more homo every than any two other papers in North York combinedVeh3iUucknowledgJ Ipot- a INTELLIGENCER AND ill roe the liberty to know to utter and to freely according to conscience above nil other liberty No piper sent outside of North Yoik paid in advance Ho 3 cents each Newmarket Out Friday March TERMS per annum if paid in advance YOU HAVE HEARD ABOUT 3 Our Sales of SherwinWilliams Gallons Our intention is to Paints sell in were very close to 1000 GALLONS IN WATCH HOW WE WILT DO IT GENERAL HARDWAR NEWMARKET Bead this Testimonial Newmarket July For the last five years I have been troubled with Salt Rheum on my bands on one hand so bad that I could not close it without breaking the skin at the knuckles and at times unable to bend my fingers at all About a month ago I procured one box of Ointment ami can say that within two weeks I could close my hands as well as ever and now they are almost completely cured KITCHEN March Is now nearly years since I used Ointment and I have not been troubled since with Salt Rheum KITCHEfl Town Electrician Newmarket f Agent for Parkers Dye Works and Canadian Express Co Baggage for or Metropolitan called for or delivered Phone No J SOLE AGENT FOR In Newmarket Spring Stock Oaf Toronto better It turns out that the ac cident at Islington last week was buy ing to the failure of a telegraph op erator t6 deliver a message to the conductor of the train In the Assises last week John was awarded damages against a fellow workman named McDonald for partially blinding him by blowing a pinch of snufl in his eyes The Company have bought the Moss Park property known as the residence of the late Hon Ai- erect thereon a large and bakery It is expected the new West End post office Queen St be ready for business in a couple of weeks health has so improved that he is now able to attend personally to all official busi ness A passenger who gave his place of residence as Aurora to pay his fare on the Metropolitan car and was ejected at Deer Park Later he was brought before Magistrate Ellis and lined for being disorderly The Lords Day Alliance is making an appeal for the observance or week of April as a week of spe cial prayer for the preservation of the day of rest and worship Sporting circles are favoring J F Lennox of for the presidency at the annual meet ing on Good Friday Secretary Hall will not likely have opposition cither but there will be a large number nominated for the Council A dinner party was given at byrne by Sheriff on Satur day evening in honor of Chief Justice Moss The to Mr J St John on Friday night at the Junc tion was attended by about peo ple R was one the guests of honor The late Mrs Bradford who died last week in Newmarket was a sis ter of Mr P Roden of the Board of Works Department at City Hall and a member of Berkeley St Meth odist Church The deputation to Ottawa from this city came back with a full conviction that the Federal Government will make an appropriation of to wards a Dominion Exhibition in this city this year William Murray of the firm of A Murray Co merchants died at his home on Friday last very suddenly On Friday last a person named Scott was found guilty in the Police Court of stealing two bicycles and was sent for a year to the Central Over bicycles were stolen in this city last year and the Magistrate stated that he should increase this penalty till a stop was put to this growing crime At the recent Grand Lodge Session of the AOyW a new schedule scale of assessment was adopted The schedule runs from a month at years to SI 30 a month at For a breach of the Fruit Marks Act on Friday last Arthur was fined and costs lie packed barrels of apples marked them as first class in variety size and qual ity but they were not uniform Another smallpox patient- was re moved to the Isolation Hospital last week The patient came from De troit Seven persons are now quar antined in the home The late Judge left worth property None his children are to receive anything they reach the of years His wile has the income of the real estate during her lifetime The Toronto Ferry Co- commenced its seasons- work between the city and if anions Point on Saturday last admitting boys under years of age to his premises I The complimentary banquet tender ed Mr James at on the was a great success Nearly of his admirers and wellwishers as well as colleagues in the House were at tendance including Premier Ross and two of his Cabinet Ministers Two union men found guilty of in timidation were fined and costs In the Police Court last week No one objects to union men quitting work but when they threaten non union men who are glad of getting a job they travel beyond the record Mr and Mrs John Miss Maud West and Miss Mitchell left per express on the inst to enter upon Mission Work in South Af rica Several Christian Mis sion workers were at the Station to bid them goodbye The milk Producers Association ad ministered a strong dose of trade medicine to the city milk dealers on Saturday when they decided to raise the price of