Newmarket Era , September 1, 1893, p. 1

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13 GEO JACKSON POINTING HOUSE 1800 SUBSCRIBERS Medium In the GIVE MB THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO AND TO AKGDE FREKLY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY mm NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No York unless paid in advance Vol 32 Single Copies Cents Each 1 Newmarket Friday Sept 1893 Strictly in Advance s within or at end of year ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL REST SIR p Newmarket Branch A Interest Allowed on Deposits AT CORRECT RAT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL pod American Draffs Note ftUMdc4 to J a LEGAL J food secarlly t is fctf solicitor Era a WIDTH FIELD Clock Hurt ten anil If 16 VcHioarkel E to Id A 3 48 to 52 MAI N A DOORS AND S W ijjgj4 J ROGERS DENTAL AI It A TERRV JHcci ERICS AND CHEMICALS I febl fcvrf SIMPSON Main AS Main Fit Any SizeWiudow Fly Traps Dish Covers Water Freezers HAMMOCK We have Just Received a Magnificent Line of Preserving Kettles ALL SIZES Granite and A Telephone No 30 Itapairing done promptly BOOT SHOES W AUCTION ROSE A for York Co ulCrtl itJ will n ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES THANH 1XS1 For the County of York en Turing renMn- to A J JKWELLKKY- ASM CLOCK And 18 THE 1 FEEL BRIGHT AND MY COMPLEXION BETTER ct on rtxaftK IfvrrtriJ 4a U1 If for LAKES on day In to to mail AM MIRACLES DO NOT CUR AT HAMILTON The Ont knows of a lay the application of LINIMENT to a par lially paralyzed that equals any thing that lias transpired at Hamilton Per iht Era Original Divine Love- J There within cool A ray that lights oar casts a radiance wand goal mow than mortal That bar lies some mo tion To bright scon Beyond That ray is beaming bright In homes and hearts of sorrow Whoea fondest hope is pbon pray God may lift the veil tomorrow brighter ray can life unfold On Calvarys its light given Love mora far than gold Whose glory ftlla Heaven 53 Photos Photos PEPPIATT Mr to be THE LEAD Sign Red Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store GENTLEMEN ft MILLARD Main Main- J I Mt4 Life at J PotlrjlM have really splendid bargains for you to miss them is imply disadvantageous lo you both in loss of the finest clothing possible as well It matters not ivlictlivr want a single or a full suit our slock affords the providing yourselves with strictly garment K 15 Clothing at Rock I tot lorn nets Call and see for yourselves D MUTCH Mtrehant Tailor opposite Starrs Hook Store Gents own made up and Cheaply WIT of Life EYE Anyone can nee the tiperiority of our STOVES TINWARE HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH RAVING IlogArt MAINTAINING And fluoraalcca to lorn every city work and far Co It or ah will bo In or Oil Mr aim will not to Hood tbo but In loiaucd Co complete fiod f Old Stand Offer- If you have Catarrh and desire to be cured without risk losing your money call at our agency in New market and a Inhaler Kiikmd a ant in advance After you have given it a fair trial at your own and you find it a Knuine remedy you can pay for same If not satisfactory in every way you need not pay one cent Nothing could be fairer If you have Catarrh call immediately and get this remedy on above liberal leans at Dr Scotts Drug Store our sole agent for Newmarket and vicinity Those who cannot call address Medical In halation Co Toronto Qnt Only the Scars Remain matt testimonial I Jit rifled Jlcio Mac til DC ry Co my pirn case I he ae years bal coma on Li toys broke and liLtairo Our could me lb waj the would unreal mo try and not tnijftrlltce to Ayri Ml me L now rtrj I hive taction too Inxlvfi In all of Hie Oeas in tilling Or the euro of all blood tell Is AVERS Cures will euro you of tlio of ALLAN Cor J iiVIR It I CLu j I i Wtf yKKEKiOMClKrf Id tan A WJ i tic n pi hi J0dcfriiiplatici4cdlQAi1 Tecum CAifljr4 PURE A LIFE ro000000 DOLLARS J MANNING SON Vtvm xi f jMIOS SOMJCKVILIi- it tola M l Main Milliner Arl PArx7ld PUREST BEST by All ra Bad prepared to do choppier WfcoAfcr itf Wjwtw4 4 ted At lt bid ill Scotts Emulsion of Gil and is a jind a It Is a a fat at the tame links glvcvial It CONSUMPTION because fit and It beneficial for CHILDREN Key can ft when iIjc food It I J beneficial for COUGHS AND COLDS It of and the body and ncuit a t7JldjJltt4 ftbdllAX Worlds Exposition From Whitby Our first entrance Jackson Pack the fair is held was by elevat ed railway about miles from the heart of the city It istbiity minutes ride and tbe fare is the Tall- way lands run into the park and as at our Toronto Industrial you buy your ticket and go in at a turnstile only the charge for every admittance is 50 cents instead of cents We conctuded to try the intramural rail way which is a new kind of electric railway taking its power from a third rail instead of the trolley overhead It is of course elevated Trie cars are open models of convenience and are run very swiftly affording de lightful ride through the grounds and stopping at different buildings We passed by the great white buildings in quick succession and landed at the terminus in about the centre grounds Jackson Park stretches along tbe shores of Lake Michigan for about two miles and contains with the midway some acres Some of your readers have travelled over a hundred acre farm and know what a walk it is Just think of one of acres and you have some con ception of the distance to be tra velled The park is laid out with the most approved macadam