Newmarket Era , April 21, 1865, p. 2

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Itw AdTtrtiMaaaU THE NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 2 I8C3 Tnia Time Htwmulcet rtiii 1159 tm 646 p m nrHclUnd Cf Fro VviBtrkti Friday- April 21th Aiausination of President Lincoln Tb ittrtUnp iafliisee lTirijhed a Sttordaj inaraK from VabiDcl rf ib ditbolieal uMiaitino of Imid Iieoln oi lb niog prrfiooi ind tb fqaill V ufwa th lift of Pewifd wior m ftifor tobivk tlie fmiranlljr nd W the tutnJf of b1 who heard lle tid InUllfjC Jarful fir4ftdinti and hrror For liaje It iufDed almftl im- to credit the traHe ttoij bet aabappilj tb dctsili eireumttanm ae- anpanjing the anaoqareiacnt Iffk lit- l0 room to donblit mehnebolj Iratbfu BCM The ndden deatb of anj at or Itood nae alwaja cuta plooo orcr he eooifnottil bat when a dmd like Mr- Lieeol hifh in aaibority in the prime of life aad enjojiag the ennfiileaea and rcBpeet of miUiona people i aoddtal atrvek down bj the hand of an aaaaaMn lb event i fMioful in tho extreme and the and ibock are too moch for orda t eipma tbe fint pepe of lodiie ppv ve gte tbe pertieoUr of tbe tragic eeeae e pablijbed bj aotlkority and rlaevbere 31 be foond aa nncb of the ditaih aa ogr liviied paee will peroiit Fortanitelj for tbe Aiaericao nalioa Secfetarr Sew- ard Ulikelj to rceoTcr and will be abe o render aneh awiatanee to the dci Preeident aa will enatte bio to work not vith more or leea advantage the plan o hie UnelilDd pred in briasio ii a final eloee the terrible conSet that ha ibat fntatrj itb haman pfi and apreid dimajr and aortow CTer titi land It ia now nndcntood that a tnai tiaioed Booth an aeUr in one of the Tbatre aa the aaaaaMO of the Prcai dent with an acomplioe named ratt a notoriooa Marjlaad rebel wbo al tetnpt tbe lifeofMr Secretary Seward and alihovKb tbe aBiltontiea have beei anabU to apprehend Dooth op to the pre- it yet it ia hoped the cffnrti Ihey are nra wuklac will aUimalely pruve aaeeeafol 30000 bare been offered for bii eap- Aeenrdiaff to all eeeoanfi tbia Ami deed ef aaaaiwination ia the predicted liAff iBtelliKenee rebel aewapepera and proaUrery politieiana rvoentiy annonnoed woaM eoon be deraloped firmei ibat the mnrder In rttalialion for baDinf Beall wbo wu eoBTOted of ooafptriog to overthrow a train on tbe railway oar Baffalo and hoee only escore for tbe aet vaa tliat the train waa aappoaed to eootaio Nortbem troop Bnt none bnt a low and deprav ed mind woalJ aeek to jsttify ao borribk a deed en eMb and none bat a pAvaofl of tbe wnnt paaaiona and loet ttitrerf bsmaarfy piwi- biy make the ekeenitoa of a cootpiring fpbfl the pretest for en abominable a fHme apint the Uwa of God and man Few mo weve ao weM qnaliM ae the lite Prenident for the bead of the Ameri- etn aition in ibb their her of trial Frm aaclona eooUnd aenLtnt and vthsl moderate and mpe Iherie exroied pvalitrj Seed for he diianihed trot to wbieh be had bi ealW and w ae are tbe rmat m4 of tb ppa in thieooaniry tnily anemly aid deeply vmpathise with the fr bi piaetkabV ZndtyTltr ciibrd a prtnre aw rv W 1 b adn Krpat dreda cbaracterisiag the late rmidrni tie pr mmd life cairn deliberate delcrmire yet nodralr aal coaeiliatof policy of hi aitfliBiklralioa frnMadinf and wiania tb reprcl and arfoiration of aarroonilinj alien Srdly The impnveoient of lli eoaiideratien of t lubject aieled- Mr IiKCOLfie piely baaympaiby tbe derp afiCliea of hit bereaved family wLy ear boKd eeed to Ibe AiaericBn people and aattoa and eoeclad- ief by a warainp ailmonit oa to bi iae and attentive anJience to b alo ready k 11 Virin ili crinr lll if phee and eonneeted with the diabolical and euwardly attampt open Mr life proai rated aa he way opon pnaRibly upon hia de bed end he obervrd he fi ii i nifhi dilTfr wilh regird i 1 ih aeiacr policy nf ih el Ibey riud uoi li inr lle rircumianc ajmpMby iih a pi unetpecoHIy lo m nfMapitfoie ra4 iba intriilM n of ih Ih loaiihinl cerl JlerMr Unu fta eiitlknced the worlda hUt paraiiri barbarc of the mnat The apeakei md brutal barbarism llnded to the poaaible abigh iliied world ir quenee of tbia aid event and peid a evlcyiam