The Era gives more home news every week than any v-i- p V it OETH Give me the liberty to know to utter and to arguo freely according to above all other liberty us No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance copies 3 cents each Out Friday Jan If paid in North York Liberal Association -00- Annual Meeting in Newmarket last Tuesday Satisfactory Explanation by Hon J Davis Regarding Dismissal of York Protest Hew Election to Follow Shortly PAINTERS SUPPLIES BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES Carriage Makers Supplies Plumbing and v TONS Last Saturday notices were out to Executive the North York Reform Association calling the annual meeting in Temperance Hall on Tuesday general was the response the people could not gain and the meeting adjourned to Town Hall about persons being in attendance The utmost harmony and greatest prevailed throughout The first business was the election of officers when the following were reelected for 1903 President Floury Aurora 1st Vice Cane 2nd Vice Bradford Sec Newmarket J Rogers Kettleby i The following resolutions were then carried unanimously Moved by J A Hopkins seconded Stephen Winch that the Execu tive of the- Liberal Association of North York here assembled desires its gratification at the im provement of the health of the Hon Sir Wilfrid and ex presses the hope that they may long be privileged to him in the Leadership of trie lie- arty in the Dominion of Canada We wish also to express our absolute fidencc in his governiiie Moved by Col Lloyd sec onded by Or That this of the Liberal Association of North York wishes to place upon record its appreciation the splen did ttIUam Canada in the administration of his department Canada is proud of him as her asterGeneral add North York is proud of him as her representative We also wish he first op portunity of this Association to con gratulate our honorable representa tive in House of Commons upon the distinguished honor of Knighthood at the hands of his Sove reign King Edward VII Stationery Toilet Preparations- and Rubber Goods sured to people of the Province of Ontario which will enable him to carry into completion trie of the development pf tie resources of the province which he- has so well The following telegram was then read from Sic Just received your not of meet ing of Executive Reform Association for today- Impossible therefore to be present presume meeting has to do with repotted byeelection for Lo cal House in North York I greatly regret the persecution to which Hon Mr Davis is being subjected have no doubt that as a mark of appre ciation of his valuable services North York will elect him by an overwhelm ing majority- Received with great applause HON J DAVIS SPEAKS Mr Davis expressed his thanks for the very cordial reception given him which signified the assurance thai- notwithstanding the falsehoods in circulation about him they still had confidence that he would not do any thing dishonorable- For years he had represented North York in the Legislature and he was not to meet the electors face to face to an swer any charges made against him Of the opponents in North York he had always been able to speak as ot gentlemen and honorable men who had the instincts of what was fair arid right in connection with public maUers Hut the candidate nominated three years ago had adopted different tactics alto gether The campaign had witness ed the circulation of unparalleled falsehoods everywhere and some of them were so astonishing that one would scarcely believe lhat the mind of man could conceive them Statements made by the candidate at one meeting and there denied woulc be repeated at next meeting in the hope that no one present knew were Yet the Liberals had stood by him through one of the M Walton seeoried fought campaigns in Ontario J INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD The Best Yet Another Cut on Patent Medicines Regular Price Our Price A Hair Vigor Burdock Blood I 6 Catorik 55 SAnwl and Turpentine 15 Carter Kidney Villa 50 35 for Catarrh Cure CO KmuMi Cure 1 Liniment by Abb Resolved that this the Executive of the North York Liberal Association hero today desires to express its- utmost confidence in administration of the Hon Ross and desires to him upon the increase of his majority so that another four years of his administration Is they had won by over and the total vote polled was about more than was ever polled by a Libera candidate in the riding Cheers refuting many newspaper ports Mr Davis read the following statement at the Mm explain ing more fully many 1 of the points touched upon Statement of Hon Davis the steps which led up Ho the withdrawal of the North York Counter As petition and wosspetHon in the North- York Election trial were- dismissed by the judge at Saturday last without I am How at to the electors of North York a to the was reached about which during he lew weeks many state- or erroneous character have In the UCHTO NEWMARKET for Prkern and Co for or called for or delivered Phone No 14 the nurtcry FORTYFIVE our Veivintrf lw traveler Salary Vrlte If varit A of a more press is obvious ihat the result could only have teen brought by mutual understanding Conaervattve candidate and my self and that was arrive at In the following way On the morning of- the nd we met the train coming to To ronto and in conversation about other matters I broached the tion of the protest expressing my regret that keep alive the and strife of toe late campaign and expressed my willingness to consider with him whether some satisfactory settlement could not arrived at to avoid the conditions above in dicated lie acquiesced in the desirability proposal