Newmarket Courier, 9 Jul 1868, p. 3

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wondrous cha I of ttoBi TIW b Uidiimpeifeitlf ma tbleoQ the ficiinMittdiJAk nifieent water conuBTUucafaon will Caotd to BP 5tieg the cnnentaofNorthemttiWfistooon meree The altered- ttfimate iK wb- teed to bodaeea The touist hu fooad out the beatiea of the Domimw toUnei its tTwaiiiigfewahw wipudMBwIiullia oos itdoi pSo1i85ScJgt SiioDUsed bin r SAUBBiTBTrKi O4 Jne 2Tj of BiU of the eriAd or die bmti withan for iiif4ti ftif timet Ttiaxitifco fo eu nowhere be mow ffoiety safM trarel intent opoQ ezgomeot raih t dispUj ad tracing mote giods than is eommody wfa6rettrflies most do odgregxte StiU flotwitiatoad ito BTident growth of popularity the great noieni route is mach teas uovn than it ooght to be For the information then of those who are balanoing ia their mind the relative adTDtages of the wellworn Uaa of 5- urB travel who hare done Sarato ioDg Branch and Newport to his hearta the Adirondaclts tiU they e tired let cu eay that the St Law- e route with which compatiTel fe tOTerrafe these adTsntiges Qot the least is a total diasimilaril to tiie zQote rontee prodaoiog that deliciouB sense of ireshness and norel which is one of the prime ingredientffof lafiUng pleasure It has aaother 1 meadation it be laadeloQ or covering weeks dajs according t- time and means of the tnveUer The aUroond romtebos it Niagara or rather Lewiston where a ma be taken whieh skitte the aeathem shore of Lake Ontario oatil reaching Og- deneborgh on the St Lawrenee at which point a transfer ia made to British bo toma preparatory to shooting the rapids on the wajto Montr A mere aadi factOTj codne howeror after visldsg lifigara is to retani to the SBipeaaaB Bridge and thence travel by railwt past St Catharines to Hamilton the nearest approach to aa American ity in the Do- minioiL From- Hamiltoa et ceeds to Toronto and thence to Montreal touching Kingston aad other Canadian wrta by the way Froi days I These atop at Murray Bay Eiviere du and Tadouaae Or ha the trip down the Golf may be undl ii inende a of wick Nova Seotia and the gan of Prince Edward with St John aa the etarting port for Portliifd and home- We eaj this lathe all round trip and they wEe have mouth to may ao expend it at moderate cost and with iofinite bene fit The tourist who goes this round for the first time will come hai with new idea and with a memory will dei a quiokeaing ef its impreBsipnB To make the tour perfect however there are sundry divecgences which should Bot be rtlookei At Toronto for ii stance the Northern Bailroad affords ea means of reaching CoUiuood where a steamer may he ten which rons weekly to Sault Ste Marie aicpiog at the copper Duoes on the North ehtfeof Lake Huron or at sUted to Fort William the head of Lake Superior with a stoppa atlheThunderiaySUTerMiae Agu DO visitor ahould say goodbye to HontK withont aaeeudiog the Ottawa river to t cajntal of the Dominion and perhaps also the Upper Ottawa Turning off south wardly the tnp may be elwrtened via Lake Memphremog or the Grand Trunk to the Mountains But QuebeEhmId be vi if possible Its positions its associations and Roder it an eqtecial point of interest and its neighboorhwd is one of the most pio- turesque on whole route But we do not propose to compile itinerary or to cram the pUh f books into a newspaper article We de sire amply to asatst our readers in theii choice f a pleasant tripi ooavinced that the one we have luiMily indicated is rich in no ordlnaij ciurms aad that thce 1 avail ftemadvee of it will return homes avocations with wmi corrected and some prqadloes efiaced One of the beet things tht can