upon the lameoled daoeae ooKcludinK by expreaaing tbe tiope ibat the mantle of the wiadnm aad moderatini tbe late Preeidcnt wonld fall upon bt oeaaor that he in like macnor wonld giva a well aMnranee of a apeedy exit from the natiooa difiealtiee and a quieting aaearanee to the apprehen- id peaefdl bopea of other nationi penplea Appl and mb Xr itlTLKT lalion Ila relmej ity that bad for lh gaeed lhir thoogbta aad plonged inti 0 aeeond the re o the fearfal ealai t few day n called tipot i kwa of iheir Chief Majsintrate NVhen e cinlenplate the reniOTal of ihia great an it waa not the pain he felt or the ifTcring be ondured at the handa of e aaMMin for it ta more ifmn probable ihe hoar of biadeaihr- bat the aadcennew id deep atmciiy of tbe rrime perpelrat- ind tbia abnek would be painfaliy and by all ciriiited na n Ihe Ion of A COti an a man worthy of nor admira 1 and from the einv lira binding nor 1 lind with that Rppablie we are eai tilh lhat pcrtp feit bv t a iha Supm rf tbe naliona of ihe eerii and ha ironed tbia myierinei ProvMenee wnoU be orr nifd in be gooi at ihi naiHn and directly or indirreily to ihi hanefit nf lb world Alilmiigh we may fvel and deeply feel ibe nBlictioo It i contoling In know Ibat tli Judge of all thi eanb will do righi lhat jueliae ant nprigkineaa are the bnbilatloae of lli Throne The Rev fremkman ald h wna ftily prfua1 ihia tnyaierlowe enc paiofiil rnt wovM rml io more firm ly eatabliabing Jbe permanency f thi attd cor Rritain MrLiR of lhal affle triboK leniiiig i lla boitda of that eonn He elliKled in tba grw iLN had wfougbt in the ita remarke iifn the ainguiar farl iba ahoud iha aoddeolr be reoioved m very day that the nji of bi cnunirj a 10 be raiaK on Furl Sunptert when ha firat ahol wa fired in ibecomaence tern nf lb giganlie rebelltnn bo bad tvnot overcome Appin Mr H 1 Rouaae brieflr aec le reaolulion which na llten pot leeiidg and artofited Sir 8 PxricHAM rame hrwti v bleb bad n recently I iirale and Hi peruU nri wlncb til act waa felt deeply n cnnewrnei exfref bo I ffinniry Cbief Ma The end wlil the loa nf to great and gnnd I forth tbe aympalhy of the world they ad nniir in calling for ja itcd upon lie iicad of the i Dr lleniley then aid a ji Ibe de nation and relteiing e wiib Mr Iin- I h cooid luily it enuneinipd I Uniteil 8iae ied ibi radly ifflieted and bowed down Bat believias aa we do that all iHe great eeenla in the hiatoey of trief aa well aa individoale over b- en Allwiae Providenee ii ia tbe doty e tbo who feel tbe infliiion knowledge witb hamility tbe band of Ood in carrying lev t tbe great deigae of e of bin ao horribly oerifteod iH the g ofbe eonntry for leek a fie mailer from whaitvcr etand point w ay there can be bat one eoneJsaior ia aitiftxaiabed and ita fool blot wiped fiotD Ibe cecQtobeo ef tbe Usitcd Statee Ttmeral of President Lincoln PablU XMtinf IB Vcwmsrlut paraaaat te pablie BOliea taMd e Taaaday afteraooa laal a lergt aad iaii kI mevtiog wta eoavened io the M ebaaiea laH ea Wedeeadayat loolock oeafev Divine Worbipad to improve tbe dvatb of tbe tale Preadent of ibe Vaitrd Statee Abrakan Lracolaa aa to leatify tbe daep ayapatby eale td by tbe aKisvwa of ilit vtllage for fie Aawfieai people ii their aad bereavemea Bv Ur BiCS eendacted diviae ae T aei After Ibe naai aeU of devetiei aad rudteg of tbe 12th Paalm Ike Ilei latteaaa gave aa bie teit Kaow ye At tbat tbere ie a prwe and reaC mai faTUa tbie day ia larael f Sod 8aaMel ii baf 38ib verae A1lbeib tbe Uali H filled wilb a aited aadieaea a e prevailed dariag tba etir otree Ila referred lt te tbe deeply aflKliag eveat lo wkab Ibe est referred tad utociMki be e eUneUr can peple condoenci coontry iojeummg piauae Rei lotion lie it enforced kscd on Ihi igned ae Ibeir Inn deep broad prinetple tt with tboea calrd ng cxpreeaioea to ooraymptby i d errnt we were bat doing on notber reaaon why he nd tbia reaolulioQ waa ChrUt bad lid WhataoMr ye woold thi then boald do ento yo do ye al them He then aaked them toll tboabte baek to the time of tbe death a Ucllingtoo a Cbalmara and a Prince Conaort and of the dvepaympnihy mani- featvd by tbe other natiooalitiee al