iUvo who lis Have Your Eyes TestecTOaiQfully v a Watson AuWiinmkpr and Graduate Optician JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON ssiaUntEdttor tafidinjr Well ami Host during pet iiiwni In No paper sent o North advance to lotted states York unless paid In advance Umbrellas Coma In Very Handy NOW to WATSONS i Newmarket March 28 tX No Single Copies cents each ft Toronto A 1 Variihh and SialnCombtncd MoDnniluti who ploadod a Woo from the Was demanded on Court the spent ltd the Ma A Premise you In Ihfc thats aw- Harrys Wilt you though fully jolly of was limited Appreciation form was expressed folly but engaging 1I1V to Mended W to as Blair What Is to SI your will add a si hundred pec wit to bis to look on sw he t the I super V come to pay t111 do iMAMaO During stortrt ffS M- LaHfer- on tlelshuutdii Oblige by law a What I law John will bouts IivtI trips Terrible Tornado kiilkd YEARS AGO From Kyle Mar it INOYYnimU you wilt day ttlght tlW about the aoUo light tot ftSiSK Vou can use the colored ate IS colors u ot was delect and a hundred usee lor each color V by OAK OAK CaBlRUY to iSllpSSff Sic ITR JLS vou tbattte boat leaves at BLACK DEAD NATURAL PLAT scliools a Wisharp Mess an right returned aint to lor the say Now Im ia- my Mrs ilvlsrJ her voice nd call ed Hawy Ji Visited yesterday afternoon the worst wind storms Mr 1 Is In a Starting his stock ot store by at noon the wind unci Ion 1 til- late i doing nil On Wednesday evmitiR a the time There no district In Ioa the city that was not reached by the Minister Newmarket wind In its on warpath assemblwl to do him at the were over torn of Mr Simpson oft the eveolng a of 60 was from presented by Mr A with lags and down the streets for blocks oil Werb broken during the Storm which to get all tin time power at owing to WiteS being 11 ah down leaxiiij Mr above named the founder of Departmental In lo onto The has large people- without lights for the real bylaw milking ft want you back the day- and way on into tor form stock to roam at sit with me I want to talk with J oil lamps and lanterns caudle tie vicinity Mr will be kind enough being prominence- everywhere ROUND BLOB GOLD and ALUMINUM Alt 5 At out pftmt Hardware There power oil the street until about four o clock who to change places with evident did not industrial schools Roman extra pile height jp tut appreciate nor was la Catholic Industrial schools as as its two now that elated over the prospect of conversalwere out on pleasure trips wereoblic college and school just gives you hours to watt opportunities with his aunt led to go on foot the pictutfc I throe cathedrals about churches Impossible sakl Mrs the transfer sullenly I shows and theatres bad to close streets NEWMARKET 25 YEARS AGO From Kyle Mart HIGH GRADE- SUIT OASES CLUB BAGS PAINTS OILS VAUNISTIKS Kin March Mrs Deceased leaves a and five small children toppled They made things lively at Mount Albert last A load danger- a More than ioO persons are reported young fry out for a sleighride awl hundreds injured some whole village when mortally by tornado in- home in tbe early raged over central Had it not keen for the pluck western southern and parts of east- Alberts grainbuyer Mr Walter Making Farming Pay as a business Farm or to be must ha a a give Ileal fc All an FARMING has come to be regarded governed by laws of business successful must be business men Bank account A Bank account conduces to business habits It is better to pay by cheque than with cash better be cause simpler more convenient and certainly more businesslike Have your account with The Bank of Toronto A sound BankAssets A long estab lished Dank since Branches in Ontario and West P FIELD Newmarket you could exactly call a livery remark to the elegant Mr he replied- Some to which that gentleman relunHl a rents out teams when tides a call monosyllable Presently one Hood ami but theres a over Bradford relapsed into silence was Palm Sunday way thats bare the drive was a the forenoon ciiildren were sands coming out that had expressed wreck ruin of Fridays gale will One of Mr Murrays fox hounds tying rail Sunday before objected nothing but endurance were aggregate nearly half a million cut in two by the train on tiid to in The party turned dejectedly There ecp smiling Mrs Blair wholars losses is the estimate formed l were a of them ranging in had not spoken- for live minutes be The damage to farm buildings is Mr has put a large re- more extensive than in any previous in his butcher shop gale and from every quarter come Messrs Albert Rogers James eany on uu pie who were inclined to look upon where Mr I congratulate long lists of wrecked and damaged ling Herb Reynolds and 1 severe lue as enjoyable because you that you havent much further to barns president were appointed Committee city V l4 novelty Mrs Blair had rent- drive We shall hope to see you land Leslie streets as you to be a neighbor pane were a number of them ranging in spoxenior live mmuies iere broken age from Mrs Montgomery Blair her- came suddenly genial a self down to some irresponsible peo- never was so to get w who were inclined to look upon where Mr 1 NO South End Lumber Yard BUILDERS YOUR ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO Silica Brick upon him Albert Jacobs that an was taken Weston Liberals orgarjized oh Sat urday and dieted Presi dent Secretary Captains for polling division were also choscu Tl congregation of Howard Park Methodist church have decided to erect a new church at an estimated