Newmarket Era , October 13, 1865, p. 1

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VOL liVlNSrSi AIW NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSClENCEADOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY ADVERTISER NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 1865 TERMS Uttiinfil OtrCtocf 0iiriCY9 Olrcrtorp Joho T 8tokes Dr MoCftUnm aaaoCaB4ri pHTStCUH- X BUhop ft Son ntldCLAfRRS fUxervf Md S H Vobl M D JpijTSIOIANSurfwB and A j rhtsiifli it AitnTdbip r ViTTii tfts lh7 pltvnmac SOmm kMp tr 7JJIS A BoaUbA BAi8TaBliur i OkaaecrvCoBI R B Jy iBARneftHirdi IS0 irMi D mtrUi B Moore AeMai It Ntw- Ruor ukd MtOMtlia ahnriMi oue IcvmarkHn IV0 tMO WILUAM WrST S sanrcE KBEP Ih7 pltr ily BMilh 01 lit BiWae kwp I M word cap lb lODfO TtxvBfli tad hMntihy bMit wnaW na VrM I tlw trial It Mt Uk BiWttM kwp I Bettor W MiMiMlfiatdAd Vortb Biebardion GVRrNCBR Uod Afni e iifii Dr Pyoo IaTttCtkS9arMa4 ccoiltaar- rirll7 Uform i Ibal hakaa Juaarjr IS IHS2 BtoJ P I k QMB lyW Of vanily I Iky antr OSca Ytngt IMS Tkaatiil liwo hau Utoufh ta Ih IWU rRdmin tMN Fw tktir Mka Marev pWli iilUM k ikosjiti vih aiVat b TUathd Wllllfkm iiYln Sc cotf Forwardine k Gfseral AgeaU j M ft NitMi Slrftt Uen Ikai aUap Wall rvpliad tba cooaeitttioo pbjrieian rfteeimlr if that u tba eaae I do oot know Mt what U U ny dot to go I I ra wiah I mM gt oat it tboQgb I tUak o bad go ray dacr aid Mrs Staotoo eomiair to tb door Parbapa i ba abw to do good then Ibao bra It is oalj tap tbara and it wHI ba foor bot balf brIWa th oeremj iakaa 7a viU b abt of lb fav praaaot a aolania Yoioe eOBmncd iba ieastifol and iapreHivo miiim of tba Cbareh KosUnd Th ietKdetorjr pari wu rtad Ishtpaaaaa fMtatapa ii tba hall and tbeo ralaiDg hia Toioa lb naiBiMer ttrcd tbe loleiBS tapa tbara and it wHI ba foor boar adjnration lot 4 bint now apeak mj tak t baek i I nppoaa I vtD ban to do it tba rpiid tba Doctor as ha boffied off l hia bat and atdieina eaM Ib a few ainata ba waa ready aad of death for a ni banng whuipend ia hU ifta aar to ba ba looa and tbca tba aora and have tba coremony go on aveo iioddeaij tbrowo open and Mr Mordai if ba vai not biek I lima ba paaaad oat antarad UaaiDK on the arm of her lolici- ofiba Trofit door and aoeAmpaaied bjtor Lawyer CheathaiD- hia fat friead aurted for the Wcllingtoo I Km aja waa toraed oQ the wiokad Hotel womao a with a ocoteaoe6 aa white ae ALoal an boar after thU two earnag aarble tboogb a flno traad aad baajly M arrived from ibe ett he lini cnnlbeanag ahe iwept aeroep the rawiDg iaiiiiii Aur hero hh latber Mr Dunbar jrooa aad itiil leaning on Iba lawyers and Ereeat Welby aod the aeeoadJanB atood faring the Niniater of Ood Mr Krat aaftior partner of the flrm of Looking aualgfat at the miaiiter abe aaid Breni Harriaoo At Welby and alao Ua i ia a Toiee ao clear and load aa lobe beard wife Idiitioctly eren by the Tbia iai enuple ware not eipeeted lo Yoa bavejaat dov air rety aoleoKily be preteij lhay were brovgbt out ealWd oa thoae preeenl if they know any IUmBtional AoiitiIrMdoJLirnd UFl KSUHMICt SOCIETY OF lONOON rt CAFITa HalfaMil18trncit j l ROBERT tTSMnjTAfl 143 VarkiforSI IVoilr4 H Iy Joba T Stokes Thonini AtkiDson pOJfJflSOJER forukior AffldaTo LIC E N S E D A II C T lO N K E R Itse All tfrtUri PromptJv to George B Bfltchcrofl i JplJ- trough Erneala iBflueoee lb ura Dr Beatley PfIT8lCtAf fliinetiiiBd Acoaclaar TjiBLSSaadTamrnataeaa Wkad a NaviaarkM Ofica WUrStralfoa priM ppllcBtiae I af Haia U Smith at iha BibU UpMilarj JtkiO im 3 Mf 3CIb3 I HTiTAJciJufnrirr- Cunipbrll TMgaS iha lUtbaad Uoi Evelyn Mordent R THE KQnESS OF WOODUND KALI I A TALK OF CANADIAN lIl- K