theae Md creote end be doobted not tbat were Britona ealled to meorn tbe loea of their ibe American people woold be toaympthy at the aad event nntber reaaon for aopporting the lean aa enfoicrd by Bible es- need the death of Jacob of Sad and of Abner aa Illoatrationa- Laatly beeaoae of it nnboanded exprea- All Wi is and rreogniiioa of le Pforiderea nrerroling and all tbingt for Ilia owe glory He raaoletioo a ted a ben pot and adop- aid the event Mr Kftaow Ootinai which haa oreaiooed ih toretingtaoneaoovcrwhelminslyanmwfal td en grave in ita chareter and the poible affeeta that may retilt from that rent are fraught witb aoch worldwide tnaeqaenoea thai he would do violence lo ia own feelinga if be were to aay thai he roee with pUaeare to move ibe reeolotion entnuted to bim A willing aene of doty howevar prompted him readily tii eowply witb the reqqcat preferred preeent it lo tbe meeling and approval It waa aa fslowa That Uk Af a ckriatiaa peofb ing for eonaideralioB ti iIm lata MfAhnUm Llai tanJia worUi Anterican SMiaeat aad MHaijofihaciviliaad WMU In moving thia reeolatton Mr Gorbam olrccrred whie the ezereiae of the will reconised doty of obrietiaa people to bow with bvmble aolmiiaioB o every diapenaatjon of an overrvling Prorideaoe buwevr afflicting it tba anrest aaff- goard for tbe prearrvatios of tbe faith hope and fortitado wbich alone will preaerve from deepair and give to tba eye of faith a ailvcr Uning lo the darkeat elood tbat may overabaw the petbway of a peeple yet it wQ be noextravaganee to aay tbat tbe deatb of A L cota tba late Praaident of the United Statea ia ao event ibat will etanle and tbrob and qoieken tba wo Ida polaalioo and the bnmanitarian prindple of tbe age will feel tbat in hie mtb it bu loet valoable adjanct tbat waa on tba ere c giving to tba wwtd aa exhibition of th aAd potent inflaeacaaofacleoMncy in tbe adminiatration of homan goreraiMot broad aod wide aa bia great kindly heart aa axbibitioo tbat if aooeeaafal woold hava offered to other natioaa and other peoe aa lovaloabla UaKOJn tba adaiiaibmtk of tbe world gevMrnaat and fer all time aatabllibad bia fame that be waa u wiaa aa be waa good Tbat tba maoaar of bta daetb md patrioliani of Mr Jj 0 biacAoniry and be waa Mii true Hrilon eoold be foond wbo did paeteil aneh a feeling Althoocb o epeak had leen a bloody raa not a Mrogle f if aggrandisement bot yet nil He regvrd controlling himaelf and great in eonlroll ing and conctliaiing otbera The greal aooree of lamentation ia ibat he ahoald Ihoa be anddenly cot off wii achieving Lia crowning victory eladcd by aeoonding tbe motion Ap- pUoi ibe motion waa then pul to the meet ing aid adopfd Air J w MaaaoKX r Aranivd That Ihi ihafe a lie aart in mvng tbia reioulioo he found it liliU to And uuarance to hi fueling At Iba lime of Iba ftdnpiion of the untlituticn of iKa Unied Siaiea haaa worda ware ncnfporntfirf Ail born free nnd rqiai but aid let III the ln ing hie adiaiiiiatraiioo the iirly ofi iba aiave waa Thoe Statea nlorein rebailiun tolerating ahverj lo rnma tvack inio tbe Univn nmitodfti Coveiiitfiiin- No n thi aaaembiy raitenel Mr Liv- more than btmaalf lla had waicb- rpciraiedi MfLmOrtt aatryumn lUnked Ibe eople o Fnblio Meeting In Sharon- A pubiie meeling waa eoovenad at the Temperanca Hall Sharon oa Wadnee dey laal al 12 ocloct to bold eolema aerviee io order to ibow tba eympethy of lha people witb ihe Aotaricao people in ibeir preaant great eilamity aad to deplora with them iba ahocklag end me lancboly death of Iheir Cbief Alngialrala by the band of e fiendiab letanin Rev Mr Daiiiittiv WaateTen con ducted the devotional eserciaae efter wbicb J T Caq- wia relied lo Ibe chair aed Mr J J CoLtia ap pointed Sacrelery ih cheirmao then mad ae brief Ike 1 the Ingv I of the iitj ining ntkm ifFIiction He then rend a note Ir Davin WiLiao expreaaing arty eo operation with bie fi ig Iba Road Dif i haa beet Cooncii end it It expedient lo grant tbe prayait of aaid ajplieaiione be It Ibare fore Revolved Thai the fload Tivilon No 8 in tba 3d Con be nmeodad by adding the Bi half nt Lot S2 in thaSm Coa end tbe Woai half of I 83 In thi rd Con eaid