e our Beat ret Ml A timet each it send out good blood blood You fcaav for food blood it food health blood bad health And precisely CO like for bad blood Avert Doctors hi Mdorted it for years erh Houses for Sale to Corner la Farm for of For On Gotham St Building Lot There are fruit trees on It to E COOMBS taut to asaooub There a Urge and gath ering of friend and relatives at the home of Mr and Mm Wax Jatt Wednesday afternoon the occasion being the marriage of their daughter Jennie to Mr Milton eldest eon of Mr and Bin The H of of To ronto played the Wedding March as the bride entered on the arm of her father and took her place beside the groom under a beautiful arch prepar ed for the occasion- The bride very tastefully attired and looked charming and the groom was of happiness The Rev Amos of Aurora tied the nuptial knot After the usual congratula tions the guests Mr and Mrs tat down to a ssmptsous re past Ample justice having been done- to the good things Mr Amos proposed in short speech health and happiness to the bride and groom to which the groom fittingly replied on his own and the brides behalf Mr and Mr Trimble a friend of the family alsoiirsultable term ex pressed best for the fu ture of the couple The pre sents were numerous and most ap propriate Mr and Mrs went off by the evening train on a- trip af ter which they will reside at Tem perance He I dinner To Let Large front rooms suitable tor light housekeeping Also two can get breakfast or Apply at Era Office fcMaaaaaaaiaaaa For Ten Good Building Lota on Andrew Street Apply to J PARTRIDGE Newmarket i For Sale assess The convenient slad street occupied by J A For Sale mm very nice convenient resi- Main St Mr Savage it expressly for his own use c and cistern water House for Sale The Junior League of the Church here held a very successful concert on Friday evening There was a very lengthy program and the lecture room ol the church was crowded They realized about tfl which will be given to the Mis sionary society of the church On Friday night about eleven oclock lire was discovered in the large shed back of livery barns on St An alarm was rung in and the Are brigade were on the had the ex tinguished much damage waa done It is supposed the building was set on fire as there had been no rite in it for some time Banbury had several sleighs In it but fortunately these were only slightly damaged The Beaver Tannery situated at Use south end of the town was sold by public on Monday The tan nery has been closed for the past years owing to some difficulty be tween the owners and the defunct On tario Hank and it was sold under mortgage by a trust company of To ronto The price paid was the face of the mortgage interest thereon and costs The purchaser was William of Toronto but we understand a party here has an option on the building and machine but wo are unable learn whether it will be started again or torn down and the machinery removed Owing to the rapid extension of the Superior St large rooms garden good well and valuable lot suitable for building Ophusness at the Aurora Agricultural MiteO T depot Price Works in this town Messrs fttftf WEIR Sons have decided to make extensive improvements and dur- As soon as s improvements arc completed j they will be able to- increase the number their employees by nearly fob SALS A roomed house Good cement Stable and Barn Domestic water Good Garden and fruit trees Op- High School Apply to MRS J SPRING at For Sale or to Rent Cottage at Orchard Beach also Dwelling for sale corner Ave and Pearson St K ROBERTSON Court Office For Sale Cheap house with large gar and stable Street large cottage with fine lota of Public School be sold as I am short of GEO A THOMPSON Mouse and Lot for Sale IN frill be by the under I of the and In by or any trover not Informatloa cell on or AJ Farms for Sale one hall They intend building an addition to their works on the west Hide fret wide and feel long and two stories high for the exten sion of their finishing shop and wood working department An addition to the moulding shop will also be built nearly doubling the capacity of the of output that department tin Friday evening a meeting was held in the Presbyterian Church to hid farewell to Mr John Scott who is leaving lor the NorthWest and who has been a member of church many years Tea was served in the lecture room alter which a pro gram was rendered consisting music readings and addicsses Dur ing the evening an address was pre sented to Mr Scott accompanied by a handsome gold watch The ad dress was read by Public School In spector Multoy and the presentation of the watch made by Miss Ger tie Baldwin on the congrega tion A handsome pearl brooch was presented to Miss Kate Scott who left for Manitoba some weeks Scott made a suitable reply on behalf and sister regret ting baring to part with so many warm friends torn