near Vivian Owner Phone MORTGAGES Want first mortgage on first class commercial building Will pay percent Charles Boyd 17 Main St phone Newmarket rooms rot ma rent Comfortable selfcon tained flat electricity continuous car space No children Apply Crescent Dr Newmarket 2wl APARTMENT FOR RENT For rent apartment Light heat and continuous hot water supplied Apply St Aurora GARAGE FOR RENT rent Electricity possession Phone Newmarket ROOM AND BOARD Room and board for gentleman Apply Prospect St or phone Newmarket Boom and board Bright room with board Phone Newmar ket ROOMS WANTED rent unfurnished rooms by reliable parly Centra location rent conven iences Write Era and Express IS BOARDERS Phone or apply Queen St APARTMENT WANTED Wanted to rent Small healed furnished apartment or furnished room kitchen and bath no child ren Central Steve phone Newmarket ARTICLES FOR ale Babys folding Karry can be used in the home or in the motor car light with carrying handles good condition Mrs J Evans King City phone King For Electric range heavy wiring bungalow size Phone Newmar ket lwl Cress Corn Salve for sure relief Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve wear stylish shoes soon lwl For sale Electric refrigerator combination electric and coal stove washing machine linoleum rugs and studio couch Phone Newmarket For sale fur coat worn one season size Miss McCaffrey phone Newmar ket clwl Our business was good To the many who took ad vantage of our wide selection and attractive prices say thank you has long been our policy to offer quality merchandise at low est possible prices and we will continue to do so Our heavy A melton pants for the outside worker are exceptional value at Battle dress tunics reisue for Plaid doeskin shirts Warm combination under wear 299 dress gloves 295 Metal back clothes brushes special at each manicure scis sors special at We have sev eral nearly new suits and over coats from to Dont miss looking over our stock of stroller coats sta tion wagon coats and bomber Jackets wide selection and lowest prices anywhere Drop in and browse around Army force Stores Aurora clwl JANUARY Ski boots for 5 ski caps your pick for cents baby carriage sleigh runners for 125 bowling shoes size and only Newmarket Sports and Cycle Shop Main St phone Newmarket For sale Ford coach with sunvisor heater slip covers directional turning signals automatic windshield wash ers new tire and new battery Price Phone or Newmarket clwl WORK Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New market COUGH For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket FOB OR RENT I beds wheel and invalid chairs and Son Mount In Albert FARM ITEMS FARMERS The old reliable Anderson pipe line milker Is still in the picture Low vacuum low upkeep and low price Write for prices J Mlghton Euclid Ave Toronto Phone KE For Surge milker slight ly used Bargain for quick sale Also a Hinman used priced right Apply John Euclid Ave Anderson Milker Sales or phone Ken evenings Toronto MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone 14 Newmarket rentRecord players a day Delivery and pickup charge cents Studios phone Newmarket URGENT Anyone knowing the where about of Mrs John Inst seen at please IJ Toronto Treasured memor ies of a dear grandson Ronald Blackburn who passed away Jan 5 We loved him ah no tongue can tell How much we loved him and how well God loved him too and thought it best To take him home with him to rest Fondly loved and deeply mourn ed by Grandpa and Grandma Blackburn Blackburn In loving memory of our dear son and brother Ronald Blackburn who passed away Jan 5 Six years have passed gone Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell The flowers we place upon his grave May wither and decay But the love for him who sleeps beneath Shall never fade away Ever remembered by Men Dad sisters and brothers FOR MEN handsome handsome or Morocco black feft from stock Limited number only Phone or write J Lewis box Newmarket I For sale Electric motor cycle brass mandrel with twin emery wood lathe small drill Phone More milk at lower feed cost with percent Bal ance your homegrown grains with Kelp your cows get full value from grain and rough age Come In and see us for OPep percent Dairy Ration Perks Feed Mill Ltd phone Newmarket For Set of team sleighs Apply Phil Hamilton