Pivieion to work tk rmda wiiliia he boutderia and Dviaii No 9 In lha 8 h Con lo work tba 8th Can from the S wh aide of Lol No- 0 i elan Road Divaion No 0 in lha Sih Con beamendao by Including the Weet halveeofLot20 30 and la ihe Tih Coa eid 10 work ibe Roeda withtnlhe Diviaion alao that the Clerk be repeat ed to prepare a Dylew In necordenea with thia reaolutioo for adoptioQ aasi meeiiiig tf Coaeeil Carried Tha Cnuroil then edjuiroad to meai egain et Rrnwa Hotel Hgari Towooo lha 20ih dav of Mar tiest Mechanics Inftitate We I rened h eing I by theKkad r The itepreai day would net again iltanked ibeni and retir Ker Mr RaMfiir llwgl j ing from a Tefa illna aedju from a ark roo trgrg nod of no fire eekt I few brief bi It eg Ibe gtei lie did I eleclioo n J hie Ma henrly appi high refined manoar of uma poaeeeeed what Ihe Americen leople prito higher good tummon integrity of purpoaeaijd beart Appliu Mr JaOKaAi in eeeonding the reaolo- ion aaid be felt aeti6d tlm acoiiment if the reeolotion the meetin woold hear tily eodoraa When a man taoviog in cmoo walke of life vaa aoddenly off they wvra alwaya more or Icaa a feeted by tbetr loacand joet Hi propor- aptiere oeefalneee ia wbieh be lird and a knowledga of bieVbaracter ei- lended woold bie loea ba moorned bot whan foch a man aa A L elevated to the proodeat paailion ta tbe gi of h eoontryweo oaeapying ibe Chief Macitraeypredtot owr a nation of 3DO000Oil admiaieteriog the lawa of the lo b aaiiWaeiioa of the great majority of the peopla liv ing in the bcarta of Iba nation and in whom tbe hopee end eoofidenee of tbe ooonlry ie eeaiered ie aaddeniy removed eepecially by the banda of an aaaaaeio 00 wonder the bamanily of tbe world abncked and the nelion over whom be reigned moorn with deep heartfelt aorrow Lanpuce feile lo deaeribe be deep bar ror and execraltoa in wbieh tbe being ie beld eapabla of perpetrating ao vile an aet Tra were tboM wbo tboaght aoeh demonairattoae aa theae oa tbie oooaaion ill rioted and oot of ptaea and who aak why wera not meetiaza of thw kind held no Ibe daattt of tba Prioea Cooaort T In tbe firat plaoe ibe eaaaa are eoi ptral- le Priffde Albert eo to epeak wee a me of oor booaahold Sad Aa a people we voted coadolaoee lo Her Ma naty thrfogh cor ParliaiDcat 3rd Piioce Albert died from natural eaaaea and altboth troly deeply aad deearv- adly lamenlH bie daatb waa removed from tbe horrible and appalling eiream- ataooea aticading the deatb of Mr bta- OOLir Krery rift tbtakio orted meet flondemo Iba atreaioaa aet aad deeply afmpatbiaa with tboae aoddeolv oallad to mooro ibeloeaofoM tba AmerMa people eo deeply r aad revered Ap placai Tbe reeoloiioo wu then adopted Rev Mr HARsaa maa lo movi oast raenlotioo aa fillowa Itimhtd Tliat a fiaed foi beiag railed apoa wrlUtiaied leiaatktx maa lbeiudicHly rn of eMfaloeMrrferi tbat woud be mnif oa ba reeal f Ibe aed oielltgeMe ad ooeindrd by expreaatrg the bope ibil ote of Ibaaka ware Iban tcecerodtb r Mr nAKBR fjr the able and later log deorae alao lo tba rbainaan a the choir aaag God Sv lb ea and Rev Mr JlAMiAr pro need tie benedictioe It wa a rrert Hiat wili ltng ba remorred ia Mew Meeting In Aorora- In compliance with he aosierooiOr igned reqaiaitton a poUie meeling of the inhabiunta of Aorora and rt in the Wealeyao Chapel for tie porpoao of cxprceaing aympethy itb the bereared family of the late lent of the ITnitad Statea of America nd ita horror and deteatation of th lonnona crime by which tba eonar lae been deprived of it boaoor bead ihi looat critical janctioo in ilahialoa ria deepeat aoemniiy prevaded tM igregation and the ailent tear ia man eye onmiatnkably proclaimed the uni- pII feelinj of deep commiaeer- Tbe opening aervieee eooaiated of read portiona nf Scriptore foond in tbe 39th Paalm the 7th ebaptar of lceleaiaa id the 4tb chap of tat Peter- Ig and prayer and acre condoeted by Rev J SOimr Aa exeelleat nf tbe apeecbea livared baa br kindlf faratb a bj orrepadeal bat be lata biar of it eeftOa aad tiM lenliteaed prnceerfiag of Ibe Newaarkal meeliag ibat w bad la Ijpe before receivinf ibn AWnra Repnit reelade tb poMibiliiy of oor giciag ii bi