J R faith la o Strong He Sella It Under Guarantee It is one thing to claim another tiling to back up the claim by a statement that if It Is not proven true there will be no charge for the seVrice or the goods ft is in this way that J sella Hyomei for be baa so much faith in Its powers to cufc all forme of catarrh and bronchial troubles tbst he gives an absolute guarantee with every out fit that if the remedy docs not cure the money will be refunded is bated on natures way of curing catarrh It contains the concentrated healing oils and gums of the pine woods prepared in inch a form that they brought into your own home It gives the health advantages of the Adirondack In such form that you can- be cared of catarrh and affections of the nose throat and lungs while at home or at work A complete outfit costs but sad extra bottles If needed may be obtained for fiOe With yon can cure catarrh pleasantly and easily at small ex pense with no risk of the treatment costing a penny unless It cures WHICH ffTATUft Of mi boa wise me flxed scale of descent la India some classes are merely Inferior while some are andean or untouchable hut from wbarsotver a man be if Stan he Traffic The Church Economist- a United States journal summarises a part of the results the liquor traffic to the nation during the year as Twentyfire hundred were smothered by drunken mother Five thousand persons he has do escape but J Jf born an nnctean caste fix thousand fallen through oaeJesar eadktrrn In an i inferior caste remain as their father sank of Canada Head Office Toronto D STEWART General Manager A ALLAN VicePresident RANDOLPH President School Reports SCHOOL Report tor March Evelyn Starr Chea ter Kennedy Harry Greenwood Gordon McCluTe Howard McClureViHred Briliihger Arthur Vernon Gladys Vernon Bertie Sheri dan Francis Sheridan were Nothing that can do can In the degree change situattoftrTbey were born unclean l their sAcestors were their will be trjclean till th rod of the chapter To a few from many weaver is lees unclean than a carpenter a carpenter Is above house cleaner a boose cleaner Is above a street cleaner and a street cleaner above a pariah or no caste man Every trade or has Its exact place arbitrarily fixed In the scale of Above all the men that labor with hands whatsoever way are the tradesmen and also with Into shore the tradesmen Is the useless and now almost Idle warrior class shore the warriors to the Brahman or priestly class and with these grand division the structure of the system com plete Three hundred thousand paupers Three thousand murdered wires Seven tboasand and nineteen Forty thousand widowed mothers One hundred thousand orphaned children One hundred thousand insane One hundred thousand criminals Our hundred thousand died drunk ards The Hand of -t-r- in 000 Capital Subscribed Capital paid Reserve over J fa m GENERAL SAVINGS CREDITED PENNINGTON Albert Branch P A M The family consisting of father mother and two little who were old enough to attend school lived on a farm near a town in which there was a flourishing saloon The home this family waa the wifef money and bad the hus band spent his- time and money in caring for farm instead spend ing them in the saloon they would have been in comfortable stances fiut be wss really MADE IN CANADA by a CANADIAN COMPANY Wealth or situation or sue cess has nothing to do with the of sober In fact be was to any man may hire for your the tyrant LIQUOR and he acknow- a Brahman of the purest strain that he bad no power to keep serene who for weeks before you en away from the saloon biro may have been on the verge The house finally became so of starvation The meager beggar to dated that it was a poor shelter In whom yon toss alms In the road may time of storm the little girts could be of very high caste The well fed not go to school they had no groom resplendent gorgeous livery or clothing fit to wear What flashing by on a that cover father gained from the sale of the e beggar with dust Is very likely of farms producu was spent tor liquor lass Silversldes caste s mile below the Time while the family often sat do a Starr George more than effort break down scanty meal that proved not Sheridan Frank walls of division One of the cleat to satisfy their hunger The wealthiest and wife Of this man never upbraided III Class St Cleave nWa Calcutta the famous for them to Albert Armstrong j family lost caste about two but diligently prayed for III Class Horace Silver sides sgo of this have re- Gene Myrtle Vernon honor from the nave conferred greet benefits upon city him One day after the sale some of stock iwbfch him II Class sod have been noted for Wri to Frank Wilder Elton Armstrong their and started for town be drey Vernon Frank McCJore One exerted himself his life mQn seldom to native education Another ftU i I Class Fred Kennedy to endow Calcutta