happen for eitieeus of the Bepublic or denliens of the Doaiinion is the cultivation of a more inti mate aoquaiaiaziee aad a summer holi devoted to ih Si Lawrence roato ards opportunities for hastesing this re- Alt by wUch both sho Aih AtMrican Journal oia wue xxe was OOQTlcted at tae last W oa them 18e7i aekiftbu plarfiw LatoBefcied taiily deobred aoder he made waflsaonid thlmding them t aeore to the f4iwtfi took his wife hqnie id hx Takusfa iRet the marriage imd hiirhoilterialafew days hm aha didBoiUichtf ueW dao teriaIaw md thai heciaW her He did not EUt ie moAaand also aster JaaeiaaiiUid that die mast die He flien took her oa fishii him to ike rivy wluohwa8iiitwiTciin liar Buub uiB umorcunaiB woman bacKoftlieheadi fell into thd stream and tiunldnglier dea4ta went home and told his mothM what he done That delightful feme then said that had better go dowa aad see wer really dead and oonceal tiiie ldy All fluree h- pur tothe spot where found that the poor vrtfe Iwd suMeeded in get oat of the waler and wastedanda a t inwQiingwithtiiepaiQbfherwoahd The hashaad and mother stood off some dis- tai and depated tiie dster to go forward and cut her throat with a batchers k TW7SrrM fashltatie eolor la Paxil Is B deligi ihefle of almoo veglBg towards ftoa aeadtU 9the Smplie UiAbyrinltotiM oa their the crowns seesu aiade entirely of soUd td quite plain tn the ehapf Papal Ham its base aurrouaded at laterrals by three of eaiboased gold fhe8ecfolgo with a velvet ctip looks much Uke an Eng lish coronet a little the worse for wetf The third is a kmd of martial headpiece with a metal top aad loose metal bars hang up dowa ai the aecfc The robe a yry magnficeaf afikir looking as if frBh the looR woTea apparently of nch gold thread with large patterns of flowers about ia apprapte colonic ThlaWMe robe which Theodore tbrew off just before h put aa end to bis life The goblet in shape like the Homeric dolAsamFbikDpeUi also of gold but less capaciouB tbi passuit and the handle ii made of four laigt approsched a but she threw ap her arms for pro- tectioir and received a de gash on oae of As Ee defended herself stoutly agidnst her inhuman 9steria law the hus band and mother came ua to assist in thi fieadish operioo of despatching Th bdd ber anas whUe 1 cut the thtbt of the iidpleeg few days aHard tha woaads- apoa it corresponded with those described in the confessiou Thft to persons to whom this consBioavas ktent be- ihej feared the vengeance of Lad- wis relatives wlvo are a desperate set- bat as they had all lefl the- State after the trial thej detenaiaed to dioee the hor- 1 Bgainst 1 siueat fbr bis con- f Toyh been fixed apoafprhi exeoBfiirii immaase- cMWdtf the j l pie firom the is- bled in the ei andifionuBd the scaffold All a sezeskbdcoaditions were refcteaad all manifested the deepest interest in the grand spectacle The doomed man was brought to the place of ezeeatun in a waggon He was nea dressed and very calm in demeaneur firmly believed that he woald be reprieved as he had all akug asserted his entire in nocence Arrivii at the scafifoliL afi relioas services by twolEufltera ifie sheriff anboaad his haads aad he Was al lowed to address the crowd Li a verj incoherent and scarcely intelligent maanei he rambled through bis dying speech He declared his entire iaaocence aad said that his mother and sister Jane had killed his wife aad that be had no knowledge of the murder uatil long aftrthe deed was done when they told him This story he reiterated some half doiea times and ooatinae to go oa appaily ajudona to prolong his Ufe as long as poible until eed to admoaiah him aad force Mm along His hands free as soon as he was placed