week If lb copy ra left with aa we Ull be Iad to give tlirm ia nor aetl oe e hnwarer give tbe reaolatiea adopted Eo Eaa- After Ihe prcoediog addreeeee Robert P- Jrwio wii oallad to the ebair when tbe fijiowiag reaIotiooa were pro poaed and oeaoimooay adopted Hetolrtd Thai we Hr Malya da I U alwlM ttd to llMftrlTMl aMtohii T aitM efifwmewHan the kaate af irae NbertT le i lie aatfiela al aaiioa ao leafVletiaeaeU wii aivtl alrireaad alao cewtrlMia la Iba laeraaa ed ceedfealinf eiiatiaf batwaea tbai paala aad Iheir bretbraa af tM aaaM raaa aad of kiMtiad taadimteaa ia ear aar aaOaby Ha aaid ba woold not efker ibo leagthy Rteetiog tbey bad betd take op moeb m their lima with remarke of bla awa H waa aailifiad ibo moating wftqld oodoroa lha aentimeeta of the roaolotioo Tbia maotiag waa aaaambiad bare todey ia gnef 10 eympathy for tha tnea of a groat and gtmd maa bot ia doiag lo we araeaited to how in bamblo eubmieoioe eod aekaowledp a Raliog Providasco tytn laga a lay fer ibe porpoM of i nieaofibeir Chial ilydiaplajredd Jaofpf Tbi meiy oaaiaef Piaaidan iparabia loea net only ti 1 lha reapAoitik end dig aireeioaa enma by whrnh tbe PraeWteai i hi liaa erima wbieh dwtinetly mm tbaeokl bleodadaaaaain andaer anqaa fled enotiemoalioa of tba ejatero rf bun wbirb baa piedaoM aaeb lanil bilier frail JeaoedTbat wa racofoix milliaoeef iba Refute i ibeir eomman Ciaf and ibat la iainH wiadom and mar ey He may eeevartala ihe appalling eveor aa aliimaieiy la advMoa Hia awn glory and tba beet iniaroktaafthaaatiao The following reaelelioa wae propaoed aed adopted by tboea ia Iba meeliag of AaMiiraa birth Jleeaed Thai while wa Amariaaoe by brth bava ever loved and reapeeiad ifer Majeeiy QaeanTietarie and all Her teyal antia wa oow fma iba aympatby laly aod faal ni laai mod aaiooar adopt rd tu p made daoMy it waa reenlvad ta arward a MoU Ltadtr On mMioo eef f af Ibe a iluaia lb market Era I Aeie v Mr Ccara Epiaonpal Metlio diat then read a ve exeellont addreaa foond 2nd Samuel 3d Chap and 6lh rerae eondoding with a well merited lology upon the late Prcaident Ibe fellewiag raaoiaKoca ware Ibri Mnred by m Doak Kva aecondc by Hr SrKrai aad traoredThal wm lb i1lara ol leaored That Ihia meeiinir deilrea i of Ihe teieaved family io llia ioaa ofahoi band anil fjlbet memory ehall Hi lb lha beam nf bia people and rail forlb Rimla of praiae rofa the natiooa el it WCflJ Our apaee prevania ua giving Ibe fu reporia lurniabad by Ihe Seeretery to th meeting Eo KbaJ Whitchurch Council ArtiL 15 1895 Tha aiiova Cnunol met tbia day i Saxenitba Ifniel 8ib Coneaaaion A the mambera preaeni the Reave in th ebeir Miaotea of preiou meeling rea Appealed lha Trtiatcee jf 8 S No 6 agaiital Lot No 17 being aaaeaaad in SeikD So 1 Mr McCormifc moved aeeonded by Mr Hnrriein liiil lbi Conoril regard the original booodary of any UOO Aen Lot ea the iiieion or dividing line o loa or parcel of lend for eehool purpoa a and preetudea ibe poiMiUliiy nf anil itig flwtre aa ao undivided pereel uader any eircumalaneea Therefore thie Couaeil nipt eotertnia tba appeal from b Iruateee freetioa No 0 One or twA verbal nlieraliona were mede and on rnotioa of Mr Harriaoo laded by Mr iba Roll 5 of i I leem tliat i ward tbe Conmiliee of tba loatitote haa been oo- aUe o provide for e esoeeeeful Re Uoioe lhi eveolog end therefore eonaidercd prodeot to defer it for a ooopla of weeka Several partiea who were expepied to take part in the entertainment are onavoida- bly abaent from ibe vilago Tbe anaoal meeting for iba eleetioo of iffiearen far tba eneuing year held lest Friday i M t I tbe tbe Hall and aa the falore aoe ceaa of Ibe Aaeoeiatioo will depend very much opon ile oSeere we troat tba mem bers will attend it Urge nombera and ke anch a aeleclion aa will give promiae of fiAore oiefolneaa Great Fire in Colliogwootl A private teiegram ioforaia ai tbat a re broke eel ia Collingwo oa Wedaea inj aigbi lat oa Froot SirVat aad be- t Qiald be atayed mbm foar or five baildiaga ware dealroyed Loea partially red by ioaerance Amoeg ibe auffer- re Mr Uowbng boleUkeeper M Meicklcbem grocer and Mr Clelaad Stlo Bofixter rriday Aprfl 91 M and ab idea