university by the Leslie Albert Hewlett All Enormously rich and bear need Lena Parkins aovlebte for ten- the little but Leila and pWlanflmmy terS Class Pt Hewlett Stella Teacher I tt his returk ttla man drove up to Vie saloon S No Georgian to hitch la horse the for j J two little Names in oiler of bench with Tagore or touch the end Ramsey Bessie of his robe They were beautifully Willie Ross Pain Buffering destb Lake Ivan Tomlinson itself Is nothing to the Hindoo-corn- diamonds The contrast he- Son Kay Evelyn Cock- pared with the loss of caste Many J hum Kelr Hindoo that In the days wonJd came like a terrible Mary yield nothing to the most fiendish tor- III George Cockburn Bruce tores his secrets And then he Harry David Cock- when threatened with something that pared the saloonkeepers beautiful burn wouw contaminate piece of home with own one where Leslie I or a glsss of water everything seemed to be going Jr Cecil Smith Ira Keetch that had been touched by a pariah In Then came the question I suppose thousands of cases persons I What makes this Norman Smith Murray Tomlinj Archie Hiram that have hopelessly lost their caste j He soon heard the answer Your Dollie Bessie Rid- have abandoned their homes and wan- money helps to pay for ail this while dell Taylor miserably along the roads until jorie Keir overtook them Thousands of A Cora Myrtle others have thrown themselves the Ganges or deliberately starred Three Brahman girls who had been degraded by a Mussulman went before a Jodre to demand vengeance and Foster Vera Stephenson I Lillian Smith Keetch Hurst Teacher you wife and your children wear rags He afterwards said that he felt as if some one were stabling his side and asking and answering these mirations But the strangest ot to him waa he could not take a te- the Judge declined to wards the saloon His deemed killed themselves In the though to the ground At a town a srMow For once be waa in right lost caste by falling In love with a He thought over all the past wasted Whitchurch 150 Acres Brick house bank Srell watered Acres Brick house bank to acres hush well watered Along James Bay Railway and twit A S WILLIAMS Newmarket Agents Wanted J A lot and was are to work to to V Ml Newmarket tn An extraordinary rich strike was made in the famous Lauren tian gold mine at almost surpassing the great discovery of a year ago A vein was discovered feet above lbc 200foot level the ore will assay thousands of dollars to the ton The hams and other outbuildings of Mr Geo Dean con near were struck by light ning Tuesday night and burned to the ground With the of what had been fed on the place all the grain and hay grown on the farm last season were burned besides I bead of cattle horses binder wag gons seed drill etc fact the farm The boose for a time was in danger by bard work of the who gathered It saved The loss will be heavy though partially covered by Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable A happy home is the most valuable M that is the reach hut you cannot enjoy it questioned to cumfort you arc from ZtTT You throw aside bust- iQ tt ness cares when yoa enter your and you can be relieved those a wifes rheumatic pains also by applying A wife down the steps with a husband For more than years a Brahman family of has Chamberlains 1ain Balm One ap plication will give you relief and its continued use or a short time will bring about a permanent cure For sale by J and all druggists A rumor at Ottawa cays that Sir Wilfred will succeed Lord as High Commissioner and be created a peer with the title of Lord Judge caused a stir at a mining dinner In Halifax by saying that Canada would toon be Independent One man snooted New Stick to the Empire and when the judge sat down with scant applause the whole audience rose and sang Rule Britannia Caught Cold While Hunting A Burglar Mr Thomas Lanorgan Pro vincial Constable at Out I caught a severe cold while hunting a burglar in the forest swamp last fall Hearing of Cham- Cough Remedy I tried it and aftef using two small bottles I was completely cured This Rem edy is intended specially for coughs and colds It will loosen and re lieve a severe cold in lacs time than by any other treatment and la a fa vorite wherever its superior excel lence has become known For sale by J and all dmg- been outcast because one member fell lb love with the daughter of a shot- maker Charles Edward Rues ill hi Cosmopolitan muddled brain shattered and health not half the strength he once possessed the best part of nature deadened if not killed and Ms drunkards home And then be thought of his patient uncomplaining wile who In all these sorrowful years bad never given him an word though he knew that her heart was nearly broken This man then and there decided that he bad spent his last money for i nc lite- te eiStai tntM to on the T worth no f 7- bow rtrtHattj taPPrt