Orchard Reach or phone Roches Point PIANO AND THEORY GRADUATE Pupils prepared for Conservatory Exams Will visit home Phone Mrs M Scott or New market for particulars T PETS In loving memory of clwl I Robert Arthur who passed away Jan 5 I watched you suffer I heard you sigh But all I could do WAS just stand by And when the time came I suffer ed too For you never deserved whnt you went through Sadly missed always by son Lindsay daughter Helen and granddaughter Mrs Paul J For sale 2 puppies Phone Newmarket For sate Part puppies black and white male Apply Era Express box 21 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE For sale nice young red Durham bulls dual purpose Phono A McDonald Aurora For sate 12 pigs weeks old Phone Geo Vernon New market For heifer due to freshen Apply Floyd phone 1420 Mount Albert For wile 2 registered Jersey rows both years old and due to freshen in the next two weeks Herd fully accredited and calf vac cinated Stewart Bros phone King Venetian blinds alu minum or ateel made for all styles of windows Free estimate and Phone apply Ontario St or write box Newmarket placed alterations and repairs invisible mending cleaning and pressing Master Cleaners and Tailors Timothy St phone 1400 Newmarket c4w50 old far can look like new If you have It repaired and re- styled Highest prices on your old coats Our new coats are very low in price By appointment we will come to your own home and you can select your own furs and style Master Furriers and Tailors Timothy St W phone Newmarket Smart Martha Washington and stainless room sets white colored complete with beau chromed fittings Air condi tioning furnaces Special of fers to plumbers builders too Save mrny valunble dollars buy with confidence and have a nicer home Satisfaction guaranteed Extra discounts off catalogue pric es If we supply everything you need for complete plumbing or heating Installation Catalogue in cludes photos of fix- lures prices Installation dia grams Select style of sinks cab inets laundry tubs showers stoves refrigerators Pressure water systems oil burners septic and oil etc Visit or write Johnson Mall Order Division Hardware Phone evenings For le white en amel small Jacket heater sump- pump kitchen cabinet skis auto knitting machine low pressure kitchen table enamel lop round bath room sink with tops childs Childs Iron crib drop sides single bed foldawny bed wilh spring mattress several rad ios and odd cabinets All hinds of chairs and tobies glassware dish es Phone Hirst A LIVESTOCK WANTED Wanted Horses mink feed Highest prices paid Res Smith phone collect tfl Wanted to boy Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone Newmar ket or PO For sale Piano Apply New- market Dairy PRODUCE Vat Potatoes wholesale Phone Mount Albert MERCHANDISE THOU WASHER and cycle gas washers repair parts and service Stewart Radio Applian ces Main St phone 355 New market For Hoist cow years old due to freshen Jan Apply J Peters Keswick or phone POULTRY FOR SALE For sale Plymouth Rock Hampshire cross six months old all laying Phone Aurora Wanted to Live poultry Any quantity Bring them In or will call on request Highest prices paid Apple- Ion Oak Ridges or phone Kin All kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone Newmar ket tfl For sate Hearing batteries for moat popular makes Stewart Radio and Appliance Main St phone Newmarket I SALE REGISTER Saturday Jan Auction sale the Livestock Arena selling livestock our spec ially Fresh cows springers heif ers sheep calves pigs horses Pickup delivery can he ar ranged This Is your community Come early bring some thing to sell You bring it well sell It every Saturday pm Make this your market where buyers sellers meet Sellers Atkinson auctioneers tf45 Thursday Jan Auction of head of high grade cattle fresh cows springers milkers team of horses hens lot con Whit church miles north of The property of Wal ler J robs Terms cash Sale pm No reserve giving up milk business Turner clerk A auctioneer HARD OF Mrs Hamilton Sutton West wishes to thank Dr Peever Mrs Wright Miss Grnhnm Mrs Newberry the of York County hospital for their kindness her during Iter there thanks her mnny friends who sent flowers fruit and cords the Union Street Institute for basket of frtill WA for flowers Special thanks to Rev Campbell Rev Mrs Kilien for their