plaeod viridiy be- I aoppoaad praMoee of oil ntai j and lieoerataA J M eaved Mr Bi ia atill onMaaoiooo Ra WaMb 4 and baa as aaay pulae dreadfully a- iavalid adier o life Tbe fftntd ef oetal eya Booth baa been arreatad ae and will be pUoad for uSt kai 5 oo board Waehington anchored aa to keep bia froa tbe raaob of polaee Ut Osti Aogor kaa o8ae ward of IIOvOOO for tha arreal Qorderer of tbe Preoident aod ti m of ihe Seeratary of State Variooa arreete have beca partiea aoapaeted of being iraplia iilbolibeoiittttooiam rhUH fMJ io Booth wbieh abowed the aaeaaeioalioo wm take plaoe abaot tbe 4ih of Mareh orging a poatpoaeaeoi aaid tba goaq Mmpeieni Prope nent oficm bad beeooie eeapieiee ainly a rf ijft I patrolenm Ihia tboogb perhape poeiiiva proof tbat oil e xiala baia in it woold be improdeol then- It alao adviaed Boolb to Richmond aad aaoartaio bow aoi yiion woold ba regarded by tba C tad grernoMBt Fortber di payin oMpeienl or il ind ol p wiibbeld for tbe preaeoi Evidence nfieient bee aeeti oplieata eome aix differaot riimi jalplot d Mai 1 handcofi I Uooiha treok bad leaaad a atable io tba i PR jj hy riiay ai come whan Mni Airij i led leaaad a atable io tba alaf like maoy amal vii1ga in Peoiwyivaaia rear of tb ibaatf He bine a bd will beeome Ihe baineae centra of a gieat I from a Uvary atable io tbe afte9 and piwloetive oi regiun thai will in took It to tbe alley and hired o einQ LONGIMAKUS NewMrt perty 31oad by Mr Maeklem aeeonded by r Harriauo aikd iZeaoved That tb Clerk be end be ia hereby irtatroctod lo ify ibo Cooniiea Treaeorar lo araaa B ba hooka tba cbarga againat tha fitllowing Lola vis Lri 72 in the lal Con aereo t Lot 80 ia tbe let Coa aerei Lot d5 io tbe let Coa aod 34 ia the Con aereo Let 16 in Con iOO acrea Lot 10 in tho 7lh Coo iO acre aa either tha lasaa land oaaaot be fuond Of decritad Corned Tho Comml iee epp4iiied ai naeiing exniaitia and report upoo ihe propriety ilbig be Bieam Mill priparty in I reported in faaor of doing arly day and oti mei Mr McUormirt eeronded by Mr iooee tbe reptirt waa received atd aooptad Moved by Hr Harnaon aeoooded by Mr McCorroiek that ibe Treaaurer be and ia beiaby auiborisad lo pey lo tbo order of Jubo Faicb the aum ol 10 to ilafrey the funeral eapaeena of the late Cbriaiiiia Wwl Oarriod Mr Jonee mlvad aaeoftded by Mr Macklam frr ibe retorn of all moniee grani or expended upon tho Towo Liaa liaet Irom lha ear 154 lo lei64 ioela Moved bv Mr Maoklem aaconded by Mr Harnm lhat the aum nf oot to asceed be cranled lor ibe inprova- of the Highwaya at Lot No 1 1 in abovi nCarriad tbair order Ibi A paliiioa woe praeealad prayiag for aiataoce or Henry Uoodlaaod family new In eoffaring eirMaieteaeea The poiitioa wae eigoed by Robert Dawabory itd 25 oibora 0 motioo tbe prayer rae granted aad 4160 par week grant id till Mitmaeuog of CoomiI Mr Joaoa tboogbttl par weak la viowof all tbo pareoaa requiriag aaaiaiauoa waa a much aa ibe Cowacit ahould gtva aitd oMvod an amendment to ihot effect bot waa loet for ibe want of e eaeooder A petitioa wee preeontad frooa ibe rateyera of Bcbt Divmoa Noa 8 aad 0 IB Iba 8rd Coo prayiof tbat Ibo dividing line betwaao tbo Iwo DivieioM bo fiaed I I North aide of Lot No A eotmaottieatina wee raoeivad from tba Clark of tbe Vtllafo of Aorora aak ing payoMOt of tboir proporlioa balaeoa of Aaaotadao from aettleeiaBi on Separo Oa motioo of Mr Harriaooi aeeoaded by Mr MoCormiek tbe Cork aod Roe ware eppoioied a Commiuao to make float aotliomeet wilh tbo tJorporoiioo of Aurora aa aooa aa all diabareeBeBU oow peodiag ero aetiled Moved by Mr Maeklem aeoooded by Mr Jooee tbat ibe roeolotioa paeaed by tbia Cooacil maklBg a waoklf graat Clerk ie beroby reqoired to aoUfy tbe Comnutteo of tbo purport of tbw roaolo- dea Cerrled o peiitioa jCJeaoaa Browa oihr aakiafid on tba Town Una Baac waa laid oeor till aoit aMetiag- Morod by Mr HoCortaick aoeoMkd Editorial Stimmary DarhJi Ibe wind atorm lo whieh we aiivertad laal week Mr Joaepb Peg efCaiGwillimbaiy had Iwo barna on- tmaioeaawill be ti A mealing el I willtMbabl immedial lha liy of lha Spting far tieeoaaioo ieTh Webopa aa maoy farw nihe t R Z WADewniTB