cost of The new building will be joined present two The barn George Neils Jefferson Grounds of the Ag Society this Village was completely blown down year on the Arnold farm Mr John Newmarket had while two other a runaway on Wednesday section of the Mr Amos Sharon had the completely demolished misfortune to lose a valuable young ere were also reports of severe horse on Monday in the east and south of the Mr oche was in town on Tuesday from Toronto The large wooden silo belonging Mr Wm Kcitcli of was man who spoke with a trace meeting Mrs Blairs eyes George Robinson of Richmond Hill in Newmarket over Sunday of an accent and manners had take Mrs Blair was was demolished while the Mr Matthew Madden of Toronto is the effusive which able to get any farther of George spending a week at his old home surance of that he was not of Not a cent He said also blown down The rifle club- Messrs Bert Cane and Thos oiir society was abundant com- house at Steels Corners was another son were visiting in Morkham last The party wending its way to structure completely destroyed week the little hotel where they had- par- j AbimdanU compensation re- Among the many farmers who had I Miss Bastedo and Misses Warner am taken of their midday meal was a pealed Mrs Blair She turned to barns unroofed during the storm were home for faster rather silent one Mrs Montgomery servant who had admitted them following Deputy Reeve Mr George Wallace EVERYTHING COMB AND SEE THEM IN LUMBER LATH AND NATIONAL CEMENT P W PEARSON Itiuuo Cor Clutch and Close Harry Gee and AIL Blair moved ahead With an air majestic dissatisfaction which- caus ed the young people to exchange Suddenly 9mvma M eyes en a crest the largest place hereabouts total wreck man at the heads oi a pair of He spends most his here Roman church the horses attached a large- farm wag- understand winter narrow escape- oi three nam from this week are as of spoke authority Will is in New York falling sitns of one fresh pork IS cents shoulders that man to conve to me- 1 Mrs Montgomery Rlair did not the walls of the Masonic Temple at cents round roasts beef to cents fronts of tent best stewing veal Banks who is severing his the Globe staff to take disclosing a face to he did wear blue flannel barber had Wednesday School which was built two years at a cost of ami in the members have been Meat prices in St Lawrence mar Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA- arch n SUITINGS and and tl leave Before Our rftock as it never in Assortment of Colorings Quality of Materials We can out or We Guarantee Satisfaction Every Detail WILLI id to in the blue flannel shirt cross- Mrs Blair and his up duties of dramatic censor for To ronto was made the recipient of a handsome French reading lamp and an work on English Inud Welsh cathedrals I Hon Adam and Mrs Beck of Lou don who were in for the annual meeting of the Canadian association for the Prevention of Tu berculosis are now in Toronto Row A A Wall of Ste Marie has accepted an invitation to Davis- said with ville Methodist Church to doubtless for I In Juno The health of the present price Now I want a la pastor Rev A A Locke has to give a good price en down wish to go eyes it singular Mrs Blair remark- that Mr can through o his blue Hello he said pleasantly at luncheon one day Mrs Blair wishes to has not looked us up speak to you said Lattier The manned to invite him- to dinner after I Northern Ontario wire was on Mr good man is that team Tor hire No Mrs Blair flushed Come she toss of her head its he had called Theyve- sent him home Harry from the end of table Sent him home said Mrs Blair Railway System tickets from to points in Saskatchewan and Alberta each Friday Every wire was down along Tuesday March to the Timiskaming and Northern at low had south and except for the good for days coache service Northern Ontario Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars has been cut oil from the outside will leave Toronto pm on world sinceGood Friday noon The above dates running throng to Catttolic Church was built the nipeg via and St former building had been destroyed in without change Tourist I tho great an- the What are vou ry V talking stout coat It Omaha Neb a in- J YOUR TAILOR PHONE NEWMARKET MAIN ST I members adherents of young man and a close Trinity Church have decided to per- observer might have noticed a twinkle the memory of the late Dr In his eyes Pearson In a most elaborate pulpit the Pines I have engaged the to be placed In the church with which place for the summer Mrs Blair deceased was tor many years con- explained and this agent says the iuctd It memorial is to boats run only in the forenoon 1 be unlike any- pulpiti in Canada Most suppose the ride will be terribly of the woodwork will be oak with rough but anything would be Letter Virginia whitewood panels on than another meal at that hotel Mr Mason will vou make arrangements to have our bagsuse sent up on the inal boat And now man help us to climb into St Tourist without p IF YOU USE GOAL Got with our Coal You will hud j- wont want to change Sermon on the Paul on Mars Hill and other scenes will bo depicted Rev Canon and Mrs hire l vouc McCurdy boys told hire it me said Harry Mr Lattier was ami am Toms uncle and Tom says hes a firstrate man in town here he was just in the way So they shipped home again Mrs Blair had lost her appetite 1 thankful When the sum mers over for I want to get back gentlemen dont masquerade as farmers and servants pass themselves off for gentlemen