Tbe nrxt day which w Toeeday wai frnt tofthcr at Maple Grore hat oo Wedoeeday noroiaj Ielie wu eom pelWd to bid hia bctmthtd adiQ aad go I hia fai reaaon why thaaa two not aow be bo i nailed togelhar ia fflalriaMAy to daolai i wbi not eipened and ibal waa the fath- it aad 1 aai bst obeyiag yoer oiema er of ihe brHjecrooro elea Leelie weot adjnntiea 10 Mr Dqnbra bouee immediiiey after Aa gairdiin of ibta girl who le not of he reached the city where a loag inter lage 1 aaaore you that I hare freaBently I vtew look place ibat reeullad ia a reeoo- 1 forUddea tbis marriage aa I dow do here cilieiioe How retKh Letliea imntenae i la yoar preeeeoe Prooeed tbea air witb I fortune had lo do with it I will not pre- tbe eeranoay at yonr poriL j land to aay I leae that for mjr readera 1 wiU bo atteapt to deaeribe tbe ei to jodga Mr Donbar made nnany eiteoMat aad coafa eaoaed br this lalofiaa for hia harali ireaimani to hia atraaga iatermplioo The people all reae I ann aud oo being informed of hta inten to tbeir feet aad orowdod armod tbe ded marriage ibe aeii day offered to taaporary alur while Kvelyn who aow drive him in hta own carriage and wtineea i for tbe first tiae nadcrato ita caaae eotvdeei Ihe ceemnoy Ltalie had frelv for igsve oe lead ahriak aad tbca giv n hia faihf r long eer ihia tad ha a fell faioling iato tba arms of hia whe oitca ooneeniad lothearr Dgaman Mra jere this abd hsre been her hasbaad Dunber waa convaleaceot adcr a eere ilneaa aid flid not feel well epoegh to Cnptr XVII ride out to Maple furore She however cTaiSLriOK grMil jr rje to tee her ton once Bore 4ep GaardiaiM bae lh eame authority avr mtitere placed tradei ibeir eoeirol aa the paranu themaelvee aad I feer thai a aarrlage now would aol be oonii lgal if the lewa lb land Merdeol tamed firet to Lei od then to her atepdaufbier and c toa ihem a look of trhiahaat haie Ihe minialar llMte aaoonaoeid bia dacfaii She felt euro that aaeeeea wee ooee mi hera Lalle wb9 bad been etrotk dumb ea it were by iMa sadden blaaiing of hi bopea eow atarted forward to th taloia ra tide and aald Bat Mr WUltame ia tbie really oe Slop my young friend eald the minieier kindly at the aame time lay ing hia hand on hia ahoulder 1 know bat ynai would aay i ean fully reaiixa year faelinga el tbk momeot bin it will aaaere yoa Ihe ooorae 1 have adopt the rtgbi oae iheone that yoa wdl cheerfully puraae aa eooo ae you era able meaaure lo calm tbe preeaet excited of your feeliags Reaiember he addad more aoteaaty efarythiBg ia in e handa of God a He doeib all tbisga ll A paue of eeveral naomeata followed whteh wae 6Dally laurrupied by Mr Oreai the Toreoto liwyer aaying Ute Mordefti I etmld tike yoa to piain pubJiely ih raaaoa wb ou are foeed to a nMrrkge between Mr Lee I Donbar and yoar ward Ii eeewi lo I e to ibe people ber and an ezplaoatioa froot yoa now Magt Prbape remove a great deal of prrjodiM from tb alnda of aeme preeeat j I beg your pardoe air rejoined tbe Sih May lHi Jhwi John J Iiandy TBR and at Lav 8alii- iMie Ckaaeery Wrvyanevr flea Main Srt fnrmarket narriage lo waa not aspeeied lill the next mtmioe when the oercmony woold be performed in Doctr Siaotons drawing room io the preaenoe of a Try few frieada U waa also er raaged that they should pay a flying visit of th principal rities of the Noribei fnr wrdlia iM9 Geo B Hogaboom 1 Ain IW4 if THE RAILROAD HOTEL John McNftb Bs AltarMy 8 la cary Ae Aa aaSkatPi tTRiKTi TOAOTO 51 BY JAMKS WOODCOCK Dr PORTERt uuMn rtnsikt orgeon entlst ltea tOMneaa being ao ihai he eooUl fulfil Ihe dicam of hia life by cioi to Karope that amaer The ceremony waa to be petformad at eleren oclock