Mr Walter W Haines fam ily wish to express to mnny friends neighbors nnd relatives their heartfelt thanks appreci ation for the nets of kindness of sympathy and fill floral tributes extended to hem In their recent bereave ment In the loss of a dear wife mother In loving memory of our dear father grandpa Herman who passed away Jan Too far away for sight or speech But too far fop thought to reach jf BaitleU Mr and Mrs Irene Heath announce the birth of their daughter Gayle Elizabeth on Monday Dec at the Stratheona Hospital Brown At York County hospi tal Friday Dec to Mr and Mrs William Brown Holland Landing a son Dike At York County hospital Tuesday Dec 25 to Mr and Mrs Dike Newmarket a son York County hos pital Saturday Dec to Mr and Mrs Fred Fletcher Rich mond Hill a daughter Gibbons At York County hos pital Sunday Dec 30 to Mr and Mrs Stanley Gibbons New market a son Paul Douglas At St hospital Friday Dec 28 to Mr and Mrs Eric Grand Victoria a son Mr Leach was formerly of At Womens College hospital Toronto Monday Dec 31 to Mr and Mrs Mclntyre Aurora a son Morton At York County hospi tal Saturday Dec to Mr and Mrs Milton Morton Newmar ket a son Powell At York County hospi tal Tuesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Powell Newmar ket a daughter still born Rose At Wing of the Toronto General hospital Friday Dec to Mr and Mrs Rose Haviland a son At York County hos pital Monday Dec to Mr and Mrs Frank Saunders Keswick a daughter Wilson At York County hospi tal Monday Dec to Mr nnd Mrs Thomas Wilson King daughter DEATHS At Holland Lading on Saturday Dec Slurr ies Elmer of Agnes Ethel nther of Reginald and Claude Service was I held on Temporary interment Newr rket cemetery At name Ontario Friday Dee 28th Alary in her year widow of the late Charles mother of Norman and Harriet Mrs Geo Quantz Aurora Funeral was held Monday Dee 31 from the chattel of Wright Taylor Richmond Hill Interment in Newmarket cemetery Mcllale At Newmarket on Sat urday Dec 1951 Basil husband of Inn Marion Hall bro ther of Frank Borden Wil fred Toronto Bernard and Mrs Hugo Newmarket Requiem mass was at Saint Johns Church on Wednesday Interment St Johns cemetery Riddel At Toronto General Hospital on Thursday Jon James Millard Ave- Newmarket formerly 10W COST HEARING Roller Phone BEST DRUG Newmarket Roadhouse Host DIRECTORS MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES Flower Shop Member Florists Delivery Flowers wired to all of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A IIS Main St none McCAFFREYS flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers AH Over toe World MAIN STREET Phone 573J NEWMARKET WEEK ONLY with REV TOM SUMMERS j Beginning Sunday Jan at and and continuing each week night at except Sat Closing Service Sunday SPECIAL NUMBERS NEWMARKET A loving and true Township In his No one on earth well lilted husband of Rosatelle Cam- it MISCELLANEOUS 22 WANT6D Woman keep house and care for girls ago and years Phono Harri son Mount Albert Wanted Housekeeper adult Good home Write Era Express hex We repair all makes of sewing machines New machines up Sewing Center markei Main St phone For surgical ports elastic hosiery for who from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch belts Best Drug Store 14 Newmarket for and pains Pries Best Drug Store phone CARD OF wish to express my sincere thanks my friends and neigh bors for nil their cards towers and visits to the acts wore alt appreci ated more than you will ever realize Mrs Dan McOonarty Keswick OF Mr and Mrs to express their very sincere appreci ation for the many cards plants and flowers and nets of friendship extended to them during the ill ness and bereavement of donr mother Mrs I Mlsener who passed Dee During my illness 1 appreciated the kindness of the nursing stuff Dr the Church of I he and friends for fruit flowers and cards Thank you John Shier you Daughter Mary soninlaw Ken Kenny and Judy In loving memory of dear John Hamilton who passed away Jan 9i His smiling way and pi face Are a pleasure to He had a kindly word for each And died by Some day we hope to meet him Some flay we when To clasp his hand In the belter land Never part again Lovingly the family Newton In memory dear- mother Newton who pass- oil away Dee lfjr0 We mounted for her In silence No eyes can see us weep