the eight gallon can to 115 this is cents higher than last summer Rev Hill led the devotional exercises at Massey Hall temperance League meeting last Sunday Hon John Dryden was at on Saturday witnessing the closing exercise of the special course of in struction in judging at Fall Fairs The Veterans Association has de cided on the first Saturday in June as decoration day Mrs Harriet Parsons widow of the late Canon Osier passed away on the inst at Islington in her year Clark J Whitney the veteran De troit theatrical manager and late les see of the Princess Theatre in this City died in New York on Saturday at the residence his son There are now in the Home for Incurables being bed ridden The annual meeting was held on Saturday A man named a jew eler dropped dead while at work on Saturday morning from heart disease He was employed by Saunders Co The Sunday morning free breakfast was given as usual last Sabbath in the Yongc St Mission About 130 men partook of coffee and sandwiches and listened to an earnest address from Rev P Parker A man named George Vivian was found dead in a yard York St on Sunday afternoon He was a print er by trade The Young Liberal Club and the Club held a joint banquet on Monday at The gather iog was a splendid one representing the Liberal thought of the city and country Sir Mulocks speech was one of progress and development The Hon Raymond of Quebec Mr Geo Grant who re cently defeated Hon Geo Fos ter in North Ontario and Mr MPP also delivered addresses The welcome to the PostmasterGen eral and also to his colleague Hon Mr was indeed most cordial Geo Williams is In St Michaels Hospital not expected to live suf fering from stabbing wounds received at the hands of Chris who is under arrest Silas died from Injuries received from falling of a scaffold last He was years of age and leaves a widow Arrangements are being completed for the Old Home gathering to be held in this city from the 1st to the of July next The on the bay and night illuminations will be worth seeing- Right or wrong PP and Hugh Clarke MPP Inti mated at the Conservative on Interesting Features about Glasgow March Still another week and we are in Glasgow yet but this morning- we are making some necessary cleaning for the boss says almost any hour might bring some word to hustle down South Last Saturday afternoon I wept for a walk Mr was with me and as we got out as far as Annies- land the extreme western limit of the city tramways a train came to the station said Lets go out to and so nodding approval we both ran for the train up a long flight of stairs and away to the far end of the platform Of course there was no time to buy tickets so we just paid the collection when be came round I certainly en joyed the ride a distance of about 12 miles and there being a light fall of snow on the ground made it seem more like winter and gave a tone to the atmosphere Situated in a commanding position at the extreme north of the town lie two immense reservoirs- the Water supply of the city of Glasgow They are between and 50 feet deep and each larger in extent than Bond Lake Sunday morning I went to church and didnt wear an overcoat It was a Spring morning Guess Ill not be home for holidays this year Its hard to say where Ill he then explain in detail the many mixing and refining processes before the li quid pulp is ready to enter the ma chine Right here is most interr point where the flowing mass is run over a line wire screen and by means of a suction pump the is drawn and the solid left is con veyed between steamheated cylinders thereby drying pressing and produc ing the finished article which comes out and is rolled up on a wooden axle It took us over an hour and a half to see it all and no time was lost by stopping to watch the differ ent operations only as they were ex plained Having thanked Mr Pais ley for his kindness and so thorough an explanation wended our way- back to and before leaving for the Club Mrs Stewart provided tea and cake are making plans to see the electric power station of the city for next week and also for going down a coalpit EDGAR JACKSON A Responsibility Monday night intend to stick flame Is Cor Timothy j YEAR fa Trade Mark Nut or Egg at Delivered Scientific Hew York Paitry Flour Alto Manitoba Flour J Wild who is the pulpit of Bethel Clinton proven St in this city has received a coil- lolin of bast of calls to the pastorate of two bury who died on the of in the Stales and will pro- hundred Telephone go as the pay is larger The friends Dr with Mr J K McDonald presiding held a meeting last week and decided to send a memorial to the general Assembly the Church urging them to investigate Central India Missions J Kills a street con ductor in alighting a King St car wa thrown violently to the ground sustaining a severe scalp wound and an Injury to his leg Before Christina certain bills were posted city that were considered vulgar Now all theatre managers have to show their posters to the Morality Department before posting up J Jack in an