I dont know Aunt Eliza It was Irene who spoke with more than her customary spirit It seems to worth while now and back hone le Pills J fcoy for Men liloa restore set Citable thing to do You Nobody does who our Coal FULL LINE OF FIXHJR AND PEED w h EVES Order by Phono or Carters- Begirt Bon A Boyd ROYAL PURPLE STOCK FOOD ON HANI LIME AND 0BMBNT- FULL LINES arc taking a wellearned hide of yours and make day In California- The congregation as possible the Cathedral St Alb the The owner of the w Martyr with a well outright at the sudden filled purse of before they left home Mrs Matilda Davidson street was taken to the on Saturday suffering con- Son of the brain sustained when trot Mrs Blair noted their pace sle fell down stairs at her home with approval flood stock she- TleVom was carrying some food good nen S somc w that ve- 1 kindness are as inuortant us as com- the clothes people wear Im tired laughed seizure of his property but made no further objec tion In a short time the party were- seated and when Mr Mason returned I from looking after the baggage I the horses started away ft swinging n to cars will fiiv three years ago and it be equipped with bedding and complete wreck in charge The route via Chicago Omaha Neb March The death is an attractive one as largo resultant from tornado here cities and towns arc passed en route last night has now reached which breaks the monotony Of the The list of injured is probably journey A soldier who stood guard all night The Grand Trunk pacific Railway is at the corner of and Lake shortest and quickest route be said seven bodies had been taken from that place when he arrived and that smooth roadbed electric light- ten or fifteen more were removed sleeping cars through tho newest or be appeared at the scene of the picturesque and most rapidly disastcr Two babies Were blown out veloping section of Western Canada of building and the others piled through tickets sold and reservations In a heap on the floor when Agents storm struck the Childs Saving In- Cosls m0te sttUite at and Jackson The j operation to- babies were in their nursery on the arid Canora second floor of the vest- wing of the also Mirror and building which was portly blown away- One the babies blown away fables Land Pamphlets and was found nearly a Mock distant descriptive literature relative dead Aside from bruises and fright Trunk Pacific Railway may the rest the babies were not badly on application to Grand n iqfu or write Horning full horror of last night s District Passenger Agent Toronto broke upon griefstricken March The worst flood too history of tor it least fifty years started here yes terday and continued alt day today The ice Jammed behind tho long bridge and over the Grand River at thi point log up tho water very little warning Soon it made- a break in along upstairs on a tray had just reached top step when she over balanced ft fell backwards to next floor She died on Monday Tho homo of Mrs West Wel lington street on Sunday night was partially destroyed by lite Mr I ones living two doors away beard Mrs cry for help Springing through the fire lie caught her In his arms and running through the flames tlie streets Mrs has invalid for some tin and prompt Judging so much by the outside Wouldnt it be lovely to live all the year where everybody got credit for what they are and appearances do not count Governor Mayor and Police Commissioner Ryder CORE DANDRUFF FOR ha alone exclusive of Ralston ha shortlv before noon today when City west end of arid a stream been an of water poured over Main Lock and had it not been for Broad collars and of Mr Jones would haw perish ing damage will reach- jn Ire drnamito was used to open the as a the other stepped Into drug to telephone be got jpv Mi Wo and anything could 1 observed Yes they are said the one driv ing gmncing back over his shoulders Hej was apparently to add something relative to the merits of the animals when he encountered Mrs Blairs blank stare Oh Aunt Eliza murmured Irene flushing Irene was one of the few who ever remonstrated with Mrs Montgomery Blair and si deserved the more credit as to all appear ances her protests were always fu tile Harry Stevens Irenes sat seat beside the driver and soon the two wore deep In conversation Presently Harrys burst laughter started the others Say that was he taolajro- CHEAP FOR 0KB easy and you take no risk Go to J Patterson the druggist and get a largo 50 cent bottle of PARISIAN Sage the germ killing restorer Council Bluffs Tickot Agent Station Ticket ftth Bon610 London March local option bylaw recently passed iL was declared i Township was www London M JSSlSlfiA Mac His litiUon of a most WW that eight votes were has been commented here by without requisite Divisioa Court A retire I who resides In the uorth end of M ft does not euro in o wages ot a York March Patterson ll give J rfonds and diamond valued money back PARISIAN Sage is a pleasant daintily perfumed tonic and grower It is guaranteed to stop hair or itching of scalp and to cure all disease of the and hole PARISIAN Sage R Ont Canadian makers- home is in It is jaspoO perhaps by that he on night from the deTed vault ol Martin Simons and Sow he was a Hester street elated at the pawnbrokers ant last and that new reimbursed The and W costs It is up through floor that the defendant- sets up that he was not aware that entail- they evaded alarm wires and made any such expense of burglar alarm wires went througJi bole in the lTJj wall that a would- neons TORONTO