by the Rev Sir Williama tbe Tillage pu dinaer wu to be Mrrrd at twelve Mra Stanloo the door aod af them at once ahi heir travelling dmaea 8he then lonted tw tbe drawing everytLioj Ired ber gaeela at I Tkeraia ilfloming Ibom Tkir iJiaitii lhatOfalttoMgiMh separated from tbe Ing room bf folding dnort aad partly thrown opei Am Omnthut rBrktOel IIWX 1 Bric and lime faeriher haa sew hand for aal MtaUl Itfin skoal 300000 BRICKS BrWkrHalhaKihreahmMiik 21 UU BafclaalhatrtbafawlimoeA AmI Cwdhi tk Wm aaaaar and Vlarrmted ta gfee Sftitfaciiom or Ui CAipfC Had- fmk rm wUk Pire Wk Wkereewcrien ifreqaitvd aaaai lt IJM a kl yrd wart teabJUtkaiwMt Iratelaaa wwkaeed apj IRAAO STICKWOOD ly KawmarHMJVar l I- AfrilU I8f tM r w Tk Jamei BfcClnre L SOffOrS CalooxMoel Of Fchi 9ttVBeEayitAlKdieAlConctVT iu Ita Allordarapreaiplly JAS McCLUKE m VUtorla Metlieal College UC PHYdlClAS SITROEON lie EDWARD STEPHENSON Sncw a 6pncor IsKBcr of LicCBSf illBISTERS AMD ATTORNEYS J ktCbaMCetjr veyaaeen ft Adjriai Bull Boyd Orric iifarto Hall CurtM Strett Tkird Door Marth af Klag SiraeC Tareait jaenrkat But I- Wrapping Paper Ttirr aCEITEO a joednpp1yfroi 9 Una a RaaiBjiMsUh jjsck lim J BEAR auN SMITH IIAtB TBSCT BBIX KWABT Tpm aakaari bet wiU Staek aad JLIUta Qai Earrala kotk Eogtiak aod wwiwii Twi AU ardara prrily at- rrea Bpiewher 14 I BleVinB ft Severt tfSi The Hotel tUUtevtfe Haaae ZXIXIW HMAS DICK ISW v ifM THoipSOW AUCTIONEGR CoiUktiM or York A PL lUok Aoeonnt Paioeiveo aaaw aapfly at Ihi O AUa MUateaad Maaeraadaa raekal Ledgera e MiketJa7ylSIMI Orrtcs Corer o Joiije an HW iiietoa Slrtli Aurora HK4 it Cirpeiter Jiir OitrieU TIMOTHY ST NEWMARKET OTBACTB takan for aay daeeripia oTOarpeauraad Jaiear Work BraeiiM f Dangfoetare af gh BUndf Deen Ac kc Slwp Tiaelktreat iataly ee VawMrknTjay SlBM if- JOHIT COOK NOTABV eklie Oeaia ia lha Coarf afCaaaa Beaeh AeAe 0nC I Tt WMIIWTBT OWOI a1 Robert SolliTan AttonytUw Solicitor laChuoOTy oTAkr rtiBiJCa No nXiecBuMt laat Twaala Graf KUiaiba Bagianrt the bride and bridegroom woald have to be at the alation lo take ihe afteraooa train for Xitcara Falls where they woald remain for sereral dsya This was the projamme that had been agreed upon and Mra Stjnton io order that her part of the preparation ihoald not be behind baoi wai ap the greater part of ihe night Miaaie too waa alao very buty for she wu lo be Evelyna only brideamaid- Ernest Wcl 1 by wu lo be Lealies groomamao andi wu lo come with nm on Thursday jiorning and this cinomataaee of ilaelf filled the heart of tho Doctors daahler with a strsnge feeling of happiaeaa She coald not aoooanl for it she only knew that aha was aJwsyagltd to see Iheyoang lawyer at Mapio Grtve She kept the secret Ihoagh very eloaely to herself to much au io fact thai ib geoiletnan who wu rey aozioa to know enald fiod no eneourageoeot in her conduct Ihnrsr morning the btidtl mom ing dawpad bright and beauiifal aail tbe flood of aanlil that in tbroagh be window of Evelyna room wu gratefally rtceirod by Ibe fair in- malc ll seemed u iboojsh heareQ sail thai wu to uke place thus showing its sp Evalya roae aod dcated beraelf bat did oot go dowa lo rejoia the family at breakfut She preferrrd to romain in her owa rtMm and tiak of the impnrttnl Itlepe wu Uking and the et ll woald have apoa bw after lifia Mianie seat ber np coffao aad a tray oa whteh I ahe bad arranged with ber own haad a I deliciooa repast and soon sfier she wrat i ap berself In tbe mean time the Doe tor and bis wife werr breakfast table It j there wu so moeb to be doae that mora- iag that it wu foand to be eaury that ihe I besSKabled to- lha ItKcr aMrimeDt ooold e ecremoay