lows he made a rash to the fa and threw himself over but hU jcing oi Know Nothiuum which disappeared from the political stage of actioa almost If saddenfy aa U develop it ia being Kearreoteo in this oity and violaity The latent fire of Amemaaism has Blam ed ooly to beoome poU e of emergeaoy Some of the lime has of bre totally at vatiaace with the gas Uatitationi lodgie of the Noow Notldog have been recently ooDBtltated in Miai fisnald- m ihU the ma- chiaw r the onraaizatip huib aad that Its ehlef objwt is to keKirdgnen ouof offiV The lead of this 4aiDgerou8 nuvement ooaten- It with feeUw of iodkoiUon apd Jna the gradnalbat certwtaMiopoIof troat aad enwldmeatby nea of forei birtb tad hbk the olo to W8S frustrated by the officers who promptly seized Mm by the shoulders and held hiiiij although siruIes for life aad liberty were derate The wildest excitement prevaiied among the crowd during the sceae He fought a ter rible batae with the sheriffs ofScers who were eadeavoaring todrag him to the rope and the sheriff edsiagthe wWewith much diffioalty got it over hs he at its almost tension Bis stree continued aad the cord tightening aroaadUs throaty riratioa had oaa beibre hisiofforts to free hiniself from he offic terminated The rofie being round his aeek theeheriff kaocked at the we theJlopfblL wd the almost lifeless by swung off The eords being already tlit there was DO fall to dislmt the vbat ia auaated he hadiainlea to Ladwig was a young maa a native of the State of German extraeUoD and en tirely aaedaoated Nobody eUeves the stoiy of the miirder haviog oomiaitr tod with S rej oioas crime ted withoat his Imowle but there is reason to believe thathis first con- was the true relation of thf atio- THsCeaeoniUoat Bluisbaabeewi early this year aad be Swiu papers already to record attempted wceata of the iaouataln T aoverament twimnlng schools for and instraotton of the garrUon of ras aaditandghborhood bavs opened Ipr the Rimmer seasca jOaiiT preparaOM are ieiijg mie at for the German dfle aieetJog la Jply to wUoh howererfa only Oermaa bat all te world are r appears from rcceat report addreued Emperor b tbe Minister for War rboteoftheinCiatryoftbeFrencba w untd with the ChMHpet rifie pat of IM Wf BY NOETHBM 6TBAHEB HAT TI0KiiT8 1 BANKASLQ FIQIDS ewmi What AT Sradford qUibrd Proceeds after paying expeoMS to be de- voted to the puchaae of A STAND OF COLOURS WIH YOBK BAITAIION r 1 I iHD OTHKB 7 A tABGE QUANTITY OS 8PitPLB AND FANCY DRESS GObDS AS iTHfiSE GOODS WBBiBOiUaHT FOUOASH t Aad Imported Direct e Sire pited aad wljlpffiir SUIEEIOR ADVAJSTTAGBB I p To thosefhnying frdm a SIGN OF THE BIG X eil wSasiT making thealSm Theyareas eheapas s NBAUUBdsoftei hand aad aiade to order- wiU be giyea to menibewof therigwfo wb wULlftllthfi sui noke aad77etum thi most money to Iho Capti Jag Allen A J MoOKAOKEN ChaimaH J JAOMON ths2Qd instth ofMajy dangbter UiST aged 86 years and 6 montbi CtKe ikte Geoige nsjUv Middlesex Ebglkim indinothei to W H Bowden of IbiB place He inly 11 Spring Wheat V bni jybMbel hoshel 4 hMhel Bee10o1b8 Hides too Sbeepskiaseach Potatoes Good Graft Apples Flour barrel Barley buahel Peas bushel Dressed Eoge 1 BoUet Eiggs- WooH GHAHC- SALE PUBSTJAKT to a decre and final Orde for Sale of tlie Conrt of Chancery madi in a caose of ScicOer vs Sbeppard tbc fol lowing Beal Estate will be sold by Publ Auction iatbree parcels RUhiHe of Andrew NortonBaell Esquire tbe in Ordin of tbeeald Coart Ma WirJrAM MALLOY AITCTIONEEB All and singular that certain parcel or tra of land and premiss situate lying and beio VILLAGE OF SUTTON In tho Townsliip ofOrgliia In the Cou of York and Province of Ontario being a posed of