Newmarket Courier, 28 May 1868, p. 3

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he wd MU- ngredBd to neet ocktck KWTOBEH7 22rl1wgwy Ham MABitokn UoMBta He ihrtttena to d ifcloeely puyit 9 ui4 ii WewUli iictwiUi BiaUe bBiin89 T momloer Hetho- rtyfirom ixtract dlj b I I r firatoi- koov ibr lOTring op- hr ezpe- United SUtes fajKt catmafyibahtqtKfi of bia onold a BenMt iUltfR New ton a nts exuomod beRw tilg iatnwnt miuugen nrter- dar msJJSTiVltMiiAaiQr ton the paUaher had oontQ fo Wtsfiios fbor or five weekajfiQ ud BgU ID ftndiQ oasetflUioaljtoaoqmUed Y5iy Bpatohee Erom Tariou BepfMuof thooooq- S Loni USNAJtMke of gr9e 9t nmwifirvsiMmkvtvaaMot Bitnhgtjreeriiie r 9 tot Ite nrai TOle Atfv Pmbyter- BafTlb PtmsMAfcwyjflM WnrthUsiltliga tm pet anntim tf lo lo lIrfiQMbpBitefm9d Um for unr wrnxtwhS ewv H nght iDes- U tiiaaiKA ese tifpenext tha rightwjr8of ttjiV I uted iAstuttckndnslMMiilij forfeit money mt op Tha fit u to uko plx on le milisoflwre Hayama U S2TwoBhii8ltlacI ofvar hTe amTedK Fort9ix Prlnoe They demand the ftmnediata- iseamtKMi of the persecution ieignen oerwiBd they threAeQ to boabud tintowtt reTolutioa m Veetma us o r and bot of Pafi SiTer were a ifl tifeteyjeerfafthile fishiig TofisHay 23A programme for the FiaBiDTaaoD of Oanadaiii Jay next roes Ql ONeil mttj 30000 troops jffe attacks Montreal with 15000 men marcha 5000men from BnfMjr flrt luiTibg beisn trliiWffld IlMiprcMat aooroe of BapplT- bu oeir lieea nukdfl ibDihnsaaiUtUttiiuted Out U omiioi heexboBteAlaatbOTiDiodyean Csiccmu wl lie Ipteres to ealf that the MiBla are z pected to anve 4 Sydney Before leaTlngnstnUa fher plajd ainatcb with toe Arcoy and ITaTy ElcTcn and had UielKBt of itr ThesamM the AWrgii3e8 Bed Gsp Jftdlagh Cn- 0l4ao0ole DJIck Weston reafor a 5000 MU EdwaM Bayaoa Weston the pioneer and knownf American pcdestri is in greater feat than that wWolj he accom- pFl4aLSy pOOasde4ttSOi iplaose bonld wtil Dot be ve wortd do work always WnuAit ItoRUx a retir pabUean aged 78 while walking along etroet London stepped npoa the long dresg of a lady end waa thrown to the gronnd The crb and some men llft theol mas and eariicd Uni tathe hoif when hedled JOB after from the effects r ft of hk is right bone Kioioaefa Jury r ied ft Tetdiek of accidental deatt The Berlin wspondent of the Lbndc iUtkrychdisU have ihprecipi fatg the ezploslre liquid known as nitn- glyl Bi TodDclD ii toa aoUd lidifii this tranormtion ifl that lu i9 oonridefab dlmfitihed hile its force remains ontoparcd The let- atllked nit aildef ofV me finm the was acooeted ftddmittft TOoraUy ud ho decUtied forward and e MrAn- by heavy tnnw tm a piste opA the riiii Bemehtrf ly tfaoftteke vi the fir tMlwcj ai bim It u thOQk tbenuAof ibcaflordcd nulfifl winlfie trill alM have to wtt 100 milca inside of twethiee oon- eeoQliTe hoars fic timdimbg the ma of OiQ 5000 that is to say ooce in cacb thossand aad he faU ia dg this feat oncc he forfeita hSvS- 000 purs and forfeits