svvvr v Friday Morning IT fitJMSMBiES lrf OHTABIO IK p BANK NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISE North York paid ad vane Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Feb in Advance within or At and of year- AUKSKItALMAHKIHO on at DRAFTS ISSUED room teMbluft attended to it a a Manager Street Newmarket on good Kan l SALE rtlLLi A OAKS Jidr Sic Hob J to Weal if ML o O F DP A J- jN- flrtS a Kcala op- A KB tOL KOBE si O COUCH dont delay BALSAM y cm noBlot rt Have you tried the For Era wishing to carry any stoves over the Bummer season we will give a SPECIAL DISCOUNT of per on all our Stoves until sold Here is a rare chance to get an A away down a WRIGHT CO Telephone Ha done prompt- R U IN IT Arnar IS ASK York a pi on rtton III J In a J can be toad IF Come in Out of the Wet Cat J KJEffTBR P SEE STOCK OF FINE GOLD SILVER WATCHES Novelties in Jewelry New Designs in Silverware WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU OALL AND QOOTE YOU PRICES JACKHO- JOIca XL llSJ3ltAVBJOh L MAIN ST ATKINSON NEWMARKET CIGAR PURE on Almott blinded by long reft Mid flub d steady poor mil on with mind tio hopes relogatoofl to And be a glimmering pk like ft track a ppert in ho that bit Hope day finrryiiiK on without few The light the door for opened And word kindly While Ith ftnd to supply you ever een ft Pretty genii and mil J Grow t some little thing And to mother cling So when of come Silking the heart tad home look ftt once to Seeking in Iqe A shelter hi when mil ft are nil of or Beat to tweet to lace giro iu courage to endure How shires our grief or No language ftll It is ft Hit children know That softens every blow Refuge and Ami and Well nifty ting joyful toug Sheltered in ftrmi We may defy tU earthly etormi by ballot to the show how unfair the Md for the laws relating to lands and land transfers in the Territories the of The public accounts of the past year the estimates for en suing year will be laid before you without delay and I trust it will be seen that ample provision may be made or the public without increasing taxation the Senate Gentlemen of the Home of every confidence 11 f to th muter will receive you M liODj and that jour deliberations will of had been mode you wan me to jump up when the party whip is crocked you must get another man The articles in the Empire were maliciously written Every man who has these articles must gee why the Govern ment had repudiated them and the people of North supported him he would not go back to Ottawa to sit on the Ministerial side- Hear bear INFANT INDUSTRY PROTECTION keep in view above all other the welfare arid stability of the coun Before His HE STATES AND HIS TO govern ments roticv PURET STRONGEST r AM M VnaUU O0LUUBIA MANITOBA J nrAttlf CLOCK llt Nans and 18 I J AdAHTKDO Fir 4 jfrUBT AT BENTLEYS PHARMACY XMAS GOODS BELOW COST We WE Aim to Improve I AND HOT Oar New prand the Speech from tie Throne PARLIAMENT WAS OPENED AT OCLOCK THIS AFTERNOON CUD E8S1D wiHbe found to be exceptionally we rfapecrt fiive trial when our statement will be fully verified an DAVIS LARGE STOCK OF irl JASON i Model X Druggists and Smokers Sundries STANDARD REMEDIES DISPENSING A SPECIALTY DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR A A AM liiViid ilJiL ieijiQU7 i pupils A bet Vocal Violin MR A of Bum- Newmarket fecit io Klve in ftd io to Photos I Photos Am o VMKOM 1compUlDifraj la Indigo a adJ cure Ij I 1 by a liable imuel to i4 in my ratio a found In the rortlfk uliJi did IN aw in at for anil HI lliL Hit urn Iru V- I Q PEPPIATT IIAVINQ MUSIC J Woitri Aurora LIFE CO CAPITAL AND to town Toronto r naif oArttie4 up Che be IdLcdJa THE LEAD to lorn work jul eref respect to rtj wort and loibo It Kwery of id picture will be used j4 In or OH una lolUiwl the i hood work but lo It flxk4 id Old DUNNS Mr tvt ell lilt- priinMTr mi 0 rtdlirlnn ijillilir fi IKit I fria Iiu Ins- hi J list ami lirtiu I faint- iinp 1 trojbU dally dnafji arc rtimtri- Ayer Or villi lttMilcUi A nit to Pills Coj Lowell M 000 t lit two tti V Tc4chcr of Aod rbala Mo Br Vt ftc4 At Yowl Dor- DOW teacher at the I l tod FOR SALE BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND Canada CUED THE VERY BEST Shropshire Rams AKD YOUNB HORN BULLS Aval C IB VINO Box Ottawa Out Jan- This at three oclock His Ex cellency the GovernorGeneral pro ceeded in state to Chamber of Senate in the Parliament buildings and took his seat upon the Throne The the Senate being assem bled His Excellency was pleased to command he attendance the House of Commons and that House being present His Excellency was pleased to open the third session of the Seventh of the Do- minion of Canada with the follow ing speech Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate Gentlemen the Home Commons In meeting you at