roadways and walks and great excavation have been made to admit the water from the lake to form the numerous small lakes which abound therein Very fine broad white bridges connect the islands formed by the lagoons and lakes and flower pots with beautiful plants abound amidst the well kept grass A walk through this lovely spot well one and then to the large and beautiful buildings is indeed a rare treat Nearly every building is white in color built of iron wood and glass and covered with a material called staff The outlay of money is very large some t and the figures for building material are really astounding viz about car loads of staff car loads of glass and it is hard to estimate how much iron and wood We found ourselves first at the con vent of La which is situated on a rocky slope and is an- exact re production of the convent where Cot- found shelter in time of trouble and begged a pittance for his child It was well our first visit was there for it impressed us with the fact that it was a exposi tion It is rich in memories of Col umbus contains priceless treasures loaned mostly by the Spanish govern ment It is guarded day and night by United States troops At the con vent which this represents Columbus planned his expedition discover the New World and we learned from the guide book while looking at one of the magnificent paintings of Col umbus landing in America that amongst his crew was one Irishman and one Englishman the latter a native of Yorkshire So you we all had a hand in the colonization of this great country as well as the Spaniards This old place models of charts maps some eighty- paintings or copies of Columbus one of the anchors of the Vffif Mario and the first church bell used in America with many other and relics suppose money could not buy the priceless collection On emerging from the convent we catch sight of the three caravels copies of the ships in which bus crossed the ocean They are anchored in grand basin close by and on closer inspection we the sailors living on board and a museum of old curiosities on one the vessels They a deal of attention and if as people tell you it is dangerous to cross the ocean in the great ships we have New York harbor we would not envy Columbus his trip of about days in such ships as these Our way led us on to the peristyle feet long and feet high It is very picturesque and with its massive and heavily fleeted col- utpns farming a grand promenade along the water front In trie centre is a great triumphant The whole abounds in sculpture and elegant decorations We were soon on hoard the warship Illinois which is anchored near at the nival pier Is built of brick painted white It is a full sized battle ship The guns arc all mount ed In their placer and the whale ship is Just as it Isfitted out for sea with provisions guns rifles etc The who ate in attendance answer Ihe numerous questions with good nature and we were shown a machine for making Ice We saw the ice made ana it was a good quality The machine which is used for this pur- pose cost Near to this Is the US weather bureau where we how they make the weather and we were privileged to look through the great telescope at the spots on the sun Here ado we saw clocks showing the lime of day la the different pirls of the world When on board the ship we saw floating from Victbiia House the British flig We had seen so miny stars and stripes and foreign Hags that I confess Mr Editor our hearts were strangely warmed when we saw our own old Union Jack There may be nothing in a lag for some people but we hid a feeling of come over us and the tendency was to take off our hats and Hurrah We went over to Victoria House which is intended to represent British homes and saw the collection of rare carpets furniture etc and a painting of the Queen and nobility on the lawn before the Queens castle At the art palace we saw some elegant painting but none with more at traction for this one The Canada building is just across the and there we registered and upstairs found our old friend H who is press representative for Ontario and his friend who is doing similar duty for the Dominion government They re ceived us very warmly Mr Annes introduced us to Air P for centre Toronto who is one of commissioners for Canada also Mr Lai Ice of All seemed pleased to see us and made us quite at home and we are sure could exceed their cordiality and we doubt not that they perform their duties We had occasion on several limes to wander in the Canada building to read daily papers and over the numerous other Can- papers on file Along past the beautiful foreign building we wandered taking in the variety in design and noting with pleasure the artistic carv ing and sculpture Passing womans and horticultural buildings and stopping in front of the tranSHr tation buildings the main entrance which is called golden What a beautiful work of art it is costing 2500 It consists of a series of seven receding arches all chased in green and gold On the panels on either side of the entrance in relief figures are shown the old fashioned ox cart means of transport ation and modern mode of travel by parlor and dining cars On one side above the entrance is an extract from Bacon There he three things which make a nation great and pros perous a fertile soil busy workshops and easy conveyances for men and goods from to place on the a quotation from Of all inventions the alphabet and the printing press alone those inventions which abridge dis tance have done most for civilization On