Eaq- Paet Orand Wartti ratriaieb aT Ibe B oTT will iteliver a lectara ia tba TawpaniMa Dall Jmrttn ea Taaaday evaaiae aet at 7 aataak He ie repraaaotad aa a raiyaUa We beg to oall attention to ao airanUamaat la Udaja paper afilta leetara u be delirerad bj T J Bavaa Raq MJ a Ibe aajietaf Jenaaaie bnaatjeat will ha lllaatrmUd br a Vagie Laatera we make aa rfoabl te win ptava bigblj laairtMtlva and eaianaialag A rafolar maeliof ol Nawmatkat Cooneii nest Mooday evening Wbat aboot iba Coart of Raviaion f What abam aida walking Timoiby Street Wbaiaboat aa Eoflre fiaoaat What alow ipeniag op Teeamaalh Street f What aboet a Commav Poe9l fer the Sontbern part af the viilaga t Wbat abooi aHawiag berae eowa and piga to ron al large t Will the M eama otioosioaa ByLaw ba repaaied f Wbai abeoi lha aneing ep of Gotham Siraeir Wbaif Wbat f Wbait Ta- liooa oorroapoodeoie have forwarded iba ked I Corrfsjioniipnrp Vtniat Albert ConeepoftdoBOi- Ftarfid VlitU Stem Petntmtm fottmd a Mamnt AUtri Qoicai ennrnt- nm comrg ieoaroU are rrocU Mocrrr ALBsar April Hib 1869 We bad a draadfol wiad atorm bare oo Ibe 19ib feloMet eqeal lo iba benioaaae of ibe tropica and ti aeema from oewapeper aoooeMa lhat it blew eqaaliy eevare over ibe wbalo Sidlof Faaoea were Mown ir all diroeiioaa leaviag tbo fall wboai dalda opaa te maraodiog floeka aod barda aod oaoaiof a groat loea of lime aod laboor to Ibe armiaceommoaiiy who aei It MMre in tbia boay eeeaon a the yoor Troee were alao Mo ap from tbair mate io groat Bombara ia aeverai plaoee ao naeb aOftbat wbal a ew daya ago waa a baaaii- fal woodlaod oow praaaatathaeypearanee of wiodfalla eaaeed by a ewoepiog temade I bare oot beard of il rfaiag maeb barm ta twildtoge ia tbia aoeiton el ibe Teweabip tbengb aevaral ebtanaya weve bhrwndewo aad a faraMT Mviaf oaar tbo Whiicbamb lowe lioo bad tba im af bia beoee leaaoo- ad aad 1 believe partSy blawo away I ihiok from reatora lo oireelatioa ibai peo ple hving ia iba a liabary aofferad ralyj Ihi I aod il Oor citixeee bera heartily eangraioiaia tbe Nawmarketera ea ibe peeaibiliiy ar abail I aoy tbo piabaMIUy of iba diaeovarr el paiioioBBi priefe ooar ibotr villago li iForriaa k maoa Mreb to tbe Sea Tbe A 1 fore jeaterday Booth ealled 00 Mrfc f American BavolnUoii T Specch of the New Frtsidcnt- fijr Friday evening iovite tbSr I derit and oiber oSieiak aodgat IB rUNBEAL or Mr LINCOLN I The beet data bat oaa be nlitiin aKCKVTABT SKWAiti RXC0VBRI5C ibowf that there were ool fivt erl miotttea differraoe betweea tbe ttaei krtttx of tie Sippes4 itmslai tbe aaetoU 00 the Preaideof aad i I Seward abowtog tbal h waa BOt doaej Oaptare of Uoblle p 1 WiiW0T0 April 11 iURBENDEtt OF JOUNSTON I j The cor oj U Uu M ia tbe room kaowo aa V AeiiiaCTO April 10 It U drei Yeaterday morning AltorneyOenerel of blark dotbee woro Iff Speed wailed upon the Hon Andrew inaagarattoo ApIaTi JhntB VtceProaidenl of the Upiiedjbii feataru and tbe dec Staee and lSrielly isformed bim til ibe be ia a oaiai jfaep Tte flowaro aoddea and uaespected deceeee of Preal- dent Locoln and elated ibal an eerly boor might bo eppninted for tbe iaaugu ralinn of bi rucceaaor Mr Johnatn reqiotted the eeretiMni ahould mko place at bia rooma at tb lie ciiy at 10 tfon Salmn Chaae Chief Jaatire of iha Unlieo Slatea Itfpreroa Coort wee ootiAad of iba fact nd deairod to be in alieodarHTa to ad- mniMer Ibe oaib of office At ibe above inmed hour lb following genilemao aa perictpat Hoi P P niair Br H Hlair Snaiora Foia of Vi of III Ramaey of Minneeota ft ofNavarle fhle of N II and Parnaworib tf M Afiar iba pre loo Ibe Cbief Joatico adminiatered lowing oeib in Mr Jobnaon I rmnlv aweir lhat I will fiiilraHy e Ibe offiro Preaidani of Ihe Uniiod Staiea aod will to i beat ol my ly preaerve protect and dfend the ilituiion of Ibe Umied Staiaa Af receiving tbe oath end being declared idem of ibeUnxeoSuiee Mr Jobn- remarked Gentlemen I moet bo rrmitted to eay lhat I have been elmrat overwhelmed by ihe annourkcemeni of the aad event I feol lioa of the Oovernnwnl 1 ha tji mnai ba mitde by tranapire The only in now give of the fi tbo peat Thejeoame n in the pat it reboliMn mual 1 