yUlago Ixa Najjbers gi Ei and Nine in Block Six fronting on Higu Street In said Village sccorng to a plan drawn by Henry White PLS which said Lots In all contain about threfouribs of an Parcel OneTrtWcomprlse I Blx Parcel Two Lot Eight 5 and Par Three Lot Nine The proper is itoftie in one of the mi flourieblog viilages in the Pipvnce Tbi is sitnate thereon two Houses one thirty feet sqnare which is roughcAatj the other abodt fifteen by twentyHne storey high Also a Store thlrby fifty feet twp storeys high I If one or two of the Lots bring the aoiount of tbePlalntlf and Defendant Joiph Shcp- pard the eldofs cUim tbe others or other win not be sold r The purchaser Bhall at tho time of s pay down a depodt in tbe proportion of dollar for every one hundred doUan of purchase money to the Vendor or his Solid- tor and ahail pay tbe remainder of hi chase money with Interest thereon fro day of sale within onp iB9nth thereafter In other respects aad except as above the condlttoos of sale are tbe standing conditions of sale of the Court of Chancery Further pftrtloularBmay he obtn at the Uw offices of Alfred Bouitbee Esaalrein the Village of NewmarkeUthe Veois Bollcl- torJoeeph A Donovan Esqnire Tiiomas Bodgins Esquire and Uesilears Duggan aad lleyert to the City of Toioato Dated this 30th day of June 180 A N BUELL ALPBED BODITBEB Bs 3D9 VtiHtft eetMtor money to loan i JolioK I I TO be et thaihandsome Dwelling Hoiw situated on Teoumseth 8tre at tofr- sent occupied by Hr K Held There J Garden AM and Boft Vter vei7 priri viifise aad reqaltf t for a corefertable reeU de For Ouer paon to BOWOTH 7efelfoMr Iftwnarhti Juae 10 ten VOLUNTBEES SODA WATER SUMMER MONTHS FA SDPEEIOg TO 60D4 HITHEBTO IK USE PIONIOTEAPAETIES HOTEL LEPERS 4o i always have a supply on hand ONE PACMT 1UKE8 A GMB SODA WABB SOLD BY TBE GQS AT 8200 Orders by Post addieased to NEWUASEET BBUa STOBK J HACKETT fromB tgflb am 1 fej 26tf SOUTER TRENT NEWMARKBT EQto inform tbe public tUat thoy bav Hackeitho has removed same to hli New Store fitted up paiposelyfor bim by N Pearson Surgeon Dentl The Drug Store is exMUy opposite Mrs Bends and the Pavi SOUTEH TRENT Also would Inforin their friends and cus tomers that they have mads a large addition to their Stock of GROeEKlES teas TOBAOC0E8 I N E S A N D a P j Vi I T 8 Which tbey ve prepare toaell at TiiE Ay lowest Hay 30 22tf A Cottage SITUATED on Oorham Stmt Apply to Mr Charles Oorhaaijor to UrPhUUp Cook Wngwood PO NewmaHcet Apiil7 1899 1 bentibt pVKR gratofnl for past favours takes this 4i opportunity of tofoming his friends and the publle m geaerilthat he is about opening aq in Hemnarket OTK Sr 9AnCS HKW PUd np with an eye to eomfort and con venieaeei Thehestmaterlidfilvaysosedand Offleeup stairs BatrMOfrhe 111 door south of DrHackettsD Store May 1810 yvA m For 8Me or to A FARM aear Mewaiarket 160 Aeres aftilsllS ForlBryrppy Ifsreh 34 1868 attfgy or Bale DOKD Df BVQQir9pptl W TflBNT NewmaAiet June leilSM istf At tbe sga of tli6jg5 a NEW STOCK OP THE MOST PASmONABLB HOOP BUBK EUBBtBON Newmarket MayS I868i r 40tf CANADIAN NATIONAk 8EDIE8 READINa- BOOKS PuWe Inilrue- len Ontario r B with 31 illustrations strongly IjouadlaliBjpcloth Plre cents tSoox 2nd Part Millos trationsitrong- lyhonadfullmpclofii Ten cents Sfooxp Boo 58 lUutrations strongly honnd ia cloth boards Treaty cents Boot 41 Ulustratlons strongly bound la eioth boards Tblr cents- FoinTH Boo 4S lUnifaatlons strongly bound kth b00 46 lUnifaatlon la eloth wards Forty cents SOUTER TREN Q M BINW MAIN STBEBT NBWMABKET 6E0GERS TEA DEALERS UANDPACTDBBS J H JOHNSONS Sa8h Blind Soori and ailSTGEE WINE OEANGE TONIC SYRUPS o Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents A SOUTEB Kewmarket Uay 186S Tea Coflfee Ginger Wine Syrups Groceries W TRENT A CALL PBOH BOILDEBS SOLICITED MO U L D I N a S NB Cutlom Planing done at any time SHOP Comer UiU A Baglansts SEWttABKET January 23 1867 tfj BRITISH WAREHOUSE NEW SPRING GOODS WM A B ORR THIETYTIWO PAOJOES STAPLE a FANCY DRY GOODS LADIBS PRESS GOODS CASHMERES VELVETEENS SILKS REPPS BROADCLOTSS EMPRESS GLOTBS- VESTJNGS EXHIBITION CLOTHS TWEEDS DQESNS c fee Ac itc A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING HEAVY STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES EAMIXTr CHlOOeiiiBS c Which we win Sell CnsxproaCASff lSOMB VERY CHEAP JOB LOTS IN 8 TO C K Two reasons why W A A B Oaa and taill sell Cheaper tfaau iiopsee giring lot credits rFlrst We buy for Cash in the best markeU Second We sell for QMb a ue no large piofitsto coTer loues now tlwnk our frleads and oustomers for the very liberal patronage h9irn us and will strlTe doubly to merit t this keoson 1 YaOLE8ALE AND RETAIL Wm A B ORB Newmarket and Satton Uarch 96 1868 ltf J tJ ST O E I V IJ2I GERMAN WINDOW CORNICES OUItXr BATJDi9 IflsrOBSi Another LiOt of Cutlery jPlaed Goods AND A PJtW 6RT8 OP TUB amUINE ROOBBSTBR OOOPER tnUSS HOOPS i i ReyrsiMe Xutbkia OIL PAINTS WOpDWARB 4c OUR errovjs AND riisrwj4R3i i WITH TBI AB6VX grai bxoslb tir quaiivr aid onbaf tnibs any hi tbb pottiiiioN Be kind enugli to palt and asoetliln pHeef before pnrolV M 81KBB4 BLYIDCte KewEurkeVUafob llf 1888 IM Newmarket Feb 27 1868 JUST PUBLISHED The CANADIAN SPEAKER ELOOUTIOHART READER GOMPHISIKG a Choice Collection of Ota tions Dialogues and Poetry suitobl for Scbool and College RecltaUona and P lie and Social Beadings with Introdnctoi lesof EIocnon ipiUd by the Principles BToney to Lend Money to lend atBedncedRates on terms made adrantsgeous to lALI WASBS FISHING TACKLE FIHE WOBKS THE BEST COUGH UBDICIRE I Or JODINS FRENOH COUQH LEVERS SHOULD be resorted to in all cases Brocbitis HoareeoesB Gatanh Coughs Colds Asthma Sbortoess of Breath and all dltorders of tbe Throat and Lungs They are recemmeuded with confidence to Uinister School teacher8ubic Speakers teen thoroagbly tes In practice and with out a doubt are betterthananysimilar medi cine yet intruccd to tbo public BEAD TUB FOLLOWING Halifax N 8 Nor 16 1867 I have given Dr Jodlna Frcnch Cough Levers a fall trial and have little hesIUtion in saying that for a relief from boaneness Kteat catisfMUon and can ronfi- entiy My after tesUngtbem for weeks In services that I think tbm better than ny other JoEK S CiaaSE Wttltan MinUUr Toronto February 28 186V 1 have used Dr Jodins French Coogb evers with great comfort before and afls speaklog Some of my friends tried tlienL also and there is but one opinion via are invaloable to singers and pnblgsperf I consider your Levers the best remein tbo world for hoarseness and throat Please send mo one bos more TaauiB MoUoaaar and elurr V Cwdian iw AlUanet rhese Levers are prepared with tha Cteat careaa toeUaBllafiibelsgatltely from griity subataBces BLAIBT4 TZBlDFiaS 0A1I18 Tbey an JuiU celebrated tot the eipul- flioa- of worms mm children aut couUa only vegetable himdJents mOst won- derftai ctrres ksve Men etTeeCed by tbeDaDA Ivey excel air otbflra al prestat uowa Ify child fifteen moathe old passed 8 nM after taking your worn oudte all the Utgesise from six tothirteeUckeatoafv Uu Anra Wawov Oaf Ha Jajai BiifxiT Dear Sirluive irted jrotjr Vsrtlhua iandke aevenl tImM aad nund tbeB tSa est ever made to expel wonriat beddektlier re pleawat lo iM tskite tM lia nbai olteatooliUdfUi Venirtmiyr I SuORi SiifMi lge Boiilef 13i

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