entering one finds that the ex hibits all classified but each na tion has its own space Here you will see every method of transporta tion These represent to a great extent the wealth of nations It is said lhat all the coined money in world would not buy the rail road interests of this globe and when to this is added the ships and other means of travel some idea of the of transportation is to be formed saw ships and models of ships some of the latter to feet long and so many of them it would be impossible to en umerate them One boat that at tracted a good deal of attention was the one in lite centre of the building which Grace Darling and her father used when they made the famous rescue from the stranded ship in It is well preserved but crumbling in places Then there are vehicles of all sorts carriagC3earts handsome busesand some of the odd ox carts used in old colonial days An old Brazilian stage coach the coach of the Mayor of Lon don and some beautiful were there valued at 12000 and another while one Every kind of heavy wagons is shown and even the much despised wheelbarrow Of necessity the railways take up a large space and to accommodate them an annex was on Ihis build ing covering nine acres of land Vou may see railway trains the old countries alongside of the ruosl approved American styles saw the train of the Canadian Pacific and it was much admired for its artis tic elegance and appear ance The and Wagner if lift TENTH LINE KING Mr Jos Godson is once more able to be again Every amusement has its day The popular amusement now among the faffners is threshing for the pur pose of making room for the out standing crop Mr Davis and Mr J hare each purchased a bicycle An interesting time is expected in the afternoon of Friday Sept at Mi Jfls The line Presbyterian Church purpose having tea party there and expect a goad attendance An inducement has been given organized football teams A prize of 15 will be Riven to the winning team Crodrt last HOLT a tent on Mr lawn and is Mr Whisker has Stephen Thompsons holding religious services every Sun day afternoon Some of our fanners are almost through harvest The grasshoppers damaged the oat crop immensely and bushels arc lying on the ground I guess the smart boys who attend ed the meeting the other Sun day have learned who the J is STOUFKVIME A lad named Watt fined and costs for taking a key out of a shop door not returning it This isonly the beginning of a vigorous application of law by our local Jus- ices so that the boys had better limit their tricks a sensation was created both in and Goodwood on Mon day morning when it became known that Mr Shaver who had the con tracts for the vinegar works Mr Marlins livery and public school building at Goodwood had departed for the land of the free It is said that his obligation will foot up the handsome little sum of i Of course some of the liabilities are se cured but a number of workmen and others will be losers in various amounts Some will not experience much inconvenience from the loss hut workmen and others cannot well afford lose their wages Tribune out people both show elegant trains Then there is the model of- the rocket the first locomotive built nd what a curious old thing it is compared with fifty or more giant modern ones near by I It is a very lame looking affair The whole exhibit is designed to show the evolu tion of transportation Different ways of railroad making are shown charts models and maps of every thing in the railroad line Nearly every count in wirhl is represented in this building which is ft long and ft wide and coil Besides the exhibit of the Canada Pacific in this build ing there arc Canadian exhibits of carriages boats small craft and dog trains from Northwest The conveniences on the grounds are ample and when you are thirsty there arc any number places where you can buy lemonade coffee iced drinks of all descriptions and fruits and you are hungry ihwe cafes restaurants and lunch counters in nearly every one of the large buildings There ire plenty of seats to rest on and if sickness should overtake you an ambulant is within call and I cannot well conceive that any better arrangement could be made for the comfort and convenience of the guests at the great fair and let me say here that any person who can pare the time and money should not miss this exposition for it is one of the greatest educational forces in the world The trip can be made for and some do It on a good deal less Ross JJOrt Ferry ijm A fellow who couldnt afford to take a newspaper sent a couple of dollars to a down Yankee the other day to learn how to raise beets He got an answer to take hold of tht tops and pull Liniment The town Inspector having been absent for sometime Attending to his official duties an Master Mason in North has been prevent ed from mating his usual rounds dur ing the last two months Cut on his arrival that he might not appear slothful in performance of his duties he immediately began his tour of inspection and handed me the following report which I promptly forwarded to His Worship the Mayor The fcnecs in general arc in good condition but I must insist on a new one being erected in front of the Presbyterian Church The stake fence to the south of the village should be removed and a new one put in ils place As to the sidewalks they arc in a good state of repair a condition due to a good representation in the Council- Crossing required in front of the Presbyterian Church as well as in front of the Methodist Church These