keeper a pool room to Fletcher she look care of deceaseds At least people arc starv ing In Sic of Ja pan March men and six seriously injured on Queen St east was fined W0 for were in a boiler explosion in a ill at VflckiftTe today The mil was de stroyed March The strike of COO men at the ship building yards has been settled after the were out two weeks The returned to work at an advance of per hour Fully half of the men who went out however secured other employ ment in the meantime Mr Gock- ling of the Ontario Bureau as sisted in the settlement Glasgow March We are still having weather of all sorts more rain than anything else although not so much this week as is customary Accroding to arrangements made on Monday Mr Barber and myself went out to Mr Stewarts home IUith- yesterday at three oclock and the three of us proceeded to Corporation Sewage Works a short distance away Mr Stewart having produced a card from the Bailie of that district and introduced his Canadian friends we followed a man to the point where the sewage enters the works Upwards of gallons pass through every day and from to tons of solids are extracted in the purification pro cess which having been compressed by air pressure arc formed into bakes and sold to farmers florists etc as fertilizer The pumps have a capacity of from 12 to thousand gallons of water a minute The sewage treated at this station is on ly l5th of the total quantity of Glasgow Another and larger works is being constructed at near Dumbarton The treated and puri fied water is conveyed to the Clyde where they expect to have fishing again in a few years time But think from the appearance of the wa ter of the Clyde at The it will he a good many years Hav ing returned to the Office and inscrib ed our names in the visitors book hastened to Mr Stewarts home where a dainty tea had been prepared by our hostess Mr Stewart had arranged another treat and through Wonderland and so did beggar act cat and run At we met a Mr Paisley at his home which forms side of an immense series of buildings and which is the largest paper mill in the United Kingdom to a few months ago it had the of baying the largest machine in the world It makes a sheet of pa per Inches wide The Yankees however have recently built one two inches wider There are over GOO tons of steel in this machine and Its daily output is over tons of the finest calendered paper for book and Jobbing purposes There arc two smaller machines the smallest hav ing seen over years service and the other over years These ma chines are constantly going from day morning at 0 oclock until Sat urday afternoon at oclock worked by two shifts of men Two engines arc used with each machine but the main newer for the works is derived from engine of over pow er supplemented by one of over Six large boilers fitted with automatic feeders supply the steam and a seventh is undergoing continu ous overhauling In turn About tons of coal arc every hours A very tough grass brought from Spain and wood pulp chiefly obtain ed in Norway and Sweden some Is- from Canada arc the Only white paper is man ufactured here and that of the very best quality except ordinary news The first process In the manufacture Is the boiling of this grass which Is done in five large tanks each tank having a capacity of three tons dry measure It is impossible for mo to mother is responsible to some extent for the health of her lit tle ones and the prudent mother wilt always keep at hand the means for protecting the health of her children For this purpose there is absolutely no medicine can compare with Babys Own Tablets These Tablets speedi ly relieve and promptly cure all stom ach and bowel troubles break up colds check simple fevers prevent croup and allay the irritation accom panying the cutting of teeth They are good for children of all ages from birth upwards and are sold under a guarantee to contain no opiate or harmful drug All mothers who have used Babys Own Tablets praise them and keep them in the house Mrs John Weaver says have a family of six children and have used Babys Own Tablets and know that they are the best medi cine I have ever used for my little ones You can get Babys Own Tablets from any druggist or they will be sent by mail post paid at cents a box by writing to the Williams Medicine Co Some Royeoft There is a story writes Elbert Hub bard that bears upon its features mellow tinge of time to the effect that Ralph Waldo Emerson got up in the middle the night and in the course of his groping fell over a chair- or two and knocked down the family whatnot Mrs Emerson felt softly for her mate and finding that he was not there guessed the source of the contusion and called in alarm Waldo Waldo are you ill And the placid answer was No my dear only an idea So that is story hut the new version runs this way Mr Emer son got up in the middle the night and after falling over the family rocking chair and knocking a plaster of cast oft his mantle was ac costed by his good wife thus Are ill Waldo And there