Newmarket Era and Express, 11 Oct 1951, p. 5

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I a m THEY ARE SAYING Secret Of Keeping Young Another Thanksgiving Day has passed into history The last of the series of national holidays is over for another yean The prospect now is work until the festival of Christmas Let there be no re pining Work is a good thing It keeps the mind and the body young J SI PAGE FIVE THURSDAY THE DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE the Thanksgiving Day we g have Just celebrated originated America in the year But Kit was English people who or iginated it- They were the so men women and children arrived from England in December to found what known as Mew England kThey became known as the Fathers- In the fall of the year found that their hard work had proved a good thing They had a fine harvest this and looking at the new homes they had founded they decided on a day of thanksgiving in gratitude a kindly Providence Thus began the historic occasion we know as Thanksgiving Day Canadian Thanksgiving It was not however until the year that the idea of an annual thanksgiving Day was promulgated by President Lin- coin The example he set was followed by succeeding presidents and the last in the month of has been observed as Thanksgiving Day in the United States ever since Lincolns proclamation As early as September there was a Thanksgiving in Canada The occasion was however not in gratitude iuior good harvests but for an different reason The Ycasion was to celebrate a state of peace between Great Britain France and the festivities took place at Halifax The first of the Canadian Thanksgiving Days as we understand them dates from November On October 9 the federal government at proclaimed the observ ance of a national holiday and was to take place on 1879 Thanksgiving Day lias been observed since that date in with increasing popularity year by year New Two new members have been added to the restricted roll of Aurora Rotary club They John Willis Jr and Don who made quite a name Tor himself with radio ttons during the war John Willis Jr son of the re- doubtable Jock needs no in troduction to readers of this column or in any newspaper column circulating in York county He Is the son of his father almost a mental replica of his father So where is the need to introduce him John Willis Jr has a young Jock- of his own and certainly a most obvious Willis He is John Willis HI and druggist in embryo A Fine ComeBack When would have liked an or two on the lawn bowling if- greens the weather was bad The evening we went down to clubhouse where we found few members present Among them was Mr Bert Sis- man who wo are very glad to i- IT E- Dancing Classes Saturday Oct at the legion hall Aurora under the personal direction of Mrs J For further information Phone Aurora 562j i J jsi- L a fefligyWRORA For Banquets v Parties te Meals Your Enjoyment Surroundings EVEEY NIGHT report is making a fine health comeback Last year Bert was in poor health and feared he wouldnt bowl any more This year he has continued to show such an improvement thanks we understand to a special diet that the change in bis appear ance is remarkable His im provement is wonderful and we trust he will enjoy a full return to robust health Bert is an ambidexter ous bowler using either hand equally well He has a beautiful delivery and is an excellent bowler Although he hasnt bowled for two seasons Bert never forgets his member ship fees His many friends in York county will rejoice in hearing of his continued im provement in health Unexpected Our wife and self were de lighted at an unexpected call from Dr Alberta and Dr Wil liam Cross the other day while they were engaged on an errand of looking up old Aurora friends as they were en route to their country home for a few days before closing it up for the season They are shortly going to New York where they will stay at the Waldorf Astoria Later they will winter in Flor ida The Cross are a charming couple who appear to have found the secret of perpetual youth It is impossible to believe that recently they celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary A photograph taken on that date we shall shortly have the pleas ure of reproducing on this page It is picture but they look years younger in the flesh than in the camera They say that the secret of keeping young is to live a har monious life Years ago both husband and wife attained world fame through their chiropractic skills Dr Alberta Cross being the daughter of the former editor and proprietor of The Aurora she naturally has a great interest in Aurora where some of her schoolmates still happily survive Mrs Charles Webster is one of her oldest and best friends The Cross say they greatly enjoy their visits to the old home town That Something Different A card at Christmas time is always welcome The sound of a familiar voice Is oven bolter Mr Clifford Griffiths of local theatremanagement fame is the owner of a modern recording system results of which will give your friends and relatives the greatest of pleasure at Christmas time whether they live in Aurora in Great Britain or in Europe You may sit at home and just talk into the machine and it will faithfully reproduce your message for friends and rela tives It is as simple as that Across the seas personal mes sages can be sent to loved ones and listeners at home in the Old Country may hear the voices of children whom they have seen children of their own children To visit a studio to make a voice recording often a strain on the nerves to sit at home and do the same thing is easier and far more natural in its re sults Clifford is already busy making recordings to be sent overseas as Christmas surprises We suggest you contact him at telephone number or Aurora and have the matter ex plained Anniversary Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Sparks who cele brated their fourteenth wedding on October A Hunting We Will Go Meeting Frank Smith on the corner of and Wellington the other day we learned that he wilt be off on his annual hunt in the first week of No vember Mr Smith was telling us that already he has received many enquiries from hunters in York county who are anxious to know if he is going north this season no idea of retiring yet said Frank who looked in the pink of condition Cant afford -jJfe- Liberal