and ex- pressed his willingness to discuss the In a fair spirit It was finally agreed to lay the whole matter before Judge Morgan as a mutual friend and on arriving in city we met at his office for that purptae In to the Judge the object our visit Jit was clearly set forth that the basis upon which negotiations proceed was if alt to avoid the bitterness and rancour which would surely trial no matter would he as affecting the seat and sec ondly the enormous cost Incident to trial of this character The matter considered from various standpoints the discussion lasting an hour and a half to two hours and an Wei reached which appeared ftatiefactorV parties An adjournment Was made a late hour In afternoon alloyin party to his solicitors On meeting at the hour agreed upon it was decided that an arrangement on that basin should be conaumat- As the Judge the mutual arbitrator In the case probably it better to Jet him state in his own language rangeirfent Was J- iJUIOBiOKiQy STATEMENT 2nd January Hon J Davis and Mr IV If- Lennox to toy chambers and told trie they bad been discussing I the North York election protect and that desirous of avoiding tho political and other would surely in the constituency if the petition and were prosecuted and the enormous that result said they had come to me to see if I could mediate between them in making some satisfactory settlement bj which the petitions could be disposed of without trial- Mr Lennox contended that he had ample materia on which to void the election and Mr Davis claimed that he was as sured by his solicitors that they had numerous counter charges of a personal character against Lennox that would result in his dis qualification hut rather than the constituency in personal and political enmities a trial involve and the enormous costs that would be Incurred he would prefer to resign his and have another contest It was finally agreed that no particulars were to be filed by either side so as to have as- little bitter feeling as possible excited that the place of trial was to be changed from Newmarket to Toronto and that the petition and crosspetition were to be dismissed without costs The solicitors on both sides were then sent for The question of costs was raised by Mr T Lennox who claim ed that he bad expended some hundreds f dollars in subpoenaing wit nesses and incurring counsel fees and other disbursements while Mr Davis had not subpoenaed any esses and in some other respects the costs incurred by him were much less Mr Davis stated positively that he would not consider a- settle ment on the basis of paying the costs of Lennox in foil this would be an admission which he would not make but stated that he was quite willing that each party should make representations to me as to the costs they incurred and would abide by my decision as to what amount of excess costs were properly payable to Lennox As a result of this the solicitors on both sides had a discussion with re ference to costs together with me and I rued as set out in the agreement and initialled me the Bum of was a fair amount to be paid Lennox for of costs The question of resignation was then discussed and it was mutually agreed that Mr should place his resignation in my hands bear ing date Feb- iuth before which date his resignation could not be asked for on behalf of Mr Lennox who also was bound to make his request within three months thereafter at all hut Mr Davis re served to himself the right to resign at any time either before or af ter the of February or at any dale thereafter that he might con sider desirable even if not called upon This understanding was consummated in an drawn up by the solicitors signed by all parties and initialled the adjust ment of costs Mr- Davy then his notice of resignation and were left in keeping to be used as occasion requited NO COPIES OF DOCUMENTS HELD BY ANY ONE ELSE I understood the parties came to me as a mutual friend of longstanding and because they felt that I from my long ex perience be able to assist thorn in reaching a result which would meet their views and because they had confidence that if a settlement was reached I would keep the documents confided to me and only permit same to be used on the terms thereof as occasion required The following are copies of agreement and notice of resigna- Signed MORGAN January Judge MEMORANDUM of agreement made this 2nd day of January between James Davis and T Lennox The said J Davis agrees to resign his scat in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario and place his resignation in the hands Judge Morgan the resignation to bear date the February and to be used if requested by said Lennox said request to he made within three months thereafter Doth parties agree that they shall not deliver any particulars under the petitions filed and will give consent to have same transferred to Toronto for trial And that shall dismissed without costs Judge Morgan is to settle what should be paid as between said Davis and salt Lennox which costs are to be before peti tions are transferred for trial The resignation to he addressed to the proper party or parties and their panics to he filled in when resignation is required by said no Signed v- Herbert James for Lennox J Davis A Grant lor J Davis Marginal memo In consideration of question referred to me I fix the amount of costs at to he paid Lennox after moderating both bills of costs Signed Judge COPY OF THE RESIGNATION LEFT WITH THE JUDGE In the matter of the election for member for the North Riding of the of York to the Legislative Assembly for the Province of Ontario 4 On To I Ellhu James Davit hereby declare my intention to resign my scat as