Bui many silent Is id White others are Ever remembered rank and MnrJ In loving memory of dear husband and fniher Richard who passed away Jon Sadly missed by wife and family Woodruff In loving memory of dear husband and father Thorn Woodruff who passed away Jan fi Days of darkness still oer us Tears in silence often flow For memory keeps you ever near us Though you riled one year ago Sadly missed by wife Martha and family Wright In loving memory of my dear wife Eugenie who passed Jan 2 The happy hours we once enjoyed How sweet their memory sllll Rut death has left a loneliness This world can never fill Sadly missed husband Char les OF THANHS I wish to lake this opportunity to thank my mnny friends neighbors Dr Cnaa and the nurses of York County hospital for their kindness shown during my at the hospital Mrs I NOTICE North Athletic Association will meet In Memorial Hall Keswick Monday Jan pm for purpose of elections ami Installation of officers for and any unfinished business of Inst year Mrs Grace Sec Clark Martin for Christ CAPTAIN PARK Soprano comet CAPTAIN COLLINS Piano accordion CAPTAIN BEST Speaker at pm COME AND BRING A FRIEND 1 and father ftf Robert of Sut ton Flossie Woyd Smith of Newmarket Jena tey and Doris ceased at the home of his son in for service In Church on Saturday Jan 5 jhii ferment Briar Cemotory At on Monday Dec husband of Into Ella Ada Smith and fattier of Nel lie Service was held oh Sweet At York County hospital Tuesday Jan Thomas In Ids year father of Mrs Clifford and Verm Resting the Funeral Home Service the- chapel on Friday Jan at Interment cemetery West At on Mon day Dec 1951 West of the Into Jennie Cul ling and of and Mrs Hurt Donaldson Service was held on Thursday Interment New market cemetery OR ITU A I i I SUNDAY JAN 1 Mrs Mary Mrs Mary Maude Haines one of the first members of the Sharon Womens Institute tiled her homo It No Newmarket on 1051 she been In for several years Horn In Newmarket on Febru ary 1070 she was the daugh ter of the Into Mr ami Mrs She married Walter Willson who her She was member of Sharon United church ami throughout her lifetime was interested in her home and In needlework gardening Also surviving are one son Charles Haines two daugh ters Edith Haines two grandchildren Ruth Beth Haines Rev V conducted funeral services on December at tho chapel of and Rose Newmar ket were J Walter Hall Kenneth Frank Tate Andrew Watson and Alex Rutledge Interment was in Newmarket cemetery CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to express our sincere gratitude our friends neighbors Rev Rev Petersen and tho nursing staff York County homilni for their acts of kindness in the recent Ill ness and of a dear father Clifford Sweet and family TRINITY A Organiat Holy Communion anil Members Business THE SUNDAY School fln4Nursem Beginners and p Service of song a worship RuihUng World will be welcome at Trinity FREE CHURCH rev am Sunday School am Divine worship RUSTIC Rally Wed at Prayer service pm Class meeting Everyone Welcome ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN Newmarket Herman Fowler Mas ittto Wftflster Rev t Meredith will preach at OF THE Minister Rev A Petersen Organist Miss Juno Haines Pianist Miss Greenwood Choir Junior A Sunday School am worship Junior meeting pm Service pm THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Newmarket Minister Fred Organist Mrs J Cane am Communion service and welcoming of new members pm Sunday School pm Gospel service A Good Wo take pleasure cooperat ing with churches of the town in live annual week of prayer All welcome Mm fiiiil FRIENDS MEETING Street 45 Sundayschool for Worship Douglas 7 service Community Como and worship with us Annual Meeting Jen pm Be ye steadfast immoveable al ways Abounding in the work of Lord who know God are stead fast to end of life i SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Queen St Newmarket Officers Senior Copt Ruth Best Lieutenant Cameron Sunday Holiness meeting 3 school Gospel meeting Every Wednesday Home League Everyone welcome THE GOSPEL Ave Pastor REV A Pianist MISS One week of with Rev Tom Summers Field of Associated Gospel Churches Sunday at 11 am and pm nights except Sat at pm from Jam to Jan inclusive 1 1 am Morning worship Evening pm WQW SI CLASSIFIED PAGE THAT THE MOST PEOPLE I r i j rt tav4 AH