Association land ANNUAL MEETING C Heihts School North York Ave and Avenue Road U ON Ts W fiiSfli -1- Liberal Leader Hi J Mt rf i EDITORIALS FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Little men and big men in their time and for various reasons have tried to stifle a free press Such freedom of expression as the press enjoys has been won in the face of constant opposition on the part of those who did not want the people to know too much Strings can be pulled in any number of ways if newspaperowners are of the type which yields to pressure from outside and where the main purpose of owning newspapers is to make profits regardless of the public interest In our view the public interest should be the first consideration of newspaper ownership There is any amount of evidence to show that newspapers give first consideration to the public interest achieve both circulation and The basic reason for such successes is the confidence that readers have in news papers that place the public interest first Experience has shown that people buy newspapers not necessarily because they agree with everything that editorial and other writers have to say What the majority of people is concerned with is the knowledge that writers are saying what they honestly believe to be true Sincerity of opinion is the real lest that the majority of readers apply to writers Such sincerity of opinion often conflicts with tlie ambitions and the intentions of little men and big men who try to find ways and means of stifling a free press If they cannot gain their ends in one way they try others Their purpose is to trim the newspapers to suit their ends A free press is the bulwark of liberty and good government in local as well as in national affairs Once the freedom of the press is tampered with news is restricted and many evils go unchecked THE MAYOR WAS SILENT When we attended the council meeting on October we felt quite sure that Mayor Bell would take the opportunity of explaining to the citizens of Aurora why he had given instructions that we were no longer to have access to the file of council business as has been our practice since July 1950 A unanimous vote of council gave the press the right to look over council business and that resolution has never been rescinded But for Mayor Bells high handed action we would have continued to consult the files of council business to report what the taxpayers ought to know We shall not let this matter rest until council decides whether the resolution it passed is to be rescin ded or the procedure we have followed since July is to be restored in the taxpayers interests Pending such a decision by council we do not admit that Mayor Bell had any legal right singlehandedly to override a resolution of council which is on the records Our contention is that all council business is public business and that there should be no suppression of any part of it To this wc add that all town business council high school and public school hydro and other activities in which the money of the taxpayers is in volved should be made fully known The iron curtain should be taken down from all of them We are insistent on getting that iron curtain raised and we are fully aware that the majority of the citizens of Aurora are behind our efforts We are concerned for the interests of all the citizens of Aurora not just a few of them That is why we want the iron curtain raised SPREADING IT OUT In conditions whore supplies are scarce the vic tims are often compelled to use a method of spreading this and that out in order to provide a sense of plenty whereas in reality there is only poverty This method of spreading it out is sometimes used in weekly newspapers where the headlines are more im pressive than the paragraphs below them It is amusing to see how the occasional editor has resorted to the spreading it out method for other reasons besides those of news shortages One reason he obviously had in mind was to lot certain people down as lightly as possible Those are the people whom he considers important and must be gently patted along For example In the reporting of a council meeting the spreading it out type of editor puts in a little bit here and a little bit there and above the little bricabrac pieces arc headlines of a size which Jimmy Durante would describe as stupendous It is amusing also to see what this type of bric-a- brac editor leaves out in his council reports If he is a friend of the mayor or the reeve as the case may be you may be sure ho will keep out of his little pieces anything that tends to impair their importance Thus the spreading it out method is not always so simple as it appears on the surface There is a certain subtlety in the method And it is the purpose behind the method which the watchful reader has to look for The watchful reader has to keep an eye on hews adulteration whenever the spreading it out method is at work in the weekly newspaper There may be more to it than merely making a little news go a long way The bricabrac editor may be artfully taking his reader for a propaganda ride COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Board Of Trades Request Council Alter Hydro Wall Dropped Like Hot Potatoes The council table did not look the same at all with Deputyreeve Murray and Councillors and Pringle absent from the meeting on Monday night October 1 Their absence was not explained which may have arisen through illness or pressing engage ments However that might we missed their presence for different reasons The deputyreeve has greatly advanced as a member of coun cil during the past year and nine months We remember a time when he had little to say He used to sit at the table with a sort of Lisa smile irradi ating his face a smile which one did not quite know how to in terpret It could have meant approval or that other sort of smile which mean youre tell ing me Mr Murray still smiles He is essentially a pleasantmannered man But Tor a long time past he has done something more than smile over council business He has taken a very active hand in it There have been few council meetings this year when he did not make his presence felt We have grown to admire his work on council and it will be a matter for real regret if the rumor should prove true that he intends to retire at the end of the present year Councillor We once wrote