the commence ment of another session it affords me pleasure to congratulate you on the continued which history of the past year unfolds with to Canada The in creasing trade as illustrated by tbe exports and imports during the period for which the official returns have been prepared has been most grati fying and that increase has contin ued down to the present with pro that the volume of trade during the current year will exceed that of any year in the history of the Domin ion The revenues of 1 he country have likewise provided for all the services for which Parliament has made ap propriation And the operation of the Government railways been less burdensome as regards the difference between income expenditure than has been the case a long term of years previously and the North- Territories the increase in immigra tion has been decidedly encouraging as regards the number of per sons who have come from other coun tries and as regards the number of homestead entries made by settlers of all nationalities Measures have been taken to carry into effect the agreements arrived at with the United States on the subjects of the boun dary of Alaska boundary line io Bay and the pre vention of destructive methods fishing and the preservation and in crease of fish life With regard to reciprocity in wrecking and towing a correspondence has taken place indicates that privileges are demanded for United States vessels in Canadian canals which were not it is not impossible t a satisfy lory conclusion of the may yet be reached During the a friendly con ference between from my Government and from the Government of Newfoundland on the which were per ding be tween the two countries It is hoped ami hat the interchange of views which then took place will be productive of beneficial results and lead to an amicable adjustment questions Statutes of relative to a Department of Trade and Commerce and to the office of S having been brought into force the were made which were contemplated by these Acta It is to he regretted that the Gov ernment of the United States was un able to accept the suggestion made by my Government on the subject of Canal tolls and that the President should have thought it necessary to impose exceptional tolls On Cana dians using the Ste- Marie can- ACUTE or CHRONIC Cm be cured by the use of SCOTTS EMULSION of pure Cod Liver Oil with of Lime Soda A feeble stomach takes kindly to It and Us continued use adds flesh and makes one feel strong and Staywer Jan There was great struggling and crushing for admission at the outer door of the convention An order had been given that ticket holders should be admitted first When Mr McCarthy entered with Mr Thomas Long the president of the Local Association he was greeted with j ringing Cheers going through j the regular order and Long had made a address Air McCarthy was introduced to the meeting Mayor Teller was elected president of the Convention iff H H of vicepresi dent Mr of secretary and Mr Cameron CollingWOOd treasurer Mr McCarthy was again cheered as he arose to speak He said he had attended many meetings in North in the days of erattonj but this was the largest This convention had been called at his request in order that he might state his case to those who had elect ed him Fault had been found with him sometimes because he had not at all times voted with tbe party at Ottawa He had been nominated and returned by a handsome ma jority He had pledged himself that he would try to have the clause in the Canadian statute which provided for two languages arid schools of different religious denominations re scinded He had endeavored to carry out his pledges and thought he bad to some extent succeeded He said a party to be a successful brie should be united At the same time a man should not sacrifice Ms per sonal opinion He had differed with Sir John on the Jesuits Act He had not changed his opinion since nor would he ever Cheers TUB NORTHWEST SCHOOL QUESTION When the Ottawa House met he had apposed two sects and two lan guages in NorthWest He did not say that they should not have separate schools in the NorthWest but he thought the people living there are the best judges of what they want It was not right to compel the people of the NorthWest to have separate schools He did not know why but the leaders at Ottawa would not conform to his views on this question Nevertheless he was still a Liberal- Conservative He denied the right of Government to con stitute itself a judicial tribunal and say that the wish of the Privy Council Manitoba not be con sidered This question would come up at the next session the Government touched the matter they were playing with fire Everybody knew where it would end The minority may be successful He was walling with anxiety to hear Sir John