A small table wu plaoed at the apner end of tbe drawing room bebiad whiob tbe niaister wu to staad I he sperlmeat wu laxarioosly fr aiabed aod had beea deeofaled exprees ly for tbe oooasioa Mrs Stsoton saw that exerything wat ia perfect order aod llieo retaroed to tbe ball where the found it wu ten eeWk 8be wu alee sar- priaed lo learn from tbe footwea oo dat very early foi to CLiBRCiYHeiV I rUST paiNTEDiaaMalaadaeKiaafora Cfiiiaatae aahakts to m I af aay daMalaaUee Applj SrRn If IW 0 have brtkfas over mooh eariier ibs The Doctor bad jest fiaished eating d wu leisaraly tippiag bis ooffae wheo ne waa startled hj a leod ring of the door bell Thinking it aoal be Lcale aad hia fiead he sprang ap and harried oat iato tbe hall when be foaad tbe landlord of tbe Welliagtoa noalbo only hotel lo tbe Tillage Before the Doctor onnii apeak tbe little fat laadlord harried ap to him ia a great sUUof slarm aad said 1 want yoa to eome wilh me at ooae Doeior Tbete is a aaa at my boM rbo ia rery atek ia fael ja dyiog if 1 now aaylbing aboat it Bat Mr I doat aoe bow 1 oaa aaid the physieiaa with a potsed look Tbare is lo be a wedding at my htioee tbia aoraiaaad U u impoaaibk for aa to Jaava Why didal yoa go for Deetor iloore yoQ know 1 dooi prae oow tbJ I Doator Moore is not at borne aad o are a nagiatraU and tbe PM MM bi OM M J Liift JT u xiiJtmaa I ibiDk fii wt1 I 00 k hu oomaiWl FT TLi- T bodt io tl orijkboojho od u iM lo I T bb oertaialy com Doctor the Doeior had not yet retarnrd- Dear me what can keep bim all ihia 7 tbe ihoahl to bersalfu aha weal on room lo dreaa I am great ly afraid that ha will not be beck hm lo Three qaartera of an hoar paaed away and the coeats were all eeated I the drmaiag room Tbe aiaiatar and his wife h srrived the unrsnts dressed ia Iboir holiday attua were aaaembled io the attllog room bat slill ths Doctor hsd not come A servsat wss at Uti des eted wiib tbe dying taking down hia eonfaaaioa aad that be could aot be dietarbed- It was therefore tlKmght aeeeeaary tc proceed wilh ibe oeremoay Mrs- Sua too anoooboed tbia to the bridal party who bad not yet come down aod then relorniog to tbe drawingroom took acat bjr tbe aide of Mrs Williama tba mioiatera wifa Aoeordiog to a Ledte aad bis groomimsn fooiKl the bride aitd maid in ihe boadoir of tbe latter where they at once prepared to dcscend to t lo tbe short walk from the boadoir the drawingroom Leelie foaad a ebaaoe to aay a fe eadeariog words lo his loraly bride eleat Tboagb tbey were IbrgotUa loat were in the svprenM bappioeas of tboae Bomeats yat tbey were words tbat breathed the aaebaagiag derotioa of tbe n Tkaa afUM tis porpwa a LaM the I orea tae aacng ut Mordent paid ne aicolioo to speaker aad Ihnlled with a straage and Uuab iadeeeriba joy 1 heart J Tolblk ioddo hie voice heard la be aaid Prleoda X of yoa 10 keep beck and give the bride air abe haa fainted lie ibeo hastened to Evelyna aide and Mr StantOD Having aeel a aervani for water aleo haiteoed to the spot to ender ell tbe sesisianee In her power Tbeaa united efforts wsre at lut rrowned with eoceaee Evetya wu ffooa reHored to eooacionanesa bat be- iDf unable o stand tbey wara oompell- ed to pisca ber on a sofs As soun as this had beeo diapoead of the Rev Mr Witiiame turned Mrs Mordent who wu suadiug by lawyer Cbeelham and said Now madam tf you bata anytbttig My why ihi d to 1 have nothing to eay sir bm whsl I have alreedy told you she hsughtily raplM bot I boaU thiitk tbav was quite atificMBt Will yoa oblige me by repaaling it 1 a ibe minister aildly Ohf eeruialy 1 sa the legal of tbis glrf who is a minor and who Is aBX tothraw betaelfaway oc