that the town council would not look the same i the hydro commission was drop ped like hot potatoes Council lor Fielding immediately sug gested that no discussion take place on the letter stating that the hydro subject was closed It is understandable that Mrs Fielding felt extremely sensi tive on a request that the build ing bylaws be enforced on the hydro commission since it was she who got a motion carried that the building bylaws be carried out and later strangely enough voted against her own original motion This complete ly contradictory state of affairs will need some explaining to the electors Mayors Ban The letter from the Bell Tele phone Company was lengthy and it was impossible to write it down as it was read to coun cil Its contents wore of the greatest importance to telephone users in Aurora In the ordinary way we would have gone to the town hall and copied it out so that our readers could study its contents if Councillor were not Mayor Bells action in banning present at its proceedings We have not altered our Mr is a man of ability and one who understands council procedure from A to In debate he sometimes uses a blunderbuss and at other times a rapier He uses either weapon with skill It is our opinion however that he often uses both in support of wrong causes The electiontime by law which he recently sponsored belongs in the latter category However Mr has al ways given his support to one vital aspect of local government he has always stood for the au thority of council as the supreme town authority If his example in that respect had been follow ed by others the continuing muddle in council matters would not have happened Councillor The third member of council whom we missed at the October 1 was Councillor We missed him for the reason that one misses a smiling picture which has hung on a wall for a long time and has quite unexpectedly been taken down We look for it and see it is not there Mr wears a pleasant smile as consistently as does Mr Truman But Mr is not Mr Truman The probabilities are that he would not tike to he Mr Truman We suspect he would rather be Harold While we would never blame him for such a preference since every man should prefer to be himself rather than somebody else that idea of a picture on the wall haunts us Mr has not taken a full part in council proceedings over too long a time Such ac- lion as he has taken in council has often been wrong in our opinion Especially so in regard to Auroras Holy Wall when he voted with the contradictory ma jority who supported one law for the hydro and another for the citizens Stalemate The October meeting was a stalemate We recall only one item of business that was not handed over to committees or deferred This concerned the of land west of street in regard to which Town Solicitor Lee was instruct ed to proceed What the out come of that instruction will be is anybodys guess Even he old fire truck was a subject of deferment although Councillor reported there was an offer to buy it for we believe the sum of about 750 Council did not decide on the sale but referred it back to the fire committee to do it seemed what it thought best A letter from the board of trade requesting that council en force its building bylaws on k ft Representative for Newmarket and District Norman Phone Aurora Ji THEATRE AURORA CLIFFORD GRIFFITHS MANAGER TEL Friday Saturday October 12 13 GRAND DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMME the A hours 12 w y our freedom to consult the file of council business means that we are unable to reproduce the Bell Telephone Companys let ter It means that taxpayers can no longer get the full infor mation on council business to which they are We thought we were doing a useful thing in July when we asked the mayor by letter to allow the press the freedom of consulting council files for the benefit of the taxpayers Here is what we said in our hit ter of July We quote It often happens that resolutions motions re ports etc cannot fully and ac curately be taken down for press reports as these are read and transacted at the council table Consequently the work of council cannot be accurately reported as it deserves to bo and ratepayers cannot obtain the full information which is their due Such deficiencies could be overcome by permission of council for the press to take copies if necessary of such resolutions reports etc at the town clerks office and to verify notes taken by the press of council business officially re corded Such verified reporting woulld be in the interests of the work of council as much as it would be in the ratepayers in terests Mutual Benefits Wo thought we were doing a useful mutual service for the council and the ratepayers in making the requests we did in our letter and council thought so too After Councillor had read the letter to council Councillor Corbett moved and seconded that the requests be granted and this motion was unanimous ly adopted All has gone well since July 1050 until Mayor Bell stepped in with his instructions ie that what council had granted was to cease- No voice of protest was heard at council on October Which does not mean that the mailer is ended For one reason we dont think that cither Coun cillor Corbett or Councillor will quietly accept such highhanded elimination of a resolution for which they were responsible and approved unan imously We understand that steps are being taken for a delegation to meet council on this important question of the right of the press to have access to council busi ness in the interests of publicity We hope such a delegation will await what hap pens at the next full meeting of council before they take steps in the matter The next regular meeting of council is on Monday night October j ANN BLYTH MARK STEVENS SHOWING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS ONLY 5 SAGA Tom th Gaming of frontier lUmcd to a I THE SEA HOUND Part shown Friday at and Saturday Matinee only v Monday -Tuesday- Wednesday 0cM5-U- great Successor to famed Store means and they shoot the vi works with lead love and laughter ii il It was a talented musical out J I I VIBRATHD Cement Blocks and 10 plain I Style of PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO A1fcH Mil AND BY ROBERT ACME PLUS i mi COMING SOON I -TT-K-V- mm i h23Ul L T I i L -i- VTA i

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