matters should be conducted from a point The Fire was my fortune to be present at the fire on the morning of ihe and I am enabled from personal observation to give a full account of the proceedings The fire originated in the vicinity of ho oven at bakery and as it was the dead of night it had made considerable headway before being discovered The occupants on awakening were suffocated and were obliged to make for the open air leaving about worth of notes belonging to Mr lives to be destroyed Mr loss will be slight as the value of contents was covered by in surance- The Haines next spread to the adjoining house owned by Mr Aylivard and occupied by Mr An drews The house was totally de stroyed but Mr Andrews loss will be chiefly owing to damages in removal as the contents were saved even to the For the resi dence of Mr was in great danger but owing to the exertions of the citizens escaped with a slight scorching which will be thoroughly effaced by a few pounds of paint It was my agreeable duty inspect the village stoic at an early date after my return found in good condition and the goods are marked not dearer than last year Goods are daily arriving at the where Mr is putting in a fine stock Cleanliness a The services of the Chairman of the Hoard of Health were called into requisition lately by a citizens of the North end com- plaining of garbage being thrown in such proximity to his residence as to be a source danger Matter ami cably settled The Mayor received a cold bath at the fire and threatened taking legal against the mem bers of the fire company who were at that time stationed on the roof of the house c The streets were immediately ccarcJ of the debris caused by the fire and it would perhaps be well for the property owners to enclose Ihe vacant lots so hat stray cattle sheep may not come to grief would again respectfully call attention to the crop of noxious weeds on the vacant lot opposite Maple Avenue Unless promptly attended to legal proceedings should be adopt ed Mr Sawdons leg injured by overwork is quite strong Messrs received severe bruises at the fire while endeavoring to sub due the flamci Our Clerk hap been offering prices for a few more- inches of breath No objections to its being brass lined or second hand if not tainted with or onions Seldom Heard CntfftUJ MOUNT ALBERT A picnic party lotk an at Roachs Point last Saturday Visitors Mr Graham Mrs from the States Row land from the city Who were those young girls were peeking through keyhole in a young mans office Mrs Fa land pas taken very ill on Sunday night but is improving A good many who went on the Ex cursion to on Friday got sick One lady fainted away but she was taken good care of Owing to a freight track the train was kept late We have butchers now Our Hand is tor 5th of Sept at Newmarket and patty men arc preparing for a big time Crowded out last Mr Hand and wife former ly of this neighborhood now of Stonewall Man have the heartfelt sympathy of relatives and friends of this part in the loss of their youngest boy Harry His death we under stand was caused by inflammation of the brain brought on by a severe whoopingcough Vegetation is now looking fresh after the nice showers the past week The ice that was housed last Spring has been used quite freely Ihe past dry hot weather for making and the young people have had jolly times at home sociables A large number from this attended the Methodist field or hush meeting last Sabbath held in Mr grove in the con King The printer made our peavine of last week of such length that it would be hard to beat j had tin put a figure 1 in place of it would have read and been correct The small boy and girl are again under birch correction Harvesting will soon be over late oats are chief article now About cheese were shipped to Aurora from here last Monday AURORA Mr Broad who has been in British Columbia for the past year and half and who has been home on a short visit left for the West again on Tuesday morning At a meeting of the Public School Board held in the Hoard room last Wednesday evening the resignation of Mr Jos Bond as caretaker was accepted and Mr John Holder appointed in his place salary to be per annum On Friday last as Dr was training a young colt it became unmanageable and made a break for liberty While the Or was in pur suit Af the horse some miserable mean person stole his lap rug and oil cloth which was on Ihe side of road Strangers coming into town in the evening must certainly form a very unfavorable impression of the pros perity of tbe town by the absence any attempt at lighting streets It is greatly to be regretted that a company cannot be formed to furnish electric light there is a claim of some against the present electric light plant and i- of this amount has already been provided for hence only 100 more is required It somewhat strange that there is not enough en terprise among our men to come forward with their smalt amount and set the lights running again Banner George the elder brother asked Oh yes I heard about him said the corporal he was killed in India years ago 11 Would you like to see Ves if hes alive Well youre speaking to him now said George and grasped the corporals hand Tears streamed down the faces of two men the younger who still spends the Queens shilling and the elder who has the memories of many battles Corporal Evans is the only one of all the brothers not absolutely native to He had his training in England and enlisted on English soil- He joined ihe army after George Evans