Thompsons policy on the question of trade and the policy Mr- McCarthy as is well known has had strong views on the subject He had something to do with framing the National Policy He would not do anything which would discriminate against Ihe Mother Country or any part of the British Empire We were a loyal country with lew exceptions There were annexationists among us but they amounted to little TO TUB PRESENT TRADE The National Policy had done good but he did think it be an unalterable portion of the Con- policy He did not under stand that he was born a Conservative that he was to he a protectionist all bis life the National Policy had worked well in 1 it might not he a good thing now The Cabinet rrfinistera the other day said the old flag and Ihe old polity would be adhered to He had no objection to old Hag but he had to the old policy The leaders of the Conservative party had found fault with him for taking ex ception to the present trade policy of the Government He told them he would consult his constituents what course they thought he should take and that was why the meeting had been called Or THE REDISTRIBUTION great bulk of the people should be taxed forever for the purpose of fos tering infant industries These in dustries bad been protected for thirteen years and was time they were able to take care of themselves We admit from the States about per cent of free goods while from the Mother Country it is but per cent The effect of this tariff is that the tax which is paid on ted goods goes into the treasury but the extra price which is paid on our own manufactured good into the Of the nianiifacturfeis and so on with everything that goes into the household We were only to give these industries a start it was be perpetual and the time has come for a change and when he went back Ottawa he going to say so- Cheers Sir John Thompson has told that he would lop away the branches of the National Policy Had it not been for the Empires at he would have wafted to be told what they were Mr McCarthy lead a statement of views which he proposed before Parliament He expected that under Mr lands rule there would be more free trade between the two countries- During the past years in the number of the had been one per cent more than had during the previous ten years under free trade His It was undeniable that the latin is burdensome The time has come for them to say to the manufacturers You should bowbe fa position to carry on your ft business without help from us Some of these same manufacturers which they had helped had formed combines Hear hear He instanced the Co He was not in sympathy with leader of the Opposition whom he believed wanted to uproot the Nation Policy The policy he proposed to advocate was a firmer basis be twee the manufacturer and consum er He was opposed free trade as he did not think it desirable Take the National Policy tree out of the hotbouse and bring it into the open air and see if it will live He hoped it would but if it could not live in this pure Canadian air it would be better dead He advocated a pre ferential lariff with Gteat Britain of York County Council SECOND principal of the report of the eppoin led the The be the Tyrrell P Property High Ohee- Biker A Canning Davie and Lemon of Stephen- on Peteraum Cane Scott Arnold Wallace Wood Liurie Gorman Itolbom Printing Contiagenoiu Curry County J predated bi report i did also the high DAY The Editors mm mm on There are four feet of snow on the level in Renfrew more people died than were born in France last year A horse and cutter was stolen from the stable of T J Paisley last week Brant county council has passed a resolution favoring a pro vincial plebiscite on the question of prohibiting the sale of liquors The horse recently stolen from from J near New- through the efforts of Chief has been recovered at Church- hill near Bradford resolved to petition 1 are to amend the law relation to Iba reviaion the voters lials the local afaall bold of falling to the ReVirion by ii loo The of for year will be of and Wr Of elected by the Council Warden by Virtue Of Office- Ik was reported the of last year ill t the new bridge over the at woald bo ready for irnfilo in a few Weeki the of dftinagef the Lake Shore road It agreed be paid in The Chapman against the had appealed and the appeal decided the Mr Mr Stokes the fia the Board of Toronto in Mr aud Mr J were appointed auditor who with judge the municipal resolved that the be to end a copy tie to each member of raonidpel of Ontario lo put oris in of the adjourned till Slit The British government has decided upon a slight increase in the British troops in Egypt in view of the act that recent events have threat ened to disturb public security The New York Legislature Thursday sent to the Governor a bill