memberelect to the Assembly of the Province of Ontario for the North Riding of the County York Signed J DAVIS Dated February Witnesses A GRANT JAMES MORGAN Judc MR DAVIS STATEMENT- The above are all the documents in connection with this matter and I thought it was only right that you should he frankly placed In possession all the information thereon The judge Informed that his statement the agreement and the declaration intention to resign had been in duplicate since the disposal of the case by the Judges on Saturday last all by his own hand and that Mr Lennox and myself had each been furnished with a It in stated In the Conservative press that I had paid all my op ponents costs and Mr Lennox Is reported to taken that same poeltlon You will sec the judge gays that I absolutely refused to consider a settlement on that and that I only paid what he con sidered vas a lair excess of costs From the same sources numerous statements have been made that I had resigned From foregoing documents you will see the untruthfulness of statements I have not resigned My opponent reported to have said on a number of occasions that he call mo to resign any moment Such a statement it not correct A portion of the Conservative press In scare headlines state that I was to resign by the exposure of electoral corruption in North York maJc by my opponent and he apparently endorses that In reply to Chat I would say the papers I was not compelled rcwiii by anybody for any reason but It wan toy own of avoiding bitterness expense and there was no fin or rear ons which led to that Farther exposed any electoral corruption In North York against either my friends or myself and any statement to the con trary is For months he and some of bis friends have been reported as stat ing that they would Id disqualify me and drive Concluded on Page me from public life A to Sir at Crowded but last week Sir William was received with veiv great enthusiasm indeed In reply to some jocular remarks of Sir Sir William said that the continued good crops that bad prevailed since the advent of the Liberals to i power showed that the Liberals were popu lar with Providence He said that In had spent a pleasant day in Three years ago when he visited he had seen frowns instead of smiles and had found general dissatisfaction with the works Today it was music in his ears to hear the noise of the rivet- ting of the ships that wore to bear the grain oi Canada to the markets the world Ail these things were gratifying to public men such as him self Mr Maclean and Mr McCarthy lie took it that no country could bo great unless identified with commerce- beyond her limits Canada had no neighbors on this continent with whom she could trade and therefore must trade with countries beyond the seas and while these ships that were being built here might not plow the sea they would play an import ant part in carrying the products of Canada to the sea As to the ques tion of duties on ships raised Long it seemed to him that no po litical economist could justify ad mitting free a finished article and taxing raw material The point made Mr Long about trans fer of American ships to Canadian register Sir William said was de serving of the must serious considera tion by the Government and he feel It his duty to bring it to attention of the Government and was sure they would solve it in the interests of Canada if a solution was possible Canada he able to carry her own commerce in her own ways in Canadian or British bottoms We must he independent of the American people We would prefer to he on neighborly terms with them hut We must keep a stiff upper lip and take care of ourselves As to the Tariff fie was not here to discuss the tar iff but he might fairly say that the Government had not shown itself un mindful Canadian industries They were not in favor of a high prohib itory tariff Canada had such a tariff and had not thrived on it and accordingly they were endeavoring to adopt what they deemed mod erate tariff that would enable indus tries to live and thrive and would enable consumers to live and thrive They did not believe iii a would destroy the purchasing power of the great masses of the people or Canada The Government would bo doing harm to the manufacturers II they killed the goose that killed golden egg The domestic market ot Canada was the most valuable of markets to the manufacturers of Can ada and if they could to have the great masses of the people of Canada well able to buy thy were thereby supplying a profitable home market for the Canadian saying this he did not wish to be understood as saying that the tariff was a finality Changes must be made with changing circum stances Sir William laid special stress the fact that the tariff Jiad been- and should be remove from- the field of party politics The Government was moved with a single Object the welfare of Canada and the of a great country on this continent He dwelt upon of the task facing people of Canada In development of the westthat heri tage He on the enterprise of good use they of the as sistance already granted them by the Government constituted a claim upon tlie Government for liberal treatment in the future 1 j NORTH Farmers are taking advantage the good sleighing to get up wood Miss of has commenc ed her duties for the present year Mrs of is visiting her slater Miss McMillan of Cor ners who continues very poorly we are sorry to Mr and Mrs Thomas Lewis gave a party in honor of Miss Edith be fore leaving for school In Toronto Mr George left his team for Muskoka to draw Mr Angus is sporting A new cutter Miss Is at Pine Orchard with her sister Miss Carrie Ervlngham Is visiting friends In the city I J