had received his discharge The latter fought in Russia and in the Indian mutiny He has a trait taken in Russia of himself and five brothers four of whom were officers Some years ago Mr Evans covered another brother one of the most prosperous merchants in Phila delphia and who was then British counsel in that city This brother had raised himself from the ranks to the honorable post of Adjutant-Gen- era The brothers discovered their relationship through a companion of Georges in Toronto who had to enlist the consular services of the representatives all over the world Eh The Bank of England has raised its rate of discount from per cent The Patterson property at was purchased by Max- son Jones Eightyseven indictments were found Wednesday against gamblers in Chicago The Recorder which has been before the public for about a year and a half has been forced to give up publication A lynx has been causing the much trouble has been Thirty A A TORONTO When Mr Geo janitor of the Traders Building Toronto read in the World that Cor pi Evan the hero of the great cold storage Warehouse lire of Chicago was in the Military Tournament at the Baseball Grounds lie resolved go and talk to him Mr Evans is an old who wears his years welt and although it is- 25 years since he left the British army he still lakes strong interest in soldiers and men who come from the comers of the world which he has visited Eurtherrnore he takes a brotherly interest in anybody of the name of Evans He is a native of Tipperary and had brothers all of whom were also British and scattered over the face of the earth His two sisters are the wires of soldiers arid his an cestors were soldiers And he went to the Baseball grounds on people of lately A reward of Offered for its carcase It is said here arc more lies told in the sentence I am glad to see you than in any other six words in the English language The village council purpose adding another to their public debt by putting in ft of water pips and hydrants The Aurora firemen had a call thy night of their excursion A residence occupied by Mr Gamble was destroyed and very little contents saved A distressing double fatality occurred at Parry Sound Friday after noon in the drowning of Mrs J Miller of Toronto and her nine-year- old boy the family of were away on an excursion the premises were burglarized between and in jewellery taken Mr Bell of the celebrated Bell farm at Indian Head expects realize from to bushels of wheat to the acre this year A great number of maple trees in Windsor have been destroyed by a small grub It attacks Irimk of the tree and has it in such a con dition the slightest wind breaks the tree off Private citizens used coal oil with much effect- One of detective arrested a man at last week for committing murder in St Louis Mo 12 years ago The man was shadowed from Chicago through the Sauh Port Arthur Sudbury North Bay and Parry Sound The reward offered was When ft returned from dinner today he discovered Ihe basement his shop in dailies loss on the building is estimated insur ed fur The stock is damaged to extent of 300 insured for The fire was caused by spark from the stove used in heating the irons At Rat Port age Ibis morning Andrew millwright in Mathers lumber- mill while engaged oiling machinery was caught between two cog wheels and smashed to pieces instantly So great was the strain as his body was passing through lhat it forced a pressure of 1500 breaking some bolts and stopping the mill The stoppage was the first intimation of the accident was unmarried years of and came from Port Hope lie was a Mason and OddFellow and much respected James fit W Russell Rich mond Hill shipped to the Worlds Fair their herd of celebrated Shorthorns Their bull Stan ley one year old and under two cap tured in his class the 1st prize of 50 their bull Prince of Kinnear won the prize and their cow three years old and over Queen May won the prize He also won the 2nd premium for heifer years and un der premium for heifer year and tinder and alio in same class first premium for heifer under year and also in same class premium for herd and 1st prem ium for herd Aug A lire which day night with the vague idea of find- in the extent of territory it covered imr some unknown relative in the almost rivals Chicago historic con The dog poisoner has been hard at in the town of Markhara tie past week or so some unknown relative hero Corporal Evans- He sought the soldier out in the camp and got into conversation with him and gradually ascertained facts which proved that corporal was brother years his junior and whom be had not seen since an of hi had the future hero to England- as a child of years He did not reveal his name but continued to ask him about his brothers and sisters The corporal knew but little of any of them He had seen a sister some years ago but the rest of them had almost rivals Chicagos historic con flagration began in that part of the city known South Chicago about oclock houses were people home less Loss 1000000 The con flagration originated in the home of- employee of the roll ing mills Miss Gilles his daughter was engaged about oclock in preparing her evening toilet In this she was using a lamp for the purpose of heating her curling iron and while arranging her bangs the lamp was overturn an explosion followed which in the end wrecked the homes of several thousand people dropped out of knowledge What became of jour brother iijdI4aImcDVoararvitatmCowa

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