appropriating more for the completion of the capital build ing which has already coat over 000000 and years of lime Two pleasure parties one and the other from met at the residence of Mr John Long Falls the other night Durjng the night James Stevens got fooling with an old revolver and- accidentally shot John Walker of the same town in the back of the head The wounded man may die Coal bas doubled price since last season to buyers by the ton and those who were so foolish as to neglect laying in a good supply last summer in the agree able pastime of kicking themselves Oh the poor though who live from band to mouth the burden of in creased prices falls with crushing Wilson per cent and would reduce our tariff to the country that would give us free trade Mr Cleveland has promised his people free trade and Canada should do nothing to inter fere with the new government Re ciprocity in trade and reciprocity in lariff was his platform but he did not believe in taking down the tariff wall so that our industries would be injur ed This was the keynote of the policy he would when he got back to Ottawa He concluded As a man of honor I consider it my duty to tell you that 1 shall not go back to Ottawa as a supporter of the Government but shall sit on cross benches IfyouwishI shall hand my resignation to the Premier Never never Cheers long and loud were given the speaker as he sat down KILL But even then this meeting would not have been called had it not been thai an attack was made upon him which has to long been free to the j in the Empire He was accused of people of both countries My Gov while ready to consider in a friendly spirit any proposals which may be made by the Government of the has caused efforts to be made to hasten the completion of the Canadian canal work which jl to the commerce of the Dominion a highway within our own country Measures will be laid be fore you for the improvement of the franc hi act for the amendment of the Laws relating to the and the superannuation of civil ser vants for regulating the admission of evidence In Closes and matters under control of ihe Parliament of Cao- for system of vol wobbling and had been called mischief maker Gentlemen if wobbled I did so with your consent I wobbled with your sanction in the Jesuit bill and dual language In He had voted for the redistribution bill but Sir Oliver bad done a lot of gerrymandering too and Mr Meredith had found fault Sir Oliver had at OtUVWI- The Dominion Govern ment had condemned Sir Oliver Mowat but they did the lame thing themselves I have seen the I made when supported that He read a lilt of the with popular Cutlery William Tucker a young man year old who swallowed his electro plate knife fork and spoon at the Toronto Asylum for the Insane on Oct last died on Friday The deceased the slightest pain ful effects from his rash act until Thursday when he was taken ill with inflammation of and death came in less than hours Al the postmortem examination held on Saturday was found that the knife and fork had been swallowed handles first the spoon bowl Of three arti cles the spoon the only one that followed the regular course in that is out of the stomach through the small intestines into the rectum or large intestine The spoon was found in the stomach par tially digested- The fork however caused death taken the short course tu the rectum and pierced through the lower wall of the stomach making a lagegap The action of the gastric juie had corroded the knife to a extent its blade was like a wafer and at the end the juices eaten in it until it in the shape of a hook The fork was almost intact The knife was inches long the spoon inches the fork A inches The postmortem also revealed a triangular piece of glass in the trachea or breathing tube Local physicians look upon the case at one of the most remarkable in the history of the medical The fact that Tucker should carry the articles for three months without inconvenience and could even jump up and down to let the other patients hiar the article jingle inside him is meat extraordinary Deceased was the son of Rev Mr Tucker of the Methodist Book Room King KanufBf January 189 meeting of boom was held at Jan Members were all present and subscribed to loo The following bill were to be paid Clerk to pay deputy officers Lloyd bill Edward Baiter draining Proctor plank Jackson stationery Hall real for Edward Salter plank WOO George Cutting Jim Bell wfnod of dog tax Joseph gravel on Aurora side Clark- son Geo Norman committed Labor King by Mr Lemon aecoaded by Mr that the bonds Ob reduced to 20000 Carried Moved by Mr Callam aeoonded by Mr Cherry that the for grading and gravelling this year not exceed 35Q0 Carried Moved by Mr seconded by Mr Cherry that this Conncll for the use of this municipality such