event to the fakers of time i wagc ETe Wlp9f9yin in ten 06 fiocitiironcg U h Qioqpand of t feJiwBlowfed 10 trbk It caA evedt- flr Weston pbpo etarting do or about the 8th of A from Ijan Maine nod icrmioati Bnffalo New York on Novembcr26th He will be accompanied during the entire for the correct meafioremcnt of the Daring bu walk he pass throoi tielTejdi4QiStisad ioniimeie cities wid towna This first depoto of 5000 was made last night in thcMnds of thesteholder Mr Ellu N T TV in Bti BoWAW MayThe Ttt JL ment of Peniana ax companiea open colnmn uniform arms flags and musio with tolerable peoB marched from tU Terrace to gf They excited very iitUe intfer aorir tbe dtixena at Ui The fiur ia expcctcc to be a great sucoees and opeoed wi rush It ia on the lotiery gyatem an filled with Tariedea Ovarl6000 is ei pectd to bejrealixed tohlp gJanAlfr view fof 10000 men iiw lere eS June Qen ONeil is not here but iii expwt Ooh Star ia to cw York or- caaixing for a review Tfcy are qniet but anxious for the PredMQtial cani- pai defiant of either party but want eUuch jq6 JrreQcb 9lBd ftifU ta Pred WWW 3ns I U eBtlmafd that there in Scotsmen fa Londoh Pftuci Awacs has compoaed a wUii ishstfngAgreatdeoiaad la T Bttdden colUpae of the Abyssinian war ciead an evideafaeiisatloD In the pool market A boy named Uiigh Macdonald ag 13 m liUw iiUb of tlu IiUiK Canal on Wednesday the IBth Ma SpuMttoii has devoted A reeont perse il gift to lilmscir of lo the crcctioh o bouses orphans TufworfitXlie DriU6h4in Ifontrcia bave been stopp Thecotiiwtorfl irei ready OTor iheir coolnct and i niU take over fiye timcstbatamoontto coin the bulldlit The gunloats on Ibe lakes ucd by Bslbrii from Iter ahJ of wHUb bos already snlvcd at Qucbei deUibimiiif one bumlifd m f If ftoia Monliral I HikvliipvehMedthe8ookofInof8omiTimwfllcinyeft The Drug Business in the New Store I Po- T Aivtag secured tise serHces of v AC p J if A AK X A FIBSTOXASS DRUGGIST I a mu oovTmov fHAV PERpy p Wl BE POS TUB FU BIS 07FI0B WXLti BBAT TBE 8T0 Ogict BimrtFrm 8 io 10 o4i 1 fo 3 pM tnd 0 to 6ptn Hewmazke 20 1698 Jj I 1 JUDICIOUS ADVERTISINC iO tl SUCCESS IN BUSINFESS a CrOwwaft twereiiir SEND OUT TOUR pEKLY And the reoipienta mil call on you when they requite auyUiing i any Support your Local Paper and sabsoribo for the Covsisb 10 t if paid in only 125 other than where could be observed is thds more agcablc and ted for miUtaty use 9renaSes 4U9d iiAsiiiirgizBso rate UreMib hasBed the of an iron cased ship Soppojthis ctoiflrmc what we nmy well aa wlU isM bewiiBs 6t rmcn or tsi CLBxzBWELf Bx- elkau siibjoiiiv snmmary jsrtll jnvejrmeideaof dWdl effects JuB atrocity pereonB were killed libtVcfx morsdied from its effects Tdlng to the coroners inquests five in addition owe their deaths indirectly to this Lktia ptife oicg wpmaa is In a madhonso irty mothers were prematurely confined and rcnty of their iabcs died from the effects f tiie cxploalopip wgme of the oro Bdniaifey Qtie iotLer