aflbo foiora bae booa long aad ndad aa t in g I ieiea tiaieva upon a graai prioci f rtght which liea al tha oiaie of all a The beat energiea of my life been epeni lo oideaToring lo eO ih and perpeiuBia tbo priticipiae govaraBMBi and I believe ihet tha ruiinant in paaaing through ila pret pmnia will aeula down opon prineiplea t wilb populer righta m and oaduring lhao herebifora which 1 hava lal 0 with the fnM ipiafnt paei pubiie life whieb at if 1 I wo beari I end 4 I tbe ooadiliooof tbe meee Amerioen peopta Toil and an hr oat advocaey of the greet prineipoa of govaromont beva been my lo Tbe dallae bava heea mine iho oooae- eocoe are Ooda Tbia baa been jhe indetioa of my political erooj i feel lhat lo lha end iba govaramaai will irv nph aad that thm great phnelpiaa lU be paraMaaally eeiabiiabed In oloaMo geoilemeo let me aay tl your eocooragemeDt ead oou 1 eball Oak aod rely opoa yoo etd olbora ia carrying the govarootent Ibroogb iia praeeot poriU I foel io oMkiag tbia reqoeet tbat it will bo heart ily roepoaded to by you aad all mber polriota and lovora of tbe rigbia aod ia toroata of a froo pooflo lark At tba oooelwnoa of tbe abora tha Prvaideot reeeiwd tbe kind wiabea of tbe frieeda whom be waa torroood ad aid a few miaotae waro derotod to oooranatioo AU wetw deeply impreaeed witb tbe Bolemaity ot tba oooaaioo and tbe reoeot ead oeeorrwwa tbat oaoaed tbe ity Ibr tbe apoedy iaaOfrBitoo of tbe Piaaidaot waa gravely diaaoMed lr Joboeeo k io ftaa health aod bae an aBToeei aeoaa of tbe Importaat tmal tbat bae baeo oooflded o bim Wat Hooter tbe oUaf elork ia tbe State Drparteoeai bae bees appoUtod Aotiog Beeroury of Suto A epoeial oMatiog of tba Cabiitet wae beld at tbe Traaaory OepartiMot at 10 Idoflk tbia moroag Ngv Tou April 16- Tbe riaMapeaUlaBrSelrotrt Seward will raoorar Fioleriok Sowaa beeo plaeed opon tbe pMow aod ovai they loeei eo well Tbe pva tiona are Mog made to tbat eod i the tttpervialoe of tbe apbolaterar Toe followieg derelopemeotabavB made wtihin tbe paat twootyfbu bi ebowing oooclaatvely tbe exietaaM 1 deeplaid plot oo ifaio pert ot a gta eooapirilora inclodiog memben wt Order of tbe Knighia af tbe Oeldaa f cle to murder Preatdaot Llaedi m4I Cabin NV hava reaaon to 1 lary Beward reeetvod a from Earopa tbat i aabiBgtoo aad k lal probable Ibat lha latiailhl I ooe to the plot of eeeoattea Tbe picketa eorirdiitg Ibk eltyaal day night to prevent tbe eaoapaef partiea who mordared Praaldaat liii and atUapled tbe aeaaaaioatioo cf 8 tary Seward aad bu eooa ware Imdlf al eeveral potala by oooeoalod foai Tba following 0n Laoa addreae to the Army of Norlben 1 HiAoooAftrata Aaiir er NoBToaBM ViBomu April 10 1M Genral order No 8 AftlfJ year arduoua eervlca merkei by paaeed eoucaea aod fotltoda tba j ol Nofiharo virgiaia baa boMWM to yield to ovarwbeliakf oamhM reaourcoa t oed Mt toil tba Mrrll ef ao maay bardfoogbt battlae remained itaadfaet lo ibo I eel lk I coneeiiiad to tbia raoalt from ao d wf ibMi but boldiag that vetor m votion eoold aoeomplwh aeitia cogid compeneato for the looi tWw have aim4ded tho oonta bae hair oooairymeti Br I md men cao retaro to tbeir 1 eoMin iberoenltlexeheaged Tot nth yra ihe oHefaciea tbat evade from iho i moeacoe yourkjl myeelf I bid yoa well i Sigod ifol Ood 1 id peoieetio itKroaaiag edeairBtW y and davotioo to graiefol i BLBK CaiOAob Apfl IC A apodal deepatob from C thai our tortm occapjed MoMlo at 1 8 b ioei Spaoiah Fort waa oapiurod wit tl priaooora Three hundred gnoa wera eeatwil Mobile Wilaoo bee eeptarad tbowbolaofH dye comoMBd i N YoitK Aprfl nJU IFeabitftea afeciaJ af 0 ft dar eaya Seeralary Seward kdeddadlybll Fredarick la fttdl aaaaBa botw aa aa aa iafaat iliepiag ptald wilb wkeb ba waa alrM t bea Nr Sewarda tbreal aod feaa frigkfally cat ia ibia lembia wouded aoWmr clwkf If he eirtV Mn Seward threw bamalffrasM W apm the tooe VVbmi it M ley to a pool of bleed 5 Fba doer bef waa aaawarad bf a adoared boy wbo told tba aaHMlif emid aet go op ataira bot ba raaiV aid aoeoaatirod Prodericfcot babMlf Ik etaira Aagmiae Mr 6ewarde eld vbe iMorferiid waa aereroly eo0

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