was no answer save the scratching o on the wall floor bureau and chairs answer save the scratching of matches came in sticks and you broke them off The lady heard the matches split off and then she heard the scrape and crack Arc you ill Waldo again she called in alarm HI Ill no thingwhy dont you say sick there is no one listening No I am not ill I have an idea and wanted to write it down but these confound ed cheap matches you bought off that Connecticut peddler will not light- plague take everything that comes from Connecticut say I Then there was a final scratch on the wall and philosophy came to Mr Compen sations rescue as he said Well well it wasnt much of an idea any way besides that Ive really forgot ten whatsit was And ho crawled back into bed and in the morning Mrs Emerson discovered that every tooth had- been broken out of her highbacked comb Stinging At the time of our disasters in Africa at the beginning of the war the foreign waiters at some of the east end hotels and restaurants did not conceal their glee and in some instances even ventured to chaff their patrons on the subject This tendency to presume on the goodnatured tolerance of the Briton is shared by many others of our con tinental visitors but occasionally it meets with sharp and welldeserved retaliation At a west end cafe some time ago a foreign gentleman who Is believed to have left his own land to escape en forced military service loudly rangued some of his English acquain tances on the general inferiority of the institutions of their country as compared with his the Britons list ening with amused indulgence Our weather our manners our lan guage our trade customs our clumsy monetary systems our weights and measures our army and navy alt came under the lash of the continen tal critic who declared that in all these and many other respects his country is incomparably ahead theirs At the close of his remarks a quiet man in the background inquired- Were you shipwrecked on our coasts Mr or were you kidnapped and brought here do not understand I mean in what painful circum stances did you arrive in this coun try for I am convinced that a gen tleman of such tastes could not have come to us of his own free will 7 The critical man looked annoyed but the quiet man continued un abashed At any rate I am sorry you arc departing so soon I believe you leave England tonight I Certainly not You surprise mcl the satirist I should not have sup posed it possible that a man of your judgment and Intelligence could have remained another day in such a wretched country as this And the continental critic drank his coffee and departed In a hull even the foreign grinning A company was Mid land on Saturday for the purpose of operating palace scows on Georgian Bay Ways of Taking a Slight several years Anna and Dale had been schoolmates and pleasant friends After the school over the two girls began to drift apart a little There was no open rupture not even a disagree ment but they had fewer words in common There came a winter when Anna had an especially charming guest with her and gave a luncheon in her honor to which all the old set were invited except Rachel felt the slight keenly it was not easy to meet the surprise glances of the other girls nor to acknowledge that she had not been invited So when she came in one afternoon and found that Anna had called during her absence she tossed tho card into her wastebasket neednt think she can around and make up now I she said bitterly She has shown much she cared for my friendship once for all she shall not have the opportun ity to me again Its ended And so a uninten tionalupon side and a proud ac ceptance of it upon the other blotted out the pleasant memories of four years and came between two lives might have had much to give each other in years that were to Such a pitiful cheap common lit tle story it is happening all about us every day In shining contrast with it is the story Bishop Whipple tells of a woman whoso beautiful and gracious ladyhood counted friendship too sacred a trust to be lightly brok en Trie- mother of Chief Justice Swan was a friend of boyhood and a gentlewoman of the old school She possessed rare wisdom Once one of her neighbors gave a party to which all the distinguished families in the neighborhood were bidden ex cept Aunt Swan against whom a grievance was cherished The night of the festivity Aunt Swan in Qua ker garb of mode satin and sheerest muslin stepped into her carriage ami drove up to the house of her old friend Making her way through the throng to the hostess she said with sweet dignity Friend Clarissa thy servant for got to leave me thy invitation and it is by such little things that friend ships Arc often marred so I came as- thy old friend to enjoy hospital ity It is needless to say that the breach was soon healed Mr John of Hamilton was killed by a colt Fourteen rioters were killed forty wounded and the Government build ings destroyed during the disturbance at Port of Spain It pays to advert tee In the