that needy foftuiilninier Slop a moment Mrs Mordaol just ooe rpoaent aod allow matoaorraei yoa aaid Iba minaler very graesly bai ktadly Mr l ifoee imm d erve lha epilbet you joai mow applied lla fortune ie eqal to thel of year ward in fact I abould think saperio lak ing iato eooaideration tbe fact ihat M Mordaaidoaa ool came tni of bere kt as iadefioiu aamber of yaara It will bt an tndtjiniu aumbar of yeara I aaaure yoo sir if her gutrdis ats ber Into bar power apio oaid M ssreaatically td ne a ned haughtily tbe ooorai le bat tbey bad look ed forward to m Ue iaatigitratioo ofa at perfect iadifferaoee air wbsUar ba a poeeeeaed of for- r aot I do M oeaeider bIm a aai- uM baeband for ay Mepdaughter aod Thw ilnooiol lU U foot of lb io llufc 1 h ln lo imj lo mm if iwjrlliUg waa iroplj raaged and tbe door waa ibrowa opea frlodly remoastranee the bridal party aaleredpeell sp hie hot aa tbe drawingroom aod stood be tbe w lwn Jf J taaporary altar jaeihonty I forar will eoaeeot to thw slill tbe bride oead ap a ailaat prayer To Beavwa for esaiitaats aad tbea tbe Taaerable white haired mlaiatar of Ood aroae asd eom meaoed tbe aeramoay WbiU tbia a goiog da all eyaa wer tsmed apod the bride Very beaatifkl iadeed did abe look ia ber plain b aad tbe birr do of ber bridal vail eaahxMding her lotf fors Tba brideroom wu dreaaed ia tb alereotyped aait alwayt wort by Caaadai aoa oa saeb bappy oeouiow wd Booda o Jariptioai la this yoar SBaliarabla deoiaiea Mra MoedeatT Will yoa woi lalk iaterroptad No bt yoa aaoo will be or T ta ry aneb miatakee tbaaderad forth a tea ia Che ball aad a asbateot afWr tbe or wu ibrowii opea aad Doctor Stsat- n eatered eloaaly followed by tbe land lord of tbe Welliafieo Iloase i Por a akomeat tbe Doctor oonv ilb Mr Breat in a low tons aod then easting bis eyea aroaad ibe aaaembled I said io a clear voice riett frva what I hare seen aod beard I think I eaa nndentand tbe meaning of this itraoga excitement bis grest eonftnioB and I ask yoa to jpre me yoar attention for a short time for I lyitery to anfbld a story to tall trast arill eompletely change tba present anfarorable aspect of affairs While the Phyaeiao waa aayiog tbia Mr Mordant wboae euaateaaaoa bid ilreadt blaaeb to a deaibly whiteaeas amed towards Laayar Chtbaa and oaranrad io a roiee wbieUtboogb low load eooagb for tbe Dooior to bear We bad btter ge Mr Cboatm We hare done oar daty aod eaoaol po aifa ba iotarsaisd ia thsas atoriaa Tbe Lawyer wb wu already begia niog to feel as if be woold ratber be away at OBoa agaiied bis rasdioesa to go aod I bad tamed towarda tbe doer for tkt Mr po wbea be wu arrested by tbe Pby- aiciaa aaylng in a tone of aatbority i Mr Braat will Toa eblija me by aot at- lowing that coafle lo leave this room tbe story I am aboat to relate perliea larly coaeems at teaat one of them Cartaialy rapiied ibe Lawm at tbe aame time sbotHag tbe door loekiag il aad pattlag tba key ble Brent yoall aaSv for ibis Mirage aaid Cbeatbaa flashed with pasaioa I mmsBd yea to open that dm aad allow I to leave tbe room Aad I raqoaet yoa aot to do U ooatiaoed tbe Phdaa caaly I viO be lespensable for it Befjre aaay aaora boors are ever their beads tbey will lad ihemtelvea locked ap a little aore ecoare- ly than tbey are at preaaal if I am aot very maob aistakeo tbe will be com- to take ap their re ia either Teraata or Kiofstea fer aa iadsAaiU inmber of years perhaps fcr life Tbeta are ploBty of eervaata bare to jstiai as rsplito Mr Braet sad I preoh ise yoa tbai tbey aball aot esoaaa yoa lad proeeed with year aarrativa Doetor Staatoa tbea ooaBoaoed aad rdated ta a diatlnct voice tbe wbols Kfe biatory