have memos and of mow words The Mam He No but to be the word an certainly been answered tor it bad a strong win and deter- J hand of God that to Ua to spKeW ailment me out the saloon today tost ml and I wish you would bring me the Bible REPRESENT THE SUCCESS ii EXCELLENT WORK ARTISTIC APPEARANCE mo ABSOLUTE CONSTRUCTION ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE WILL1AWS MANUFACTURING ktssraNvOmcss MONTREAL P LONDON HAMILTON OTTAWA T JOHN AOBNTa visiting chamber after chamber which are articles furniture val uable Jewelled ornaments weapons remnants food and amphorae still stained with wine long since evaporated and when entering the mortuary chamber and raisins the lid of the sarcophagus my I will wife and place it on ind then let us both kneel by It I want to take an oath on that book that will never again enter a saloon or a drop of Honor o long as live Then wish you would pray that God will help me to faithfully keep my vow lor He surely answers your prayers And with tears he added God bless a wife- No pen can describe the in that home but the hap piest all for he had brought back the of Peace to take the place cant understand why Lot w sorrow and anxiety which Basted wants a divorce His bad In that home for so bah be rntmied bar years in and efts aearr Snal Brttish Emigrants have up OK Pete Persimmon yeas Ah reckon Ah am fated to be a bachelor Ah a gal but she on mah salt Henry Ham den en wtfe throw hot watah on what mine does time I atay out after of It a an stammer accommodation nasi till after May the Era Sic Transit Gloria BY A BANKER Once more the spade of the has recently brought to light of one of the SJTftnsns n t Egypt he fiTe Te lying there sSn soectSll cerement which bate so up end what vicissitudes have and preserved from and atruction all through the centpriea so filncc many evidence the might and the E tUn advanced of that flret of worldruling kingdom which baa ex- DeVer on earth After a wearisome period of toil- standing her riches her capabilities some work the explorers at length and her resources that judgment still si ruck upon the masonry of holds good now alter two great and Important edifice in due and years vassalage under course exposing the principal en- alter Power the British Empire trance to the building In the outer holds sway over the historic land courtyard and vestibule were found a And as that Divine fiat has been so number of superb decorated fulfilled to the very letter so embossed leather with solid withstanding the carping criticisms gold ornamentations the handsome of those who would trample the Holy design upon the leathern shiejd or and front the chariot being fresh them our grasp will all as bright and sharp as when perhaps the promises and all the threaten- a Pharaoh rode therein upon some oo- the Word of Almighty be of state or In some fulfilled Aad when the Great procession Numerous other meat of all takes place then will objects of interest were found In the righteousthey whose sins are this chamber In a great inner hall blotted from out the Record by the or sepulchral pavilion were several Redeemers atonement thine aa the One and important sarcophagi the stars in the Kingdom of their Fa- embalmed bodies therein decorated Bit alas what will be the with gold and precious stones one fate of the rest the mother of a queen being especial ly noteworthy for its richness and lavish display Jewellery town of Quebec What a strange thrill must have I which had the misfortune to lose its been evoked when after having gain- college only a lew weeks ago baa ed an entrance to a royal palace or been visited with another disaster in a mausoleum in which the foot the complete ruction the of man bad not trod for more than man Catholic Church which was three thousand years the explorer I burned to the ground with all the threads those long dark passages contents Loss tftOOOO THROUGH THE HEART THE BECOME A WRECK AKD VITALITY LOW BECAUSE THE HEART FAILS TO DO ITS WORK THROUGH THE SELFSAME HEART IF CURE COMES MUST IT COME Dr Cure Heart Coras the through of highest medical conclusively proven the quickest way to cure of the serves Is to fortify tbc heart with Wood that is to it and that enriches the blood e has boss proven abo shadow a doubt by this high medical authority that Dr AgncKi for Heart is the most potent nerve and heart that has gathered in from nature lap nop pain and the heartsick when you with the heart the raai a spring the balance wheel of life out of order the future look oat nothing bat darkness and stHBeripe postpone aspiring the remedy Way he of the band lift you bee to health Dr Care lor the Heart will relieve any and every form of heart is minutes Margaret Smith of OaSsffii says Many a my that I would have hailed dears a but four of Dr or the heart wrought a cere is me BOLD BY ALL AKD MSCICTHg aaaawi LITTLE