U nowvlngjaanlac ere wounded wpt into8tIlarth- lomews Qresinn Iane and Kings Col- ge Hitals fifteen arc permanently in jvred with Ipsa of eyes legs arms etc Le es worth of damage to person and iperty Suchwasthchorrifyingand pUia Lie Tcaosed- on IMPORTANT TO DRUGGISTS GONFEOTIONER8 AINO OTHERS THE INDIA CHINA TEA dOMP Y TNVITB BppllcstlonBfivmDriigistsiihd otKeisdeui o wns and Distijcte not yet onpld Tie hVsietWtfeiwSov Hhhrefiatw lieeBlptnsdice ameotOria pecktUbHfceCbariiehrt lin every importt city and town In theP For paruenlars apply to the Canada Depot etonthi25thinB of a daughter UABBIBD reddcnco of the bridej Tuesday t26lh ins by t40 Eev BaudersodWOnllia Mki OsotftB Boksct to At the tfansc Newmarket on the 26tb Inst by the Bcv J Brown Ub Oeobgi Knsn oi the Townaliinof Wbitchurclito Mtss Clibku of townsUp of Reach TVpwmsaie IWCarbetst f barrel 00 jcat buBbel 1 45 fib Rpringeit 1 8ft9 bushel 0 MVa 4KlUBbcI 0 00 Vbuehd 0 00 rta Pressed Hogs 0 06 jOeef S 00 Sbeepeach 4 00 is lbs 0 00 a psUnscacb p 60 to boshel O 55 OoodOraft Apples bushel 0 SO Batter p 00 i Obcfte 0 13 a Bgperaosen o w bosbel atr Oats bushel Barley iif bushel Peas linsbel I ressM lZog if 100 lbs 5 I 1 00 19 000 7 0 H D 1 00 00 OOO N PBAESON dbStisT i TpVBB gratefol for past fovours tkf M JSi opp0ttuiuyiofiof9riningw4iend ud Uio puhile w that ho is aboo opeflJMoficefolftfwiitarfce OTXB sir HAOXBTTS BBW OBVO flOBIIt FiUCdvp reinco llie M Work WarraHtei lira EDtranee ibe ball dooi OBoo op slalra MuthofDrVlac BT ADTEnSIHO 70V Will BEACH ALL CLB8EB IB TBB VOR BOOBOaO MAHIIBB met CKE RCibjiS i ml P AS TBSSB aoops VBSl 0B Xadjnporiejifeciffprwaaoajtaefl i i t exri35tioB aiv ant ages i 3- iuf J T Ibow bBjiBpqmUB JI SIGN OF THE BIG T iirN AijtiwgaOf NBW pB TJ SASHIONiSipi HOOP 85fiTSi i BVBEiKABUSOH sai iHSfflMosflhaoriT Xnlsrgliis owIMMifM W DOClf S T At dtoetiiM AND W HARDWARE LINE 4Tpals fMore Saitfeotoryw Thau can be ohtitidilritoiAM tho Whuto IMHJ I mnnd Out To save ekpeaw of moving SYkiB t SlMijMiE Newmarket Jan StjiBM THENE 9TBBBT NBWMARET Adyextise iiv MAMUFAOTDBEM OP GINGER ORANGE TONIC SYRUPS c ALL J KINDS O JOB FEINTING I ur THB NEATEBT MANNEB AND AT LOWEST BASTES 0 RDE RS BY MAIL P 0 IfPTL 7- AT TB ND TO Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents L SOVTBRj wmarket Hay iuplod Tie ptniAic aiidiirnio pMktsbylfaliiqMA Important city and townn the DoQtou- Qmy oue- m- HOePIlAL BTBBETj M0N5AL NOTBEwi PtieMil profeeki Mart Ubntreaf Hareh 16 l 134 SOUTER TRENT MAIN TBXST NE WMAKKBT V Beg to Inform Ife public t they have disposed of their Drug Stock to Dr HackeU who has removed the same to his New Store fitted Up piirpoaely for him by Ni Pearaon Snrgcon Dentist Ttie Drug Store U exactly opposite MrSiBonds andtiw Davl- SOUTER TRENT Also infona tHeir friends and cus- s that tboy have nade a large additiot GROGERIES TEAS TOBACCOlS WINES AND SPkRITS Which they are prepared to sell retaIL AT Tits VSnr LOWEST PEIGEB Newmarket May 