of EvalyB Mordeat jaat u U b known to tbe reader Re went back fire half aad depleted ia a fbrci Wellington smee lam fall that bia was James Laagdoa aad tbat be bad aome fire or aix yaap agv beeo a foofeaaa ia ibe service of Squire Mordnt of Woodland Hall bnt bad left at aboot the tjpM of his deatb Tbia arooasd in my mind a deep interest in Laagdoo 1 horried to tie boel wu showo t once to hb room and foood bim u the laad- lord bad iroly aald jost dying As sooa u I entered tbe room he reoogolMd me and ia a veiea ealled me by nuae addressed to bim a few words la fepy and made a tliiriit pratence of examining into bis cooditioa I aay proteooe for k was qaite plsio fna his appearanee that be wu vary aear tbe dark valley Jeat u u ho aadetatood what I wu do ing be aaid There ie ao oae Doctdr lo thiokiog of tbat I know that 1 am dying that 1 will never see tbe light of aaotber day 1 hare a great deal to do tboogb ia that bon time and 1 am only afrud tbai 1 will aet be marad hardly loag eooh to do it He talked oe ia this strain for soeu se looger sad esciog that he wu realty looh Bearer death than I bad ai first ex pectad 1 prvparod sofae inedidaa that woald sffo a litlU tampomy strsnh sod then oalled for writing materHla Theee bavitg been famished and tie landlord and ois brother being preeent I took down bis eoafcssioo whits they were by and bad bim fwwn to IC I It aow in my Maaessloa bol u it is very long aad refers tomany other erimee in M way eoaaeetad with the oae ie which we are iatereeied I will not weary yoa by raodiag il Tbe dying man aeemad lo ba aioeattly repaotant aad iried to atoea fer all tbe evil be bad eemaittad u far u lay in bis power Aseeoa u I bad felebed uking down bis coofeasioa ha handed me e folded peper whiob be tbea reqoMted me aet to opea ontil afWr be wu gone I miltiogly complied wilh bis reqoeot lor I elas piusd him bat 1 bad aot loag to wail Tbe greet exer lion bu bad pat Ibrih to repeir his evil- doing comply exbsosted bis slrab Ue sank very rspidly atd ia aboat if- taaa miaatat bis tpUii passed from eartb to the Tribaoal Bar of the Great Jadfea As soon u all wss oter 1 oafolded tbe paper be bad placed in my bands aad uod u I had expectad tbat it wu the lut WiU aad Tetwsoot of Joba Suoky Mordent of Woodland Uall the one that wu stoleo from the cabinet ia the library fire and a kalf yean ago It is talse rer word of il ia falssl soddenly axsUimed Mra Mor r tbs trials dwall pertieolsriy oa tbe psiieooe lod forgiving with wbiob It bad beea born He also ezplalaad tbe eireaauUaoes tuodant oa tbe dseth ofSqoira Mor dent sod m tbat tboae preeent St tbe reading of tbe Wm two weebs la- isr belieTad tbai tbe Ut ooe bad beea stoien by iotaresied partiea Bat now I will give tbe worthy Ioa ta owa words I aow coaM be aaid glanctcg reiy ai Mra Hordeai who emed bary able lo atand to thai Krt of my aarrativa ia wbieb I bope to able 10 eleer ap tbe ayatery of tba Will that afftcu ao aaurially tba brtaaea ofBvelyn Mordant I wu tbia moratag aeat Ibr la great bate ia go to tba badmds ofa dyiaw man a boarder ai Ibe WeUiagm Uoiel Kaoviig ihai a marriaga wu to iaka place here ai eleveo 1 did eveiyibiag ia my Mwar io avoid going bai ny mand ibe landlord having told ma tbat ii waa really manij that ibe otbor Daeior wu away from boma and thai tba dyiag thai as Maa Mordeata legal gnardian I forbid Ibe eolemaisaiien of ibia mc f thai is Iba miae eald the minieiar grevaly at tb aeme lime glaoeinf at the kridagroom there a bat one couraa open 10 ma I most deftr parfortsiag ibis oeremony ullaiMtber lime If wbat tbia lady sayt i trae aod 1 have on r oloiabiltl woold be