as and sewer pipe by ten der Carried John A Watson and Clinton were appointed auditor and Peter and Cbaa Irwin The were to gravel and grade the Municipality to gravel 3rd Con opposite Lots and J WUa and to gravel Con Lota Geo and John A Ire land com to gravel Coo opposite and nd Neil Murchy coin to cut down hill on aide be- and Coo Hall com to gravel side between lota and it Con Q and Jae com tocravel 11th Con opposite lot J and Thompann com tofravel SthConoppoaiia lota 19 and aft White and Atkinioo com t00 to gravel Con from Northward and com to gravel road be tween and Com Geo Pottage and A com to grade and gravel road from Kttuy to tth Coo It tVilkinaon and Rae om 100 to repair gravel on be tween itt and fl from to irJ Cun l ttVUa and com to gravel road Matthew and Joe Pearson com Tito Council then adjourned to meet at Hotel King City- on February Canning ton has a great time electing a municipal council Last year every nominated put in bis declination of honor In such cases the old council has to meet and ap point a new council by bylaw and this was done The new men served with as much grace as they could muster considering that they were forced Now they decline reelection and may have to elect their succes sors by bylaw A few weeks ago a very respectable farmer named Clarke residing In the suburbs of was bitten by a boar which he purchased from Mr John Witter The mans thigh was rather badly wounded but medical aid was at once summoned and it looked for a timers the would have no trouble in recovering However there was a change for the two weeks ago Blood poisoning set in he died last Wednesday J Reeve- Clerk- BRADFORD How to at a Send wrapper ID Urge wrapper to Scott Toronto and you will receive by a pretty free from adver- and well worth framing Thills an way to decorate yoar home The beat In market and it will only coat to in the wrap pers U leave the and open- Writ yoar The Hockey club visited the coun ty town on Monday and played friendly match with Che club of that place The game was closely con tested and terminated in favor of Be trie by to a The Firemens Oyster Supper held at the Queens hotel on Wednesday night of last week was quite a pleas ant Upwards of fitly firemen together with many of our leading citizens sat down to an excellent past truss ExReeve Hart of has sworn out a warrant for the arrest of Godolphin the absconding treasurer of that town Forgery are charged- ap pears that the treasurer besides taking of towns money is also short in amount collected on liquor licenses and there is a deficit of in the Gov ernment grant to schools Notes for which have turned up against the town have been pronounced forgeries No country in the world has been visited of late years with such severe and widespread afflictions as the empire of Russia Within the past two years has suffered from a terrible famine which has swept off millions of its inhabitants and im poverished still greater numbers This was followed by the cholera which reaped an awful harvest in a population reduced by hunger and privation and which is still raging in some sections of the empire Now comes a story of famine in the pro vince of Tufa where people are reported be dependent upon charity A breach of promise case MCowan v Stevenson was heard and settled at Toronto or Monday Miss Nellie McGonan of a young lady in her year swore that in J Stevenson a farmer living near Whitby had pre mised to many her that amorous tet ter shad hetween them and she showed the jury her engagement young ladys mother stal ed hn she received Stevenson as her daughters future husband and that he had told her he was the owner of a wellstocked farm besides money in the hank The defence was and- on the evi dence for prosecution the jury re a verdict for the plaintiff danugesatt40o miners have been rescued from the burning mines at Hungary remaining have Notice has been given that application will be made to the On tario Legislature at the next session thereof fsW an act to incorporate a company with to construct equip tin and operate a line or lines of railway bom a point in or near the City of Toronto northerly keeping to the East of Lake Simcoe to a point in or near the Town of thence still northerly to a point in or near the town of Sound thence still northerly to French River and thence westerly to connect with the Canadian Pacific Railwayat or near the town of Sudbury with all the powers conferred by the Rail way Act of Ontario and also to con struct maintain and operate telegraph and telephone lines docks wharves pier harbors storehouses and eleva tor also with power to connect or amalgamate with lease to or make such running and other arrangements with any other railway company or convenient and necessary to effect the purposes the company