30 1869 23tf All Kinds of School Books NEW AND OLD SBBIJ At the Coduia Ofnox IKFOETAHT TO PABHEB8 IJH Steel Isodsidd HI O XT loughs arc known to be supr to those of makers he hits eaUbllied ah agency with Hb UABSDEN who ilhave always on handR large supply of Plwghs which be will sell at manufactureiB prkcB mery ad ding cost of tmnspoftatlou f or on Credit He Iprites aitenUo ObUBLELEVER GANO PLOUOH of tha Plough is one inch than others is less llablv to clog with sew ttUd is ly braced It has two levers ope can bo raised aUme andthe Pl Tubitod to suit oneven ground or rld The lcTor arc bo constActedJthat IKePlpUgh can i raised six inches out of the gund and tha drlcu ope fara to Mher wiUiout danger of breaking I BDTTBBFIELD traifori April 8iWi- BTAOHEBXJ 8TAT10m7 VBBY GOOD AND CHi At the OoumiB Orrios HBMOBAlDirK BOOKS VBSr OUB4P At the Couiitt Onics Honrning Paper Envelopes OP BVEBT DEBOBIPTION At the OosBita Onwi ViUoge Lot For Bale mdergned offers for Sale at i r prlee the Lot opraslto B Mu Shop being Lot No 14 north smo o Stcec ForttiiuaidpftrtlciiIara apply to April 99 1608 10 WliaV every Heds 1 ARO OBOnt TO OAVl ltlB fiubfcilber is mooulsoturlng Aiom lainoi The best ever made for all Uoda of work The QsderslgBed has the sole right making then I this part of be oomw They are as cheap as an- NBAII kinds of fatjai hahdnd made io order rf JAB 9 WBTnBBKLL Ncwmsrket March 18 1868 ia3in Bpw i33LijS AND OTHBB MiiaAziSTBS ContinOrnos W- 14 Just tcceived Newmarkei May aTiiads CANADIAN NATIONAL URIES RBADINa BOOKS Autkoriu dhlh Counta iifPum I thn ftf Oatarfti FfltsrfiooK 3ad PKrtMlHiitnttioQ s ly boiiud In limp olotb- Tenoenl Toiip Boot 41 IlItutraUoiM ttroDgiy bound inelQttbM Fonrs BoMisiilaslratloQtlrtiigly in olotb boards FortvOents Firni Boos BO lllnstretiousi atroogly bound In olotb hoards Fifty oents Q Ml BIHKB OtHTltr Offitt Feb 37 im foit For Sale or to Bent ak this cUeti Uareh 24 U ialy A Cbite tp Let ningwo PO Howmanul April 71 Tea Ooffee Ctinger Wine Syrups Grroceries w TR Money to Loan AfTlf TO A BOUliTBEB J H JOHNSONS Sagb Blind Door FUlllC ItnilY Is now in fttU operation A CALL PBOU BDIIdEBS SOLICITED MOUL DIN OS NB Ouitom Planing done at any time SHQPComcr uill Baglanels NBWMARKBT inuary 23 1867 tfS CARD for theUberal palronage bwedoi p year and to asure tbm under the new firm ho wllL as before be ready to wait on them and gfre them FirstBate Goods at a Low Priqe BRITISH WAREHOUSE JUST PDBLISflED The OMALIAN SPEAKER SLOCUTIOlfAfir SAVJBS COMPEKINdy Choiceieoileo of Oral tlons Dlaloguee and Poetry sultablo for Scbool and College Becitations and Pub lic and Social Beadings with ItemaikB onthePriadpleSofBlocnUon Edited and compiled by BDWAKD HARTIBV BEWAlil HEW S QOTO WM A B ORR WltL SHOW C0MTEHT8 09 raiBTTTWO PACKAGES OP STAPLE I FMOY DRY GOODS LAiflES DRESS GOODS GASBMERES VELVETEENS SILKS REPPS BROADGLOrilS BifPRESS CLOTHS VESTINGS EXniBITJON CLOTHS TWEEDS DOESKINS C Ac 6c A LARGE STOCK OP