committhig iiaworq to ia iba p of a Jaa- ofibe Peaae 1 aioaea iboegh 1 aonfes ratbec relootaatly ilartod fer tba boiel Oa my waj tbr 1 qa Mr Jooes eoaaarmag bim aad false soddeniv axcuimed mra dent io a wild bopelcaa toae tbe footman James Laagdoa nve yoa a Will ii most hare been nolblog Sal a foigi one It can be only a MMftM to tob IM of my rights Tbe sebemiag I aboold tbiok wu 00 ibe otbar i of be qoeettov resa aed tbe Doctor qalcHy Aoecraingto ibe coafessioa I tow bold la Ky band yoo eaplted be footman JsBsa Lang- doa lo bmk omo tbe oabiaei in tbe u brary aitbe IJall and seoura tbe last Will of yor d basbaad H wu to first commie tba robbery and tbe to give yoa tbe WQl to deatsay so tbai ooe writtea two yeera beforcooe tbai gave yoa tba eatrei of all tbe property and ibe gossdlaaebip of bis ebUd aboald be tbe ooly aoe ia exiaieaea iaoMa Laag doo boweverealy balffWfiUed tbeoao tract or in oth word be oniwitted yoa He eecared tbe price of bis crisis sad ibeo left Woodlaod Mall tbat nighl carryiag witb bim the stolen WiH He rauined ii aoi merely to spite yea bat ia order that be algbi have a power 9ver yoa wbieb be coald wield to bia owa ad vantage He has done it For mra be hae bald ihis Will oer yoar bead u a jsM of iaoaey Voa dare not deny for I oaa prove k by any amoaat of mr- camsunlid cvideooe sapported u ii is by tbe oaib ofa dyiag man Tbe gnilly woomm qaatled aad tiem bled ae tbe Pbystciaa tboa addreMd ber bat did not reply In fact ii aeemad m if she wm stTM damb wiib terror at tbia alarming aad onaxpeoted revelatioo Uer lawyer wu ao looger by m aide As sooa u be sew ibat the tide ifortane wu iaraing agaiasi bli elieat bo aloak sway from her u far as pomtbla and Iben tried tls beat to coneaal blmaatf aoMog Ibe erewd fTO AB ooarwuBB At a reeeet praine ebtekaa bool ie Ioa 657 birda were kiJted ia foar boars by aiasiiea oMa Tbe Pope receatly preese ted a Spaa sb lady with bia fsvonle crosifix of irery aad eboar brobt back milb bia from stile ia etobsage fer oae abe gave bia worth 000 Naiieaal Herae Faic optoad ia RoebseUr an tba 19ib laaL Tbs eaUtes Mere qeiU fell aad smbraced aaay aell- kaewo beraa Twoeaae ofia tbeaflar aooo- Tbe fav will eeaiiaae ihroagb ibe week aad tba amaaaiof prt otetad iOOO THaSraaATavtLLa F MttA- The Bramptoa timea aajta tbat ihaqaaatoy af tax g ia Psel a Haltee tte aea no wiiliie a eeavesieai dialaaee of Siraatfc villa bw axaaaded Ibe eipeelatoea of tbe meet taagalwa adrseatea af tbe desirabihtr aad aaefelaeM of iia oailare A mw fild of proftuWe tadeelry to faraera aad a awaaa of la tbe proapenly d tba euBOta tbe predaet of 1865 aftrda araert aaeral tbo toaa af 6ax aad ara aow bawly aagaged ia aaklnF Miiif ea a scale aemmeasanMe lbs aagaileda of tba botiaata ia ibe craatioa ixod toflftTv seasoB Saow falf fer haV sf beer laaC tfOMf tbe aortbera secliof of tba city m nwn MA MM nAoi d llqaor each were faead ia about ssveety lire barrria of ftar st Sf Albeaa laily Tbs Aoar wm from ilostreal fw Ntw YoHr Re porta froB Ibe Maoalia Oil Coapaor altlaa lisi bay were propec- lieg with greet aoceen on be Iddtae Re servatiea ai tbe east ead of tba IsUad Tbe kieg of Portogal la opediag tbe Cortrf aeaeeoced thats strict law woeld aberdy be broegbt forward fer ae- cariag Ibe fiaal abotto of aWvarj tba rortagasae poeaaio la pleadiag for dtmagea Coca breach of proBiM ia New Yorkj a woaua faid the might hare ibarried three other mea while loeieg lime with ber faifMana ooe The ceartwaaaecb ia wAhtbeeUte aey hi peirMrCoeilor Watt ibe aea of 474 28e for lapr loat ia Ibe beralag of flw fnigM beuM at Paris atatioa a The RuHien who deroua attack aoaw moatha aa pm the Secretary of the Rusaiao j io P hw t the Seloe fotink guilty i 10 ponal aervltudefor life Tbe Balgisa Gefercm have iaeaed a deoee peohtbHiog tmporti Ikoa by sea or Uod into Mlgiotn fn or der lo preveat the spread of ibe d wbieb hu alreedy a I iba Neth- eriaode Doee tbb raxer go eaiv sifced a barber ef a victim who wat wrimag aader a claany iatframeat whose chief racom- meedaliaa was a ttrong beadle Wall replied tbe poor fellow ibaf Mpaada ep- oa wbat yoa call tba operalioo If yoa ara akraeiag me K goes loierabl my bet if yoa are sbaviog mv it goea riltber bard TcoCbioigy dergyaan roeoni- ly vlaitod a theaira to that diy for lb parpoee oi finding out fiv tlUmaelvae the immoraiiliee Incident to theairkal repreeentattooa attd ibeir siofW aecas soiia when tbey wera arlaatad sod ukea 10 tle lockup by aa evv vigilasi policoman wbo iatook ihe reveread geotlanao bt pkkpocka a ia dkgalar 1 By iotlcea ia be Canada Oaxttu we see tfiat all correapeadeeee irit ib ofice aad with the laspeetor Generals oBce meat be addrtssed lo Otiwa lattead of Qsebeo after the 9tb rattsat I arith the Poet CNiea Mmaai loOliawa afur he 16lb laetaatif ith tbe Aadit olee aad with Sump oAae to Oltava after tba 30lh ioatAl isd wftb Ibe Crewa Lead Ofiot to Ottsw after iaataat 1 Twa nan age Six Ratirt Voot- Kmory tbe Kagliab nraramW U tba ioaab soekA io tb anrOib kbcot iba iaalkx rf dpaa Uog ibeir daaghtafo Tb iamadjpldy eatisbad aeboola of their ava wiib aaatetimes a small ousara of govarBiaeef halp and oow tbare ara oo fewer ibaa 30000 girla aader rv iaairaliao Accordiaf 0 aper UUbrora Psriismeal be aaaber ef Krtt baasaad ia Opper Csaadi i t6l4d0W ud ip Lower Caaadfe SW 000 TM Maber ef rafe peyera ameiatd ia Upper Cabada Is aad ia Lower Caaedk tHOOl Tba aateaaed valae of reaf eaiaU ia Upper Caeada is 99i0000000 aad ta Lover Caaads 169000000 71 aaaeet raha of peroaal protrty ia Upper Cea sda 625 000000 aadia Leor Caaidd 1 1 400000 TbU tutemeai iacUdae ettiae tawu aad e4aatiee Tua S or Ufa G tax S Csptsia f owiber Madtu from Lkdoa who arrived io part as Uoaday baa kwdly feraisbed tbe Qebe Cbniaide witb Iba ftUowiac axirW bis leg booh Aaget Sftb latjiaded 12 N lsffiieds 97 SO pessil abovt s aiiio to leewsrd of a largs baoy palatsd a daikid red cdem witb a fla luff hariag a red while aad rod celoar flriaf appaieatly em witb a lat Waek ball tbe top o staff aad baviag two imafltr baoya or berreli laebed aloagside Caa laia Leather expreaaes bimaetf coatfsati tba lima aad frem tba paiticaUr obaar raOoa be leek of ibra T N E awal aawKl maeiiag ef ibe Aaaeoiaiiea took plaaa at tbe Commitioo roam ai taa aa Fiiday tba rttiff PMeat J C Rykert ia the choir The apecis baooeav of tbe meelia wu the eleelioa ef De lora be rbe amtag year fixef tb plaoa fer holdiac the aeat HabbMiaa lu Oa aatiM d Dr Barker ef K V C MoGliviray Eeq ibo Vwe Preaideat sa laasimfiij eboiia for Pfetidoot- Afierwaeda Mesara J P Wbaelor af Searboro and Tboaaa Stock of Wool wertK ivor abeeeo aa firt aad saaaad Prewdeata Hr R- L Diiiiiii of Tecaoto was ao Treaeaear Tba aaoalMa u u ibe plooa fer boUiof ibt aext Eabtbitioa IbM came ap Mr Gary l ag voved that it be bHd m Teeaal- Cd Deeaieea egbl thai before dspidMg lbs qosHtoa Toreoto ibeald gaafeeiM Ibat she wodd ereet tho as baild- wgt Msyar MedasV at oote aaa tba gaaraaie ibat tbe ToreaU Oerpoealioa wodd erect tba aasea baOdiis tad the motioa waecmrtsdiiiilwiiailr Af tar some fertbar nrnUrnm bo ibaakt of tbe meetiag marcfu to tip aad tiesmbaat eepaaaca far ua bewtiea afforded to Ibe pablia aai to tba retinaf prpstdeat the treaairtt Aad for

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