CLOTHING HEAVY STOCK OF BOOTS AND- SHOES I IfAMliL Y CmpCIEIES aec ch we will Sell Onup FOR Cisn SOME VBRY CHEAP JOB LOTS IN STOCK Wi largo troflls oover tosses We now thank our friends and iill etflvo doubly to merit It tltU WnOhMSALB Kewmarkutad SuUm Uarcb 1809 for tho very liberal patronage shonn us and OUR JtTST ajBOEIVEX a LAai AND VABUp ASSOniEHT or GERMAN WINDOW CORNICES I CtljftxiUN BANOB KNODB eo Another lot of Cutlery jPiated Goods AND A raw BIT8 OP Tm QEmiSE ROOBESTBB OOOPEB TRVSS pOPS I 1 Oaiaei Patent HevorislWo IooUs OILS FAINTB VfOODWABK 4o OITB STOVjBS ANI TINWARE I sifxii xxbit6 iH dVALiTi Mb tiAFinaa ASr is rns poMimow 19 Be hind enough to call and aacetlaln priceafore purchasing SFKBS BLVIMB Newmarket March il 1668 jWon to t PlIjIONE Y TO LEND at Beduced Bates and B made advantageous t etiBCB jMCodoitc Apply to J W COLLINS SHAtli WARES FISHIRG TACKLS FIRE WOBKS 0 At tho CoeBisEt THE BEST COUGH HEDICIREI o world Dr JODIN8 FRENCH COUQH LEVERS SHOULD be rOBorted to in ail c Biochitis Hoarseness Cstairb I IdSjAsthma Sliortness of BreBtb a Biochitis Hoarseness Catair Coughs Siiortness of Brcj disorders of the Thrt Bnd LDn Theyafeircomincidwicoiifidencoto Mtniaters School tcacheb public 8rcak Slngere Auctioneers Ac THd Levers baVo beeti thoroughly tested in practice aud with out a doubt are better tluuianysimUar mcdi- dne yet Introduced to the public BEAD TirclLtdWINa Jirifax N8Nov 10 iWf I have given Dr Rodins French Coiigb Levers a full trial sad have little beBltetloa inFtayIng that for a relief ftora hoarscDcss and sore throat I uiKh prefer them toelther Dryaus or Dronns T W Csaxv Lteiiirtro lAJlif0ZiJ0i0nnplart dcntly a ialfl V 8 Cuur 1ifieyita JMilfr Toronto Februai 0 1669 1 have used Dr Jodjos French Couh Lovers with gt comfoit befonand afr spcidting of my Mends tried tUem also and thero Is but me opinion vis r tbey are iavaluabloto slogorsana publJo speaker 1 consider your L the bcetreiuedy in the and tbmt disorder ji UeUemv Please send n Aaeki end fjttturtr lA Oanaiim htmptr Those ovcra are pnepared with lio greatest care as to cleanliness being entirely Uktest care as tocieannntss front grlHy subetauces BUUnhtv TSBIOFOei OAXSnt Tbaro jostlv eelebiatod fbr tbeexptil- Jon of worms from chlldrsti aadcoanlii wly Tegelable Ingredients The tooitwoa- doxTRl ouires have been effeetod by tiwA and they oxeel oil etltfft present knowD j Uy eblld flon months old passed 83 worms after taUng vottr worm ctesaU be huge also fiett au to thirteen Jbches UiA Ana Oni UkIuaaBuxnY Dear Slrl havetriod- nur Veralftae uidlos ioveial Uinqs and rontKl them the over mode to ftxM worms hesldeathey em plcast to tae tastethat most dolleatejohUd will take then wlllliitp Buen Buaoi npuut JfolJUre MoJb om risl For sle at Bentleys fiooter OofS and 0 p Simpsonh Newinarkek aid all Ping glsty Ihronghoa the Dominion Uaich IT 188 i iMy i fARGHIVES OF ONTARlOl TORONTO

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